HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 15, 1975 - 16 - 5/75 To~rn OF PICKERING MUSEUM BOARD A meeting of the Town of Pickering Museum Board was held on Tuesday, April 15th 1975 at 8:00 p.m. PRESENT: Mr. W. Biernacki Mr. Nm. Clark Mrs. B. Davies (Chairlady) Mr. D. McLean Mr. R. Miller Councillor K. Spratley Mr. J.P. Myslik (Secretary) ALSO PRESENT: Mr. H. Cook 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED by Councillor Spratley, seconded by ~~. Clark that the minutes of the meeting of March 18th 1975 be adopted. 2. CORRESPONDENCE In a letter The Enoch Turner Schoolhouse Foundation expressed their t.hanks for the continued loan of the Cast Iron Stove. MOTION ,,,..., MOVED by Councillor Spratley, seconded by R. Miller that the letter from The Enoch Turner Schoolhouse Foundation be received and filed. CARRIED 30 REPORTS Administrator: On April the 11th 1975 sixty grade 1 and 2 students from Walter Perry Junior Public School, Scarborough, visited the Museum. On April 15th 1975 Mr. R. Miller gave a talk with slides to approximately 18 people at the Dunbarton United Churcho Mrs. G. Gauslin has asked permission to sell her book "From Paths to Planes" at the Museum. MOTION #44/75 J MOVED by R. Miller, seconded by ~~. Clark that Mrs. G. Gaus1in be given permission to sell her book entitled "From Paths to Planes" at the Museum for a price of $8.50 per copy. - CARRIED Mrs. Gauslin also mentioned that she would be pleased to help in the Museum in History in Action, or any other projects during the year. The Museum has been approached to enter a float in the Ajax Parade on June 21st 1975. .I <, " '- ~ - ,- - - 17 - 5/75 3. REPORTS (Continued) MOTION #45/75 MOVED by ~~. Clark, seconded by D. McLean that approval in princip~[ be given to the idea of a float entered in the Ajax Parade on June the 21st 1975, if there are sufficient volunteers available to set it up and enter it into the Parade. ChRRIED Mrs. D. Earle will be contacted concerning this item. Mr. Hedges has not definitely identified the origin of store at Audley, located in Lot 4, concession 3. Mr. Russell Harrison will take the straw from the Rogers Barns for $200.00. It was furthermore mentioned that Mr. Harrison should give a written quotation on the cost of moving the Thornbeck windmill and workshop. The Fire Pumper Truck from the village of Pickering has been delivered to the Museum. Mr. Brown has finished theeTaluation of the contents of the Museum on April the 15th 1975. This is an estimated evaluation and the totals have not been submitted as yet. The Heritage Museum of Scott Township has requested the loan of the hand pit saw for a demonstration. There was a general consensus of agreement on this item. Mr. ~~. Clark has been asked to man the Blacksmiths Shop. The Cataloguing Grant is not forthcoming; however The Ministry is willing to train somebody to catalogue according to the universal principles of museum cataloguing. Mr. Lance JohnSbn is willing to take this course. MOTION #46/75 MOVED by Councillor Spratley, seconded by R. Miller that Lance Johnston be asked to take the week of training for museum cataloguing. CARRIED The china mugs and plates that have been ordered for sale at the Museum will cost approximately $200.00. A 1936 Massey Harris pacemaker tractor is available for approximately $100.00 this tractor is on rubber tires and the transmission in it is not the original one. MOTION #47/75 MOVED by W. Biernacki, seconded by Councillor Spratley that if upon examination the tractor is considered valuable the administrator is hereby authorized to buy it for $100.00. CARRIED - 18 - 5/75 3. REPORTS (Continued) b) North Pickering Sites A report concerning the proposed North Pickering Sites for the Museum was submitted by D. McLean, T~" Clark and K. Spratley. In the report and in the discussion concerning these sites two common problems to all of them transpired namely a) many boggy ar8as. b) Too far removed from a road which would necessitate a costly building of an access road. HOTION #48/75 v' MOVED BY CouncIllor Spratley, seconded by W. Biernacki that a letter be sent to the North Pickering Project thanking them for the offer of sites for the Museum and indicating that the sites did not seem to be suitable for the purpose, - CARRIED MOTION MOVED by Councillor Spratley, seconded by W. Biernacki that the motion of ~m. Clark be dealt with. C.7',RRIED MOTION #49/75 - MOVED by WID. Clark, seconded by D. McLean that WHEREAS the lands of the Pickering Huseum have been expropriated by the Federal Government and the Museum will have to be relocated; and tvHEREAS the Barclay property comprising of 15 acres near the village of Greenwood, is available to the Museum Board for a tentative price of $35.000.00¡ and WHEREAS this area has been known form the year 1840 to the recent past as the Lower Greenwood Mill and Mill Dam; and WHEREAS the Village of Greenwood enjoys a rich historical background and has had twenty-six thriving businesses offering various services to the area; and WHEREAS the area is one of the most scenic sites available with ample waterpower potential for Museum Mill development, with sufficient table land available for the placement of the buildings, and with relatively convenient access from a Provincial Highway; and WHEREAS other sites in the Pickering area have been considered and examined and found less advantageous for the purpose at hand, BE IT THEREFORE RECOMMENDED to the Council of the Town of Pickering that the Barclay site in Part Lot 12, Concession 5 be considered for the new location of the Pickering Museum and that an offer to purchase of $35.000.00 be made on the property. CARRIED In the discussion of the motion several points were made. - 19 - 5/75 3b. REPORTS (Continued) 'North Pickering Sites As to the relatiyely ~all size of the area it was pointed out. tha~.an option remains to obtain more land to the west· by lease from M.T.R.C.A. It was also indicäted-that rough plans should be outlined and that these ,can be elaborated upon by the planning department. I Furthermore a meeting with the ratepayers of thë Village of Greenwood would be held prior to any presentation of the motion to the Council of Pickering~ - NEW BUSINESS a) Nursery and Flower D~X Mr. H. Cook asked whether the' Kiwanis Club would be a~le to operate their' booth on the openinq day. MOTION #50/75 MOVED by D. McLean, seconded by tA1m. Clark that'-the Kîwanis Club be allowed to serve refreshments at the Mu~um~ince they hav~ contributed considerabl~y to the Mus-eunt previously... CARRIED '.;øe. b) School Band and Choir Day Several School bands and choirs have already responded to our request for this particular day. c) Entrance Rates to the Museum MOTION #51/75 MOVED by Councillor Spratley, seconded by D. .McLean that the school rates be established as follows: - 25¢ per pupil for children up to and including grade 4 50¢ per pupil for children from grade 5 to grade 8 incl. 75¢ per pupil- for students from grade 9 to gr~de 13 incl. CARRIED' - d) May 1, 1975 Blood'Donor Cliníc Sheridan Mall - Museum passes to donors - MOTION #52/75 MOVED by Councillor Spratley, seconded by W. Biernacki that Museum passes valid for two persons be-given to the donors at the May 1, 1975 Blood Donor C¡inic, to be held at Sheridan Mall. CARRIED The printing of tickets and poster was discussed. It was decided that a rubber stamp be made with Pickering Museum¡ Brougham, Ontario on it and'that tickets could be stamped with this rubber gtaæp. - - 20 - 5/75 4. NEW BUSINESS (Continued) e) Co-ordination of Volunteers It was suggested that au)':" volunteers could be formed into an association for the Museum. It was further- more suggested that more information be obtained in the operation of an association in connection with a museum. f) T.V. Publicity MOTION # 53/75 MOVED by D. McLean, seconded by WID. Clark that R. Miller and W. Biernacki be asked to help give a presentation on the Museum on T.V. with the Mayor of Pickering. - CARRIED 5. FURTHER BUSINESS a) W. Biernacki mentioned that he was in contact with a lady who gives presentations of quilting with quil'ts and a slide presentation. She charges $40.00 for a presentation. It was suggested that this type of presentation could be used in conjunction with another Museum activity. b) Polic~ discussion It was suggested that further discussion be held on the policy paper tha~ had been presented by the Secretary at a previous meeting. c) Senior Citizens Strawberry Festival at the Museum Mr. D. Bass was contacted concerning the Senior Citizens Strawberry Festival at the Museum. He was interested in :--,,,-.-ing it held at this location. ~ d) It was reported that the Property Manager of the North Pickering Project has stated that anything that is left behind by the owners, and that would be of value to the Museum is available for the Museum. 6. NEXT MEETING It was suggested that if necessary a short meeting may be called before the opening of the Museum on May 10th 1975, The next regular meeting will be held on May 20th, 1975, at 8:00 p.m. 7. ADJOURNMENT MOVED by D. McLean, seconded by W. Biernacki that the meeting adjourn to closed session at 11:00 p.m. CARRIED Date Chairlady ~ - Date ;... - ;~ :~ - - 21 .- 6/75 To~m OF PICKERING MUSEUM BO^RD CLOSED SESSION TUESDAY, APRIL 15th 1975 11:00 P.M. PRESENT: Mr. W. Biernacki Mr. ~~. Clark Mrs. B. Davies (Chairlady) Mr. D. McLean "~r. R. Miller Councillor K. Spratley Mr. J.P. Myslik (Secretary) Councillor Spratley mentioned that he contacted Mr. J. Alma and he went to his home to collect t.he remaining items which belonged to the rnuset~. He also delivered the two cheques that were owing to Mr. J. Alma. He also mentioned that there were a few items that he was not able to put into his car and that will have to be picked up later. Þ~DJOURNMENT The Closed Session adjourned at 11:10 p.m. Chairlady