HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 37-04PICKERING REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CS 37-04 Date: September 27, 2004 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Tender / Contract Approval Councils' Summer Recess Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 37-04 reporting on tendering and contract approvals during Councils' Summer Recess be received and that; Council pass a resolution ratifying the approval of the Tenders and Contracts contained in this Report by the Chief Administrative Officer during Council's summer recess (i.e., from June 28 to July 26, 2004 and from July 27, 2004 to September 13, 2004) being Tender No. T-5-2004, and the quotation for two (2) Chevrolet Cavaliers for Fire Services - Fire Protection Division. Executive Summary: Not applicable Financial Implications: Not applicable Background: On May 21, 2002 Council passed Resolution #80/02 Item 4 authorizing the Chief Administrative Officer act in Council's approving capacity on behalf of Council during any recess, break or absence of City Council, which states in part: "2. That, subject to the Council approved Purchasing Policy & Procedures, the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to act in Council's approval capacity on behalf of Council during any recess, break or absence of City Counc# on the condition that: (a) such actions are in compliance with the Purchasing Policy & Procedure as approved under Resolution 136/02; and (b) the costs thereof are within the budget previously approved by Council; and (c) a report respecting those approvals is subsequently submitted to Council. Report CS 37-04 Subject: Tender / Contract Approvat - Councils' Summer Recess Date: September 27, 2004 Page 2 Council also passed Resolution 85/00, Item 1 on June 5, 2000 authorizing the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be given the authority to recommend and approve project financing to the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer for projects contained in the annual capital budget or current budget, during recesses of City Council. Circumstances were such that one tender and one informal quotation were required to be approved by the Chief Administrative Officer during Council's summer 2004 recess. It is recommended that Council receive this Report for information and ratify the approval of Tender No. T-5-2004, and the quotation for two (2) Chevrolet Cavaliers for Fire Protection of the Fire Services Division, all of which conformed to the conditions as set out in Resolution #80/02 Item 4. Therefore, under authority of the foregoing, the following was approved by the Chief Administrative Officer during the "summer recess" of Council: T-5-2004 - Tender for St. Mary Runninq Track Approved Capital Budget Financing- 2004 Capital Budget Parks Project 2003 Capital Budget Parks Carryover - Tax Levy Additional Funds Requested From School Board Total Funding Available $150,000 $ 65,000 $ 70,000 $285,000 Total Estimated Net Project Cost (Tendered Amount Miscellaneous and Associated Costs excluding GST) $278,191 Project Costs (over) under Approved Funds $6;809 Fire Services - Fire Protection - Vehicle Replacement Approved Capital Budget Financing -2004 Capital Budget Vehicles $ 30,000 Total Net Cost excludin9 GST $ 30~ 160 Project Cost (over) under Approved Funds $ 1 Report CS 37-04 Subject: Tender / Contract Approval - Councils' Summer Recess Date: September 27, 2004 Page 3 Attachments: 1. Memorandum dated August 16, 2004 2. Memorandum dated August 4, 2004 3. Memorandum dated June 28, 2004 4. Memorandum dated June 16, 2004 5. Resolution #80/02, Item #4 6. Resolution #85/00, Item #1 Prepared By:~I Vera A. Felgemacher Approved / Endorsed By: Manager, Supply & Services GAP:vf Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corpafa-te..~Servic~s & Treasurer f/'' ~:¢ ,~ Everett ~ntsma Acting Chief Administrative Officer To: From: Subject: Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administratbze Officer Richard Holborn Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Tender T-5.2004. St. Mary Running Track Please be advised that tenders have been received for the above noted project. Sixteen (16) companies were invited to participate. An advertisement was placed in the Daily Commercial News, News Advertiser Community Page and on the City's Website ali of which yielded interest from additional bidders. Thirteen (13) bidders picked up tendering documents for a non-refundable fee of $25.00 per set of which six (6) have i ' res, ponded by the closing date and time. Attached is a copy of the record of tenders .opened and checked 'that were used at the public tender opening on Wednesday, August 4, 2004. Summary included, G,S,% included) Company Tota i Tendered After Ca~cu~atio~ .Check Amou'r~t ~ 2Bi.285.64 ~ender ~, %.5--2004 ~e 2 That Tender ixio~ 'i'-.5-2004 submitted by Defer Contracting Limited for St, Ma6,' Running Track, in the amount of ~' ..... ~2u9,~9 t.2o plus G.S.T. be approved, and That a total gross project cost of $297,664 including the tender amount, other associated project costs and G.S.T., and. a City of Pickering net project cost of e,-,,~o ,,-,~ ($278,191 $70,000) ,~",-'~, ,~, -' =,~, reduction by the Durham Catholic District School Board .($70,000) and the G.S.T. rebate ($i 9,473) be approved, and That funding in the amount of $208,191 ($150,000 + $65,000 - $6,809) be approved. Financial Implications: Tendered Amount T-5-2004 G.S.T. Sub Total G.S.T. Rebate Total $269,691.25 18,878.39 288,569.64 18,878.39 $269,691.25 Approved Source of Funds: Account .Proiect Code 2003 Capital Budget Parks 27!8-6129 03-2718-00i-:I4 2004 Capital Buaget Parks 27i f~-{ii29 04-27!8~001 Amount $65,000 $! 50,000 570,00() Source Tax Levy Dona,rich T~nr'je!" iXiO, T- 5-2004 Estimated ~r.~.,~=~-t Costin,;j Summary , %5-2004 -'Replacement - St. iViary Running Track _Other Associated Costs Tender & Other Miscellaneous Cost Material Testing Project Contingency (lump sum) 'Total Cost Without G.S.T. Total Gross Project Cost Less - G.S.T. Rebate 7% Total Net Project Cost $2 ~' 1,000 2,500 _ 5,000 · ,$278,191 _ 19,473 $297,664 ($ t 9,473) .$ 27~8 191 Project Cost (over) under Approved Funds 86,809 Project is over budget estimate. ($278,191 vs $250,000) but overexpenditui-e is reduced partially due to School Board increasing contribution by $20,000 and application of the G o · FiCa]iT' 3t~ rebate savlngs ~_a_t_was already captured in the 2004 Current Budget. y, ne carryover from zurJ3 was increased from $50,000 to $65,000. As a.result, the net cost'to the City will be within budget 'estimates. As part of the 2003 Capital Budget, St. Mary Running Track rehabilitation was approved as a capital, project. After discussion with the Durham Cathotic District School Board, it was agreed that a loose surface clay track would not suit their needs or expectations, A rubberized track was originally constructed and in use. but deteriorating. City staff requested additional funds as welt as a School Board contribution for an all weather track in the 2004 Capital '" , . ~udge'L which was approve'd, Tender T-5-2004 was issued in ~ ~.,,lc;seo or) Augus'~ ~ 2004 The total pro!e3'i ~" -..~ma~,,~a to be Upon carefui examination of ali .tenders, and relevant documents received the Operations & .Emergency Se, vices 'Department, Municipal Property & Engineering .Division recommends the iow bid Tender No. %5-2004 Submitted by Dalar Contracting Ltd. in the amount of .$269,69!.25 (GST extra) and that the net total project cost of ,-/o, ~ ~ be ~tpprov~u. This-r. eport has .been prepared in conjunction wi~h the Manager.of Supply & Services who concurs with'the foregoing. · Upon your approval for this project, we Will proceed with an on-tine requisition and issue the Contractor a purchase order to commence construction. If you require any further information or clarification, )lease contact me at your convenience. Attachments: Location Map Record of Tenders opened and Checked Supply & Services Memorandum Prepared By: h/ir. DarrelI Seisky' CiD, of Picl<ering Pickering Civic Complex' One The E. sptanade Pickerir~g, Ontario L1V 6K? Dear Darrell in response to your fax of August 11, 2004.regarclin9 the St. Mary Catholic School %rack, ptease note tha't 1 do not see difficulty with our Board's contribution. Thank you for the opportunity to review this material. Ycadrs truly, David J. Visser, H;B.B.A., C.A. Superintendent of Business Services DJ\!/~b PAF~K SIDe' DR. "] 'i LOCA~ON MAY .~,u~us~. 4, 2004. To: , rom. SubjeCt: Richard Holborn Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering Darrell Selsky Supervisor, Municipal Works Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services Tender for St. Mary's Running Track Tender No. T - 5 - 2004 Closing: Wednesday, August 4, 2004 2:00prn Tenders have been received for t.he above project. Sixteen (16) companies were invited to participate. ;An advertisement was placed in the Daily Commeroial News, News Advertiser Community Page and on the City's Website alt of which .yielded interest from additional bidders. Thirteen (13) bidders picked'up tendering documents 'for a. non-refundable fee of $25.00 per set of which six have responded by the closing date and time. A copy of the Record of Tenders Opened and Checked used at the public tender oPening is attached. Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010-00I, item 10.03 (r) provides checking tendered unit prices and extensions; unit prices shall govern and extensions will be corrected .accordingly, which has been done. Ali d..p..~., othei' than the iow '''~ . . ~. aue~, ri'lay be returned to the appJicabie bidders as p,o~f~aed for by Pumhas~na Page 2 Dat~.r Contracting. Ltd. Mopal Construction FOrest Contractors 287,285.64 306,341 316,@93.92 Dig Con..tntemational Ltd. '380,109,57 - 3o0,1" 09.57 Burlington Paving Company Limited Warren Bitulithic Ltd. 288,569.~4 306,341 ..O0 P,ejected: Tendering deposit not provided.'Referen~e: lB 17, '18, 19, TS t, 2, 3, PUR. 010:O01., t0.04 Item 9'(0'),, ' P,ejected: Bid bond insufficient. Unable to bid ' Flef~renoe: 'i'B'I7, 18, 19, TS 3, PUP, '010-001.,10.~4 Item 9(d) .. Mont9omeLk,' MacEwen Contracting Limited I Rovalcrest Paving, &'Contracting Ltd, ' Unable to bid I Pursuant to Information to Bidders'Item 21, the following are being requested of the Iow bidder for your review during the evaluation ~tage of this tender call: copy of the Health & Safety Policy to be used on this project;' 'A copy of the current COst and .Frequency Report issued by Workplace' Sa, fe~/& insurance Board (in lieu of the Cost and Frequency document, LcAL.~ I ~ . . copy' .~ the current N:ER, or MAP reports may be submittecf); Ten'de'r 'No. %5-2004 Richard Holbom August 4, 20ua. Please review the copies of the bids, Include the following items in your Repod . to Council: (a) if items (a) through (c) noted above, are acceptable to the Safety & Training Co-ordinator; (b) any past work experience Dolor Construction Limited 'including work location; (c) Without past work experience, if reference information is acceptabt~.; (d) the appropriate account number(s) to'which this work is to be charged; (e)' the budget amount(s) assigned thereto; .(f) Treasurer's confirmation of funding - including referende to Debt Financing if applicable; (g) relafed departmental approvals; '(h) any reason(s) why the Iow .bid .of Dater Construction Limited is not acceptable; .(i) and related comments specificto the project. White reviewing the reference provided by Dater COntracting Limited on page RS-l, note the reference information was requested within the .tendering document as foll~,ws to consider in your evaluation: information to Bidders Item 8 which includes: provide the three (3). princ, ipal projects of similar size and value your company is presently working on or has completed in the immediate past five years. Reference Summary, which includes: - list and provide details of the last three (3) MuniciPal projects your company lies completed. r,~,_,~r~ fu~her information, D~ase feel free tot:~ontact DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM June 28,2004 To: Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administrative Officer O~T¥ OF PICKERIN8 2004 SUPPLY AND SERVICES From: Giilis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Fire Services Division Capital Project Code 04-2240-001-02, Account 6157 Vehicles An amount of $30,000 has been provided in the 2004 Capital Budget for the replacement of a 1984 vehicle for Fire Prevention. Purchasing Policy requires that formal quotations be obtained for this dollar value. Attached please find correspondence from the Fire Services Division to Everett Buntsma, Director, Operations & Emergency Services requesting approval for the purchase of two (2) Chevrolet Cavaliers from Sheridan Chevrolet Oldsmobile. Please refer to the correspondence for information related to this request, noting Everett's commentary. To best serve Fire Prevention. Services expeditiously for the reasons provided, your concurrence and approval is requested. I have approved it as Treasurer. If you are in agreement with the foregoing, please provide your approval to: 1. accept the informal quotation from Sheridan Chev-Olds for' two (2) Cavaliers in the amount of $13,963 each plUs applicable taxes and license; 2. proceed without calling formal quotations for this purchase; and 3. permit two (2) vehicles to be purchased instead of one (1) vehicle as outlined in the 2004 Capital Budget. Thank you for your assistance. If you require further information, please feel free to contact rne. .2hllS .~'~ Paterson DaTe. 1'o: From: Opersfions & Emergency Sen¢ices Fire Se~ices Division Memorandum FireBill DouglasChief JUhl ~¢ 4 2004 Fire Prevention O~cer Re: "Proposal to purchase two new vehicles for Fire Prevention" Proposal for the purchasing of two new vehicles for Fire Prevention By Rex Heath, Fire Prevention Officer Purpose: Increase professional appearance of personnel in Fire Prevention Provide reiiable transportation for staff members thus eliminating the costs associated with individuals using their own vehicles for work. ~, Streamlines the availability of vehicles for all. Fire Prevention Staff. oo,~'~.. ,?~re PrevenSon ,~,arr '--~ required =,= ~o provide veh~ctes at their ~¢x?er'ase tc co?:duci', '~:h~, business of '~:h~s F~r,~ Se?v~c~s,. 7*his s~tuation p[ovides a ce~ain amount of unce~ia~nty fo~' the employee and may force them ~nto out o¢ pocket expenses normat~y so'~ cove~ed in the allowances i-ece~ved ¢rom the msn~c~pai~ty, Purchase a new truck with capacity to carry/transpo~ staff members teachin9 materials, fire scene evidence eta The truck would be similar to a short box Mazda or Nissan truck and be equipped with the fOllowing equipment. Power steering and brakes Automatic transmission Air Conditioning Extended cab with rear storage area AM1FM Radio Rear cap over the rear of the truck, primarily for protection of both the bed liner and materials being transported/carded. Opt~on'"B" PUrchase two new cars with the capacity to carry/transport staff members, .teaching materials. The cars would be either base model four-door Chevrolet Cavaliers or Pontiac Sun fires and be equipped with the following equipment. Power steering and brakes Automatic transmission Air Conditioning AM/FM ~' '"- Two new venicies would mear~ that a) everyone ir~ Fire preventior~ would have their own vehicle, and not have to rely on providing their own vehicle or arranging their work scheduled around the availability of vehicles in the division, b) portray a professional image of the Pickering Fire Service. A new truck would increase the flexibility of the division by allowing us to transport a) the fire pan for live fire extinguisher training b) teaching materials in a method causing !ess back strain c) remove articles from fire scenes without contaminating the environment (while driving) of staff. Costs /2004 Pontiac Sunfire .2004 Chevrolet Cavalier $13,963.00 $29,583.75 including taxes, copy .attached $28,340.60 inCluding taxes, copY attached 2004 Mazda B Series Truck 2004 Nissan Truck Please Note: That if the vehicles are not ordered soon the colour "white" may not be an option for the Picketing Fire Service. 'Our preference is that all vehicles in the division be the same color as ~he remaining vehicles. May 27, 20~2 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CLERK'S DFvqSION Iv~MOP, P2N'DUM Tom Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer 3er vi~e~ & Treasurer Gil Paterson, Director, Corporate" - '~ ~ Bruce Taylor, Clerk Referrals from Council Meeting of May 21, 2002 Please be advised that the Council of the City of Piekering passed Resolution #80102, Item #4, at the Council Meeting of May 21, 2002, as follows: That Report to Council CAO 04-02 seeldng'authorization by the Chief Administrative Officer to act in Council's approval .capacity on behalf of Council during any recess, break or absence of City Council be received; and o qFnat subject to the Council approved Purchasing Policy & Procedure, the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to act in Council's approval capacity on behalf of Council during any recess, break or absence of City Council on the condition that: a) such actions are in compliance with the Purchasing Policy & Procedure as approved under Resolution 136/01; and b) the costs thereof are within the budget previously approved by Council; and c) a report respecting those approvals is subsequently submitted to Council. 3. That appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to give effect thereto. gru Tav'~or 9~ NTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMOR3.NI)LrM i; CLE~5~ S D~,~SION DATE: F~ E C E j~ V E D June 6, 2000 C/TY OF PtCKEFllNG TO: FROM: G. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Bruce T~ylor City Clerk CORPORATE SERVICES Please be advised that the Council of the City of Pickering passed Resolution 85/00, Item #1 at the Council Meeting of June 5, 2000, as follows: That Report to Council CS 12-00 regarding authority for the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to recommend project financing approval during recesses of Council be received, and The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to recommend and approve project financing to the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer for projects contained in the annual capital budget or current budget, during recesses of City Council; and That appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to give effect thereto. This resolution is sent to you for your information.