HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 20, 2006X1 �� 111n. `' / _ 7�- R�[I����._�"' 1 . , , -� . Q--u .�,�.�� _ _ �l�� ���I�� Council Meeting Agenda Monday, March 20, 2006 Council Chambers 7:30 am I) INVOCATION Mayor Ryan will call the meeting to order and lead Council in the saying of the Invocation. II) III) IV) V) DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Council Meeting of March 6, 2006 PRESENTATIONS DELEGATIONS VI) CORRESPONDENCE VII) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT No Items for consideration VIII) REPORTS — NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS IX) MOTIONS AND NOTICE OF MOTIONS X) BY-LAWS XI) OTHER BUSINESS XII) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW XIII) ADJOURNMENT FOR tNFpRMATIC?N ONLY PAG E 1-17 18 19 20-36 37-53 54 55-57 • Minutes of the Taxicab Advisory Committee meeting dated February 22, 2006 f �`�`� °� Council Meeting Minutes ���� ��¢_� .� � � Monday, March 6, 2006 7:30 pm 2. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 23/05, as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 10-06 be forwarded to City Council for enactment. 4. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 14-06 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 24/05 Delco Homes Inc. Sparrow Circle (at Altona Road) (Block 17, Plan 40M-1827) Citv of Pickerinq That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 24/05 be approved to permit a freehold townhouse, common element road condominium development on lands being Block 17, Plan 40M-1827, City of Pickering, submitted by Delco Homes Inc. 2. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 24/05, as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 14-06 be forwarded to City Council for enactment. 5. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 16-06 Direction on City Staff Involvement on an Appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board Committee of Adjustment Decision on Application P/CA 55/05 Pickering Auto Body Ltd. 1968 Notion Road (North Part of Lot 17, Concession 1) Cit of Pickerin 1. That the Ontario Municipal Board be advised that City Council supports the decision of the Committee of Adjustment refusing the variance to reduce the required parking spaces for P/CA 55/05 at 1968 Notion Road. 2. That the appropriate City staff attend the March 20, 2006, Ontario Municipal Board hearing in opposition of the application and to advance Council's support of the Committee of Adjustment decision. 6. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 17-06 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 27/05 Silverlane Estates Inc. South Part of Lot 32, Concession 1 (Blocks 39 and 46, Plan 40M-2119 and Part 4, 40R-11901) Citv of Pickerinq C7 c�ty °� Councii Meeting Minutes ��;� HF'f4' t�1➢[� �I ..� I Monday, March 6, 2006 7:30 pm That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 27/05 be approved, to rezone two Blocks to match the zoning of abutting land, to permit development of a townhouse and a detached dwelling, on lands being Blocks 39 and 46, Plan 40M-2119, and; to rezone two additional Blocks to allow for open space uses, on lands being Part 4, Plan 40R-11901 (Blocks 16 and 18, Draft Plan of Subdivision S-P-2002-06) 2. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 27/05, as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 17-06, be forwarded to City Council for enactment. 8. Director, Operations & Emergency Service, Report OES 08-06 Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan Request for Proposal for Professional Engineering Services RFP-13-2005 That Report OES 08-06 regarding the Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan, Request for Proposal for professional engineering services be received. 2. That the Proposal RFP-13-2005 submitted by Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited to develop a Stormwater Management Master Plan for Frenchman's Bay be accepted. 3. That the total project cost of $144,855 including the proposal amount, project management services and other associated project costs identified in the report be approved. 4. That staff at the City of Pickering be given the authority to give effect thereto. 9. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 10-06 Construction Priorities for Regional Roads Within the City of Pickerinq That Report OES 10-06 regarding Regional Road construction priorities within the City of Pickering be received for information and forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham. c�t�,� Council Meetin Minutes � a 9 ��,� H�� �� , i - Monday, March 6, 2006 7:30 pm 10. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 11-06 Lease of City of Pickering lands to O.J. Muller Landscape Contractor Ltd. Renewal of Lease Agreement for those lands comprising those parts of Lot 19, Concession 3, Pickering, designated as Part 2, Plan 40R-7012, save and except Part 2, Plan 40R-14541 and Part 3, Plan 40R-7012 That Report OES 11-06 regarding renewal of a lease agreement be received. 2. That the request by O.J. Muller Landscape Contractor Ltd. to renew a lease for City land on Brock Road for the purposes of cultivating the land for cash crops and to store and market nursery stock that includes landscape materials be approved. 3. That the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign a renewal lease agreement with O.J. Muller Landscape Contractor involving City lands, substantially on terms set out in the form prepared by the City Solicitor. 11. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 12-06 Lease of City of Pickering lands to T. Arnts Loam Supply Ltd. Renewal of Lease Agreement for those lands comprising those parts of Lot 19, Concession 3, Pickering, and comprising that part of Part 37 and 40, Plan 40R- 6934 That Report OES 12-06 regarding renewal of a lease agreement be received. 2. That the request by T. Arnts Loam Supply Ltd. to renew a lease for City land on Brock Road for the purposes of carrying on the business of the storage, sale and supply of topsoil, sand, stone, pavers and related products be approved. 3. That the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign a renewal lease agreement with T. Arnts Loam Supply Ltd. involving City lands, substantially on terms set out in the form prepared by the City Solicitor. 12. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 13-06 Lease of City of Pickering lands to 1317970 Ontario Inc. Renewal of Lease Agreement for those lands comprising that part of Parts 37 and 40, Plan 40R-6934 That Report OES 13-06 regarding renewal of a lease agreement be received. l� c�t,, °� Council Meeting Minutes ��� 'C��F3 I :..: I Monday, March 6, 2006 7:30 pm 2. That the request by 1317970 Ontario Inc. to renew a lease for City land on Brock Road for the purposes of carrying on the business of a golf-driving range located at least 85 metres west of Brock Road and at least 6.1 metres south of the northerly boundary of the premises and a miniature golf-putting facility located at least 6.1 metres south of the northerly boundary of the premises and an accessory parking area located between the golf-driving range and Brock Road and south of the miniature golf-putting facility be approved. 3. That the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign a renewal lease agreement with 1317970 Ontario Inc. involving City lands, substantially on terms set out in the form prepared by the City Solicitor. Resolution #25/06 Moved by Councillor Brenner Seconded by Councillor McLean That the Report of the Executive Committee EC 2006-04, dated February 27, 2006, be adopted, save and except Item #'s 3 and 7. CN_1:7:11��7 3. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 13-06 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 11/05 J. & B. Bayes and T. & A. Costar 823 & 827 Sheppard Avenue (Part of Lot 27, Range 3, B.F.C.) City of Pickerinq Resolution #26/06 Moved by Councillor Brenner Seconded by Councillor McLean That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 11/05, be approved to permit the development of a maximum of eight townhouse dwelling units, as submitted by 816 Kingston Road (Pickering) Limited on behalf of J. & B. Bayes and T. & A. Costar, on lands being Part of Lot 27, Range 3, B.F.C., City of Pickering. �. � c�t�i °� ' Council Meeting Minutes ,�� .. �..r.a3.���yo� �I... . - Monday, March 6, 2006 7:30 pm 2. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 11/05, as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 13-06, be forwarded to City Council for enactment. YEA CARRIED ON A RECORDED VOTE NAY Councillor Ashe Councillor Dickerson Councillor Brenner Councillor Johnson Councillor McLean Councillor Pickles Mayor Ryan DECLARATION OF INTEREST Councillor Ashe declared a conflict of interest in accordance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act with respect to Item #2 of Report PD 18-06 of the Director, Planning and Development, due to his interest in the Whitevale Golf Club. Councillor Ashe did not take part in the discussion or vote on Item #2. 7. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 18-06 Proposed Modifications to the Proposed Centra/ Pickering Development Plan Prepared by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Dated February 1, 2006 EBR Registry Number: PF05E0002 Resolution # 27/06 Moved by Councillor Brenner Seconded by Councillor McLean That Pickering Council receive Report PD 18-06 as its comments on the proposed modifications to the proposed Central Pickering Development Plan, prepared by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, dated February 1, 2006, EBR Registry Number: PF05E0002; 1 �� c�f�r °� Council Meeting Minutes ��� - ��„-, , i :- i - Monday, March 6, 2006 7:30 pm 2. That, despite the City's continued opposition to the use of the Ontario Planning and Deve/opment Act, 1994 (OPDA), should the Provincial government approve a Development Plan for Central Pickering under that Act, (a) Council requests the Plan be further modified to include a policy specifying that prior to the completion of the first neighbourhood plan, the Minister will enter into appropriate Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and agreements with the City of Pickering, and other levels of government and agencies as may be required, to provide financial assistance in accordance with section 20 of the OPDA, for the purpose of implementing the policies and programs of the Plan, at a level to ensure achievement of the following: • the provision of sufficient lands in acceptable locations for required municipal facilities, parks and open spaces, and other necessary community facilities such as places of worship, schools, nursing homes and childcare centres; • the early servicing of the Highway 407 employment lands; • adequate long-term funding to maintain and manage the natural heritage system; • the preparation of a heritage study of the Whitevale Road corridor east of the existing Heritage Conservation District as input to the neighbourhood planning process; • the provision of sufficient lands for the development of a university and/or college campus and a medical teaching hospital; • the provision of two new Highway 407 interchanges, the construction of the Brock Road by-pass and the Brock Road / Highway 407 interchange, the provision of appropriate regional and interregional transit service, the extension of GO-Transit service, the widening of Highway 7, the construction of the Whitevale By- pass / 14t" Avenue connection, and the widening of Steeles Avenue; • the development of an integrated set of sustainability measures and benchmarks for Seaton; • the cost of providing services and facilities in Seaton will not be borne by the City's existing residents and businesses; • funding of all subsequent planning, design and technical studies or exercises; and • any other matters as may be determined; - 1� c�� °� Council Meeting Minutes q�$� �� ��� �� Monday, March 6, 2006 7:30 pm (b) Council requests the Plan be further modified to incorporate the changes set out in Appendices I and II to Report PD 18-06, which among other matters would result in: • retention of 135 hectares of Prestige Employment lands, which were converted to non-employment uses; • reclassification of Sideline 22 from a Type B Arterial to a Type C Arterial Road; • addition of policies requiring completion of the City's Financial Impact Study for Seaton ahead of the completion of the first neighbourhood plan, and completion of the Whitevale Road Corridor heritage study prior to the completion of the neighbourhood plans for the adjacent lands; • clarification of policies on funding, timing and preparation of studies to ensure that costs are not borne by the City but by the benefiting landowners; and • correction of editorial and technical matters; and (c) Council authorizes City staff to meet with representatives of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing after the March 3, 2006 deadline to continue to discuss and provide input on the Provincial Development Plan and to report back to Council through the Net Benefits Committee; and 3. That the City Clerk forward a copy of Report PD 18-06 to the Minister of MunicipaR Affairs and Housing, the Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal, the Minister of the Environment, Project Director for the North Pickering Land Exchange Team, the Region of Durham and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. CARRIED AS AMENDED BY THE FOLLOWING Resolution #28/06 Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Johnson That Item 2(a), bullet 6 of the main motion be amended to read as follows. � ':� ���f °� Council Meeting Minutes ��� 9CT43�' �I...I � Monday, March 6, 2006 7:30 pm • the provision of two new Highway 407 interchanges, the construction of the Brock Road by-pass and the Brock Road / Highway 407 interchange at Sidelines 26 and 22, the provision of appropriate regional and interregional transit service, the extension of GO-Transit service, the widening of Highway 7, the construction of the Whitevale By-pass / 14th Avenue connection, and the widening of Steeles Avenue; CARRIED Resolution # 29/06 Moved by Councillor Brenner Seconded by Councillor McLean That Item 2(a), bullet 7 of the main motion be amended to read as follows. the development of an integrated set of sustainability measures and benchmarks for Seaton, including the development of and commitment to a short and long term health care strategy prior to the commencement of any residential development in Seaton, with an emphasis on the need to provide family physician services. CARRIED The main motion of Councillor s Brenner and MacLean was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. V) REPORTS — NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 20-06 Direction on City Staff Involvement on an Appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 6/01 Glenda Winterstein 5015 Brock Road (South Part of Lot 18, Concession 9) City of Pickerinq Resolution # 30/06 � 1� ��t�� °� Council Meeting Minutes ���� ��.}� .��,,._, - Monday, March 6, 2006 7:30 pm Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson That City Council take no position on the appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board of Zoning By-law 6525/05 by the Region of Durham, to permit five dwelling units and one commercial unit at 5015 Brock Road North. 3. That the City Solicitor be directed to attend the OMB hearing to convey the City's position. CARRIED VI) MOTIONS Request from Councillor Pickles International Women's Dav and Week Proclamation Resolution #31/06 Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That, the Council of the City of Pickering hereby proclaim March 8th as International Women's Day and March 5t" to 11t" as International Women's Week. CARRIED VII) BY-LAWS 6635/06 A by-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 2511, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham, being Part of Lot 15, B.F.C. Range 3, (40R06080, Part 5) in the City of Pickering. The purpose and effect of this by-law is to permit outdoor storage associated with a currently permitted use, a roofing supply business office and warehouse. (A 23/05) 6636/06 A by-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering District Planning Area, Region of Durham in Part of Lot 27, Range 3, Broken Front Concession, City of Pickering. The purpose and 1� c�t�� °� Council Meeting Minutes ���. Hn�qa �,,� ��' ... I Monday, March 6, 2006 7:30 pm effect of this by-law is to permit development townhouse dwelling units fronting onto Sheppard Avenue. (A 11/05) 6637/06 A by-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 4645/95, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham in Block 17, Plan 1827, in the City of Pickering. The purpose and effect of this by-law is to permit the development of 25 units freehold townhouse, common element road condominium. (A 24/05) 6638/06 A by-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham on South Part of Lot 32, Concession 1, in the City of Pickering. The purpose and effect of this by-law is to coordinate the zoning of two Blocks with zoning of abutting parcels to the south for the development of a townhouse and a detached dwelling, and to rezone two Blocks for open space uses. (A27/05) 6639/06 A by-law to adopt Amendment 15 to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering. The purpose and effect of this by-law is to bring the City of Pickering Official Plan into conformity with the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan for lands within the Oak Ridges Moraine Area. (OPA 05-001/P) 6640/06 A by-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3037, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham for all lands in the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan Area in the City of Pickering. (A16/05) 6641/06 A by-law to dedicate that part of Lot 74, Registrar's Compiled Plan No. 1041, Pickering, designated as Part 5, Plan 40R-23861 and that part of Block 32, Plan 40M-1987, Pickering, designated as Part 8, Plan 40R-23861 as public highway (Grayabbey Court) [This by- law implements conditions of LD 170/04 —172/04] THIRD READING: Councillor Johnson, seconded by Councillor McLean, moved that By-law Numbers 6635/06 to 6642/06, be adopted and the said by-laws be now read a third time and passed and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and the seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto save and except By-law 6642/06. C � :' _ � . , .�=r �N1g.�. .7���'—.1e"'-���r.� �+y,.� ,.. — �.�r .� _���_��_����� Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 6, 2006 7:30 pm 6642/06 A by-law to regulate the sale and possession of replicas and/or imitations of firearms within the City of Pickering. [This by-law implements Res # 18/06 of the February 20, 2006 Council meeting.] �� XI) YEA Councillor Brenner Councillor Pickles CONFIRMATION BY-LAW Bv-law Number 6643/06 MOTION LOST ON A RECORDED VOTE ��� Councillor Ashe Councillor Dickerson Councillor Johnson Councillor McLean Mayor Ryan Councillor McLean, seconded by Councillor Brenner, moved for leave to introduce a By-law of the City of Pickering to confirm those proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering at its "In Camera" meeting of February 6, 2006 and its regular meeting of February 6, 2006. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm. DATED this 6th Day of March , 2006 � ... � MAYOR DAVID RYAN DEBI A. BENTLEY CITY CLERK .I. �f „ ,.. �- ��_ _; � �� .- � �-!� �,�, i ';� . _., �� ��� _�•_■��_'�� PRESENT: Mayor David Ryan COUNCILLORS: K. Ashe M. Brenner D. Dickerson R. Johnson B. McLean D. Pickles ALSO PRESENT: T. J. Quinn E. Buntsma N. Carroll D. Bentley C. Rose D. Shields I) II) Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 6, 2006 7:30 pm - Chief Administrative Officer - Director, Operations & Emergency Service - Director, Planning & Development - City Clerk - Manager, Policy - Deputy Clerk INVOCATION Mayor Ryan called the meeting to order and led Council in the saying of the Invocation. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor Dickerson Regular Council Meeting of February 20, 2006 CARRIED � � � c�t�� °� Council Meeting Minutes ��� Y�.��� a� � =-� Monday, March 6, 2006 7:30 pm III) CORRESPONDENCE CORR. 10-06 JOHN GERRETSEN, MINISTER MINISTER OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOUSING 777 Bay Street, 17t" Floor Toronto, Ontario Advising Council that Premier Dalton McGuinty announced the government's plan to propose legislative changes to the Municipal E/ections Act, 1996 and that if passed, these changes would extend the term of office for municipal councils and school boards for four years from three years with a view to strengthening local government. 2. CORR.11-06 JOHN GERRETSEN, MINISTER MINISTER OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOUSING 777 Bay Street, 17th Floor Toronto, Ontario Advising Council that Bill 206 — An Act to Revise the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System, 2006 has received third reading and Royal Assent without any further amendments and further advising that new legislation is proposed that would mandate a future review focusing on the actual experience of the new governance model in practice. The proposed legislation, if passed, would take effect on or before June 30, 2006. 3. CORR.12-06 BRYAN TUCKEY COMMISSIONER OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REGION OF YORK 17250 Yonge Street Newmarket, Ontario ,. Citc� a� � � ��� Council Meeting Minutes r-yn�3,,� __ . � - _. Monday, March 6, 2006 7:30 pm Submitting a copy of correspondence sent to Elizabeth McLaren, Assistant Deputy Minister, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on March 2, 2006 with respect to the Proposed Modifications to the Proposed Central Pickering Development Plan. Mr. Tuckey respectfully requests an extension of the consultation period in order to provide the Ministry with Regional Council comments and further requests delay of the approval of the Central Pickering Development Plan until Council provides its view on the proposed plan and the issues identified in his correspondence are addressed to the satisfaction of York Region. Resolution # 23/06 Moved by Councillor Ashe Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That Correspondence Items 1, 2 and 3 be received for information. CARRIED 4. CORR. 13-06 Motion to Declare GINA LIPTON GTA REGIONAL MANAGER CANADIAN LIVER FOUNDATION 2235 Sheppard Avenue East, Unit 1500 Toronto, Ontario Resolution # 24/06 Moved by Councillor Ashe Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That the month of March 2006 be proclaimed `Liver Health Month'. CARRIED IV DELEGATIONS a) Students of Pine Ridge Secondary School Launch of the Program I AM THE CHANGE � CLtlt D� Council Meeting Minutes - J�FI � . �", �` i I Monday, March 6, 2006 7:30 pm Debbie Johnson, Vice Principal of Pine Ridge Secondary School and student representatives, appeared before Council and presented information on the I Am The Change program being implemented at their school. The program involves students in programs which teach community involvement, leadership innovations, academic achievements, teamwork, anti litter campaigns and they also do presentations to Grade 7 and 8 students who will be attending the school. The students acknowledged their commitment to their community and noted they are Proud of Pickering by wearing POP (Proud of Pickering) buttons. b) Tracy Pederson YWCA Durham Re: 24th Annual Women of Distinction Award Tracy Pederson and Eva Martin Blythe of the YWCA, appeared before Council to present information on the 24t" Annual Women of Distinction Gala and requested Council's support in relaying the information to the public. They also noted that the YWCA Durham is celebrating 61 years of service to the community. c) Roland Rutland Overview and Update with Respect to Kinark Child & Family Services Roland Rutland of Kinark Child & Family Services, appeared before Council to present information on the programs Kinark in Pickering are involved in and also requested that the City of Pickering proclaim March 8th as International Women's Day, March 5t" to 11t" as International Women's Week and March 21St as United Nations International Day. d) Sylvia Spencer 771 Sheppard Avenue, Pickering Re: Director, Planninq & Development, Report PD 13-06 Sylvia Spencer, 771 Sheppard Avenue, Pickering, appeared before Council and reiterated her opposition to this application. She felt that a park was needed in this area, the development would create a traffic nightmare and that there was to many townhouses and the City should be implementing a wider variety of mixed housing units in new developments. � c�t�1 °� Council Meeting Minutes �;��, 4e'!&3�. ��+;Th �� �:::. I � - Monday, March 6, 2006 7:30 pm IV) REPORTS Executive Committee Report EC 2006-04 Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 07-06 Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 05-001/P Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/05 Amending By-law to amend Zoning By-law 3037 City Initiated: Oak Ridges Moraine Conformity Exercise Citv of Pickerinq That Council receive Report PD 07-06 on Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 05-001/P (now Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan), and Zoning By-law Amendment Application 16/05, City Initiated: Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan Conformity Amendments; 2. a) That Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 05-001/P, initiated by the City of Pickering, to implement the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan for Lands within the Oak Ridges Moraine Area, be Approved as set out in Exhibit "A" to Appendix I to Report PD 07-06; (b) That the draft by-law to adopt Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan, to implement the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, be forwarded for enactment to Council as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 07-06; 3. (a) That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/05, initiated by the City of Pickering, to implement the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan for lands within the Oak Ridges Moraine Area, be approved as set out in Appendix II to Report PD 07-06; (b) That the amending by-law to amend Zoning By-law 3037, as amended, to implement the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, be forwarded for enactment to Council as set out in Appendix II to Report PD 07-06; 4. That the Oak Ridges Moraine Conformity Amendments, Amendment 15 and the amending by-law to amend Zoning By-law 3037, be forwarded for approval by the City Clerk to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing; 5. That Council adopt Informational Revision 13 as set out in Appendix III to Report PD 07-06 for inclusion in the Pickering Official Plan; � ���� °� Council Meeting Minutes ��� yC?&3. �d. �� �.�..; � - Monday, March 6, 2006 7:30 pm 6. That Council request the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to resolve Deferrals 28 and 34 relating to the proposed Rural Hamlet designation and settlement policies for Altona and approve the Oak Ridges Moraine Natural Linkage Area and Oak Ridges Moraine Countryside land use designations recommended in Amendment 15; 7. That Council direct staff to update the City's Municipal Tree Protection By- law to reflect the natural features within the Oak Ridges Moraine, and that staff initiate a review of the existing Fill and Topsoil Disturbance By-law to determine whether new provisions for lands within the Oak Ridges Moraine are required; 8. That Council refer the request of Peter Wood, to further review the proposed Old Brock Road and Uxbridge-Townline Road realignment as shown on Schedule IV-10 — Settlement 10: Claremont and Area - North Section of the Pickering Official Plan, to be considered as part of the next Official Plan review; 9. That the City Clerk forward a copy of Report PD 07-06 to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Region of Durham, the Town of Markham, the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville, the Township of Uxbridge, the Township of Scugog, the Town of Whitby, and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority; 10. That the City of Pickering prepare a letter under the signature of the Mayor, to the Province of Ontario expressing the City's concern to the unfairness of how this legislation has been enacted, including the implementation process. 2. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 10-06 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 23/05 Wencray Holdings Limited 2000 Clements Road Part of Lot 15, B.F.C. Range 3 (40R-6080, Part 5), City of Pickerinq That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 23/05, be approved as set out in the draft by-law attached as Appendix I to Report PD 10-06, to amend the existing zoning on the subject lands to permit outdoor storage associated with a roofing supply business office and warehouse on lands being, Part of Lot 15, B.F.C. Range 3, (40R-6080, 5), in the City of Pickering. 1� March 20, 2006 PRESENTATIONS Gordon Dyck Rotary Club of Pickering Re: Honorarv Membership Presentation to Mayor Ryan DELEGATIONS a) Myrna Picott Representing the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 606 Bay Ridges — Ladies Auxiliary Re: Update on Easter Parade and Grant Request b) Leyland Gudge, Director Ida Fogo, Volunteer Co-ordinator Word of Truth Community Resource Centre Re: Fundinq Needs of Our Centre's Programs c) Roger Anderson, Regional Chair Region of Durham Re: Annual Address to the City of Pickerinq 1� March 20, 2006 CORRESPONDENCE �-�. � � CORR. 14-06 JAMES O'MARA March 20, 2006 Receive for Information DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT & APPROVALS BRANCH MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT 2 St. Ciair Avenue West Toronto, ON M4V 1 L5 Acknowledging receipt of correspondence with respect to concerns from the City over the Ontario Realty Corporation's (ORC) proposed Seaton Land Transfer (the Project) and advising that the Project is being planned as a Schedule C project under the Class Environmental Assessment Process for ORC Realty Activities (Class EA). Further, the Class EA requires ORC to plan these projects under Schedule B, but in response to public comments, ORC elected to consider the project under the more comprehensive Schedule C process. Mr. O'Mara further advised that staff at the Ministry will review the issues and concerns of the City and provide any project documentation and any other information necessary to assist the ministry in its review of your request. 2. CORR.15-06 DICK O'BRIEN CHAIR TORONTO AND REGION CONSERVATI4N 5 Shoreham Drive Downsview, Ontario Receive for Information Advising Council that at a meeting held on January 27, 2006, amended Resolution #A300/05 and #A301-/05 in regards to the Draft Clean Water Act, 2005 was approved. . 3. CORR.16-06 DR. DAVID M. WARDLAW CHAIR, SCI-TECH ONTARIO 302 Brookwood Blvd. Whitbv, ON L1 R 2A3 Motion to Declare �� Advising that across the country over 500,000 elementary and high-school students are preparing to take part in science and technology fairs during the month of March and as part of the celebration, Sci-Tech Ontario is proclaiming March as Youth Science Month in Ontario for the sixth year in a row. Sci-Tech Ontario is a non-profit organization whose primary focus is to foster and enrich the participation of Ontario youth in project-based science and research activities. Therefore, requesting that the City of Pickering proclaim the month of March, 'Youth Science Month'. � �, �� Ministry of the Environment 2 St. Clair Ave. West Toronto ON M4V 1 L5 March 6, 2006 Ms. Debi Bentley Ministere . de I'Environnement 2, avenue St. Clair Ouest Toronto ON M4V 1 L5 City of Pickering, City Clerk 1 The Esplanade Pickering ON L 1 V 6K7 Dear Ms. Bentley: CDl¢� • / �f - D �o � - , • nt� r l 0 �, 7 . 3 �;3 �"'�9.,�, ) ' 9 ;l . f i �,'7�Ci'% ` '��»�N���';� �a�;'��� ENV 1283MC-2006-�`�� Thank you for your February 10, 2006 letter to the Minister of the Environment in which you raise a number of concerns over the Ontario Realty Corporation's (ORC) proposed Seaton Land Transfer (the Project). I am pleased to respond on behalf of the Minister. The Project is being planned as a Schedule C project under the Class Environmental Assessment Process for ORC Realty Activities (Class EA). The Class EA requires ORC to plan these projects under Schedule B, but in response to public comments, ORC elected to consider the project under the more comprehensive Schedule C process. Staff at this ministry will review the issues and concerns you have cited as reasons for which an individual EA should be prepared. Your request has been forwarded to ORC and ORC has been asked to review your request and provide any project documentation and other information necessary to assist the ministry in its review of your request. This information will be considered by the Minister when making a decision about the request. Thank you for taking the time to share your concerns with this Project. If you have any questions about the ministry's review of your request, please contact Mr. Michael Harrison, Special Projects Officer, of the Environmental Assessment (416) 314-8221. Yours sincerely, �G� //'����--.._ �James O'Mara Director Environmental Assessment & Approvals Branch � 0761L8(OS/99) 100% Fecycled Chbnne Free. Made in Canada 3I ��p �s' _ TORONTO AND REGION`1r� ���� onservat�on for The Living City February 20, 2006 Ms. Debi Bently City Clerk, City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1 V 6K7 Dear Ms. Bently: �.=. � ��9 Co,2,2 . l �' — p 6 ��., .; �u , , . �. ;` � At Authority Meeting #11/05, of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), held on January 27, 2006, amended Resolution #A300/05 and #A301/05 in regards to Draft Clean Water Act, 2005, was approved as follows: WHEREAS the Authority has previously supported the White Paper on Watershed Based Source Protection Planning, February 2004 by Resolution #A67/04 and the earlier proposed drinking water legislation (Drinking Water Source Protection Act, 2004)by Resolution #A224/04; WHEREAS the current proposed legislation is consistent with these ear/ier proposals; WHEREAS the province has provided funding to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), Credit Valley Conservation (CVC), and Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) as the CTC Watershed Region to undertake technical studies in support of source protection planning through Memorandum's of Agreement (MOA) approved by Resolution #A67/04 and Resolution #A241 /05; THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT the Authority supports the proposed Clean Water Act, 2005 and the roJe proposed for conservation authorities; THAT staff be authorized and directed to make comments through the Environmental Bill of Rights registry (EBR) process on behalf of TRCA and the CTC tNatershed Region to the province in support of the Clean WaterAct, 2005; THAT staff be directed to include in fhe comments to the EBR a request for the opportunity to make a presentation in support of the Act before the Standing Committee of the Legis/ature, if and when the proposed Act rs referred to committee for hearings; THAT the Chair circulate the staff report and the EBR comments to the clerks, Chief Administrative Officers (CAO) and Mayors of municipalities in the CTC Watershed Region, and statf send copies to the General Managers of Credit Valley Conse►vation and Conservation Ontario, the CAO of Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and to the project managers for the other source protection watershed regions; AND FURTHER THAT TRCA expresses its concern to the province that the funding C..C. � �.L c � v e.. �cc�' 1.��-�c'/ _ No„�o,s 5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N "IS4 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 www.trca.on.ca � �9 � � �� mechanism for the ongoing long term responsibilities of the Source Protection Authority, the Source Protection Planning Committee and the implementation of the Source Protection Plan, has not been determined, and that these costs cannot be assumed by the municipalities in the absence of additional provincial support. Enclosed for your information and any action deemed necessary is the report as presented to the Authority on January 27, 2006. Also enclosed is the EBR submission. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Bev Thorpe at 416-661-6600 extension 5577, Sincerely � �� Dick O'Brien Chair cc. Bev Thorpe, TRCA /EncL � i� DISTRIBUTION LIST CAO's, Clerks and Mayors of municipalities in the CTC Region as follows: Joan Anderton, Chief Administrative Officer, Town of Richmond Hiil Janice Baker, City Manager, City of Mississauga P. Barrie, Municipal Clerk, Municipality of Clarington William F. Bell, Mayor, Town of Richmond Hill Debi Bently, City Clerk, City of Pickering Cathie Best, Town Clerk, Town of Oakville Sheila Birrell, Town Clerk, Town of Markham Margaret Black, Mayor, Township of King Rick Bonnette, Mayor, Town of Halton Hills Drew Brown, Mayor, Town of Orangeville ,John Brown, City Marager, City of Oshawa Marcel Brunelle, Mayor, Town of Whitby David Cash, Chief Administrative Officer, Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Bob Casselman, Chief Administrative Officer, Township of King Joann Chechalk, CAO/Town Manager, Town of Oakville R. AI Claringbold, Chief Administrative Officer, Town of Whitby K. Coates, Clerk, Township of Scugog Don Cousens, Mayor, Town of Markham Cheri Cowan, Town Clerk, Town of Caledon Bob Currie, Mayor, Township of Amaranth Martin de Rond, Clerk, Town of Ajax Michael DeAngelis, City Manager, City of Vaughan Yvonne deWit, Chief Administrative Officer, Township of Scugog Michael Di Biase, Mayor, City of Vaughan Susan Fennell, Mayor, City �of Brampton Rod Finnie, Mayor, Town of Erin William Fox, Township Manager and CAO, Township of Adjala-Tosorontio Alex Grant, Chief Administrative Officer, Township of Uxbridge John Gray, Mayor, City of Oshawa Crystal Greer, Clerk, City of Mississauga Lisa Hass, Town Manager, Town of Erin Shirley Hoy, City Manager, City of Toronto Kathryn Ironmonger, Clerk; Town of Erin Cheryl Johns, Clerk, Town of Orangeville Tim Jones, Mayor, Town of Aurora Barb Kane, Clerk and Deputy Treasurer, Township of Adjala-Tosorontio Michele Kennedy, Clerk, Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Sandra Kranc, City Clerk, City of Oshawa K. Landry, Town Clerk, Town of Halton Hills John D. Leach, City Clerk, City of Vaughan Earl Lennox, Mayor, Township of East Garafraxa Debbie Leroux, Clerk, Township of Uxbridge John Livey, Chief Administrative Officer, Town of Markham Hazel McCallion, Mayor, City of Mississauga Lorne V. McCool, City Manager, City of Brampton D.G. McKay, Clerk, Town of Whitby �� Keith McNenly, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk-Treasurer, Town of Mono David Miller, Mayor, City of Toronto Marolyn Morrison, Mayor, Town of Caledon Pat Moyle, Chief Administrative Officer, Town of Caledon Anne Mulvale, Mayor, Town of Oakviile John Mutton, Mayor, Municipality of Clarington Gerri Lynn O'Connor, Mayor, Township of Uxbridge Bob Panizza, Director of Corporate Services/Town Clerk, Town of Aurora Steve Parish, Mayor, Town of Ajax Marilyn Pearce, Mayor, Township of Scugog Dennis Perlin,Town of Halton Hills Robert Prowse, Clerk, Town of Richmond Hill Thomas J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer, City of P�ckering John Rogers, Chief Administrative Officer, Town of Aurora Dave Ryan, Mayor, City of Pickering Rick Schwarzer, Chief Administrative Officer, Town of Orangeville Sue Sherban, Mayor, Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Brian Skinner, Chief Administrative Officer, Town of Ajax Chris Somerville, Clerk, Township of King Susan M. Stone, CAO/Clerk-Treasurer, Township of Amaranth, Township of East Garafraxa Keith Thompson, Mayor, Town of Mono Tom Walsh, Mayor, Township of Adjala-Tosorontio Ulli S. Watkiss, City Clerk, City of Toronto Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer, Municipality of Clarington Kathy Zammit, Acting City Clerk, City of Brampton � �� T0: Chair and Members of the Authority Meeting #11/05, January 27, 2006 FROM: Adele Freeman, Director, Watershed Management RE: DRAFT CLEAN WATER ACT, 2005 Establishment of Source Protection Planning Requirements KEYISSUE Approval to make comments in support of the proposed legislation which was posted December 5, 2005 by the Ministry of the Environment on the EBR Registry for comment. The comment period closes February 3, 2006. RECOMMENDATION WHEREAS the Authority has previously supported the White Paper on Watershed Based Source Protection Planning, February 2004 by Resolution #A67/04 and the earlier proposed drinking water legislation (Drinking Water Source Protection Act, 2004)by Resolution #A224/04; WHEREAS the current proposed legislation is consistent with these earlier proposals; WHEREAS the province has provided funding to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), Credit Valley Conservation (CVC), and Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) as the CTC Watershed Region to undertake technical studies in support of source protection planning through Memorandum's of Agreement (MOA) approved by Resolution #A67/04 and Resolution #A241 /05; THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT the Authority supports the proposed Clean Water Act, 2005 and the role proposed for conservation authorities; THAT staff be authorized and directed to make comments through the Environmental Bill of Rights registry (EBR) process on behalf of TRCA and the CTC Watershed Region to the province in support of the Clean Water Act, 2005; THAT staff be directed to ir.cluds in the comments to the EBR a request for the opportunity to make a presentation in support of the Act before the Standing Committee of the Legislature, if and when the proposed Act is referred to committee for hearings; AND FURTHER THAT the Chair circulate the staff report and the EBR comments to the clerks, Chief Administrative Officers (CAO) and Mayors of municipalities in the CTC Watershed Region, and staff send copies to the General Managers of Credit Valley Conservation and Conservation Ontario, the CAO of Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and to the project managers for the other source protection watershed regions. r, �� �, r.� BACKGROUND The Minister of the Environment introduced the proposed Clean Water Act which received first reading on December 5, 2005. The Ministry of the Environment (MOE) is seeking comments through posting the legislation on the Environmental Bill of Rights registry. The proposed Act is designed to protect existing and future sources of drinking water through the local identification and assessment of drinking water threats and the development of a source protection plan that addresses these threats. The proposed Act is comprised of 5 parts. Part I—GenEral Part I of the legislation establishes source protection areas and requires that a source protection plan be developed for each area. Under proposed regulations, the CTC source protection area will be established as the source protection area for our region (1 of 19 areas proposed across the province), comprised of the CVC, CLOCA and TRCA jurisdictions. TRCA will be the lead conservation authority (the "source protection authority") and the will have the responsibility for facilitating the source protection planning process for this area. Part II— Preparation, Amendment and Review of Source Protection Plans This Part establishes the process for developing and approving source protection plans. As the lead authority, TRCA is responsible for establishing the multi-stakeholder Source Protection Committee (SPC) comprised of no more than 16 members for the CTC region. The chair of the SPC must be approved by the Minister of the Environment and appointed by Order-in-Council. The SPC is responsible for developing terms ot reference, an assessment report and a source protection plan for the CTC source protection area. It is anticipated that the SPC will be supported by a number of technical working groups. Under the current MOA (including 100% funding) with Conservation Ontario and the province, TRCA, CVC and CLOCA are preparing the background technical reports which will be part of the basis for the assessment report required by the SPC. The assessment report identifies the watersheds in the source protection area, the vulnerable areas within the watershed, and assesses the drinking water threats in each vuinerable area in order to determine which threats constitute significant drinking water threats. The assessment report must be submitted by the SPC to the Source Protection Authority (SPA) for approval, who submit it subsequently to the MOE Director for approval. It is mandatory that the SPC consult with municipalities when the Terms of Reference for the Assessment report are prepared, on the assessment report before it is submitted for approval and also on the source protection plan prior to submission for approval. It is mandatory to make the report available to the public when it is submitted to MOE. Within the CTC region, it is our intention to consult fully with municipalities and to seek their agreement in the establishment of the SPC and also in obtaining municipal council endorsement of reports and source protection plans before these are submitted to the province. �� Following approval of the assessment report, the SPC is responsible for preparing a source protection plan (SPP). The SPP sets out policies intended to ensure that all current and future activities that pose, or may pose, a significant drinking water threat (as identified in the assessment report) cease to pose or to become a significant risk. Further, activities or specific land uses prescribed by regulation which occur in a well-head protection area or a surface water intake zone, may be designated for the purpose of specific provisions of Part IV. it is mandatory for the SPC to consult with municipalities. Part III—Effect of Source Protection Plans The Act requires municipalities to conform their Official Plans, zoning by-laws and prescribed instruments that relate to significant drinking water threats, with the SPP. In the case of a conflict between the source protection plan and other provincial plans such as the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan or Greenbelt Plan, the provisions most protective of the quality and quantity of drinking water prevail. Decisions under the Planning Act and the Condominium Act, 1998, must conform to the SPP. Finally, the Minister can require the appropriate legal authority to bring any non-conforming instrument prescribed by a regulation that relates to a significant drinking water threat into conformity with the SPP. Part IV — Regulation of Drinking Water Threats The municipality that has authority to make by-laws under the Municipal Act, 2001 for the production, treatment and storage of water is responsible for enforcement. This responsibility may be delegated by agreement to conservation authorities. The body responsible for enforcing Part IV must appoint a permit official and permit inspectors to administer the provisions of this Part. Municipalities may order the development of risk management plans where an activity has been prescribed by regulation and the report has found that the activity constitutes a significant drinking water threat in a welihead protection area or a surface water intake protection zone. Appeals can be made to the Environmental Review Tribunal. A person is required to comply with a risk management pian and failure to do so is an offence. Part IV requires a person planning to build or get approval for specific land uses designated in the SPP to have the permit official review the proposal to ensure compiiance before the proposai is approved under the Planning Act or the person obtains a permit under the Building Code Act. Part IV provides authority to issue, amend, renew and revoke permits, issue enforcement orders, powers of entry and to cause the work to be done at the person's expense. It also provides for appeals to the Environmental Review Tribunal. Part V — Other Matters An important item for the CTC Watershed Region is the authority for the Minister of the Environment to set targets for the Great Lakes as a source of drinking water. ���� Part V also establishes obligations on various public bodies to share information related to the SPP process and the authority for the Director to establish technical rules in relation to assessment reports, risk assessments and risk management plans. The province is planning to post draft guidance documents on the EBR for comment in the near future. Technical staff have been consulted on earlier drafts and CTC technicai work currently underway is being carried out in accordance with most recent draft guidance. Regulation-making authority is provided to the Minister for certain matters and a more general regulation-making authority is given to the Lieutenant Governor in Councit. Part V includes a general conflict provision that provides that in case of a confiict between the Clean Water Act, 2005 and a provision of another Act or a regulation made under another Act, the provision that provides the greatest protection to a drinking water source prevaiis. In addition there is a specific conflict provision in relation to the Nutrient Management Act, 2002, which provides that in case of a conflict between a provision of the Clean Water Act, 2005 and a provision of the Nutrient Management Act, 2002, a regulation or an instrument under that Act, the provision of the Clean Water Act, 2005 prevails. Note that nothing in the Clean Water Act, 2005 affects the conflict provision in the Nutrient Management Act, 2002 in relation to municipai by-laws. Finally, Part V includes an offence provision, largely for the purpose of enforcing Part IV and penalties with maximums from $25,000 to $100,000 per day. This Bill amends other legislation. Amendments to the Building Code Act authorize the establishment by regulation of maintenance inspection programs for septic systems. They also allow for the establishment of other types of maintenance inspection programs, and makes compiimentary amendments to the Pianning Act, the Conservation Authorities Act and the Consolidated Hearings Act. Staff Comments The legislation is consistent with the recommendations made previously by Conservation Ontario and TRCA on the White Paper and earlier draft legisiation. Details will be contained in future regulations and it is difficult to comment at this time on whether or not we would recommend supporting all the provisions to be included in these regulations. The addition of provisions to consider cur� ent and potential source impacts on the Great Lakes intakes and for municipalities to designate ciusters of private well or surface water sites for protection as municipal drinking water suppiies is a considerable improvement. Both of these are important considerations within the CTC source protection region. The province also has announced grant money for studies related to the Great Lakes among other priorities. The CTC region may submit to MOE a grant proposal in cooperation with our municipal partners to develop an assessment and model for ongoing assessment of potential impacts to drinking water in the western basin of Lake Ontario. J� The legislation does not provide any powers to fund the required activities of the Source Protection Committee, the Source Protection Authority, the mandatory monitoring and annual reporting or plan amendments. MOE staff has advised that it is the government's intention that municipalities (who are responsible for implementing the SPPs) will use new taxing powers through the Sustainab/e WaterandSewageAct, 2002to recover costs and to achieve fuil-cost accounting for water and sewage services. it is not clear how the SPC and SPA will be paid although to date the province has been paying 100% of the costs of the technical studies being carried out by conservation authorities through the MOA with Conservation Ontario & the Ministry of Naturai Resources. This matter wiil be raised in the comments on EBR. In summary, the draft Clean WaterAct, 2005is a positive legislative initiative which will greatly increase the powers of municipalities to protect current and future drinking water sources. The roles identified for conservation authorities strengthen and build on their current roles and expertise in watershed management and working effectively with municipal partners and other watershed stakeholders. The legislation confers new responsibilities in protecting human heaith through helping protect drinking water sources. Report prepared by: Beverley Thorpe, 416-484-1807 For Information contact: Adele Freeman, extension 5238; Beverley Thorpe, 416-484-1807 Date: January 12, 2006 � < <� .. i • ��x - - � v x � z �w 5 �` � January 31, 2006 Sarah 0'Keefe, Policy Adviser Strategic Policy Branch 135 St. Clair Avenue West, 11th floor Toronto, Ontario, M4V 1 P5 Dear Ms O'Keefe: .� � ������ t A,�� i.sei � o- l nx +r �'� ! � P ��ar�serv�frdn f*;� f.r4 �F�r r.. toi !hr fis-iq� C:itY *�^t [�:u�r „n.•� � PHONE: (416) 212-4312 FAX: (416) 314-2976 RE: EBR Registry Number: AA05E0001, Draft Clean Water Act, Bili 43, 2005 At Authority Meeting #11/05, of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), held on January 27, 2005, the following amended Resolution was approved as TRCA's formai submission in response to the Ministry of the EnvironmenYs posting of the draft Clean WaferAct. TRCA has been designated as the lead authority for the proposed CTC Source Protection Region comprised of Credit Valley Conservation, Central Lake Onfario Conservation Authority and TRCA per your draft regulation EBR Registry Number: RA05E0022. The Authority Resolution reads as follows: WHEREAS the Aufhority has previously supported the White Paper on Watershed Based Source Protection P/anning, February 2004 by Resolution #A67/04 and the earlier proposed drinking water legislation (Drinking Water Source Protection Act, 2004)by Resolution #A224/04; WHEREAS the current proposed legislation is consistenf with these earlier proposals; WHEREAS the province has provided funding to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), Credit Val/ey Conservation (CVC), and Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) as the CTC Watershed Region to undertake fechnica! studies in support of source protection planning through Memorandum's of Agreement (MOA) approved by Resotution #A67/04 and Resolution #A241/05; THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT the Authority supports the proposed Clean WaterAct, 2005 and the role proposed for conservation authorities; THAT staff be authorized and directed to make comments th�ough the Environmental Bill of Rights registry (EBR) process on behalf of TRCA and the CTC Watershed Region to the province in support of the Clean Water Act, 2005; THAT sfaff be directed to include in fhe comments to the EBR a request for the opportunity to make a presentation in support of the Act before the Standing Committee of the Legislature, if and when the proposed Act is referred to commiftee for hearings; THAT the Chair circulate the staff report and the EBR comments to the clerks, Chief Administrative O�cers (CAO) and Mayors of municipalities in the CTC Watershed Region, and staff send copies to the General Managers of Credif l/alley Conservafion and Conservation Ontario, the CAO of Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and to the project managers for the other source protection wafershed regions; �a�w«.trca.o�.l.ca � SoU R�E ��1IATE� : : '�� _{t�. '1.���1�.r �� .� 4,e�* � , o.�,:,,...- '� � � , , '�L(}f1St'PVc7�lOta � r ,c. � •� l�r fbr Eii•in,y, [.�it}... ` ��+� �er�:.r� � AND FURTHER THAT TRCA expresses its concern to the province that the funding mechanism for the ongoing long term responsibilities of the Source Protection Authority, the Source Protection Planning Committee and the implementation of the Source Protection Plan, has not been determined, and thaf these costs cannot be assumed by the municipalities in the absence of additional provincra! suppart.. Firstly, we wish to compliment the ministry on the proposed IP�islation. In particular we arE: very pleased to note that this Act has two new provisions that are of particular importance to protecting drinking water sources with�n the CTC Region. The addition of provisions to include assessment and protection of drinking water sources in the Great Lakes is extremely important given the large number of Ontarians who depend upon water supplies in one or more of the Great Lakes and connecting channels. Furthermore, providing municipalities with the option of designating a collection of private wells as an area subject to the same protections as municipal wellheads will be extremely important in protecting a number of vulnerable areas. We're pleased that the conservation authority is formally recognized as having an important partnership role in protecting the source of drinking water. We look forward to continue to work with our municipal partners and watershed residents in undertaking the technical work needed to develop source protection plans, and our new role as a source protection authority working with the proposed source protecfion planning committee. We have been undertaking the background technical work mandated and funded by the province through memorandum of agreement since November 2004. Considerable progress has been achieved so far and we are committed to continue on this important endeavour. We, however, are concerned that the role of the lead conservation authority as the Source Protection Authority with responsibilities to make annual reports, to monitor, fo support the formation and ongoing administrative support for the Source Protection Planning Committee who must prepare assessment reports, source protection plans, consult with the public and the municipalities and review and update the plan at time periods to be determined by the ministry, will require sustainable funding. The legislation does not provide the powers nor an indication as to how this work will be funded. It is essential that the ministry provides the conservation authority with sufficient funds to carry out these tasks. In conclusion, we would request an opportunity to make a presentation before the Standing Committee of the Legislature when the Bill is referred for hearings after second reading. Should you have any questions or require clarification please do not hesitate to contact me at 416-661-6600 extension 5238 or Beverfey Thorpe, CTC Source Protection Manager at 416-484-1807. Sincerely, �' � ;��- ��� • Ade�e Freeman Director, Watershed Management, TRCA and Executive Lead, CTC Watershed Region cc: Brian Denney, CAO TRCA Russ Powell, CAO, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Rae Horst, General Manager, Credit Valley Conservation Don Pearson, General Manager, Conservation Ontario Source Water Protection Project Managers (via email only) � /Encl. w�ww.trca.on.ca .� • • � � ✓ •, J SCI —TECH o���o � �z�pporting and celebrating C�r7tario's ycung scientists Soutenant etcelebrant les jeunes scientifiques de I'Ontario P zer THE ONTARfO TRIL,LIUM l^OIJNDATION �t.�=, LA FONDATfON 'iRILLIUM D6 VONTARIO hydro��-' ��� ^University of Ontario ` ,�,�,��, �,. ��.�,��o���., L�ebruary 20, ^006 His ��'arship Dave Ryan Mayor of the City Of Pickering One the Esplanade PickeringON L1V6K7 Your Worship: _, �.� `� �,� a:� �.4�x �� .. , . /6 _ __ � �r,��"`�*� � r �F'� ' � � �' ' 9- .,°- n 'a - � �� _ . ' __ ���f�j�.i _ . � ���, j. �, _ ., ,.�� , ,� .-.._. A •����r �" � ✓ . . , , � ��9�'���(�� _� . . ; , .. ..,. . . .. �..'. . .. .. •:5 1��larch has been declared Youth Science Month in Canada. Across the country over 500,000 elementary and high-school students are preparing to take part in science and technology fairs that will take place throughout the month. As part �� that celebration, Sci-�'ec;t �:FP�ric is p�ccla�ming P�'[arch as Youth Science Month in Ontario for the sixth year in a row to recognize the estimated 170,000 Ontario students who will participate in local and regiona) science fairs across the province in March and early April (please see enclosed proclamation). A proportionate number of these 170,000 students attend the elementary and secondary schools in your municipality. Sci-Tech Ontario invites you to join the many dignitaries who plan to support Youth Science Month in their jurisdictions. We have also asked Ontario's Minister of Education, the Honourable Gerrard Kennedy, to proclaim Youth Science Month in the Ontario Legislature. This is a wonderful oppo►-tunity to show your support for the innovative young people in your municipality, many of whom will go on to important careers in research, science and technology, helping to create jobs, cure diseases, make discoveries and improve our quality of life. There are many ways to become involved. You may want to attend the local or regional science fairs in your district, recognize the dedicated volunteers and innovative students involved in your region's science fairs with a public ceremony or send an official letter of congratulations to the top students in your region's fairs, wishing them luck as they proceed to the national fair. You can also use the enclosed proclamation to serve as a model for your own declaration. Should you decide to issue a declaration, we would appreciate receiving a copy. Sci-Tech Ontario is a non-profit organization whose primary focus is to foster and enrich the participation of Ontario youth in project-based science and research activities. Two of our core programs are regional science fair support (for 3U regional fairs across the province) and the provision of curriculum resources on project-based science for Ontario teachers. A backgrounder on Sci-Tech Ontario and Youth Science Month is also enclosed for your information. Please feel free to contact us at: 416-598-8827 or by e-mail at: itrFo�a;�Sci'CechOntariaor�:. A list showing the Sci-Tech Ontario Representative in your area and the dates of the 30 regional fairs can be found on our website at: ��w�v.SciTechOntario.or�. Yours sincerely, �.��% �t/ a'�.°" - _"'� Dr. David M. Wardlaw Chair, Sci-Tech Ontario 302 Brookwood I31vd., Whitby, Ontario, LI R 2A3 Tel/Tel : 416 598-8827 Pax/ Telec : 905 430-0283 Email/Courriel : info�scitechontario.org www.scitechontario.org �C,.iic�ti� T�3 j��=�':���f° U. ���� L������� ����� ������� ����� ������� hereas March has been proclaimed Youth Science Month by Youth Science Foundation Canada, in celebration of the 500,000 students across our nation articipating in local and regional science and technology fairs this month; hereas 170,000 af those students are here in Ontario, taking part in hundreds of local fairs and 30 regional fairs across Ontario; hereas, the very best of these participants will champion Ontario at the Canada-Wide Science Fair, to be held in May in Saguenay, Quebec; hereas, all of these students have worked diligently to produce projects that demonstrate Innovation, Initiative and Imagination; , hereas, it is in the best interests of young people to acquire knowledge and skills in science and technology in order to better understand the world and to further their educatians and' future career prospects; and hereas, it is in the best interests of our society and our economy to support the creation of a culture of innovation and the nurturing of a generation of scientifically literate young people who will push forward the boundaries of our knowled�e and improve the quafity of o�r lives in the tuture. herefore be it resolved that Sci-Tech Ontario joins Youth Science Foundatian Ca�ada in proc�aiming March, 20�6 as Yvuth Science Month in Ontaria. So proclaimed March, 2006 by: � r•� �, • �_ :: : ""„�r M'' � •a Dr. David M. Wardlaw � Chair, Sci-Tech Onrario SCI—TE�H ONTQRlO O ,�./, �� O �I,� . . . � ✓ �. J� SCI —T`ECH o���o• Supporting and celebrating Ontario's young scientists Soutenant etcelebran� les jeunes scientifiques de I'Ontario �zer THE ONTARIO TRILLIUM F'OUNDATiON \ y- ;`; `� .. {f LA FONDATION TRILLtUM DE L'ONTARIO hydro'�' ��� � University of Ontario �� BACKGROUNDER Sci-Tech Ontario Sci-Tech Ontario (STO) is a non-profit, volunteer-based organization with a mandate t� promote and celebrate participation and excellence in science, technology and innovation by Ontario youth. We provide funding, infonnation, co-ordination and advice to the regional science and technology fair organizations throughout Ontario. We also support the teaching and learning of science in Ontario elementa�y and secondary schools by conducting teacher worksh�ps and by creating and distributing curriculum resource material for teachers on the integration of project- based science into the province's new curriculum. STO also assembles, pr�motes and supports Team Sci-Tech Ontario (the young scientists who champion our province at the Canada-Wide Science Fair (CWSF), administers the Pfizer Canada Award of Excellence which recognizes an outstanding project in each region, administers five other province-wide sponsored awards and works with Youth Science Foundation (YSF) to promote Youth Science Month in March each year. Sci-Tech Ontario's volunteer Board of Directors consists of educators, parents, scientists and other interested Ontarians who care about giving chiidren the best opportunities for the future. Regional Science and Technology Fairs in Ontario Every year, more than 2�0,000 students in Ontario participate in Project-Based Science with close to 170,000 competing in local science and technology fairs. The best projects move on to Ontario's 30 Regional Fairs where 6,000 of Ontario's top young scientists compete. The top students from these Regional Fairs then represent Ontario at the Canada-Wide Science Fair, where they compete against students and their projects from across the country. Regional fairs are organized by non- profit groups and staffed by dedicated volunteers who raise funds, judge projects, run the events and support and coach th� stsrients. Th�se groups, and the young scientists who take part in the fairs, are the beneficiaries of Sci-Tech Ontario's support. Youth Science Mont{a is an annual event to celebrate the 170,000 young scientists in Ontario taking part in local and regional fairs during the month of I�larch. This event is just one part of a national awareness campaign by Youth Science Foundation Canada in recognition of the 500,000 students taking pari in fairs across Canada. 302 Brookwood F31vd., VJhitby, Ontario, C,1 R 2A3 TcUTeI : 416 598-8827 Fax/ Telec : 905 430-0283 Email/Courriel : info@scitechontario.org wwwscitechontario.org REPORTS — NEW AND UNFINISHED March 20, 2006 PAGE � �� Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 14-06 37-53 Tender for Cleaning Services Tender No. T-1-2006 Fite: A-2130-001-06 1. That Report OES 14-06 regarding Cleaning Services be received; 2. That Tender No. T-1-2006 submitted by In-Pro Cleaning Systems Ltd. For cleaning services for a three year term, in the amount of $491,015.88 plus GST, be approved for the following facilities: Pickering Municipal Facilities Pickering Civic Complex Operations Centre East Shore Community Centre Petticoat Creek Community Centre Recreation Complex West Shore Community Centre Pickerinq Public Libraries Main Branch Claremont Branch Greenwood Branch Petticoat Creek Branch Whitevale Branch 3. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. 2. Notice of Application for a Liquor Licence "Jukebox Live" — 1211 Kinqston Road, Pickerinq That Report CS 17-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer and Director, Planning & Development be received for information. � ., ,,, �► . �;,� �u �� �_ � =. �a-- s� 1� � rm—,1m�.�ec� i � From: Stephen Reynolds Division Head, Culture & Recreation Subject: Tender for Cleaning Services - Tender No. T-1-2006 - File: A-2130-001-06 Recommendation: REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: OES 14-06 Date: March 20, 2006 1. That Report OES 14-06 regarding Cleaning Services be received; and that 2. Tender No. T-1-2006 submitted by In-Pro Cleaning Systems Ltd. for cleaning services for a three year term, in the amount of $491,015.88 plus GST, be approved for the following facilities: Pickering Municipal Facilities Pickering Civic Complex Operations Centre East Shore Community Centre Petticoat Creek Community Centre Recreation Complex West Shore Community Centre Pickering Public Libraries Main Branch Claremont Branch Greenwood Branch Petticoat Creek Branch Whitevale Branch 3. The appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: The current cleaning contract (3 year term) expires March 31, 2006 with In-Pro Cleaning Systems Ltd. Tenders have been received and renewal of this contract is required for a further 3 year term to commence April 1, 2006. The Manager, Supply & Services, the Director, Operations & Emergency Services, the Division Head, Culture & Recreation and the Chief Executive Officer, Pickering Public Libraries recommend proceeding with the low bid submitted by In-Pro Cleaning Systems Ltd. (current service provider). Report OES 14-06 Subject: Tender for Cleaning Services - Tender No. T-1-2006 Financial Implications: 1. Tendered Amount: T-1-2006 — Tender for Cleaning Services (3 year term) G.S.T. Total Gross Tender Amount G.S.T. Rebate Total Net Tender Amount 2. Source of Funds: Year 1(April 1/06 — March 31/07): Civic Complex Works Centre East Shore (Seniors) Comm.Centres Libraries Recreation Complex Year 1 Total Year 2(April 1/07 — March 31/08): Civic Complex Works Centre East Shore (Seniors) Comm.Centres Libraries Recreation Complex Year 2 Total Year 3(April 1/08 — March 31/09): Civic Complex Works Centre East Shore (Seniors) Comm.Centres Libraries Recreation Complex Yea r 3 Tota I 2124-2435 2315-2435 2572-2435 2719-2435 2745-2435 2731-2435 2124-2435 2315-2435 2572-2435 2719-2435 2745-2435 2731-2435 2124-2435 2315-2435 2572-2435 2719-2435 2745-2435 2731-2435 $491,015.88 maximum over 3 Date: March 20, 2006 Page 2 $ 491,015.88 $ 34,371.06 $ 525,386.94 ($ 34,371.06) $ 491,015.88 $ 22,800.00 $ 18,857.16 $ 13,428.60 $ 38,445.72 $ 34,008.48 $ 36,132.00 $163,671.96 $ 22,800.00 $ 18,857.16 $ 13,428.60 $ 38,445.72 $ 34,008.48 $ 36,132.00 $163,671.96 $ 22,800.00 $ 18,857.16 $ 13,428.60 $ 38,445.72 $ 34,008.48 � 36,132.00 $163,671.96 The total annual cost of the current contract amounts to $194,966.56 (net G.S.T.) A decrease in annual cost in the amount of $31,294.60 (net G.S.T.) will be reflected in the annual operating budgets over the next three years. These lower costs will be budgeted accordingly in future Operating Budgets (2007, 2008, 2009) in order to reflect these tender costs over the three year term. Some of these savings are a result of 100% GST rebate and the balance are a result of efficiency changes to the contract ��� i�ort OES 14-06 r.� Subject: Tender for Cleaning Services - Tender No. T-1-2006 Date: March 20, 2006 Page 3 scope. Staff will continue to review the cleaning contract in all City facilities over the next three years and implement any additional efficiencies in the operation. The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has reviewed the budgetary implications and the financing of the expenditures contained in this report and concurs. Background: Bids for T-1-2006 were received on Wednesday, February 1, 2006. Eighteen (18) companies were invited to participate and the City received five (5) bids at the time of closing. The low bidder, In-Pro Cleaning Systems Ltd., are currently performing work for the City of Pickering to our satisfaction over the last three years. References have been checked and are determined to be satisfactory. Credit information as provided by D&B for In-Pro Cleaning Systems Ltd. has been reviewed and is deemed to be satisfactory. The Health and Safety Policy, Clearance Certificate issued by Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) and the WSIB Cost and Frequency Record as submitted by In- Pro Cleaning Systems Ltd. have been reviewed by the (Acting) Coordinator, Safety & Employee Development and are deemed acceptable. Upon careful examination of all tenders and relevant documents received, the Manager, Supply & Services, the Director, Operations & Emergency Services, the Division Head, Culture & Recreation and the Chief Executive Officer, Pickering Public Libraries recommend the acceptance of the low bid submitted by In-Pro Cleaning Systems Ltd. for Tender No. T-1-2006 in the amount of $491,015.88 (net G.S.T.). This report has been prepared in conjunction with the Manager, Supply & Services who concurs with the foregoing. Attachment: 1. Supply & Services Memorandum dated February 9, 2006 2. Record of Tenders Opened and Checked Prepared By: 4 � r : �"'_.__._ .,��. /� . °��� .�� Len Hunter Supervisor, Facilities Operations Ap Everett�yrfitsma `�" Directo , Operations & Emergency Services Report OES 14-06 Subject: Tender for Cleaning Services - Tender No. T-1-2006 SR:Ig Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Date: March 20, 2006 �� Page 4 �— � �,. � � a r�''`�' �'�-F"�¢'�'r'---c-- -°---� � Gillis Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer ` � �. . ��f �j . %/�, . E°a '� .2.. � Stephen Ids Division Head, Culture & Recreation Cynthia' earns CEO, Ri kering Public Libraries Vera A. Fel Jemacher Manager, Supply & Services Recommended for the consideration of Pickering C,�#� Co cil ,� r..���� J ��. , � �„� — � i f Admi ative Offi r ,r . F ,r ��:�i�°�EN�� # I TO RE�`���' #...�..0 => l y — ��% �s� f��� t�,�� �' CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM February 9, 2006 To: Stephen Reynolds Division Head, Culture & Recreation Cynthia Mearns Chief Executive Officer From: Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services Subject: Tender for Cleaning Services Tender No. T-1-2006 Tendering documents for cleaning services at the Pickering Civic Complex, Pickering Public Libraries, Pickering Operations Centre, Petticoat Creek, Eastshore and Westshore Community Centres and Pickering Recreation Complex Banquet Halls and Housekeeping, were received and opened on.Wednesday February 1, 2006. Pricing for each facility and e�ch library is stated within each tender for you review. A total of 18 companies were invited to participate of which 10 companies picked up a tendering package for a non-refundable fee of $50.00. One addendum was issued. A mandatory site visit was held on Tuesday, January 24, 2006; 9 bidders signed in and attended of which 5 bidders responded and submitted a tender for this project. A copy of the Recard of Tenders Opened and Checked is attached. Tenders shall be irrevocable for 60 days after the official closing date and time. An advertisement was placed in the Daily Commercial News, the Pickering Community Page and the City Web Page. Purchasing Procedures PUR 010.001, Item 10.03(r) states unit price shall govern and extension will be corrected accordingly, which has been completed. .£ � .. . . �� .� i�-�--�� � . . �� �,§ ,�aa''!�°.�,. A�.,,� $�Ci 1���� �F_�..,.._. ����� Z �.� � Division Head, Cultur� Recreation Page 2 Chief Executive Officer, Libraries February 9, 2006 SUiViMARY Three Year Term April 1, 2006 to March 31, 2009 PST / GST Included Bidder Totai Tendered Amount $ After Calculation Check $ in-Pro Cleaning Systems 525,387.12 525,386.94 Ltd. Arsenal Cleaning 553,891.92 553,891.92 Services Ltd. J& A Buiiding Services 624,101.04 624,101.04 Ltd. ServiceMaster Clean Deemed irregular and rejected: failure to provide documents as specified; bid received on documents other than those provided in the request, containing alterations not called for and irregularities — automatic rejection unless otherwise specified in the tendering instructions. Reference: Information to Bidders, Item Nos. 17, 18 (b), 19, and 22, Letter dated Jan.27.06, Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010- 001, Item 10.04.6, Item 10.04.15. CG Maintenance & Deemed irregular and rejected: failure to provide documents Sanitary Products Inc as specified; bid received on documents other than those provided in the request, containing alterations not calted for and irregularities. Reference: Information to Bidders, Item Nos. 17, 18 (b), 19, and 22, Letter dated Jan.27.06, Purchasing Procedure No. PUR-010-001, Item No. 10.04.6, Item 10.04.15. Euro Clean Inc. Unable to Bid Master Building Unable to Bid Maintenance Pursuant to Information to Bidders Item 21, a copy of the Health and Safety Policy to be used on this project; copy of current NEER, Map or Cosfi and Frequency Report, Certificate of Clearance from WSIB and certificate of insurance will be requested of the tow bidder for review during the evaluation stage of this tender call. Please advise Supply & Services when you wish this documentation to be called in for evaluation. Incfude in your Report to Council the acceptability of these documents. Should you require further information from the low bidder for review during the evaluation stage, please contact Supply & Services. A copy of the tender submitted by In-Pro Cleaning, Arsenal Cleaning and J& A Building Services Ltd. are attached for your review and their bid deposits have been retained. �� � / � �� . , �� � :����y.�� , � � �. �rrl3�`i #.. �� 1 y �C�b �C��'�� � c,� � .� Division Head, Cuiture t� Recreation � � Page 3 Chief Executive Officer, Libraries February 9, 2006 Remember to also include in your Report to Council: (a) any past work experience with In-Pro Cleaning Systems Ltd., including work location(s) or result of reference check; (b) the appropriate account number(s) to which this work is to be charged to each facility; (c) the budget amount(s) assigned thereto; (d) Treasurer's confirmation of funding; (e) related departmentat approvals; (f) any reason(s) why the low bid of In-Pro Cfeaning Systems Ltd. is not acceptable; and (g) related comments specific to the project. If you require further information, please feel free to contact me or a member of Supply & Services. � , � , , �:, � ,_. �i' `a. Vera A. Felgemach�'r � /bt Attachment copy for: Director, Operations & Emergency Services Supervisor, Facility Operations (+attachment) Library — Manager of Administrative Services (+attachment) � W Y U � Q zo � W W z Y W Ua a0 � � O � W �z° UW H LL II � —,_z, �.. _ . . I�� ������ .� A7`THCHMENT �,sTO (�PORT# ��~� C Q. � N X 0 a a Q � � � � � N � N � � � � � c� a � � c � � � a�+ R 0 � 0 0 N � � � O Z � a _ d H � N U .Z a� � rn � 'c � � U O Q t> N G1 0 d � C d . , =� ..� �`� �:�� , � � � r. t; ... =,+ ��, - ,:� , � ^ J ri 4 '� `I � �u *',� � . �. �-`,' � \ �.� \J � N �i. 4' C Y� � �. C �j N c ` i. E .; , � � c , �y �, V �.`� •�� �' �,� �� � �,�� F� • o ;'9 �, c' 'J \� l ,ti :: Z Z � �\ N �+ � \ j • �� �° �l ' m �u. � � �� i�' � '� � '��;�,. �" "T' � �` rr v -� o v ',;���. �� -�� - '�� co 0 � i� 'V O N C `- \'�`, 1\' . N N � � �^� .^ ` �� } , �= � :, �,j �, � �.�. � _ •\� �� �� j ".,,4 �J'.. . � � � + � Z � Q �r, \�'� �� `.\\ LL � �, '�` ,.,�' ,''', � � -�' � � � �, i ', t ^ ;i,1 � � � �S� =� �; �a � ��:� �¢ ¢ 5;4 �`� > > v � �' rn ma 'o —°' - \ d 3 �� `, � .:� O 0 9 °c CO �1 aQ o 0 ��� �; r,�., � � �. , .� ) W W �, t^y, r` r`' � JN p. i. a i:yi�, �'S�` �C\ t.C'�� Q Q � m o� �.�*L ry`=i azfl.-. .:JrK j � ,r. �.,�54.�, ��" ln (n fn (n Cn ln fn � ,7 } } } } } } �- � �, �� �� � U y J � C � ,n J m � E v� � � � U C C � �/7 �+ � � N � � C fn � � � � � .o � � U � c � � ,� o� � c N � � � C C � — -� Z � N ln � �O c�p � � C U 7 � N 07 c U N C S� C O m U � 'O N f9 a Q � O � m Q V<� � � in W � i y -�.; � � 1 . .l ,. � ,�-����� � � ., ,�, ,- �-�_� �:, � � From: Subject: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: CS 17-06 Date: March 20, 2006 Notice of Application for a Liquor Licence "Jukebox Live" — 1211 Kingston Road, Pickering Recommendation: That Report CS 17-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer and Director, Planning & Development be received for information. Executive Summary: At the Executive (Budget) Committee meeting held on March 14, 2006, staff were requested to provide information with respect to the re-opening of the business municipally located at 1211 Kingston Road, Pickering, under the business name of "Jukebox Live", and the corresponding liquor licence application. Background: The City Clerk received an official notice from the owner, of an application to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission for a liquor licence for the establishment to be known as "Jukebox Live", municipally located at 1211 Kingston Road, Pickering (see Attachment #1). The role of the City Clerk is to indicate on the application if the area where the establishment is to be located is: Wet (spirits, beer, wine); Damp (beer and wine only); or Dry. As there are no `damp/dry' areas within the City, the Clerk identified this location as `wet' and forwarded the application to the Commission. Further, the application clearly states the following: "Note: Specific concerns regarding zoning, non-compliance with by-laws or general objections to the application, by Council or elected municipal representatives, must be outlined, in a separate submission or letter within 30 days of this notification". The notification was received on March 2, 2006, therefore, there are 30 days from this point whereby the City can submit objections. The process that is established within the City is that upon sign off by the City Clerk, a copy is immediately provided to the Planning & Development Department which investigates the application to ensure that zoning and site plan are in compliance. If there are concerns with respect to these Report CS 17-06 Date: March 20, 2006 Subject: Liquor Licence Application —"Jukebox Live" Page 2 �� matters, a formal letter on behalf of the City is forwarded to the Alcohol & Gaming Commission in accordance with the 30 day notification period. Staff are aware of the previous concerns of this subject property when it operated as a nightclub business, formerly known as 4PIay and Aqua Lounge. While these businesses were in operation there were numerous complaints such as: loud noise, fights and guns being discharged, excessive drinking by the patrons, noise on the outdoor patio areas and powerful searchlights. A large number of these complaints were documented within our Customer Care tracking system and significant staff time was allocated to resolving the complaints. In the correspondence to the Alcohol & Gaming Commission dated February 23, 2006, and included as Attachment #2 to this report, Councillors Dickerson and McLean have indicated their strong opposition to this application, and provided detailed particulars related to the past business establishments. A further letter sent to residents dated February 24, 2006 has also been included as Attachment #3 to this report. It should be noted that the new owner is co-operating with staff with respect to planning concerns. The Planning & Development Department advises that the property is zoned to allow a restaurant use with outdoor patio area. Ms. Suzan Selimovska (representing the new business) preconsulted with the Planning & Development Department in February 2006 respecting a change in signage for the front face of the building and the introduction of an entry canopy. Application for sign permits etc. have all been received by the City in order for the owner to be in compliance with City regulations. It has been brought to the attention Ms. Selimovska by P&D that the existing outdoor patio design does not comply with the approved site plan. Previous owner(s) undertook changes to the patio area that brought the installation out of compliance with the approved drawings. We understand that Ms. Selimovska intends to rectify this matter by either bringing the patio into conformity with approved drawings or submitting revised plans for the City's consideration and approval. In the event that Council wishes to formally oppose the application, then Council should pass a resolution to that effect in order to meet the timeline for reporting of April 2, 2006. A sample resolution is noted as follows: a) That the Council of the City of Pickering strongly object to the liquor licence application of the establishment known as "Jukebox Live'; municipally located at 1211 Kingston Road, Pickering, unless concerns of the City of Pickering are clearly addressed; and b) That the City C/erk notify the Alcohol & Gaming Commission accordingly. Please note, that Council collectively or individually can provide their written general objection to the application to the Alcohol & Gaming Commission. I�p�rt CS 17-06 Subject: Liquor Licence Application -"Jukebox Live" Attachments: Date: March 20, 2006 Page 3 1. Liquor License Application of "Jukebox Live" 2. Correspondence dated February 23, 2006 from Councillor Dickerson and Councillor McLean to Ms. Raj Singh, Liquor Licensing Officer, Alcohol & Gamin Commission of Ontario 3. Correspondence dated February 24, 2006 from Councillor Dickerson and Councillor McLean to Residents Prepared By: ! '; Debi A. Bentley ,,- City Clerk %� � NC:GP:db Attachments Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City �o i -_.._ c` , ` , . ..�,..,, __ ;�'�i;��, J. Qu,in�f, Chi,ef,�4dminisfr'd�i�[e Officer Approved / Endorsed By: �� _ � W._,,: w_ _�,� ,. �- �. . -�� -..� , �,,� __ �1- _:. .. � � _- _.�.-.;..,.�_� ,�-!' ._ _ Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Approved / Endorsed By: � . ; �` c.,l ' ,C. Nei Carrol Director, PI �ng & Development c� � �i � Municipal Inforr�ation ' 1TACH ENT # � TO R 0 T G 5„-° E� Renseignerne formto: formulea: ette � m u n i ci pa ux A�cohol and Gaming Commission des alcools Commission of Ontario et des jeux de I'Ontario 20 Dundas St. W. 20, rue Dundas Ouest '�j"' 7th Floor 7a etage Ontarw Toronto ON M5G 2N6 Toronto ON MSG 2N6 r� � �7 The information requested below is required in Les renseignements sont recueillis conjointement a support of all applications for a new liquor licence toute demande de nouveau permis d'alcool ou or outdoor areas being added to an existing d'ajout de zones de plein air a un permis d'alcool liquor licence. existant. Section 1- Application Details Section 1- Details de la demande Establishment name/Nom de I'etablissement � Establishment tel. no./ N° de tel. de I'etablissement ...�r l� 1� l'. �'S �> X L 1\%iL. I � ��s e� `'� !'p. � 1 %'� —_ Cantact name/Nom de la personne a contacter Contact's tel. no./ N° de tel. de la personne a contacter �� lr�.c�. f-1 � �`I;,, � � ��'l � V =� �� r`I � � � � , �Y� � � 7�`� Exact location of establishment (not mailing address - street number and name, city or lot no., concession and township) Emplacement exact de I'etablissement (non I'adresse postale - numero et nom de la rue, vilte ou numero de lot, concession et canton) �� � 1� f �y ,J{ � ) � . ) 1/ .� i Y`\ l r'� �'7 � i iJ tv �`"-� r'��� y, , �: t���'l l_.. !�. f fV r� �'` / y`V J��. ii',✓> iY. ��V d.;� �� � ` Does the application for a liquor licence include:/La demande de permis d'alcool porte-t-elle entre autres sur : a indoor areas/des zones interieures � outdoor areas/des zones de plein air Section 2- Municipal Clerk's Section 2- Avis officiel de demande de � official notice of application permis d'alcool dans votre for a liquor licence in municipalite a I'intention your municipaiity du (de la) secretaire ' municipal(e) Municipal Clerk - Secretaire municipal(e) : please confirm the "wet/damp/dry" status below. Confirmer le statut de la region ci-dessous. Name of village, town, township or city where taxes are paid/Nom du village, de la ville ou du canton a qui les impots sont verses : (If the area where the establishment is /ocated was annexed or ama/gamated, provide the name of the Village, Town, Township or City was known as) ' (Si la region ou se #rouve I'etablissement a ete annexee ou fusionnee, nom sous lequel le village, la ville ou le canton efait connu) � Is t area where the establishment is located:/ La vente de boissons alcooliques est-elle autorisee dans la region ou se trouve I'etablissement? Wet (for spirits, beer, wine)/Oui (spiritueux, biere, vin) ❑ Damp (for beer and wine only)/Oui (biere et vin seulement) ❑ Dry/Non Note: Remarque : Specify concerns regarding zoning, non-compliance with Toute question particuliere concernant le zonage, la non- bylaws, or general objections to the application by council or conformite aux reglements municipaux ou toute objection elected municipal representatives, must be clearly outlined, generale relative a la demande de la part de membres du in a separate submission or letter within 30 days of this conseil ou de representants municipaux elus doit etre decrite notification. -��--- clairement dans un document distinct ou une lettre a ,���- ��;j �y'�(,�a-c1�� =�-I�`' �i'interieur d'une periode de 30 jours apres la remise du J present avis. Signature of municipal official/Signature du (de la) representant(e) municipal(e) Title/Poste . , _ I�`�� C���� ►�.-�z�- �' �� :, C��,� c� IC�K Address of municipal ofrice/Adresse du bureau C��1c onna innin�� c�c_ i,ic..�.�= �- �:-,r� �`� Li V (v1_—► Date t1�1 c� Tc l� �. � C7 f�, . �� Doug Dickerson City Counciilor, Ward 2 February 23, 2006 �TTACHMENT # � C�� �� COUNCILLORS' OFFICE Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 cityofpickering.com 9Q5.420.4605 Ms. Raj Singh Liquor Licensing Officer Alcohoi & Gaming Commission of Ontario Licensing and Registration Branch 20 Dundas Street West, 7th Fioor Toronto, Ontario M5G 2N6 Dear Ms. Singh, 7-0� _ ���--�, .; i����v�� Bill McLean Regional Councilior, Ward 2 As Pickering Councillors, we would like to strongly oppose the liquor licerrce application by 2085026 Ontario Inc., operating as the Jukebox Live, for the premises at 1211 Kingston Road in Pickering. We have several concerns about this application and would like to make you aware of some of the history associated with past licensees at this location. Over the past several years, we have had many complaints from residents living nearby, which I have documented and will make available to you. These complaints have included criminal activity such as fights and guns being discharged. On many occasions, there has been loud noise coming from these premises, which continued long into the night. As well, residents have complained about excessive drinking and noise on the outdoor patio and very powerful searchlights scanning the skies and many instances of unacceptable behavior. The premises are well known to the Durham Regional Police and the City's bylaw officers. All of these activities have prevented nearby residents from feeling secure as well as having been denied the peaceful enjoyment of their homes. All of the previous owners of this establishment have ignored orders of compliance issued by the city and were uncooperative in dealing with citizens in resolving their complaints. .../2 Ms. Raj Singh February 23, 2006 Page 2 � 1 As the elected representatives for Ward 2, where this building is located, we wouid weicome the opportunity to appear at a public hearing to make our concerns known. We feei that it is essentiai that the views of aii those who will be affected by this application be heard and their concerns careful�y considered. Thank you for your consideration and we hope to hear from you soon. Yours truly, �Ou �u✓%l.�A�!'! � Doug Dickerson City Councillor d_dickerson(a�citv.pickerin .c�on_ca t �, �ry � /'ry`? �,r, Biii McLean Regional Councillor bmclean(a�city.pickerinq.on.ca .�, �: ' � � Doug Dickerson City Councillor, Ward 2 February 24, 2006 Dear Residents: ATTACHMENT #, ,,.._. . � =. i�, �� - A �� :.:_< ��.�■ ����•��!,� COUNCIL�ORS' OFFICE Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 cityofpickering.com 905.420.4605 RE: Jukebox Live — Liquor License Application 1211 Kingston Road, Pickering ��;� �-- �' �- . f 4� ->. ' .!` '�Yn'� � ��^. `� i Bill McLean Regional Councillor, Ward 2 As you may know, a liquor license application has been submitted by Jukebox Live to operate a nightclub business at 1211 Kingston Road, formerly known as 4PIay and Aqua Lounge. We wish to inform you that we have written to the Alcohol & Gaming Commission of Ontario to express our concerns and opposition to this application. Our letter states: "As Pickering Councillors, we would like to strongly oppose the liquor licence application by 2085026 Ontario Inc., operating as the Jukebox Live, for the premises at 1211 Kingston Road in Pickering. We have several concerns about this application and would like to make you aware of some of the history associated with past licensees at this location. Over the past several years, we have had many cornplaints from residents living nearby, which I have documented and will make available to you. These complaints have included criminal activity such as fights and guns being discharged. On many occasions, there has been loud noise coming from these premises, which continued long into the night. As well, residents have complained about excessive drinking and noise on the outdoor patio and very powerful searchlights scanning the skies and many instances of unacceptable behaviour. .../2 i�-c�i-� , Jukebox Live — Liquor License Application February 23, 2006 Page 2 The premises are well known to the Durham Regional Police and the City's bylaw officers. All of these activities have prevented nearby residents from feeling secure, as well as having been denied the peaceful enjoyment of their homes. All of the previous owners of this establishment have ignored orders of compliance issued by the city and were uncooperative in dealing with citizens in resolving their complaints. As the elected representatives for Ward 2, where this building is located, we would welcome the opportunity to appear at a public hearing to make our concerns known. We feel that it is essential that the views of all those who will be affected by this application be heard and their concerns carefully considered." We will keep you informed of any decision. Please feel free to contact us if you have any further concerns or questions. Yours truly, �4� u,'t-G���Oor! / Doug Dickerson City Councillor ddickersonC.�city.pickerin .on.ca ,' � � �� Bill McLean Regional Councillor bmcleanCc�r`y.pickerinq.on.ca � �A�`' �i � �} March 20, 2006 MOTIONS AND NOTICE OF MOTIONS 1. Request by Councilior Pickles on behalf of the Race Relations & Equity Committee to proclaim March 21, 2006 as `United Nations Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. "THAT the City of Pickering hereby proclaim March 21, 2006 as United Nations Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination." BY-LAWS March 20, 2006 6644/06 A by-law to dedicate that part of Lot 28, Range 3, Broken Front Concession, Pickering, designated as Part 3, Plan 40R-13864, as public highway (Oklahoma Road). [This by- law implements review by staff as part of the Region's proposed intersection improvements at Whites road and Oklahoma Drive]. �- c� �' � THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW �� i � Being a by-law to dedicate that part of Lot 28, Range 3, Broken Front Concession, Pickering, designated as Part 3, Plan 40R-13864, as public highway (Oklahoma Road). WHEREAS The Corporation of the City of Pickering is the owner of that part of Lot 28, Range 3, Broken Front Concession, Pickering, designated as Part 3, Plan 40R-13864 and wishes to dedicate it as public highway. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: That part of Lot 28, Range 3, Broken Front Concession, Pickering, designated as Part 3, Plan 40R-13864 is hereby dedicated as public highway (Oklahoma Road). BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 20th day of March, 2006. David Ryan,,� r ��'j� �� Debi A. Bentley, City Clerk Roadded.467 . _ ,—,,,, ����_ �,,°.b�uu��__, �- � -,, m v'�— �.. -�..,Tn ��.��.- Attendees G uests 5� Guram Jagpal Singh Kewal Manocha Maurice Brenner, Chair, Regional Councillor, Ward 1 Kim Thompson, City of Pickering Renee Michaud, Recording Secretary Ashok Sharma, Durham Rapid Taxi Mohammad Malik Surinder Kumar Minutes / Meeting Summary Taxicab Advisory Committee Wednesday, February 22, 2006 10:30 am Main Committee Room ltem / Details & L?iscussion & Gonclusion Actron ftem� 1 St�tus �g f�' (surnmary af discussion) {inciude r�eadlrr►e as z �P�ropriate} ; 1 A Review and Approval of Minutes - Janua 18, 2006 Minutes were approved. It was noted that due to the absence of many members, there is no quorum, therefore any decision will have to be ratified at the next meetin . 2.0 2006 Meetin Schedule A proposed 2006 schedule was distributed to committee Members to review members for review and comments. Members should notify dates and notify Chair the Chair if there is an conflict with the ro osed dates. of an conflict. 3A Green Vehicle Polic As requested at the last meeting, the taxicab companies were to review the options for a Green Vehicle Policy and select one or submit their own recommendation at the next meeting. The options previously discussed are: 1) Set target to convert a specific percentage of fleet to green vehicles 2) Voluntary conversion to green plates 3) Introduction of green "ambassador" plates by City Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 �J The difficulty in ensuring compliance with setting targets was discussed, as with the existence of so many independent owners, there would be no way to dictate who had to meet the target. A voluntary conversion to a green vehicle was feasible, however, existing plate owners would not want to give up a "regular" plate to change it to green, as there may be financial repercussions relating to the value of the plate for future sale. Mr. Kumar suggested green ambassador plates be assigned to drivers in the industry who do not own plates, rather than to brokerages. It was suggested that green plates must be placed on full size vehicles only. It was also suggested that an incentive in the manner of reduced licensing fees be offered to taxicab plate owners to convert their vehicles to green vehicles Concerns expressed that many of the hybrid cars available are not full size vehicles. The Chair noted that at the last meeting, the taxicab industry commented that there are already too many plates issued based on the population ratio. The understanding was that each company was to identify the percentage of vehicles from their fleet to be converted as green vehicles by a certain date. The City would respect this and an agreement would be drafted to be included in the revised bylaw. However, as previously mentioned this would be difficult to enforce. Further discussion followed with respect to ambassador plates. It was suggested that these types of plates should be rented out to drivers rather than being sold by permit. Some indicated that they couldn't afford to pay for new plates and the conversion to green vehicles. The new plates should only be issued to drivers who have never owned a plate. The purpose of the Green plates was stated to promote a commitment to reducing emissions and protecting the environment. Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 � �� /#em l` D�etails & 1?iscussion & Conclusion Acticrn Items / Statu�s Ret' # (summary of discussion) (i�actu�e dsadaine as apprapriate� Kim Thompson indicated that since no proposal was submitted Staff to draft and there seems to be a number of outstanding issues and recommendations for some resistance from the owners to work cooperatively in review at the next developing one, staff would draft recommendations for review meeting. at the next meeting. A Request for Proposal (RFP) may be the best o tion for reen lates. 4.0- First Aid & CPR Trainin Gost Kim Thompson advised that First Aid & CPR is now a standard requirement in most municipalities for taxicab operators. The City will be offering a 2-day course at a cost of $75 per person. This is a great opportunity since the regular cost ranges from $105 to $115. This will be incorporated into the new taxicab by-law as a requirement for a taxicab driver's license. The Chair mentioned that there are a lot of changes in the taxicab industry in the GTA and that we must continue to be progressive to meet the needs and level of service. This training is also beneficial for the drivers and their family. CARRIED PENDING RATIFICATION 5.0 Plate Leasin Presentation A copy of the City of Mississauga's Plate Leasing regulations was distributed to committee members for their review. The City of Pickering is proposing to implement the same policy. CARRIED PENDING RATIFICATION 6.0 Other Items ' Kim Thompson advised that the next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 22, 2006, would focus on the draft Taxicab Bylaw that outlines the City's responsibility for administration and enforcement. Concerns were raised with regards to the language barrier for testing for the Durham College Taxicab training course. The Chair advised that Durham College is working closely with the industry to eliminate language barriers and that whenever required a translator could be provided to ensure that they understand the questions. The same test will be given to all students, regardless of their language skills. It was noted that some drivers have language barriers in communicating with customers. Drivers must be able to provide service in English. Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 �� Copy: Members of Council CAO Clerk Page 4 CORP0228-2/02