HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 45-0504n PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: PD 45-05 Date: November 14, 2005 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Department Subject: Proposed Extension of Goldenridge Road Parts of Lots 48, 49, 50, 51 and 118, RCP 1051, Pickering (Parts 16 to 22, 40R-23842) Part of Lot 52, RCP 1051, Pickering (Parts 1-3, 40R-23817) Part of Lot 52, RCP 1051, Pickering (Parts 1-3, 40R-22516) Michael and Jennifer Jain (Jain); Mark and Danielle Linnane (Linnane); and Grant Morris Associates Ltd. (Grant Morris) Agreements Respecting Conveyance and Construction / Payment of Goldenridge Road File: V0501/RE0518 Recommendation: o That the City accept the conveyance of those parts of Lots 48, 49, 50, 51 and 118, RCP 1051, Pickering, designated as Parts 16 to 22, Plan 40R-23842 for future road purposes (Goldenridge Road extension); That Council authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, Director, Planning & Development and City Solicitor to obtain, prepare and execute all documentation necessary to effect the acquisition of these lands; That Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreements, in a form satisfactory to the Director, Planning & Development and the City Solicitor between the City, Grant Morris, Linnane and Jain respecting the conveyance, construction, payment and cost sharing for the future extension of Goldenridge Road; and That Council approve the expenditure of up to $28,000.00 to cover the cost to install municipal services and construct Goldenridge Road across the frontage of Lot 118, subject to the owner (Jain) entering into an agreement with the City for the repayment of the entire amount, plus 6% interest per annum, upon the earlier of: (a) three years from the date of the Agreement between the City and Jain, or (b) the City issuing its clearance to Land Division Committee in support of the severance of Lot 118, RCP 1051, Pickering. Report PD 45-05 Subject: Proposed Extension of Goldenridge Road Date: November 14, 2005 Page 2 Executive Summary: As proposed in the Dunbarton Neighbourhood Guidelines, Goldenridge Road is an internal development road that will eventually connect Fairport Road and Dunbarton Road. Currently, the northerly portion of Goldenridge Road runs through Marshall Homes Plan of Subdivision 40M-2155 and the southerly portion, which was completed by the City in 2004, extends approximately 50 metres north of Dunbarton Road, leaving the middle 120 metres (approx.) to be constructed. It is in the interest of the City to have Goldenridge Road extended south to join with Rushton Road. This extension will provide a looped road network which will provide safer traffic flow and improved pedestrian / service access. Without the connection, Rushton Road and Goldenridge Road will remain as dead-end streets and the infill initiative in this area will be thwarted. Grant Morris, being one of the landowners of the lots lying between the northerly and southerly constructed portions of Goldenridge Road, has initiated contact with, and received concurrence from, other adjacent landowners to convey a portion of their lands to the City for the purpose of constructing an additional section of Goldenridge Road, thereby creating frontage for future development. Concurrence has also been received from the owners of Lots 48, 49, 50 and 51, to pay their pro-rated share towards the cost of the construction of this extension of Goldenridge Road. However, the owners of Lot 118 (Jain) are unable to pay their pro-rated share at this time. In order for this road to be constructed at this time in conjunction with the development of Plan SP-2004-04, it is being requested that the City cover the pro-rated share of the road construction costs attributable to Jain, subject to a repayment arrangement. The City would require that all affected landowners enter into appropriate agreements with the City to deal with the conveyance and cost-sharing matters of this portion of road, and Grant Morris has agreed to enter into the appropriate Development Agreement for the construction of the road. This report is being expedited directly to Council as it is only economically feasible for this work to be completed in conjunction with the servicing and road construction of the Louisville Homes site which is presently underway. The extension of Goldenridge Road as proposed in this report will serve to facilitate appropriate and anticipated infill development and will provide an improved looped road network through connection with Rushton Road. The proposed development and recoverable City expenditure are recommended for approval. 04? Report PD 45-05 Subject: Proposed Extension of Goldenridge Road Date: November 14, 2005 Page 3 Financial Implications: All of the owners lying adjacent to the proposed extension of Goldenridge Road (the benefiting owners) have, or will, (except for Jain) pay their pro-rated share to the City for the installation of services and the construction of this extension of Goldenridge Road. The City's expenditure to cover the construction costs fronting Lot 118 (Jain) in the amount of $28,000.00 will be charged to Capital Account 3264.2613.6181 which was included in the 2005 budget for unanticipated construction projects related to development. To secure the City's financial position, an agreement between the City and Jain for reimbursement of these funds within a three-year time period, at a rate of 6% per annum, will be registered on title. Background: As proposed in the Dunbarton Neighbourhood Guidelines, Goldenridge Road is an internal development road that will eventually connect Fairport Road and Dunbarton Road. Currently, the northerly portion of Goldenridge Road runs through Marshall Homes Plan of Subdivision 40M-2155 and the southerly portion, which was completed by the City in 2004, extends approximately 50 metres north of Dunbarton Road, leaving the middle 120 metres (approx.) to be constructed. The City has recently acquired parts of Lots 52 and 53 through Land Division Applications 202/03 (Ravey) and 50/05 (Jones) for road purposes, with both parties paying their pro-rated share of the installation of underground services and construction of Goldenridge Road through those applications. Grant Morris, Linnane, Jones, Jain, Laine and Gleed are all landowners of lots lying between the remaining northerly and southerly constructed portions of Goldenridge Road. Each of these landowners require the construction of this extension and the installation of services in order to facilitate proper road frontage to the severed portions of their lots. Grant Morris initiated contact with, and received concurrence from Linnane (Lot 51) to enter into an agreement with the City for the conveyance of the lands required to extend Goldenridge Road across their lot and to pay their pro-rated share (as benefiting owners) for the construction costs. Laine and Gleed being the landowners of Lots 46 and 47, are not prepared to convey land or contribute to the City at this time. Report PD 45-05 Subject: Proposed Extension of Goldenridge Road Date: November 14, 2005 Page 4 04 { The landowners of Lot 118 (Jain) have also agreed to enter into an agreement respecting the conveyance of a portion of their lands to the City for road purposes, but are unable to pay their portion of the pro-rated share to construct the road and install underground services at this time. Jain has requested that Council consider an expenditure of $28,000.00 to cover the pro-rated share of road construction costs in front of their property, on the condition that they enter into an agreement with the City for the reimbursement of these funds within a three-year time period, at a rate of 6% interest per annum, or through a future land severance. These funds would be expended from Capital Account 3264.2613.6181. The City would also require the conveyance of a reserve fronting the Jain property. The agreement would be registered on title to the Jain property thereby binding any future owner to the obligations of the agreement, should the property be sold prior to repayment. Grant Morris has agreed to enter into the appropriate Development Agreement with the City to: (a) convey a portion of his lands to extend Goldenridge Road across his lots; (b) pay his pro-rated share (as a benefiting owner) for the construction and installation of services costs; (c) construct the extension of Goldenridge Road from the south limit of Lot 48 to connect with the existing portion of Goldenridge Road running through Plan 40M-2155; and (d) provide for the appropriate insurance and documentation that will be required by that Development Agreement. All of the contributing owners, along with Louisville Homes Ltd. have, or will, pay their pro-rated share to the City for the installation of services and the construction of this extension of Goldenridge Road. These funds will be held by the City and released to Grant Morris as per the conditions set out in the Development Agreement during the construction of this extension of Goldenridge Road. The acquisition of the above-mentioned lands and construction of this extension of Goldenridge Road will also connect Rushton Road (presently being constructed pursuant to Plan of Subdivision SP-2004-04 - Louisville Homes) thereby providing two access points from Fairport Road. It is in the interest of the City to have Goldenridge Road extended south to join with Rushton Road. This extension will provide a looped road network which will provide safer traffic flow and improved pedestrian / service access. Without the connection, Rushton Road and Goldenridge Road will remain as dead-end streets and the infill initiative in this area will be thwarted. Report PD 45-05 Subject: Proposed Extension of Goldenridge Road Date: November 14, 2005 Page 5 Accordingly, it is being recommended: That the City accept the conveyance of those parts of Lots 48, 49, 50, 51 and 118, RCP 1051, Pickering, designated as Parts 16 to 22, Plan 40R-23842 for future road purposes (Goldenridge Road extension); That Council authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, Director, Planning & Development and City Solicitor to obtain, prepare and execute all documentation necessary to effect the acquisition of these lands; That Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreements, in a form satisfactory to the Director, Planning & Development and the City Solicitor between the City, Grant Morris, Linnane and Jain respecting the conveyance, construction, payment and cost sharing for the future extension of Goldenridge Road; and That Council approve the expenditure of up to $28,000.00 to cover the cost to install municipal services and construct Goldenridge Road across the frontage of Lot 118, subject to the owner (Jain) entering into an agreement with the City for the repayment of the entire amount, plus 6% interest per annum, upon the earlier of: (a) three years from the date of the agreement between the City and Jain, or (b) the City issuing its clearance to Land Division Committee in support of the severance of Lot 118, RCP 1051, Pickering. Attachment: 1. Location Map Report PD 45-05 Subject: Proposed Extension of Goldenridge Road Date: November 14, 2005 Page 6 04,5 Prepared By: De~nis~ ByeS, Cc~oo~dinator, Property & Development Services Approved / Endorsed By: Director, Planning & Development Gillis Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer DB:bg Attachment Copy: Chief Administrative Officer City Solicitor Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council 'uinr~/Chief ~,~ ' ' ~ fficer / Tl~as J. O m~n~stra~~.~ ATTACHMENT REPORT ~ PO III II III .... ~.--- ~ ,.v~l 'V~ ~~NOF l1~ D C.S.~. Gi~ of ~ickorin~ Plannin~ & ~avolopmont Dopa~m~nt PROPER~ DESCRIPTION GOLDENRIDGE ROAD ~ENSION OWNER VARIOUS DATE NOV. 5, 2005 D~WN BY JB FILE No. N/A SCALE 1:25~ CHECKED BY DB