HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 14, 1976 .... - 51 - 17/76 TOWN OF PICKERING MUSEUM BOARD A meeting of the Pickering Museum Board was held on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14th 1976 at 8:00 p.m. at the Municipal Building. PRESENT: W. Biernacki Wm. Clark - Chairman B. Davies D. McLean J.P. Myslik - Secretary 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by W. Biernacki, seconded by D. McLean that the minutes of the meetings of October 19th and 26th 1976 be adopted. CARRIED 2. DELEGATIONS Miss Anne Wanstall of the Greenwood Ratepayers Association had been invited to the Museum Board Meeting, however, she wrote a letter indicating she would not be able to attend on December 14th 1976. 3. REPORTS a) Administrator The Administrator's Report submitted by Wm. E. Clark, dated November 23rd 1976: The oak lumber at Vic Simms has been planed and transported to the Museum. No time was charged for security of new museum site on Halloween. Trees obstructing stream at the new site have been trimmed. Several half hour shows for cable T.V. have been taped. All dirt from ditching on the Greenwood road is now on the site. The ditches on the boundary are well cleaned and should provide much needed drainage for the front part of the site. The engines have been drained and the furnace at the schoolhouse in Brougham has been checked several times. A further clean up and burning of trash is suggested once some snow is on the ground on the west and east side of the stream at Greenwood. Rip-rap on the creek bed could be done when the ground freezes sufficiently at a cost of $112.00 per hour, this includes three trucks and two loaders. Aubrey Carson was again approached regarding clutch for 10 - 20 tractor and he has agreed to sell it for $35.00. ¡...... - 52 - l7/76 3. REPORTS (Continued) a) Administrator (Continued) Church pew from the English church on the 7th consession near Brooklin and a very good oak roller (400 lbs) from Jack Bradshaw, have been acquired. The roller could be easily used at History-in-Action. There should be sufficient cedar blocks from the trees in the creek bed to make shingles for ~he shop of the Thornbeck Windmill. b) O.M.A. Seminar Seminår: Introduction to Interpreting the Historic House attended by Mrs. B. Davies. c) Budget 1976 Budget Control to October l3st 1976. d) Museum Church Service A report from the Secretary dated December lOth 1976, relative to B.. ¡Meeting with the Rev. A. Robertson of the Ajax-Pickering Ministerial Association. MOTION 253/76 Moved by D. McLean, seconded by W. Biernacki that the reports of the Administrator, Mrs. B. Davies, the 1976 Budget Control to October 31st 1976 and the Secretary, be received for information. CARRIED 4. NEW BUSINESS a) Budget' 77 Review of the 1977 Budget proposal and recommendation to Council. MOTION 254/76 Moved by B. Davies, seconded by W. Biernacki that the 1977 Budget as proposed at the Museum Board Meeting of October 19th 1976, and amended on December 14th 1976, be recommended to Council for approval. CARRIED b) Old Addressograph Mr. Frank Seymour of 1371 Fordon Avenue, 839-2569, has an old addressograph which he would be willing to sell to the Museum. No indication of date or location of manufacture was supplied; nor was there an asking price indicated. The Board indicated that it is not interested in the addressograph at this time. - 53 - 17/76 4. NEW BUSINESS (Continued) c) Superintendent or Curator Further discussion concerning the hiring of a superintendent or curator. The Members indicated that a curator is not a janitorial type of person, but that a curator is the person who organizes museum activities especially during the winter months, such as the organization of school visits, the rearranging of disp¡ays within the Museum, and organizing displays in other locations such as Libraries, etc. d) 1977 Museum Board There was some discussion of the recommendation to be made to the new COuncil relative to the make up of the Museum Board in'1977. MOTION. 255/76 Moved by B. Davies, seconded by W. Biernacki that it be recommended to Council that in their consideration for members of the Museum Board for 1977 persons with administrative qualifications, experience in publicity, interest in community history and the heritage of the area be selected. CARRIED e) Pickering's Bay News In a letter dated November 3rd 1976, Mr. Robert Mooy of the Pickering's Bay News requested the co-operation of the Museum in loaning artifacts for display at Sheridan Mall during the week of January 24th - 29th 1977. The Board indicated their willingness to co-operate in this venture. A tentative meeting date with Mr. Mooy at the Museum was set for December 18th 1976 at 10.00 a.m. Mr. Mooy was to be notified of this meeting. f) McCulloch - Relocation Equipment The Board indicated that Mr. McCulloch should remove the relocation equipment from the Greenwood site as soon as possible. The Board further indicated its interest in obtaining the veranda from the Gillham property. MOTION 256/76 Moved by D. McLean, seconded by W. Biernacki that Mr. L. McCulloch be requested to detach the porch, roof, floor and accessories of the veranda of the Gillham house and to move these to Greenwood for the sum of $175.00. CARRIED - 54 - 17/76 4. NEW BUSINESS (Continued) g) Accounts for Approval MOTION 257/76 Moved by D. McLean, seconded by W. Bernacki that the following accounts be approved for November 1976: T. Puckrin & Son Waste Disposal 30 Yd. Unit $ 51.30 Core Rentals Cylinder of Propane 14.59 Parts for Restoration 80.25 WIn. E. Clark Core Rentals Space Ray Heater 10.70 WIn. E. Clark Labour for Restoration 60.00 WIn. E. Clark F. wright - Labour 80.00 D. Clark Wm.~. Clark K. Ramsay - Labour 100.00 Labour for Restoration 60.00 WIn. E. Clark Tractor parts 198.77 L. McCulloch Relocation - veranda 175.00 D. McLean Display Cabinet 40.00 Mileage 57.04 Mileage 11.25 D. Fyke B. Davies CARRIED 5. OTHER BUSINESS a) Meeting - November 23rd 1976 Due to the lack of a quorum there was no meeting of the Museum Board held on November 23rd 1976. b) Relocation of Museum - Cafik A letter from Mr. N. Cafik to Mr. Frank Currie dated November 30th 1976, was received as information by the Board. In the letter Mr. Cafik discussed further developments relative to the relocation of Pickering Museum to the Greenwood site. 6. ADJOURNMENT Moved by D. McLean, seconded by B. Davies that the meeting adjourn at the hour of 10:15 p.m. CARRIED Dated Chairman