HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 22, 1975 - 32 - 9/75 TO~rn OF PICKERING MUSEUM BOARD A meeting of the Town of Pickering Museum Board was held on Tuesday, July 22nd 1975 at 10:00 p.m. PRESENT: Mr. W. Biernacki (Chai~an) Mr. tfm. Clark Mrs. B. Davies l!r. D. 1·1CLean Councillor K. Spratley Mr. J.P. Myslik (Secretary) Also Present: l·1%'s. Gwen Mowbray 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED by Councillor Spratley, seconded by Mr. ~:rm. Clark that the minutes of the meeting of June 17th 1975 be adopted. CARRIED In the discussion of the minutes relative to Rogers Barns It was mentioned that the rental of $200.00 per year should be paid. In reference to the steam locomotive that is being offered to the Museum by Dufferin Concrete Products Limited, it was suggested that the Mayor be asked to send a letter to thank Dufferin Concrete Products Limited for their offer of t.he locomotive. Councillor Spratley will contact. Dufferin Concrete Product.s Limit.ed first. ~ Relat.ive t.o the Met.ro propert.y of approxtmat.ely 29 acres adjacent t.o the proposed new museum site it \'las suggested that the Administrator-Clerk contact Metro Toronto, to inform t.hem of the interest that the Museum has in this particular property. 2. CORRESPONDENCE a} .''- A letter was received from R.W. Carbert, General ~anager of the Ontario Agricultural Museum, in response to a letter that had been sent on behalf of the Board, by the Secretary. Mr. Carbert indicated that he would be pleased to meet with the Museum Board to outline the aim and scope of the Ontario Agricultural Museum project. He also mentioned that it was not the intention of the Ontario Agricultural Museum to remove from any area items with local interest which legitimately belong in local museums. b) New Plans Incorporated A letter was received from New Plans Incorporated of Hamilton, Ontario. Mr. Dennis Freeman explained that the firm offers a planning consulting service and that t.hey would be: pleased to assist the museum in planning their relocation. A letter of acknowledgement is to be sent in ret.urn. MOTION 74/75 MOVED by Councillor Spratley, seconded by B. Davies that the correspondence be received and filed. CARRIED - 33 - 9/75 2. CORRESPONDENCE (Continued) MOTION 75/75 MOVED by Councillor Spratley, seconded by D. McLean that the proposals of the consulting firms be considered at the next regular Museum Board Meeting. CARRIED 3. a) REPORTS Administrator - The Administrator was not present, however, ¡.:rm. Clark reported in his stead that the engine on the lawn mower has been fixed, and that the cataloguing at the museum is progressing successfully. A cheque of $lOO.OO was received from the Atha Community Centre as a donation to the Museum. .... MOTION 76/75 MOVED by Wm. Clark, seconded by D. McLean that a letter of thanks be sent to the Atha Community Centre for their donation of $100.00. CARRIED Some concern was expressed at the fact that there is no custodian a t the Museum and that the r·1useum does not seem to be opened at the proper times every day. Hope was expressed that a responsable person be hired to supervise the opening and closing, and general functioning of the Museum. 4 . NE¡'l BUSINESS a) Arts and Crafts and discussion It was mentioned that there was very poor attendance at the Museum during the Arts and Crafts demonstrations and the people were somewhat disappointed. Some have expressed the intention of not returning to other arts and crafts demonstrations. 5. FURTHER BUSINESS ~- a) Historical Society Councillor Spratley suggested that the services of the Historical Society could be used in helping to co-ordinate the volunteers for the Museum. MOTION 77/75 iI;Ø- MOVED by Councillor Spratley, seconded by D. McLean tha t: WHEREAS The Pickering Historical Society was instrumental in the opening of the Museum; BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Historical Society be asked to take an active part in the operation of the l.4useum and FURTHER THAT the Society be asked to organize the volunteer workers to be used on any occasion to staff the buildings and to assist in setting up displays relative to museum activities, and that the Society receive all information, agendas, minutes, and special notices and that the Society be invited to send a representative to the meetings of the Pickering Museum Board. CARRIED - 34 - 9/75 5. FURTHER BUSINESS (Continued) a) 1-10TION MOVED by Councillor Spratley, seconded by Wm. Clark that ltIlrs. Gwen Mowbray be permitted to speak. CARRIED Urs. ~'IOwbray outlined briefly the development of the Historical Society and the desire of the Society to be actively involved in the Museum activities. b} Steam Barn - History-in-Action It was pointed out that a licenced engineer will be required to be on hand during History-in-Action for the operation of the machinery in the Steam Barn. 6. NEXT MEETING 7. - Date - It was decided that History-in-Action should be discussed and organized at the next meeting to be held on July 29th 1975 at 8:00 p.m. ADJOURNMENT MOVED by D. McLean, seconded by Councillor Spratley that the meeting adjourn at 11.47 p.m. CARRIED Chairman