HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 33-05PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: OES 33-05 Date: September 6, 2005 Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: Creative Outdoor Advertising (COA) Recycling Bin Agreement File: A2130 Recommendation: 1. That Council receive report #OES regarding entering into an agreement with Creative Outdoor Advertising (COA) for the supply, installation and maintenance of recycling bins. 2. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Agreement with COA. 3. That appropriate officials be authorized to take action to initiate the terms of the Agreement. Executive Summary: At the Council meeting of July 26, 2005 direction was given to staff to negotiate an agreement with COA for the provision of outdoor recycling bins. Staff have successfully negotiated an Agreement which will provide the City with $125.00 per amenity location per year, for a minimum of 5 years. An additional term of 5 years will provide for increased revenue with a minimum increase consistent with the CPI for each year. The bins will be emptied and maintained by COA at no cost to the City. Each bin will display advertising to be approved by the City and the City will have access for advertising or public service messages on 10% of the available advertising faces. Financial Implications: Revenue Account - 2430-9990 Estimated 2006 (100 locations) $12,500 Report OES 33-05 Subject: COA- Recycling Bins Date: September 6, 2005 Page 2 Background: In July 2005, COA forwarded a proposal to provide and maintain stainless steel recycling containers on City properties (including streets) in return for advertising rights on the containers. This proposal was presented to Council on July 25, 2005 and Council approved the proposal in principle; subject to staff negotiating a suitable revenue for each location. The attached agreement and the foregoing Executive Summary outlines the favourable terms of the Agreement. It is anticipated that the installation of these containers will aid in reducing the litter on City streets and in our open spaces. It is therefore recommended that the City enter into an Agreement with COA for the supply, installation and maintenance of the recycling bins. Attachments: 1. Copy of Agreement ~ns & Emergency Services EB:djb Attachment Copy: Chief Administrative Officer City Solicitor Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Coordinator, Environmental Awareness Programs CORP0227-07/01 Report OES 33-05 Subject: COA- Recycling Bins Date: September 6, 2005 Page 3 Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Cit, y C~.u~ °' .. 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