HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 17, 1975 ,~ - - 28 - 8/75 Tm~1 OF PICKERING lIUSEUM BOARD A meeting of the Town of Pickering Museum Board was held on Tuesday, June 17th 1975 at 8:00 p.m. PRESENT: Mr. N. Biernacki Ur. tr1m. Clark l1rs. B. Davies Mr. D. t-1cLean P~. R. Miller (Chairman) Councillor A. Robertson Councillor K. Spratley 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES '\'0_ JYIOVED by Councillor Robertson, seconded by r-1r. t'T. Biernacki that the minutes of the meeting of ~~y 27th 1975 be adopted as amended. The minutes of May 27th 1975 omitted the following motion: - MOTION 64/75 ',- MOVED by Councillor Robertson, seconded by W. Biernacki that Councillor K. Spratley be the Chairman of the Technical Advisory Committee. CARRIED 2 . REPORTS a) Administrator The Administrator reported as follows: - The Horticultural Society has attended to the gardens. There are various items of repair which are necessary at this time¡ the church roof leaks, the church shed post has shifted, the Collins House needs shingles. The Administrator is to arrange for repairs to be made effective until the Board knows when the buildings will have to be moved. ... Rogers Barns J:" l~. Rogers is being charged rent for barns by the Ontario Housing Corporation. It was agreed that Mr. J.P. Myslik will ask the Ontario Housing Corporation to waive the rent until the Uuseum Board can arrange to move the barns. j - Block Machine ,~ The Secretary has sent a letter to Mr. Fuller confirming the gift of the block machine to the Museum. ) ~" Dufferin Concrete Products Limited has donated an engine to the l1useum. A letter is to be sent confirming the acceptance of this engine. Further- more a letter of clearance is to be requested from the Mayor. '1'Øo - 29 - 8/75 2. REPORTS (Continued) l40TION 65/75 MOVED by Councillor Robertson, seconded by D. McLean that the Museum Board accept the engine from Dufferi4 Concrete Products Limited and that it pay for its removal. CARRIED 1-10TION 66/75 MOVED by Councillor Robertson, seconded by ~~. Clark that a letter of thanks be sent to l1r. Ivan Fuller for J ':.' his part in arranging for the donation of the engine from Dufferin Concrete Products Limited to the Museum. CARRIED Strawberry Tea for Senior Citizens at the Museum on June 12th 1975. This Strawberry Tea was quite sucessful¡ however, the members of the Board were not informed of the event. The Board agreed that the pictures of the following Museum benefactors be placed in the Museum: Mr. William Lawson, Mr. N. Anderson, ~~. Bill ~ilson, þ~. Mickey Cochise. Cataloguing The Administrator announced that the government will pay for four workers to do the cataloguing at the Museum during the summer at a rate of $2.50 per hour for a 40 hour ~mek, and $2.75 for the leader who is Lance Johnston. A replacement will have to be found for Lance Johnston as custodian. l-iOTION # 67/75 MOVED by Councillor Robertson, seconded by D. McLean that Vicki Marchant be paid 50¢ per hour extra for one weeks past work. CARRIED - Þ--luseum Keys Museum keys are now held by Robert Miller, Vicki ~~rchant, Lance Johnston, Frank v1right, the oil company, and one key at the Clerks office. MOTION #68/75 - MOVED BY Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Spratley that the additional keys be held by: a) Members of the Board, excluding Council members. b) t~s. Joan Marr. c ) ~1r. Andrew Ramsey. CARRIED - 30 - 8/75 2. REPORTS (Continued) Plank roller on stirling Farm o'~ed by Mr. Goldstein. It was agreed that W. Biernacki investigate whe~this equipment may be donated to the Museum. Heritage Farm at Leaskdale, June 21st 1975. Mr. R. Miller and Mr. ~~. Clark and others will be assisting. The admission is $1.50. Shingle trimmer Mr. Walter Hope has this machine in running order. PetDe Engines, Hoosier Wagon I-lOTION # 6 9/75 MOVED by Councillor Spratley, seconded by W. Biernacki that Mac ~ålcolm and Mac Middleton restore the engines, and that Walter Hope restore the wagon. CARRIED Brougham United Church Service in the Museum church. The Minister and congregation were very pleased. There were so many people in attendance that they ran out of chairs. b) Technical Advisory Committee The first meeting of the committee was held on June lIth 1975, f-iOTION #70/75 MOVED by Councillor Robertson, seconded by D. McLean that the Board negotiate with the Metropolitan Toronto and RegionÇ.: Conservation Authority to allow for a deepening of the creek for future mill race use, fifteen rods south of the proposed Museum site; and that neighbouring owners be informed of such negotiation, and that ~~. Clark, W. Biernacki, and Mr. Maletech form the committee for this action. CARRIED nOTION i71/75 MOVED by D. McLean, seconded by t'1m. Clark that upon completion of the purchase of the property negotiations take place through Council with Metropolitan Toronto, regarding the lease of twenty-nine acres more or less of the ajoining land to the west. CARRIE]} It was agreed that all members of the Board be welcomed to attend the Technical Advisory Committee meetings. It was also agreed that Mr. ~~. Clark be added to that committee. - 3l - 8/75 2. RÁPORTS (Continued) MOTION #72/75 MOVED by Councillor Robertson, seconded by ~. Biernacki that Council request the Ontario Housing Corporation to retain the Thornbeck Mill until the Board is in a position to arrange for its removal to the new museum site. It was agreed that movable part of the workshop be removed and stored. CARRIED .- 3. NEW BUSINESS a) Arts and Crafts Day - June 28th, 1975. Councillor Robertson is to meet with the Arts and Crafts people on June 19, 1975. b) Nostalgia Dance - History-in-Action Mr. Doug . Brown of Dunbarton High School has offered to supply a band free of charge after supper at History-in-Action. c) Accounts for Approval J..:1OTION #73/75 MOVED by Councillor Spratley, seconded by wm. Clark that the accounts be approved for payment as submitted. CARRIED d) Uuseum Association This item was discussed but no conclusions were arrived at. e) History-in-Action Poster It was agreed that the format of the Poster should be similar to that of last year. 4 . NEXT MEETING The next regular meeting of the Museum Board will take place on July 22nd, 1975 at 8:00 p.m. 5. ADJOURNMENT MOVED by Councillor RObertson, seconded by w. Biernacki that the meeting adjourn at lO:50 p.m. CARRIED Date Chairman