HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 26-06 CUq ,,~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: 26-06 Date: April 10, 2006 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 02-004/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 21/02 Minister's Zoning Order Application 18-Z0-02903-01 Bill & Ann Clancey (Part of Lot 8, Concession 5, Parts 1, 2 and 3, Plan 40R-16157) (South side of Concession 6, east of Westney Road) City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 02-004/P, submitted by Bill & Ann Clancey, to amend the Pickering Official Plan to permit the development of a golf driving range on lands being Part of Lot 8, Concession 5, Parts 1, 2 and 3, Plan 40R-16157, City of Pickering, be TABLED, until such time as an Environmental Assessment for the Westney Road By-pass is complete; 2. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 21/02, submitted by Bill & Ann Clancey, to amend Zoning By-law 3037 to permit a golf driving range on lands being Part of Lot 8, Concession 5, Parts 1, 2 and 3, Plan 40R-16157, City of Pickering, be APPROVED AS REVISED, as a temporary use for an initial period of three years, subject to the conditions oUtlined in Appendix I to Report PO 26-06; 3. That Council recommend to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing that Minister's Zoning Order Application 18-Z0-0293-01 to permit a golf driving range be APPROVED AS REVISED, to permit the golf driving range as a temporary use subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix II to Report PO 26-06. Executive Summary: The applicant proposes to develop a golf driving range on a property fronting the south side of the Sixth Concession Road between Westney Road and Highway 7 (see Location Map and Applicant's Revised Plan, Attachments #1 & #2). The applicant proposes to amend the Pickering Official Plan, Zoning By-law 3037 and the Minister's Zoning Order to permit the proposed golf driving range. The subject lands abut the conceptual location for the proposed Westney Road By-pass of Greenwood. Protecting for planned infrastructure is a requirement when considering the establishment of new land uses. Both the Durham and Pickering Official Plans identify a proposed Westney Road By-pass in the vicinity of the subject property. Specifically, in the Pickering Plan, the future Westney Road By-pass is shown abutting the west property limit of the subject lands. Report PO 26-06 Date: Apri/10, 2006 Subject: Bill & Ann Clancey Page 2 Approval of a permanent golf driving range at this time on the subject lands could prejudice the future alignment of, or be incompatible with the Westney Road By-pass. Part of the subject lands may be required for the new road, potentially prohibiting the continued operation of the golf driving range business. The subject lands may abut the new road, such that errant golf balls from the range would create a safety issue for drivers. With the exception of this uncertainty respecting the By-pass location, the proposed golf driving range application meets, or with conditions of approval, can meet, the other requirements of the Provincial Policy Statement, the Durham Region Official Plan and Pickering Official Plan. These requirements include demonstrating the appropriateness of using agriculturally-designated land for non-agricultural purposes, protection of natural heritage features, adequate separation from barns, and compatibility with the rural character. Accordingly, temporary use zoning amendments to both the City's zoning by-law and the minister's zoning order are recommended for approval, with appropriate development conditions. The official plan amendment is recommended for tabling until such time as the by-pass location is finalized (anticipated for 2008), and a determination can be made on permanent status of a golf driving range on the subject lands. Site plan approval is also required. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. BackÇJround: The initial circulation and Statutory Public Meeting held for the Clancey applications in the spring of 2004 were rolled back by the Greenbelt Protection Act. Enactment of the Greenbelt Act, 2005 and the Greenbelt Plan removed controls for the subject lands in March 2005, and a new circulation and Statutory Public Meeting (April 21, 2005) became necessary for the Clancey applications. 1.0 Comments Received 1.1 At the February 19, 2004 Statutory Public Meeting, and in subsequent written comments Resident comments, including a petition with 60 signatures in opposition to the proposal and written comments from Greenwood Area Ratepayers Association raised concerns about increased traffic, roadbed condition of the Sixth Concession for traffic, impact on school children, water, use of fertilizer, lighting and signage for the Clancey proposal and a need for new policy to guide changes around the Hamlet of Greenwood (see Information Report No. 03-04, Attachment #3; Minutes of the Meeting, Attachment #4; and Letters, Attachments #5 to #8). Report PO 26-06 Subject: Bill & Ann Clancey Date: April 10,2006 Page 3 A landowner representative raised concerns about the impact of the proposal on the future Westney Road By-pass and supported recreational uses (see Attachment #9). 1.2 At the April 21, 2005 Statutory Public Meeting (see text of Information Report and Meeting Minutes, Attachments #10 & #11) Resident Comments - concerns with traffic, light pollution, noise, run-off to creeks, herbicides and pesticides; 1.3 Written Comments Submitted Following Statutory Public Meeting Residents Greenwood Area Ratepayers Association (Serge Rielau) Joel Dahl (occupant of property to the east, with the livestock barn) 1.4 Agency Circulation Region of Durham same petition as in 2004 plus reasons in opposition to the proposal (see Attachment #12); opposed to the proposed use with concerns about traffic, water, pesticides, lighting, signs, possible restaurant, liquor license (see Attachment #13); concerned that proposed use be operated in professional manner with resolution of any drainage issues (see Attachment #14); the proposed use is permitted by the "Major Open Space" designation of the subject lands; the amending zoning by-law should restrict the use to only the proposed use; the site plan should show the location of existing and proposed structures, private sewage systems and wells, patrons per day, floor plan of clubhouse (including kitchen) and the number of employees; the Regional Official Plan and Transportation Master Plan show the conceptual alignment of a future Westney Road By-pass (to by-pass the Hamlet of Greenwood) along the west side of the Clancey property; an Environmental Assessment (EA) is programmed for 2008 to establish the exact location of a future by-pass with possible road construction by 2011, following completion of the EA for Highway 407 expected in 2008; Report PO 26-06 Date: April 10,2006 Subject: Bill & Ann Clancey Page 4 Region of Durham ( continued) _ City official plan and zoning amendments to permit the driving range as a permanent use are premature until an Environmental Assessment has determined the exact location of the Westney Road By-pass. A City Official Plan Amendment will not be exempt from ReQional approval; _ temporary use zoning to permit the driving range may be appropriate, subject to the applicant entering into an agreement with the Region to dedicate any lands necessary for the future Westney Road alignment and site design measures to protect a future road alignment from the driving range activities (see Attachments #15 to #17); TRCA - no impact on natural features since subject lands are removed from the Carruthers Creek valley; - want to review site plan design to address lighting, turf management and water management matters (see Attachment #18); Greater Toronto Airports Authority - no comments relative to planning for a possible Airport (see Attachment #19); Veridian Connections - no objections (see Attachment #20); Hydro One Networks no objections in principle, but due to the high voltage transmission line crossing the property, the site plan agreement should contain several conditions related to access, costs of relocations and maintenance of easements (see Attachment #21); 1.5 Comments from City Departments Development Control - on-site works can be controlled through a Site Plan Agreement; - any necessary off-site works may be controlled through a Development Agreement with the City (see Attachment #22); Report PO 26-06 Date: April 1 0, 2006 Subject: Bill & Ann Clancey Page 5 Municipal Property & Engineering the Sideline 8 road allowance to the west of the subject lands has been identified as a future Westney Road By-pass as a Type B arterial road. The Region should be consulted to determine if any road widening is required and the applicant so advised; traffic volumes for proposed development are well below design limits and will not impact the area roadway network; rehabilitation/reconstruction of Sixth Concession Road, east of Westney Road, is deferred to 2007 in the proposed City Capital Budget for 2006 (see Attachments #23 & #24); 2.0 Discussion 2.1 Approval of a driving range on the subject lands on a permanent basis is premature until the location of the Westney Road By-pass is determined The Clancey's have applied to amend the Pickering Official Plan, Zoning By-law 3037 and the Minister's Zoning Order to permit a permanent golf driving range on the subject lands. A location map is provided for reference (see Attachment #1). The applications propose to permit the driving range as an additional use to the "Agricultural Areas" designation in the Official Plan and as an exception to the "Rural Agricultural Zone - A" provisions in the Zoning By-law and the Minister's Zoning Order. The amendment application to the Pickering Official Plan should be tabled until the precise location of the proposed Westney Road By-pass is determined by an Environmental Assessment. Once the exact location of the road alignment is determined, the impact of a golf driving range on traffic operations (safety aspects of golf balls for traffic) and possible need for acquisition of lands to accommodate the roadway alignment can be determined. At that time, measures to ensure compatibility of the driving range with road operations can be addressed. The Region has programmed the Environmental Assessment to determine the exact alignment for the Westney Road By-pass for 2008 with construction likely by 2011. Report PO 26-06 Date: April 1 0, 2006 Subject: Bill & Ann Clancey Page 6 2.2 A Golf Driving Range is a suitable temporary use on part of the site provided it is sufficiently separated from neighbouring barns As a temporary use, staff concludes that the introduction of a golf driving range on the subject lands will be an appropriate use of lands in this area and can be made compatible with existing uses on neighbouring lands. This conclusion is based on a review of the City's rural area policy objectives, the applicant's submitted Planning Analysis, the Revised Agricultural Assessment, Environmental Report, agency, City staff and resident comments. Use of the subject lands for a golf driving range fulfills the Pickering Official Plan objective for the rural area to encourage a vibrant rural economy with a wide range of rural uses and activities, including outdoor rural recreational uses. The applicant's Planning Justification report, as required by the official plan to support an application to amend a land use designation, concludes that the golf driving range is an appropriate use in this location. City staff have indicated that the anticipated traffic volumes from the proposed driving range will not impact the roadway network. The applicant provided an agricultural impact report to justify the use of agricultural lands for non-agricultural purposes as required by the City of Pickering Official Plan, the Durham Regional Official Plan and the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS). Agricultural Reports are required to demonstrate that a proposal: · will not significantly adversely affect the amount or quality of Class 1 to 3 agricultural lands; · complies with the Minimum Distance Separation Formulae in the PPS; and, · cannot be accommodated on less significant agricultural lands, in a rural settlement or in the urban area. The Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) policy requires that sensitive uses (residential and active recreational uses) be separated (buffered) from manure producing livestock operations (i.e.; neighbouring horse barns). The Revised Agricultural Assessment Report provided by the applicant justifies use of the agricultural lands for the proposed golf driving range use and further provides that the recreational use must be separated from two livestock barns on nearby properties in order to comply with the mandatory MDS requirements of the PPS. As a result, lands occupied by the golf driving range must be set back 176 metres from the barn on the easterly abutting property. All golf driving range facilities, including buildings, driveway, parking facilities and golf tees are required to be located outside the buffer area. In response to the findings of the Revised Agricultural Assessment, the applicant submitted a revised site concept to demonstrate compliance with the MDS (see Attachment #2). Report PD 26-06 Date: April 1 0, 2006 Subject: Bill & Ann Clancey Page 7 The applicant has also indicated that the facility will operate only in daylight hours with a modest entrance feature and sign and a pro-shop/control point of minimal dimensions, which addresses a number of area resident concerns. Staff also agrees with the conclusions of the Environmental Report submitted by the applicant that the subject lands do not contain any significant natural heritage features. TRCA staff indicated that the subject property is not impacted by any natural features. The only natural features identified on the property are the hedgerows along the east and west fence rows of the property. Staff are recommending that these hedgerows be protected through consideration of the site plan. 2.3 Temporary zoning is recommended, subject to conditions, to permit the driving range Conditions of zoning for the temporary zoning by-law will address both City and Regional matters. Temporary zoning can be approved for a period of up to three years and can be renewed for subsequent three year periods. The by-law can permit a use that does not conform to the official plan. In this situation, it is recommended that temporary zoning be supported provided: 1) Prior to Pickering Council enactment of a temporary use zoning by-law to permit the golf driving range, the applicant be required to: a) enter an agreement with the Region, to address: . transfer of any lands necessary to accommodate the future alignment of Westney Road through the subject property at a purchase price to be negotiated; and, . incorporation of design measures to protect the future alignment of Westney Road from activities related to the driving range, if necessary; and, b) provide a registered reference plan to precisely set out the minimum separation area between the golf driving range and the neighbouring barns; and, 2) Following execution of the agreement between the applicant and the Region, and receipt of the required registered plan, a temporary use zoning by-law be forwarded to Council for enactment that will address the following matters: designate the lands to permit the golf driving range as an additional use in the existing 'Rural Agricultural Zone - A' and retain the existing 'Rural Agricultural Zone - A' use provisions within the buffer area; Report PO 26-06 Date: April 1 0, 2006 Subject: Bill & Ann Clancey Page 8 suitable parking requirements for the golf driving range; appropriate set back standards. The foregoing conditions are contained in Appendix I to this report. 2.4 MZO Application The applicant applied to amend the Minister's Zoning Order (Ontario Regulation 102/72) to permit the golf driving range use. City comments on the MZO application were requested by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) staff. City staff advised that comments would be provided once a decision has been made in the related amendments to the City's official plan and by-law. Once a temporary zoning amendment is adopted by Council, City staff will advise MMAH staff and request that the Minister's Zoning Order be amended to permit the golf driving range as a temporary use. MMAH staff have indicated that a temporary amendment to the MZO can be issued and that, like the City's by-law, subsequent amendment applications will be required for each extension, or to be made permanent. 2.5 A site plan can be approved, once the temporary zoning is in force, that will reflect standards suitable for a temporary use of a golf driving range on the subject lands It is recommended that Council require that the following matters be addressed through the consideration of site plan approval for this proposal; no flood lights or night lighting be permitted; only lighting for security/safety purposes; hedgerows along the east and west perimeters of the property and the trees on the road frontage be preserved where possible; signage be limited; tee design/layout and/or netting be considered, if necessary to protect neighbouring properties from errant golf balls; matters of proposed lighting, turf management and water management be referred to TRCA for comment; details respecting the location and use of existing and proposed structures, private sewage systems and wells, patrons per day, floor plan of any buildings and number of employees be referred to the Region of Durham for comment; the comments of Hydro One respecting the location of hydro transmission line on the property; and, other appropriate matters. Report PO 26-06 Date: April 10, 2006 Subject: Bill & Ann Clancey Page 9 3.0 Applicant's Comments The applicant requests approval of the Official Plan Amendment and permanent zoning now and does not support the temporary use zoning approach recommended by staff. Appendices: Appendix I: Conditions of Approval for Temporary Use Zoning Appendix II: Conditions of Approval for Minister's Zoning Order Amendment Attachments: 1 . Location Map 2. Applicant's Revised Site Plan 3. Information Report No. 03-04 4. Minutes of Statutory Information Meeting, February 19, 2004 5. Petition of Russel Phillips, March 15, 2004 6. Comments of Greenwood Area Ratepayers Association (GARA) (Joan Moritsugu), February 18, 2004 7. Comments of Mr. & Mrs. Chong-Knight 8. Comments of Mr. Noble 9. Comments of Mr. Artuchov 10. Information Report No. 04-05 11. Minutes of Statutory Information Meeting, April 21, 2005 12. Comments of Russel Phillips, April 12, 2005 13. Comments of GARA (Sierge Rielau), May 24, 2005 14. Comments of Joel Dahl 15. Agency Comments from Region of Durham, April 6, 2004 16. Agency Comments from Region of Durham, April 21, 2005 17. Agency Comments from Region of Durham, March 10, 2006 18. Agency Comments from Toronto Region Conservation Authority 19. Agency Comments from Greater Toronto Airports Authority 20. Agency Comments from Veridian Connections 21. Agency Comments from Hydro One Networks Inc. 22. Staff Comment - Development Control 23. Staff Comment - Municipal Property and Engineering, September 15, 2005 24. Staff Comment - Municipal Property and Engineering, September 26, 2005 Report PO 26-06 Date: April 1 0, 2006 Subject: Bill & Ann Clancey Page 10 Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: ~~ Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Senior Planner IP, RPP nning & Development &j~ ~~ ~~~ . Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Manager, Policy SG:ld Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ,f ,;.?' / ,/" ,{ APPENDIX I TO REPORT NUMBER PD 26-06 Conditions of Approval for a Zoninq By-Law Amendment 1) Prior to Pickering Council enactment of a temporary use zoning by-law to permit the golf driving range, the applicant be required to: a) enter an agreement with the Region, to the satisfaction of the Region, to address: i. transfer of any lands necessary to accommodate the future alignment of Westney Road through the subject property at a purchase price to be negotiated; and, ii. incorporation of design measures to protect the future alignment of Westney Road from activities related to the driving range, if necessary; and, b) provide a registered reference plan to precisely set out the buffer area. 2) A temporary use zoning by-law address the following matters: a) establish a 'Rural Agricultural Zone - A / Golf Driving Range' zone on the lands outside the required separation distance only; b) parking standards and zone requirements as set out in the general provisions for recreational uses in Zoning By-law 3037, including, · parking standard of one space for each four persons (staff and patrons); and, · lot frontage minimum 150 metres · lot area minimum 4 hectares · front yard minimum 15 metres · rear yard minimum 15 metres · side yard minimum 6.0 metres · lot coverage maximum 20 percent c) a three year term. APPENDIX" TO REPORT NUMBER PD 26-06 Conditions of Approval for Minister's Zoninq Order Amendment 1) Prior to Provincial Government adoption of an amendment to Minister's Order 102/72 to permit a golf driving range on a temporary basis on the subject lands: a) the agreement referred to in Appendix I, Clause 1 (a) of Report PO 26-06 between the Region of Durham and the applicant be executed; b) a reference plan that precisely sets out the required buffer area be registered; and, c) a temporary use zoning by-law to permit a golf driving range as an amendment to the City of Pickering Zoning By-law 3037 be adopted by Pickering City Council. 2) A temporary use Minister's Zoning Order amendment should address the following matters: a) permit the golf driving range, as an additional use to permitted agricultural uses only on that part of the subject lands outside the required separation distance, as detailed in a registered reference plan; b) parking standards and zone requirements as set out in the general provisions for recreational uses in Zoning By-law 3037, including, · parking standard of a minimum of one space for each four persons (staff and patrons); and, · lot frontage minimum 150 metres · lot area minimum 4 hectares · front yard minimum 15 metres · rear yard minimum 15 metres · side yard minimum 6.0 metres · lot coverage maximum 20 percent c) set a term for the temporary amendment to coincide with the three year term set by Pickering Council in the adoption of the temporary use zoning by-law. Þ, T1Þ.CHr!iENT # I TO F-ŒPURl 1/ PO 2.10- 010 l/ I I; \ --.., L;J: --- L rI\GrI -L /' 0 ~ f / I. n.11. "1 1"1 W uOD I \- / ¡;¡ I / 1-. ~ I-- I / r I IIII I / r SIXTH ROAD HIGHWAY 7 IJJ Tl I I 1 -/ T - 1 / - - -I L ~ I / ;:: I / ~ I r ml / ~E SUBJECT - / PROPERTY I I I / / ,pI ~ 0/ ~I 0" ç / 0'1 ^'~/ :1" I, 0° I Q¡ ~ / _C~ J 0Q / / 0V m 0°/ / d I 0.0 L¡;¡ ~I / w Q. / -1-.S z ~ / --<'.' ;;; ./" ;~ / '/ City of Pickering / Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PART LOT 8, CONCESSION 5, PARTS 1,2 & 3 40R-16157 l' OWNER B & A CLANCY DATE JAN. 14,2004 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. OPA 02-004P & A 21/02 SCALE 1: 10000 CHECKED BY SG FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN-RURAL PA· /i Z6~ '?"-'-f¿.-.TO ¡:Ii. _0 " ..., .,' .. ~ .... -'"'.''',..'''-.'.",,,,,,,,._''' -.. ~.-..,."",..,,- INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED REVISED SITE PLAN W. CLANCEY A 21/02 ENTRANCE FEATURE AND SIGNAGE LOT AREA LOT FRONTAGE AVERAGE DEPTH AVERAGE v.1DTH V"" GRAVEL PARKING 21 CARS PORTABLE TOILETS GRASS TEE AREA () o 1- () \1\ \1\ ~ o 1- 1.\1 176 METRE SETBACK FROM BARN 1.\1 SITE PLAN STATISTICS 13.D6 hec. 2D7.34 m 631.19 07 70 m EXISTING PRDPOSED LOT COVERAGE 508.50 7.5 sq.m LANDSCAPE AREA 13.00 13.00 hec. PAVED AREA N A 1225.0 sq.m PARKING SPACES SIZE: 5.3x2.75m N A 20 DESIGNA TED PARKING SPACES SIZE: 5.3x4.0m N A 1 INTENT: GOLF DRIVING RANGE AND PRACTICE FACILITY l' THIS UAP WAS PHOOlJC£() BY THt CITY or PiCKERING PlANNING .t O£VElfJPUENT D£PAR1JrIéNr. JNFrJHMATJON .. SUPPORT S£RVIC£S, MARCH .11 2006. 2t~º6' TO Cili¡ ,,~ INFORMATION REPORT NO. 03-04 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF February 19, 2004 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 02-004/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 21/02 & Minister's Zoning Order Application 18-Z0-02903-01 Bill & Ann Clancey Part of Lot 8, Concession 5 (Parts 1,2 and 3, Plan 40R-16157) (South side of Concession 6, east of Westney Road) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the subject property is located on the south side of Concession 6, east of Westney Road, to the east of the Hamlet of Greenwood (see Location Map, Attachment #1); - the subject property has an approximate area of 13.1 hectares, a lot frontage on Concession 6 of 207 metres and a lot depth of 630 metres; - the subject property is currently occupied by a detached dwelling, two sheds, two barns and a cultivated field; - a hydro corridor runs from the south-west towards the north-east across the south part of the property; - the subject property is relatively flat with a row of trees along part of the road frontage and hedgerows along the east and west sides of the property; - the subject property is currently farmed and the residence is rented; - surrounding uses include similar farming operations with dwellings, barns and fields. Information Report No. 03-04 #._._~_TO .'," 2/~ 0" t r.lLi...,.,.,.._'^'...,,,.,,,.E=.......~....._.;,,...._,........£'" Page 2 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - the applicant proposes to: · amend the Pickering Official Plan to permit use of the subject lands for a golf driving range (including a parking area) and to convert the existing dwelling to a pro-shop, in addition to the permitted agricultural uses; · amend the zoning to permit the driving range on the northern 1 0.2 hectares (approximately three-quarters) of the subject lands located north of the Hydro corridor; and, · continue to farm the southern part of the lands, use one existing barn to board horses, convert the other barn to a storage shed for the golf driving range, demolish the two existing sheds and construct a new residence near the front of the property in the future; - a preliminary site plan showing the layout of the golf driving range (including the associated parking), the buildings to be retained on the property and the hydro corridor is provided for reference (see Attachment #2); and, - the applicant has also submitted an application to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to amend the Minister's Zoning Order (which regulates new uses that may be impacted by noise from a future airport). 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham ReÇJional Official Plan - identifies the subject property as Major Open Space, where development is intended to be predominantly for conservation, recreation, reforestation, agriculture and farm-related purposes; - the proposal appears to conform to the Durham Region Official Plan; 3.2 Pickering Official Plan - identifies the designation of the western majority of the subject property as Agricultural Areas and the eastern part as Open Space System - Natural Areas; - identifies the subject property immediately east of the Rural Study Area for the Hamlet of Greenwood and the proposed Future By-pass for Westney Road (around the Hamlet of Greenwood) on Schedule" - The Transportation System of the Pickering Official Plan; - designates no natural features on Schedule 11/ - Resource Management to the Pickering Official Plan for the subject property; Information Report No. 03-04 II 3 F 7, ........~"·.,.",,·,,«",.""".'...,._..c,,.,' 1.1 i Pi, 210-06 I ,'... ""~,,,...,,,...-,'.C" ".,..,.,...,..;....."'_,",.....,..,.....,,_., Page 3 3.3 ZoninÇJ By-law 3037 _ the subject property is currently zoned "A" - Rural Agricultural Zone A, by Zoning By-law 3037, as amended; _ the existing zoning permits agricultural uses (including, among other things, the raising of field crops, raising of horses and one detached dwelling for the agricultural user) and some recreational uses, not including a golf driving range; _ a zoning by-law amendment is required to permit the golf driving range and the related pro-shop. 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 4.1 Resident Comments - none received to date; 4.2 AÇJency Comments - a Ministry of Municipal Affairs official has commented orally that the Ministry will continue to process the application to amend the Minister's Zoning Order, submitted by the applicant, since the proposed golf driving range is not an "urban use" for purposes of Bill 27, the Greenbelt Protection Act. 4.3 Staff Comments - in reviewing the application to date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: · whether the loss of agricultural land is justified; · consistency of a golf driving range with the City's rural area policies; · ability to meet the minimum separation distances required between the future proposed dwelling and existing sources of odour from livestock facilities; · suitable buffering from the future by-pass of Westney Road proposed to the west and the need to protect lands for the Westney Road by-pass alignment; · suitable zoning standards; · matters to be addressed through site plan approval, once appropriate zoning is in force, before landscaping for the driving range may proceed; and, · delineation of zoning boundaries for the golf driving range to ensure compatibility with the Hydro corridor across the south part of the subject lands. Information Report No. 03-04 /.:; r·f l\ C ¡-1 ¡VI Lh"f II ~>. .,.~...ª..~ ,.>.....,"_.~,,_ T (j. r:H'Cìn<í t PU"._?c.~:º<f:?«._"<_<,,,. Page 4 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION 5.1 Official Plan Amendment Approval Authority _ the Region of Durham may exempt certain local official plan amendments from Regional approval if such applications are determined to be locally significant, and do not exhibit matters of Regional and/or Provincial interest; and, _ at this time, the Region has not yet determined whether this official plan amendment application is exempt from Regional approval. 5.2 General _ written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; _ oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; _ all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning & Development Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; _ if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; if you wish to be notified of Council's adoption of any official plan amendment, or passing of any zoning by-law amendment, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk; and, _ if you wish to be notified of the decision of the Region of Durham with respect to the proposed amendment to the official plan, you must make a written request to the Commissioner of Planining, Region of Durham Planning Department. 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Appendix I - list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing the report; 6.2 Appendix II - a copy of the applicant's proposed Pickering Official Plan Amendment; Information Report No. 03-04 3 <~<~:Ôb."" < . Page 5 6.3 Information Received - full scale copies of the Applicant's submitted preliminary site plan are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department; the City of Pickering IS In receipt of the following reports submitted in conjunction with this proposal: · Planning Justification Report; · Tree Inventory and Assessment; · Agricultural Assessment Report; and, · Greenwood Golf Driving Range - Environmental Review; 6.4 Applicant - the applicants are Bill and Ann Clancey. ~. ORIGINAL SIGNED BY ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Planner II Catherine Rose Manager, Policy SG:ld Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development j/"ª,,,.~._ ro 2b -::/2l?...,.. .... "','" APPENDIX NO. I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 03-04 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) None received to date COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) Ministry of Municipal Affairs (oral). COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) None received to date ,'1"""';1.'["" J' 3 ....0 hi ih:;ff,\,:¡I_'-"'f tt.. .. i ;i' Pi) "2..'0-Ob . -. ..,'.........,·.<_,'."nI",..~··....,..-..,.. '.-.M1'a~_~""' "",...~,.......",,,,, APPENDIX NO. II TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 03-04 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN ;,n It __.8 __TO C:I ;d"<I·· .. I'i ¡ 2'·,·-D'- I ';:~_: ,)[¡ _ fr '....' _ _ \(..... fCJ ^-"....,-,..->'.._...",._.--......,.,.,..........."""- PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN PROPOSED PURPOSE: The purpose of this amendment is to add a golf driving range as a permitted use on the subject lands, which are designated Agricultural Areas and Open Space Areas - Natural Areas. LOCATION: The subject lands are approximately 13 hectares in area, and located on the south side of Concession 6, east of Westney Road. All of the lands fall within Part of Lot 8, Concession 5 (Parts 1, 2 and 3, Plan 40R-16157). PROPOSED AMENDMENT: The City of Pickering Official Plan is hereby amended by: 1. Adding to City Policy 3.20 - Exceptions to Land Use Designations, which currently reads as follows: "3.20 In addition to the primary agricultural uses set out in Table 12 and open space uses set out in Table 3, as an exception, City Council shall permit the following:"* A new subsection (e) as follows: Golf Driving Range (e) on lands identified by the symbol "E5" on Schedule I, a golf driving range and the related use of pro-shop." 2. Adding the symbol for Exception "E5" to Sheet 3 of Schedule I - Land Use Structure to identify the subject lands, as set out on Exhibit 'A' to this Amendment. IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. *Tables 3 and 12 are attached for information I.n.!:):'1U·,:-r /l,,,,/,,..__,_ TO 2:t:p-DL .,,,,,,JQ .,,,,.,,.. Excerpts from Statutory Public Information Meeting Thursday, February 19, 2004 7:00 P.M. The Manager, Development Review, provided an overview of the requirements of the Planning Act and the Ontario Municipal Board respecting this meeting and matters under consideration there at. (II) OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION OPA 02-004/P ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 21/02 & MINISTER'S ZONING ORDER APPLICATION 18-Z0-02903-01 BILL & ANN CLANCEY PART OF LOT 8, CONCESSION 5 (PARTS 1,2 AND 3, PLAN 40R-16157) (SOUTH SIDE OF CONCESSION 6. EAST OF WESTNEY ROAD) 1. Steve Gaunt, Planner II, provided an overview of property location, applicant's proposal and City's official plan policies pertaining to this site, as outlined in Information Report #03-04. 2. Anne & Bill Clancey, 49 5th Concession, Ajax, proposed this development as they feel it is needed due to the growth of the sport of golfing. This will be a family run business, will be well landscaped, will act as a buffer for Greenwood from future development and will be a family run business. 3. John Wager, 2378 Concession 6, stated his concern with the increased traffic through the Hamlet of Greenwood. He advised that school children use Conc. 6 to go to school. 4. Russell Phillips, 2595 Concession 6, stated his concern with increased traffic and activity in the area which would disturb the Greenwood residents. He is also concerned with the increased traffic at Hwy. 7 and Conc. 6 intersection. He questioned if and requested that this application be contingent on the approval of the Westney Road by-pass. He advised that he noticed fill being dumped on this property. 5. Steve Gaunt, Planner II, advised that Mr. & Mrs. Clancey were advised to discontinue dumping which they did. 6. John Wager, 2378 Concession 6, stated that if the by-pass is approved this would provide a route for the driving range traffic to take. - 2 - ., ,,,.':t.,,,, TO ?fe:PI). Excerpts from Statutory Public Information Meeting Thursday, February 19, 2004 7:00 P.M. 7. Kevin Holmes, Agent, 460 King Street, advised that he is a golf course architect. They have no intention of irrigating more than the tees and green. The lighting will be restricted to the parking lot and there will be signage in front of the property but will be in heritage style and in keeping with the character of Greenwood and the landscaping will be enhanced. Traffic issues are a concern but they feel that the users of this driving range will use Hwy. 7 or Westney Road. - 2 - 1:-1:- ~' .}\, r":"-;'~-~ f H I-;:¡ 'I". ' I J f--j () t-- ''t1 ' v ~'\J I '2" ^ 0 I( W z~ . I'J I- Q ~ \ ^ ~ 'DI,«~ ,~,~0 .J¿ ~ t3 ~ -I~ ,1 ~ ~ J Ð I \: ''.J <:) ~J Q 0 ü ~ ~~ ª-~ '" 0 Ik:c¡-' ~ ¡¡¡ .f' W Z\\ I ~ ~ ~ ~r ~tÄ cr' ['i fr, 11.<, 0 ¡::~ ~ 15 -- f\ Ú .' ,'"\ ¡-.., W <t -'~ - ! Q) 'V 'iJ \~ ;Q '\.) Q () ~ :5. 'if),.: ~" \\ ~ ~ CO~. iií ~...... ~~ , ~ ~ ~ {) ~ ~ ~~ ~"Ù <õ~ ~ ~v c: ", ,.. ....t i C Z ~, ~\.I, ~~ ~t'~:g r ~ -::¡ " !9:-7. '... -, ~ ~ ~1 O,~ ~ ~\j ,~~, ~ ...... _~...!. 'i- '-;... ~ ~~ z,\.. ~'.o\( ~ I~ ::J:: ~~ -~ 0 ~ 1: ~ ~:"'. i\\ ]jl~' ~~ -E~ "V't::. <:..... (JQ ,r~~.s\ Q)I\' ~ '¡..:i"' "',j ..J .J g :5\' ~'N..~, ~r" ª- ~"__.\OÜ~~ !- . ,~ (!) z Z w W ,~. - :a: ( , OCoIÏ: :> 0 UJz'" N ~«Il. ='" En ü<!Jg¡ W ii: ~~" Z"" "'....-~- ,- 0 c:r: lJ.~~ O-'Q. W <:C 0'0 >- _J' :?~ !- l!J 0:: - > ü ~ Þ.n/-CH:J:L;!l~ i'?k~º,(~. ." .. "'-:1 . 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D ItI « 0 ¡;, ...: c.9 .- '" c- ... ::J ", 0 ;: '13 " .,', -, ·r..' ._...,~.".,", rt!:::¡:\.JH'f ¡ ¡.:\¡j ."~,._~.~::Q..f¿~'.~,,,-"~. Greenwood and Area Ratepayers Association clo 2370 Concession 6 Greenwood, ON. LOH 1 HO. ¡''';:'¡ V-'\ \"'- -~ -~i If.! \ì \"" .~ . ¡I, '..f. ).'J\ {f,;J (C; ie II ,vi \ç~ \\.1 q \ . \,;,,-;;0 ....:V __"I.., , 1\ II r\·;·,~, '~. " l,'~' '~','~' ,B \ i t t ¡ t r: r t~, ? f lÛ¡)'+ ¡ ¡J" ~ t: ~ t ~ ~~~. L!' t~, . I.""p:'" ~J t~; ~ ,., ''''d'.~t~'¡.~L.'{~ "'¡r"'v' ot,; k,·U.lr"E"!~'~~ t~ ~¡'~CKt~~~IH(~. ON I i\fìl(,) Mr" Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Planner II City of Pickering Planning Department One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON. L 1V 6K7. February 18, 2004 R. E (:~ E r\l E [)) FEB 2 '7 200¡~ ('" OF PiCKERING ~I'I~"IING & DEVELOPMENT ., DEPARTMENT Dear Steve, Re: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 02-004lP. Zoning By-law Amendment A21/02 & Minister's Zoning Order Application 18-Z0-02903-01- Applicants: Bill & Ann Clancey Part of Lot 8. Concession 5 )Parts 1.2 and 3. Plan 40R-16157) (South side of Concession 6. east of Westney Road) City of Pickering Further to our telephone conversation of February 16,2004, please accept these comments on the subject application on behalf of the GARA, for inclusion in the official record. Water Golf courses are notoriously thirsty creatures; given that all Greenwood properties rely on wells for their water, and there have been shortages experienced by some homeowners, what impact will a driving range have on the local water supply? What about the impact of chemicals, including fertilizers, on water quality? Maintaining satisfactory water supply and quality have been and continue to be of paramount importance to all of us who rely on wells. We have previously highlighted concerns about water when com menting on other development applications, notably the Dellaportas application in the late 1990s and the pending Bitondo application. Traffic A driving range will attract more motor vehicle traffic to Greenwood. If the additional traffic was confined to rush hours (such as the volumes we have experienced since the extension of Highway 407 to Brock Road), the actual increase would be negligible. While the volumes may not be significant, the perceived increase may seem bigger, since most of the increase will likely occur on weekends, when traffic volumes are traditionally light. Speed humps, which were implemented on that stretch of Concession 6 a few years ago, do little to slow traffic. Lighting The eastern end of Concession 6 between Westney Road and Highway 7 is currently a dark, quiet road, with a few residences and farms. What affect will lighting and signage have on the neighbourhood, at night? Site Plan The applicant proposes to convert the existing dwelling to a pro-shop. This is a practical idea; however, we would like further details regarding the configuration. Could a pro-shop include a licensed bar or restaurant, whether upon approval, or subsequently? These would not be desirable features. ':,.. h__ .26 ~Q~___ Summary We oppose changing the zoning of this property to allow a driving range. This proposal does little, in our opinion to enhance the Greenwood community. Golfers in the area are already well serviced. Building a driving range could have significant negative impact, particularly with regard to water supply and quality. This proposal is yet another example of why Greenwood needs a Hamlet Expansion Study-something that various residents have been requesting for years. We understand why funding has not been forthcoming due to cutbacks, provincial downloading, etc. Next best would be clearer official planning guidelines such as were mentioned in your letter dated July 25, 2003 which stated..." The Planning Department is now preparing [as a result of the Final Summary from the workshop hosted by the City in April 2003 (In Search of "Pleasant Growth" for Greenwood)] to request that Council initiate an amendment to the Greenwood and Area Settlement Plan to establish new City policies to guide the future growth of the Hamlet of Greenwood." We realise that this amendment has not been considered a high priority matter. We now request that you proceed with this work. It can only make it easier to decide on future applications, if proper guidelines are established. I regret that I am unable to attend the Public Meeting on Thursday February 19, 2004. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding the foregoing. Thank you for taking the time to explain the details of this application. yours truly, ~ŒM- ~ Joan Moritsugu Chair, GARA Tel: 905-427-8578 FAX: 905-427-4876 e-mail: ihmoritsuQuaÐ.hotmail.com Cc: Neil Carroll, Director, City of Pickering Planning Department Mayor Dave Ryan Councillors Ashe, Brenner, Holland, Johnson, McLean and Pickles /i ....,Z...~_...TO 'UF! j¡ flU .....~....:::Q~_"w...._,. Subject: Application by the Clancey's for re-zoní~g for a Gold Driving Range Dear Mr Gaunt, The above application was recently brought to our attention. Weare residents in Greenwood(2395 Concession 6) and are concerned that should an application for a Golf Driving Ranged be approved, it will increase traffic in an environmentally sensitive area. In addition, pesticide use by golf course facilities is another detrimental effect on the environment. . There are very few Hamlets like Greenwood, we need to preserve them and encourage growth which protects and enhances the environment. Please keep us posted on the developments regarding this application. Yours sincerely, Mr. & Mrs. Chong-Knight 2395 Concession 6, Greenwood. Tel: 905 686 8815 3/15/2004 It 8 "'0 w....." .....___ I 210:9f¿......., .. Subject: Golfing in the Hamlet??? Good morning Mr. Gaunt; My name is Gord Noble 2385 Conc.6 Greenwood LOH 1 HO (905) 427 8635 gordnoble@rogers.com A resident since 1984 Timing as we know is everything and I find myself a few weeks late with my comments regarding Bill and Ann Clancey's bid to open a Golf Driving Range on Conc. 6. I was just made aware of this at the Greenwood Rec. Assoc. annual general meeting last Tuesday and I received the documents this morning at 6:30 A.M. I am disappointed to find out that the only use of this land that the Clancey's could come up with was a Golf Driving Range. This does not fit with an historic rural Hamlet that is home to the city of Pickering's famous museum. I believe it will only serve to increase traffic and attract people who have no interest or appreciation of local history. We who live in this little Village have worked hard over the years to maintain the core values and integrity of this unique place called Greenwood. Most of us are of the mind that when we leave Greenwood we hope it is a little better place, than when we came. Everyone needs to make money and we are no different but I don't think I could sell out my culture, history, values or children to make a few fast easy dollars. I know I am not the first to write you and I hope that the Clanceys might reconsider this decision. Regards Gord Noble t.n ACHMENT #_~TO nEP(JR1 # PD 2.1::,- Db Alex Artuchov Feb. 17/04 Mr. B. Taylor Clerk City of Pickering 1 The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario, Ll V 6K7 Pi"']¡¡ &r,"" ,.", '"... .- U'.'t11t 'flR>; ~ \1 IJ:r.....j § ~\~. PJj;f [¡':~"'" . ". ""trl ;r.Þ b..;¡u ti, tß' K~:; L~J:¡"~ å t: ~ , ~ CiTY<::~~ P~(~~¡<EHjN(1. ~ OEVELOlkì:;~:!f'b!\IVL).. 1 ~_. . I d.r fJ!.'PA~' j ',1'''Nr ~~-~-"""""""'''=~~V"~.,:i...::;....,_.....". rrp 1 I) (r~i I... J I Q ¿.\'. .Jl¡. Dear Mr. Taylor: Re: OPA 02-004/P, Zoning By-Law AmendmentA21102, Bill and Ann Clancy, Part of Lot 8, Concession 5 At the request of Mr. 1. Bitondo the owner of the property to the immediate east of the subject application, the undersigned would like to share some comments and concerns relating to the application noted above. It is firstly important to convey that Mr. Bitondo does not wish to oppose this application in its current fonn. We have not however, had the opportunity to review all of the reports and if a matter of concern arises, we will correspond with you further before the final date for comment as noted on the information notice that was circulated. If there is a concern related to this application it would be stonn drainage and the issue of any potential impaction to the adjoining Bitondo property. It should also be noted that the subject property may be bounded by the future Westney Road by-pass on its western perimeter. All due regard should accordingly be given to the provision of this important future arterial and care be taken to assure that there be no undue impact to the future roadway from the use proposed or conversely. As a final comment we would also like to note that recreational uses would seem to have some merit in this area and under the appropriate circumstances and in the appropriate form may be uses that could indeed be supportable. As such, there may well be potential for more of such uses in the ,ness of time. We would eased to I w that our concerns can be positively addressed and as a result, aye a imited iJív lvement in this application. 370 Don Mills Road, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario, M3B 3N7 Tel: (416)424-6618 Fax: (416)424-6636 ATTACHMENT #_ IIJ TO REPORT # PO 2b ··Ò 6 INFORMATION REPORT NO. 04-05 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF April 21, 2005 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 02-004/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 21/02 & Minister's Zoning Order Application 18-Z0-02903-01 Bill & Ann Clancey (Part of Lot 8, Concession 5, Parts 1,2 and 3, Plan 40R-16157) (South side of Concession 6, east of Westney Road) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the subject property is located on the south side of Concession 6, east of Westney Road, to the east of the Hamlet of Greenwood (see Location Map, Attachment #1 ); - the subject property has an approximate area of 13.1 hectares, a lot frontage on Concession 6 of 207 metres and a lot depth of 630 metres; - the subject property is currently occupied by a detached dwelling, two sheds, two barns and a cultivated field; - a hydro corridor runs from the south-west towards the north-east across the south part of the property; - the subject property is relatively flat with a row of trees along part of the road frontage and hedgerows along the east and west sides of the property; - the subject property is currently farmed and the residence is rented; - surrounding uses include similar farming operations with dwellings, barns and fields. Information Report No. 04-05 ATTACHIVIEln ,_ 10 TO HEPORT # PO ~"'00 Page 2 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - the applicant proposes to: · amend the Pickering Official Plan to permit use of the subject lands for a golf driving range (including a parking area) and to convert the existing dwelling to a pro-shop, in addition to the permitted agricultural uses; · amend the zoning to permit the driving range on the northern 1 0.2 hectares (approximately three-quarters) of the subject lands located north of the Hydro corridor; and, · continue to farm the southern part of the lands, use one existing barn to board horses, convert the other barn to a storage shed for the golf driving range, demolish the two existing sheds and construct a new residence near the front of the property in the future; - a preliminary site plan showing the layout of the golf driving range (including the associated parking), the buildings to be retained on the property and the hydro corridor is provided for reference (see Attachment #2); and, - the applicant has also submitted an application to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to amend the Minister's Zoning Order (which regulates new uses that may be impacted by noise from a future airport). 3.0 PROVINCIAL GREENBELT LAWS - the Greenbelt Protection Act, 2003 (GPA) was introduced on December 16, 2003; the Act imposed a moratorium on applications for new "urban uses" within the rural area of Pickering, including the subject lands; the GPA came into force June 24,2004, but was retroactive to December 16, 2003; any procedures or decisions on applications commenced prior to December 16, 2003, that occurred after December 16, 2003 became "of no effect" when the GPA came into force; - the original interpretation by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs staff was that a golf driving range was not an "urban use"; therefore, the City scheduled and held a Statutory Public Meeting for the subject applications on February 19, 2004; subsequently, Ministry staff changed its interpretation and advised that a golf driving range was an "urban use"; accordingly, the February 2004 Statutory Meeting is "of no effect"; - the GPA was repealed March 9, 2005 and replaced with the new Greenbelt Act, 2005 the Greenbelt Plan, adopted under the authority of the Greenbelt Act, 2005, does not include the subject lands in the Greenbelt; as a result, processing of the subject applications may now be recommenced, and, to this end, a Statutory Public Meeting has been scheduled for April 21, 2005. Information Report No. 04-05 /() Zh-(X, Page 3 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham ReÇJional Official Plan identifies the subject property as Major Open Space, where development is intended to be predominantly for conservation, recreation, reforestation, agriculture and farm-related purposes; _ the proposal appears to conform to the Durham Region Official Plan; 3.2 PickerinÇJ Official Plan _ designates the western majority of the subject property as Agricultural Areas and the eastern part as Open Space System - Natural Areas; _ designates the area immediately west of the subject property as Rural Study Area for the Hamlet of Greenwood on Schedule I - Land Use Structure and designates the proposed Future By-pass for Westney Road (around the Hamlet of Greenwood) on Schedule" - The Transportation System of the Pickering Official Plan; _ designates no natural features on Schedule 11/ - Resource Management to the Pickering Official Plan for the subject property; 3.3 ZoninÇJ Bv-Iaw 3037 _ the subject property is currently zoned "A" - Rural Agricultural Zone A, by Zoning By-law 3037, as amended; _ the existing zoning permits agricultural uses (including, among other things, the raising of field crops, raising of horses and one detached dwelling for the agricultural user) and some recreational uses, not including a golf driving range; _ a zoning by-law amendment is required to permit the golf driving range and the related pro-shop. 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 4.1 Resident Comments - since the previous Statutory Public Meeting is deemed to be of no legal effect, the comments provided at that time are not attached to this Information Report, but are included in the file and may be examined at the Planning & Development Department; 4.2 AQencv Comments - a Ministry of Municipal Affairs official has indicated that processing of the application to amend the Minister's Zoning Order, submitted by the applicant, will be restarted, now that the subject lands are no longer affected by the Greenbelt Protection Act, 2003; Information Report No. 04-05 10 26-06 Page 4 4.3 Staff Comments in reviewing the application to date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: · compatibility with the abutting lands to the east which are designated as 'Protected Countryside' by the Provincial Greenbelt Plan; · whether the loss of agricultural land is justified; · consistency of a golf driving range with the City's rural area policies; · ability to meet the minimum separation distances required between the future proposed dwelling and existing sources of odour from livestock facilities; · suitable buffering from the future by-pass of Westney Road proposed to the west and the need to protect lands for the Westney Road by-pass alignment; · suitable zoning standards; · matters to be addressed through site plan approval, once appropriate zoning is in force, before landscaping for the driving range may proceed; · delineation of zoning boundaries for the golf driving range to ensure compatibility with the Hydro corridor across the south part of the subject lands; and · ensuring that changes of use for existing buildings meet all necessary fire protection, health standards and building codes. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION 5.1 Official Plan Amendment Approval Authority - the Region of Durham may exempt certain local official plan amendments from Regional approval if such applications are determined to be locally significant, and do not exhibit matters of Regional and/or Provincial interest; and, at this time, the Region has not yet determined whether this official plan amendment application is exempt from Regional approval; 5.2 General - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning & Development Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Councilor a Committee of Council; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; ¡f,~~,"l{¿~~! 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Page 5 Information Report No. 04-05 _ if you wish to be notified of Council's adoption of any official plan amendment, or passing of any zoning by-law amendment, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk; and, _ if you wish to be notified of the decision of the Region of Durham with respect to the proposed amendment to the official plan, you must make a written request to the Commissioner of Planning, Region of Durham Planning Department. 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Appendix I _ list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications in response to the request for comments dated March 31,2005, at the time of writing the report; 6.2 Appendix II - a copy of the applicant's proposed Pickering Official Plan Amendment; 6.3 Information Received - full scale copies of the Applicant's submitted preliminary site plan are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department; - the City of Pickering is in receipt of the following reports submitted in conjunction with this proposal: · Planning Justification Report; · Tree Inventory and Assessment; · Agricultural Assessment Report; and, · Greenwood Golf Driving Range - Environmental Review; 6.4 Applicant - the applicants are Bill and Ann Clancey. ORIGINAL SIGNED BY ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Senior Planner Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Manager, Policy SG:ld Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development , 10 ''(. ""<"""""~";:"7~ I \J ;; ;·'U,..,..2k::t¿£,....._.,......., APPENDIX NO. I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 04-05 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) No new comments received to date COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) Ministry of Municipal Affairs (oral) (2) No new written comments received to date COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) None received to date ,.., "> "I""'" /0 ':', ¡ ¡ ,~" '._'1' -)"'I"! .;1 / j "'jft¡ .. t"- ~.,,! !-"'}H"H '\,1 ¡ 1t,.".."'<..,......-....._....,...'1"'>""~."""". ~ ~) l' PI" 2b '-0,£ ,)' ." ¡:,) --P··_-"'"··..·..~~.:.,..,··,.,...,.,.~~.,_=.~..~....""'-1,N'.'..,,W APPENDIX NO. II TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 04-05 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN ""/"" ""'T, //1 , /~; r / ,,;f·~L!, ~~\: f k ,".~,~~t¿.-"-""'."''''n'~ U ;{EPOHí jf PD..,_~::'(dQ=~.,.,,_~,.,.~, PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN PROPOSED PURPOSE: The purpose of this amendment is to add a golf driving range as a permitted use on the subject lands, which are designated Agricultural Areas and Open Space Areas - Natural Areas. LOCATION: The subject lands are approximately 13 hectares in area, and located on the south side of Concession 6, east of Westney Road. All of the lands fall within Part of Lot 8, Concession 5 (Parts 1,2 and 3, Plan 40R-16157). PROPOSED AMENDMENT: The City of Pickering Official Plan is hereby amended by: 1. Adding to City Policy 3.20 - Exceptions to Land Use Designations, which currently reads as follows: "3.20 In addition to the primary agricultural uses set out in Table 12 and open space uses set out in Table 3, as an exception, City Council shall permit the following:"* A new subsection (e) as follows: Golf Driving Range (e) on lands identified by the symbol "ES" on Schedule I, a golf driving range and the related use of pro-shop." 2. Adding the symbol for Exception "E5" to Sheet 3 of Schedule I - Land Use Structure to identify the subject lands, as set out on Exhibit "A' to this Amendment. IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. *Tables 3 and 12 are attached for information in.;.·f',:"~"~!l .# / / '1"0 .. '."'0.""" il"'.....,_"",.,...".....n~~"".. f;.f:\)¡11 Ii PD.__Zh -D~_.__. Excerpts from Statutory Public Information Meeting Pursuant to the Planning Act Minutes Thursday, April 21, 2005 7:00 P.M. The Manager, Development Review, provided an overview of the requirements of the Planning Act and the Ontario Municipal Board respecting this meeting and matters under consideration there at. (I) OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION OPA 02-004/P ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 21/02 & MINISTER'S ZONING ORDER APPLICATION 18-Z0-02903-01 BILL & ANN CLANCEY (PART OF LOT 8, CONCESSION 5, PARTS 1,2 AND 3, PLAN 40R-16157) (SOUTH SIDE OF CONCESSION 6. EAST OF WESTNEY ROAD) 1. Lynda Taylor, Manager, Development Review, on behalf of Steve Gaunt, Senior Planner, provided an overview of property location, applicant's proposal and City's Official Plan policies pertaining to this site, as outlined in Information Report #04/05. 2. Ann Clancey, 49 Concession 5, Ajax, advised that upon review they believe there is a great need for this type of business as it is the fastest growing industry. This will be a family run business with a country farm theme and beautifully landscaped. She requested a speedy review of this application as it has been delayed due to the Greenbelt Plan. 3. Edward Tate, 2550 Concession 6, representing the Greenwood Area Ratepayers Association, stated that their Association has not taken a formal position yet as they are in the process of canvassing the membership to receive their input and that a report will be before Council by April 28th. He stated the concerns to include: traffic, light pollution, noise and run-off into Duffins and Carruthers Creek Systems of herbicides and pesticides. - 1 - /2. Z,=>#ol) Subject: Re: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 02-004/P, Zoning By-law Amendment A 21/02 & Minister's Zoning Order Application 18-Z0-02903-01 Hi Steve, Further to our telephone conversation today regarding he inclusion of the Petition in question at next weeks meeting. Please find attached a list of issues which were raised at the time of the Petition signing. Regards, Russ Drivine Ranee Issues Increase traffic volume Current condition of Conc. 6 Intersection Hwy. # 7 & Cone. 6 Intersection of Westney Road (proposed bypass) & Cone. 6 Current land use being agricultural and should remain as such. Dumping of fill and development of berm already started. Contingent on the Westney Road proposed bypass Increased noise Increased lighting Water shortage Signage New house to be built on property Pro Shop - future liquor licence ~. ... Q 0 !- :z Z w W ~. - :;E :J ('~ OColÏ: :> 0 wz<t; c--I ~'J:lJ. ..... En üCJg5 I).J ä:~~- ~...- zz 0 u.ZIJJ 0-::: o5if W <:t 0.0 >- ,.J 'S;:- t: ~ be ü lJJ (.) ~.::!K~I..~.~ {\A z o ,¡:: >,0> Q) c: c:C: -0 ¡ßN S -~ -Q) ot) ü5 °ë m~ (Qcð 2'8 c:N roo 0!2 a- ~ .~ N æ 25 « ø §ë - ()Q) o .....E - 0""0 0) Q) c: E :Q E ~ (/)« :53 "ß g ~ 8. ~~ e ¡::::-o> a. 0> LO c: I- c: T"" ï:: o .- CD 0 -3T""N c: 0 I 0) 0::: t:ooo... ;j-'V~ (.)O)c:o 0):Sco9 .c-o...N ~ ê ° ,- ë¡; C"') « en 01""00... 'EctlC:O .gc:coc: ïi5 g "'.. ,Q ~:;::;,,-ro -~(/)<.> ~ >. 1ij a.. .8ã30...0- (.) >........« ~:;::;LOë O)gC:Q) ""Oa.°E ~enï¡¡""O 0) ~ (/) c: 1i) 25Q) 'ÕJ.Q c: E 0)1-0« I-ctlt.) 'C ë c: ..- æ~~~~ 'C°.3coo ,~ 0) _ ë3 æ ~go¡;:o ctI .- 1::: 0- 0, ;j > co CT e 0... .. N 'Co... 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'_ Ii r ".,__,_"_,".<",,,.___",.w,·_·.,,,,._,_~,.,.-.,_q..~,''''''.,, .'., To: Subject: Planning Web Email RE: GARA Feedback on Driving Range App in Greenwood Dear Planners, GARA has polled its membership on its position w.r.t. the application for a golf driving range at Cone 6. What we did was: sent out mass email to our members with email access. posted requests for feedback at the community bulletin boards conducted a survey at the annual general meeting. Unfortunately we did not have the time to canvas door to'door which traditionally yields much better responce rates. Our members responded as such: For the driving range: 4 Against the driving range: 17 ndecided: 1 The concerns raised by respondents revolved around: Plans for the proposed pro-shop. Will there be a liquor license and/or a restaurant if not now, then later? Traffic Concession 6 is right now very quiet with only local traffic. Concerns were raised that traffic connecting the proposed driving range to Westney/Conc 6 will increase significantly. Water On one hand respondents were concerned where the significant water requirement to run the range will come from to begin with. While on the other hand the impact of fertilizers and other chemicals on water quality not only for wells, but also for the creeks raise questions. Lighting There is a fear that the lighting and associated advertisement will commercialize this area of Greenwood as well as be disturbing to the local residents. Nonetheless some respondents feel that a driving range is still better than a subdivision. It is probably safe to say, looking at the results of this poll as well as last years detailed community survey, which you already have in copy, that a driving range is not the communities first choice to utilize these lands. I am aware that this email reaches you late and I apologize for that. Please let me know of how much use, if any this note still is for you. With kind regards Serge Rielau vice chair GARA Tel.: (905) 413 3907 Internet: srielau@ca.ibm.com fTfÞCHMENl #_j~__TO ¡í pÏi 2..6-Q'':'" «,,' ....,_.,......,.,,,.~.,.,....,..,-.,,..,........".,~,,~.,...._,.,...... ".~-_..,,,';... Joel Dahl 2745 Sixth Concession Rd. Locust Hill, ON LOR 110 April 28, 2005 Steve Gaunt Senior Planner City of Pickering Planning Dept. One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L 1 V 6K7 905-420-4617 Tel. 905-420-7648 Fax RE: Driving Range Application for Mr. & Mrs. Clancey. Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 02-004/P, Zoning By-law Amendment A 21/02 & Minister's Zoning Order Application 18-Z0-02903-01 Mr. Steve Gaunt In regards to this application for a driving range, I do not have any major concerns over it. I trust that it will be constructed and operated in a professional manor and that any drainage issues will be resolved. I look forward to the opportunity of being able to practice at this range as my game is in desperate need of it. Thank you Joel Dahl . The Regional Municipality of Durham' Planning Department ¡;~J5. P¡-:'JO'1- J, ¡),¡26~·Ob. f\l:;~ r. ¡ 1> f U ......_........,.-....-.....'.. . R.ECE~VE:(1) APR 0 B200lr CITY OF PICKE~J~N~ PLANNING & DEVr:LO OEPþ,RTMENT April 6, 2004 Steve Gaunt, Planner II Planning and Development Depé\rtment City of. Pickering . One the Esplanade Pickering ON L 1 V 6K7 Dear Mr. Gaunt: 1615 DUNDAS ST. E. 4TH FLOOR, LANG TOWER Re: WEST BUILDING PO BOX 623 WHITBY ON L 1 N 6A3 CANADA 905.-728-7731 Fax: 905-436-6612 Email: planning@ region.durham.on.ca· Region's Review of an Application to Amend the City of Pickering Official Plan - OPA - 02-004/P . Cross Ref: A21102 & 18-20-02903-01 Applicant: Bill & Ann Clancey Location: Part of Lot 8, Concession 5 Municipality: City of Pickering ·www.region.durham.on.ca The Region has reviewed this application and the following comments are· A.L. Georgieff, MCIP, RPP offered with respect to proposed Bill 27, the Durham Regional Official Commissioner of Planning Plan, the proposed method of servicing and delegated provincial plan review responsibilities. The purpose of this application is to amend the City of Pickering Official Plan is to permit a golf driving range as an additional use within lands designated "Agricultural Areas" and "Open Space Areas - Natural Areas". The applicant proposes to establish a golf driving range on the northerly 10.2 hectare portion of the site and to convert an existing dwelling to a pro-shop, while continuing to use the southerly 2.8 hectare portion of the property for agricultural purposes. The applicant also intends to use an existing barn structure for equipment storage. A second barn is intended to continue to board horses. Although not part of the subject application, a future residential dwelling is also anticipated. . The Greenbelt Protection Act, 2003.(Bill 27) The applicant's lands are located within the greenbelt study area, as defined by proposed legislation. The proposal should be considered in the context of this proposed legislation. @ 100% Post Consumer Ih . ÞJTÞ,CHMENT fl.._._.~_._TO pr:P:~PÎ~1 P·i') 2&>-06 ,.'./,..,,' \-", ;. ¡, r.., .",.,,,,!'." ....,.,-".....". m~"'~"'''"'.~''n''.'''·.'^> ...~,,~. ..,.":.~,,...>...,.. .; Page 2 . Durham ReÇJional Official Plan The lands are designated "Major Open Space" within the Durham Regional Official Plan. The predominant use of lands· within this . designation is for conservation, recreation, reforestation and agriculture and farm-related uses. The Regional Official Plan contemplates recreational uses inthe Major Open Space.System as being compatible with the surrounding open space character. A golf driving range use in this location should be evaluated with respect to its compatibility with surrounding uses, the construction of buildings or structures, and site grading. Any implementing by-law should include, provisions which place this use in a special zoning category that restricts· development to the proposed use. Servicing The property is serviced by private well and septic s~wer service. The applicant is required to provide a detailed site plan showing the location of all existing and proposed structures, private sewage disposal system envelopes (including 1 00% replacement area) and wells. Details of the operation including the number of patrons per day, a floor plan of the proposed clubhouse (including kitchen) and the number .of proposed employees is also required. Provincial Plan Review Responsibilities This application has been screened in accordance with the terms of the provincial plan review responsibilities. Policy 2.1.3 of the Provincial Policy Statement permits limited non-residential uses within prime agricultural areas provided that: · there is a demonstrated need for additional land to be designated to accommodate the proposed use; · there is no reasonable alternative locations which avoid prime agricultural areas; and · there are no reasonable alternative locations in prime agricultural areas with lower priority agricultural lands. "Tìl"""f,!'I'P#' L'k' TO ,H" . .f;l.'~'~I!\!it:¡\ t .. ._~~ ~~.",...~. .' R~'¡fl"'l -Ii PD 2b-OG ,~, l ii 7i ' ~__.__,,<'-.'>"" ",,,,,, Pag(3 3 '" An Agricultural Assessment, prepared by LEAP Consulting, dated October 17, 2003, indicates the subject property contains 80% Class I and 20% Class 4 soils. The report also concludes the property is marginal from an agricultural perspective, since the property is located in proximity to Greenwood and major roads (Highway 7 and Regional Road 31); and that no other alternatives exist for this facility. Additional information is required to justify the need to designate additional land and to demonstrate that there are no other reasonable alternatives available to accommodate the proposed use. The Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) data sheets were not completed with the submission of the application. These sheets are necessary to ensure the proposal incorporates an adequate MDS from livestock operations. No further provincial interests appear to be affected by this amendment. Please advise of any decision on this application by Pickering Council. If Council adopts an Amendment, please forward" a record to this Department, within 15 days of the date of adoption. The Commissionèr of Planning will make a decision on the adopted amendment upon receipt of a record containing those items described in Appendix I. ' If you have any questions, please call Ray Davies at (905) 728-7731, " extension 3223. Yours truly, K~y:Zger Plan Implementation Current Operations Branch cc.: Pete Gastellan, Regional Works Department Karl Kiproff, Regional Health Department R:\ Training\Rd\lopa\opa02·004·P ~T'T AI'UI\J~E~n # It; TP I-\". tl";...,ftl , 1\. _~.._.._~_,_'" ,-,' m:POFn # Pf1_..._"l::k.:f!.~c~.~..' Page 4 Appendix I If Couricil adopts an Amendment, please forward a record to this Department, within 15 days of the date of adoption for Regional approval. The record must include the following: · Adopted Amendment (1 certified copy, 4 duplicates &. 5 working copies); · Region's submission form (1 copy); · Letter requesting the Region's approval; · Adopting by-law (2 certified copies); · Minutes of all public meetings; · All written submissions and comments (originals or copies), showing the dates received; . · All planning reports considered by Council; · Affidavit(s) of municipalemployee(s) certifying that Notice of Public. Meeting was given, a public meeting was held, and Notice of Adoption was given in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act; and · Mailing list of persons who spoke at the public meeting(s). The Regional Municipality of Durham " Planning Department .Ii /6, HEPOHi # PD::.~?~:_ª~." .. te:; g¡ April 21 ,2005 Steve Gaunt, Senior Planner Planning and Development Department City of Pickering One the Esplanade Pickering ON L 1 V 6K7 Dear Mr. Gaunt: 1615 DUNDAS ST. E. 4TH FLOOR, LANG TOWER Re: WEST BUILDING PO BOX 623 WHITBY ON L1 N 6A3 CANADA 905-728-7731 Fax: 905-436-6612 E-mail: planning@ region.durham.on.ca www.region.durham.on.ca _<.L. Georgieff, MCIP, RPP Commissioner of Planning Region's Review of an Application to Amend the City of Pickering Official Plan - OPA - 02-004/P Cross Ref: A21/02 & 18-Z0-02903-01 Applicant: Bill & Ann Clancey Location: Part of Lot 8, Concession 5 Municipality:' City of Pickering In addition to comments provided in a letter dated April 6, 2004, the Region has reviewed this application and provides the following revised comments. The purpose of this application is to amend the City of Pickering Official Plan is to permit a golf driving range as an additional use within lands designated "Agricultural Areas" and "Open Space Areas- Natural Areas"., The applicant proposes to establish a golf driving range on the northerly 10.2 hectare portion of the site and to convert an existing dwelling to a pro-shop, while continuing to use the southerly 2.8 hectare portion of the property for agricultural purposes. The applicant also intends to use an, existing barn structure for equipment storage; A second barn is intended to continue to board horses. Although not part of the subject appiication, a future residential dwelling is also anticipated. Durham ReÇJional Official Plan The lands are designated "Major Open Space" within the Durham Regional Official Plan. Lands within this designation are to be used for . conservation, recreation, reforestation and agriculture and farm-related uses. The Regional Official Plan contemplates recreational uses in the Major Open Space System as being compatible with the surrounding open space character. @ 100% Post Consumer þ,TTACHMErH # _fÉ...-~._ TO REPOR" II PD_~:;QÞ__..".". Page 2 A golf driving range use in this location should be evaluated with respect to its compa,tibility with surrounding uses. Äny implementing by,.law should include provisions which place this use in a "special zoning category that restricts development to the proposed use. . Servicing The property is serviced by private weiland septic sewer service. The applicant is required to provide a detailed site plan showing the location of all existing and proposed structures, private sewage disposal system .' envelopes (including 1 00% replacement area) and wells. Details of the operation including the number 6fpatrons per day, a floor plan of the proposed clubhouse (including kitchen) and the number of proposed employees is also required. Provincial Plan Review Responsibilities . This application has been screened in accordance with the terms of the provincial plan review responsibilities. Policy 2.1.3 of the 1996 Provincial Policy Stateme"nt (PPS), as amended in 1997, permits limited non- residential uses within prime agricultural are8:s provided that: . · there is a demonstrated need for additional land to be designated to accommodate the proposed use; · there is no reasonable alternative locations which avoid prime agricultural areas; and · there are no reasonable alternative locations in prime agricultural areas with lower priority agricultural lands. An Agricultural Assessment, prepared by LEAP Consulting, datedOctober 17,2003, indicates the subject property contains 80% Class I and 20% Class 4 soils. The report also concludes the property is marginal from an agricultural perspective, since the property is located in proximity to Greenwood and major roads (Highway 7 and Regional Road 31), and that no other alternatives exist for this facility. Additional information should be . provided by the applicant's consultant to demonstrate that there is a demonstrated need for additional land to be designated to accommodate the proposed use and that there are no other reasonable alternative I Prime agricultural areas are defined as an area where prime agricultural land predominates. Prime agricultural land is defined as land that includes specialty crop lands and/or Canada Land Inventory Classes 1, 2, and 3 soils, in this order of priority for protection. ;, /6 ,. ;;, ._;¿~:~?¿~).,'" Page 3 locations which avoid prime agricultural areas to accommodate tha proposed use. The Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) datasheetswerenot completed with the submission of the application. These sheets are necessary to ensure the proposal incorporates an adequateMDSfrom existing . livestock operations, in accordance with Policy 2.1.4 of the PPS. No further provincial interests appear to be affected by this amendment. This application is considered to have nO significant Regional or Provincial concerns. In accordance with Regional By-law 11-2QOO, this application is exemptfrom Regiona! approval. It is anticipated that the previously , mentioned Provincial and Regional issues will be addressed as part of the amendment application process. ' . Please advise the Commissioner of Planning of your Council's decision. If Council adopts an Amendment, please forward arecord tothis Department within 15 days of the date of adoption. The record should include the following: . Two (2) copies of the adopted amendment; . A copy of the adopting by-law; and .. A copy of the staff report and any relevant materials. If you have any questions, please call Ray Davies, Planner, at (905) 728- 7731, extension 3223. ' Yours truly, 'I. ;'_/-....- -'" ,,', . .'~/1.,-~ ( . .../ Kai Yew, Manager Plan Implementation Current Operations Branch cc.: Pete Castellan, Regional Works Department Karl Kiproff, Regional Health Department RIRdllopalopa02·004·p rev;sedcommenlS The Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department H,TA, CH!Vi,Hn#_~ì ~.._:rO ' r -06 REPuRl tI PD_.____.._~m....-' March 10, 2006 Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Senior Planner, Planning and Development Department City of Pickering One the Esplanade Pickering ON L 1 V 6K7 " "''')' f:J ~i . . "'~ ~~.~ , )¡. Dear Mr. Gaunt: CITY OF P¡C~é~R"~"I ',ft'"1 >:;II "... , u." , ,,'>,;;~! , ,.,wINING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ," , 605 ROSSLAND ROAD E 4Tff FLOOR Re: PO BOX '623 . WHITBY ON L 1 N 6A3 CANADA 905-668-7711 Fax: 905-666-6208 E-mail: planning@ region.durhain.on.ca www.region.durham.on.ca Region's Review of an Application to Amend the City of Pickering Official Plan- OPA - 02-004/P, Cross Ref: A21/02 & 18-Z0-02903-01 Applicant Bill & Ann Clancey Location: Part of Lot 8, Concession 5 Municipality: City of Pickerihg A.L. G~o~gieff, MCIP, R:P The above-captioned applications seek to permit a golf driving range Commissioner of Planning , ..' ' '. . on the subject lands. The Region previously commented on these applications in letters dated April 6, 2004 and April 25, 2005. However, during our meeting held on February 3, 2006, Regional staff identified the fact that the subject lands may be impacted by the future realignment of Westney Road. Therefore, the proposed amendment to the City of Pickering Official Plan would be premature pending the outcome of an Environmental Assessment for the Westney Road realignment. .. Service Excellence for our Communities" Should the City wish to accommodate the proposal at this time, a temporary use by-law pursuant to Section 39 of the Planning Act would be .an appropriate approach from the Region's perspective. If Pickering Council adopts the proposed Official Plan Amendment, please be advised that approval of such an amendment would not be exempt from Regional approval. In addition to our comments provided April 6, 2004 and April 25, 2005, the following additional comments are provided for your consideration. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Ray Davies; Project Planner, at (905) 668-4113, extension 2549. @ 100% Post Consumer ,''1"'' 1····("··'<·1··# 17 ··r·(·.·. .~ . '! 1, ,fJ ~, ~, , - J ".. .r.·.A11.":.I~. ~L'":F""-" .. BH'ûRT Ii PD~~._~-ºf2"....",... ¡~. . . Brian ~;~~an, MCIP, RPP Director ofCurrènt Planning Attachment Copies: Pete Castellan, Regional Works Department Steve Mayhew, Regional Works Department . Karl Kiproff, Regional Health Department Page 2 # PO ,~.,=·iZ~º¿~> . Attachment to Letter Dated March 10. 2006 Transportation The subject lands are located inpr()ximity to a future Type Barterial road (Westney Road) as. designated on Map 82 to the Regional Plan. Type B arterial roads are to be designed to havea right-of-way width ranging from 30 to 36 metres. The Regional Works Department's four year forecast identifies the need for a municipal class Environmental Assessment (EA) for the proposed realignment of Westney Road, which would form a by-pass around the Hamlet of Greenwood consistent with the conceptual alignment contained in the DUrham Regional Official Plan and recommended in the Transportation Master Plan., The EA has been programmed for 2008 and based· on this schedule construction could occur by 2011. This EA has been scheduled in a manner to take advantage of the preferred Highway 407 alignment as contemplated in. the Highway 407 East Completion EA . process, which is currently underway and scheduled for completion by . 2008.· Given that the subject property may be located within a corridor of . potential road realignments, as conceptually depicted in the Regional Official Plan, the subject applications are premature pending the outcÖme of the EA. A temporary use by-law, however, may be appropriate to allow the proposal to proceed, provided that an agreement between the applicant and the Region address the following matters: ~ Dedication of any lands necessary to accommodate the future alignment of Westney Road through the subject property; and > Site design measures to protect the future alignment of Westney Road from activities related to the driving range use. . R:\Rd~opa\opa02·004·p rev2 Ie ' 2f>~06' TORONTO AND REGJON;V--- ':('\1In ~,' Pj) onservatlon for The Living City February 13, 2004 ~,' , ~~ [?ù-' [~ n \\/1"' ,\§ r\:\',' [' U1J \..1 q \.../ 1.::::1. .1, I ~.. "' 'I 1\ lIT. f E B 'I ß 1004 U:}) C,TY OF PIOKfiRING , PICKERING. ONTARIO Mr. Steve Gaunt City of Pickering Pickering Civic Centre One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 RECE~V,Elfjþ ..& 11~.!i' Dear Mr. Gaunt: FIB 1 B 2004 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Re: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 02-004/P Zoning Amendment Application A 21/02 Minister's Zoning Order Applicatioii 1ô-ZO-02903-01 Part of Lot 8, Conc. 5 South Side of Concession 6, east of Westney Road City of Pickering (Bill and Ann Clancey) Further to our discussions and after receipt of the above applications to allow for a golf course driving range on lands south of Highway 7 adjacent to the village of Greenwood, staff offer the following comments. We understand from your discussions with Ministry of Municipal Affairs that the proposed use is not impacted by Bill 27 and that the related Minister's Zoning Order is being processed. The subject property is not impacted by any natural features and is removed from the Carruthers Creek. In light of this staff would have no objections to the municipality's approval of the above applications. However, we note that staff would like an opportunity to review the site plan details to ensure that program concerns are addressed in the design of the golf driving range. Specifically, we would like assurances that the driving range plans will address matters such as lighting turf management and water management to the satisfaction of the TRCA. Please be advised that the application is subject to TRCA fees. The preliminary fee required is $750 and should be provided prior to submission of a site plan application. We trust that this is satisfactory. If you have any questions please contact the undersigned. ussel White Senior Planner Development Services Section Ext. 5306 RW/dli c.c. Planning Department, Region of Durham . , E:\!'RS\p\,JEILlC\grivin,grang£¡·liVpd 5 5horeham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 154 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 www.trca.on.ca -@' . ~I\!III~ ¡:.Tí i.!'u:r'::'T J' Iq ·"'0 ' ,,..: ..j [ ¡ I '." iR I'\"~' 11 ~'''''''''......,,_'''.',,~ """""""'>'&0"",,"_ I ::··'T:t"C'¡' "pp 26 -C>" ,....". i,~' " 1.; ,. ..,; ~..,........~".,.-....."...,>....__,......,.......f!;2'_.,"",,,,, GREATER TORONTO AIRPORTS AUTHORITY Airport Planning Olga Srnid Manager, Land Use Planning Tel: (416) 776-7355 Fax: (416) 776-4168 (Transmitted via Facsimile 905-420-7648) April 20, 2005 tf:: 1);"",. ~1 Mr. Steve Gaunt, Senior Planner City of Pickering - Planning & Development Department Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario LIV 6K7 i\¡:)r< L~ (] .:~005 (:; t "'rv () F: K f;~: ~:~ ! f\! (; ~:¡Lþ,Î\lf\ iNG g LJF.VEL()í.)h~Ef\ T DEPþ,HTMFNT Dear Mr. Gaunt: RE: Notice of Public Meeting - April 21, 2005 Part of Lot 8, Concession 5 (Parts 1,2 & 3, Plan 40R-16157) Proposed Golf Driving Range Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment File Numbers OPA 02-004/P. A 21/02 and 18-Z0-02903-01 Thank you for providing the Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA) with a copy of the Notice of Public Meeting regarding the above Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Application. The GT AA has no comment on this application relative to the planning for a possible airport on the Pickering Lands. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 416·776-7355. Yours very truly, G~:E~Nro AIRPORTS AUTHORITY Ol~:~mid Manager, Land Use Planning <'¡"l',Ul'f Toronto ,-\irpnrtS;\lIthurily T(')f(mlc) l'ears()J) Inlc.'fnatilllli.11 :\i'1){)rt P.\). 1\." hO.11 .1 III ClIl1\.lil nliV<' lnfollto -\\11', l)ntiHio. L¿tlhlLlil 1..,,1' 1112 1'11011<'. 141 ()) n6.3()()() r<lx. (416) 776.7746 w\\'w.gtait.tlHI1 V,, II"! '['f"'ll I' 2D "". h' ! ./·\V'\,t!\ ¡f',"_..'"m.".~,.__~_1 0 t PO 2.b -06 ..>...._....,,~...."'~..--.--_..'.....,..,_..., VERIDIAN CONNECTIONS DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW -== I PROJECT NAME: Bill and .I\nn Clancey - Proposed Driving Range === - APDRESS/Pu..N: Sou.th side of Concl:$sion 6, east of Wcstney Ro~d (Part oELot 8, Cone 5) == ~ ! MUNICIPALITY: Pickt.:.dng :REF. NO,: OPA 02-004/P, A 21/02 & 18· ZO-02903-01 SUBMISSION DA'rE: March 31,2005 ==- 1. Vendian Connecrioml has no oþje(:tlon to the rezoning application. 2. Orht:r: . Complere sc:IVÎcing deta.i1s win depcnd 011 loading details provide,. by the Applicant. Technical Represenlacivc - Don I3amett. Telephone 427-9870 ,Exr. 3253 I! I'I'/Jf 1··:\t.lfri~i1cll\DcYdopmt:I\I "1'I..rk~2ItiQn l\cvÎL"\I/\PkL:£:d:nR\2f.KHi\liill ilnll Ann Clnn,ey " D.-i"i')I: 141"~c.d()c Hydro One Networks Inc. Land, Buildings, Service & Security P.O. Box 4300 Markham, ON L3R 5Z5 www.HydroOne.com Courier: 185 Clegg Road Markham, ON L6G 1 B7 September 21, 2005 "1: \ T('. r'Uti,'::i6..:.: Ó~ . hydro(:9 ¡one Henry Kortekaas & Associates Inc. Landscape Architects 82 Sherwood Road East Ajax, Ontario Ll T 2Z2 «. ::::::¡... ....,..,. f·"" "l ~'_" .~^ ,! 1·...·-·,." I -~ ~.,.."" ! i/ \\: '\\// ;\_;:> \~¿/ II'···' \¡ j''' .....,: Dear Mr. Kortekaas: Site Plan Application Anne and Bill Clancey Driving Range and Practice Faciiity Concesion Rd 6 Part Lot 8, Cone 5 City of Pickering File: not available Please be advised that Hydro One Networks Inc. ("Hydro One") has no objection in principle to the proposed site plan. As the proposed facility is directly bisected by a Hydro One high voltage transmission easement, the following conditions should be included in the site plan control agreement. 1. Any development in conjunction with the proposed site plan must not block vehicular access to any Hydro One facilities located on the right of way. During construction, there will be no storage of materials or mounding of earth or other debris on the right-of-way. 2. The costs of any relocations or revisions to Hydro One facilities which are necessary to accommodate this site plan would be borne be the developer. 3. The easement rights of Hydro One and its legal predecessors are to be protected and maintained at all times. In addition, the following information should be conveyed to the developer as a precaution: 1. The transmission lines abutting this development operate at either 500,000 or 230,000 volts. Section 186 - Proximity - of the Regulations for Construction Projects in the Occupational Health and Safety Act, require that no object be brought closer than 6 metres (20 feet) to the energized 500 kV conductor. The distance for a 230 kV conductor is 3 metres (10 feet). It is the proponent's responsibility to be aware, and to make all personnel on site aware, that all equipment and personnel must come no closer than the distance specified in the Act. They should also be aware that the conductors can raise and lower without warning, depending on the electrical demand placed on the line. We trust this is satisfactory. If you have any questions please call me at your convenience at 905.946.6235. Your~ Trul q . 11- 'JC' ~}A,l_ Maria Lema AI Real Estate Assistant Real Estate Services Hydro One Networks Inc. Main: 1-888-231-6657 La.w Voltage Rights: 1-800-387-1946 cc Hydro One - Dave tilts Employee Relocation: 1,800-756-6836 t.,T"! !Y"'M.2.b__..TO ':·'¡:l'U· "1 II Pl'· 2-i:::>""'rv;.... ,\:.....,. r.,. u"'.".,;,¡.....~...._....-...,.......~_,."'''",·~'''''''''''''···,· PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM September 12, 2005 To: Steve Gaunt Senior Planner From: Robert Starr Supervisor, Development Control Subject: OPA 02-004 / P & A 21-02 Anne and Bill Clancey City of Pickering All on-site works to be controlled through a Site Plan Agreement with the City. Any off-site works, if required, may be controlled through a Development Agreement with the City. ~ Robert Starr RS:bg J:\Docum."II\D....eloprnenl conltorIBOaSTARRlmemOllapplicabons\OPAIClencey' driving range,doc r·t·,-;,r'·,!"'::"\¡~· j 23 ".' ! '_',\,C,,, ".!" f il,,,,,,,.-.,,", ",,_._, F ':PCI¡'Y,' II Dr) 2. 6 - C> t.. ~H. '" .- .. ~ ....,.___..___~.........,..,. o>;._ OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM RECEIVED September 15, 2005 SEP 1 9 2.005 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT To: Steve Gaunt Senior Planner From: Richard Holborn, P. Eng. Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Subject: Official Plan Amendment OPA 02-004/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A21/02 & Minister's Zoning Order Application 18-Z0-02903-01 Bill & Ann Clancey Part of Lot 8, Concession 5 (Part 1 2 and 3, Plan 40R-16157) (South side of Concession 6, east of Westney Road) City of Pickering The Municipal Property & Engineering Division has completed a review of the above noted OPA and Zoning Applications for a Golf Driving Range and provide the following comments. 1. The City should protect for the possibility of the road allowance between lots 8 and 9, Concession 5, also known as Sideline 8 being used as the future Westney Road by-pass of Greenwood. This has been identified in the City and Region of Durham Official Plan as a Type 8 arterial road. The Region of Durham should be consulted on the required right-of-way requirement, and the applicant be advised of the road widening to be conveyed. RH:ko Copy: Director, Operations & Emergency Services Coordinator, Engineering Design & Systems 'T,,,¡'c"'rr.,- Jf ll./ Tf' k' f .~ nivd:h·! 11 c."'......,._v.n"'...,.."""'.._. - .,1 II PD",.""~!?::º~",,,,P OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION RE(::E~VEDj MEMORANDUM September 26, 2005 SEP :3 n 2005 CITY OF P¡CKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPt\nTNlENT To: Steve Gaunt Senior Planner From: Shahid Matloob Coordinator, Traffic Engineering Subject: Official Plan Amendment OPA 02-004/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A21/02 & Minister's Zoning Order Application 18-Z0-02903-01 Bill & Ann Clancey Part of Lot 8, Concession 5 (Part 1, 2 and 3, Plan 40R-16157) The Municipal Property & Engineering Division has completed a review of the above noted OPA and Zoning Applications for a Golf Driving Range and provide the following comments from a traffic perspective. 1. Based on the information provided from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual 6th Edition, proposed golf driving range will generate 35 trips during the PM peak hour. 2. Sixth Concession Road has been classified as "Rural Local" with a posted speed limit of 40 km/hr. Rural local roads are designed to carry traffic volumes of less then 1000 vehicles per day. The existing traffic volume on Sixth Concession Road west of Westney Road shows that it's operating well below the established limits for a "Rural Local", 3. Sixth Concession Road east of Westney Road is recommended for rehabilitation/reconstruction and has been included in the proposed 2006 Capital Budget. In conclusion, traffic volumes generated by the proposed development will not impact the area roadway network, Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need additional information, SM Copy: -,',','~}o ,1 .~/1 "-,~. \ ,"..... ..' (-, 'Shahid Matloòl:>--<. , I ;;6 æ'··r J¿ß(U2''-'!-''¿'YI-~ Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering A4-}ow'7/t -1· ~ ëf: ,", J! K-cU Supervisor, Engineering & Capital Works ^' 'L D /~ 6~~~·Dv.~ t; + . //-1- x.. 2(ìOtJ i f.A, t .. ',f. k 'f" ^ . G} .. It /; . /.1·1i 'ztIÖ7I. t ,.,- -HtL .7cJ!a.tz Itê¿"","'7¡ . t' . ~v"'?&' "} .....', / ~,.~ï /' ._ .'-¡'A"'~Y1t t;..;z:z<t ¿~.:/f:"l,!z,",,¿, "'7 .....f/I/V'\.. U,;,-u/67-'~v- LS '.t: 2~tX.;'-7. Q/~,/;/~l-C'- DV¡' '2. C<.J L~