HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 22, 1976 - 26 - 8/76 TOWN OF PICKERING MUSEUM BOARD A }€eting of the Pickering Museum Board was held on TUESDAY, JUNE 22nd 1976 at 8:00 P.M. PRESENT: W. Biernacki Wm. Clark F. Conant B. Davies (Chairman) D. McLean Councillor Anderson Councillor Spratley J.P. Myslik - Secretary 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by D. McLean, seconded by Councillor Anderson that the minutes of the meeting of May 18th, 1976, be adopted. CARRIED 2. CORRESPONDENCE a) Museum Signs Letter of Director or Public Works dated May 19th, 1976 concerning the Museum signs on Highway #7. Letter of M.T.C. dated May 26th, 1976 in response to the above. b) C.M.A. - Gazette Article from C.M.A. Gazette is submitted for the information of the Board members, since it pin- points the very problems which the Museum Board will soon be faced with. cì Letter from Mrs. Nisbet Mrs. Nisbet expresses her thanks for having the occasion to have her class tour the Museum. MOTION 202/76 Moved by Councillor Anderson, seconded by W. Biernacki that the items of Correspondence as indicated in the Agenda for the Meeting of June 22nd, 1976 be accepted for information. CARRIED 3. REPORTS a) Administrator The Administrator reported that Elmer Johnson promises to pay $100.00 for the Romley Tractor if it is moved this year. Transportation to float the tractor from the west is being arranged. - 27 - 8/76 3. REPORTS (Continued) Various repairs on the Museum grounds have been made. The artifacts have beer, moved from the shop of Mr. R. Miller. The boiler at the Museum has been inspected. Restoration at the Museum is continuing. The machines have been cleaned. The pump in the gas barn has been repaired. -- The Boy Scouts have been working at the Greenwood Site. The Rotarians are coming to the Greenwood Site Tuesday night, June 29th, 1976. The washrooms at the Museum are being completed. The cataloguers are working at the Museum. Steve Payne is not working for Wm. Clark anymore. Museum Guides - The guides are anxious to publize the Museum in order to obtain more attendance. They have suggested ads in the newspapers, radio stations and Ontario Government. They have also suggested a square dance held at the Museum for publicity purposes. It was also indicated that John Bradshaw of C.F.R.B. would be anxious to have an interview concerning the Museum on a Saturday morning. Brougham Garage - The Federal Government has allowed the Museum Board to use Gray's Garage to store some artifacts. A letter of thanks is to be sent to Mr. Gallacher concerning this matter. Artifacts bought at R. Miller's auction sale: Sash Clamp; Steam pressure pump; clutch pulley for the line shaft. These items carne to approximately $160.00. It was also indicated that the Museum Board needs more space to store artifacts. The Chairman will see Mr. Gallacher concerning the garage at Brougham. b) Green Family The Secretary submits a report on a visit by Mr. & Mrs. A.H. Burk. c) Auditors' Report The Auditors submit their report on the 1975 balance sheet of the Museum. Mr. K. Spratley is to review the budget to get accurate figures. - 28 - 8/76 3. REPORTS (Continued) d) C.M.A. Convention B. Davies reports on the Canadian Museum Association Convention, Kingston - May 25 to 28th, 1976. MOTION 203/76 Moved by Wm. Clark, seconded by D. McLean that Mrs. B. Davies be commended for her report on the C.M.A. convention. CARRIED MOTION 204/76 ... Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by D. McLean that Mrs. Davies be paid $44.00 for her expenses at the C.M.A. convention. CARRIED e) Museum Storage Mrs. Davies reports on museum storage and its problems. MOTION 205/76 Moved by W. Biernacki, seconded by Councillor Anderson that the Reports of the meeting of June 22nd, 1976 be received for information. CARRIED 4. NEW BUSINESS a) History in Action Organization - MOTION 206/76 Moved by Councillor Anderson, seconded by Mrs. F. Conant that the proposals for the organization of History-In-Action for Chief Co-ordinator and Area Co-ordinators be adopted. CARRIED Mr. Wm. Clark was nominated as Chief Co-ordinator and other members of the Board will act as Area Co-ordinators, b) Mrs. J. Marr's letter MOTION 207/76 Moved by Councillor Anderson, seconded by W. Biernacki that the letter of Mrs. J. Marr dated September 16th 1975, be taken under cDnsideration; That the items pertaining to History-in-Action be Ìlüp1emented to a practical degree; And that the ~erns pertaining to food serving and storage facilities be brought to the attention of the consultant for the new site at Greenwood. CARRIED ." 29 8/76 4. NEW BUSINESS (Continued; c) Kiwanis Booth for History-in-Action '76 MOTION 208/76 ~oved by Councillor Anderson, seconded by Councillor Spratley that the Kiwanis Club be notified of the appreciation of the Board for their willingness to operate the refreshment booth at History-in-Action '76, and that a letter of agreement be signed between the Museum Board and the Kiwanis Club for 50% of the profits, and that the building and utensils be put in proper condition before the event. CARRIED. d) Accounts for approval MOTION 209/76 Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by F. Conant that the following accounts be approved: Arthur Mitchell - 2 Pruning Sheers 2 Rakes ~eenwood Ventures - Cleaning-up Greenwood Site K. Spratley - Film 7.87 C.M.A. -. Booklets on Museum 9.35 Rodman Service - Museum Furnace 30.65 Rodman Service - Greenwood Schoolhouse 139.20 Safety House of Canada - 1 Fire Extinguisher 26.22 Safety Supply Company - 4 Fire Extinguishers130.12 Mitchell Bros. - Lumber for outhouses 338.60 Ontario Hydro - Greenwood Schoolhouse 5.00 Greenwood Ventures - Greenwood Site 44.00 (Cleaning-up) United Co-operatives of Ontario - Supplies 255.99 Wm. E. Clark .. Supplies 35.51 Harwood Secondary School - Work on Garden 42.00 Suzanne Clark - Supplies l7.76 Ken Spratley - Materials for Chairs 17.60 Robert Miller - Items bought at Auction162.72 Wm. E. Clark - Restoration work 147.00 Brenda Davies - Convention Lodging 44.68 $ 40.46 45.00 and others outstanding as presented. CARRIED 5. OTHER BUSINESS a) Letters of Appreciation ,,.... MOTION 210/76 Moved by D. McLean, seconded by Wm. Clark that the following letters of appreciation be sent on behalf of the Museum Board: i) A letter to Father Quesnelle on the occaSlon of his thirtieth anniversary of ordination with a medallion of the Pickering Township Centennial; ii) A letter to Reverend Fleetham in appreciation for his part in helplng to organize the ecumenical Thanksgl.vinSJ Day service at the Museum Church and also a medallion be sent; - 30 .. 8/76 5. OTHER BUSINESS (Continued) ii1) A letter of thanks to the News Advertiser for their coverage on the Museum, CARRIED b) Petty Cash Float MOTION 211/76 Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by Mrs. F. Conant that a petty cash float of $50.00 be issued to Mr. Wm. Clark. CARRIED c) Coming Events - Tour Guide Captain It was indicated that if there are any special events coming up then Miss Suzanne Clark the Tour Guide Captain should be notified of this. MOTION 212/76 Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by D. McLean that no charge be taken at the gate on Sunday, June 27th, 1976, on the occasion of the picnic for Mr. R. Miller. d) Fire Extinguishers It was recommended that a record of the location of the fire extinguishers should be kept in the Museum. e) Next Museum Meeting A report from the Area Co-ordinators will be expected. f) Monthly Progress Report - Consultant MOTION 2l3/76 Moved by W. Biernacki, seconded by Councillor Anderson that Mr. Owen be asked to submit monthly progress reports. CARRIED 6. NEXT MEETING The next ffieeeting of the Museum Board will be held on July 13th, 1976. 7 . ADJOURNMEN'l' Moved by Councillor Anderson. seconded by D. McLean that the meeting adjourn at 11:25 p.m. CARRIED .",.. Dated Chairman '_~'A~'__'·-__-"'____·_···