HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 4, 1975 ,- 9 - 3/75 TŒvN OF' FICKERHJG MUSEm¡ .DO!\RD A Deeting of the Town of Pickering Museum Board was held on Tuesday, March 4th 1975 at 8~25 p.m. ,$ PRESENT ~ r.1r 0 H. Biernacki Hr. 'Nm. Clark Hrs. B. Davies Mr. D. McLean (Chairman) Mr. R. Miller Mr. J.P. Myslik (Secretary) ALSO PRESBNT~ Mrs. 1. l\nnis Mrs. J. t:larr Hrs. S. Rundle 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED by Mr. ~~TI. Clark, seconded by Mr. R. Miller that the minutes of the meeting of February 18th 1975 be adopted. CARRIED 2. NEW BUSINESS a) Nursery and F lm'Ter Day -- Openinq of ~'luseurn May 10th 1975' The possibility of having a Nursery and Flow~r Day at the Museum prior to Motheris Day was discussed at some length. The opening of the Museur: would coincide with this datE:. The nurseries and florists of the area would have to be contacted before any firm plans could be formulated. Mr. W. Bie~nacki, Mrso B. Davies ~nd Mr. R. Miller agreed to contact various nurseries and florists in their area or whom they know. They will report at the next meeting. MOTION #32/75 HOVED by JYlrs" B. Davies, seconded by t'lr. Po Biernacki that the Board contact the nurseries and florists in the area in view of having a Nursery and Flower Day at the Museum for the opening, and that ,th2 aè!~j ssion to the Museum on this occasion would be free. CI1RRI ED b) School Band Day~ Definite plans for the School Band Day were deferred to the next meeting in the expectation that more information would be forthcoming. The Secretary is to contact Mro Alex Robertson concerning this occasion. 3. FURTHER BUSINESS a) Dill Wilson of the ïlorth Pickering Project contacted Mr. :'1. Biernacki concerning lands that the North Pickering Project would make available for the Museum. Hr. Y,J. Bierna.cki is to see Bill T'Hlson on Thursday, March 6th 1975. The Andrew Glenn farm was suggested as a sit8i however, this location is zoned "Liqht Industrial" and would not be suitable for a museum location. MOTION_#33/75 MOVED by Mr. R. Miller; seconded by Mr. ~~. Clark that Mr. W. Biernacki see Bill ~?ilson concerning properties availabl.::: for the Museum in the North Pickering Project area. Cl,PHIED '.. 10 - 3/75 - 3. FURTHER BUSINESS (Continued) b) Bill -c'7ilson also men'tioned the fact that there would be some buildings in the North Pickerin~ Project area which "Jould be pr8served but not relocated. H8 wondered whether the Museum would be interested in operating these buildings. This will have to be decided once a list of the buildings is made available. c) Mrs. Davies had the pictures which would be used for the news release. This news release is to appear in seven local newspapers. d) It was reported that the Pickering Arts and Crafts are willing to come cne day ~ month for a demonstration and a display at the Museum. e) Mr. W. Biernacki has not heard from Chatham concerning the engines that are available. However, the equipment at the Toronto General Hospital is available, f) Mr. Ed Brown is willing to value the Museum when the weather is a little more propitious. g) In donating his barns Hr. Rogers 2lso included one thousand b.:iles of straw for the Pickering Museum. These bales of straw are six to seven years old, but they are still in good condition and could be sold. ~lOTION #34/75 MOVED by Mr. ~lm. Clark, seconded by Mrs. Bo Davies that the Museum Administrator be authorized to use his discretion to remove the straw from the Rogers barns and to dispose of it. CARRIBD There is an upcoming seminar on gift shops for museums. Perhaps somebody who would be involved in the Gift Shop should go to this seminar. The Administrator will make an inventory of the Gift Shop ite~s at the Museum. h) - ~. i) Mr. Bill Bush, the Music Director of the Durha~ Region Separate School Board, contacted Mrs. ~nnis. Be indicated that h2 was interested in having bands from his schools perform at the Museum. 4. l\DJOURNl\1EI,:rT HOVED by M:r. r;;. Biernacki 1 seconded by !-1r. f'7m. Clark that the meeting adjourn at lO~15 p.m. C!¡,RRIED Date Chairman