HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 27, 1976 1\GET\iDA PICKEfUNG r-m~]Emf¡ BOALD JANUARY 27th 1976 - 8:00 I'JI. l'ICKEHING fv1UNICIPl'd, In)] LI!] nc. IV) " ¡-'? í t V !1. i MYJ. CLÞ.RK - CHAl RMAN ADOPTION OF MINUTES Meeting of Decenlf:)er 16th 1975. (~ 2. ELECTION Election of Chairwan of the Board '\;~) " 'f ¡J f \: :~~:_~_''') "\ If 3. CORRESPONDENCE \", ,:, (" . L ,~.1,.- -fk...v'4-.~'~'\ - "" ;J;1 a) Canadian Museums Association - ~1embership. b) Canadian Museums Association - Registered Retirement Savings Service - for information. c) Ontario Historical Society - Bembership: $11.00 d) Letter - Mrs. I. Annis. e) Black Creek Pioneer Village - Newpaper reports concerning its financial problems. f) ì:Joti<;:e: ~las n>c('~vC(l fron,1 rlr: P'¡JI'/ ('(¡(¡Jé 11,1,lf 11(: 'J'/""'l~~~ J.5 wJ,lllnc! to SJt. on a COJT1m]tt('(~ of the Plckc~rlncJ .L.f.?1"[;1i.. .~~. ì~luseurn Hoare}. For ]nfonlliltíoJJ o! 111('Hoilnl. r , g) Z~'~:e~C~~;J~I'~l;~;O~'~: f~:'~'~~~~r:;I~;~-~}ng\< :~:~~¿~~~ A~;1 ~h__-;~ surplus stove. 4. REPORTS - Administrator. 5. NEW BUSINESS a) Expropriation- Submission of a recommendation to Council. b) Properties to be demolished in the Airport Site. c) Green River Basket Factory ~ Recommenda tion of the Technical Ac1v isory Corrm1i ttee. d) Pickering Archaeological Sites Recommendation of the Technical l~dvisory Comilli ttee. e) Pine Stump.::: Recommendation of the Technical Advisory Committee. f) Opening and closing dates for 1976. ''Ttt 'Y'· / .... ¡'J" ¡'It --. <-~ i ;,./ (I,.. - í 1....., I.' ! j '. I- I I - g) Pre 1 j Hi inil ry JJTe: pa.LI L.i on~; L (JJ the 1 () '/ ( Uf J':! Li IJrJ of thE'. ~1useuf'1. . ..t/L4G--v /:t.~",.. »,·t/k...: ' -~-'à h) Roc1cmt ()lld imimal problcm .Lll r']LU,;l~UlII Duj Idi11l S. i) Accounts for approval ):. ';cÍt.>)¡ '1},:.,.~417 ø'~~r1<··- " \J'" t. ,d4v: ('r.__ ,"::37<'7'-::) L,.,~ " 6. FURTHER BUSINESS . , / t?v:-': 7. NEXT MEE'l'ING U ~\,- . I ~.."..(.........._,.- j /lA.r\,,¿v{,,¡ ci{ Ie ;1.1.--ie-.... I February 24th 1976 at 8:00 p.m. 8. ADJOURNMENT ,,\ OF IJ/~~ .~,'.~ (. '-' ,,0 'ì~ 1 '~1:~ \In J! ~"I{çgf:M:;":;'/ ~~~E 1-. '.".", ;,;: ,.-' ;./ &\ '.",.. '..,,-. 'I loll ',¡' ~t;i( ,__ 'I" 1 ,¡{~) ,,'.' ";. , "" C~"f ''\ ft'¡, '; ,}\....., . ,,,\ ;,,>' ,'ito'\,· .I'.~, ~",:,;', ._}\;: r >~. "" '-'-"'~"-'--'-~"~ I,.~.,.. ,"'( , ;I'~'.'- .......... ~ '--. -."'.' ,~.'" I.J '-).'- ~'L:." Iv-- ~ ',,'~ .'.;, , yt' (~\."'.:.";¡"" ','\ l" 'r.· '""'.' ...;;.~ ...,-·V t. ,J' I' I ( , I' 1 ; 1< III : fill: ' I,! If 'I I ',I! i, I 'I ! ~.--.._'----.-.- _. - ,--_.~.,- --..- ~' "r. ,~r!'a ~ [~r-.. \ R ~';'\ I' ,\'I "r '., ~ -A),' ~,); ü '';'' Moved ~ ~)r "~~¡'u:'J;1I!'ttr.1t!':TW';':t"'t.mr.,o~r:Ø'I~'I:.~., ~~It')Jt....."'" _Seconded 1'!'!;·lf ,ï;o'¡r.r~or,-::Y;·''''''~~:..J:a«t'";:;.1'1:\:cw..~''''PnI~~~ b~1 ~) nn"o L~~" \~\" ~ " ~1"'!If1t~A~ t·- to',J 'J.l 0 ,~ ; ~JJ O::~~"',,~·~...r~tn't'::Q7:::r~;,r.~.:.:'!n~~.:.mII1~rr.::::m.~"';1¡;Z;"·,,'s.1I' That the Pickering Museum Board submi,t a membership fee in the Canadian Museum Association. Certifiod truo CQPr Carriud - day 0 f .~. _1 f}7_ .""·'~'~:~-,.fr,I1r.V'JI"'''!'r:'ur.1':Ur~'·,':¡o¡:~t',"",~':'"r-I' 'f1II''IIII''J'I'tI'r.~..........~~~~ CHT41f-ip.'iAN canadian museums association ~ ---'--~ I !ì) U~\ L~ f;I' j'-! lc ;, Lï r', '~~'7'i' '! ,J ¡ ~ ,~I I,., ., :. j~) C. ~:: S\ ,~ -.If ... '4' . L~.~JVj LJ._ (.f---'-·"-'<rT"<~ ...,-_.._._-_.-..~._--- '''/1''.... ' I " ,'!¡;¡.{~ . 0-1\1 ':J;,¡~,.;, (..~..:I.. '';\;:,_ \ "... ------,._~_. association des musécs canadicns NOTICE TO ALL Þlli~lliERS From: R. R. Inglis, Executive Director. Re: Membership Categories and Fees for 1976-77 At a meeting December 16th, 1975, the executive committee of the A..ssociation determined that the following should be the membership categories and fees for the fiscal year 1976-77. Some of the categories proposed require a by-law change (italicized), and therefore, no members can be accepted within them prior to their presentation and approval at the Annual Meeting next May, at ,,¡hich time they will be fully explained. The key change concerns institution member fees which have been made more equitable. Also, individual members who work in a museum that is an institution member will receive a discount for 1976-77 - $12.50 instead of $15.00 as their fee. Invoices for fees due April 1st, 1976, will be mailed in Nardi. Voting Members 1. Institutions: $15.00-$400.00 Budge~ ,$ $ $ $ $ 80,001 $100,001 $150,001 $200,001 $250,001 $300,001 under 25,001 40,001 60,001 25,000 fIO,OOO 60,000 80,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,OQO 300,000 400,000 400,001 over Non-voting Supporting Members 1. Student 2. Affiliate 3. Sustaining Donor 4. Patron 5. Benefactor 6. Contributor' 2. lIdividll;¡I:¡ FcC's ;1) ^IIIII¡:¡I ';;I'¡.rH) /,} l'I"'J"r'::::/'IJln.l..· ;':::.'..(1(1 ~; I'i. 00 $ 25.00 $ 40.00 $ 60.00 $ 80.00 $100.00 $150.00 $200.00 $250.00 $300.00 $f~OO. 00 3. Associations 0.1% of Membership Fees (Minimum - $25.00) (Maximum - $50.00) $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ lOO.OO-500.00 $ 500.00 $1,000.00 $5~OOO.OO (français au verso) box 1328, station b, ottawa, ontario kl p 5r4 telephone (613) 233-5653 ~~"_~U f- \ I- I ---------.-.-..--------.------- I- f u._.__....._.._.. _,_'__ .__....__ '__"__._.___.._'__. - ------ -.~~----.---..---..-.-<'-.--.-- _._- ~-_._._..__.~--*'--~--- canadian museums association I ¡ I / ~:~-ritD~'ì~ ~\ \ \ I f I I 0) ./, ' ' ., / I ~', . . / . ", "~\'\ \ I t"r.. ;);,1 ¡ . . " .\,. ',;. . ··'.....,<ì '" "t".. '._ \ -.... '\/Ê '"'<:J. I t~~ ¡ \ \ ~ --.;,.-- ...1.;.. (:, ~ association des musées canadiens Dear Member, Re: Group Registered Retirement Savings Plan For some time now, the Association has been investigating the benefit of a group Registered Retirement Savings Plan for its members. I am happy to tell you that, following discussions with the Hanufacturers Life Insurance Company, the C.M.A. can now make it possible for you to participate in a group plan that offers certain advantages unavailable on an individual basis; for example, savings realized in the administration and record keeping of the plan are reflected in lower expense charges to participants and, becallse total deposits of the group are larger than those made by anyone individu;;Ü, the interest rate is higher. (At the time of writing it is 9.875%, compounded mon thly) . The Association realizes that many of you are presently participating in an employer pension scheme. If, however, you wish to supplement your plan with further tax deductible savings, I lwpe that you will find the C.M.A. group plan attractive. .- Under Section 146 of the Income Tax Act the lesser of 20% of earned income or $2,500 minus your contributions to your own pension plan is allowed as a deduction. For those of you \."ho do not have the option of an employer pension plan, I hope that what the C.M.A. 's has to offer might be of real benefit. The IncoIne ']'¡IX At'1 i~; llI(Jrt~ ] iIH'rn] for Ibm;(' nol prirl iI' ¡¡¡¡It inl~ in an employer plan; thv lt~sser or 20% o! earJlvd ¡¡¡C(JIII/' or' ;I;!I,(¡()() i~; ¡lllow/·d iI~; a deduction. As ~ost of you are aware, deposits can be made in an ILI:.S.I'. \llIti] the l'nd of February, 1976. In order to make the setting up of its plan worthwhile, the C.M.A. needs a minimum enrollment of five members. I need to know how many of you are interested, therefore, no later than February 15th, 1976. Attached is some information about the plan; please read it, and if you wish to participate let me know by phone or letter as soon as possible, and indicate the approximate amount of your deposit to take advantage of a tax deduction for the year 1975. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours very sincerely, ¡/~,¡ I--.. >, ') "'n,._,- L_]L R. R. Inglis, Executive Director. ,I Attach. box 1328, station b, ottawa, ontdrio k 1 p 514 telepllone (613) 233·5653 1- '___'·,_·___._n._.__ '._ ___..__...._._... ___ ._--..-..-~.~.- ~._..._..~._ ..... _··"·H__~.~__._ ~ 1- ,~ i f- Q(JI':STlON~; MD AN~)WI"i:; In:C:AIWINC '1'111'; C.H./I.'S GJ{QUI' lŒCISl'EIŒD i':I~THU:HENT SAVl NCS 1'l.AN ------"" -----..---.-- 1. VERY BRIEFLY, WHAT IS A REGISTERED RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAt\? It is the government's way of helping Canadians prepare for their retirement. During working years, you can put a portion of your annual income into a R.R.S.P. The money that you put into this plan is tax-deductible from your income. 2. WHAT DO I CONTRIBUTE? Your contributions may range from a llnnlmum of $25 monthly to the maximum permitted by the Income Tax Act (see letter). Personal cheques in excess of $100 are acceptable on less than a monthly basis. 3. AM I UNDER ANY OBLIGATION TO MAKE FUTURE DEPOSITS? No. You may "stop and go" as you please. 4. ARE THERE ANY INITIAL CHM~GES ON NY DEPOS ITS? Yes: (a) Expense Charge For the first $15,000 of total contributions of all members...... 6% For the next $15,000 of total contribution of all members.. ...... 5% For the next $30,000 of total contribution 01 all members. ....... 32% For the balance of c1eposi ts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. l~% This llH'nnS l.Ì1nl tllf' 1'11:11;',1' clill1jni~;III':; iU; 1]1(' ,u ':¡1 ¡ (' )()';il or tl,,' pnrl'j¡'ipilnts \iets lilrgl~r. Once;1 tut;11 or $(¡O,(J()() i:; rr'ill' (·d tl", "/1;11;',1' i'; ollly I:~!. "III'; administrntion; a significant: benerit: of working on il {',rOllp baf;i~;. (b) Administration Charge For deposits paid monthly $1.50 per participant For deposits paid annually - $12.00 per participant 5. ARE THERE At\Y ON GOING "ANNUAL HANAGEMENT FEES"? (e.g. 3/4 of 1% on total deposit) No. The expense charge is taken once only off new money as it is deposited; there is no continuing assessment lX1 tile total deposit as with many individual plans. 6. IS THERE A CHARGE TO PURCHASE HY PENSION AT RETIRENENT? (e.g. 3% of total deposit) No. 7, WHERE DOES NY HONEY GO? It goes to a deposit account ~~ich guarantees return of capital plus an on-going current new money rate (on D(~c. 19 th, 1976 this was 9.875% compounded monthly). 8. HOH IS NY "PENSION" ARRIVED AT í\THEN I WANT TO RETIRE? The amount: accumulated in your account is used to purchase a pension at the then exist:in~ rates. The pension will be taxable as received. 9. í..JHAT HAPPENS IF I DIE BEFORE RETIREHENT? The, v~llue of your account \vilI go to your "named beneficiary". 10. WHAT HAPPENS IF I HANT TO QUIT THE PLAN BEFORE RETIREMENT? You have ("10 chI) i 1'(':;: 1 . Yo 11 C a 11 1 I' ( it;)(' C 111111 II ;J t /' t í 11 r I' t i r (' fill' n t . L. You Ciln ensh it in (U'rlIIil¡atio/J <'II;lr}',I' I~?). II vii II 1)(' lOI;íIly taxable if you cash it in. --.---.-.------ 1-- f- 1- , i ¡ J- I _\ Q' ¡:: /:1. -,~ '.<"..., .~\ ' · ('., A.0 "'t:\ ~~ \~,.,~ , .~ 4":~Ù"f¡';\··.. ',". .,," '.' ;.~ ..., ~" ",. ""'Hi' ,', I)· - :t. \'t ':~, "",."~",, ',.,',.,...".:. 1'1'" !' l"'é ~1!,';'j¡),:.. ";'. "/ ", " ',' ''I'i'" ,', f . .... ,0,...., ',",',."" ", f) \,-).J."".~),¡,.'~....~,.'-J,. l ,~ t,,¡~~,.,1 ,'. o-<f ' 'i'¡?,'\ f: /~ ' ~~~, ,\~/'!::':~"('y!!: ~'-- "--" ",..,}.j . ''- ""''''I ~:,':.,~!".'.......~_, ~,-" ,,'it';;' V ~"I ~..f"',., ['"., J;j. "'·!:"¡,1j'i",,";r¡,~ .' ';;:'~"i" --,'-';-' ". :.,' . d <:;;,;::'1 t::;......,,.I (. ,,,) ( " l'ICFJ:I"T¡Jf~ I!lI}:;r:1Jf~ I',II(,I' ) _.- --.----.--- ._..~..~---~. ~l~()' r r. «) f\~ t ~J g '~¡:}/ U ~ ~;,' ~ "UI Movod ,t1\ ·\,r í.o,:~' V .~ ftr.'IIi:...,..")J""tt,;o::rR':::'V{t.~l~r:',t:~~n~~II!Þ_ Seconded ~.." ~.\'l? 'pI 1"\'_1".'<>rn.Y:1.~.:;11t.~~..;,:;r.-¡:;wJ:;,¡"';rOl'1:;:!:~~w--.- nD~C ~e~~od O:t"lf'I' lll"'~" ,"';J f':o;..tI'IJN·ÞI:'·',\'I'tJ,,;1d.i.o~"""''A;.~i.' ..:~ - ,:,I,¡¡~M¡ \~J;Á._',.I.I" ....,. 'That the Pickering Museum Boarà submit a membership fee to the Ontario Historical Society. -:ertifiod true cop}' C' " , Ð ~rriO('. d a "i 0 f -.--_____"1 9 i' __ .,."......'t ''''iiJ1'¡1':.'''',t::!",·,¡f'C'"'¡''·'::~:1&,h,~'f'~''''' "'~i'l1'!JW'.-.r.'!II,' '1t;':"'li::W,¡,cI!~JJ; ,9Uf"~~~.......~ C H A R f.1l\ N 1 i - ;-.\¡}.....;."'.......- \,:.' " - ..... w ~ _ ... , - . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . ~ . . . . . . . ~ .." ............."........,..................... f - THE Otn J\R 1 0 HI s-'-or~ I cr.! SOC I ETY 1116G ß<1I.hul".t Strect T()!()!¡[o, OIIl,li iI>, r'il)I~~J'~ IJ() .. ( " t ~ l Jan. L, 1.976 to Dec. )1, 197() Life Pt~rsol1a L Familv ~~tud('nL $100.00 $B.OO / $10.00 $'5.00 ~ To Hembership: Orn¡\R I 0 H I STORY ¡ nc! ud"d l'!llscum~; S,-,(' L .Lon (additiun:ll) ~3. 00 . t, r - j.~.~!< '; "l_t " I.~" i'.'{1J. 1J,l11 l·:cl,~.. r.'t: ]V!I'. Nu~'l f' .:-:Hu ,1.'011 ~.h';~:'&..P¡·! f. ¡Y'\Y'7)L.¡/<, L? :i (ì i 1 ¿¡; ,¡ i n I(.J. 1) :L ~ 1:,: t' j, n 1..;11"/ 1 (' 'J ..l.') t - I~INDLY RETum~n s INVOICE WITH REMITT,ANCL: ,-.." . - --- - -- -------- -_.--_._._._- , 1" - t ' ' ,- I ,- , , ;. J' F í , ¡ ,,- - - - ----- _.' __.-__.__.w___~_ --.- ---- ~--- 1 - 1- 1 , t , 1- ! r f_ \,\,\ OF' I,.". .~JI ¡("If ,,0 " "G\ <£'.~'I 0;. ~'\1" "';'.'1,~,:"~r·::f';":,' .' '0 ,",-,,t ;"~,~,;~",, -" "', ,'. ,J ~ .,t· ¡ '. '," ,. ,_' 1 '. '," 7 ¥. ¡.ll 1"""'''''''\>·1..,1'"., "r ... " ')", 'I, ,- :...~. .' .. ¡., ,j:'. .. J, 1~'\r'i,J,¡· .tU~.¡,iUl'.''''{ "',,,i ",",,," .. 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(V'J.~l"tI mr' \~ ~,j¡¡t:7 ~ E~)[,~ Moved bJ1 t,!I~7I!"""{,¢'~T."I":l1.r.u:!\:t.;¡¡~~¡.'7t;!œ'1,,~tÆii'gq.:'T..:i."af1':.U¡~::W:tC':J~ -Seconded t,-J) M "".,,. )r ,v' "''f!1~.........r...~,:¡'~\::t-;'Jm~..1!'-'Jn;:''~1A~tIQ1 i~'t\,~It-~ r'Þf': ~, (} L-..,·..~ !j, , ,.' n~ 1")1 " f-t. &0. ¡(Id to ;..,~~, (~.. t;-u~ ~~ <:;;¡~~Nt;r";-;>':!:"'~r,:r¡;~Jf r:;~.I'1:'1:I::;::::'I'· ~.ô]'i!"),:;r~'!:ì';'","":"ì't:'::'.2.~.~)".r.r.';".:r.<X!;:;;" That the letter from Mrs. Isobel Annis Dated January 3, 1976 be received and filed. C e r t i f i 'Q d t r u Ó COp Y C.arriod d:~H f 1 (g."" ..... JJ 0 --'---_._____ '1_ .,.·.;,..,....."'1\,,.,'""':I'-··~I.nr:~A.,"'1W,:O·.:.'·z:'·..;.',f.·,;.···I--:'W;';:'r1·"II''''':'':-lI''lIItI"J'?''T.r,''-lI\:tI,'f~,~~'''.''!oif''UL':.1l.'~._.,JI ¡,''''_~ CHÞ.IRMAN , ! 1 , I ,.;.{, I ',) ;( 'v i,..1,. <- / / , ( ~ (. L (...' '-)7 7 ' >,' , l /1 -1/ (/I) 7 . . (.. f., ..¡.... '- (.. /'. f.. 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(J,,/l/.:?Y,t"-II 1." , ...... ,,/..... . , c'r' t 1.... . t..~( : l¡..~': ':/":;'~~..-'{:' ..~~ - (. :("1,,> 1-/ ,-- (. .... ,.- ~ t / ~ ( 1 l ,> -,' /,/ (L "¿,-'~ ;.¿:¿? l. ~'7(.j <:. . ./ I -' ! I L , ' 2/, - (.. 7,_ L I I ~ 1) ( I I ( '-1/ / ,I 1.../-(: " ( " ,j ", ~, I .- , ,"1-)' / __...{ / '.../ ../ /.r /.... '-"'(1 /".{/ -.,,/ (' :""" '"./ ,,'" / {' ~- <- "L " ( j "~~..,-,..-,,,,,--,..,,......~...._..,,..._..__._- - OF ..\~ Þk, O'iJ \"./ tI··.. " 1(1\ LJ, "p 5! 1:."; ¡-. !,~~_~~:r~_~]~~~ ,I i~¡ . i ',( 1/, I 'I) M(J'r~O"J Moved ~)1 fM:QI1ftIM'l~~'IJPbt~--.-.~~ _Seconded by ~7.II'I,Qt14-.-..,..,.~~'a:mC~ "'---~1ôØN!'~~---.- [JG) '~ @ P a ß t} 0 d WHEREAS Black Creek Pioneer Village has preserved and reconstructed the buildings and way of life of a section of the history and heritage of the Province of Ontario; and WHEREAS Black Creek Pioneer VillÐge is visited and supported to a great extent by visito:Cf3 who cornc - from beyond the confines of the jurisdiction of M.T.R.C.A; and WHEREAS Black Creek Pioneer Village has had difficulty in covering its operating costs from admissions; BE IT HEREBY noted that the Pickering Museum Board hereby records its support of this worthwhile venture and respectfully requests the Ministry of Culture - and Recreation to assist Black Creek Pioneer Village in meeting its financial obligations so that it may remain open for the benefit of the public. Certified truo copy Carriod day of 1 97 ' -- ..øv;¡:N'~tnU'IU!mI?,f :l'T1ffiUMUIIII"iJrtI';'~~~m:I~\!ß~___ ........ C ',,1 A J H MAN ~1~ð:t1#~n:0~.:~ni~;;"'~~.'\{h'i~ir~~f~' l(ß 'í;~ ',. . .:~;:.~~~:(f~":,~~j~ÿ..,~~~_;".~1 ~'~~R~~\!~~9-:f~'~ ~ ~~"~~!~':~\._J.?, ~"" ~.,.r..w_.....,-............,~.oiôt_~""'~""''''''''''_'''''~'~''~~ ''''''''''')'''i;oo~,,,,,,toi..lí. ..111. t""., ~- ~~~::~~~~='"'·'''''''V~'''"':'''''~.~'''''''~~'''~'''''~_~~_''~""""",D~,,",,,,'\?~ BELAND II. HONDERICH, Presidellt and Publisher Dlabli.!hcd 1892 - JWIl'h £, AtkiIlSOI/, j·lIbJi,ÍI,.,: IS'lY.NIS Published III Ol/e Yongc' 81,. lìm'I/(,1 M5/;, 11:6, b)' lÓrol//o Slar 1.111, 71tt' Torr)1/IO SIal' I'aid <'irm/rll/flll JOT J\'o\'(:l1Ihcr ¡WIS: MOl/dol'- Frida)'. 4'IS, 'U5, S,¡lurdoy 7/i1,,1?4 MOl/ber of Ihe ,-lwltt Hureau of ÜrcUllllÙJlLl' !\L\RTIN GOOD\L\N. fdil"r·il/'( ni..! EDWIN BOE\\'¡'¡ E, Mal/agil/g Fdilor '- l>AGE BUR i'\ ElT \1. 'III ALL, Vice-Presidt'llÌ, lJirector LlOi'\ EL C. [1¡OI IR, Vice·Presiden/. Direc/or JI\RRY :\, I IINDMARSII, Dir""/or WII UAr>.t I, (';\\IPBFI.J., fiir/'l/or ¡WI If A/ K /',";O>J I II ND,\1/\/I~;¡ f, J ¡i,ct/or WJLUAM A. )IMMA, Dilec/or \\ALlT { I.. (ìOIWON, ¡¡i",,'/or ,\LFX J ~f.HINI O~;/I, nit,·, lor B2 ._~.~w.I\MIIOf"'~""'\VIJ_~~~ SAILJHDAY, DECE:\1BEIt 20, JU7.3 Needy pay fa/' ()Uawa bluudcJ's Cut 'waste, not public spending TilC rea! p:'i!1Jìcm witl¡ government spcnding is Dot the total, hut t110 wasle. Federa! programs sup- port demand in the ecollomy to prevcnt slumps, redistribute wcallh to produce a more just socie(y, and financo vilal health and socia] sccurily pro- grams. T1J(J~;c who ;11'(: raUi)]!; for m;lssive cuts in puh1ic spcndin,c; ;Ire sef'l:iiJg, in dr,,'!' I , ;( : 1;:/I.',!(:I' PI' \\c:dtl¡ JruQ1 the puor who enjoy tliu benc/lls of social pru- grams to the riel¡ who Jlay for them. Under Ow guise of fighting in[l;¡(jol1 they want to turn back the clock 011 the long struggle to huild a more eivi ì¡zcd soeiety. It is not sjJending tll;d c;w:,('; inl!;di"n, biil budg- et deficits that Dro cuvered by printing ¡ie\',' ¡noney. A growing ecoIlomy awl a l¡rogressive (;¡;': ~ystem can and should slljJport rising public spcIl(Ung-and C\'cn deficits ~u'e jusUfj(:I! \IIH~n there is need to 'Stimulato the prival 0 scdor, This is not to suggest that governlllellt ::;pcncJjlJ!; can solve c\'cry social probJrm. H e;¡n'L, aJld Sf/Jlte- !.imes it m;IY even cause probleIllS, \)m:mploYllH'nt insurance that is )Joorly administered, for examplc, encourages the unemploymcnt which it is supposed to a11ovi,..te. It is this sort o[ counter-productivc speuwng, coupled with eX<Hnplcs of slack ac!minjstrallon and gross extravagance, which gives governmenl spend- ing a bad name. Government dl'parl )Jenls :1nd ag(,lJ('i('~: nre lIot SI J¡j,,~('t (I) UIC ~,;¡1I (\ II ";,',II/'{"; II) III' jlll/d"llt ;1111/ I:/fi. dent ,IS business c(¡rpur;¡tioJl:; which ¡lave to COIlI- petl' in tIw mark!'!. ;111d sl¡ow a profit on ofll'raliol1s, Th;ll i:; all 1}¡c liIore I ";,',(111 IIi":; ;,I"'iild i;;,\(~ lil,:11I inlemal ,¡eC\HlIJl lug procedures and be ::ilIiJject Lo rigorous review by P;¡rliament. Instead, the Auditor-General reports that [jnan. cii¡] miJl1aecnwnt is wr;lk ;md I'Ol1trnl hy P;lr!i;¡mcnt ine[[ecti\'c, EnryLlid.: \',1:<, dc;¡is v.itil ,¡;o,,:rnment has his own fa\'orite example of siUy bungling or offensive o¡mlcncc, This is wl1(}ro to fOCllS the criticism of g(lVf~rn- ment :;pcudiu¡: --OIl \V;I',1e :fIld ilìeflieil'IICY, , ,I (~ ~;I)III_ tion is lIuL an axe ])(' II:adilJ!,: the good willi Ute /);Id, bllt a realistic "y:;lcm of politic;¡] prioritie:i, beller man;}í~emeut, rj¡;(Jrolls /'('vi,('\'¡ alld COSI'I'llllill/:. Evcl',Y1!()dy js ;¡::;dw,L w;u;le, IHlt re; (.:llOnaries should !lot be all()wcd to esaggerate the criticism into a gencral at[;¡ck un spending pl'ogr;dns w;úel1 have on the w]¡o]c brou,;hl im l11l'llSC benefits to C¡:¡nadia:.s. Pioneer ViHage needs new support -4. ''\, r\letro's JJlack Creek Pioneer ViIl<lgo at Jane 51. and Stooles Ave. is threatened wiLh cutbacks or out. right cloSlll'c for lack of fuuds. 'rhal SlIell ;1 \rorLh. whjJe and popular attraction ¡¡;IS to face Lhi'; ¡¡rnspeeL is a measure of (he dHcI!l1l1a faced by !llblie institu- tions and scrvices in till/cs (If r;lJl1p:IIIL jnf!;¡fiull, The village. an authentic living c\;\Jilple of tile way early Ontario rcs!¡knls Jivcd ;lI1d \\orkcrJ, (radi- tionaIIy eovcrecl its oper;11 in;: co;;1 s ;¡ IIW.',t t ol;¡ 1.1' from entrance fees and tile profit:; on s;¡lcs from its mill, printing shop, gun shop and gener,d sLore. ]nfJatiun and higher wage r;¡fei J);I','(' lef! tlie \il- lagc $90,000 in Lhe red this year am] r;lise tlie ]II'OS- poet of future deficits. Entrance- fees have alrc;¡dy IJl'Cn boo,', ,';] to a dangerous peak: Adult: fces v:il! ,,"0 In $:!,2iï 1](';,;t year, Even with altend,JIlce pu:;hiJ1~ :JO:J,OUO anlluaIly, .--...-"---... .. it isn't eno\¡gh. Yet higher priees could Wt~ll cut at- tendance and result in even greater IO~iScs. More- over, as entrance fees ri.'ie, poorer families arc shut out from using such [aciJities. Qilcen's 1><11']( j~; righl!y taking ;1 ]¡ard louk aL ~,pendjIJ;~ (iJi:; .1'1';11' "lid a II¡I I¡f I.lil1llllili¡: i;; 11'(jllin'd. SU1J, I'jt)I t'i~I' Vill;q:e 11;1:; liJ'lJY('11 il.... v;dli(' IIVi'r till: yeurs by vjrtue of jts CIII1:,isl!:¡¡tly 111.;.;11 patrollage and meril:: help from tlJi' PI'" :illcr. Bec;!IIse ]"r,::c JiII/JiIJers of schou I dliJdn'll lIse tl1e vil!;(!;c ,IS a !carning rc....Ollrce, perhaps S(JJile sup. port cOllld collie from í lie ministry or education or the locall,chuo] board~ wiJich scnd pllpils [or tOllrs, Queen's llark mi,,~; t also consider directing somc of the funds from \\,jntario toward Pioneer ViIlilge, Tnis nlil!i¡L weH be ur more v:¡]uc (han :;;m1C of the onc-shot evcnts ,llld ;;pcclacul;¡rs U¡e Wintari() dollars have been 'puured intu :iO [.11', - T.:"'r 'M,,\..\~'.~~~~J ¡,,¡" J,,""~'rTl~Q '11" 'rl~~I~:-'"'~"""~--"""""""""" JH·r........·'I'f-,..l7í..,.,~'1""..."I'··""'T1"'...,·~ ,..".~'.....'1...,.f,....·,.~~~If'I,'1 f",..~..17l"'lr'I II.:.....,.'...,..,.,.,H..,,'I'I(~ 'I¡{";'''{''~':': };;'t"; :,':""J"":" ,,' '\10 ','J ·f' 'r":':'9'; ñÞì Í;:¡, .t"\' ,.¡ :':1)(;'~~':jf-:""'í ~"\¡'(.'!'\':;.'~"" V...t < \ ~~~'t':' .,~,,~ ,:~' 'J~ ·,"":....\",1 t" :~,\·r~1 1~~' t ~~ '/'!.: 'r:t ~j0J'~~~~ .~,,,,\:,: 1> \ ~~~ ~~I< !<,~ \~f\ '~rf!~ ·,,,Yt::'I~>~ ". '_ ,:,;',.,;;', ';'., ' :,",,¡" ,1'..':-- ~ ,;,:'! ~'. li'~ ·l'ó\~··''- 1:;;., P.' I, '.,j " ,;~,\,"\tl! r)~f ;\ \fl.,:, J )1> ~,'>:'l'~' " ~ 'J -, ",' ,,~ \ ' ~. " <' ~, 't 1 '1: l,/>I/ J t";' >' L ~ ... .... r. ~" (' I' \ f ,~\.( ~ A f'~ , I~": ,,1·~"tJ. ~ ~·:.'r··' \',.':,; .,,\..l~\<~':·.j,-'/J E'~~\:~""'r::'l.,~~L): ~f~(;"''''¡ ~~";:,1.f. I:. ;ìf''-..-::..·<.:.···'\f...! \ ",,/',"" "\,1. ,I" '""'['>'1 , ~....i:I!,~...::..:: _~:~~:.M" '~,,*,-~~oo!.,~....,,,,,,,,,.,I"'IIM.~' ..._...:.... .. ""'~........._~.........~"...:....,_.. M~. ,.i...~...... "". ........... ..."t~. . ..-'-....,.......'........;,...",\1<..... .........'..... ~"...._....."".....ÍA4IIUII"'.....~,.¡..._... - rn~IUI..muUl""II"" """111"" "'11111" ;"""""""11" 11"""""111" """111"111111" 111"""" """'""1111111 ""11"111""111""111"111 """ ""11111" """""""111"""""'111""""": 1II"""IIiI'" ""'"11"'" iHlIlIIlIIlII """1111111"111"111: § L I~j.:i<." -", .' - I:,· - ,,:.; ::....):::..-:,.'.:. .. '::"', = ";;" .' :'f/, ~ ?~~~::.:yt::. I~:,;"',~ : :.'.... :.,,{:.; i ¡.....~ I .,' - - '-,~-~ - .-._.....~~...'~..... -I -I ~~ :~c 2* TIlE 1'01\0.\1'0 ;o,TA11, \[on., December 22, ¡9i5 -..-----------------.----- ..-- --·'-'·_·___m__. WOlU': lIOnSES pull ;1 belled ;,Icigh 01 ,'i~ilurs through HIack Creek Pioncer \ïlh:!c ~e'itcrd: y [11 ': ,JIalfway House, once a ~lagel:oad~ ~lop lwlween l\:ings((;n ;;JJd Toronlu. whnt' ,I':\'clyn nak~r ,Ltncb on a hakony, wearing tIle d,ess of 15.3(}, Carols rang (HIt and slrallgers,,¡;,JIC'd cad} olher a .JIcrry , Christmas-hi lack of mon(':" harely and sel! Chrishnas lnarred at Black Crccl( § ---.=:-:,_==_ ' By E. KAYE Ft:LTO:\ t]lp cnd of ils March-.JJI1\¡;:¡ry seas(¡n. Star staff writer Last )I::lr's ;llLcndancc was 21X),(KJÛ, ~ The packed SIlOW cnlllciles IIIHjr',-- "\Ve C;J:1't ;dr( rd (,/ Jose ¡:\;¡(, ¡ (:r"I':; § , fooL T110 [,oune! of caroHer, and the VìJlagc, It's symbolic of the spirit t¡¡:lt ~ smelJs of fresh ùrcad and C:lristll13S built our country," said Elgin (:;11'(1. ~ goose; mingle and hang ;Il the air. chaillll:tll (¡f a sPh'j,l] C():,t'cIIUiil;~ COIII- g Black Creeek Pioncer \ïllagc seems JdiUee ~;tt up by the Mdro Toronto and § , comfortable eme[ scrcllc. Jìegioll Conservation Allthorit~·. which -g Yet the homespun Christmas cheer rllIJS L1C village. "1 tC21 at home here." siJid Tom ~ 'at Metro's rcpJica of all carly HHh ('(')I' TIH~ community, huilt 01\ 1hc Bì:l\::, Le\':is. Ii", a retired \\atch ;:1111 clock ~ tllfY rural town is marred, The "illage Cr('ek consen'ation site at ,Jane SL and ~ilop O\\l1er who dri\'cs in c\'cry day ~., ,is operating at a l( ;;~ and 1JI8Y havc io Sll'C'lc:i Ave, in 19GO. hac! an operating 11'(11)] Hr;lIl1ptol1 to do watch repairs in 2 close dO\rJl. l1.'s particulal'!y ironj,~ Jì':- deficit of S!)(¡,Clx) this ye~r. Until this the \'jll:¡¡;e, ; eause Blaek Creek is suppo:.ied to :'(;;11', it J1\~l11aged to meet nearly ,lll "1 would be \'21"\' SllOCkcd iF the': § represent everything (hat wasí¡al'll\' operating costs. clllsed it c!i1',\TI. 'rj](~·· one thing I cspe~ ª and self·sufficient in tM characters of DC~¡Jitc rai~irlr; its adult acImisi-¡oll l'iaJ!:; like about this place is that peo- -ª Canadian pioneers. ÎC(' :':) cents to $2,25 next season, the pIc talk to people," ¡ It hasdra\\ll 300,000 visitors ·,alr\'Jdv authority predicts a further deficit of r;nth c;¡jldïcn ;;nlÌ adult:; learn from I tllis year and expects 30,OJ~1 mOn' b;' $:J6,fH/;). \ ¡"iting the village. said Evelyn Haz- ti, - :/J//J/lIIll/l/llllllllllliIII/IIII/I/II/IIIIIIJll/lllliII/IIIJIIIII!IIIIIIJlI/II11II11I1111111111111111111111111111'11'1111"'111'11""11 "1111111111'1'111''''"''"1'"'''''" ""'/' "" 1/" ".!!!"I""" ""' "III'I ' 'III'IIIIIIIII/"II IJ IJ IJII"'II "IIIIIIIIIII'IIIIIII1II11IIIII11II1II/IIIJIUllllii 'I';¡C pruvil1ci;;l ;~o\'erl1lll(,¡It. wllicl1 r:i\('~' ;1 (0111'-('1'1", :,II ¡:..dy IIII' 'vl'J'y vj,;¡· ICi¡, :,/¡I,I¡ ¡ '1,'1('1 II," ¡J" wJl, (·:1/ Ii :.;¡Îd To layoff any I>f the !):i fll]l- and parl- tiill" :;!;,ff ..'....o¡¡ d 1¡¡':,lr,,)' 111(' \\11111,' pIIJI!>:iCi[¡II.\' :ol1\lllt till: village," lie said in an inlerview, " I. I l: ] (' t, t: ~ ,- ",......,....."",,"'''''''111111111111111111111111111: I:,; :.'}~:G';;¡;~·;'~~;'1:'" =¡; 0\ <~;'t-"';::';' ", ···~1· '.':.. ,;:' ~-. ~:.::~~::. ': "~:', :i(¿:~:~: -'~:::""'''--''''''',''',~-:'- ,::~-~. :,,;7~;r:~~;:c:;, ' ..~¡H~1h" ,;J r4.t ~,; "~~ L> l· ! \..'\ \\~ \~ .;:. ~"'i, \ If /þ. f'"" "". \ <1,'.> .... r ,.,·~..~I(:..t-';.i1J ....' ;H '"J"'1:\ ÿJ} ,'1/ r;'\t ~.1 ri\~ , 1,. , "\ llt~, 'p.: ~~ 1/"\ I{',"". t " :, ,I'. "\, .' .¡!F.~~<'~ ..~; '4./) t(~ t:' if I ( ~~t,:1 J.:!" 'j; r. ,I ~ "'.' J \ ,~'/4' \/', r.~j'·'¡) .'" '. ~ : :I¡: :;. ":' ': ~ I ~'f,\ l' .~ \ , .. ~ .......... ... " , : ' ,.,',...',.,',','.~, ,',.""''''''-' ".":..,, ., H'":''':''' . " ;,' " ,.'",:.,. " ",., '" '" ." , ", , ". ,'." '. '.,.' ",'" .... .'", .'. .. ,,'.'. .,',.. '",MI"; ¡,.'> ~~!'~~~~:~~~~";~~I~:~~_~~·~.~:"""'~:" .;..~.~".~:~~...u~.,-~:.,~·..u..~~.:\..~. ,~_. ~ _. _ __._ _ ___ ~ " ~ _ 'n .. ~. ~ :illIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJllllilllllllllìlll!lllllllll;I!:IIIIII!111I11111111111111111111::111111111111;1111111111:111111111111111111Illllllllllllllllllíililillllillllllllllllllllll;lllllIll111111/I1II1111111111II1111I111I11I!1I1/l111I1/lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII/I111/111111111111 - '{ IJ " ". '. ,.--../'......-'. cember 22, 19í,) P',. n c' 'j I" ~ , . 1 ¡.S ._----,,----- )f "isitors ",;terday to ,)¡> between - Kingst'Jn :me! Torontll, ","here Lvc1:ïl Baker ,t¡¡¡¡ds nn .1 JWI«1I1\'. w('ariD'; '¡Ie (1:-.'" of ¡SíO, C:m)1, r:1ng (Jut and .,trHugers \1 i,¡'cc! (~;¡cJ¡ lither a \Icrry , Ulri,tJlJa,-,I)1¡t tIJe \'ilb~e lI1a:: ha\'c to dose for Lick ur 1111111(;, ;111 irol1Y: J: H'I)!t',cl1h :¡][ thnt was ì¡;lrdy and :,c!C,,¡dljl:il'l1\ ilt tIJe pioJlcCt':,' dlnradcr. ~.s 111,lI'l·e¡c( at the end of its MarC:1-.J;:¡nu:Jry seaSOll, Last year's altendar;ce was 2:;Q,fn(). "\\'e can't afford to lose mack Crec]; Village. It's symbolic of the spirit tlwt built our country," said Elgin emJ. chairman of r( sl'l':'ial (:11,'t-rIIUi¡;:; ('0111- rniltee s6t up by the 1\1eln.l T(}r()n~n and Region Conservation Authority, Wl1il;i] runs eJC \iJI:\~e. The cOlì1lJilln:ly, )¡¡¡i)1 (,;] li;r: ¡:];II;!; Creek conscn'rltioll site ;:t .rano Sl, ;,nd Steeles 1\ ...e, in HIGO. ]1;1<1 :111 (Jperatin,::; deficit of ~;n(),(I)J this ::cnr. 1:ntil t!Ii', year, it 111;)n;l::;e<1 to meet nC:Jrly ;,1/ operating co,;{,. Despite r:JÎsin~: its adult ;¡(Ìnl' "it))] fee 25 cents to ~2.25 next se~¡su¡¡, t.h~; authority pre.dids a further ddieit ¡d .~16,OOJ. -~f-"" ;'! " \j }! H ~ fl"~) t; ~l (1\ ~{ ..ulJ ,t:\. 1<. J. ~ Jt\~ d"·--,u ~~ '~'1 tr-", ¡{'t4 t1 T \0 11. I~:: lL- Jl~~\ -5r;1r photo by D;¡vid D.h'jes ~"'-l°~i \;\ 1\;, R;! ~1 O' f-C'.-\ 'IJ 1 Y. .', .1 I \ , . J.'. -- '''''''1> ' . <:,~ ¡lll'd o[ \\'():irJhrid~~c·. Since joining the ~)!Il¡¡ (In \\'('é':,;pJ:ds last year. she h3S !I1li~lercd tllp Iln I)f spi¡;¡;i:¡g. wea"iJ~g :Jnl! hr-jc'k-ow'J1 h:lbng, (III'~ ír:I',"i'II¡' ' frlll;1 I':I1I~l: )lil lidd !Jpr :," :",,/ ¡'''''Ii ";,J! ;11 "IJI;" II," ',' 'illd. ;",01 I i:;' I;; tile flï,,>t ¡¡J.Wl' 1\'; teil wel· el¡; 1\('. " '1'.. ;',i)1 ....¡.illï", I:," 1':111'1,... 1";111 ai' I,:J, ¡,.\":; LIJq/\11l\d!L 11p' \'llla;~t~ ¡', "¡IJ) ¡~ - ,>,cn1i:"¡; li:11-: v:¡t]¡ ttlC PilSt. , This j3 Lit:: ol~1:: linn;; II1uscunl in I }':!:,rj.. ì',hen; 1IH'Y IlCtl¡all:\' UoC the 1:''';;',,<111;1 ,(>qlii¡~!I1el1t of prc-Confedcra· 1.(':1. ;,III(¡ .'\IIIUl'c. ,\nd 1n \'i51\';:' Ern;e \"ash of Lapp SI" the cClllillllniLy ()ff0rS things that ",II'j;],:, Ì¡;iC\ me:ìlOries ,. me:l1Jries LwL :I1'e :;i rUII(: and ;,;oorl." '1JJ!.!.IIIIIJ IIIIII'lfIIJIIIIIJIII'IIII!llllltIIIIIIIIIIIITI "·'ltll"'IIIII '111111111111 11111 1111/1 ltl,I'I! 11111111111 '111111Ijlll'l '111111illll II 'III'IIIIIIIII'III! 11:lllf'II IIIII !lllillll!i !llliJ ~ 111: !1:¡!!;JI )!II:JII !1111'1:11 1~;!IIII;'J: ilJl' IJilll!!'IIII:IIII¡ltlll:f lllli!!11111J T;le pl'<n:illci;:l .:;O\'C1ïJliWU!. \1.l1i,;11 ,::;i\'Cs a [oli;-·cent subsidy fill' (;\'1:1';' ..-¡:,i- t(}r. ,¡¡nuld '::0\ (;1' the deficit, (':(rd said, Tn I:I\' i,f[ ;111)' lìf Ihr.:iS [1¡1I· ¡Ind p:!rt, LIII,' :! 'ff "\',lJi¡Jd dp:,;!r...'.' IiiI' ,'.i:'II'· ;d I i ):1;,/ iJ ,: 1\' ;¡ ¡IJ¡¡~ till: \' i lJ 11;:1'," ;,¡ '';: ¡'I jn ¡¡n j:ltC'ryic\s. "[ jr'l ;11, 11('IW' :1crr." ,<;;:i:l '11':11 lA",' L;_ ¡;¡< ;1 'f'¡¡p'd \\¡I:¡'IJ ,¡lid (·I~\('1. "'])1)1' Ir,t, ¡,(.':' \"';11) drj\'cs I!; c\ VI'\ d~¡\ !r'l1n HriJIOllton fo dn ',rate:: rr'pa:r,) in ,ile vill;I:;-- , , "1 \\(lld.J 1'1' \¡'r~ s!HIckcd :f tl.e.:, c:':-cd it ¡j,j',rn. T!w OIIC tJli!",: ¡ ¡;~,p(' l·j;;]!:; Ii);!' ahout f!li:; place i-; Ih;]1 peD' ¡¡Ie t:JÌ!~ it! IJcopic. II :'d11 c;¡i)dr('11 :i!¡d IJdlll!;; le;lrn f"iI;) \'i,i:i¡,:: the \jl1;¡,l;I'. ;;:,Id l':\'ciYI1 iI,l/:- - /..- ":'~\~:'~''''''''"" ~;'. 'jo ~, 'I""'''",,,..,,~",i1\' \ l...,· } ñ \~,"",' " !'..../y,I." ' 0: ',";' P' " j" j -}: . ; ''\u /' . ',,-~ ~~"':"'J,r-/'<! Ontario --_._--_...~--, --_._--~-_.._.~,---_._- ...... ~ -----'.-,- ---< '--..-----.--- . .--.-.-.-. -----_._-----_._---_.._..-.~----- _..~._-----_._-- ._--_.._._-_.._-_._~- ----.'.-.,. ._---_..~._----- Ministry of Culture and Recreation - Heritage Administration Branch 77 Grenville Street Parliament Buildings Queen's Park Toronto Ontario January 12, E)7<> Mr, Kenneth Spratley, Chairman, Pickerinp Township Museum Board, R. R. It ¡ Brooklin, Ontario Dear Mr. Spratley: I am currently working on the I'estoration and furnishing of the Keene Inn at Century Village near Peterborough, Ontario. ..... We are encountering the usual problems with the availability of suitable artifDcts for this inn of the period 1870-1875. We are particularly concerned about stoves, and wonder if the Pickering Township Museum would be \villing to loan one or two stoves from its collection to the Keene Inn? For further information you could contact this office directly or: Mrs. Margaret MacKelvie, Curator, Century Vi 11 age, R, R. It 3, Keene, Ont~lrio 1-705-2~5-625() With aU good wish('~; for the New Year. Yours sincerely, -é '.' , , (Mrs.) Dorothy Duncan, tvluseums Adviser. ...' DD/eb c,c. Mrs. M. MacKelvie .. -, I . t : c- " ',),,', !Í..j( I _ ...__..-.___~_____..r.___ [) A T ¡ ,. .- Public Works Canada TravJux publicS Canaeja INVITATION AND OFFER FORM FORMULA IRE D'APPEL D'OFFRES D'ACHAT m:c. 22, 1975. -_.-- ._-~.---.-..-._.-._-..--" ._...~-_..-.._~.,.._---_.._._--_.._--- i ÇUS10DIAN / GAHI)lfr-J - MR. E. J. GALLACHER, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HORKS, I PROPERTY MANAGEMENT OFFICE, IHGH'ÑA Y 7, ':-BROUGHAM, ONTARIO. ' '-"-"'--"'-- ._-_._.._-~.._..,...__._-_.,------_._-_.- LOCAflOH \lfU PIW.TECT PltOPERTY ~IANAGI':¡{, Till<; NI~\'! AIRPORT SITE, ¡ŒGION OF TOI{ONTO INTlmNAT IONAL PICKERING, DlIRIIM1, ONTAR TO. SAt. Fe;, (;I~r,t r-l !'JO. / Of,,;r:,HF ¡If 'II IJ T l I ·-~~'lr~~7";:;z-~-;~-~:^·Y~~r·I:J17Mo ()"ÃL:ï'î7š-7';'f:PAït'MENT--'1 ECLAf~E.~~S "Il L ir~EF'Lnf~NCF¡ UfCLAHA!'J J --_. .. ....,.-. .....---...., --.._. "-~- ___.'____..'____~___._.e_·_. __ .________.___._...____..______,,__..~____..__.____ _eo' _ _·__.__..._.~_".e_".____.__ -^iNt(' 'IN APf'LL p"-,rrFH:"'~ r'.~1 AIT Pt'l!P L'AC'1,lI,T 1.1 L·fNLÈ.VLMF.NT [)F:~, t...",1f-:NAGf.t.Af.N~C; I " eA~'IS f¡,PPJH~Ti'NAt. r ,\ ;.',\;"~1IN!',rPAT1'-\l~ f-':;':,¡'P:-,l r f.r f;()"'T LA ll'-;TC FI(.UHf CI·Ar>R¿'·,. 'iJFFH( '1(')IT FIHf. "AlT. \ l.'(C'.MiD r"AH{NA.GL~.A¡:NTS "F:N L.'(TA r A(TUF:Lf.T À L·FMPL.AC[tAU~l Acr'_IFL" fT ..,~-;r A~';,,:}U.JLTI AI);t. CONDITIOtJ<; I'F_ VENTE f:t~O~JCf-:F:5 Ally-' I -l i -59300-12 ( :, ~,!, C 'J!'\1!-'T t, rj 1 'FrERS A.Hf INVI1 Li' ~"')f~ 1~.1 P:)flCI1/>.'· ~ t.,'J¡1 Pf".1')VfI,l \r ionvrnut,I!FN ¡ MPROV[MLNr!; ll'ill..D BE_L.O\'i, orrn;¡ O~j tdJ "f~S I~, WHf..'¡¡ AND SUBJECT TCI CON'1,rION~j OF SALt: '"f,! H)HT¡.¡ HERU"¡. P H ~: :.i f: "I T ¡: ~;. NSPECìIOI.j Pi~I·:·rJ 'T(\ B M I ;. T ! "I G A ,",'\ F r r~ I H FSPO~l ~,, 111 Lt-r¡ ¡II!}!."!!I, It. !!,cor,1Ar L'ACHf.1fUft F'/t,rjTUF.l n·r.'A·_,~INCH l.f~; AH{NÞGfMf:NT~; U4 CAUSE A\'AIJT ~ND MAY P.-f AHI·¡f';r~Gf "');~ :ji; ~r:I~~;\_A.n r'~ I('r: {I', PII ç ".1. fj! A 1" I ()r¡ ') ¡ TH I 'j r; r '., ;):,' r_,~ I '; <; I ()I [q ,-r I I L L! FAIHf l'lJr-'¡ArJT l.f._~i H[I)Rf", r.J!;['lt~ÞIHf'5 DI-. ßURE.A!J 1> " FORM ro TH£. 0Fflr:rR-II CH,\t-I'Õf ¡..f i: I: AI 1 ~1 ',¡i(, "'J'I. \'111", f r; 1 A T If ,rj fji I I' il " ': ~ I I '¡f0.1 Ii I "III f ¡\; J (, f. r; III I ¡¡ (. t IIJ j. r" f; I <,I "'. __ H F. M t~ I ~; T f r~ ,q"" 1- II 'i ~ ' r 'Jr. III(. H 1 ( , ¡ I f I' ~ j , ," I II I. I ,~ ¡ I '. ( 1'1 I 1'1' I' 1,,/ I "'III ') \.' _~ I ' "r '¡fj()~.; r H!:; tnnAPf'~ 1'HJ I ¡ -~'I ¡ ¡ . f.IJ V I; L í; I' 1 , 1,1, i-I ¡ { ¡, r ! I, .~ '~;~ ~!~);{::T '~C ~' " c 1~'=__[~l·~èí;I~~~.Ü_~~~,;.~i_~j§~,~_.~]_.~~~=~~~.~_,~~2~:_, '1',11'1 I! I' -------...,..--.. ,e ,__,__ __._,,~_____.. __. __H' FFER MUS r f-1F f-! C[ IVEC> tJO T ..ES Or-Ff~F-S !,,')Iv! t---JT ¡·'t·H·,./CNIH A 1 ¡ P ^ U ¡ I 1 flt..,h t,I.! ! f- '-)1 f I !J!IM! 1,(, ~_._.·..e_..__._~.ø____e______·"._ !F!L.E.ASF SU;'Mll Üfrf'p \,\--( COMPl_FTlr-JG /l-f¡U fJL1UQrJlhIC· (t-lr ")\(;N!~ cor-v OF Tf!!S I-OHM 1tJ ~3FAI L fl'J'.jF;"OI'f' ^nDf~ESSF[) 10; ~EUll_LE1. F'FMPL.rn LL t)r~r~SENT F'OHMUL^1t~E. t..F SfGr ~::¡( fT Ff'J hL rOUHNt'::n Uh L~:FMT'LAIHf·.~'iO!.):;Ì LNVELOPPf-. CACHETF.E À 'ADf~ESSE 5Ui\'AtJ1L'; - DEPAlHMt'NT OF PULJLlC WOIH<S -, MINISTf:F1E DES nlAVAUX PUGLlCS pnOPErITY SEI1VICE~~ GflM!CII - DIHECTION SEHVICES IMMOBI LIEnS PflOPERTY DISf'OSf,L SECTION SECTION DE L'ALIÉNATION DES GlENS !MMOGILlEnS !':DIFJCI; Sin CHA!{I.ES TlJPPlm BLDG. PJWnENJ\DE RIVERS IDE DfUVE OT'J'AHI\, O'frARIO. KlA 0:'12. rEM NO... AMr::" ! AGE· --r::: N T "10) r~ ~; I 1 I. ~ .ß, N CO, R.A.[; ¡r,ú) ,--' ,..._ . _.."._u.._,._ " . .~. ...._--- ---...-.---- ._--~--_._..__._,_._~--'"_....- 2 '---'---'I-~-",~ ,;,~';;;~---¡,f' - f)rr-f-;n.[-:) ¡ r~ I )I; U¡'J T AIJ;¡E L ___~.~~ r E: r~ r I I I I , I , , I i i I I i ! I ! I I I ::;)1_,,' AtJ T IT ~ Q l.' 1>. r-.~J : T F: DESCHIPTION TO T t\ r ~--------_._. .·e..ø.._.'_ø·..._..._.___ ...._., _,.. _... .__..______.·__.__u__~ __ _,.. 1- LÇ~~}>'u !..-!::.!2U~L~~~t~I.) CmJD I '1' IONS OF SAU: SEJ: !\TTAC!!ED PAGI':S --------------- '- '.... I - I I '- I 1- ;,,,,- '___.·___,e__ 'I"'N~'" !III '.In¡:,':·¡'~31r.;~J'( ()(I,f< t. 1 ¡. '. '1' " ¡' I... hI t-JI" Il, I~;T f 'J ^ ',j!! (1\ ,II\MI I r ¡; ¡~~l.'f~ i ¡' 1 Ti) rlq: I,'t-If I I H II or" p'" " ¡d,,, ^ " , " I I -- -- --- ,--_.! ,', ,.' ¡ t. I i '_; 1, [; A_ i \ ! fJr- ( C t,I'¡ It I...,'I'J ()1 'j If 11! r_.'· ('I for, P 10 Pl)"( 11,\';, 'I(lN', C(It'J' ^If-J! ¡if f.! If; t.;: r·()R or'w II(d I)IJ I f\, L 'l ~A Gf: [\' I ~¡'T \- ¡,- ~' I . 1 I,', ~ r ; ¡ ! ~ f r ~ ¡.' ; l I, '~I '1 ¡ I, \ ,; '1;.--....- ..~-.._.---_. 1.,\ J,I rl', cntJt!,^ IIIL''. ! ^ Cll.lA- 'J ,- f 1 \ . I' T A" ['., .~ 1.11 '..·'lJ !-! ';r.)' '1· ¡-ft Iii, ¡ '';IHI<; H HVI ! ¡ ,'\ ' I ,.- f , I'~. I tl i , ~" f.: C ('~.H.1f: t-J! iLl 'I' IJ I ! ,- F. C'OMM Ah II I 1,1',<,' t~(Jf-.1 Ie T t\I;- ,'! '-; ;;J,A..I!,> '\ 111 i j /, 1 1'1.:1 I I fill' ! ppnOVEn I APpnOUVÉ, ,- ~, ' \ .------.--.---- --.- --_._-_._~_. iMPOF~TANT: SFt c:or- D' TlorIS 01" ~~^l. r ! '~1! .' I. I .I r iJ',r ','f!1 HI r.1f\I.".),t¡ U.4/'< II ,~', ! "-1\ ! ¡ f t T' OfT 111 c; r i) r ~.1 PW/MTP 11il\ ___.,4'··__·_·________.___~__.____.e_.___._._. u ._. ___._.._._____e_____' __~.. ....---..---."-,, ...-.---.....- - 2- 1. Property No.__593-= L()~~ated_~J:.0t 29" Concession 9, Pickeríl2ß. Residence - Wood ,Frame - 2 Ston~y - /lpprox. 50' x 50'. Garage - Wood Frame - Approx. 20' x 20'. Carriage Shed - Wood Frame - Approx. 30' x 30' and Attached Shed - Approx. IS' x 30'. Ch icken Coops - Hood Frame - Approx. 10' x 25'. Shed - Wood Frame - Approx. 3D' x 40'. Trailer - Anima] Transportation. Kennel Hun - l,Jood Fram.,! - Hire ¡VIes ¡ - Approx. 'j' x 40'. 2. PropertLNo. )O~_:.-1:.(~:.:.at:ed_.on Lot: No. 35, Concession 8, Pickering Residence - "L" Shaped - Approx. 20' x 30' and ]5' x 3D' 1 Storey - Wood Frame and Stone. Barn - Approx. 35' x 40' - T~nbcr Frame - (Collapsed). Sheds (2) - Approx. 10' x 10' and 20' x 20' - Wood Frame. 3. Proper tl No. 4Lf?_=-,hnc.<l Lcd on _~!:..__~,~ Conccs s ion ~_~!.~1:s.'=-1.:.~~g Residence - ¡,Jooel FranK! 011 Stone Foundation -V¿ Storey- Approx. 3D' x 36'. Barn - Approx. 40' x 50' - T~ilicr Frame - Stone Foundation with Attached Milkhouse . Approx. 15' x 20'. 4. Proper t y No. __if.! (,),_:_J/~~'..~I,~~~_0.__(~I.1__~:~~!'~J..?_}_,_~~,?~~,(2.:~_~~!_()_t2._i2.LJ~L(:_I«::E!12,g~ Garage - Hood /'I-;tllll .- I\ppro:é. ()()() ::q. fl. - 1'1 yvJ(j()(1 SIIl'(" [nterior and ¡':xtr~rior,()n Concrl'll' Sial'. Sheds (2) - Approx,U' x 12' each - Wooù Frame. 5. Froperty No. 48Lf -:-_J.:,.?.~~;_I..!:.~~~~_~.I.!.. Lot 31, Concession 8, Pickering Cottnge - Hood Frame' " 1 ~;t()rey - i\pprox. 20' x 35 I . Shed - Wood Fr amC' - Approx. L¡' x !¡ I . 6. Pr,££<;:2:.!:.L No -=-.¿'?) ~(~!~ te 9~)n....:~,L~.._~Z.~onC(' 13 s io~.2l.._ Pic ke r ~t.!..1l Cabin - Wood Frame - Approx. 10' x 20'. Shed - Hood Fr;¡¡nc - I\pprox. 10' x 10'. IIJ'U:I\~;';: ¡HI ¡,¡I)' ' DFTí\CfI TillS PA(;F" ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) EN BLOC OFFI':I': ) ) ~ EN BLOC ) ) OFFER ------- ) ) ) rm BLOC ) ) OFFER ----------------- ) ) I':N 1\ I.()(: ) ) OFFER ----------~------ ) ) EN BLOC ) OFFER -------------- ) ) EN BLOC ) OFFER -------------- .... .. 3 u\_ 7 . XrOP£?~_~~_.l¿~_:-__!.:l.2.(~~~l:_(~.':':~~~~___~.?_. ..S~c.?.nc(~~ ¡; ion 0..._~~ck~~~~8. Cottage - Hood Frame u Approx. 1':)' X '~O'. Sheds (2) - \.,1ood Structures.. 1\pprox. if' x /,' cacho 8. RE5?r:.er t y No. /1 7L-~I2~1.:.~~':!._I)E:_!_:.c.2.!:.....~~_ CO~~':?.!.~I2._~,L.£.ickL~::.iE:.íl Residence - 1\ Storey - Wood Frame - Stone Foundation - Approx. 1,600 sq. ft. (,:ith (2) enclosed Porches. [I;¡rn '. ¡\pi'ro:é. )';' / ')0 I 'I'i,mbcr Fl:IHH'" ¡'1('1;11 j«(I() Conerl'I,- Illnck ¡·'ollnd:II'jol) .. Gar;Jge .. IÎppro}:. 2()' :( ;>0 I .. I,(lí', COli:; I rtlC t ¡(III. Smoke House.. Appro::. I '.J' x J') I - Log Construction. Sheds (3).. I\PI"I:Ox. g' x 12' and lO' x 15' .. \.,1ood Framc. 9. .r~e.cr t¿_No. ~~L,:._l-~'2.ca tcd _~10;.:.(,~1.:._ 29?_ C0I2.~0..~.!..~l2.~..J.:ick<::E..!..I2.g, CottiJge with U) C,![ c:;¡ragc .. ('¡ood Fram(~ 011 Concrete Slab - AppTOX. 20' x 30'. Sliel ter - Ccd:Jr Pol,' II L"!!!¡: , .. I\pprox. 20' x 30'. 10. Pr~)pe r ~.L~'2..:._~¿.!:"":.-,-:~~(:.~j,,.~~~~!:._!.¿l._Ç~~c.~2.l<2.~~l._~!.~~r::..~ ing Residence - 11> Storey," VODd [<'ralll(' - 1fL" Shaped - Approx. 20' x 20' and 20' x 20'. Barn - Tim!H'" 1-'l';:;11', St('IH~ 1·'otJuJation with Attachments .. Approx. 40' x SO'. ;:ilt'ds (2) .. Î\i'I'i'!"'. '.Ii)' j ()' I'; I' II \.Jood I,'/¡IIII' (Coll¡lp:;,'d) 11. Pr0l:.'.~rtv N". /¡S! - L()('i¡!:cd (>11 I.ot !~), COllt(~:::;i( 1I i) l'itkl'rill¡' --- _.,___..____._ __...._..._. ___ u..... ,,___,__..._,_.... ___,_.___,_____l.__.____..____Ä. RcsídC'ncl:' - 11; Storey - jjrícL - :aOlle Foundation - Approx. 35' x Jr¡' wi tìl fIILdC!¡J11C ,u:. 12 . R~(' 1 t: L.~<:..:._~2 L.~...:___!i-,-:~.a t.r.:.~:2!2_!::~~ 3~º:?.I2.~:.r.:.[2.~.!:.~_~2.._!:..!..~15.(::Ell2.I.L Silo - Concret(~ St;¡VC' Frcfah. .. ¡\pprox. 16' x 35'. 13. .l)rop',~~E~:xJ~n.:.,_~:) J.~~_::__~:(~.':·_C!.~:,..<.~_<2.I_~,_!::::..!:_L!.l.. Conc~_s si o~~L_£.!..~:I~C'r i 1~í2 Barn .. Approx., 'II)' x lO' - Tindlcr Frame - StOllL' and Concrete Foundation.. HC'tii ¡, Hoof. Shed ., ¡\pprox. 30' x ')()' - limb"I' ¡;'ranll~ - Hcta1 Roof. SIIL'd~~ (J) .. 1\1']11'0:-:. ¡ I) t 1,¡ood 1"1" tIiJl(! . Iii I, I') I X. J ()' and If' x /1 I ._ "PLI';!\:;I'; ) () NUT UJ-:TM:II TII I S I'M:¡':" ) ) EN BLOC ) OFFER ------- ) ) ) ) f':N 1\ /,Ot: ) ) ) OFFER ---------------- ) ) ) EN BLOC ) OFFlm -------------- ) ) ) ) EN BLOC ) ) 'iI'II',I: OFI'I-:R --------------. OFFER -----.---------- ) ) ) ) EN BLOC ) ) ) OFFEj{ -.------------.- . . . .. I, 1 -, .- 14. Proncr/.v No. 58) - [pcatl''¡ un 1,1)1 2i", COllCl~Ssi()11 9, Pickering _:::.J..:..___,I__,____~___ ___ __ _,__~___.,.._ _~__._.._. _..'_ __._.._.___ ,_________ ~___ _ _.~__.__. ~ _ _._ __.>_ ,._. _."_ O(ficl~ Building - "1," Shaped - ,'\Pln-<lx. 25' x LIO' <1nd 10' x 1 r) t - 1 :;Lorc.'l .. l'Jood Fra!ll(' - Exterior C('c!;¡r lIoard lntl·rior PaoC'll..d ,. FrHI1l<LJl:ion - CuncrcL(' Piers - 1:II~clric lIe:1t - Recessed Light: F¡>~t\ln's - Carpeted - \~att'r I'[(~ss\lre System and Plumbing J:ixtlll~CS. 15, PnHwrtv No. r,i\', .. j,ocaLl'd ün ¡pI 28, Concession 9, Pickt·ring ---~---~-_.,-_.__._._--"..__.. _._-~--_._-<. ---.-------------- --.-----------"""- f;ot L:' }~ I' f :;((".! 1'\/ ì'-!IH}.¡ !'1 :IJ I" - Appro'.'" /0' ;.; I¡(I'. 1>" (;"111'111 ', ( ( I 1."""IIhl ¡'>II :;hc(b (3) - \-!nod !'!:III1(' - ¡\ppru::. IU' ;, (0'; I,' :' ')' .111<1 ') t ,'; I,,' 16 . l~1.:.~t~E ~>:,_~(-'-:._. :L\},_::__.:(-'-~:,~~~/~0, _l!.l-'-_I.:.l!.~,_~~~L_<::.~S:.~~2. !_~:~_~1._~. ~S:.¡_~(..:.~~i.l2.12 SÎlc(h, (t)) - V:lriOìl~; ~)i¿( .:, frcJllJ 10' x 10' to 20' X 11-0' - \:.100.1 Framc. GiU' ,:g' .. \,",0;) d Fr iHH.-' -- ['1(' 1:1 L ¡{oo I - ^ pprox. 12' ,. 20'. 17 . í'L.<2r1.r.:..~s.ì.:J!~~,=__2.:~~ _~:. __I:(.>_~:.!.!:.':.:.!.~'2...,~!:._l;~1_Co~~,:.c é,~; i <2.~_íiL_!)i.~~c r L12.l~ [;c~;itkl1('e I', :';tor'~v -- I-food l.'r:1l1k~ - Approx. 3D' x (¡(J'- e 1;] phn;; r d ~,; i Ii i 11 f', . S':wds 0) - ,~()od Fr:im'~ - ,\ppro:.:.. {O' ;.:; lO' and (lO' >: 10' Coll:¡p~;('d). 18. ECc.!.E:':'~,I_.y _~r.',:,_}.' ,'L_~ ¡",~':':!:.<.:¡2_o..'-~__!,nt.., _:Z(!__.~~'2~<.:.(:.~_:~~~(:I~,}_1_ ,~,i_t.',ky,¡:!,n,g J{ (':; j d 1 ' 11 (' (' -- I' , : ; ¡ (" ",! ,. 1', ' ¡('I, Co 11:, /¡ I II ' L i () II . 19. R~~~ Ly _~(-'-:.__}_~~._::._¡.:~2.:::.~!.:.~.~~...<2I,I_..~l.)!:.__L~_1._Ç,'2'2.~<:.~~~ -'-I.!.._~}__~~~~..£i.\2.il 1\:1rn - Barn - Tjml)(~r COl1f;tructioll - ilL" Shaped - I\pprox. 30' x 60 I ;¡ 11 d '3 0 I X') () , . Caragc - (2 C¡¡r·)· \:J<)od FLUIll' - I', St01"t')' - Apprm:. 2\')' )()'j', 20. J~¡.:!)lJ('CYY ~)I). Oï6 -- I,oc<lfcd on 1,01. 2/), Con('cs~;ion 9, Pickerilli:' - --. ---- --..- ----.,...,..,--. -..,-'--.-- --.,--..---- ----------,-_._---------,-- ---'" f{csidene" - 21, StOI'I')i .. \~ood Fralll" with Hctal Siding -. Appro};. JO' x ';')'- StOll<' Found:tLiolí. (;:1j"' ;-¡ ,~(, (:-: c,-¡)·)- \'I,;:)(! F'-;i1IK' - Approx. ;¿O' ;, 2"j'. :; Ill' d ;: () ) ?O' x 30' - V: I " in, I.': S i :~ 1 ~ ;: r, I >~ '¡'; 20' 1': 2 0 I a It d - Appro}:. ,,' Hood l~r;!J1/(·. 21 . ~~(~: .:.'~..£~).:_tL(~.:._Q].(~._:___~~(2.~.~(~,~L_(2,~: _~:'2~_2 () L.J¿l2.¡2.~(· s 2.l..'2~~L_!.'..!..~J~(LC~I2.\~ 1);¡¡¡1 - Tln)hl',' (,"·'llõ1 .. .^,ppro;-;. 50' x 75' - St¡)II(' Foundatiol1. ~i i i k110t1!," - ~'io,),1 ;:} ;))11' - Appro?:. I ()' x I (J'. "I'IY/\,/il' [)() NOT IWTl\CII I'll f S PAGE" OFFER ---------------- I:N 1\ I( H: ) OFFI':I{ I:N BLOC OFFEH ------------ I':N III,OC ) l)fiFI·:1\ -_. ---- -- -.. ---- ._._~.,--- ( )11'1'.1: ) ) J': N ¡¡LOC ) () r F f':I{ ---------.----- ) ) ) ) ) OF F !::!{ EN BLOC ____ _,,__. _,_.__ u.___ .______. I;: N B ¡ ,DC (¡¡-j; I'Y " u '.1'. 22. P(01)('rtv [';0. (f[)~) - Located 1111 Lot 21), COllC\':;~;i.()n Sl I'i('kl~l ing __::....L:..:.____~______~ _.. __._ .___~ -.~_._._,__,..,.._. .--.---~".-,.. ------ . . _, --..-.----. .'.,._-~- -. -......----- ,- -" ..--- Eesidence - 2 Storey - Brick on SLOfF Found;)t Lon -, /q'prox: 2,200 sq. [to OFFI}; .P.__' _____ __ _. __._._. __.n ____ 23. Property No. 1¡58 _-=-!.:.oc~ te~~::1..-!.:o t 28 ~<2I!:.C(>SS ~(':~_~L}~i Ct.~~~~lg Guest House - Wood Fram2 - l~ Storey - Approx. 1,300 sq. ft, OFFER ---- ------_.~- -_._-- ..-.. 2l¡,. }'n21:(::Lt.zJ!Y~:.,]:Lr!,:~,_I.O(::J,~(.'~I, t~Il 1.:,)_1: }(),._.(¿oY1~:...~_~~;i 011 ì,? Pi ('I~N i nJ; Residence " I) Stoley - !:!u()d Fr:lIl1l: \,¡jLh ï. enl (;;I);[¡;(' :¡It:It'Ilf'd - E;.:l.f~ri()r Alumi.llurn ~;Ldin)~ -- Interior !'.1m'lll'd. ) ) ) ) EN B 1/)(: ) ) ) ) OFFER ljarn - Timber Fl-moe - Appn)x. 30' x 50' vlith (/) L(~an-To,; ,. Appro;.:. 10' x 201 aad 15' .. 20'. Kennels - Constructed of 2" x L¡" Fram2 on Cedar Posts covered with Chain Liuk Fencing - Approx. 44' x 55' with 45 Dog Runs. ----.-----.--. CONDiTIONS OF SALE PXYMENT: - ----- \-lith offer 10;~. On demand 90%, and required restoration d(~po:,;it:, i.n Jefault: of which the 10'70 ,forwarded with offcr may be retained. All paY1!l2nts to be mudc by Certified Cheque to THE RECEIVER CENEHAL OF CANADA. REHO~AL : - On or b'.:~foYC April 15, 1976, the purchasers shall demc)lish or rcnnvc tlw buildings and all materials iJnd 1(~av(; tilt> :;it.C'~; cl";1I! and tidy to I:]¡(: ~;;lli;~f:l('t inn of t11t, Cu:,;todian. (~;e(' Clall:.I,' (, Oil III!' "'\/I't':"",jd,, ,>I of I I" 1:'>1111). NOTf\: - --------. 1. A Hcstoration Depos Lt: tvi11 be requirc,d for eaell 1.1:('111. 2. The pllrchasers w£111)(> n~quircd to break uncl rcUl;)V(; ;111 cOllcn'Lt', m;:¡,;onry founda.tiol1S or structuTl'S to grade It'vc~l, fiU ('xcilvalions to grade level and grade barn ramps. 3. The purchaser:; will ¡1'~ rc'quireel to remove all jJuríslu]¡le IIIcltctials from bitf'. 4. The purchaser:; \,¡i11 not:. Iw u'l.jlrir'ed to break or rCllIove any concrc'to sl;1bs aL gr,lde Ie vel. 5. J~~:.::.E~t:_!,,(2~~ by appointm¿~nt onLy by application to the Nc\,¡ Toronto ¡\i¡-port Site O¡:ficc~, líig!nv'dY 7, Jlu,lllgham, Ontario., Tclephont, (Ld,(¡) 29!f-2631, 683-7522. r-.. II is il11peTativ(' Chnt prospective purchasers contact (1)(' Ne\.' 'forol/(n Airport SiLl' Office, HighHay 7, Broughi1m, t,) inspect the buildings to determine thelr condition :¡[lel if any cquipn (~I1t or material is not included in the :;310 of buildings. 7. Tht' pUrc11f1Ser:; ',¡ill !)(', requir,'d to i('avc~ on sitt·,,; thc'identification nllmber (',lI'd:;> tllUS alloFi,u¡: the IJcp.1rtm:'nt of Puhlic 1.-101'1:.<; Lo propl'I'ly'ickntiry each ~:Lt(~ n·~,l.l)r('d. 8. B-ïc!s sel'kí.ng P:JY'iI."nt fur n'lIH>v;1I \,¡¡,I.l not!w cOll:;idl'l'('d:¡t this timc'. 9. pci,or to COIlIi¡k~ncillg n'lI1oVill 01 tll',> ,lIilding~;, II (' pUlcll:I:,('I:; '.Jill ('OI¡[;¡C" III" l)c>p::rt¡¡I'~I1L of !'ubl ic \'Jork:; to ('11:;'111' Ula! till' Ilvdl'" ,11)11 T.' c'phnl (, ~;I·lví(',·:; havQ b(;('11 di~;c<)nnc('tcd. :320- I, ,1\. 2ú')j. "I'LL:\SE IK) NOT O;':TI\CII THIS PACE" ~~ OF /1>/(' ~O +~ !t! )! .... G) I 'J'Er'1 j+ PICKERING MUSEUM B(~PD MQl·'ON Moved by - - ----- ~- _Seconded by Dete Passed .....,~..... 1 J ,"~IiII,__ Resolved that vJlIEPE7\S 11J:. 1'. T,r. Lamport, T'rol ect. f,janaqcr r act j n0 on behalf of the Federal Govern~ent exprcs~cd in his letters of ^Dril 4th 107.1 and ['ecm1'1-;er 10tb 1975 the terns under ÿ'hich the Fc?dcral Covcn¡nent v"ouJr; be preDared to fi11'.] 17.e the acnuisition of the TOFn of Pic}:;(~rinq J1useuF.' property uithin t,he ITaITlet of BrOUql1arl; anc1 í'7HEPEM" the 'i'rn,¡p of pjch-'riJv! Ml1r"('l1H: PC);I],1 i~' c,r 1111' (lpini()J) thElt it i:,,~ in I'he I,('~;t inLcrC'~~t~; (;f !.IJ(' J'(;:II,I ,J)I(I t 1(' }1unicjfJêJ]ity to filìéJJíz(' t.hc' ~;ale' of thr:~~(" (lnd;; 10 thp T'r,(lcré¡1 J\u't11or i tv U t)(J '-'r 1:]) t' I )(' ~,\ t tc' rFI r; no ~', ;;i 1,1 (, . BI~ I'f' TIŒPEFC'PL PFCO!'-HTI'TiED TO COCtiC II, t:hé:' t t he' terns outlined in Pro 10mDort's letter of December l(th 1975 te accepted bv thE: f1ur:idralitv subject 'to tJ-¡e foLLovd.nq: 'I.'hc C¿:1S]1 settlCT'l('ll't should be incJ:~E'é:!~:eè: by a) an ¡:-,dcì] tioYlE'l In9, under SeCLÜìY1 14 o:F the or, i..4; /~>~/4, Bxoropriation lot in like manner as all other nroperty owners within the ÞirfJort Site; J') consi.deration should be qiveD by the Federal }lu thad. ties t.O increasing t:heir cash offer, consistent v-,ith the' later rate of 8'v'aluation enjoyeò by other pronerty owners within the Airport Site. l~~~'ì;tl,~ \"" ->::¡: 1'''' ".l{ttt;i'.........,~_,~ ('")'<)'¿" ~~-..;L JIm: FFP'Pl1EP TPt¡IT Council òirect that. iITìfi:ediate action }'C; taJ:en to sccure estimates on relocating the Vuseum Buildings to the Museum Site at Grcen~ood. -:ertified true COpy Carried day of "__197_ ~~ - .....- CHAIRMAN .-. -j l' ~ f ¡- i i '} , I , :i- I- ,- 2. EXPROPRIATION OF MUSEUM PROPERTY ..-- ~'"~-""' '. . -, ,,! I~~! ! ? It was recommended that this item be deferred until such time as a recommendation is brought forward from the Museum Board. t --.-.-.--..-----..----------.-- -._----~----_.,-- ;.i - f .!- , t ¡- 1- . ~1:'\ ~_~ ~ .~,.~: >~ ¡'''--'' '~. t"·,... '~'.. ~! ".l'~. .... ~'. :,' , ¡ _ \..~ :t !..;.' ,,' ,',": t ~i r: t ~'L T'!' !.. ." 'l'!lc Pl':V_':C~:'ì t. 141 Aé1cl;:d,d~ ,1, \::;:';nrhnCe [~..~: 't~PC t fIf.-.)~'~:~)~1~·~t.·:· t (,.-;~!. , ). -'.~ ,.-~ f'.::: 11 ~~ ·t.. .') 7"·1: ~:'.' fIt: if",' ~ 1r .......".-....-..".'''.............."........-'.,.... '" Dear :'h" C:\c::"!'l:)::: , r~t",~ ~ !·';-'.:1''' r'~) 'f'J:" i. ~:J t ion ,') f r,1XU7 e~J7~1 P l~()r~ 0J::" t... \'" :<-(: :;: 'J ~t 't. f\;'\~'"'!'Y:\''{'8''''''' 1_ t.' t~') l f~"} r:1 ! ~ 1. ".. :, ¡;' ,~.~ Building¡ (, i ...., r:' .'¡.. , . '...,,~~ ...). '- , {.., ,. j"'\ ... . . ... 0. 'T·f.., ~~ II ......,......,....-....-'.. .'''' ..,...... -....,.~'...þ,...-~...- "r t?!' ';-' ":'"} .~.. ......... ~_....-.".,...'" ""..., ,'~,;~." .. ...,.~." .."-..,--.............."........' .............-_...,...."...'..._"_...._...."."'.....,........~ ,-.,.,...-._",...~~,. ,., .,. "., ~,. f ~ : ~ ,- ç:: .., ;)<, ,~:., ~ ......',,,,, "~~'IÍ::'il t ;"'.~,1" '.., ~ '~. T ~};. ~., .l ~<:! to: ,": j C0l71.mi t t.ee on ,Jan'.Jar.' ,you havt~ ."\nv CÜ!",!ncn t:" I \-J()1':;,i.l to:,,",: i.T~,!:.'-·('f;.;'~~..· <; l'iC¡",/ T¡··¡:,~r: 1~t\_C . , . ; ". .:..~, ~<: 1 f: "; r!,;~.i:~ <:~, {',': 1"' ,. : :.! I t ~ ; ~ . ,..; "'$ ! '::::';'·1 , 1" t "1" . ~ 'i¡ ,~ ..- f':- j~:~ ; ~,' . :--:\-...... . .,,''''. . ' ',",^ '.' ',' "'.':" ':..~: (' ~,~.:.,;-;.,.-:~ I,} I" ~.¡'t,;-'r LI¡\1 !:, r.:'2·f){}():~.:1<': ..,.~ '1(' ;··}}'.,~(;t}1· .i·\r,~'" 12th 1~76 for Lh<"Lr <,!ired:ion. r:!:nu1d to ofFer pr5()'t, to .', (;("C:;-'1")' }.,..-.lHO n....'\chedr l.{ :". (:iC~~~ j "1'.1. nt', t:b :::-' ( ~ ... :'.: <> y~ t n 't.-l:~2 J '."ý 't: t' 'U..! './ ¡t ; (),~' 1 ""'0 ~~ ::?1:' S 1'~~ .:t.~~ L Jl /\..;/,: ~ ... f~.". , ,'\ ,{ ~~ i G t.l"'¡J t:t,·.~~, - c~l {;,.'(" ~.~ f'~': rt C.;'I~ ln~··· Pt I!>'ic Vvod-,s Céltl3CJ;¡ Jra,i;¡II:< puIJlìc~; C~(Hìada (/; O,neen Strpet Vlest rrhmnson Building 11th Floor Toronto, ontario I'!¡'511 2N5 Ph: 36<)- 3() ,)1 I), " 'I '1111" ' !' II." I' ¡' ( ') 'F ~ . C:,'^;" '_'-:".-:-,--~ ---~\\': ¡ .-_. ..~~ .:" ':.' a·,iL ¡.,. ._..,..-..-.' MlU1icipal Corporation of )ì,:t-I:Ï¡7¡¡f;(,~-j,,:,'!\"c~"~':''''':':':,:~~-_,_,\'''l . . \1. "r';':'''''~ - ..,. \: " ,.....-".. ".., i the Tovm of Plcterlng r' ,.........'-,' ,......, ,"'i ~ 1710 Kingston Road 1\"-------,..·..,,-,\- ·..·''''1 Pickering, ontario ,"--- ,-..'''- I,' ',' \ Attention H. Marshall, I\dmA1is.,'~1~~~,.:;~;;1:,~,rri.i',': ''', -·-·'-A·-:.,:~'·,·.~,~-,'., I··f\ J î, ¡; ! il' - ,......-."-- 1ft.. l . '~¡i\. \..! : }..,' -f......'·· . 'j A ...}. '<,",1,.1 '1 ê..J · ' .. ...~-,..... ~.. A· i"". I':t n; ...... :t Dear fjir: \ 'f?~~t~g:¡~';;\:~// .. ~:~;!:2s":,::::~;..~ß ,.... \ Re: Offer to PurchaF;e and c'~JÏ~brt~a,tiò];'--"" Pickcrincs Mm:;emll Board This is further to my letter dated April 4, 197)+, a copy of vlhich J.G attached for your ready reference. The offer as outlined in tl1e aforementioned letter is f3till in existencp. In addition to the offer of ~;~~)l ,sea. 00, the FederaJ. Go'rermnent viIl reimburse the MlU1icipality for all its costs incurred in relocatinr,: all the structures ì-I'ithin the present Museum are,},. In order to prc) cc': r! Iii L I¡Lf¡ i :' III' 1. I. 1,( 'I', ~(,!l!,":.II.·~.'."_'.Lu.tll(.),~: i,~'~' ,,¡ I.,'_J,..U 111" ~ I il'._~: :Jkjlil~I:~., . :.: f..r:.orr';""9.::LJ-£.a,;~.t...\):~T:,~~:_,!1!¡ºJi :t.5.9..'L I \~Ü :UJ,:iD£._WQ,yex.;:; . 1'llEò, e st;i.:rq.ai;.e s .s1~?y¿'_~.,,:i]1,?,1 ~~9S;~ ,tKJ (L. çg':!,t...~:r:, .~~~9.:;:Ôrl.G._'.:].L..I.!ILJ.L( Ii ILCE:,._.:.: ~':.!':'l:5~~.\U:,çJ; , Ela t ~Ei-..ê:.l.,_,_':::SU~l?PJ£t.:!..t,.,~.g., p:rt i ,ffl,cÞ, p" .,!IS?.!J!.. ..!l1g_1n:e ¡:;.~ nt ..10 c atioll._t:,?, J~lV~."P..?:Y_9P'£-,t 0 1:J~~.~.~~~(l .JJY-.Jr,Q.1J. They SllOUld also i.n£1~~~!-.Þc:...~?~~, ?Lª,lLn~.ç_~8:l"Y. fO..U11- qatlons on vrhich to pla,ce tl1e lJuildings similar to ,·¡hat there is in existe.nç,e.~ '''~''''''''''''''''._',''''''''-' - -- .,'-" ,. ., ,~.,." .' '.. . .--.... the period ,á thin "ìhich the ';Tork viII be ,~q9Y¡]-lìleted:, "the mr~tl1od 0 payment, and 1"""-......... ,~__<' _, .._..,~ ~.,... d . ,.~.,.."."." .... ..,,, .' " ,~".,,<....' '- ,," . 0"",,,... an agreement to }Jyovidc D bond covering the 'dork. On receipt fmd approval by the Airport Project end the representatives of the 'J'ovltl of pickering of the Buccessful tender, you vrill be enabled to enter into a contract which will include tbe Bcope of the vTorl~ and the. method of payment. \'lben a successful contract is 8TrOJ1),Šed, the Federal Government '\vill make a payment to the JvIWlicipal autlwrities in the vmy it is spelled out in the agreement; or, if desirable, t:1e total amount vii 11 11e paid at the time the contra,ct is signed, provided an flgreement IHw been reached on the settlement of all claims relating to the Museum and Hi stori cal f)(Jciety. ...2/ -------_.. - -. --...>---..-- ----.-..-..--.--. ,,-,. .'... -.~- --.,--------.-." -- ---.---. -~ ~ -----~----- r - 1- ~- t- MWlÌcipal Corporation of the' 'L'o'im of Pickerinp: " -c- December 16, 1975 In the r;v(~nt you'di ¡:;h any of' the: Fd~ructlircF; '¡ rnprovcd, :it of UI(' f,jIHii(,¡ 1':101 i 11 be at the cxp(;nse Vloulc1 you plcaFc;0 ndv:i F3f: ¡,1' our ities, and thr, pOi:ii,ion \-lithl" exchange for 8. relem;c of and F:U/~l':eF3tion :L:: accr:ntaj¡ (', 1:0 I; ¡.-, f~uni c ¡pal ::J.nLII(H·- Lo ¡,he p:I,yni'nl. (Jr' III' 1'''1'1 ii' I' '1,!\I\().Of) ¡I) deed to the m:'ca not C~xp¡"opri:tl;ccl. Yours very truly, ,; Z' -;ý''!.- / ' --..r----'" , _,' ,./{d\ ~_~,. _C-L--...."''-p--ð- "L ,~. v! . Lamport Project Manag'~r, nc~al Estate Ne1¡T Toronto Intern::d:,ion al Airport Pro,ject AHL: db Encl. ---._.~... 1 - I ¡- -~ -'----~-_._ ___________n ___"_._____. _,.. _.___.,,_.~..._,..__.. _._~_ -" --, ---.--...-.---., _. _0.' ".______.._. ._.._.._>u__~____._ n________.. -'~-,...._'_.~-------- ~ f- t f ;; ... 1 '. ""~,,,~ I" ~ ~<"-'::~31 '~'~~(~ "':l7';:,:ìri:'.: {"CI:~~..crf t.i ç;,~ r: . ,j: \"". ..~ Ç)\ ""1. 0 f ~~.~, C:~ (, rlT1!- " .-..~ ,A' . :~,:~ ~~r¡ tc::. ~··c,~-~. ..,C;·ì'..:":.;::.... :+~r: t:.,~"~.o .... . .~. :"'(~:.;':, r..?~: 1',."1'"> }"'. --.....- -..... I:-,'"""'r'')ll Cl(~r}: " ___."...,_.___1-_,___ ~r' ....... <"'{ r: .1...~ . r- ~ ~ 1 J d ':r~ f'" (.~,' Ç~"iJf'¿"P r'-. l"';:"f'~, l,t::-~::t 1:;';th fl(¡(I~' r;~O:l~o:rto, (¡':: Lr:..rl (, 'tr:-., r.',:-::. 11., ) , ,,'" 1 )~!.. .! f ': i. -;,..; _.._~. . -,/','; (,/ "'-/ ,', -. , ..' ,/ " ...~. I,"~...(':..:':t ..."'"....: r i (: ,.\~rc}.""IrH;. Hnrt Cc~~:j1';:r1!)fttio~1 (~t, . r ", ...... t.",~./.. . .. ': ~25.~~...:~~~:~_:_~_ _I:!:E~::~~!.'_ .__ L.~'{' ~':~,;'):"::.. ..[ T<:..rc{~lG G~;' l~~..A'·¡d ~"'lzic1' r",~(' T'¡r...T1::..,n~;("~ tI..:' " ,..""" ~J::~ :tc J" r: t, G':l .... t.ì',. r~i~ cf .....- , ... .,.... C':.:':" \.¡~~'-...:~I~':: t,i"', ,r' ,-, 7' ~~,~k , ~ .., ,'~ .... - ,-.' - 1..... ." 7'.. ,.~,~.4-. - ,...~. '''' I 'r' 'r., ..,_; T_.~ ~c , , r; " . ~ ."': '!~l ~'...... T:..~ '!' .......~. I/)'t .... _.,10 ,...'.... 4' ~~. T·...,,,..' ::",J, ;~ ~ ~ .,. .r." ;;,;1:~:"; i.~ 1 r', t' I.W: ",'". ~!r r·'.... 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" ,',' n ~ '- r" ~ ;. ,-. t··4'1"· '.~,If ., . !.;~;'~ ......:" 'f '" .~' . . -----~..._----'---_._--_.,--._._._--_.~---~-~_._._---_. .. --.---'---. ... /<':.'¡ "..' ,. .' ,/ . -. .- .~ ' " . ,c'._Cè..(.J...,) '-{ . ì ; ~Îr -. . '. !ir. ,.. i' . l~p~'rn!ltùl pr:f,"Z' 2 tn vr.r.::nd~:d Section f~14 offer \·~n~~ If4;,(~'< r1:~;~f' {~J. is itemized Q~ follovs: I,fiIld ~:' 1.{,~'(I.nn -::l!: 1(' ~ ::1t""':1 1, ~:~(1. (}~. .,..,.~ .. . (J ~ (1_ ~:. 2 ') ~~l: f). or; ,- Hot(, thcr,c f'''¡~{JU;¡t¡;¡ "ere pa.i~, Üein[( ;)~1\ti.e up l;,n: i.1~Ù t.17,fí20.00 .., -. l~.:. 1,",::,,;j r:) ;"14 t '.:2C. 0(') l.f~:"n.l. f'f·..::1 ,8'; ;~ p-. r::'" .J i../' > r:'otr;~ ·'~32. 7C~7 .5("1 ~~Ç\~~1~C~ to '~'''':t- "',""/'"\" f"f"': ,-. ,..;J~. ." ~ " ",' '.' 1.0t. 1 J.n.;': j r· (fj':") j ~..;~.r. :'~.1..r:,':"" L:,~rT"f~·~:'··! t'"\',1"-'I; .....¡ 0:: ""'~L¡1~r~.!,,~r ?-''\' ~;,~. ~; n:, ;'" , ,. ¡: '.~'. '0.., '.. .. ... .. ., ~ ~ ' ,. '-,. I J 1.:;:'10..&: . ....." .... -..' .,~ ....... -, r! .t' (.' .\o,.r~~."':"" :;t'..~~.: " . ~.1 . r-..ot ~',l ,.., ".... ': .' ~".~:' -:~:.~ (~ ':"" ~,,(, ," , , 11 . , ~... .C ~ . C~. ~\ (Ia ¡o' . ~ ., ..~' "'" '. ',. . - ~ " i1;,~!~izet..l C£; ~n~,,:j(T'.;'~~ ! :~.:1 ~ . . ~", ' .' ¡ ": P11il~:h'r:r; ¡., ) J'J'"\ (', . An "J~ot ~'.~< tI> -,.,....- l>f)t~. ()~~ '!-"hr;('¡f· t\\';:".;unt:1 't.¡(t,~" " i' ~~.. ..'.....}.;. .:'....~.J : ¡J;.,.....r: .~~~ .... .F" .....p ,. ..........< -.., .~ (. ~ (, 51; l. :~' ~ L"'~i;! ... t J:¡, ?oil,.~;-: 'r~_.",,_ /; f'" t. (> '\b -::~. ."; ." .:-¡ ."1 '''''' .. ¡ ...,' -.------.-..----" . _._~-----~---_._.. 1 ~ ,- i .... : . ,'" - , ~ 'i I~ {¡_¿ , "~., .' ' '.. lr!r. ..~ h. Hnr {¡ 11 :\.11 vt!ltlC j fì,.. thn t·,.·o l,r~rcclt: cXl)roprict~:;o .'. ~ '.'. \.' ¡·:.-,-C :".:¡ c;",ount of ~2ß,050.!)o f0r l~..'1d and $'34,320.00 fr.,· tt.<~lê~i:.,c' to;:-\:ther thca(! total $62,370.00. Y'" 'r1f"v~~ ~r:"-:;n ~~}:~(1 to r~e ~"' #;ï.¿ ()ff'<:~r 'toe: T''...:rC::<'Rf!: th~ r"lJ'~11"'.., irw TKrtíO:1 C'.... t',t' }r~vl<! inclu~!j'd in the:: HUZe\lr.:. r:cc.(\."...~~l)t:" to tho F...'Cproprilltion Act. 1..'(' t);c-rr;!Çor~ outline to you. th(- n,r¡rr;el vdul'\' of the rerl\inicr: In.n6~: r.rll" t,-;:ildingc 1\" providcd by ou:r- t!,l'j",)r'F"looint·},. I.ot ~ . -""', J,P,.,;) .....' ~ I . , ,!.) Iinn (, ~.. 3~) ,j:r\~",. ~'; :P;.¡:1-"::' ~:.~:' :~')G .l.;~;:"· r··', i"I",·ot P." ~ ~~n. !:>,I" {', ~ " ..., 2 '=" _, ~.~. r:~ (~1 f ~~:) ~. ~, ,. :. J.... .... '. . "'~:i l{ ~ ~. r~ ~'r~: ....:.~' ~\. ':C1-l ,; ........ '. :._ r:.t ..,.. Le.: (pt} ! ~~4!1':: ..l].~~.:::". (1,,' ~. 11,., ~ L"L~).J.\·l }~f· "-...' , ~'O'~¡'" /',"...... , , j"" '!'.tl:;~(\ ~~1r(\·: 1),ft?·~~(;l~ t(,.t,t~....: 1" V::~t.1r" ft._ ,'Y''I> ",. . L.~:..'1 r1 ~5( ~~"r'. !"" r.!t·; 1;\ ~ 'r' rf' 1.1.'.,- ...... ......., ~~-- ,...... ~ 'J';".! " '.I'c-t. r.: :~J :~ .? f ~: ~,. J.L YJ.(·· ""."" _..;., t"" ...."."- !. r,.ct t11t,t üD. l!"l1..e~"t ',' ......~..-r\r·,f.··"·... II" 1 ' ;¡,,, ,-. .;; .... I..' t.~.... ~# 'i.. .',', , '. ~, ~ c· tL j"'"" r.::r':!': i çn: ~,-'-, ,. . ..., ,.. , ...' :.,-~1. (~ )",f':,:::. :..c thf=~ 'p1"'Oì-.~~':!"'l~,"'" ~'" i to, '. ¡, i t;'" rL~¡t¡ i f nc~;:r;r:· f~ :-"'1"":/ ;', ~'" .::. t f~ (_ C. t. c. lrd: er ('"pt ç. ~'~:¡ } ;#'; :r i! 1 '0 :r- r !!' ~.t \,·Gt.Ü(~ r~1)f;n:~ :rCf~~;O:)t'.;~·J,tr· i:~~~ T' !' f":.'..-.:"...."'.'''t' ..,..".. -~ ~\- , '.L'..,·.. i (; il1(1 ~~ ~:ti;\; ,~~ ~ : ; .I "j':: -rtc.lUf¿ ~·'.,=l(.. \,"'í tt,(, t ~., e·~:(;:"i't>(::,·t to --_..__._._,--._._----.~ - ------ - .. '!{ iiòo;.... 'III V:r. .. .;. . Ho.rnha.ll 'Ps.ge Jl th~ Ò'ui1(Hnr-;'. ~c le cc;z-~::istCT:.tJ 't~c Ð};cn.ilt" n~~_ {.,..... ~~' ...' ~ !··:~Yi.::r~ c¡r·'!nt of the nmourl't involve!! in t.he V1JÙ~ of the 'buil!1Ï.n¡.. n."Lrf'f:i1,'· P~~. 'l'his votD.,d reault in the t1U!1icipo.lity 'being Jìni d fOT J :'1.nd~ r-;:}T in all cC:I.5en. ''''11'' tot,.,} lEir:1 v!Ùue e.zcribciJ to tht :::i't.t:' :~ tSl.?,!)O.00 of 'IoTi'ic.i.1 :i28,()'j,".Co ha~ '!--¡e~n pdd S...·h:\, which P..S cutlim:,i e.~o're. could be :N~d.uc('d by t),C ;,::-ou.nt,z¡ alrcMy prod for the- b..dlc::r:.'·::, i;;:-)tr.,J.J.:t\¡; ;';:4.320.00 ""1': ",h 00"": '" 1"""'0"1 '" ~ ...,.... -." t '\.. -ing ,..,_A... ,.....,. .I.")., O!'I"I r," WL J..,-,u !'II \A4.'-'&. .~._...A "'¡, J't'd.f'¡,,;.z..1 ....\..: ;. ",J,(~'" V.i. \þ.."......". ""'\;", (~". ;¡ì.C ~=ount of t;",ìl.,r:,:1C.00 torr'U oT ..;~:. ~,Le lI.¡:-.OUiit ~'-().J, hc.v(~ ,~·cuh·.",: (/;C:.~ï'J.()'ì totals N14..250.t;" .....+~.:c\ i\t; f,tnt~·,~ ':'10\'1', ,;qw,lF: t}c '~,(¡ï:cJ lrm(, ·....",.luc. At this t· i r.:<: J .,:E- ta 11or::c ~71,O. Or:. f:.r~ rJOt tl'l.ldnn; into account the .le if:, "~e!'\ õll"i!l ~~!'1':>L1,,:~,inr ,.... .. ,. :s a ~ S 1¡J"'·,·~·<... t1:3t if r....:r1:..* ('J'" 1'.1: t; ':: ~ *' ...' ; ,;.~..!' ~~.I~ r-1': ::.:'< 'V(: t c lH~ .,.""., 0C;."~·:"''':!..: ~ .I~' . (,~ :: r,"'_::",' C l ('f..: Jir::..!:: Lt" ti::1 2/ :laC't;; <;:'1 ;:.,. '., ~~... ~ < 'H ..... ''~~. ~C~1..":)r': ~.,Ï10 ~'l:~'~''''\f.~~. in f\:.l J A,I"" ....... [J f.)'::. ...~:. . . d~ r:: f. }:;(ì~.,I ¡: i'¡) le ~'"Iç.;,'" t ~:.I':, l:'" .""; '\. " '.: :'~ "~dC :. ·,fT:- ~~ .. !~ r,' r t;ìi~ r:t<)--c:'~~ !....·::r:...~nt n.n o\~tlin':: .. ~~ ..;. ..... i:':-" .. ",....,... ..'1..4\.' ..; ..,'f 'I"\:Ti; her it: ftJ2"~r'.t ~" C~: if :'.,:- ;.~r~ ~*~(.:, ~.'c; ':I¡()~(~ '"iJC :l':!T~j.i~." ~~; :':);.~~.:~ s ~,~ . . "l '"~. " ':'01.1':":; t;~v.'!o'''·. " /' . J:J-TLmV':3. . ~. "" -'- " ~ . ;,"rn;::,"'.;';., . <~:~;r~:"', .!,.... :·'f-:~:..l ::~~t.Eï.te ;;c;:¡: ..-....',~;'" ::(~~, ::t.C/~:¡1'...t.: ")~;~'~ t,,1. '!"';](; rt. - r:o' ; ~·,:t ------.---. - - ----_.__...~.._.. -~._----,---_._------, , - - I + 1- r.' 1 .,~'" (, I,' ., t, i í~> - L_ .' Public Works Canada rrhomson Llding 65 Queen Street West 12th floor Toronto, ontario M5H 2M5 ,IF q(7t/ (l· i Traval. ,Jublics Canada Phone: 369-3631 April ).¡tb, 1974 The Municipal Corporation of the Town of Pickering 1710 Kingston Road Pickering, Ontario Attention: 111'. N. rj]arshall, Clerk Dear Sir: n,-;: Ofr(~r tr;PurcJIn.::e and Conrp(~nr:n.t,-i nn __-.G~!:~~~~~~":~~I~~,_J.'~I_~r_~I}_~!,i}..'!'~__ _ 'Ph ere arc all out T parcel:'; of lnnrl "llri ell :I.rc' mn.lIf!.r~('rl as we understand by the Pickering Museum Board under the Cl1airman- ship of Mr. .T. Alma. Hereinafter liTe outline these parcels and our 1mclers tanding of the present oliTnersl1ip. l. Part Lot 14, Plaxl 10, County of Pi cl<;,eri ng 2. Part Lot 12, Plan 10, 'I'rust ees School Section #10 3. Part Lot 13, PIal! la, 'I'rustees School Section fll0 4. Part Lot 15, Plan 10, D. Beaton (Harriet GeroliT ) 5. Part Lot 16, PI E'.n 10, Township of Pickering 6. Part Lot 13, Plan 530, 'I'mmship of Pickering 7. Part Lot lL~ , Plan 530, Township of PiclŒrinp; TJ:1eBe lands form the tot al a:>,' e a occupied by the Museum. Lots 13 g~ 14, Plan 530 (6 e" 7) were expropriated as of ,Tanual'y JOth. ](ì"n :I.IJI :1.11 ()r'l'(')'vJ:I.:~ UUI.<1(· I.n fJl" ' ")\JII::/i i J !u: 'rlllrJ\¡{:':: Land :!a6,?oo.oO Buildings $13,200.00 Legal fees $ 367.50 '1'ota1 $29,767.50 $29,768.00 Rounded to . . ./2 . , ].'[:r. N. Marf3fl all page 2 - An amended ;)ection 1114 offer ¡,ras later made and IS itemi:¿ed a,; ['0110\-1:;: Land ,¡, 1 ,6;'(). no 'fl BuÏldi ngs * 1,320.00 Total $ 2,940.00 Both these mnounts "ere paid, being made up as: Land $17,820.00 Buildings ;~14 ,520.00 Le gal fees $ 367.50 Total ;!;32, 707.50 RoulHled to $32,708.00 Lot 16, Plan 10 (#5) was also expropriated as of January 30th, 1973 (99' x 165 ,) and an offer _m,; made as follovlS: Land ;ß 9, 3 00 . 00 Buildings $18,000.00 Lcr~al f'ec¡:~ ;¡; '~)Il . : 'f! '1'ota1 ')'r)'7 , (,I 1 ,) r' . Jr. ~ ,)... _.. (. ) HOlUl dcd to '¡"Y(' 6)1') (J(' ')L ,). c_. . ,) An amended ~;ection #14 offer was later made êll1d IS itemi zed a:3 follo",8: Land $ 930.00 Building::; $ 1,800.00 'l'otal (~.. 2,730.00 ~p Both of the:3c amounts were paid being made up as follows: Land $10,230.00 Buildings $19,800.00 IJegal fce~3 $ 3L~1. 25 Total $30,371. 25 ROlmded to $30,372.00 . ./3 ... - -.-.--..-.-.-. ._~_....- -"-- _.,._..._~-- .- - .-.-.- ,,__,,~_,.n.._____~_____.,,_.__~"___~.._ _, '.,_,.n _". "'__'_<',.___. .w_.____._... _'__ - ;- . - L.... ~1r. N. Marshall page 3 - , ()n1.!I<';: Lvi!) í):I.i·c(~l:: (:}:I:r()rn·i:J.i,f~d, 1:/" ¡¡:,V" pi,id :1.11 :UII'ilJlII, of $28,050.00 for land and :i;3h,320.00 for bn'ild'iIW:;, Lcw,'¡,I "'T' tlïc:;c total $62,370.00. T/le have been asked to make an offer to purchase the remaln- lng portion of the lands included in the Museum. According to the Expropriation Act, Tie therefore outline to yon, the market value of the remaining lands and buildings as provided by our appra1sor. Lot 14, Plan 10 (1) Land $30,400.00 Buildings $50,100.00 Total $80,~-)00.00 '.. Lots 12 & 13, Plan 10 (2 & 3) Land $12,600.00 Build inr; : ;?l ,?OO. 00 'l'otal *3'), GOO. 00 Lot 15, PIan 10 (1/)1) Land $13,200.00 Buildingf; $13,900.00 Total $27,100.00 'These three parcels total in value as follo¡"s: Land $56,200.00 Buildings :S87,200.00 Total 4)1113,400.00 1n Vlew of the fact that all interested parties wish to perpetuate the Museum, we are of the oIJinion all buildings should remain the property of the municipality and if necessary, be relocated at a later date. Therefore, it would seem reasonable to pay the amount which is indicated a:ò bcinrs the land value D,nd withoJ d 1;]](; mnount [U,cribed to . /)1 - _·····..._·~'____.n'.____.._ .___....... "-'.'-"__' ,..",",..."., ~~"V""_.__, - .... - lfJ1·. N. Jilars hall page 4 - . the buildings. To be consistent, we should a,;1\ for a 're-imbursement of Lhc arrloUJ1L illvo]v,·,j ill ¡,h,' vn' ljI~ of 1.1", lilllldill!':: :t11·'·:I.'I:; p:li<i. 11'lli:: would result in the municipality being paid for land,; only in <:1.11 cases. '1'he total land value ascribed to Lhc :,Lite if: :1;131., ,~))O.()O of ¡-lhich $28,050.00 has been paid 8..Yld, which as outlined above, could bè reduced by the amounÜ, already paid for the buildings, totalling $34,320.00 ¡-lhich would mean a lJayment being made of $21,880.00. The amount of $21,880.00 together vritll tbe amollilt you have received of $62,370.00 totals $84,250.00 which as stated above, equals the total land value. At this time " I'H? to some $710.00. are not taking into account the legal fees paid amounting - It is a~~sUJned that if any or all the buildings have to be relocated, those agencies making this necessary lvill discuss the matter in full to see who will be responsible for the CO:3ts involved. irJe hope t.hÜ, arrangement. as outlined 'j s clear, but if furt.her information u; rcqlrirc'd, ìve woulrlbc happy Cn fm'nish i,t. Your:,; Irul.v, ( -/ ~/- ,..-(-- .-'/ .~--~ / , "L /) .A·'ì -- .~.' ....."-'-..~ ~:."---1.. .,,",- ----7-:.--c ~- (- /' AHL:nva A. ¡.J. L8.mport Proj ect ¡vTanager, Real Estate Ne,v Toronto International JÜrport Proj ect. --- - -'--~--_._'--_._-"---,._~_.__.~._-_._~-_......_-_.~ . _·4"·~··_ ..... .'_~_. ~_"_"',,_.~'~_....,>o _'·'<'''.'_'.'~___''''W'__.__ - - 'I, J..... ('~" ,"" '-- p IC!:j: r~INC ..~'¡l1i~;~¡Ll_L;,~jí, 1'1) r4f10r!Of\~ Moved , hb,þ ~'U¡i ·r&III~~~~~1ÞIo ._Secondod h.'\, O¡:¡O'}i c(1R!Ir~m-amn=:rna::;*!~~',wr:St;ii¡;':¡:¡¡JIE.u¡a -""'~'''''''-- f)a, c P~m rn 8'13 d - That the Pickering Museum Board express its interest in the str.ucture of the Green River Basket Factory and that a letter be written to this effGct to tbe North Pich·.r irJ~J "rojl'f:!, and furthermore that the BuildJng Conmittec inspect the structure and submit a written report. - -Certified true copy Carriod day of ----..._,_197_ ......:t.~-~JNf"~!~:1F'".~,I'J-..-,!I'P;1'!'4IJ1'!'Yr.1;tIT!\'I~.."RInm~II ';m~~~ CHAIRMAN ~._._--_...._- - s) Green RIver Basket Factory Originally the Doten Carriage Works it was an operating factory until very recently. It could be restored with the possible assistance of timbers from one of the Roqers Barns which has a very similar stucture. -I.. MOTION 7/76 - MOVED by Wm. Wilson, seconded by Wm. Clark that it be recommended to the Museum Board that it go on record and write a letter to the North Pickerjng Project expressing interest in the structure of the Green River Basket Factory. 1 CARRIED - - - L - (~ ~\ - ~",.., PICIŒJUNG Ì'HJSEU1"1 B01\.HU .'----.. ~A ~r!O~~ Moved by ~;IC1:J~~~~ _Secondod ~y œ~;m11hIIm~¡;;IIC,R;1L'i1Oi11111111;\M!CI.."tI:Z"JftIItfu~~ ~"~~ìR.;¡~JtIœII,¡~ [)~ toP t2I e s t9 d That the Pickering Museum Board write to the Museum of Man and to the Ministry of Culture and Recreation with the intention of obtaining material and information from the Pickerinq 1\rchaoolo9.iCi11 sj J:c·s for thr· Pickering Museum. Certified truo copy CarrÎf.;>d - day of _ .197_ ~,'!P'It'~l!it~'II'I';'TWI!'C'r:¡......~"UIIt""f~~.vn;~t I_______ C H :A I R 1\111 A N - - Material and information from Archæological Site~ It was noted that material and information from the Pickering Archaeological Sites would be a great asset to the museum. - - MOTION 8/76 - Moved by G. Waters, seconded by D. McLean that it be recommended to the Museum Board to write to the Museum of Man and to the Ministry of Culture and Recreation to obtain material and information from the Pickering Archaeological Sites. J - CARRIED ------------- < ~<~----- "-"'.'-.'-'''-.' - -_.....~--~_.. - - - - .~ - - - t:) ...:~ - PICKERINC J\1USLTJr1 BO/\RIJ Ma'r~º~~ Movod by nÞIo"'~.,,~~~ _Secondød ~';:1~~~~_.. b~~ D\n~e P~Q6~d f!1-.tMP.#lllt:l.jt\'4a~iUaJt~CIh&~aJU'JIQ.tD.'1W'-".'''' That the Pickering Museum Board attempt to acqUJ,re pine stumps in order to provide a realistic setting for the log cabin and log barn. - Certified true copy Carried - day of _197_ ~-".~-..._.."..._-......._..._-----,- CHAIRMAN - b) Pine stumps MOTION 9/76 ~ Moved by D. McLean, seconded by B. Davies that it be recommended to the Museum Board that pine stumps be acquired to provide a realistic setting for the log cabin and the log barn. Wm. Wilson indicated that he would try to find pine stumps in the North pickering project area. - CARRIED '~ - - -, ....;" j;a" . i' - - ,. ~ .- ii.... r. ':" L- PICKERING MUSEUM nOA~D ._-----~.¥_-- MO'r~()~ß Moved by ....~.11%W1U:'~~ _Seconded 1I.,......'7.;'1tt~JII~~~ \ W1Þ, 4',1 O.ato Pa~ß~d ¢:1Ismr.ms~~~;;'JI;'œòEUftiI:i..~~JmIr.~ Accounts for Approval January 12, 1976 R. Miller - sundry supplies $25.41 .' Certifi()d truè COP)' Carried day of ___ 1 97 ...~;!'J.r.ll'IO;tWrÐ'Ii"Nõ:WW1Ø:iØT\:;¡r'l'f"IJtiI'1I'~.r~"A~.:;~~_ CHAIRMAN