HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 7, 1976 '- ....... . , y - '7 - 3/76 TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE A meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee to the Pickering Museum Board was held on Wednesday, April 7t~ 1976, at 2:00 p.m. in the Pickering Municipal Building. PRESENT: Mr. Wm. Clark Mrs. B. Davies Mrs. B. Duncan Mr. D. McLean Mr. C.R. Purcell Miss J. Raper Councillor K. Spratley-Chairman Mr. J.P. Myslik - Secretary ALSO PRESENT: Mr. D.R. Owen Mr. D. Mills 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED by D. McLean, seconded by J. Raper that the minutes of the meeting of March 10th 1976 be adopted. CARRIED 2. NEW BUSINESS a) Meeting with the consultant, Mr. D.R. Owen Mr. D.R. OWen was present with his assistant Mr. D. Mills to discuss the development of the proposed plan at the new site at Greenwood to date. The consultant had a three dimensional topographical model of the new site and surrounding area and also a two dimensional overlay model indicating the circula- tion and transportation problems for the new site. - Research work to date: - i~formation has been received from the Town of Pickering the Ministry of Transportation and Communications has been contacted. They have indicated that, the alignment of the future highway #407 is still indefinite. They also indicated that if traffic lights are necessary because of traffic generated by the Museum the Town would be liable for the cost of the installation of these lights. - the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority has been contacted, and they have supplied information concerning the area. the Ministry of the Environment is concerned about any combustion that takes place in the buildings for the exhibits. - the Ministry of Culture and Recreation are sending information about similar Museums in the province. They have requested to be involved in the planning of the Museum, and they have offered experts on staff to be of assistance. · t, .. .' .- - - .- 3. - 4. - -. - 8 - 3/76 2. NEW BUSINESS (Continued) - the Minis~ry of Natural Resources are conce~ned about the Sanitary Landfill Site which is adjacent to the Museum Site. - the consultants have visited Black Creek Pioneer Village. They have made a photographic survey of Black Creek Pioneer Village. - the consultant has also made a photographic survey of the new site at Greenwood. On the transportation overlay model the consultant has indicated the various problems of circulation and transportation and also located parking to the M~~e~ to the north and to the west of the site. These proposed parking areas are on land which are presently not owned by the Town of Pickering and negotiations would have to take place if the parking is to be located in these areas. NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 5th 1976 at 2:00 p.m. ADJOURNMENT MOVED by C.R. Purcell, seconded by B. Davies that the meeting adjourn at 5:05 p.m. CARRIED. - , ,,~4.íC at '¿", ... ..,. Dated Chairman ,.,.