HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 29-05 REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CS 29-05 Date: March 29, 2005 From: Bruce Taylor City Clerk Subject: Appointment to enforce the Parking By-law at 1822 Whites Road. Recommendation: That Report CS 29-05 respecting the appointment of Special Municipal Law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing the Parking By-law on private property be received; and That the draft by-law to appoint persons to enforce the Parking By-law at 1822 Whites Road, be forwarded to Council for approval; and That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: Not Applicable Financial Implications: None Background: Correspondence has been received from P.R.O. Security, requesting the appointment of persons as By-law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing the Parking By-law at 1822 Whites Road. Attachments: 1. Correspondence from P.R.O. Security 2. Draft By-law Report CS 29-05 Subject: Appointment of By-law Enforcement Officers Date: March 29, 2005 Page 2 Prepared By: Debbie Watrous Committee Coordinator BT:dw Attachments Approved By: Bruce Tay or, City Clerk Approved/Endorsed By: Gillis A. Paterson, Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer ~ 7 ~in~ Ch~f/Adminis.trative Officer ATTACHMENT# , TO REPORT P.R.O Security 159 King Street Pemmorough, ont K9J 2R8 705-749-6944 phone 705-749-3423 fax 705-750-5073 COil 1-866-887-3334 Toll Free F~x Transmittal Form Name: CC: Phone: Fax: City Of Pickering ~lerks Debbie Watm~ Mes~ga: From: Bill Hanna Data Sent: Maron 24/2005 Number of Pa~es: 4 inclusive Dear Mrs. Watress Our company has been contracted by Valaint Property Management to provide parking bylaw for 1822 Whites Road In Plckerlng known as the Amberloa Center, Here is a list of Licensed Security Officers that we wish to go to council for approval. Also could you kindly let me know ff there is any cost involved as well as any other paper work that you may need from Pm Security. Best Regards Bill Hanna Pm Security Email billhannaSOaol.com Ontario Name a~d L~tlon of Nora et admMe de I'auteur de II demlnde: b U~n~xJ est ~uto~e) ~ mm de: tan! qu~ll OU el~ ~t I~ I'~mpioi da: IOc~t~ in: Thl~ II~n~ ~y. plrN on; De~ i~u~: Oa~ de ~llv~: F~ ~d: LICENCE I PERMIS ' Licence No. Permis N° lesued Under The Private Inveetlgetom end Security Guards Act D611vr6 en vortu de la Loi lur les enque~.eurs priv~s et lee gardiens ALEXANDER, MATTHEW A. J. / WHITBY SECURITY GUARD P.R.O. SECURITY & INVESTIGATION AGENCY INC. PETERBOROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2005 MARCH 17, 2005 $30.00 044571 tlllilnllll Reg~.trar,,,,/,..R..egistrateur -ELIZ- Pc.~rn PiSO 4{Rm(. 06~ee) Ontario LICENCE I PERMI$ Uoenoe No. Permi$ No Isaued Under The Private Investigators and Security Guards Act O611vrb en vertu de la Lol sur lee enqu~teurs prives et les gardiens STAINTON, CLINTON ROBERT / BOWMANVILLE SECURITY GUARD P.R.O. SECURITY & INVESTIGATION AGENCY INC. PETERBOROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2005 MARCH 17, 2005 $30.00 041147 lilllllllllll ! Registrar / Registrateur Ontario LICENCE I PERMIS Licorice No. Permis N° Issued Under The Private Inveatlgatom and Secudty Guards Act D&livre an vertu de la Loi sur les anqueteurs priv~s et les gardiens EASSON, ALLAN JOHN / OSHAWA SECURITY GUARD P.R.O. SECURITY & INVESTIGATION AGENCY INC. PETERBOROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2005 'MARCH 17, 2005 $80,00 043996 Re~ltetrar / Registrateur -ELIZ- From PISG 4(Rmv. 05/89) Ontario Name and Location of Nom et adresse de I'auteut de la dementia: Is Licensed em est eutorl~(e) ~ ti~,e de: while employed by: tent qu'll ou elle eet a I'~11plol de: Ioca~e¢l In: C. permti .~plm Date de Fn pnid: LICENCE / PERMI$ I.J¢enoe No. Permis N° I;aued Under The Private Inve~tigatom and Secu~ty Guards Act D611vr~ en vertu de la Loi sur les enqueteurs priv~ et les gardlans CLARKE, ANDREW MC IVOR I OSHAWA SECURITY GUARD P.R.O. SECURITY & INVESTIGATION AGENCY INC, PETERBOROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2005 MARCH i 7, 2005 $30.00 073944 Regigtrar I Reglstrateur -ELIZ- Ontario LICENCE I PERMIS' I.kertce No. 073943 Permis NO Issued Under The Private Investigators arid Security Guards Act DGlivr~ en vertu de la Lol sur les enqu6teurs priv{l$ et les gardiens KINGHAN, ANGELA MAE I COURTICE SECURITY GUARD P.R.O. SECURITY & INVESTIGATION AGENCY INC. PETERBOROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2005 MARCH 17, 2006 $30.00 Registrar I Reglstrateur -ELIZ- Fern ~'I~G 4(Rev. 05~) IATTACHMENT # THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. TO R2?QRT : {3eing a by-~aw to appoint By-~aw Enforcement Officers for certain Purposes (Parking Regulation - 1822 Whites Road.) WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(I) of the Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15, as amended, a municipal council may appoint persons to enforce the by-laws of the municipality; and WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(2) of the said Act, municipal by-law enforcement officers are peace officers for the purpose of enforcing municipal by-laws; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: That the following persons be hereby appointed as municipal law enforcement officers in and for the City of Pickering in order to ascertain whether the provisions of By-law 2359/87 are obeyed and to enforce or carry into effect the said By-law and are hereby authorized to enter at all reasonable times upon lands municipally known as 1822 Whites Road: Matthew A. J. Alexander Clinton Robert Stainton Allan John Easson Andrew Mclvor Clarke Angela Mae Kinghan The authority granted in section 1 hereto is specifically limited to that set out in section 1, and shall not be deemed, at any time, to exceed the authority set out in section 1. These appointments shall expire upon the persons listed in section 1 ceasing to be employees of P.R.O. Secudty or upon P.R.O. Secudty ceasing to be agents for 1822 Whites Road, or whichever shall occur first. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 11th day of Apdl, 2005. David Ryan, Mayor Bruce Taylor, City Clerk