HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 22, 2005 C¿tq o~ Minutes I Meeting Summary Waterfront Coordinating Committee Thursday, September 22, 2005 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Absent: Councillor Brenner, Chair Richard Holborn, Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Larry Field David Steele Craig Bamford Jim Dike Bob Hester on behalf of Scott Berry Doris Chee Alison Haines (Recording Secretary) Chandra Gocool Don Terry Suzanne Barrett Michael Bellmore Scott Berry Kevin Tower John Sa bean Judge David Stone Juliette Saunders Item Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status / (summary of discussion) (include deadline as Ref appropriate) # 1. Adoption· .of ·Minutes ALl. Minutes were adopted from June 9, 2005. 2. Update- Status Of Frenchman's Bay ManagementPläll- Strategic Rlanl1it19 Strategic Planning Session Comrnifte.e The Committee was notified that Council has endorsed the Management Plan for Frenchman's Bay and the Committee is on course for the adopted framework. The Committee should continue with action according to the Management Plan. , 3. Correspondence ALl.. The Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering advised that the Regional Trail Network, as planned, was adopted by Council. Page 1 of 4 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Discussion ensued about the layout of the trails, both Regional and local, and the development of maps. The Committee determined that the waterfront theme they developed is extremely important and they are dedicated to preserving and ensuring its success. Councillor Brenner requested the Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering to retrieve the Council approved signage and theme previously decided upon to ensure it is clear to everyone involved. Councillor Brenner requested the Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering to create a grid according to the recommendations of the Committee with respect to the trail, signage, connection points etc. and determine what is complete, where funding is required and the total cost. The issue of the Western Gateway was raised. It was noted that Toronto has proceeded with their plans for the bridge and have already sent it out to Tender. The City of Pickering now needs to catch up in order for there to be a collaborated effort. Councillor Brenner advised that the Western Gateway Project received Council commitment through staff and it is imperative that the City move as quickly as possible with this. Councillor Brenner directed Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering to invite a company to submit a Request for Quote to compare with the cost estimate as provided by the designer for the Committee recommendation to Council. The Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering was directed to bring report on Western Gateway Bridge to Council for approval. A Committee member suggested that the Director, Operations & Emergency Services contact the Waterfront Regeneration Trust to determine if the organization would be interested in contributing to the cost. The Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering stated that there remains a legal issue with the bridge. Councillor Brenner advised him to contact the City Solicitor. Terms of Reference The Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering presented the Terms of Reference with res ect to Frenchman's Sa Storm Water Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Rich Division Page 2 of Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Management Master Plan. There are three phases to the plan: 1. Characterization - Understanding the system including a collection and review of all relevant information for evaluation. 2. Analyses of alternative methods including a review of the goals and objectives of the Master Plan 3. Preparation of the master plan The Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering proposed requesting Council endorsement to establish a Steering Committee to include senior staff members, external agencies, both Public and Government, and citizen representatives. The Waterfront Coordinating Committee concurred with the Steering Committee suggestion. A Committee Member suggested that perhaps the author of the previous Report could prove to be an invaluable resource for the Steering Committee. A Committee Member expressed their concern on exactly how the Steering Committee will be chosen. It was explained that City of Pickering staff and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority will work together to propose an appropriate structure for the steering Committee. Another Committee Member wanted to ensure the reporting structure of the Steering Committee was so that they would report to the Waterfront Coordinating Committee. Councillor Brenner, David Steele and Craig Bamford are to brainstorm and prepare a notice for the News Advertiser Community page advertising an Open House to encourage citizen participation in the Steering Committee. The Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering and Larry Field, TRCA to advise on what will be required of citizen members for the advertisement. A Committee Member wanted it noted that ground water concerns would be included in the Terms of Reference that will be submitted to Council for endorsement. The Committee was advised that a Request for Proposal for Frenchman's Bay Storm Water Management will be conducted in 2 phases. First through an expression of interest and from there the City will invite 4 companies to submit a formal RFP. After a discussion on an effort to conserve money and not conduct unnecessary research, Committee Member, David Steele is to Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Page 3 of £} Item / Ref # 5. 6. Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) organize a meeting between his contact at University of Toronto, City Staff and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority to determine if the University is able to assist in providing information on studies they have completed. The Terms of Reference are to be submitted to Council in October for adoption. David Steele and Craig Bamford are to have chosen citizen representatives for the Steering Committee by this time. The successful firm from the Request for Proposal will be selected an recommended to City of Pickering Council at the January 16, 2006 meeting. Other Business & Adiournment Councillor Brenner requested the Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering to contact Ontario Power Generation and determine if they are cutting down trees on their land that were planted by outside individuals and/or organizations. Next Meeting Meetings were arranged for: Thursday October 20,2005 Thursday November 17, 2005 The meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm. Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) ALL ALL! Page 4 of 4