HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 13, 2001 Waterfront Coordinating Committee Minutes Thursday, September 13,2001 7:00 p.m. Chair: Councillor Holland Present: Mark Holland - Chair David Stone Kevin Tower John Sabean David Green Jamie Bronsema Peggy Wilmot Craig Bamford David Steele Jim Dike Jaqueline Smart Debbie Kearns 1. Announcements Mark announced that Andrea Graham, Nick Eyles, Tom Mohr, John Sabean, Craig Bamford and David Steele will be receiving a 'Founders Award' in the Chambers in recognition for their work on the Waterfront. Dean Harbridge has received an appointment to represent an agency on another Committee, therefore, has submitted his resignation. It was the consensus of the Waterfront Committee that the appointment by PESCA of Peggy Wilmot to replace Dean Harbridge on the Committee be accepted. Mayor Wayne Arthurs and Councillor Ryan were unable to attend the meeting as the Mayor's Golf Tournament and Dinner were held today. 2. East - West Spit Connection A meeting concerning the East - West Spit Connection has been scheduled for October 2nd at 7 p.m. in the Main Committee Room at the Civic Complex. All Waterfront Committee Members are invited to participate. 3. Signage Jamie has provided samples of final options for the Committee to review. John recommended that Pat O'Brien be invited to participate in the next meeting of the signage sub-Committee. Signage on certain areas such as the Wind Generator and the Beach should be moved on immediately. Jamie suggested that students would have a feeling of ownership if they participated in erecting trail signs. He further stated that a budget for signage is being included in the next two years budgets. David Steele requested the estimated cost and all signage and locations along Pickering Waterfront Trail. 4. Western Bridge Status Update Mark advised that tenders, at an amount lower than anticipated, have been received for the Western Bridge construction. Construction will take place over the winter with the bridge opening in the spring. Final alignment of the path has not yet been decided, therefore, further discussions may take place. Paul White would like to be included in any meetings concerning this matter. David Steele stated that the waterfront trail abutting Park Cres. on the east side of Petticoat Creek should not include asphalting the grass area, and that the trail should proceed along Park Cres. asphalt road. 5. Arts Centre Mark requested input from the Committee with respect to their thoughts concerning an Arts Centre at the Waterfront at the bottom of Sandy Beach Road at the Kinsmen Park. Various components should be considered, such as gallery, theatre for performance, etc. Waterfront Coordinating Committee Minutes Thursday, September 13,2001, 7:00 p.m. Chair: Councillor Holland Mark advised that the Task Force is hoping to set up a Foundation to raise money for this Arts Centre. Mark further advised that this matter should remam a citizen driven initiative with citizens, corporations and politicians involved. The Task Force will investigate various facilities within the GT A to ensure this project is done correctly. 6. Other Business 1. Mark advised that he has received many requests from residents concerning paving the pathway through Alex Robertson Park. A discussion took place between Committee members and it was recommended that the existing gravel trail be paved. The Coordinating Committee stated its consensus that this is a important issue needing to be addressed. 2. Mark invited residents from Bay Ridges to join him at the Liverpool Road Waterfront on Saturday, September 15 at 2:00 p.m. to express their views on the Waterfront Park and Trail. 3. Peggy stated her concern with the hours and the cleaning of the washrooms at the Waterfront. Mark advised that he has spoken with the Director, Operations and Emergency Services requesting that the washrooms remain open until the end of the first weekend in October and also that supplies be kept on hand, such as toilet paper. The Committee suggested that the hours for access to the washrooms be extended on Saturdays and Sundays. Mark will speak with Everett concerning this. 4. David Stone advised that the development of an Education Centre is moving quickly between the Rotary Club and the University of Toronto. 5. Craig formerly requested that garbage pails be placed at appropriate locations, such as trai¡ entrances, into Petticoat Creek Park. Jackie stated that Douglas Park are also experiencing a problem and require an increase in garbage pails. More garbage containers are required at Millennium Park. It was stated that an increase in garbage pails is required but that pick up of garbage from these pails must be increased. 6. Jim questioned the status on the Harbour entrance. Mark advised that the Charter and Supplementary documents have been received and forwarded to the Solicitor for the City for review. A report will be prepared which will include a chart and the list of responsibilities covered in the Charter for the owner of the Charter. This report should be ready by the end of September. 7. David Steele and Nick Eyles will be meeting with Jim Dike concerning a buoy going into the watershed. . 8. David Steele requested that the City of Pickering program activities on and around the Milennium Square now that the waterfront trail is completed at the bottom of Liverpool Road. David Steele also requested that the Arts Council work with the city staff and provide a draft program for committee approval. David Stone stated he could possibly direct the staff to interested musical organizations. . 7. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 8:32 p.m.