HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 19-05 REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: PD 19-05 Date: May 5, 2005 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Street Name Change Old Brock Road to Jenash Court File No. W2306.45 Recommendation: (a) That the Director, Planning & Development commence preliminary initiatives to change the name of a portion of Old Brock Road to Jenash Court and report back to Council following contact with affected residents; OR (b) That the request of R. Hinchliffe to change the name of a portion of Old Brock Road to Jenash Court be refused. Executive Summary: In 1986, Ronald Hinchliffe obtained consent for the development of five (5) lots fronting Old Brock Road in Claremont. One of the conditions of that severance was that he enter into an appropriate Development Agreement with the City respecting the upgrading, to municipal standards, of the portion of Old Brock Road fronting the newly created lots. Upon completing the road, R. Hinchliffe requested that the City initiate the process to change the name of that portion of Old Brock Road to Jenash Court (which name reflects a combination of his daughters' names Jennifer and Ashley) and while there is evidence in City records that his request was received, the matter has never been considered by Council. R. Hinchliffe has recently contacted the City to request that this matter be pursued. Accordingly, staff is seeking direction from Council as to whether' to proceed with this matter. Financial Implications: Advertising Costs Installation of New Signage (approx.) Expenses to Residents ($100.00 x 5) Legal Disbursements Preparation of Reference Plan (approx.) TOTAL Community Page (Account 2320-2409) (Account 2611-2392) (Account 2610-2320) (Account 2611-2392) N/A $200.00 $500.00 $1oo.oo $2,000.00 $2,800.00 Report PD 19-05 Subject: Street Name Change Date: May 5, 2005 Page 2 Background: In 1986, Ronald Hinchliffe obtained consent for the development of five lots fronting Old Brock Road in Claremont. One of the conditions of that severance was that he enter into an appropriate Development Agreement with the City respecting the upgrading, to municipal standards, of the portion of Old Brock Road fronting the newly created lots. Upon completing the road, R. Hinchliffe requested that the City initiate the process to change the name of that portion of Old Brock Road to Jenash Court (which name reflects a combination of his daughters' names, Jennifer and Ashley) and while there is evidence in City records that his request was received, the matter has never been considered by Council. R. Hinchliffe has once again contacted the City requesting that this matter be pursued. His request has been circulated internally and to the Region and while there were no objections to the concept of changing the name, it was noted that the City's present practice does not support the use of 'proper names' for streets, unless they are of demonstrated historical significance. Should Council wish to further pursue renaming this portion of Old Brock Road to Jenash Court, staff would then contact the five residents affected by the name change advising them of the City's potential intent to enact a by-law to rename the road fronting their property to Jenash Court (see Attachment #1 - Location Map). That correspondence would also advise each resident that the City would contribute up to $100.00 toward any expenses they may incur due to their municipal address changing (i.e. new home numbers, changing information on personal documentation, driver's licence, etc.). Staff would report back to Council with the results of our resident contact and seek direction respecting the enactment of the necessary by-law to formally change the name of this portion of Old Brock Road to Jenash Court. It should also be noted that in order to finalize this matter, a reference plan will be required to legally describe the boundaries of the portion of road that will be subject of the name change and new signage will be required once the name change by-law has been registered. The cost for preparation and registration of the reference plan is approximately $2,000.00. Other costs to implement the street name change are estimated at $800.00, which includes the new street name signage and address change expenses incurred by residents. This brings the total costs for this initiative to the City of approximately $2,800.00. Accordingly, staff is seeking direction as to whether or not Council wishes to pursue changing the name of the portion of Old Brock Road identified on the location map attached hereto. Should Council concur, staff is requesting that Council pass a Resolution authorizing the Director, Planning & Development to commence preliminary initiatives to have the subject portion of Old Brock Road renamed to Jenash Court and to report back to Council following contact with affected residents. Report PD 19-05 Subject: Street Name Change Date: May 5, 2005 Page 3 Attachment: 1. Location Map Prepared By: Denise Bye', Coordinator Property & Development Services Approved / Endorsed By: Director, Planning & Development DB Attachment Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City COuncil ~as J. ~nn, G~ Admi~a~~ o<Sow~o, ~~ © W. DUFFIN Gi~y of PJckerJng Planning & Development Dep~mem PBOPE~ DESG~IPTION OLD B~OOK ~OAD NAME CHANGE TO flENASH COU~T OWNE~ N/A DATE MAY 5, 2005 D~AWN BY dB '_/~ F~LE No. N/A SCALE N.T.S OHEOKED BY DB