HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 27, 1975 - 22 - 7/75 TO~VN OF PICKERING MUSEUM BOARD A meeting of the Town of Pickering Museum Board was held on Tuesday, May 27th 1975 at 8?00 p.m. PRESENT~ Mr. W. Biernacki Mr. ~~. Clark Mrs. B. Davies ~I. D. McLean (Chairman) 11r. R. Miller Councillor A. Robertson Councillor K. Spratley Mr. J.P. Myslik (Secretary) 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Mr. W. Biernacki that the minutes of the meeting if April 15th 1975 be adopted. CARRIED 2. DELEGATION ~ Mr. A. Ward, principal ~f Claremont Public School, 'was to have appeared as a delegation; however because of the developments concerning the acquisition of the property at Greenwood he did not think it appropriate to appear before the Board at this time. He did express his ideas which were presented to the Board by the Secretary 0 Mr. Ward thought that Museum Board could lease land from the Provincial Government at a nominal fee for a long term. The money that would otherwise be spent for land could be spent on building a road, parking and development of the grounds. Mr. Ward thought that the Museum placed at the Herongate property on Altona Road, would offer a mutual enhancement to the Museum and Herongate, especially that Mr. Ward proposes to develop creative arts at this location. The publicity which Herongate offers through Government grants would draw more people to the Museum also. The general flow of traffic in this area with the development of the Airport and the North Pickering Project would certainly increase. Besides this there is the proximity of the Golf course, the Zoo, the Regional Recreational Area and the eventual development of the 407. He also proposes to develop a snack-bar and restaurant with a country menu. The programmes which he intends to sponsor are amateur, professional, and puppet theatre, art exhibits, the auction sale, the family garage sale, a conservatory of music where students will be taught the piano and other instruments, an area band presenting concerts, a repertoire theatre, and eventually he would hope that the theatre would develop into something like Niagara- on-the-Lake or Stratford. The Board gave direction to send a letter of thanks to Mr. Ward for his interest in the Museum Project. .,.{ - 23 - 7/75 3. CORRESPONDENCE a) A letter was received from RoW. Carbert concerning the Ontario Agricultural Museum to be developed at Milton Ontario. MOTION # 54/75 - MOVED by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Wm. Clarke that a letter be sent to Mr. R.W. Carbert expressing the concerns of the Museum Board and offering him the opportunity to visit the Pickering Museum and to meet with the Museum Board. CARRIED ~ b) The minutes of the Greenwood Area Ratepayers Association ~he minutes of the meeting at Greenwood on May 7th 1975, were read to the Board. At this meeting a motion was passed that the residents of the Greenwood Area welcomed the Museum to the village wishing it a long and happy life, enhancing the village for many years to come, also that a committee be struck to assist in planning the move of the Museum to Greenwood. c) Federal Government Assistance in the moving of the Museum It was brought to the attention of the Museum Board that at a meeting of April 25, 1974, between members of the Airport developme.¡:¡t, the North Pickering Development and members of Council, the Federal Government representative stated that his government would pay for the Museum land and agreed to assist in the moving of the buildings up to 100% of the cost. It would allow occupancy of the present site until 1978. Furthermore the value assessed by the Federal Government for expropriation of the land was given in a letter dated April 4, 1974, at $84,250.00 of which $63,080.00 have already been paid. The remainder of the amount is being negotiated through the Town Solicitor in connection with several other properties owned by the Municipality. - -- - - - - 4. REPORTS a) Administrator - The Administrator reported as follows: Miss F imio who was at the r1useum ,.,i th a group of school children has not as yet paid for the Museum Tour. Mr. R. Miller's old Plymouth car is available for the Ajax Parade. It does however require a dealer~ licence with insurance. - Ed. Brown has completed the evaluation of the Museum, but he has not submitted the figure as yet. Mr. Pitman wanted Charles Fuller~ cement block ~achine which still works. This machine is at least sixty years old. ....1 - 21 - 7/75 4. REPORTS (Continued) a) Administrator Ten Ontario County Atlases have been delivered to the Museum for sale. The Brougham and Claremont United Church communities would like to hold a joint anniversary service of church union on June 15th 1975, at 10:30 a.m. MOTION # 55/75 - - MOVED by Councillor Spratley, seconded by ~rn. Clarke that approval be given to the Brougham and Claremont United Church communities to hold their 50th anniversary service of union at the Museum on June 15th 1975. - CARRIED - The Gas engine from the Chatham waterworks department has been delivered to the Huseurn. - The 1936 Massey-Harris Tractor which was discussed at the last meeting was not obtained because the mmer ~7as not a t home. t1r. Miller discovered that the steel wheels had not been cut down but that rims with tires had been bought and put on the tractor, the tractor and tires are still in good condition. - Lance Johnston anð Vicky Marchant are both taking the Museum cataloguing course offered through the Ministry of Cultural and Recreational Affairs. - Mrs. Saunders did not take the custodiarls job. Lance Johnston who has worked at the Museum for a few years will take the custodians job this year. He will be able to co-ordinate the custodians job with that of cataloguing at the Museum. - The three houses have been cleaned by Mrs. Marr, Mrs. Biernacki and r1isses Vicky and Christine Marchant. ,- Mr. Miller has a buggy with all four wheels which can be acquired by the Museum for $40.00, and a buzz saw for $50.00. Some repairs are required on both of these items. - MOTION # 56/75 - MOVED by Councillor Spratley, seconded by N. Biernacki that the buggy and buzz saw be acquired by the Museum for an amount of $90.00. C.ARRIED ,... Opening Day No pursey stock was there but there were some people who came and they were happy to be able to visit the Museum. Mr. Walter Hope will come soon to fix the roof at the Museum. ..--- -. 25 - 7/75 4. REPORTS (Continued) a) Administrator MOTION # 57/75 MOVED by Councillor Robertson, seconded by v!. Biernacki that the l;dministrators report be received and filed. CARP..IED b) Technical Advisory Committee The Secretary of the Board reported that he has contacted various people to make up the Technical Advisory Committee to the MuseQm Boardo The people willing to be members of the advisory committee are as follows~ - - Mr. Wilson of the North Pickering Project, who is a town planner and who would serve as liaison with the North Pickering Project and the Provincial Government, ,- Mr. B. Napier Simpson, Historical Architect, who had some reservations about becoming a member of the committee, Clarence Purcell who has experience in real estate and environmental and historical conservation, Mr. George Wñters of the Toronto Historical Board who has been curator of Fort York and is now responsible for the operation of several Museums within the jurisdiction of the Toronto Historical Board. - - People who have been contacted are Mr. V.N. Styrmo of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Museums Branch who explained that his staff would be glad to serve as resource people to the committee and board. He suggested: ..- himself or ~1r. Banes for advice on Huseum Administration, Mrs. Dorothy Duncan for advice on Historical interior and furnishing, Mrs. Paulino Hall for advice on interpretive d~spl~ys. - Mr. Paul Roach of the Aiport ðevelopment Project has been contacted for a member representing that area. He is to get back to the secretary of the board with a proposal. '..... MI. Russell Cooper of Blackcreek Pioneer Village who has been helpful with his advice in the past. - MOTION # 58/75 .. MOVED by Councillor Spratley, seconded by w. Biernacki that Mr. ~m. Wilson, Mr. Clarence Purcell, Mr. George Waters, Mr. Russell Cooper, Mr. George Shewan, two members of the Board, two Councillors, and any other resource people who may be helpful in this capacity be named to the Pickering Museum Advisory Committee. - CARRIED - 26 - 7/75 ~. REPORTS (Continued) b) MOTION # 59/75 MOVED by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Spratley that the following members of the Board be named to the Advisory Committee: Hr. D. McLean as Chairman of the Board, ex officio member of the com...""Jittee, Hr. R. Miller, M.r. N. Biernacki. CARRIED MOTION # 60/75 ,- MOVED by Councillor Spratley, seconded by w. Biernacki that the Board ask ?roject Planning Associates and B. Napier Simpson to give cost proposals relative to the viewing of the existing site, inspecting the new site, and producing a plan of site develppment including location of buildings, possible mill, open space, parking lot, internal road system, water system powe~, drainage, access, and other pertinent services. - CARRIED 5. NEN BUSINESS - a) ,Special Event The school bard and choirs have been lined up for Saturday, May 31st, 1975 beginning at approxi~ately 1.30 p.m. to ~.30 p.m. A bus will be needed at Dunbarton High School at 12:30 p.m. The Dial-a-bus and the Kiwanis will be contac·ted for the supply of bus transportation. The regular entrance rates will be charged except for the people performing. - Lance Johnston will be at the gate. There may be people to be in the three houses. It was pointed out that no buildings should be left unattended or unlocked. l'1.n item of safety was brought up with some concern relative to sparks at the Blacksrnit~s Shop and the narrow passageway in the steam barn. It was suggested to have t~. D. Lynde, the Firechief,come to the Museum and give his advice> - ~~. Richard Brock of 10 Tuxedo Court, Scarborough, is willing to look after the Herb Garden. The Arts and Crafts people were to have displays on the last Saturday of the months of Juner July and August. Mr. W. Biernacki will look after this. .- 27 - 7/75 5. NFW BUSINFSS (Continued) b) Policy Paper discussion It was moved that this item be deferred to the next meeting. 6. FURTHER BUSINESS MOTION # 61/75 MOVED by Councillor Robertson seconded by B. Davies that Mr. D. McLean, Mr. ""7. Biernacki and r·1r. R. lHller work on the History-in-Action Poster. CARIUFD - MOTION # 62/75 MOVED by Councillor Robertson, seconded by WM. Clark that a letter of appreciation be sent to the executive of the Greenwood Ratepayers Association. .. CI\RRIED MOTION # 63/75 MOVED by B. Davies~ seconded by ~rn. Clark that a vote of thanks be offerred to Councillor Spratley and Mr. J.P. Myslik for the work involved in getting the Advisory Committee organized. Cl\.RRIED 7. NEXT MEETING The next regular meeting will be held on June 17th, 1975 at 8.00 p.m. 8. ADJOURNMENT .- MOVED by Wm. Clark, seconded by ~. Biernacki that the meeting adjourn at 10.32 p.m. CARRIED .- Date Chairman ~