HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 14, 2004Statutory Public Information Meeting Agenda Pursuant to the Planning Act Thursday, October 14, 2004 7:00 P.M. Chair: Councillor McLean PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT OPA 04-0021P CITY INITIATED: GROWTH MANAGEMENT STUDY IMPLEMENTATION 3. 4. 5. Explanation of application, as outlined in Information Report #15-04 by Planning Staff. Comments from the applicant. Comments from those having an interest in the application. Response from applicant. Staff response. (11) ADJOURNMENT INFORMATION REPORT NO. 15-04 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF October 14, 2004 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Pickering Official Plan Amendment OPA 04-002/P City Initiated: Growth Management Study Implementation City of Pickering 1.0 2.0 AREA LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION the proposed amendment applies to lands generally bounded by the C.P. Rail line to the south, York-Durham Townline Road to the west, Highway 7 to the north, and Sideline 16/Pickering-Ajax boundary to the east; these lands comprise the Growth Management Study Area and are identified on Attachment #1; the amendment area is divided by the West Duffins Creek, which sits in a wide, deep forested valley; the area is also traversed by a number of smaller stream corridors including the Whitevale, Ganatsekiagon, Urfe and Brougham Creeks in the east (the Seaton lands) and the Petticoat and Altona Creeks in the west (the Cherrywood lands); the area is predominantly rural in character; the rural settlements of Cherrywood and Whitevale are within the subject area while the Hamlets of Brougham and Green River abut the northern boundary of the subject area. BACKGROUND - in December 2002, Council approved the Terms of Reference for the Growth Management Study, which focused on 10 Principles that express Pickering's priorities in land use and development decision-making for the subject area; in addition, the Terms of Reference emphasize an 'Environment First' approach to the Growth Management Study; - in February 2003, Council selected a multidisciplinary consulting team, led by Dillon Consulting Limited, to complete the 3-phase Study; Information Report No. 15-04 Page 2 3.0 3.1 3.2 - in June 2003, the Consulting Team completed Phase 1, which focused on developing an Environmental System to form the framework for all future development in the subject area; - Phase 2 was competed in February 2004, which analyzed the background reports to develop a Structure Plan to accommodate Pickering's future population and employment growth over the next 20 years; approximately one-third of this new population growth would be accommodated through intensification and infill in south Pickering; the recommended Structure Plan creates a compact transit supportive community capable of accommodating approximately 76,900 persons within 24,800 dwelling units and a broad range of employment opportunities for approximately 33,000 people, while providing an extensive greenspace system; - in June 2004, Council endorsed the Structure Plan as the basis for preparing official plan amendments, and authorized staff to examine a work program for Phase 3 - Neighbourhood Plans of the Growth Management Study; - this Information Report presents the draft official plan amendment that would incorporate the concepts from the Council endorsed Structure Plan. OFFICIAL PLANS Durham Regional Official Plan - the Durham Regional Official Plan designates the Seaton portion of the Study Area as Living Area and Employment Area and the Agricultural Assembly portion as Permanent Agricultural Reserve and Major Open Space System; - a Regional Node h for a proposed Durham College campus and a Main Central Area designation is also located on the Seaton lands; - a network of Type A, B, and C arterial roads are also designated; Pickerinq Official Plan the Pickering Official Plan designates the Seaton lands as the Seaton Urban Study Area and Natural Areas, and the Agricultural Assembly lands as Agricultural Areas and Natural Areas, on Schedule I - Land Use Structure; also on Schedule I, the remaining part of Deferral 31 relating to the Lamoreaux Neighbourhood is shown; the Seaton Urban Study Area policies require the community to be a compact urban area, the preparation of neighbourhood plans and phasing strategies, and other matters relating to community development; in addition to conservation, passive and similar recreational uses, the Natural Areas designation permits agricultural uses outside of valley and stream corridors, wetlands, environmentally sensitive areas, and areas of natural and scientific interest; Information Report No. 15-04 Page 3 3.3 4.0 in the Agricultural Areas designation, permissible uses include primary agricultural uses and complementary and supportive agricultural uses such as agricultural industries, home businesses; farm-related businesses and other farm-related businesses; the Schedule II- Transportation Network designates an arterial road system within the study area, the arterial road alignments have been deferred pending the results of the Growth Management Study; for reference, copies of Schedules I and II are attached (see Attachments #2 and #3); Greenbelt Protection Act the Act establishes a one-year moratorium that prevents new "urban uses" outside of existing "urban settlement areas" boundaries on rural and agricultural lands within the Greenbelt Study Area; the Act does not preclude the City from initiating an amendment to its Official Plan; however, it would prevent the City from adopting an official plan amendment to permit urban uses on the Cherrywood lands, during the one-year moratorium. CITY INITIATED AMENDMENT TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN 4.1 General Overview the City of Pickering proposes to amend the Pickering Official Plan in order to implement the Council endorsed Structure Plan for the Growth Management Study Area; the attached amendment include the following policy and Schedule revisions to the Official Plan (see Appendix I): 1. revise certain lands on Schedule I- Land Use Structure as follows: · replacing the Seaton Urban Study Area designation with the designations of Local Nodes, Community Nodes, Mixed Corridors, Prestige Employment Areas, Low Density Areas and Medium Density Areas (see Attachment #4 for corresponding Tables 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10); · replacing the Agricultural Area designation with the designations of Local Nodes, Community Nodes, Mixed Corridors, Low Density Areas and Medium Density Areas for the Cherrywood lands; · revising the configuration and extent of the NaturalAreas designation; · adding a Major Institutional Node designation and policies to permit a college or university campus; · replacing the Hamlet designation for Cherrywood and the Rural Cluster designation for Cherrywood West and Cherrywood East with new Urban Study Area designations and policies; Information Report No. 15-04 Page 4 5.0 5.1 5.2 6.0 6.1 · replacing the existing Agricultural Area designation around the Hamlet of Whitevale with a new Countryside Area designation that permits non-agricultural related uses; · adding an Urban Study Area designation for the area south of the Hamlet of Brougham; revise Schedule II- Transportation System, to show new arterial road alignments and to delete three Highway 407 overpasses located at Sideline 22, Country Lane, and Brock Road; and add new policies requiring: · the maintenance and enhancement of the Open Space System; · detailed natural heritage system boundaries for the Seaton and Cherrywood communities as part of the neighbourhood planning process; · the development of new residential neighbourhoods to incorporate sustainable design elements. RESULTS OF CIRCULATION Resident Comments as of the writing of this report one area resident has contacted the City to express opposition to the City initiated official plan amendment (see Attachment #5); Agency Comments - no agency comments have been received to date. DISCUSSION Vision the proposed official plan amendment provides a framework for the development of a sustainable, transit-oriented community on the Seaton and Cherrywood lands; as well, the amendment maintains and enhances the natural heritage features and allows for a continuous greenspace linkage between Lake Ontario and the Oak Ridges Moraine; and supports a healthy and vibrant countryside by including a broad range of uses beyond traditional agriculture; Information Report No. 15-04 Page 5 6.2 6.3 6.4 Recommended Land Use - the proposed land use schedule is consistent with the Structure Plan's features relating to the open space system, mixed use areas, employment and urban residential areas; all of the Park and School sites on the Structure Plan are permitted uses in the Active Recreational Area designations as shown on land use schedule of the proposed official plan amendment; a new Major Institutional Node designation is proposed at the intersection of Whites Road and Taunton Road for a university or college campus; - a multitude of mixed use nodes and corridors are designated that provide opportunities for future intensification for the two communities; - the boundaries of the open space system are be further detailed as part of the neighbourhood planning process which reflects the results of a Master Environmental Servicing Report; - new development is required to be compatible with existing heritage structures, features and sites along Whitevale Road; - the proposed Urban Study Area policy for the Hamlet of Cherrywood and for the Cherrywood West and East rural clusters requires a land use and design study to identify appropriate means to integrate redevelopment to the existing character of these settlements; the proposed land use changes will resolve the remaining part of Deferral 31 to the Pickering Official Plan relating to the Lamoreaux Neighbourhood; Recommended Transportation Network the proposed transportation schedule is consistent with the Structure Plan's grid network of arterial roads; Taunton Road, Brock Road, Highway 7 and Whites Road/Sideline 26 are key Type A arterial roads serving the two communities; the Whitevale Road by-pass, Rossland Road extension, Altona Road and the York-Durham Line are intended to provide Type B arterial road service; the remaining roads shown on the transportation schedule will provide neighbourhood level service through Type C arterial road or collector road function; the proposed arterial road network will resolve Deferrals 8,11,14,38,39,42 and 48 to the Pickering Official Plan relating to road and transit spine designations within the subject area; Other Matters for Consideration several areas of the Structure Plan were identified for further detailed review in Report PD 22-04, which was received by Council last June; staff's review of these areas are highlighted in Appendix II, which identifies the areas where no changes, changes, and further review are recommended; all outstanding matters will continue to be reviewed and any subsequent changes incorporated in the final official plan amendment. Information Report No. 15-04 Page 6 7.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION 7.1 Official Plan Amendment Approval Authority the Region of Durham is the approval authority for local official plan amendments when there is a regional official plan amendment required; 7.2 General written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; if you wish to be notified of Council's adoption of any official plan amendment, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk; if you wish to be notified of the decision of the Region of Durham with respect to the proposed amendment to the official plan, you must make a written request to the Commissioner of Planning, Region of Durham Planning Department. 8.0 OTHER INFORMATION 8.1 Appendix I proposed City-initiated Pickering Official Plan Amendment to implement the Council endorsed Structure Plan of the Growth Management Study; 8.2 Appendix II - Council endorsed Structure Plan Matters under Review. Grant McGregor, MCIP, RI~P Principal Planner- Policy Catherine L. Rose, MCIP, RPP Manager, Policy GM:jf Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development APPENDIX NO. I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 15-04 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE: The purpose of this amendment is to implement the Recommended Structure Plan for the Growth Management Study Area. The proposed land use changes will also resolve the remaining part of Deferral 31 relating to the Lamoreaux Neighbourhood. In addition, the proposed transportation changes in the amendment will resolve Deferrals 3, 8, 11, 14, 38, 39, 42, and 48 to the Pickering Official Plan. These Deferrals relate to the road and transit spine designations within the study area with the exception of Deferral 3, which relates to deferred Regional Node polices. LOCATION: The Amendment affects an area bounded by the CP Rail line to the south, the York-Durham Townline Road to the west, Highway7 to the north, and Sideline 16/Pickering-Ajax boundary to the east. BASIS: In May 2002, Council initiated a Growth Management Study (GMS) to identify future urban growth options in central Pickering. In December 2002, Council approved a Terms of Reference, which were prepared with the assistance of a Working Group made up of staff and Council from the City, staff from other organizations, affected landowners (including the Province of Ontario) and members of the public. In February 2003, Council selected a multidisciplinary consulting team, led by Dillon Consulting Limited, to complete the 3-phase Study. The Consulting Team completed Phase 1 in June 2003, and Phase 2 in February 2004. On March 1, 2004, Council endorsed for consultation the Phase 2 Reports and directed staff to circulate the Reports to appropriate agencies and the public, for review and comment. At its meeting of June 29, 2004, Council passed Resolution #100/04, which in part included: receiving Phase 2 of the Growth Management Study, endorsing the Structure Plan as the basis for preparing official plan amendments, and adopting a number of other policy recommendations. The Structure Plan proposes urban development to accommodate about 77,000 people and 33,000 jobs including lands in both the Seaton and Cherrywoood communities. Proposed Amendment to the Pickering Official Plan Page 2 PROPOSED AMENDMENT: The Pickering Official Plan is hereby amended by: Amending Schedule I - Land Use Structure for the lands subject to the proposed amendment by replacing the "Seaton Urban Study Area" designation with the designations of "Local Nodes, Community Nodes, Mixed Corridors, Prestige Employment, Low Density Areas, Medium Density Areas, and Active Recreational Areas" for tho Seaton lands; · increasing the amount and revising the pattern of the "Natural Areas" designation for the Seaton lands; · replacing the "Agricultural Area" designation with the designations of "Local Nodes, Community No&s, Mixed Corridors, Low Density Areas, Medium Density Areas, Major Institutional Node and Active Recreational Areas" for the Cherrywood lands; · increasing the amount and revising the pattern of the "Natural Areas" designation for the Cherrywood lands; · replacing the "Agricultural Areas" designation with the "Countryside Areas" designation for lands surrounding the Hamlet of Whitevale and for the area generally east of the Picketing/Markham boundary; · replacing the "Rural Hamlet" designation for the Hamlet of Cherrywood and the "Rural Cluster" designation for Cherrywood East and Cherrywood West with "Urban Study Areas" designations; · adding an "Urban Study Areas" designation for an area south of the Hamlet of Brougham; and · replacing the words "Seaton Urban Study Area" with the words "Countryside Areas" under Other Designations and replacing the words "Regional Nodes" and "Regional Node 1" with the words "Major Institutional Node" in the Land Use Structure legend; as illustrated on Schedule 'A' attached to this Amendment Amending Schedule II- Transportation System for the roads subject to the proposed amendment by revising the pattern of Type A, B, and C arterial roads and deleting Highway 407 overpasses as illustrated on Schedule 'B' attached to this Amendment. Proposed Amendment to the Pickering Official Plan Page 3 = Amending the text of the Official Plan by: 3.1 Revising Section 2.8 (b) so that it now reads as follows: For planning purposes, City Council shall consider the following areas as Pickering's urban system: (a) ...; (b) lands between the C.P. (Belleville) rail line and Highway 7, west of Sideline 16/Ajax- Picketing boundary, east of the Picketing/Markham boundary, generally known as the Central Picketing Urban Area - Seaton Community and Cherrywood Community; and" (c) 3.2 Delete the existing Section 2.12 referencing the undertaking of a planning exercise for the Seaton Urban Area Study. 3.3 Delete the existing Section 2.13, which identifies interim and ultimate population and employment targets for the Seaton Urban Study Area, with a new section renumbered as 2.12, so that it now reads as follows: "2.13 Proposed Amendment to the Pickering Official Plan Page 4 3.4 City Council supports a population target for the Central Pickering Urban Area of 77,000 people and an employment target of 33,000 jobs for the year 2026." Delete the existing Section 2.14, which identifies a planning exercise for the Seaton Urban Study Area, with a new section renumbered as 2.13, so that it now reads as follows: \~/ 2.13 For the Central Picketing Urban Area, City Council shall, (a) require the development of a livable, transit oriented community; Proposed Amendment to the Pickering Official Plan Page 5 (b) promote a live-work rehtionship by accommodating employment opportunities as follows, (i) primarily in Mixed Use Areas and Employment Areas as designated on Schedule I to this Plan; (ii) Major Institutional Node; and (iii) as home occupations in Urban Residential Areas; (c) create residential neighbourhoods, which incorporate the best community planning and sustainable design practices while protecting and enhancing the area's natural heritage features; (d) establish a major institutional node for a future university and/or college campus; (e) require the establishment of appropriate neighbourhood phasing strategies prior to permitting residential development; (f) require the landowners to enter into satisfactory financial arrangements to ensure that there is no undue financial burden on the City or Region respecting the provision of water, sewer, and roads, together with storm drainage works; (g) establish and maintain an open space system, which includes both significant natural heritage features and other lands providing required corridor, linkage and buffer functions; (h) require the boundaries and extent of the open space system generally delineated on Schedule I to be further detailed as part of the neighborhood planning process to reflect the results of a Master Environmental Servicing Plan; (i) require, as part of the neighbourhood planning process, the natural heritage features in the area to be protected and enhanced where possible; (j) recognize the heritage character of the Whitevale Road Corridor, and to this end require the design of new development to be compatible with existing heritage structures, features and sites; (k) require new development adjacent to the Hamlet of Cherrywood and to the clusters of Cherrywood West and Cherrywood East to demonstrate appropriate transitional design and compatibility with the area's existing character, and Proposed Amendment to the Pickering Official Plan Page 6 3.5 3.6 (1) require the community to be built in such a way that adequate flexibility is provided to accommodate on-going evolution and innovation." Deleting existing Sections 2.15 and 2.16 in their entirety as follows: "2.15 o 1/_ Revising Table 2 by replacing the "Regional Node" row with a new "Major Institutional Node" row and replacing the words "Seaton Urban Study Area" with the words "Countryside Areas" under the Land Use Subcategories row so that Table 2 now reads as follows: Proposed Amendment to the Pickering Official Plan Page 7 TABLE 2 LAND USE CRITERIA FOR DETERMINING LAND USE CATEGORY SUBCATEGORIES SUBCATEGORIES Open Space The area's ability to withstand human Natural Areas System activity without impairing significant Active Recreational ecological functions or endangering human Areas ....................................................... !!.f~,/..~.?.~.~ ............................................................................................................ ,~..~.. ......................................... Mixed Use The location, scale and relative number of Local Nodes Areas people served by the Mixed Use Area Community Nodes Mixed Corridors Downtown Core Major not applicable no subcategories Institutional Node Employment The intended mix of uses, operational General Employment Areas requirements, and design/performance Prestige Employment ...................................................... ~..,u...n..d.~.. ,.o. ~..~...,.a. ~.~ .................................................................................. .~!~..d....~....m..~..!...o.~.?...t. ................. Urban The minimum and maximum number of Low Density Areas Residential residential dwellings permissible in the area Medium Density Areas .... ..Ar~....a..s. ....................................................................................................................................................................................... . .H....!g~.h...~.n...s..!~.. ,.A~c....a..s' ................... Rural The relative size, mix of uses, and character Country Residential Settlements of the settlement Rural Clusters Rural Hamlets Freeways The opportunity to accommodate additional Potential Multi-Use and Major uses or activities in the area Areas Utilities Controlled Access Areas Agricultural not applicable no subcategories Areas Countryside not applicable no subcategories Areas Potential not applicable no subcategories .... ,~,.m..,o..~.S..!t.~ ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... i Study Areas The location of the area, either urban or Urban Study Areas i .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. ~..u.....=....!....S.~..d..~..~...a..~ ........................... 3.7 Revising Section 3.7 by replacing the "Regional Nodes" designation with a new "Major Institutional Node" designation and adding new text so that it now reads as follows: "3.7 City Council, (a) shall recognize a Major Institutional Node on Schedule I, as the area in Picketing intended to accommodate a future college or university campus; Proposed Amendment to the Pickering Official Plan Page 8 (b) may zone lands designated Major Institutional Node for one or more purposes as set out in Table 7, and in so doing will apply appropriate performance standards, restrictions and provisions." 3.8 Revising Table 7 by replacing the "Regional Nodes" designation with a new "Major Institutional Node" designation and replacing "Permissible Uses" so that it now reads as follows: TABLE 7 Permissible Uses Designation (~estrictions and limitations on the uses permissible, arising from other policies of this Plan, will be detailed in zoning by-laws.) Major Institutional Node College or University Campus Limited offices, and limited retailing of goods and services including restaurants in association with a college or university campus; Residential uses in association with a college or university campus. 3.9 Renumber existing Section 3.12 as Section 3.13 and Table 13 as Table 14 and add a new Section 3,12 and Table 13 as follows: "3.12 City Council, (a) shall recognize as Countryside Areas on Schedule I, those lands in close proximity to the urban area where a broad range of uses beyond traditional agriculture are permitted; and (b) shall zone lands designated Countryside Areas to permit agricultural and non- agricultural related uses as set out in Table 13, and in so doing will apply appropriate performance standards, restrictions and provisions." Proposed Amendment to the Pickering Official Plan Page 9 TABLE 13 Permissible Uses Designation (Restrictions and limitations on the uses permissible, arising from other policies of this Plan, will be detailed in zoning by-laws.) CountxTside All uses permissible in Agricultural Areas; Areas Agritourism and non-agricultural related uses, such as country inns, bed &: breakfasts, farmhouse dining rooms, rural theatres, count~' spas, craft markets and antique stores. 3.10 Deleting Section 3.13 and Table 14 in their entirety. 3.11 Adding a new Section 3.17 as follows: "3.17 City Council shall recognize as an Urban Study Area on Schedule I, lands located south of the Hamlet of Brougham, north of Highway 407, and Proposed Amendment to the Pickering Official Plan Page 10 3.12 3.13 (a) shall consider eliminating the Study Area designation following completion of a land use study that addresses, (i) the ownership of lands; (ii) long term compatibility of uses with the future Picketing Airport; (iii) future servicing potential; and (iv) the impact of the Highway 407 and the Brock Road interchange; and (b) considering the results of the above study, shall establish, by amendment to this Plan, appropriate land use designations and policies." Adding a new Section 3.18 as follows: "3.18 City Council shall recognize as Urban Study Areas on Schedule I, the Hamlet of Cherrywood at Rosebank Road, the larger Cherrywood West Cluster on the west side of Altona Road, and the smaller Cherrywood East Cluster east of Whites Road, and, (a) shall consider eliminating the Study Area designation following completion of a land use and design study that, (i) identifies an appropriate means of integrating redevelopment with the existing character of Cherrywood and area, following the extension of full municipal servicing to these areas; and (b) considering the results of the above study, shall establish, by amendment to this Plan, appropriate land use designations and policies." Revising Section 4.15 by deleting subsections (a)(i), (ii), (iv), and (b) and renumber the remaining subsections a(iii), a(v), a(vi) and (c) as a(i), a(ii), a(iii) and (b) respectively so that it now reads as follows: "4.15 City Council requests the Region of Durham to implement the following, (a) re-examination of its proposed arterial mad system as shown in the Durham Regional Official Plan, Proposed Amendment to the Pickering Official Plan Page 11 3.14 Revising Section 7.4 by replacing the words "Seaton Urban Study _Mca" with the words "Central Picketing Urban Area" so that it now reads as follows: To help ensure community services planning is properly integrated and co-ordinated with municipal land use planning, City Council, when preparing Development Guidelines for Detailed Review Areas, and/or as part of the detailed planning for the Central Picketing Urban Area, shall consider,..." IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. Deferrals 12, 44 and 15: Policies 4.15(a)(¥)(ii), and 4.15~) and (c)(b)deferred for fmiher study SCHEDULE 'A' PROPOSED AMENDMENT - GROWTH MANAGEMENT STUDY AREA EXTRACT OF SCHEDULE ! TO THE ~ICKERING OPEN S~^OE SYSTEM OFFICIAL PLAN 1 NATURAL AREA, ACTIVERECREATIONAL AREAS UPDATED EDITION 3 SHEET 1 OF 3 IMARINA AREAS MIXED USE AREAS ILOCAL NODES ICOMMUNITY NODES MIXED CORR}DORS NODE LAND USE STRUCTURE EMPLOYMENT AREAS ~ GENERAL EMPLOYMENT ~ PRESTIGE EMPLOYMENT ~ MIXED EMPLOYMENT URBAN RESIDENTIAL AREAS LOW DENSITY AREAS ~ MEDIUM DENSITY AREAS HIGH DENSITY AREAS RURAL SETTLEMENTS IRURAL CLUSTERS IRURAL HAMLETS FREEWAYS AND MAJOR UTILITIES I POTENTIAL MULTI--USE AREAS I CONTROLLED ACCESS AREAS OTHER DESIGNATIONS COUNTRYSIDE I MAJOR INSTITUTIONAL NODE I URBAN STUDY AREAS I~ AGRICULTURAL AREAS I~ DEFERRALS I~ APPEALS ~ ~ FEDERAL AIRPORt LANDS O RURAL STUDY AREAS $ .~,HEDULE PROPOSED AMENDMENT GROWTH MANAGEMENT STUDY AREA SEVENTH ROAD RO&D i~ Z AMENDMENT AREA SHOWING PROPOSED ROAD DESIGNATIONS EXTRACT OF SCHEDULE IE TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN UPDATED EDITION 3 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM EXISTING FUTURE m FREEWAYS m I I I :-~:::~' ~ ~YPE A ARTERIAL ROADS ~,~ I TYPE B ARTERIAL ROADS IIIII ~ 1YPE C ARTERIAL ROADS O FREEWAY INTERCHANGES 00 STATIONS TRANSIT FEEDER SERVICE DEFERRALS APPENDIX NO. II TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 15-04 COUNCIL ENDORSED STRUCTURE PLAN MATTERS UNDER REVIEW COUNCIL ENDORSED STRUCTURE PLAN Matters Under Review 1. Land Use and Urban Boundary Details Staff Recommendations -consider relocating the Major Institutional Pending further review. Node from Whites Road and Taunton Road to the north-east and south-east corners of Taunton Road and Townline Road and replacing it with Mixed Use Corridors - conservative amount of retail space designated; consider switching locations of Mixed Use, Local Nodes and Community Nodes; examine need for increased floor areas compared with current official plan; consider converting Mixed Use Areas along Brock Road, south of Fifth Concession Road, to employment uses; consider more intense land use, such as Mixed Use Corridors, around proposed GO Station on west side of Whites Road; consider redesignating narrow strips of land between hydro corridor and pipeline from Mixed Use Areas to Natural Heritable Corridor;, consider increasing open space or adding other buffer land use between both the existing residential in Hamlets of Green River and Brougham, and the proposed Employment Areas; consider precise list of permissible uses in Countryside, including wind and solar energy farms; establish precise location of urban boundary following refinements to land use. Pending further review. Pending further review.. Change by adding a Mixed Use Corridorto permit intensification of uses around proposed GO Station. No change required. Retain the Mixed Use Areas designation. Change by adding an open space buffer between the Hamlets of Green River and Brougham and the proposed Prestige Employment Areas. Change by adding wind and solar energy farms in the Countryside designation. Proposed OPA already incorporates a range of countryside uses. No change required. Urban boundary delineated in Durham Regional Official Plan. 2. Road Linkages and Details Transportation revisit design of Whites Road / Taunton Road / Sideline 26 intersections (conflict between grade separation for continuous vehicular movement and adjacent land use and urban design objectives); consider extension of a road north-west from Whites Road and Taunton Road intersection to link with the Fourth Concession Road, and designation of that connection; design and spacing of intersections between Third Concession Road extension / Sideline 22 northerly extension / rail crossing, and Dixie Road northerly extension intersection with Third Concession extension; precise locations of West Duffins Creek crossing of Third Concession extension; precise locations of rail crossing; consider changing the designation of part of Regional Road 27 (Altona Road, north of proposed Whitevale By-pass, and west to Townline Road) from a Type B to a Type C arterial; consider changing designation of Townline Road south of Taunton Road / Steeles Avenue to a two-lane Type C (instead of Type B) arterial; consider changing the designation on Sideline 22 (proposed Highway 407 interchange) between Highway 7 and at least the first collector, if not further south, from Type C to a higher level of arterial; consider minor (0.5 km) westerly shift of proposed Sideline 26 / 407 interchange in consultation with the GTAA and Durham Region; consider adding a proposed overpass/underpass between Highway 7 and collector south of Highway 407; consider shifting entire Type A arterial shown on Sideline 26 west, off the existing sideline, in light of both GTAA's findings and to maintain existing sideline as local road; consider jog elimination for Whitevale By-pass - 14th Avenue connection in Pickering, rather than Markham. Proposed Changes Pending further review. Pending further review. Change by adding creek crossings and and spacing. a policy relating to intersection design Pending further review. No change required. Type B designation appropriate for Townline Road. Pending further review. Change by relocating Sideline 26/Highway 407 interchange westward. Pending further review. Change the location of the Type A arterial road west of Sideline 26. No change required. EA will determine alignment. 2 Natural and Cultural Heritage review the proposed location of Natural Heritage Corridor between Countryside and urban designations of Cherrywood community; review mapping of creek east of the community park and high school showing closer natural heritage connection on Plan than in field; review proximity of corridor connection to Rouge Park and intersection of Townline Road and Steeles Avenue/Taunton Road; consider possible alternative natural corridor to north and east, also creating possible connection to Rouge Park North; consider adding a "special policy" for the Lamoreaux Neighbourhood to reflect the significance this area has for First Nations; review specific requirement for 600 metre width corridors in urban area; consider using ecological criteria for determining corridor and buffer widths, rather than minimum standards; in higher intensity areas, consider reduced buffer widths where ecologically acceptable to achieve intensity of use, urban design objectives, etc.; - consider some rounding out/squaring off within natural heritage system; consider policy on interface of new Cherrywood community with Rouge Park; consider increasing open space around the tributary at the east edge of Green River (which supports a segment of the Seaton Trail), and establishing appropriate buffer between the creek and lands identified as Employment Areas. Proposed Changes Pending further review. Pending further review. Pending further review. Pending further review. Change by adding a new policy respecting the significance or area to the First Nations. No change required. However, proposed OPA designates the corridor as Active Recreation Areas, which permit active recreational, community and cultural uses and other related uses. No change required. Proposed OPA incorporates a policy requiring the boundaries and extent of the open space system to be further detailed as part of the neighbourhood planning process. However, the buffer widths associated with natural heritage features will be maintained and enhanced. No change required. Proposed OPA incorporates a policy requiring the boundaries and extent of the open space system to be further detailed as part of the neighbourhood planning process. No change required. Proposed OPA allows flexibility at detailed neighborhood planning stage. Change by adding appropriate policy. Change by increasing open space buffer and establishing appropriate buffer between the creek and Employment Area lands. 3 4. Miscellaneous - examine all other issues that may result from the review of the items outlined above, comments made during discussion or review at public meeting, and other comments received; consider appropriate land use designations for Provincially owned lands north of the hamlet of Green River; consider widening the range of permissible institutional uses in Major Institutional Node designation. Proposed Changes To be determined. Pending further review. Pending further review. I:\GMSAArnendment\GMS Area\Recommended Structure Plan GMS Chart2.doc -4- ~~ Gt~O~/~H I~AE1AGEME~IT ~~ ~ TU!)-Y AREA ~ City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION CON. 2, PT. LOTS 24-35, CON. 3 LOTS 25-3§, PT LOTS 17-24, CON 4, LOTS 17-35, CON. 5 LOTS 17-35 ~ OWNER VARIOUS DATE SEPT. 10, 2004 DRAWN BY JB FILENo. OPA04-O02P SCALE 1:5000 CHECKED BY GM FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN-RURAL PA- EXISTING OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AREA SHOWING EXISTING LAND USE DESIGNATIONS ExTRAcT OF SCHEDULE ! TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN UPDATED EDITION 3 SHEET 1 OF 3 OPEN SPACE SYSTEM INATURAL AREAS I ACTIVE RECREATIONAL AREAS IMARINA AREAS MIXED USE AREAS ILOCAL NODES ICOMMUNITY NODES I M IXED CORRIDORS SPECIAL~Y RETAILING NODE I DOWNTOWN CORE REGIONAL NODES IREGIONAL NODE 1 LAND USE STRUCTURE EMPLOYMENT AREAS FREEWAYS AND MAJOR UTILITIES GENERAL EMPLOYMENT I POTENTIAL MULTI--USE AREAS I~ PRESTIGE EMPLOYMENT I CONTROLLED ACCESS AREAS ~ MIXED EMPLOYMENT OTHER DESIGNATIONS URBAN RESIDENTIAL AREAS I URBAN STUDY AREAS LOW DENSI~ AREAS SEATON URBAN STUDY AREA ~ MEDIUM DENSIT~ AREAS ~i AGRICULTURAL AREAS  H IGH DENSITY AREAS RURAL SETTLEMENTS I RURAL CLUSTERS IRURAL HAMLETS DEFERRALS II~II Appeals FEDERAL AIRPORT LANDS EXISTING OFFICIAL PLAN ROAD ROAD D39 AMENDMENT AREA SHOWING EXISTING ROAD DESIGNATIONS EXTRACT OF SC~IEDULE J~ TO THE IPICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN UPDATED EDITION 3 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM FUTURE EXISTING TYPE B ARTER}AL ROADS I I I I ~ FREEWAY INTERCHANGES ¢~) RAILWAYS GO NAIL GO STATIONS TRANSIT SPINES TRANSIT FEEDER SERVfCE DEFERRALS FUTURE Selected Table Extracts from the Pickering Official Plan TABLE 5 Mixed Use Areas Permissible Uses Subcategory (Restrictions and limitations on the uses permissible, arising from other ........................................................................................................... ~..°.~!~.!£~.~..~.~!~.."..:~!D~..d.~...u..!!~.d...L"..~?~.n.~z:~.~....). ................................ · Local Nodes Residential; Retailing of goods and services generally serving the needs of the surrounding neighbourhoods; Offices and restaurants; Community, cultural and recreational uses. Community Nodes All uses permissible in Local Nodes, at a larger scale and intensity, and serving a broader area. Mixed Corridors All uses permissible in Local Nodes and Community Nodes, at a scale and intensity equivalent to Community Nodes; Special purpose commercial uses. Specialty Retailing Hotels; Node Special Purpose commercial uses such as: large format retailers (including large format food stores and large format discount stores); retail warehouses; membership clubs; theme and/or specialty retailers; automotive uses; and, ancillary retailing of other goods and services including restaurants; Limited offices; Community, cultural and recreational uses; Limited residential development at higher densities as an integral part of an overall development scheme. Downtown Core Ail uses permissible in Local Nodes and Community Nodes, at the greatest scale and intensity in the City, serving City-wide and regional levels; Special purpose commercial uses. ATI~ACHMENT #~Tb TABLE 6 Mixed Use Maximum and Minimum Maximum Gross Maximum Areas Net Residential Density Leasable Floorspace for Floorspace Index Subcategory (in dwellings per hectare) the Retailing of Goods (total building and Services floorspace divided (in square metres) by total lot area) Local Nodes over 30 and up to and up to and including 10,000 up to and including including 80 2.0 FSI Community over 80 and up to and up to and including 20,000 up to and including Nodes including 140 2.5 FSI Mixed over 30 and up to and determined by site-specific up to and including Corridors including 140 zoning 2.5 FSI Specialty over 80 and up to and determined by site-specific up to and including Retailing including 180 zoning 2.5 FSI Node Downtown over 80 and up to and up to and including 300,000 up to and including Core including 180 3.0 FSI ATTACHMENT TABLE 8 Employment Areas Permissible Uses Subcategory (Restrictions and limitations on the uses permissible, arising from other policies of this Plan, will be detailed in zoning by-laws.) General Manufacturing, assembly, processing of goods, service industries, research Employment and development facilities, warehousing, storage of goods and materials, waste transfer and recycling, waste processing, freight transfer, transportation facilities, automotive and vehicle sales and repai~, Offices as a minor component of an industrial operation or serving the area, limited personal service uses serving the area, restaurants serving the area, retail sales as a minor component of an industrial operation; Community, cultural and recreational uses, and other uses with similar performance characteristics that are more appropriately located in the employment area. Prestige Light manufacturing, assembly and processing of goods, light service Employment industries, research and development facilities, warehousing, equipment and vehicle suppliers, automotive and vehicle sales and repai~; Offices, corporate office business parks, limited personal service uses serving the area, restaurants serving the area, retail sales as a minor component of an industrial operation, hotels, financial institutions serving the area; Community, cultural and recreational uies, and other uses with similar performance characteristics that are more appropriately located in the employment area. Mixed All uses permissible in prestige employment areas; Employment Limited retailing of goods and services serving the area. TABLE 9 Permissible Uses (Restrictions and Designation limitations on the uses permissible, arising from other policies of this Plan, will be detailed in zoning by-laws.) Urban Residential Residential uses, home occupations, limited Areas offices serving the area, and limited retailing of goods and services serving the area; Community, cultural and recreational uses; Compatible employment uses, and compatible special purpose commercial uses serving the area. TABLE 10 Residential Area Maximum and Minimum Net Residential Density Subcategory (in dwellings per net hectare) Low Density Area up to and including 30 Medium Density Area over 30 and up to and including 80 High Density Area over 80 and up to and including 140 I:~GMSAAmendment\GMS Area\Selected Tab[es Exlract.doc Rose, Catherine ATTACHM~.T #~TO i~'o~o~ ~-~r#_/.5'- o ~/. Page 1 of 3 From: Sent: To: Cc: Jim Thompson [jimc.thompson@sympatico.ca] September 29, 2004 4:42 PM Clerks Web Email Rose, Catherine; Melymuk, Thomas; Ryan, David, Mayor; McLean, Bill, Councillor; Johnson, Rick, Councillor; Pickles, David, Councillor; Brenner, Maurice, Councillor; Ashe, Kevin, Councillor Subject: Pickering OPA Thank you for your recent mailing, dated 17th September, 2004, concerning the proposed Picketing Official Plan Amendments, coming as a result of the Growth Management Study, and the Notice of the Public Meeting to be held respecting this proposal on Thursday 14th October, 2004. I regret thru I will be unable to attend the Meeting since I am travelling in the USA from the 4th to the 15th October, 2004. Please accept this as my interest in this matter and my wish to be notified of subsequent meetings on this and related matters. I would be grateful if you could either send me a copy of the Information Report, referred to on page 3 of your mailing, by email, fax or mail, or hold a copy for me for pickup by me after I return. My home mailing address is: 437 Churchwin Street, Whitevale, Ontario, L0H 1M0 (fax 905-294-1213). I am copying this to the Planning Department, with additional comments on the GMS and the proposed Amendments below. Thank you James C. Thompson 905-294-8288 To: The Picketing Planning and Development Department 30/09/2004 Page 2 of 3 I have written and spoken several times on the subject of the GMS, so that my views are probably now quite well known. Hence, I will not repeat all the arguments here. Nevertheless, I must restate my opposition to many aspects of the GMS, notably the proposals contained therein for massive development west of the West Duffins Creek. Although you, and the City politicians, have assured the public many times that the GMS is an open, unbiased and independent review, the whole process, being funded by the developers and speculators who will stand to gain most from it, is basically suspect and flawed. Nothing that you can ever say will convince me otherwise! I continue to be most concerned about the stand-offbetween the Municipal, Regional and Provincial Governments on this matter. Unless there are already deals worked out behind the scenes, of which there are increasing rumours and speculation, the diverging and contradictory paths being taken by the City and the Province are destructive and a waste of time, effort and money. If there are deals in the offing, then all levels of Government should 'come clean' on these and let the public know. While there is a great deal in the GMS to which I am opposed, I have to say that recent announcements by the Province are also very worrying and do not give any greater cause for confidence in a satisfactory outcome to be provided by that level of governance. This whole sordid mess reminds me of two jaded street-walkers (Mesdames Pick and Ont) vying for the favours of one client (the Public). The client dOes not like the look of or relish the favours of either, but in extremis may be forced into an unpalatable choice. With the announcement of the land swap involving Seaton and the Oak Ridges Moraine, so that Seaton lands will now be in the hands of developers as much as those in the Permanent Agricultural Preserve, both madams now have their pimps to back them up. If I said sordid mess, I meant it. Since I am unable to support the GMS, it will not surprise you that I cannot therefore support amendments to the Official Plan that will start to put in place the structure of the GMS. I certainly cannot support any of the proposals that relate to the lands west of the West Duffins Creek. Given the unsatisfactory and contradictory nature of both the GMS and Provincial proposals for lands east of the West Duffins Creek, I cannot support amendments relating to Seaton either. When the time comes, I will urge Council to reject all such amendments. The only specific item that I will suggest to you about the proposed amendments is that the proposed new Section 3.17 be modified as follows: (a)(ii) the long term compatibility of uses with "a possible future Picketing Airport". [the text refers to "the future Pickering Airport", giving an impression of certainly that this will happen. The GTAA has not yet released its proposals, and there is a lot of water to flow through a lot of environmentally sensitive creeks before any form of Pickering Airport becomes a reality. Table 2 refers to the "Potential Airport Site", which is as far as anyone should go at this stage.] 30/09/2004 Page 3 of 3 ATrACHME~IT # ~_~._.TO IN~'ORt~TION R~ORT #~ (a)(iv) the impact of the Highway 407 and the Brock Road interchange, and extension of Highway 407 to the east; and By the way, the two maps, Schedules "A" and "B", illustrating the proposed amendments both show Highway 407 as a dashed line, indicating that it is in the future. Does this mean that it can be removed? Where do I sign up? Is the area marked D35 on your maps indicating where you think the airport might be? Has Pickering already made a behind the scenes deal with the GTAA? c.c. City Council 30/09/2004