HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 28, 1976 - 48 - 14/76 TOWN OF PICKERING MUSEUM BOARD A meeting of the Pickering Museum Board was held on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th 1976 at 8:00 P.M. in the Greenwood Schoolhouse. PRESENT: W. Biernacki Wm. Clark B. Davies - Chairman D. McLean Councillor Spratley J.P. Myslik - Secretary G. Mowbray - ALSO PRESENT: 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by Wm. Clark that the minutes of the meeting of August 24th 1976 be adopted. CARRIED 2. CORRESPONDENCE a) Ontario Museum Association - Annual Conference Notification of Annual Conference at Ottawa, October 21st - 23rd 1976. b) Glen-Warren Production Limited Mr. Michael W. Hadley expressed appreciation for the use of blacksmith tools. c) Museums Can Tell Canada's Story Editorial in the Toronto Star, September 11th 1976. d) William G. Newman, Minister of Food and Agriculture In a letter to the Honourable Margaret Scrivener, Mr. Newman recommends the waiving of the rent for the Rogers' Barns. e) Ministry of Health Report indicating that the water at the Greenwood Schoolhouse is safe for drinking. f) Ontario Historical Society - Annual Meeting Notification of the Annual Meeting of the Museums Section of the Ontario Historical Society at Cornwall, Ontario, October 14th - 16th 1976. MOTION 243/76 Moved by Wm. Clark, seconded by Councillor Spratley that the items of correspondence contained in the Agenda of September 28th 1976 be received for information. CARRIED - 49 - 14/76 3. REPORTS a) Administrator The Administrator reported that the sawmill had been shingled and oiled. Repairs have been done to the Romley tractor. The bridge across the watercourse has been taken out and a culvert put in. The channel in the creek at the Greenwood site has been changed. Some of the old trees on the Greenwood site have been cut down. A roadway has been made into the Greenwood site. The Thornbeck workshop has been delivered to the site. The tower of the Thornbeck windmill is to come on Thursday. Mac Middleton with his steam engine was floated in and out of the Museum for History-in-Action. Wm. Clark approached Mac Middleton concerning the steam engine and he indicated that he would give the Museum the first chance to buy the engine if and when he intends to sell it. The Museumhas received a temporary loan of an operating stump puller. This will help in restoring the stump puller which is at the Museum. A stone axe and a letter press have been donated to the Museum. There as been an offer from Swiss Chalet to cut shingles on a fifty-fifty basis. Swiss Chalet park will supply the cedar blocks and for the service of cutting the shingles the Museum would receive 50% of the shingles producèd. This was considered acceptable by the Board. b) History-in-Action '76 Financial Report The Secretary submitted an interim financial report for History-in-Action '76 with the report of History- in-Action '75 for purposes of comparison. c) Catalo~g Summer '76 Miss Vicky Marchant submitted a report relative to the catalogWmg program at the Museum during the summer of 1976. It was susgested that a letter of thanks be sent to the catalo~ who worked at the Museum during the summer of 1976. MOTION 244/76 Moved by W. Biernacki, seconded by D. McLean that the report of the Administrator, History-in-Action '76 - Financial report and Cataloguing Summer '76, be received for information. CARRIED - 50 - 14/76 4. NEW BUSINESS History-in-Action '76 - Analysis and Evaluation a) The survey made by B. Davies during History-in-Action indicated that most visitors to History-in-Action were quite happy with the general operation of affairs. The survey pointed out that the radio is a good source of information. Comments made by the visitors were: do not become too large and too commercial; show more farm animals; have more things for children to do. The survey indicated that.people from as far away as St. Catherines, Windsor and Sarnia were present at History-in-Action. It was also indicated that the response of the media was very good. The local cable T.V. channels showed Histnry-in-Action on the local networks. Relative to the operation of the tearoom, it was suggested that a better location could be found than the one presently used, namely the hotel. It was suggested that a tent would be very suitable. It was indicated that a tent 40' by 60' may be obtainable from General Motors in Oshawa, free of charge for this occasion. It was suggested that a sum of money be set aside in the budget in order to develop a wardrobe of costumes available for demonstrators for both women and men. There was an offer to have a tuner come to have the piano tuned. It was also recommended that some means of protection should be obtained for the piano in order to minimize the effects of the extremes of temperature and humidity. A vote of thanks was offered to Mr. Wm. Clark for his part in preparing the grounds for History-in-Action, and for the part which Susan Clark and the entire Clark family played in preparing for History-in-Action '76. MOTION 245/76 Moved by D. McLean, seconded by W. Biernacki that Bus Wright and Ken Ramsey be recompensed for their help at the Museum. CARRIED b) Restoration Superintendent - Job Description After some discussion of this item it was proposed that more time be given to consider the matter. MOTION 246/76 Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by D. McLean that the item pertaining to the Job Description of the Restoration Superintendent be deferred to the next regular meeting. CARRIED - 51 - 14/76 4. NEW BUSINESS (Continued) c) Accounts for Approval MOTION 247/76 Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by D. McLean that the following accounts be approved: McKerlie Automotive Toronto Stamp Limited Chris Sheffield Assoc. 2 cs. oil ~ 4l.97 1,000 Aluminum Blariæ l20.74 Inc.l,OOO History-in- Action Poster D.L. Mairs & Sons Ontario Hydro Charles Mank Sundry supplies Electricity Trailer & Gas 234.89 Ill. 99 63. 3l 15.70 News Advertiser Pickering Senior Citizens Stouffville Tribune Pickering Bay News Pickering Senior Citizens (History-in-Action) History-in-Action Ads.95.40 '76 Opening - Balance 34.50 History-in-Action Ad. 40.80 History-in-Action Ad. 50.00 Opeping History-in 34.50 Action (deficit Bal.) Mileage Relocation Log Building l5.05 250.00 D. McLean L.N. McCulloch Wm. E. Clark D.L. Mairs & Sons Wm. E. Clark Honorarium Sundry Supplies Mc Middleton Steam Engine Rental Restoration Work Restoration Work Sundry Supplies $l,OOO.OO 34.47 272.00 Wm. E. Clark David Clark Wm. E. Clark 448.00 448.00 54.04 CARRIED 5. OTHER BUSINESS a) Budget After some discussion it was decided that there should be a special budget meeting to be held on October 19th 1976 at 8:00 p.m. b) Streambed - Greenwood Site It was indicated that a stone is needed in order to preserve the present course of the stream at the Greenwood site. c) McCulloch It was noted that Mr. McCulloch has donated many artifacts to the Museum. A garbage box is to be made available for the clean-up of the debris which remains after the removal of the Log Building which was transported to the Greenwood Site. - 52 - 14/76 5. OTHER BUSINESS (Continued) d) Model - Conceptual Plan It was indicated that the model is at present in the church. It was suggested that it be set-up in the Kiwanis Building prior to the church service on October 3rd 1976. e) Laird Boel - Cherrywood It was suggested that Mrs. B. Davies visit Laird Boel on beha¡f of the Museum Board. f) Seed Drill - Don Beach It was indicated that Mr. Don Beach has an old seed drill which may be available to the Museum. g) Wagon Tongue - Next Publication It was indicated that the next publication of the Wagon Tongue should take place after some definite news has been obtained relative to negotiations with the Federal Governmen t . h) Church Service - Refreshments It was suggested that coffæand cookies be served after the church service on October 3rd 1976. i) Furnace - Greenwood Schoolhouse It was :r:ecommended that a repairman be called to check the furnace at the Greenwood Schoolhouse. 6. NEXT MEETING A Budget meeting is be held on October 19th 1976 and the next regular meeting is be held on October 26th 1976 at 8:00 p.m. in the Greenwood Schoolhouse. 7. ADJOURNMENT Moved by D. McLean, seconded by Councillor Spratley that the meeting adjourn at the hour of 10:52 p.m. CARRIED Dated Chairman