HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 16, 1975 - 41 - 12/75 TOWN OF PICKERING MCSFU~ BOARD A meeting of the Town of PickerHlg Huseum Board was he_G ~r ~uesday, fe}tember 16th J97S at 8:00 p.m. PRESENT: Mr. W. Blernacki Mr. Wrn. ClarL Mr. D. McLear. (Chairman) Mr. R. Miller Councillor K. Spratley Mr. J. P. Myslik (Secretary) 1. CORRESPONDENCE a) Ontario Historical Society - Museum Section 23rd Workshop HOTION #94/75 Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by W. Biernacki that the information be received and filed. CARRIED b) Fire Department Report In a report dated September 12, 1975 Captain G. Wilson recommended that: i) One 10 lb. A.B.C. type extinguisher be acquired for each buidling in the museum. ii) That water barrels be placed beside the buildings with pails for firefighting. iii) That the walkways should be kept clear to the exits in buildings. MOTION #95/75 Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by W. Biernacki that two (2) 10 lb. A.B.C. Fire extinguishers be acquired immediately, and that Twelve (12) extinguishers be put on the budget for the year 1976. CARRIED c) Locomotive - Dufferin Concrete Products A letter was received from Mr. Robert J. Tweedy the President of Dufferin Concrete Products Group indicating the firms intention of donating a locomotive to the Museum in the Town of Pickering. He also requested that a valuation of the locomotive be made for tax purposes. MOTION #96/75 Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by Wm. Clark that the locomotive that is to be donated by Dufferin Concrete Products be valued and that a competent Derson be contacted to do this. CARRIED - 42 - 12/75 2. REPORTS a) Administrator Mr. Martin of the Museums Branch of the Government of Ontario, suggested that the artifacts in the school- house be inventoried and catalogued during the winter. Susan Clark has worked with the museum previously and would be able to do this. She is also a good typist and is looking for a job at the present time. MOTION #97/75 Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by W. Biernacki that the Administrator arrange to have the inventory of the schoolhouse done by Susan Clark with the possible assistance on weekends of Vicky Marchant. CARRIED The Administrator would like to have a letter of thanks sent to Bradshaw's Garage for pulling Mac Middleton's steam engine out of the ditch. This incident occurred on the way home from History-in-Action. There is to be a sale at Frank Wright's property there is a J. Gerrow wooden pump and also a large solid millstone that will be put up for sale. On the same day Earl Taylor is to have a sale. He has an old iron roller, a good power take-off sprayer and a rubber ~ired wagon available. This wagon would be dated approximately 1910. MOTION #98/75 Moved by Wm. Clark seconded by Councillor Spratley that the Administrator be authorized to check out and purchase the wooden pump, the millstone, the iron roller, the power take-off sprayer and the old rubber tired wagon. CARRIED Somebody brought some lumber to be planed to Mr. Miller's mend-it shop. This is very old lumber that has been pit sawn. This lumber would be very valuable for restorations. MOTION # 99/75 Moved by W. Biernacki, seconded by Councillor Spratley that the Administrator look into acquiring the old lumber. CARRIED There are two school groups scheduled to tour the museum, one on September 30th 1975, and the other on October 7th 1975. Guides will be required for these occasions. The tent should 'be taken down. Perhaps September 17th would be a good day to do this. - 43 - 12/75 2. REPORTS (Continued) b) Cataloguing Team A report dated August 20, 1975, was submitted by the cataloguing team of Lance Johnston, Vicky Marchant and Debbie Kitchener. The report indicates work that was done during the summer. The Board gave direction that the cataloguing team should be thanked for the report and for their work during the summer. c) History-in-Action The secretary submitted an interim report on History-in-Action 1975 indicating that the total net receipts to dàte amounted to $3,059.73. The Chairman expressed thanks to all the members of the Board and committees for their efforts in making History-in-Action a success. - 3. NEW BUSINESS a) Restoration: Machinery and Artifacts It was noted that the museum has many items to be restored and that there is still a considerable amount of money available in the budget. MOTION #100/75 Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by W. Biernacki that Mr. Wm. Clark be appointed in charge of restoration of machinery and artifacts and that Mr. Wm. Clark, and Mr. R. Miller, Administrator, make a list in order of priority of items to be restored; further that Wm. Clark prepare an estimated cost on the restoration of each of the items at the direction of the Board. CARRIED MOTION #101/75 Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by R. Miller that the tractor that is being repaired at the moment be restored and that the Board approve a tentative price of $400.00 for labour plus costs be approved. CARRIED b) Workshop and Windmill relocation It was noted that somebody is still living on the site but that it is imperative that the structure be moved as soon as possible. MOTION #102/75 Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by W. Biernacki that the Thornbeck windmill and workshop be prepared for relocation and that Mr. Wm. Clark make arrangements for this. CARRIED - 44 - 12/75 3, NEW BUSINESS (Continued) c) Greenwood Site: Preparation It was noted that there are various things that can be done on the site in preparation: i) The creek can be cleared of stumps and debris. ii) That some of the arable land can be plowed. MOTION #103/75 Moved by Wm. Clark, seconded by Councillor Spratley that with the concurrence of the consultants the arable land be plowed this fall and that Mr. Ed. Pascoe be asked to do this. CARRIED d) Rogers Barns One of Rogers Barns approximately 28' x 40' which is called the chicken coop could be relocated to the new site and be used as a construction building. Later on it coulò be used as a maintenance shop for the museum. MOTION #104/75 Moved by W. Biernacki, seconded by R. Miller that Mr. Wm. Clark investigate the dismantling, moving and erection of the chicken coop on the new site and that a driveway to it be installed. CARRIED e) North Pickering Buildings Mr. Douglas McNeiley of the North Pickering Project notified the Board that some buildings are up for demolition and that the contents are available to the museum. MOTION #105/75 Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by Wm. Clark that Mr. W. Biernacki and Mr. R. Miller form a committee to check buildings in the North Pickering Project site and in the Airport site. CARRIED f) Mr. Ernie Carruther's Home Dr. Alexander viewed the house on September 16th 1975. Mr. Gallagher is awaiting his report. MOTION #106/75 Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by Wm. Clark that all dealings with the Federal Government be done through the Chairman of the museum board. CARRIED - 45 - 12/75 4. FURTHER BUSINESS a) Accounts for Approval MOTION # 107/75 Moved by Wm. Clark, seconded by W. Biernacki that the accounts as submitted by the secretary be approved. CARRIED b) Councillor K. Spratley requested authority from the museum board to have a meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee with the consultants and the museum board members in attendance. The board concurred with this request. 5. NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on October 21st, 1975 at 8:00 p.m. 6 . ADJOURNMENT Moved by W. Biernacki, seconded by Wm. Clark that the meeting adjourn at 10:34 p.m. CARRIED Date . . . . . . . Chariman