HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 4, 2006 Cift¡ o~ Minutes PICKERING ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON RACE RELATIONS & EQUITY May 4, 2006 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Chair Councillor Pickles Attendees: Councillor David Pickles - Chair Margaret Lazarus, Glengrove Public School Birgit Wilson (Recording Secretary) Guest:: Rowena Kirk, C.A.V.E. Regrets: Jacqueline Moriarty, Community Appointee Kirk Mark, Community Appointee Tish Sheppard, Durham Catholic District School Board Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Joe Mitschang, Durham Regional Police Services Nazneen Dindar, Durham District School Board Malvina Ram, Community Appointee Kim Kranc, City of Pickering 1. Welcome & Introductions Councillor Pickles delayed the start of the meeting until 7:30 pm anticipating the arrival of additional members, however no additional members arrived. 2. A roval of Notes & Business Arisin Minutes of the April 6, 2006 meeting were approved. Councillor Pickles extended an invitation to Committee Members to attend Civic Award night on May 15, 2006 in Council chambers. 3. 2006 Committee Events - Tapestry Event at Pickering Museum Village - June 11, 2006. - Councillor Pickles and Margaret Lazarus from Glengrove Public School, attended a Site Meeting on April 30, 2006. - Preparations are well under way and if weather holds, should be a successful event. Page 1 CORP0228-2102 Committee Members are asked to promote this event to all interested groups, identifying sponsors, volunteers and participants. Advertisinç¡ Important to advertise, however, too soon can lose impact. Will start approximately 4 weeks before the event. · Through schools, · Newsletters to Community Centers, Libraries · News Advertiser Rowena Kirk suggested using C.AV.E. contact list and other youth groups lists to promote/advertise Tapestry event. 4. DurhamRe . lonal Police Service Councillor Pickles noted that Joe Mitschang is now rescheduled to give an update of the diversity study for the Durham Regional Police Service at the meeting of June 1, 2006. 5. Surve-Ideasfromthe Committee A draft "Survey Proposal" prepared by Councillor Pickles was sent out to Committee Members. He further noted that his intent is to have the Survey completed by fall in order to present the results in the form of a Report to the Mayor and Council Members before Council adjourns for the elections. A discussion on the mechanics of how to conduct this survey with different interest groups and type of questions within the community entailed. Rowena Kirk, C.A.V.E had some concerns as to the focus of the survey. She suggested that it focus not only on race relations, but matters of racism, multiculturalism, and equality in The City of Pickering. Should the survey address cultural or religious objectives - in some cases they are intertwined. Ensure these objectives are respected when questions are formulated. Councillor Pickles noted that for the next meeting, he will ask for Committee Members to prepare comments and come prepared for a detailed discussion on the focus and type of questions to go on the survey. The possibility of postin the survey on the City Website will CORP0228-2102 Councillor Pickles will ask Kim Kranc to contact Shawna Mutton for lists. Councillor Pickles to Page 2 also be discussed. Lastly, Councillor Pickles wanted to invite Shawna Mutton to The next Race Relations Committee Meeting to discuss the possibility of a Youth Survey to parallel our survey. 6. Next Meetin Thursday, June 1,2006 (last meeting prior to Summer Break) 7:00 pm - Main Committee Room All Committee Members are asked to confirm their attendance! 7. Ad'ournment Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm ask Kim Krank to contact Shawna Mutton For information purposes only, a copy of the draft Survey Proposal and Survey Outline is attached. Copy: Chief Administrative Officer City Clerk CORP0228-2102 Page 3