HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 15-05PICKERING REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: PD 15-05 Date: April 8, 2005 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Request for Council's Permission to Develop by Land Severance Tania Spring 1839 Pine Grove Avenue Part of Lot 6, Plan 282, & Part of the Road Allowance between Lot 34 & 35 (Part 2, Plan 40R-20388) City of Pickering Recommendation: That the request made by T. Spring, be APPROVED, to permit the division of the subject lands, being Part 2, 40R-20388 (known as 1839 Pine Grove Avenue), by land severance rather than a plan of subdivision, subject to Rockwood Drive being extended through the subject lands in a north-south direction. Executive Summary: The subject property is located on the east side of Pine Grove Avenue opposite Valley Ridge Crescent, backing onto the terminuses of Rockwood Drive (see Location Map, Attachment #1). The applicant requests approval to sever a lot off Rockwood Drive or off Pine Grove Avenue (see Tania Spring's Letter, Attachment #2). The subject property is capable of being divided into more than three additional lots; consequently, Council's approval is required for development to proceed by land severances. The Highbush Neighbourhood Plan requires Council to consider a new road connection between Woodview Avenue and Pine Grove Avenue through the review of development proposals. The subject property has been identified as the last opportunity to provide an east-west road linkage over an undeveloped portion of land between Woodview Avenue and Pine Grove Avenue. Through a review of the development potential of the area, vehicular and pedestrian movements, vegetation, and previous residents' comments on the need for a road connection, it has been determined that an east-west road linkage through this property is not necessary. It is recommended that the applicant's request to develop the subject lands by land severance be approved, as all requirements of the City can be appropriately addressed through conditions of severance approval, including the extension/connection of Rockwood Drive. Report PD 15-05 Subject: Request for Council's Permission to Develop Lands by Land Severance Date: April 8, 2005 Page 2 Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Background Background Information The subject property is located on the east side of Pine Grove Avenue opposite Valley Ridge Crescent, in the Highbush Neighbourhood. The subject property and the surrounding area are zoned for Iow-density residential development. Currently, the north portion of Rockwood Drive terminates at the rear of the subject property and the middle portion of Rockwood Drive (extending from Prohill Street) ends at the southeast corner of the property (see Location Map, Attachment #1 ). History of Connecting Pine Grove Avenue and Woodview Avenue The Highbush Neighbourhood Map of the Pickering Official Plan shows Rockwood Drive to be completed in a north-south direction (see Approved Highbush Neighbourhood Map Attachment #4). In addition to requiring the north-south connection of Rockwood Drive, one of the policies in the Highbush Neighbourhood Plan requires City Council to: "through the review of development proposals and in consultation with landowners and surrounding residents, endeavour to provide a new local road connection between Woodview Avenue and Pine Grove Avenue" Section 11.12 (b) of the City of Pickering Official Plan The issue of connecting Pine Grove Avenue and Woodview Avenue was considered in the 1990's when the proposed Pickering Official Plan identified a future road connection between the two streets in the vicinity of 1819 Pine Grove Avenue (south of the subject property). The Neighbourhood Map (see Proposed Highbush Neighbourhood Map (1996), Attachment #3) identified a future "through road" connection which was intended to provide an additional east-west road linkage in this area. As a result of neighbourhood opposition, this specific east-west "through road" linkage was deleted from the Neighbourhood Map in the approved Pickering Official Plan (see Attachment#4); however, text wording pertaining to the potential achievement of a road connection was added or revised. As a result, when the owner (Spring) severed one lot from the south-west corner of the subject property through LD 199/00 five years ago, the City required the lot configuration to provide for a possible future east-west road connection. The owner now desires to develop the subject property without an east-west road connection between Pine Grove Avenue and Rockwood Drive. Report PD 15-05 Subject: Request for Council's Permission to Develop Lands by Land Severance Date: April 8, 2005 Page 3 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.3 Discussion Completing the north-south Connection of Rockwood Drive is a Priority Through discussions with various City Departments, it has been determined that the completion of Rockwood Drive in a north-south direction is a priority for the proper development of this area, especially for fire safety and other emergency access purposes. It is recommended that in order for the City to support any development on the subject lands, the north-south connection of P, ockwood Drive must be completed through conditions of any development approvals. An east-west Road Linkage is Not Necessary The subject property provides the last opportunity over undeveloped land for an east-west road connection between Rockwood Drive and Pine Grove Avenue. Through discussion with City Departments, it has been determined that an east-west road linkage is not required for the proper development of this area, as discussed further in the following sections. Traffic on the collector roads is well below capacity · It is anticipated that most vehicles will continue to use the collector roads (Pine Grove Avenue, Woodview Avenue, Hogarth Street and Waterford Gate) to reach arterial roads (Finch Avenue, Altona P,oad, and Sheppard Avenue/ Twyn P,ivers Drive). Both Pine Grove Avenue and Woodview Avenue are operating well below capacity. · The immediate and surrounding areas are Iow-density residential with few lots left to develop. No significant growth is anticipated in this area that would impact the existing collector roads. An east-west road linkage would not benefit local vehicular traffic · An east-west road connection at this location may promote cut-through traffic via P,ockwood Drive and Prohill Street, and only benefit those traveling between the Valley Ridge subdivision (west of Pine Grove Avenue) and Waterford Gate. · The only potential benefiting road connection, from a traffic engineering perspective, would be the extension of Waterford Gate to Pine Grove Avenue, but land acquisition requirements hinder this connection. Further, this type of local road connection is not required to provide additional capacity. An east-west Pedestrian Walkway in Lieu of a Road is Not Recommended · An east-west pedestrian walkway connection through the subject lands was considered in lieu of a road connection. However, without a similar connection between Woodview Avenue and Oakburn Street, there would be no benefit for students whose destination is the school or park on West Creek Drive. Report PD 15-05 Subject: Request for Council's Permission to Develop Lands by Land Severance Date: April 8, 2005 Page 4 3.0 · This walkway would be approximately 130 metres in length while most walkways in Pickering are between 30 metres and 45 metres in length. This may present significant lighting and visibility concerns while trying to provide a safe pedestrian environment. · The walkway would be crossing a large expanse (approximately 80 metres) of undeveloped rear yard area. This may present grading and drainage issues in order to maintain the walkway at a suitable grade. · The existing sidewalks are located on the west side of Pine Grove Avenue and the east side of Rockwood Drive. Therefore, a walkway through this site would not connect directly to the existing sidewalk system. City's Interests to be Addressed Through Conditions of Land Severance The Pickering Official Plan requires any ownership of land that is capable of being divided into more than three additional lots to be developed by plan of subdivision, except where it is demonstrated to Council's satisfaction that a plan of subdivision is neither appropriate nor necessary, in which case Council may authorize development to proceed by land severance. The City's requirements respecting development of the subject lands will be addressed through conditions of any future land severance applications. Among other conditions, the owner will be required to enter into an appropriate development agreement with the City, to address matters typically included in subdivision agreements such as, but not limited to, parkland dedication, conveyance(s), the construction of services, lot grading and drainage, driveway locations, easements, utilities, boulevard trees, cost sharing, and securities. As a condition of development the owner will be required to construct Rockwood Drive through the subject lands and the easterly abutting Block 41, Plan 40M-1739 to connect the existing two segments of the road. It is recommended that the applicant's request to develop the subject lands by land severance be approved as all requirements of the City, including the connection of Rockwood Drive, can be appropriately addressed through conditions of severance approval. Report PD 15-05 Subject: Request for Council's Permission to Develop Lands by Land Severance Date: April 8, 2005 Page 5 Attachments: 2. 3. 4. Property Location Map Tania Spring's Letter Proposed Highbush Neighbourhood Map (1996) Approved Highbush Neighbourhood Map (1997) Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: Neii Carro~PP Director, Planning & Development Lynda 'l'~ylor, MClP,,~RPP Manager, Development Review JY:jf Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer IRecommended for the consideration of Pickering Cit~,. ,.yu~ ,. ,, ThodlES'J Qu~ Admini~_. ATTACHMENT ,f TO REPOR'I ~ PD /..5'-- ~_____ alNE GROVE CRESCENT iSCENT REET CENT PINE SUBJEC P. i )PE ;ENT WEST LANE PINE GROVE AVENUE PROHILL ST. STREET SWEETBRIAR CRT. MOSSBRO( SQUARE WESTCREEK STREET ~RIVE LAWSON STREET BU'FI'ERNUT LANCREST ST. C.N.R. C.N.R. City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PART OF LOT 6, PLAN 282 & PT RD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN LTO 34 &35 ~ OWNER D. SPRING DATE MAR. 24, 2005 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. PD 15-05 SCALE 1:5000 CHECKED BY RP PN-10 September 27, 2004 RECEIVED OCT 0 CiTY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT TO: Lynda D. Taylor, MCIP, RPP CC: David Pickles, Councillor, City of Pickering Subject: Preliminary Request 1839 Pine Grove Avenue (Part of Lot 6, Plan 282 and Part of The Road Allowance between Lot 34 & 35; now Part2, Plan 40R 20388) City of Pickering I am writing to request if it has been determined if Rockwood Drive will be extended through to Pine Grove Ave. I believe if the road is extended through it will take away from the character of this neighborhood. This mature area is surrounded with large trees and vegetation, which we need to preserve and protect. Large lots with mature trees makes this area unique, attractive and inviting. I have lived on Pine Grove Avenue for the last 28 years and have seen many changes over the years. My family's property, 1839 Pine Grove Ave backs onto the northem leg of Rockwood Drive. We would like to sever a lot and build a house fronting onto Rockwood Drive or the second option would be to sever and build fronting onto Pine Grove Avenue between 1839 and 1833. Thank you for taking the time to consider my request, I look forward to hearing from you with your feedback. Sincerely, Tania Spring ATTACHMENT # -~ TO PROPOSED PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN (1996) MAP 20 NEIGHBOURHOOD 10: HIGHBUSH PARK LEGEND SYMBOLS NEIGHBOURHOOD lmm-- NEW ROAD CONNECTIONS (PROPOSED) m BOUNDARY mil Imm DETAILED REVIEW AREA I~] PARK ~ LANDS FOR WHICH COUNCIL HAS (~ ADOPTED DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES PROPOSED PARK (F~EFER TO COMPENDIUM DOCUMENT) PROPOSED PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ~TTACHMENI # ~ TO REPORI# PD 12~ APPROVED PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN (1997) MAP 20 NEIGHBOURHOOD 10: HIGHBUSH LEGEND SYMBOLS NEIGHBOURHOOD ! I ! Immll NEW ROAD CONNECTIONS (PROPOSED) m BOUNDARY DETAILED REVIEW AREA PARK LANDS FOR WHiCh COUNCIL MAS ADOPTED DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES (REFER TO COMPENDIUM DOCUMENT) PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL