HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 13, 2004 CiÚf ,,~ Minutes I Meeting Summary Waterfront Coordinating Committee May 13, 2004 7:00 PM Chair - Councillor Brenner Attendees: Councillor Maurice Brenner Larry Field Jim Dike David Stone John Sabean Juliette Saunders David Steele Kevin Tower Craig Bamford John McMullen Debbie Kearns Absent: Councillor Holland - Regrets Chandra Gocool Frencan'sBã ···Stud Larry Field, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority provided an overview of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authorities comments after reviewing Nick Eyles Final Report dated June 2003, "Remediation of an Urban Impacted Watershed and Lagoon" which was a collaborative City of Pickering, University of Toronto and McMaster University project. He advised that the TRCA: · supports restoration and sustainability of the Bay · objectives: );> restore Bay and watersheds );> community sustainability );> help promote better practices on residents own properties · issues: );> how to build on study );> how to restore better functioning Bay );> overall review of water quality issues and link to habitat restorations );> building community outreach );> how to integrate proposals and set priorities );> set fiscal targets and receive money );> how to restore watersheds and Frenchman's Bay Councillor Brenner stated that a critique of recommendations and an implementation plan is required. Page 1 Moved by David Steele That the report from the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority be received; and That the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority work with the Region of Durham, the City of Pickering and other interested parties to commence a Business Plan to integrate proposals as outlined in Nick Eyles Final Report "Remediation of an Urban Impacted Watershed and Lagoon"; and That the scope as outlined in Professor Eyles Report, be refined. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY CanadaDa Celebrations Councillor Brenner advised of a request from the Cherry Tree Café, located in Ajax, to operate a gourmet type food booth at the Pickering Canada Day celebrations with all proceeds in excess of operating costs to be donated to the Waterfront Trail. Moved by David Steele That the Cherry Tree Café be permitted to provide gourmet food at the City of Pickering, Canada Day Celebrations; and That all funds in excess of operating costs be donated to the Waterfront Trail project; and That any gourmet food offered will not be in competition with other vendors. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Other Business a) Juliette questioned the status of sponsorship signage and Hwy. 401 tourism signage advising of the Waterfront Trail. Moved by Juliette Saunders That the City of Pickering request the Ministry of Transportation to erect a tourism sign on Hwy. 401 advising of the Waterfront Trail; and That this sign indicate that eastbound traffic exit onto Whites Road and westbound traffic exit onto Liverpool Road. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 2 Councillor Brenner provided committee members with a status on the water taxi planned to transport persons between the east and west spits. He advised that there has been two Requests for Proposal for floating docks and that a floating dock on the east side would not be a problem but that Harold Hough has refused docks to be built on the west side. Moved by David Stone That Juliette Saunders be appointed Chair of a sub- committee to review the possibility of a bridge spanning Frenchman's Bay from the west spit to the east spit; and That this sub-committee be open to members of the Waterfront Trail and any outside interested parties; and That David Steele and Jim Dike also be appointed to the sub-committee. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY c) David Stone questioned the status on the two properties at the end of Marksbury Road as to the possibility of acquisition. He was advised by Larry Field that this was not to take place. Next Meetin The next meeting will be held on June 10 ,2004 at 7 pm in the Main Committee Room. Meeting Adjourned: 8:30 PM Copy: T. J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer Page 3