HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 17-05PICKERING REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: OES 17-05 Date: May 31,2005 Stephen Reynolds Division Head, Culture & Recreation Subject: Beach Volleyball Partnership Proposal Diana, Princess of Wales Park Recommendation: That Report OES 17-05 regarding a Beach Volleyball Partnership Proposal be received; and The partnership proposal submitted by Team Twelve Training and PVB Canada to construct five (5) beach volleyball courts in 2005 and an additional five (5) courts in 2006 at Diana, Princess of Wales Park be accepted; and A by-law be enacted to authorize the execution of a Lease Agreement through which Team Twelve Training and PVB Canada will be permitted to develop and operate a Beach Volleyball Facility and Program at Diana, Princess of Wales Park for a five year term; and 4. Staff at the City of Pickering be given the authority to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: Team Twelve Training and PVB Canada have submitted a formal partnership proposal to construct a beach volleyball facility at Diana, Princess of Wales Park. A new beach volleyball facility would meet the demand for beach volleyball within the City of Pickering. This facility will allow all ages to participate in new and exciting recreation programs. Programs will include organized leagues, tournaments, clinics and camps. The Operations & Emergency Service Department recommend that a lease agreement be initiated with Team Twelve Training and PVB Canada. Report OES 17-05 Date: May 31, 2005 Subject: Beach Volleyball Partnership Proposal Diana, Princess of Wales Park Page 2 Financial Implications: Team Twelve Training and PVB Canada will be responsible for all construction costs for the new beach volleyball facility (approximately $65,000-$90,000). All maintenance and operating costs will be the responsibility of Team Twelve Training and PVB Canada. Background: Team Twelve Training and PVB Canada have submitted a formal partnership proposal to construct a beach volleyball facility at Diana, Princess of Wales Park. Construction of this beach volleyball facility would consist of five (5) courts in 2005 and an additional five (5) courts in 2006. Team Twelve Training and PVB Canada are two organizations that have worked together on fitness and sport initiatives over the past two years. Team Twelve Training is a training organization that focuses on fitness assessments, personal training and sport-specific training. Team Twelve Training currently has a service agreement with the City of Pickering to provide personal training services and fitness assessments at the Pickering Recreation Complex. Team Twelve Training is also involved with Pickering's competitive volleyball program. PVB Canada is an organization that has been bringing the best volleyball athletes in Canada together with students, athletes and adults that want to learn and improve volleyball skills. PVB Canada has conducted numerous successful clinics and camps for various age groups across the Province. PVB Canada has worked closely with North Beach Indoor Volleyball Academy, the Public and Private School Boards and the Toronto East Sport and Social Club to develop programs that meet the increasing demand for qualified sport instruction. A new beach volleyball facility would meet the demand for beach volleyball within the City of Pickering. This facility will allow all ages to participate in new and exciting recreation programs. Programs will include organized leagues, tournaments, clinics and camps. Statistics show 800,000 Canadians are now playing beach volleyball throughout the summer months. In Ontario, 435,000 play at least once per month. Currently, the Toronto area has two recreational volleyball leagues with 6,000 players participating weekly. This would be the first of its kind Beach Volleyball operation within the Durham Region. Many of our volleyball enthusiasts are leaving the Region to participate in leagues and social activities. Provision of these courts will provide an opportunity for the City to offer new programs and activities to a market not currently being met. CORP0227-07/01 Report OES 17-05 Subject: Beach Volleyball Partnership Proposal Diana, Princess of Wales Park Date: May 31, 2005 Page 3 Team Twelve Training and PVB Canada are willing to invest time and money into a beach volleyball facility. Capital costs (approximately $65,000-$90,000) and operating costs will be the responsibility of Team Twelve Training and PVB Canada. To compensate for the capital costs they have requested to enter into a five year lease agreement for the use of a location at Diana, Princess of Wales Park. Enactment of the draft by-law attached will authorize the execution of a Lease Agreement for a five year term to be prepared in a form acceptable to the Solicitor for the City, in consultation with the appropriate City Departments and existing City practice. Attachments: Location Map. Proposal from Team Twelve Training and PVB Canada dated May 17, 2005. Draft By-Law. Prepared By: Supervisor, Facility Programs SR:Ig Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director,~& Emergency Services " Stephe.,.n Rey~.r)olds Division"He~d, Culture & Recreation Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Solicitor for the City Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City~C/euqcit~ ,,. ,/ Thongs ;J. Quinj~, Chief,A/dminist"Fafl~e Offic"~r CORP0227-07/01 ~~-~ , r SER~CESDEPARmENT REPORT TO COUNCIL - OES 17-05 MUNICIPAL PROPERW & ~.e~.~.e~v~s~o. P-030 DIANA, PRINCESS OF WALES PARK 1:1000 ~Ay 30/2005 PROPOSED BEACH VOLLEYBALL COURTS 1¢1( May 17, 2005 ~'I^CHi"IEN'[ #.?-T© REPOit,T #_._Q~ ~ { ~ - To whom it may concern, Team.Twelve Training and PVB Canada are two organizations that have worked together on fitness and sport initiatives over the past two years. Team Twelve Trah~ing is a training organization that focuses on fitness assessments, personal training and sport-specific training. Team Twelve currently holds the contract with the City of Pickering to manage all personal training clients and fitness assessments through the Picketing Recreation Complex. Team Twelve Training is also involved with rite Pickering's competitive volleyball program. PVB CanMa is an organization'that has been bringing the best volleyball athletes in canada together with students, athletes and adults that want to learn and improve volleyball Skills. PVB has conducted numerous successful clinics and camps for various age groups across the province. PVB has worked etosely with North Beach Indoor Volleyball Academy, the Public and Private School Boards and the Toronto East Spm~t and Social Club to develop programs that meet the increasing demand for qualified sport instruction. T12 and PVB would like to propose a project that would meet the demand for a beach volleyball location within the Ci~ of Pickering. Beach Volleyball has taken off in popularity and has become the new social, sport for young adults. Every week ~Xigl:tt througho'ut the smnmer there are 90 or rnore courts of athletes competing and interacting at Ashbridges Bay in Toromo as part cfa social club. The Dm-ham Region has become one of the hottest areas in OmmSo for elernentaw, high school and club volleyball. This project would see a nmnbez of beach volleyball eom'ts construcmd at one location, Tem:a Twelve and PVB Canada would amalganxate to organize leagues, toumm:nents, clinics, camps, bilthday parties and many other projects. This site would be a profitable enterprise but also mi excellent oppo~unity for the residents of the City of Picketing and surrounding areas lo socialize and enjoy this great sport. ~ earn Twelve mad PVB Cmmda look fon¥'m'd to having hhe opporttmit7 to share our business pl.m~ with the City of Pickering. Please feel fi:ce m contact either of the two organizations at the contact information listed below. ?!T~CHNi:N i~ # .,~ TO REPORT #_~?_.~.-~ T121PVB Proposa! to the City ofPiekerl.g ~°'~e '2- 'o'g' Name of the Registered Company Team Twelve Training - Mike Slean - www.teamtwelvetraining.com PVB Canada - Mark Reilly - ww~a?vbcanada, com The two companies are coming together to form a separate organization. Final confirmation of the name will occur shortly upon official business name registration. Terms of the Agreement T 12 and PVB are looking to establish a long term relationship with the City of Picketing. The beach volleyball venue is an exciting project that will increase in popularity year after year. T12 and PVB are investing significant time and money into this project and would like to see it realize its' full potential. A term of 5 years is suitable for a project of this nature. At that time we would like to have the opportunity to negotiate an extended term. Partnership with the Ci~ of Picketing Team Twelve Training and PVB Canada anxiously await a partnership with the City of Pickering on this deal. Both organizations look forward to providing quality progranmfing for the citizens of Picketing. This facility will allow for citizens of all ages to participate in a new and exciting recreational program. Beach VolleYball Courts also provides an excellent opportunity for work with local businesses and charities. Teton Twelve and PVB Canada would be responsible for daily prograrmning on the courts. Unscheduled time slots would be left open for public access. Team Twelve and PVB have designed a schedule that will provide all ages an opportunity to participate within their age group and skill level. Schedule for Implementation June 13t~' - 1 ''t City of Picketing Council Meeting and Presentation of Proposal June 20th- 2® City of Picketing Council Meeting and Approval of Proposal June 21 ~t _ Excavation of Land June 22"d - Creation. of Retaining Wall June 2Y~ - June 24m - ocreemmg June 25th - Jtme 26th -, Completion of Retaining Wall m~d Drainage Pipe Auger Net Post Holes and Post h':tstallatim~., Delivery and Placement of Gravel and Delivery and Placement of Sand Auger Mesh Posts and Install Wire Suppo~ts with Mesh ATTACHMENT #~.~.~., TC REPOR'T ~I '~ -- June 27th - Hardwm-e h~tstallation June 28th - Test Run with Full Equipment Set-'Up July 1 st. Canada Day Opening Event Proposed Site Devglop~n~t 2005 - 5 Courts 2006 - 5 New Courts for a total fo 10 Courts Maintenance Two types of maintenance are going to be required at this site. Daily maintenance will involve raking the sand to remove m~y potentially harmful rocks or foreign objects that may cause injury during play. Shoveling and raking of sand is also necessary to keep the playing surface level and to avoid the accumulation of sand around the perimeter of the site. Seasonal maintenance is going to be required to repair any mesh barrier damage, topping up lost sand and repairing aging or damaged hardware. All maintenance will be the responsibility of T12 and PYB. Insurance Coveragg Insurance for this site has not been established at this time. J.D. Smith Insurance does insurance for camps and leagues. When the project has been approved and construction is completed this company will be the company we will be consulting. All of the construction is insured tln'ough our contractor Bob Cochrane and Tait's Contracting. M~ss~on S~atemen~ Team Twelve Training and PVB Canada are committed to offering citizens of the City of Pickering with high level volleyball programming. This amalgamation is striving to provide an environment where adults and youth can benefit from social interaction, quality instruction and experienced program development. Strategic Directions construct a beach volleyball facility that will be a central meeting place for Mults and youth to socially interact. create a facility that will be a central training and competitive venue for all of Durham Region Volleyball enthusiasts. develop adult and youth programs to serve those already involved in the sport and to attract new participants to the game. offer a range of programs that will appeal to all ages and all skill levels. Te~m Twelve Training Team Twelve Training is an organization that specializes in personal fitness training and spo~-specific training. Over the past year, Team Twelve has worked with the City of Pickering to provide members of the Pickering Recreation Complex with fitness assessments and personal training services. Omside of the work done with the Pickering Recreation Complex, Team Twelve offers in-home personal training. Trainers go to clients homes and instruct them on ways to get in better physical shape or to rehabilitate injuries. Sport-specific training is the current focus of the organization. Training is completed individually or in groups. Currently Team Twelve organizes an adult group in Pickering for those interested in improving their volleyball skills and, getting in better shape. Mike Slean, of Team Twelve Training, has been instructing the City of Pickering's competitive volleyball program for the past three years. Mike Sltean - @waer / Head Trainer Mike has been working in the fitness industry fbr the last 8 years. He is a graduate of the University of Toronto Bachelor of Physical and Health Education and Bachelor of Education programs. After University, Mike supported his degrees by becoming a Personal Trainer Specialist (Can-Fit Pro) and a Certified Fitness Consultant (Canadian Society for Exercise Physiologists). At the University of Toronto~ Mike played five years of Varsity Volleyball. Mike was a 5-time Ontario All-Star and 4-time AILCmaadian during the Varsity Blues string of 5 Ontario Championships h~ a row. For his efforts he was nominated for both athletic awards at the University, Athlete of the Year and the George M. Biggs Award i~,~ his last two years. Mike has competed for Canada internationally in Beach Volleyball for the last 6 years., As a member of tl~.e Naiona.t {:earn, Mike represen'~ed Cai~ada fin~shk~g 5~ a the Pa~-)~'n Games in 2003, F'/- OS PVB Ca~ada PVB M~ssion statement: 'PVB'S primm~j objective is developing & executing.volleyball programs of the highest standard° Our PVB business model was formulated to support top-level volleyball athletes. By aligning ourselves with teams, individual's and organizations who support this model we believe the sport will naturally fast track itself." Our business has flourished into Canada's leading program. PVB promotes the game of volleyball to thousands of youths and adults through our exciting program. We are ready to take our business to the next level. By aligning ourselves with like minded organizations we will continue developing the game of volleyball and the athletes who enjoy it. PVB Program Gnide (Refer to pvbcanada.com fbr more details). i School visits 10,000 impressions / year 2 PVB Camps 1. Christmas Camp 2. March Break Camp 3. Summer - Ash Bridges Bay 3 camps 4. Sumrner- Toronto Motessori Schools 5. Surmner - Niagra Falls (Niagra Rapids) Youth Beach ¥olleyball Academy School Tournaments (Boys, Gir~s & Co-Ed vodeyball) Adult tournaments Aduk leagues TESSC 2001 (Competitive & Pro) Adult Tournaments 1 PVB Works with schools throughout the G._ .A (Public, catholic and fndepend.ent, t 00 schools /year) Toronto East Spot[ and Social Club - The largest volleyball related sport and social club in the world (25,000 members) Downsview Park Hangar Sports (Youth Academy - Winter) City Of Torotno (Youth Prograrmning through TESSC) North Beach Volleyball Centre Ontario Place (Corporate Functions) Program Sponsors: Bolle Eyewear Moreno Volleyball (Volleyball. Equipment, uniforms & clothing) Mark IieilJ~ -Owner / Director of Operations Originally from Calgary Alberta Mark migrated to Toromo the summer of 1999 in hopes of becoming a pro beach volleyball athlete. He quicklY learned that there was an excellent opportunity for youth volleyball program once herel Two months into his journey the PVB business model was developed (Refer to mission statement), since then he has never looked back. Volleyball Biography: 2002) Played professionally on A.V.P 2001-2002 (Ranked 17th Overall in Played on the FIVB world tour 2000 Played Professionally over seas (Japan 1997 & Bulgaria 1998) Mount Royal College National Champions, All-Canadian, All Conference TournamentM.V.P 1994. Visit wwwopvbcanadac~:~m for more inf~rmatio~, o~ PVB Eaferprises. Construction Plan / Budget of the Project Excavation / Labour / Trucks - $10,000 - The designated area behind the Recreation Complex will need to be excavated. Trees in the area will be removed and the grass Will be removed. The ground will be excavated to allow the gravel and a portion of sand to be below ground level. Gravel - $10,000 - The first layer will be gravel. The gravel will be 6 inches deep and will provide drainage for the court. Retaining Wall - $18,000 - The retaining wall will be constructed to ensure that the sand is not dispersed outside the set perimeter. Construction of this wall and the material to be used has not been finalized. Landscaping stone was the material used in the budgeting process. This wall would be approximately 2 feet above ground level and would create the entire perimeter of the site. Screen (Black Mat) - $1,000 - The black mat will sit on top of the gravel to ensure that the sand and gravel do not mix. The mat will be a permeable surface to allow for water to drain through. Beach Sand - $20,000 - Beach sand will be used to reduce the number of abrasions and related injuries sustained while playing beach volleyball. This type of sand will ensure the comfort for all participants. Beach sand also is finer and does not clump when rain on. the way industrial sand does. Posts - $1,000 - 6X6 posts will be used to secure the nets. 6 posts are necessary to secure 5 nets. Posts will also be needed around the perimeter to support wires that will be used to create mesh barriers to keep volleyballs in the playing area. Mesh Screens - N/A - Mesh screens have been successfully used indoors and outdoors to provide a barrier to keep volleyballs in the playing area. These screens will be supported by wires and will therefbre be retractable. The presence of the screens will ensure that players in bare feet will not have to walk unprotected through the park. Rakes and Shovels - $200.00- Rakes and shovels will be necessary for daily maimenance of the courts. Ensuring that the playing area is free from any objects that may injm~e participants. Maintenance of the courts is also required to ensure that the playing sur~hce remains level arid sand does not disperse to the perimeter of the surface. Hardware - $200.00 - The hardware will be installed on the 6X6 posts mid will be used to support the nets and to adjust nets to different heights. Difi%rent settings will allow fbr a wider range of participants to participate on these courts. Volleyball Equipment (Nets~ Vol!eybal!s m~d Lines) - $1,350 - 5 Nms and 5 Sets of Lines will be necessary in the first year at the Pickering location. For aesthetic reasons all of the nets should be of uniform colour and style. Numerous balls are required to run a successful clinic or camp. Oemo~ Targeted audience ~ aged 8-59 years · 70% are between the ages of 19-30 · Gender - males / females ~ equal distribution . Indoor Participation: - 2 million Canadians play volleyball at least once a month - Ontario's volleyball players - 725,000 play at least once a month - Volleyball - gl participation sport for women, #2 participation sport for men · Beach Participation: - 800,000 Canadians play volleyball at least once throughout the summer - Ontario - 435,000 play at least once a month in the stm~mer - Toronto area- Two Recreational volleyball leagues have over 6,000 members that play weekly Construction of Courts 1.' The actual court area is 9m X 1 Sm. This represents the area of one beach volleyball court. Actual Dimensions for beach volleyball are now 8m X 16m. However the old, bigger dimensions work better with social groups and. larger numbers, 2. The court should be surrounded by a minimum of 2 extra meters around the perimeter of the court. This is essential for safety and also because the length of most nets is 1 Om long. 3. It is important to use good quality sand. Industrial sand is often too course and causes abrasions. 4. The court area should be level. 5. Supports for the nets should be buried 4 to 5 feet beneath the ground and should stand 9 feet above the ground. Wood poles work well and avoid the use of potentially dangerous guy wires. 6X6 inch poles are ideal and will support the weight of the nets. Concrete is necessary to secure the poles. 6. A barrier is ideal in order to separate dirt and debris from the sand on the court. Quality barriers will also ensure that the majority of the sand stays in the courts. Barriers can be constructed from concrete forms~ raikoad ties or low secure fencing. 7, Court Drainage is important dependent on the elevation of the court and also the amount of rain. There are many potential systems, but is a aspect that must be ad. dressed. G-ravel is laid first. A :loot of gravel creates the base. '," = form of scream type filter is used, Bt~,l- mat from a 9. On top of the b~ a.vet a .~ ~ursenz or burlap ~,~.L welt :.¢z~ _.~,,,..,~. p.. .. ' '~ ..... ' .... ' ...... F the gra,,~el and dirt ser-arate fi'om the sand. This filter also helps keep grass and weeds fkom growing t~ough to the c surface° i0. The net height for men's play is 2.43m. This is 'the highest setting for volleyball net nel~,ht. 11. Simple eye-hooks can be used to secure the top and bottom of the nets. Metal cranks affixed to the poles is ideal. 1.2. Some form of water system should exist close to the courts to water down comes. This process keeps the sandfrom dusting up and also cools the playing surface if necessary. Figure 1 - Court Design - thick wooden poles would elimknate the need for a guy wire. N~mber ~ff Co~rts: k~ order to a~c',commodate' '- ' the demar~d that the leagues are gob.g to have we need to create m~ adequate sized t~cility. Tt:~.e C, ity of Pickerii~g cm'rer~tly ruris a competitive volleyball program Tb. ur:;day frights t?mt is ~all evei~ sessiom 60 aduks are permitted m~d tb~ere are still individuals placed on a waiting list, The City also organizes a recreational program on Monday nights t. hat has greater numbers. These programs do not run in the smnmer and all of these ~ndividuals have sho~ a grea'~ [n'~erest in 'the spot. This is a small representation of the great number ofvol, leyball enthusiasts that l~ve ~n Picketing. This number does not reflect You~ nmbers, adults ~om su~ounding ~eas or the number of adults who p~icipa~e in Toronto beach leagues (do to fl~e lack of pro~a~in~ in the Durham Region). Based on the number of gdults actively p~icipming in the spo~ and the potential for youth programs it is necessa~ ~at we have 10 coups to meet the demand. The adult leagues during the week will be ~11 and the demand for 10 com~s w~ll be wa~anted. o5 2m gm 1Sm 9m gm 1Sm gm Fig~i"e 2. The ea~ea needed £oI' on~ court is 13m X 22m. P~_Ep_gram Planning: This facility will provide Pickering with a new hub for social activity. This location is an ideal place for families to come and enjoy programming for children and adults. The following is a brief description of successful programs that we have run at different locations. The proposed schedule for the new facility includes all of these events. Youth Camps - skills camps will be offered to attract youth in the 6-12 age category. Sessions will be in one week blocks. Youth and Adult Clinics - individual sessions and group sessions provide users with an excellent opportunity to get out and enjoy the sport and improve their skills. Adult Leagues - will. be offered for recreational and competitive players. Single gender and co- ed leagues opportunities will exist. Target age will be 19-59. Corporate Functions - industry nights and company challenges are great ways of getting local businesses involved in the venture. Beach Kids - is a program that focuses on youth aged 3-5 years old. The focus is less on volleyball and more on exercise and playing in the sand. The Beach Kids program is an introductory program to prepare chilch'en for the youth program. Pickering Youth Academy - the Pickering Youth Academy is designed for youth aged 13-18. The Youth Academy operates as a regular clinic/league time in the late afternoon. Tournaments - there are numerous different tournament formats ready for implementation. Most touman~ent play will take place on the weekends. 2005 Planning Youth July Camp X 1 August Camp X 1 Monday League Tuesday League Youth Academy Beach Kids July Camp X 1 Beach Kids August Camp X 1 Tuesday Night League Thursday Nig}~l League Corporate Event/Tournament Special Events Stumbler Pro Am Tournament X 2 Youth Tournament X 2 Recreational Tournament X 2 Competitive Tournament X 2 ,~1 I ACHI¢Et,,, ";~:' ~ THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY Of PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a by-law to authorize the execution of a Lease Agreement with Team Twelve Training and PVB Canada for the lease of space at Diana, Princess of Wales Park for the development and operation of a Beach Volleyball Facility and Program. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 207.58 and 191 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, as amended, the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering may pass by-laws for leasing premises owned by the Corporation; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a Lease Agreement, in a form acceptable to the Solicitor for the City between The Corporation of the City of Pickering and Team Twelve Training and PVB Canada for the operation of a Beach Volleyball Facility and Program at Diana, Princess of Wales Park. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 20th day of June, 2005. David Ryan, Mayor Bruce Taylor, City Clerk CORP0223-07/01