HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 16, 2004 Citlj o~ Minutes I Meeting Summary Audit Committee Meeting Minutes February 16, 2004 9:00 AM CAG Board Room Attendees: Mayor David Ryan Councillor Maurice Brenner Councillor Kevin Ashe Councillor Bill McLean GiI Paterson, Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Kristine Senior, Manager, Accounting Services Debbie Kearns, Committee Coordinator Paula Jesty, Deloitte & Touche Ivy Chan, Deloitte & Touche Election of Chair of theCornmitteeo ire on Novem ber 30, 2006 Moved by Councillor Brenner, that Mayor Ryan be Chair of the Audit Committee for the term to expire on November 30, 2006. CARRIED 2. Ado· tionof Mil1l..1tes Moved by Councillor Brenner, that the Minutes of the July 28 , 2003 Audit Committee Meeting, be adopted. CARRIED Councillor Brenner provided the history and purpose of the Audit Committee. Paula Jesty, spoke of the benefits to having a Audit Committee and will provide this Committee with information concerning the new requirements of Audit Committees within Public Companies. 2003 Aûdit Plan Moved by Councillor Brenner that the 2003 Audit Plan be received. CARRIED A discussion concerning the timing of reporting for the City and its dependence on the completion of audits for Veridian and Aax Pickerin Transit Authorit APT A took place. Page 1 Paula Jesty advised that the auditors for Veridian forward the financial information to be incorporated into the City's records for accounting purposes. Deloitte and Touche send a reliance letter to Veridian's Auditors to state relying on their information. Ajax Pickering Transit Authority (APT A) are audited by Deloitte & Touche. Meeting Adjourned 9:20 AM Page 2