HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 17-06 4ò Citq a/ REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: CS 17-06 Date: March 20, 2006 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Notice of Application for a Liquor Licence "Jukebox Live" - 1211 Kingston Road, Pickering Recommendation: That Report CS 17-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer and Director, Planning & Development be received for information. Executive Summary: At the Executive (Budget) Committee meeting held on March 14, 2006, staff were requested to provide information with respect to the re-opening of the business municipally located at 1211 Kingston Road, Pickering, under the business name of "Jukebox Live", and the corresponding liquor licence application. Background: The City Clerk received an official notice from the owner, of an application to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission for a liquor licence for the establishment to be known as "Jukebox Live", municipally located at 1211 Kingston Road, Pickering (see Attachment #1). The role of the City Clerk is to indicate on the application if the area where the establishment is to be located is: Wet (spirits, beer, wine); Damp (beer and wine only); or Dry. As there are no 'damp/dry' areas within the City, the Clerk identified this location as 'wet' and forwarded the application to the Commission. Further, the application clearly states the following: "Note: Specific concerns regarding zoning, non-compliance with by-laws or general objections to the application, by Council or elected municipal representatives, must be outlined, in a separate submission or letter within 30 days of this notification". The notification was received on March 2, 2006, therefore, there are 30 days from this point whereby the City can submit objections. The process that is established within the City is that upon sign off by the City Clerk, a copy is immediately provided to the Planning & Development Department which investigates the application to ensure that zoning and site plan are in compliance. If there are concerns with respect to these Report CS 17-06 Date: March 20, 2006 Subject: Liquor Licence Application - "Jukebox Live" Page 2 4'7 matters, a formal letter on behalf of the City is forwarded to the Alcohol & Gaming Commission in accordance with the 30 day notification period. Staff are aware of the previous concerns of this subject property when it operated as a nightclub business, formerly known as 4Play and Aqua Lounge. While these businesses were in operation there were numerous complaints such as: loud noise, fights and guns being discharged, excessive drinking by the patrons, noise on the outdoor patio areas and powerful searchlights. A large number of these complaints were documented within our Customer Care tracking system and significant staff time was allocated to resolving the complaints. In the correspondence to the Alcohol & Gaming Commission dated February 23,2006, and included as Attachment #2 to this report, Councillors Dickerson and McLean have indicated their strong opposition to this application, and provided detailed particulars related to the past business establishments. A further letter sent to residents dated February 24, 2006 has also been included as Attachment #3 to this report. It should be noted that the new owner is co-operating with staff with respect to planning concerns. The Planning & Development Department advises that the property is zoned to allow a restaurant use with outdoor patio area. Ms. Suzan Selimovska (representing the new business) preconsulted with the Planning & Development Department in February 2006 respecting a change in signage for the front face of the building and the introduction of an entry canopy. Application for sign permits etc. have all been received by the City in order for the owner to be in compliance with City regulations. It has been brought to the attention Ms. Selimovska by P&D that the existing outdoor patio design does not comply with the approved site plan. Previous owner(s) undertook changes to the patio area that brought the installation out of compliance with the approved drawings. We understand that Ms. Selimovska intends to rectify this matter by either bringing the patio into conformity with approved drawings or submitting revised plans for the City's consideration and approval. In the event that Council wishes to formally oppose the application, then Council should pass a resolution to that effect in order to meet the timeline for reporting of April 2, 2006. A sample resolution is noted as follows: a) That the Council of the City of Pickering strongly object to the liquor licence application of the establishment known as "Jukebox Live", municipally located at 1211 Kingston Road, Pickering, unless concerns of the City of Pickering are clearly addressed; and b) That the City Clerk notify the Alcohol & Gaming Commission accordingly. Please note, that Council collectively or individually can provide their written general objection to the application to the Alcohol & Gaming Commission. P4l3>rt CS 17-06 Date: March 20, 2006 Subject: Liquor Licence Application - "Jukebox Live" Page 3 Attachments: 1. Liquor License Application of "Jukebox Live" 2. Correspondence dated February 23, 2006 from Councillor Dickerson and Councillor McLean to Ms. Raj Singh, Liquor Licensing Officer, Alcohol & Gamin Commission of Ontario 3. Correspondence dated February 24, 2006 from Councillor Dickerson and Councillor McLean to Residents Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: Debi A. Bentley City Clerk /' /' '- . ~ ""': ~.... " .;2..........,,--.. "--' ~., '~".. ..,.. --.. ".- . .' -::::::;::'-.' ...... .~ . ". . ___'l .-..-_--.~. ~..-' .,." .J~-::" ,", ..-,:;~....----- Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Approved I Endorsed By: NC:GP:db Attachments Recommended for. the consideration of Pickering City Co I // rÜTT~ # I TO RijJoD!JT I. cS ['1 - 06 Renseigneme . s - ,o..."~,, .".;,~.........1Ie ~ii form to: formule a : m u n i c i P a u x Alcoho,l a~d Gaming , Commi,ssion des aleo.ols Commission of Ontario et des jeux de l'Ontarlo 20 Dundas 51. W, 20. rue Dundas Ouest ~ 7th Floor 7" étage OnlarlO Toronto ON M5G 2N6 Toronto ON M5G 2N6 ._.._-~~-_.- Municipal Information' The information requested below is required in support of all applications for a new liquor licence or outdoor areas being added to an existing liquor licence. 49 Les renseignements sont recueillis conjointement à toute demande de nouveau perm is d1alcool ou d'ajout de zones de plein air à un permis d'alcool existant. Section 1 - Application Details Section 1 - Détails de la demande Establishment name/Nom de 'établissement ..TUK¿ ßOX LiV¿ Establishment tel. no.l N° de tél. de 'établissement LIf to ð ~cJ.- $'11 i- Contact's tel. noJ N° de tél. de la personne à contacter Lf{ & g {q' S ( 1"f Contact name/Nom de la personne à contacter ~J J'2. A N ~'¿ U 1\11 D \J S ~(,q Exact location of establishment (not mailing address - street number and name, city or lot no., concession and township) Emplacement exact de 'établissement (non I'adresse postale - numéro et nom de la rue, ville ou numéro de lot, concession et canton) I) 1 ¡ ~( I ¡J ~ i l D ¡J ~ ;) /\ µ I e ~ C H. ¿ It I ,J I.; 0 ,v -: A 1\ \:; L V b M { Does the application for a liquor licence include:/La demande de permis d'alcool porte-t-elle entre autres sur: [SJ indoor ar~as/des zones intérieures [3j outdoor areas/des zones de plein air Section 2 - Municipal Clerk's official notice of application for a liquor licence in your muni~ipality Municipal Clerk - , please confirm the "wet/damp/dry" status below. Section 2 - Avis officiel de de man de de permis d'alcool dans votre municipalité à I'intention du (de la) secrétaire municipal(e) Secrétaire municipal(e) : Confirmer Ie statut de la région ci-dessous. Name of village, town, township or city where taxes are paid/Nom du village, de la ville ou du canton à qui les impôts sont versés : (If the area where the establishment is located was annexed or amalgamated, provide the name of the Village, Town, Township or City was known as) , (Si /a région où se trouve /'étab/issement a été annexée ou fusionnée. nom sous leque//e village, /a ville ou Ie canton était connu) " area where the establishment is located:/ La vente de boissons alcooliques est-elle autorisée dans la région où se trouve I'établissement? Wet (for spirits, beer, wine)/Oui (spiritueux, bière, vin) 0 Damp (for beer and wine only)/Oui (bière et vin seuJement) 0 Dry/Non Note: Remarque: Specify concerns regarding zoning, non-compliance with Toute question particulière concernant Ie zonage, la non- bylaws, or general objections to the application by councilor conformité aux règlements municipaux au toute objection elected municipal representatives, must be clearly outlined, générale relative à la demande de la part de membres du in a separate submission or letter within 30 days of this conseil au de représentants municipaux élus doit être décrite notification. ~ --'-- I clairemen! dans un document distinct ou una lettre à " h.c:c'd j'\'\c).vT,h ,;:J.O \d'intérieur d'une période de 30 jours après la remise du présent avis. Signature of municipal official/Signature du (de la) représentant(e) municipal(e) ··-,~)O~··' Title/Poste C-ì-t C krfC Address of municipal office/Adresse du bureau municipa( r.), -. ~ Ic..k: '-' I" \.:'''\ (' One: 1Jr.::. l-5 Lcu-c..de ?f'\11t: Inn/n..,\ Date 0\ -;~ LI V Col::::.ì rYla...rch Á Ob. r:::u~ ~ Doug Dickerson City Councillor, Ward 2 February 23, 2006 .- ~ /7 - 0 b COUNCILLORS' OFFICE Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L 1 V 6K7 cityofpickering.com 905.420.4605 Bill McLean Regional Councillor, Ward 2 Ms. Raj Singh Liquor Licensing Officer Alcohol & Gaming Commission of Ontario Licensing and Registration Branch 20 Dundas Street West, 7th Floor Toronto, Ontario M5G 2N6 Dear Ms. Singh, As Pickering Councillors, we would like to strongly oppose the liquor IicerTce application by 2085026 Ontario Inc" operating as the Jukebox Live, for the premises at 1211 Kingston Road in Pickering, We have several concerns about this application and would like to make you aware of some of the history associated with past licensees at this location. Over the past several years, we have had many complaints from residents living nearby, which I have documented and will make available to you. These complaints have included criminal activity such as fights and guns being discharged. On many occasions, there has been loud noise coming from these premises, which continued long into the night. As well, residents have complained about excessive drinking and noise on the outdoor patio and very powerful searchlights scanning the skies and many instances of unacceptable behavior. The premises are well known to the Durham Regional Police and the City's bylaw officers, All of these activities have prevented nearby residents from feeling secure as well as having been denied the peaceful enjoyment of their homes. All of the previous owners of this establishment have ignored orders of compliance issued by the city and were uncooperative in dealing with citizens in resolving their complaints. .,./2 Ms. Raj Singh February 23, 2006 Page 2 51 As the elected representatives for Ward 2, where this building is located, we would welcome the opportunity to appear at a public hearing to make our concerns known. We feel that it is essential that the views of all those who will be affected by this application be heard and their concerns carefully considered. Thank you for your consideration and we hope to hear from you soon, Yours truly, j)~ Ô;)~41?1 ß;Ø/M¿ Bill McLean Regional Councillor bmclean@citV.pickerinq,on.ca Doug Dickerson City Councillor ddickerson@citv.pickerinQ.on,ca 52 ... /7 - 0 h COUNCILLORS' OFFICE Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L 1V 6K7 cityofpickering,com 905.420.4605 Doug Dickerson City Councillor, Ward 2 Bill McLean Regional Councillor, Ward 2 February 24, 2006 Dear Residents: RE: Jukebox Live - Liquor License Application 1211 Kingston Road, Pickering As you may know, a liquor license application has been submitted by Jukebox Live to operate a nightclub business at 1211 Kingston Road, formerly known as 4Play and Aqua Lounge. We wish to inform you that we have written to the Alcohol & Gaming Commission of Ontario to express our concerns and opposition to this application. Our letter states: "As Pickering Councillors, we would like to strongly oppose the liquor licence application by 2085026 Ontario Inc., operating as the Jukebox Live, for the premises at 1211 Kingston Road in Pickering, We have several concerns about this application and would like to make you aware of some of the history associated with past licensees at this location. Over the past several years, we have had many complaints from residents living nearby, which I have documented and will make available to you. These complaints have included criminal activity such as fights and guns being discharged. On many occasions, there has been loud noise coming from these premises, which continued long into the night. As well, residents have complained about excessive drinking and noise on the outdoor patio and very powerful searchlights scanning the skies and many instances of unacceptable behaviour. .../2 55 Jukebox Live - Liquor License Application February 23, 2006 Page 2 The premises are well known to the Durham Regional Police and the City's bylaw officers. All of these activities have prevented nearby residents from feeling secure, as well as having been denied the peaceful enjoyment of their homes. All of the previous owners of this establishment have ignored orders of compliance issued by the city and were uncooperative in dealing with citizens in resolving their complaints. As the elected representatives for Ward 2, where this building is located, we would welcome the opportunity to appear at a public hearing to make our concerns known. We feel that it is essential that the views of all those who will be affected by this application be heard and their concerns carefully considered." We will keep you informed of any decision. Please feel free to contact us if you have any further concerns or questions, Yours truly, d Þf ¿; Wi -VIM1 ßØ/ìrJL Doug Dickerson City Councillor dd ickerson@citV.pickerinQ. on. ca Bill McLean Regional Councillor bmclean@citv.pickering.on.ca