HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 25, 2001 Audit Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday, September 25,2001 at 5:00 p.m. Chair: Councillor Brenner Present: Councillor Maurice Brenner Councillor Mark Holland Councillor Dave Ryan Gil Paterson, Director of Finance & Treasurer Kristine Senior, Manager, Accounting Services Debbie Kearns, Committee Coordinator Warren Hurren, Hurren, Flett, Sinclair, Chartered Accountants Neil Sinclair, Hurren, Flett, Sinclair, Chartered Accountants 1. Adoption of Minutes of June 18. 2000 Moved by Councillor Ryan, that the Minutes of the June 18,2001 Audit Committee Meeting be approved. CARRIED 2. 2000 Year End Audit 2000 Financial Information Return Moved by Councillor Holland, that the 2000 Audited Financial Statements and the 2000 Financial Information Return, be received and referred to Council. CARRIED 3. Corporate Services Report CS 26-01 Municipal Performance Measurement Proeram Councillor Brenner advised that Mayor Arthurs questioned the accuracy of the figures with respect to operating costs for winter control per lane kilometer. Mr. Paterson advised that the figures were accurate and provided a breakdown of the direct and miscellaneous costs. An explanation of these figures will be included in the report prior to publication. Results will be placed on the website with one disclosure included at the end of the report rather than in each section. Councillor Holland requested that service levels be compared when comparing costs. Moved by Councillor Holland, that the Audit Committee recommends that Corporate Services Report CS 26-01, Municipal Performance Measurement Program, be forwarded to Council; and Further that the results only of the Municipal Performance Measurement Program, excluding comments, but including a general disclaimer, be publicized. CARRIED 4. Corporate Services Report CS 30-01 Request for Proposal Procedures Councillor Ryan raised concerns with respect to possible abuse of authority while authorizing payments as outlined on Page 5, Sections 2.02 to 2.07 in the Draft Policies and Procedures. A comparison with other municipalities will be provided by the Treasurer. Audit Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday, September 25, 2001 at 5:00 p.m. Chair: Councillor Brenner Councillor Ryan requested that a definition be included in the report which outlines the appropriate time to use an RFP, Tender or Quotation. Moved by Councillor Ryan, that Corporate Services Report CS 30-01,. Reque.st .for Pro~osal Procedures and Purchasing By-law be forwarded to the Finance CommIttee wlthm associated comments. CARRIED 5. Corporate Services Report CS 32-01 Millennium Committee/Account Moved by Councillor Ryan, that Corporate Services Report CS 32-01, Millennium Committee/Account be forwarded to the Finance Committee. CARRIED 6. Corporate Services Report CS 29-01 Establishment of the Millennium Committee Moved by Councillor Ryan, that Corporate Services Report CS 29-01, Establishment of the Millennium Committee, be received for information. CARRIED 7. Corporate Services Report CS 31-01 Invoices for Outside Aeencv Services Councillor Ryan raised concerns with respect to the 'Note to File' included in the Corporate Services Report CS 31-01 , Attachment # 1, not being dated. Moved by Councillor Ryan, that Corporate Services Report CS 31-01, concernmg Outside Agency Services be approved; and That the City Clerk distribute copies of the procedures to Members of Council. CARRIED 8. Other Business a) Councillor Brenner advised that a review of the minutes of the June 18th meeting would be undertaken to ensure that all outstanding items have been addressed. b) Councillor Ryan put forward the need for enhanced audit function which was generally agreed. c) The next meeting will be at the call of the Chair following discussions with Mr. Paterson. 9. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m. Audit Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday, January 15,2002 at 5:00 p.m. Chair: Councillor Brenner Present: Mayor Arthurs Councillor Maurice Brenner Councillor Mark Holland Councillor Dave Ryan Thomas J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer Gil Paterson, Director of Finance & Treasurer Kristine Senior, Manager, Accounting Services Debbie Kearns, Committee Coordinator 1. Adoption of Minutes of September 25. 2001 Moved by Councillor Ryan, that the Minutes of the September 25, 2001 Audit Committee Meeting be approved. CARRIED 2. External Auditor Moved by Councillor Ryan, that 2( a) of Report CS 01-02 of the Director of Corporate Services and Treasurer on External Auditing Services be approved. CARRIED 3. Manaeement Letter Review Moved by Councillor Ryan that the Management Letter of September 25,2001 from the external auditor Hurren, Flett, Sinclair be received for information. CARRIED 4. In-Camera Moved by Councillor Holland to move in-camera at 5: 14 p.m. CARRIED The Committee discussed the issue of external auditing services 5. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 5:35 p.m.