HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 24, 1976 -9- 3/76 TOWN OF PICKERING MUSEUM BOARD A meeting of the Town of Pickering Museum Board was held on Tuesday, February 24th, 1976 at 8:00 p.m. PRESENT: Councillor J. Anderson Mr. Wm. Clark Mrs. B. Davies (Chairman) Mr. D. McLean Councillor K. Spratley J.P. Myslik (Secretary) 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by K. Spratley, seconded by Wm. Clark that the minutes of the meeting of January 27th, 1976 and February 6th, 1976, be adopted. CARRIED 2. REPORTS - ADMINISTRATOR The Administrator reported that a trip was pick up artifacts belonging to the museum. of circustances some of the equipment will at a later date. made to Minden to Unfortunately because have to be picked up MOTION 157/76 Moved by K. Spratley, seconded by D. McLean that the bill amounting to $125.00, covering the trip to Minden by Mr. Murray Baldson be paid. CARRIED The Administrator contacted Mr. Vic Sims concerning the oak timbers and one inch board. Mr. Sims has agreed to cut this wood for the Museum Board. Approximately two tons of smithy coal is available at Unionville. The Administrator will check the coal for quality and if it is suitable the coal will be acquired. It was suggested that the Federal Government be contacted again concerning the Tailor Shop in Brougham. The catalogers have almost finished their task. The artifacts in the school have been inventoried and the artifacts in the Kiwanis Booth have been catalogued. A talk by D. McLean and Wm. Clark was given to the Pickering Rotarians on February 23rd, 1976. The Rotarians are interested in restoring the Steam Engine. The Rotarians were also invited to visit the Museum. The Administrator suggested that a letter be written to Cayer Brothers,Willow Bunch, Saskatchewan, concerning the Romley Tractor. There was some discussion relative to obtaining rails for the Engine. -10- 3/76 ,~ 2. REPORTS - ADMINISTRATOR (Continued) MOTION 158/76 Moved by D. McLean, seconded by J. Anderson that a letter be sent from the Pickering Museum Board to Mr. A.A. Boyer of the Canadian Pacific Railways requesting a donation of some sixty pound rail for the engine. CARRIED Mr. Mac Middleton has a very well restored steæn engine. It was suggested that the Administrator contact Mr. Middleton and indicate that the Museum Board would be interested in acquiring the engine for the Museum. 3. NEW BUSINESS a) Job Descriptions Job descriptions for three Museum positions were submitted for the Board's approval. MOTION 159/76 Moved by J. Anderson, seconded by D. McLean that the Museum Board adopt the job descriptions as submitted by the Secretary and that they be filed with the personnel dep~rtment. CARRIED MOTION 160/76 Moved. by K. Spratley, seconded by D. Mclean that Mr. ·Wm. Clark be .named Administrator of the Mùseum for the year 1976 with an honor.arium of $1,000.00. CARRIED b) Museum Rental Policy It was suggested that a general policy be established concerning rental agreements with the C.B.C. or other similar organizations. MOTION 161/76 Moved by K. Spratley, seconded by Wm. Clark that rental policy of $100.00 for the first day and $50.00 for subsequent days for organizations such as the C.B.C. wishing to use the Pickering Museum be established and that a suitable credit to the Pickeri~t Museum be requested of programs which are produced at the Museum. CARRIED c) Folders 1976 See folders 1976 - changes to be made to the 1976 Folders. MOTION 162/76 Moved by J. Anderson, seconded by K. Spratley that the appropriate changes be made and new Museum folders be printed. CARRIED 3. -11- NEW BUSINESS (Continued) 3/76 d) Museum Opening Preparations to be made relative to activities on the opening of the Museum. MOTION 163/76 Moved by J. Anderson, seconded by K. Spratley that some assistance by requested for approximately one day from the Department of Recreation and Transportation to help re-arrange some of the equipment at the Museum. CARRIED It was also suggested that Mr. George Waters be contacted concerning the training program for the guides. For the opening of the Museum it was suggested that the Board invite the Councillors from the municipality, from the Region and other important figures from service clubs and similar organizations in the municipality. MOTION 164/76 Moved by J. Anderson, seconded by K. Spratley that for the open house at the Museum, the Museum Board invite the Councillors of the Town of Pickering and the Region of Durham, the executives of the service clubs of the area, and the ministers of the local churches. CARRIED MOTION 165/76 Moved by K. Spratley, seconded by D. McLean that two new outdoor washrooms be built at the museum. CARRIED MOTION 166/76 Moved by D. McLean, seconded by K. Spratley that the pump at the Museum be fixed. CARRIED 4. FURTHER BUSINESS a) Public Relations Presentation Since the Museum Board; is called upon on occasion to give a talk or presentation to various groups it was suggested that the talk given by D. McLean to the Rotarians be kept and used on occasion for similar purposes. It was also suggested that a slide projection program be developed for this purpose. b) Motion of Council re: Records at Brougham It was indicated that the Council of pickering requested the Museum Board to pick out and preserve what is of value among the records at the old Municipal Building, prior to 1950. -12- 3/76 4. FURTHER BUSINESS (Continued) c) Technical Advisory Committee It was indicated that these meetings will resume once the property at the Greenwood Site has been acquired. d) Lectern - Glassed in for old papers MOTION 167/76 Moved by K. Spratley, seconded by D. McLean that a glassed display case be made for the public exposition of old documents. CARRIED .e) Meda¡s - pick~ring Centennial A number of 'brass and aluminum medals of the Pickering Centennial of 1911 were found in the old municipal· building. It was suggested that the aluminum medals be sold and that the brass medals of which there was not a great number be distributed to Council and the Museum Board members for keepsakes. f) Metro Property - West of Greenwood Site MOTION 168/76 Moved by K. Spratley, seconded by Wm. Clark that a letter be sent to Metro Toronto cGncerning the leasing of the property west of the Greenwood Site for parking purposes. CARRIED g) Restoration of International Tractor It was agreed that Mr. K. Ramsey be hired to restore the clutch. on the International Tractor. h) Museum Auction Sale It was suggested that the Museum Board hold an auction sale of surplus equipment. 5. NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on March 23rd, 1976 at 8:00 p.m. 6. ADJOURNMENT Moved by D. McLean, seconded by Wm. Clark that the meeting adjourn at 10:55 p.m. CARRIED Date Chairman