HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 05-04 REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CAO 05-04 Date: November 8, 2004 Everett Buntsma (Acting) Chief Administrative Officer Subject: Flag Protocol - Policy/Procedure - File: A-3100-001 A-1010-001 Recommendation: 1. That Report CAO-05-04 regarding the Flag Protocol Policy for The Corporation of the City of Pickering be received; and that 2. Council endorse the Flag Protocol as set out in the Flag Protocol Policy and Procedure. Executive Summary: The Corporation of the City of Pickering is committed to ensuring that the protocol by which flags are flown at City Hall and its properties follows the rules applied by the Federal Government, as established by the Department of Canadian Heritage, and those established by the Government of Ontario Office of International Relations and Protocol (OIRP). Financial Implications: Not Applicable Background: In an effort to ensure applicable protocols are followed, a City Policy was prepared outlining protocols and procedures for: · Half-Masting of Flags, · Displaying Flags / Flag Raisings, · Flag Placement Etiquette, and · Flag Maintenance. The Policy was prepared in accordance with Federal and Provincial Protocols, and in consultation with GTA municipalities. Report CAO 05-04 Flag Protocol/Policy Date: November8,2004 Page 2 Criteria has been established to ensure communication to the public and staff, and streamline the process and responsibilities. Of particular interest are the guidelines for the half-masting of flags. Flags are flown at half-mast as a sign of respect and condolence, or to commemorate significant dates. The flags at City properties shall only be flown at half-mast on: · the death of the Mayor, · the death of a Member of Council, · the death of a current City of Pickering employee, · the death of a former Mayor, · the death of the Chair of the Regional Municipality of Durham, or · on the direction of the majority of Members of Council, and in accordance with the Federal and Provincial protocol, flags will also be flown at half-mast on: · the death of the Sovereign or a member of the Royal Family related to the Sovereign (spouse, son or daughter, father, mother, brother, sister), the Governor General, the Prime Minister, a former Governor General or Prime Minister; · the death of the Lieutenant Governor, the Premier of Ontario or another person similarly honoured by the Province of Ontario; and · the death of the local Member of Parliament or local Member of Provincial Parliament, and flags will also be flown at half-mast, in recognition of the following dates: · November 11, Remembrance Day (the flag is to be flown at half mast from 11:00 am to coincide with the start of the Ceremony at the National War Memorial). · April 28, the Day of Mourning for Persons Killed or Injured in the Workplace; and · December 6, the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women All other criteria and processes are identified in the attached Policy. This Policy has been reviewed and endorsed by the Board of Management and the Policy Coordinating Committee. CORP0227-07/01 Report CAO 05-04 Flag Protocol/Policy Date: November8,2004 Page 3 Attachments: 1. Flag Protocol/Procedure Prepared By: <:~y Rodg~son Manager, Customer & Administrative Services Everett Bun~, p~"/ J (Acting) Chie 'Administrative Officer EB:jh Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer City Clerk Division Head, Culture & Recreation CORP0227-07/01 I ATTACHMENT# I TO REPORT CITY POLICY/PROCEDURE Approval: Reference: Date Originated: Date Revised: Policy Number: Classification: Category: Subject: 001/001 Policy Title: FLAG PROTOCOL / PROCEDURE POLICY STATEMENT: The Corporation of the City of Pickering (the City) is committed to ensuring that the protocol by which flags are flown at City Hall and its properties follows the rules applied by the Federal Government, as established by the Department of Canadian Heritage, and City of Pickering Protocol/Procedures. POLICY OBJECTIVE: The objective of this Policy is to convey protocol for: 2. 3. 4. Half-masting of flags, Displaying Flags/Flag raisings, Flag Placement Etiquette, and Flag Maintenance. GENERAL: 01 Definitions: 01.01 01.02 01.03 01.04 After-Hours - refers to anytime after regular business hours at City Hall. City Hall- refers to the Pickering Civic Complex. City Properties - City facilities including: Pickering Museum Village, Operations Centre, all Fire Halls, and any other facilities, or city-owned lands. Death - may be taken to include the day of death and up to and including the day of the funeral. Page 1 of 9 ATTACHMENT# I TO REPORT CITY POLICY/PROCEDURE Approval: Reference: Date Originated: Date Revised: Policy Number: Classification: Category: Subject: 001/001 Policy Title: FLAG PROTOCOL / PROCEDURE 01.05 01.06 01.07 01.08 Courtesy Flagpole - The courtesy flagpole can be identified as the flag at City Hall that normally holds the Provincial Flag. This flagpole is considered our "guest flagpole", and will be used to hold flags of other nations, or for awareness campaigns. Half-mast Position - The flag is brought to the half-mast position by first raising it to the top of the mast, then immediately lowering it slowly to the half-mast position. Flag-raising - A scheduled event whereby the Mayor, Members of Council or designate convene at City Hall to raise a flag (in accordance with the Policy). Sovereign - The supreme ruler / monarchy of a country. 02 Responsibilities: 02.01 Council to: 02.02 (a) Actively support this Policy. (b) Approve this Policy, and required from time to time. Chief Administrative Officer to: (a) (b) any Actively support this Policy. Provide direction, notification application of the Policy. amendments, as and consistent Page 2 of 9 ]ATTACHMENT# I TO REPORT CITY POLICY/PROCEDURE Approval: Reference: Date Originated: Date Revised: Policy Number: Classification: Category: Subject: 001/001 Policy Title: FLAG PROTOCOL / PROCEDURE 02.03 02.04 02.05 02.06 Director, Operations & Emerqency Services: (a) Actively support this Policy. (b) Provide direction to Facilities staff during after-hours in the absence of the Division Head, Culture & Recreation in the event of special circumstances not identified in this Policy. Division Head, Culture & Recreation: (a) Actively support this Policy. (b) Provide direction to facilities staff during after-hours in the event of special circumstances not identified in the policy. City Clerk: (a) Actively support this Policy. (b) Approve requests to use the courtesy flagpole at City Hall. (c) Notify Supervisor, Facilities Operations and Office of the CAO of approved requests. (d) Notify the Mayor's Office to coordinate a flag-raising ceremony if requested. Mana,qer, Customer & Administrative Services: (a) Actively support this Policy. Page 3 of 9 JATTACHMENT#I (;~tO ,I TO REPORT CITY POLICY/PROCEDURE Approval: Reference: Date Originated: Date Revised: Policy Number: Classification: Category: Subject: 001/001 Policy Title: FLAG PROTOCOL / PROCEDURE 02.06 03 Protocol: (b) Communicate flag-raising and half-masting to staff and post details on the website for public information (when possible). 03.01 Supervisor, Facilities Operations (a) Actively support this Policy. (b) Coordinate the lowering and raising of flags (during both regular business hours and after-hours) at City properties. (c) Coordinate the maintenance of flags and flagpoles. Flags are symbols that identify people belonging to a group. The National Flag of Canada and the flags of the provinces and territories are symbols of honour and pride for all Canadians. The Canadian flag (when flown in Canada) always takes precedence over all other national flags. The only flags to which precedence is given over the Canadian flag are the personal standards of members of the Royal Family and of Her Majesty's representatives in Canada. Half-masting: - Flags are flown at the half-mast position as a sign of respect and condolence or to commemorate significant dates. The flags flown at City properties shall only be flown at half-mast on: · the death of the Mayor, · the death of a Member of Council, · the death of a current City of Pickering employee, · the death of a former Mayor, · the death of the Chair of the Regional Municipality of Durham, · on the direction of the majority of Members of Council, Page 4 of 9 IATTACHMENT# J TO REPORT CITY POLICY/PROCEDURE Approval: Reference: Date Originated: Date Revised: Policy Number: Classification: Category: Subject: 001/001 Policy Title: FLAG PROTOCOL / PROCEDURE and in accordance with Federal and Provincial protocol, flags will also be flown at half-mast on: · the death of the Sovereign or a member of the Royal Family related to the Sovereign (spouse, son or daughter, father, mother, brother, sister), the Governor General, the Prime Minister, a former Governor General, a former Prime Minister, or a Federal Cabinet Minister; · the death of the Lieutenant Governor, the Premier of Ontario or another person similarly honoured by the Province of Ontario; and · the death of the local Member of Parliament or local Member of Provincial Parliament, and flags will also be flown at half-mast, in recognition of the following dates: · November 11, Remembrance Day. (The flag is to be flown at half- mast from 11:00 am to coincide with the start of the ceremony at the National War Memorial). · April 28, the Day of Mourning for Persons Killed or Injured in the Workplace; and · December 6, the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. 03.02 Process for Half-mastinq - For circumstances not identified in the criteria outlined in 03.01, the Office of the CAO shall notify all departments regarding the half-masting of flags with respect to the location, the reason and the duration that the flag will be flown at half- mast. Department contacts responsible for facilities and City properties shall lower and raise the flags upon receipt of the appropriate notification. (a) During regular business hours notification will be sent by the Office of the CAO to the Supervisor, Facilities Operations. The following staff will be copied on the request: Page 5 of 9 J ATTACHMENT# I TO REPORT#' CITY POLICY/PROCEDURE Approval: Reference: Date Originated: Date Revised: Policy Number: Classification: Category: Subject: 001/001 Policy Title: FLAG PROTOCOL / PROCEDURE · Director, Operations & Emergency Services · Division Head, Culture & Recreation · City Clerk (b) After-hours notification will be the responsibility of the Division Head, Culture & Recreation and Supervisor, Facilities Operations to follow up accordingly, based on the protocol information and reference information (see Appendix 2). For special circumstances not identified in the Policy may be referred to the Director, Operations & Emergency Services or the CAO if necessary. 03.03 City Properties - Half-masting of flags must be effected at all City properties. Culture & Recreation staff will notify the Operations Centre and Fire Halls to ensure flags are attended to accordingly. 03.04 Notification to Staff / Public - Time and circumstances permitting, information will be posted on the City's website for the public's information. An email will be sent by the Office of the CAO notifying staff to enable them to respond to any public enquiries. 04 Displayin.q Flags / Flag Raisings 04.01 The courtesy flagpole at City Hall, only, will be used for the display of flags or flag raisings. (a) Requests for displaying flags and flag raisings, may be approved for: · non-profit or charitable organizations; · recognition of a state visiting the Mayor and Members of Council; and · public awareness campaigns. (b) Requests for displaying of flags and flag approved for: · political parties or political organizations; raisings shall not be Page 6 of 9 I ATTACH E,T# ! TI:] REPORT CITY POLICY/PROCEDURE Approval: Reference: Date Originated: Date Revised: Policy Number: Classification: Category: Subject: 001/001 Policy Title: FLAG PROTOCOL / PROCEDURE 04.02 04.03 · religious organizations or the celebration of religious events; · if the intent is to defame the integrity of Pickering Council; or · if the event or organization has no direct relationship to the City of Picketing. Process for Displaying Flags/Flag Raisings - Requests to use the courtesy flagpole at City Hall must be submitted by application to the Clerk's Division and will be confirmed on a first come, first served basis. Application requests must include the following information: · organization name, address, contact, title, email telephone and fax numbers; · proposed date and time (not to exceed one month); · identify whether request is for displaying a flag raising; and · type of flag to be raised. address, and/or flag The application will also be available on the City's website: cityofpickering.com (See Appendix 2). Notification to Staff / Public - Time and circumstances permitting, information will be posted on the City's website for the public's information. An email will be sent by the Office of the CAO notifying staff to enable them to respond to any public enquiries. O5 05.01 Flag Placement Etiquette Position of Honour - Due consideration shall be given to flag etiquette and precedence whenever the National Flag of Canada or other sovereign national flag or provincial/territorial flag is displayed. Page 7 of 9 IATTACHMEN'r# I TO REPORT CITY POLICY/PROCEDURE Approval: Reference: Date Originated: Date Revised: Policy Number: Classification: Category: Subject: 001/001 Policy Title: FLAG PROTOCOL / PROCEDURE (a) (b) Alone - When the National Flag of Canada is flown alone, on top of, or in front of a building where there are two flagpoles, it should be flown on the flagpole to the left. When the National Flag of Canada is flown alone, on top of, or in front of a building where there are more than two flagpoles, it should be flown as near as possible to the centre. With flags of sovereign nations, provinces/territories, international organizations, cities, companies, etc. -When flown with other flags, all flags should be flown on separate flagpoles and at the same height, all being of the same size, with the National Flag of Canada occupying the position of honour (the National Flag shall not be larger than the other flags). (c) With another flag, the National Flag of Canada should be on the left, and both flags should be at the same height. (d) With three flags - According to the North American Flag Protocol Etiquette, as reported by the Public Works Department in Ottawa, when three flags are displayed, the National Flag of Canada is placed in the centre. While facing the display, (i.e. viewing a building from the street), the Provincial flag is positioned on the left, and the Municipal flag is positioned on the right. (e) No more than one flag shall be displayed on each flagpole. O6 06.01 Half-mastinq for Mourninq (a) The flag is brought to the half-mast position by first raising it to the top of the mast then immediately lowering it slowly to the half-mast position. The position of the flag when flying at half-mast will depend on the size of the flag and the length of the flagstaff. It Page 8 of 9 IAI'I'ACHMENT# I, TO REPORT : ' ! CITY POLICY/PROCEDURE Approval: Reference: Date Originated: Date Revised: Policy Number: Classification: Category: Subject: 001/001 Policy Title: FLAG PROTOCOL / PROCEDURE must be lowered at least to a position recognizably "half-mast" to avoid the appearance of a flag, which has accidentally fallen away from the top of the mast owing to a loose flag rope. (b) Under no circumstances should any flag surrounding the Canadian Flag fly at a higher level than the National Flag of Canada. Hence, all flags will fly at half-mast upon the lowering of the Canadian Flag. (c) When half-masting a flag upon the death of a City employee, only the municipal flag shall be lowered at City Hall. Direction to lower flags at other properties will be determined by the Chief Administrative Officer. 07 Flag Maintenance 07.01 Civic Complex flags shall be checked on a weekly basis to ensure they are in good repair, and shall be replaced semi-annually or as required. Claremont Community Centre and the Museum flags are checked monthly. Flags at Fire Halls are raised and lowered daily and are checked accordingly. 07.02 Flagpoles are to be maintained, painted and replaced as required. Page 9 of 9 IATTACHMENT# I TO REPORT Protocol Resource Contacts Appendix 1 Public Works & Government Services Canada website 613.993.5587 pwgsc.gc.ca Canadian Heritage 819.994.1616 819.994.2453 Government of Ontario Office of International Relations and Protocol (OIRP) Ministry of Economic Trade and Tourism 416.325.8535 416.325.8511 Toronto Protocol Office 416.392.7666 website toronto.ca/protocol email protocol@toronto.on.ca SAMPLE Appendix 2 Please complete this form and return tO ;the City O!:erk, The Cbrpbratio! Esplahade; Ad~iti~ai in-form~tio~ c~ ~e ~btainbd by g the Cie iiO~; ~ ;~ 905 4204611 O~ b~ email Clerk~@~ity.~ic~ering Contact Name Telephone Number Other Contact Numbers (Le. email, fax) Address City Province Postal Code Organization/Group Name Telephone Number Other Contact Numbers (i.e. email, fax) Address City Province Postal Code Are you representing a non-profit or charitable organiz;~t~on? [] yes [] no Is this request for a [] Flag Display [] Flag Raising Ceremony Please describe the purpose of the flag raising ceremony/flag display Date(s) From (dd/mm/yy) Requested To (dd/mm/yy) Type of Flag: Additional Information / Comments Applicant's Signature Date For office useionly!;;ii! [] Approved [] Denied City Clerk's signature Date Notification [] Facilities [] Office of the CAO [] Mayor's Office (to coordinate flag raising ceremony if requested) Personal reformation on this form is collected under the authority of Section 8 of the Municipal Act, S. O. 200~, c. 25, as amended, and shall be used to administer the raising and display of flags for our community. Questions about this collection should be directed to the City Clerk, One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON LlV 6K7, 905.420.461~. CL0405-09/16