HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 23, 1976 - - 13 - 4/76 TOWN OF PICKERING MUSEUM BOARD A meeting of the Pickering Museum Board was held on Tuesday, Mar~h 23rd, 1976 at 8:00 p.m. PRESENT: Wm. Clark F. Conant B. Davies D. McLean (Chairman) K. Sprat.ley J.P. Myslik (Secretary) 1. / ADOPTION OF MINUTES .,.,..w,. Moved by K. Spratley, seconded by Wm. Clark that the minutes of the meeting of February 24th 1976, be adopted. CARRIED 2. CORRESPONDENCE a) J Green River Basket Factor:( The North Pickering Project of the Ministry of Housing in their letter of March 3, 1976, report concerning the status of the Green River Basket Factory, received for information. b)J Green Family In his letter of March 6, 1976, Mr. Harold Burk wrote concerning the recognition of the mill and the Green family at the Museum. There were two suggestions made in connection with the commemoration Of' the Green family on the Museum site: 1. A room in the building with photographs, glass plates, etc., to commemorate the Green family. 2. A mill wheel as a display in the entrance building and with a commemorative plaque. c) Canadian Museums Association - Annual Conference The Canadian Museums Association sends further information relative to the Annual Conference to be held at Kingston, Ontario from May 25th - 29th, 1976. MOTION 169/76 Moved by K. Spratley, seconded by Wm. Clark that the Museum Board authorize the spending of $75.00 for the registration of Mrs. B. Davies at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Museums Association. CARRIED d) Collections of Canaëian Embroideries In a letter Ms. Lesiie Maitland of the Museology Department of the Royal Ontario Museum, requested assistance in locating collections of Canadian embroideries. ;4*, - 14 - 4/76 3. REPORTS a)J Administrator The Administrator reported as follows: Smithy Coal Two and a half tons of very good smithy coal have been received at the Museum. The Administrator has been observing the spring run-off of flood waters on the new site and he indicated that the ditch needs to be deepened to some extent on the periphery of the site. The question of the construction of outhouses at the Brougham Museum was discussed and final dimensions were arrived at. Romley Tractor Response has been received from the Cayer Brothers from Saskatchewan, concerning the Romley Tractor. This tractor has been paid for by a gentleman from Lafleche, Saskatchewan and the tractor is available to be picked up. Mr. Cayer also mentioned that they have a Hart Parr tractor available. There will be further negotiations with the Cayer Brothers concerning this. Tread Mill and Threshing Machine There is a Tread Mill and Threshing Machine available first, for loan purposes and perhaps ultimately for donation purposes to the Mus eum. b) 'J Building Committee In a report dated November 22nd 1975, the Building Committee indicated the estimated work and cost on restoring the Greenwood School. MOTION l70/76 Moved by F. Conant, seconded by Wm. Clark that the report of the Búilding Committee dated November 22nd 1975 be received for information; that the Greenwood school be restored; that the school be opened at an expenditure of up to $2,000.00; and further that the Board approach other organizations to assist in this restoration. CARRIED 4. NEW BUSINESS a) J Directory of Canadian Museums The Canadian Museums Association offers the Directory of Canadian Museums for 1976, for the price of $8.00 to association members. MOTION l7l/76 Moved by WID. Clark, seconded by F. Conant that the Museum Board acquire a copy of the Directory of Canadian Museums at a price of $8.00. CARRIED '. - l5 - 4/76 4. NEW BUSINESS (Continued) b) J Greenwood Museum Site Purchase In a report dated March 2, 1976, the Town Solicitor reported that the Greenwood Site was purchased on February 26th 1976 MOTION l72/76 Moved by B. Davies, seconded by WID. Clark that the report of the Town Solicitor dated March 2nd 1976, relative to the acquisition of the site at Greenwood on February 26th 1976, be received for information. CARRIED cW Proposed Budget for the Greenwood Site A proposed budget for the Greenwood Site is submitted to the Board members for discussion. MOTION 173/76 Moved by F. Conant, seconded by Wm. Clark that the proposed budget for the preparatory work at the Greenwood Site be recommended to the Council of Pickering for approval as revised. CARRIED d)J Technical Advisory Committee recommendation re: Draft Report. MOTION 174/76 Moved by WID. Clark, seconded by F. Conant that the Draft Report of the Technical Advisory Committee, dated February 9, 1976, be adopted as an interim memorandum and further that the Board wishes to express its appreciation to the Technical Advisory Committee for its assistance and advice. CARRIED e) J Technical Advisory Committee recommentation re: Greenwood School MOTION 175/76 Moved by B. Davies, seconded by Wm. Clark that the recommendation of the Technical Advisory Committee relative to the securing of S.S. #9, as a meeting centre, be received for information. CARRIED f) \í Museums and Archives Article submitted for the information of the Board members. MOTION 176/76 Moved by B. Davies, seconded by K. Spratley that the report entitled "Museums and Archives" be received for information. CARRIED .~ .. 16 - 4/76 4. NEW BUSINESS (Continued) g).J A Photograph Catalogue for Small Museums Article submitted for the information of the Board members. MOTION 177/76 Moved by F. Conant, seconded by B. Davies that the report entitled "A photograph Catalogue for Small Museums" be received for information. CARRIED h) .) The Ontario Royal Museum -Membership It is time for the renewal of the Pickering Museum's membership in the Royal Ontario Museum, which is $15.00 annually. MOTION l78/76 Moved by D. Spratley, seconded by Wm. Clark that the Pickering Museum renew its membership with the Royal Ontario Museum for $15.00. CARRIED 1., ) V Experience 76, Programme 41 - Museum Cataloguing Programme Mr. V.N. Styrmo of the Heritage Administration Branch of the Ministry of Culture and Recreation, in his letter of February 27th 1976, notifies the Museum Board that the Ministry will continue the Cataloguing Programme at the Pickering Museum, in the summer of 1976. MOTION 179/76 Moved by WID. Clark, seconded by F. Conant that the Museum Board approve the continuation of the cataloguing of the Museum under Experience '76, Programme 41, Museum Cataloguing Programme, sponsored by the Heritage Administration Branch of the Ontario Ministry of Culture and Recreation. CARRIED j) Museum Opening - May 8th 1976 Further preparations for the opening of the Museum on May 8th 1976. PREPARATION: J 1. Invitations to be sent to: Mayor and Council Regional Chairman and Councillors President and members of the Pickering Historical Society. Presidents and Executives of the Service Clubs of the area. Members of the Ministerial A,ssociations of Pickering / 2. Arrangements with Senior Citizens to serve tea and coffee. 3. General clean-up of buildings and property. 4. Arrangements to have some of the buildings occupied on opening d. - 5. FURTHER BUSINESS - 17 - 4/76 a) Medallions " B. Davies reported that Mr. John Munroe-Cape from Richmond Hill will evaluate the Medallions at the Museum. Relative to the Centennial Medallions he suggested that a price from $3.50 to $4.00 would be suitable. A firm price will be established after further evaluation. b) Windmill It was indicated that the C.B.C. had a television programme concerning windmills and it was revealed that there is a considerable amount of interest in windmills, thus increasing the value of the~beck Windmill at the Museum. c) \, Display Cases MOTION 180/76 Moved by K. Spratley, seconded by F. Conant that two extra display cases be made for the Museum. CARRIED d) J Sign for the Proposed Site at Greenwood MOTION 181/76 Moved by K. Spratley, seconded by WID. Clark that a 4' x 8' sign be put up at the Greenwood Site. CARRIED e) I ,} Consul tant ' Mr. R.D. OWen indicated that he would like to meet with somebody from the Museum Board on a regular basis. MOTION 182/76 Moved by F. Conant, seconded by B. Davies that a committee will be established including Wm. Clark, D. McLean, K. Spratley with whom the consultant may meet concerning the proposal for the new museum site. CARRIED 6. NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on April 13th 1976 at 8:00 p.m. 7. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Wm. Clark, seconded by B. Davies that the meeting adjourn at 11:25 p.m. CARRIED ,- Dated Chairman ......