HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 30, 2006 CiÚ¡ 0# Waterfront Coordinating Committee March 30, 2006 7:00 PM Main Committee Meeting Room Attendees: Councillor Maurice Brenner Doris Chee Jim Dyke David Steele David Stone Kevin Tower Lisa Broad (Recording Secretary) Absent: Craig Bamford Angela Barrett Suzanne Barrett Michael Bellmore Dr. Nick Eyles Larry Field Chandra Gocool David Green Harold G. Hough Paul Kelland Kinga Kriston Bernie Luttmer Scott Murray Gary Peck Lorna Rawley Mayor Ryan John Sabean Juliette Saunders Peggy Wilmot Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items I Status (include deadline as appropriate) Memorandum from the Ci Clerk . A memorandum from the City Clerk was received, apologizing for the recent lack of support to the Committee from the Clerk's Division. The City Clerk advised that staff are now assi ned and the Division is at full com lement. 1 2. A.i.I...oc --tiol1<åfMi nuté$ · Minutes from November 17, 2005 were adopted. 3.. Updâte Councillor Maurice Brenner · Apologized to Committee about cancelled meetings. Was not due to lack of commitment or lack of enthusiasm but to lack of time and conflicts with Sustainable Pickering. However, agenda has continued to move forward. Hopefully today's meeting can provide an update and get back on track. · Quick overview of the Capital budget priorities to examine what money will go into Waterfront this year. · Two projects were approved; park signage throughout trail area ($25,000), and Waterfront Trail at Parks Crescent ($50,000). · Priority for this year is the storage building at Millenium Square ($30,000). Sharon Middleton has ideas for this project. · Gateway Project - the City of Toronto did not allow us on the tender because it was against their purchasing policy. David Steele - requested an update on the Frenchman's Bay request for proposal. Councillor Maurice Brenner · This RFP has been approved i i I David Steele · Saw the four presenters and was happy with the choice. Noted that the plan should be finished by November 2006. a) Waterfront Trail Councillor Maurice Brenner · Tonight we will focus on the Waterfront Trails, signage, and education and awareness. Doris Chee - waterfront signage, Park Crescent, and gateway project. · Has had discussion with Rouge Park and TRCA about the schedulinq of works because both groups will be doing other 2 projects as well. · Park signage - these plans are now being updated. No information will be changed, just the graphics. · Quotation package is now ready to go out. · Doris will discuss about openings with contractor by early Doris Chee to June. action Councillor Maurice Brenner · Discussed primary idea to do one unveiling of a sign a month to reacquaint the public with nature and the trails. · However, there are some concerns with bank reinforcement and the erosion of some trails. David Stone has some concern about these areas. · There is remaining work to do. Asphalt will not be put down until stability is reached. Will need to communicate updates and awareness that will focus on what is happening in the West. Sponsorship · Sponsors for the unveiling are being sought out for each section of the trail. · They will be asked to donate money for refreshments (possibly a barbeque). Approximately $1,000 each. David Steele, David · David Steele, David Stone, and Kevin Tower will research Stone, & Kevin sponsorship. Tower to action. · David Steele would like a staff member to send exact location addresses, and the possible dates for unveiling. I · Will be able to project these dates after the tender goes out. · Advertising can be done through the community page, the website, and the Civic sign. · Doris Chee - suggests that the opening be closer to the end of summer rather than the beginning. Councillor Maurice Brenner · May plan two unveilings in August, due to the possible All members of the conflict with the Municipal Elections in the fall. Committee to · Education Awareness should be focused on each section of action. the trail. 4. Cortes · There was no correspondence to be discussed. 5. e>thé..BÜsiness&<AØjourhment Jim Dyke 3 · Inquired about the erosion of the storm water pipe at Sunrise Avenue. · Is there a timeframe for this to be completed? Doris Chee · This has gone out for quotation, two bids have come in and now it's a matter of choosing. Doris Chee to · Doris will check with Operations and follow up. David Stone action. · Rotary Park would like to get more involved with the City of Pickering. · At the Board meeting, David Stone will have $1,000 moved to be committed to this. This money can be used for the David Stone to sponsorship including plantings at each unveiling location action. and refreshments. Canada Day Festival · Councillors have raised the question of looking at another venue for the Canada Day festivities. · Includes the possibility of tying in the Frenchman's Bay Festival leading into Canada Day. · This is already a good festival but there seems to be a desire for a change. Park Benches · David Stone suggested that Rotary Park could accept donations for twice the amount and the extra money could be returned to the City of Pickering to the Waterfront Trail. · This would enable the Capital to be put back into Waterfront. · Councillor Maurice Brenner asked David Stone if he would be willing to submit in writing as a proposal. · Stone replied that there is currently a personnel issue but he David Stone to will take the idea back to the club. action. · Councillor Maurice Brenner said that they will entertain any idea that will put money back into the Waterfront. 6. N.e~tMeeting April 27, 2006 · Committee meetings will now be held on the fourth Thursday of every month. · This change is due to the DRTC scheduling conflict. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm. 4