HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 26, 2000 WATERFRONT TRAIL COORDINATING COMMITTEE Main Committee Room Tuesday, September 26,2000 7:00 pm Present: Councillor Dave Ryan - arrived at 9:00 p.m. Neil Carroll, Director, Planning and Development - Chair Richard Holborn, Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Debbie Kearns, Committee Coordinator Community Appointees: Andrea Graham Tom Mohr Craig Bamford David Steele David Stone Regrets: Mayor Wayne Arthurs Councillor Mark Holland John Sabean 1. Planning Study Update -Liverpool Road Neil Carroll advised that Part 2 of the Study is anticipated to commence in November 2000, with recommendations to Council in April 2001. Part 2 will deal with the establishment of architectural and landscape guidelines for the Liverpool South Area. A discussion paper addressing such matters as design criteria, design themes, architectural control, and landscape opportunities will be prepared before Christmas. Neil reminded the Committee that Council approved the Part 1 Study recommendations in principle only, and have not yet given direction to staff to proceed with a City initiated Official Plan Amendment to implement new land use provisions for the Study Area. It was his understanding that Council did not want to give full approval to Part 1 of the Study until they were comfortable with the direction of Part 2. 2. General Matters David Stone requested that the TRCA be questioned on the status of the Johnson property. David Steele requested a detailed report from the City on the elements of the Millennium Trail project that are being undertaken with the recent project approval, along with a list of items that were cut from the Trail project due to funding constraints, and a list of outstanding items still required to complete the trail from east to west, including interpretive signage. He would also like included in this report the time frame and cost of these items. Craig Bamford requested that the City explore the closing of Buena Vista Drive, as the last home on this street was recently demolished. Craig Bamford recommended that the City look into the potential purchase of the Coolwater Farms property on the east side of Liverpool Road, across from the Waterfront Bistro. This land could provide additional public parking facilities, and could accommodate a revised road system and wetland viewing opportu n ity. --2-- David Stone requested that early permission be given to the Rotary Club to manage Frenchman's Bay West Park (park wouth of Sunrise Ave.), and could not understand why permission was withheld for the Horticultural Society to undertake the planting of gardens in the park. 3. Presentation of Progress Working Groups Workinq Group #2 - Storm Water Management Richard Holborn provided a verbal status report on Storm Water Management initiatives related to Frenchman's Bay. The Report to Council OES 015-00 received Council approval at the regular meeting of September 18, 2000. Pickering will partner with the TRCA, the University of Toronto and others in two concurrent studies that will gather the pertinent information required to set parameters and criteria for future stormwater management projects. The first component is a flood plain mapping exercise that should take three months to complete once the Request for Proposals have been awarded. The second component is a characteristic modelling of Frenchman's Bay with an emphasis on sedimentation, its movement and its effects. This is a longer study that is expected to take two years to gather data and create a model. University of Toronto students will undertake this component as a research and teaching project. Stream Flow Gauges and a Rain Gauge has also been approved for purchase in order to collect data. It is forecasted that designs can be initiated in 2002 for construction in 2003 as long as funding is in place. Long term monitoring of the watershed is also a component of the project. Richard requested assistance from the Waterfront Coordinating Committee in seeking out potential sources of funding from the business sector for this project. . Andrea Graham suggested the a grant application be sent to the Trillium Foundation. She advised that it must be applied for by a not-for-profit organization and must be a project that benefits the whole community. David Steele advised that the University of Toronto may be interested in partnering on this project. He suggested forming a subcommittee of this committee to look into fund raising and strategies for storm water management. Tom Mohr remarked on the apparent lack of awareness/knowledge of residents from the northern part of the City respecting waterfront and storm management issues. He suggested that the WCC should explore mechanisms to better inform northern residents of these initiatives and the benefits they can enjoy from the waterfront. Workinq Group #4 - Signage and Art A report was distributed and discussed from the Heritage and Arts Subcommittee. The Subcommittee would like to commence with topic research, guideline preparation, and the establishment of a panel of judges to jury the interpretive art submissions. The Subcommittee would like a report from the Director, Operations & Emergency Services outlining the funding available for signage and arts from the current millennium trail project budget, and the time frame for the expenditure of these funds. The Subcommittee would like to begin immediately with four interpretive stations and require approximately $80,000 --3-- to undertake this work. The Subcommittee indicated that external funding support for the millennium trail was largely due to the arts and heritage elements of the project and that these elements must take high priority in project implementation. It was indicated that the Director, Operations & Emergency Services had previously advised that he would provide a breakdown of funds required and available. Moved by Craig Bamford Seconded by David Stone That Council be requested to allocate $80,000 from the Trail Project Funding in 2001 for the creation of four Interpretive Stations along the Waterfront Trail; two for the First Nations Trail and two for the Peak Trail. CARRIED 4. Bay Front Progress Park A handout was distributed from the Director, Operations & Emergency Services concerning the status of the Progress Bay Front Park. The Committee stated their concern with boat launching component of the park design, with specific opposition to the ramp, which accommodates the launching of motorized boats. The Committee was in favour of facilities to launch vessels such as canoes and kayaks into Frenchman's Bay from this location. It was indicated that a more appropriate location for the launching of motorized boats was at the bottom of Sandy Beach Road, adjacent to the Nuclear Station. 5. Other Business a) Neil Carroll advised that he had recently received formal written acknowledgement from MTO of the City's potential interest in acquiring MTO surplus lands at the northwest corner of Highway 401 and Liverpool Road, just south of Loblaws. This location has been identified as a potential site for a storm water management facility. David Steele was provided a copy of MTO's acknowledgement letter. b) It was suggested that a Communications Sub-Committee be formed to develop a communications strategy, which may include a community website, newsletters, outreach program, school projects, etc. 6. Adjourned The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. 7. Next Meeting November 28th, 7:00 p.m., Committee Room