HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 38-04PICKERING REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: PD 38-04 Date: September 27, 2004 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Licence Agreement - Ontario Parcel Agreement Supply of Digital Mapping City of Pickering and The Region of Durham Recommendation: That Council approve entering into an agreement with the Region of Durham for the supply of digital parcel mapping of Pickering for a five (5) year period at a total cost of $19,000.00 (plus applicable taxes) to be paid from the annual approved current budget for the Planning & Development Department. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: The City is currently nearing the end of a five (5) year contract with Teranet Land Information Services Inc. for the supply of digital parcel mapping for the City. Digital mapping of Pickering lands is an essential element of many City operations. The integrity of this digital mapping helps ensure the City will continue to make informed decisions where land based data is required. Under the current contract, the City is the primary licencee and the Region of Durham shares equally with the product cost as a sub-licencee. The Region of Durham recently approached municipalities with an offer to participate in a Durham Ontario Parcel Master Agreement, whereby the Region would become the primary licencee with Teranet, and local municipalities could participate as sub-licencees. Under this new agreement structure the City will realize significant savings in the cost of acquisition and maintenance of parcel mapping for the City. The City's current five (5) year contract with Teranet expires in November 2004. Under the Regional program, Pickering would continue to receive the identical Teranet parcel mapping product with similar use restrictions. Savings will be realized due to Durham's ability to purchase the product at a Regional scale. The City's cost for digital parcel mapping over the five (5) years of the present contract with Teranet is approximately $62,400.00 (plus applicable taxes). The proposed contract with the Region will supply the product at a five (5) year contract cost of approximately $19,000.00 (plus applicable taxes). Report PD 38-04 Subject: Licence Agreement - Ontario Parcel Agreement Date: September 27, 2004 Page 2 It is recommended that the City participate in the Region of Durham's Ontario Parcel Master Agreement. Financial Implications: Funding for the acquisition of digital parcel mapping is provided on an annual basis in the Planning & Development Department Current Budget. Sufficient funds exist in the approved 2004 Current Budget (account number 2610-2678 Miscellaneous Equipment Rental) to cover any contract obligations for 2004. Entering into this agreement with the Region of Durham will commit the City to an expenditure of $19,000.00 (plus applicable taxes) over the five (5) year contract period, beyond this term of Council. The Treasurer has certified that the financial commitment reflected in this agreement, extending beyond the present term of Council, is within the City's annual debt and obligation repayment limit. Background: The City is currently in a five (5) year licence agreement with Teranet Land Information Services Inc. to acquire and maintain POLARIS parcel mapping. The current agreement with Teranet expires in November 2004. This mapping provides the base from which most all City mapping is derived. The cost of the map product is $12,480.00 per year for each of the five (5) years with equal funding being provided by the Regional Municipality of Durham (50/50 cost sharing of total $24,960.00 annual cost). The City is the primary licencee and Durham Region holds a sub-licence. The Region of Durham is proposing to become a primary licencee with Teranet and to establish an Ontario Parcel Master Agreement that will allow participation of local municipalities at significant cost savings. Under the pricing structure set out by Teranet, the greater the number of parcels purchased by a primary licencee, the lower the cost is per parcel. With the broader parcel base of the Region, mapping can be acquired at approximately $0.04 per parcel as compared to $0.11 per parcel under a 'Pickering only' scenario. It is anticipated that most of the local municipalities will be signing agreements as sub-licencees to the Region of Durham. The product the City will receive is identical to the product that we receive under our current contract and usage restrictions will be similar to those that have applied to Pickering over the past five (5) years. The City's parcel mapping is an essential resource to our corporate operations and is fundamental to the activities of most departments. Spatial location of property is a core element of the majority of municipal services and is fundamental to many of the City's processes. It is necessary for the City to continue acquiring its mapping from Teranet to meet its present and future operational challenges. The agreement being offered by the Region will provide significant cost savings to the City. As identified in Durham Region Report 2004-A-40 to the Durham Finance and Administration Committee, a five (5) year contract price of approximately $19,000 (plus applicable taxes) is significantly lower than the past five (5) year contract price of $62,400 (plus applicable taxes). Report PD 38-04 Subject: Licence Agreement - Ontario Parcel Agreement Date: September 27, 2004 Page 3 This report has been reviewed by the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer who concurs with the content and recommendation. Attachments: 1. Region of Durham Report to Finance and Administration Committee Number 2004-A-40 2. Region of Durham Direction Memorandum Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: Nell Carroll~,~P Director, Plann'tn~g & Development lB:Id Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Operations & Emergency Services Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer pRi~:~(~ r~ nmge ~d~_~at, o n of ~homas J. Q~uu'~~mlnistrative Officer The Regional Municipality of Durham To: From: Report No.: Date: The Finance and Administration Committee Ray Briggs, CIO 2004-A-40 June 29, 2004 Handout SUBJECT: Purchase of Ontario Parcel Master Agreement Products RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT the Finance and Administration Committee recommends to Regional Council that: a) The Regional Chair and Clerk be authorized to execute the General Municipal License Agreement - OPMA Ownership Mapping Data Products between Teranet Enterprises Inc., Municipal Property Assessment Corporation and the Region; b) The Regional Chair and Clerk be authorized to execute a Region of Durham OPMA partner cost sharing agreement between the participating lower-tier municipal partners and the Region; c) The Regional Chair and Clerk be authorized to execute the Value Added Reseller agreement between Teranet Enterprises Inc. and the Region; d) The Regional Chair and Clerk be authorized to execute a region of Durham OPMA partner agreement with both Veridian Connections and Enbridge Inc. and the Region; e) The Finance Department be authorized to issue purchase orders in the amount of $244,447.00, plus applicable taxes to Teranet Enterprise Inc. for the purchase of Ontario Parcel Master Agreement Products as detailed in the executed agreement. The costs of the purchase order in the first year of the contract are $71,075.00, plus applicable taxes, with each consecutive year of the five-year contract in an amount of $43,343.00, plus applicable taxes; Report No.:2004-A-40 ATTACHMENT # ! TO REP0R'i' # PD___.~.,~. Paqe No. 2 f) Financing for the first year of the agreement for the Region's share to be provided from the approved 2004 CIS/GIS Budget, Computer Maintenance and Operations; g) Financing for the remaining four years of the agreement for the Region's share to be provided in the GIS budget for subsequent years; and h) The five-year revenue recoveries from the resale of data in the amount of $35,000.00 from Veridian Connections and $61,480.00 from Enbridge Inc. be applied to the Region's share of the purchase price. REPORT: Background: The Regional Municipality of Durham The Region currently has a one-year data maintenance contract with Teranet Inc. for quarterly deliveries of Ownership Parcel Polygons in the amount of $47,957.00; the contract ends August 6th, 2004. Under the current agreement the following entities are Authorized Sublicenses of the Region: the City of Oshawa; the Town of Whitby: the Township of Brock; the Township of Scugog: the Township of Uxbridge; the Regional Police Force; the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority; the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority; the Durham District School Board; the Durham Catholic District School Board; and the Durham Non-Profit Housing Corporation. The City of Pickering, the Town of Ajax and Municipality of Clarington have separate agreements with Teranet Inc for which the Region of Durham is a sublicensee. The Ownership Parcel Polygons purchased from Teranet identify the geographic location of the parcel and identify a Teranet Property Identification Number (PIN). To establish an Assessment Role Number to the Ownership Parcel Polygons the Region purchased a Property Identification Number and Assessment Role Number Correlation Table. The correlation table was a one-time delivery purchased in June 2003 for $5,600.00 and cannot be sublicensed to any other organization. A significant drawback to the two datasets is that as new or subdivided parcels are introduced mismatches between the Ownership Parcel Polygons and the correlation table occur thus degrading the value of the products. Report No.:2004-A-40 Paqe No. 3 The Ownership Parcel Polygons and the correlation table are published on IMAGE for querying by all regional employees. Ontario Parcel Alliance In spring 2002, the Ontario Government (the Ministry of Natural Resources), the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) and Teranet Enterprises Inc. reached an agreement to gather information about Ontario's estimated four million land parcels and bring this knowledge together into a standardized digital database -- the Ontario Parcel database. The Ontario Parcel database contains boundaries, assigned civic addresses and identifiers such as assessment roll number (ARN) or property identification number (PIN), which can link to ownership, and assessed value information for each individual property, or "parcel" of land, in Ontario. The Ontario Parcel dataset and additional value added products and services are a one-stop source of maintained and integratable assessment, ownership and Crown parcel mapping. For municipalities that currently use Geographic Information Systems (GIS), such as the Region of Durham, the Ontario Parcel dataset has the potential to reduce costs by expanding the benefits of land information. Municipalities will be able to shift their focus from maintaining parcel data (either internally or by contractor) to using it in support of municipal business (land development, planning, taxation, public works, etc.). The products and services being offered provides the Region of Durham and the lower-tier municipalities stakeholders with Parcel Ownership Polygons, Parcel Assessment Polygons, and a Transfer Report provided on a monthly basis. The Parcel Ownership Polygons provides a geographical location of parcels with ownership. The Parcel Assessment Polygons provide a geographical location of parcel assessment numbers. The Transfer Report provides title information such as the owner, previous owner and the sale amount of the property. A one-time delivery of an Easement Report provides an easement description to a parcel. The Transfer and Easement report can be linked to the parcel polygons allowing GIS users to query individual parcels or multiple parcels efficiently. Cost: The Ontario Parcel Master Agreement Products for the Region of Durham have been identified in Table 1 and Table 2 with their respective costs. Table 2 illustrates the costs after Year 1, as the Easement Data is a one- Report No.:2004-A-40 ATTACHMENT REPOR'I # PD Paqe No. 4 time delivery and cost allocation. All costs are subject to applicable provincial and federal taxes. Table 1: Proposed Year 1 Costs for OPMA Products OP Delivery & Support Quarterly Delivery Ownership Polygons $47,957.00 $5,850.00 Value added P&S Monthly Delivery $10,463.00 Assessment Polygon $4,188.00 Transfer report $22,842.0(:: Easement Report $27,732.0(: Table 2:Proposed Annual Costs after Year I for OPMA Products OP Delivery & Support Quarterly Delivery Ownership Polygons $47,957.00 $5,850.00 Value added P&S Monthly Delivery $10,463.00 Assessment Polygon $4,188.00 Transfer report $22,842.00 2.1 Cost Sharinq The Region's main role in the project was to establish cost sharing partnerships to fund the total cost of the project. The City of Oshawa decided not to participate with the data sharing partnership for the acquisition of the Ontario Parcel Master Agreement Products. Table 3 depicts the final listing of Durham partners and their cost contribution in Year 1 to the project. All costs are subject to applicable provincial and federal taxes. Report No.:2004-A-40 ATTACHMENT #,, I TO Paqe No. 5 Table 3:Proposed Data Sharing Year 1 Costs Year 1 Costs ~;i~i~i Region of Durham $41,243.00 City of Pickering $6,708.00 Town of Ajax $6,708.00 Town of Whitby $6,708.00 Municipality of Clarington $6,708.00 Township of Scugog $1,000.00 Township of Uxbridge $1,000.00 Township of Brock $1,000.00 Cost Recovery Enbridge Inc. & Veridian Connections $19,296.00! The negotiation between Enbridge and the GIS Services Group resulted in a pricing structure requiring Enbridge to submit payment to the Region in the order of $30,888 per year plus $500 quarterly for delivery charges plus applicable taxes. This pricing structure is consistent with those of the other primary licensees for cost recovery for administrative services. The Value Added Reselling agreement requires the Region pay Teranet royalty fees of $20,592 for the areas encompassing the Town of Whitby, the City of Oshawa, the Township of Brock, the Township of Scugog and the Township of Uxbridge. The annual cost recovery from the sale of the data to Enbridge is $12,296.00 or $61,480.00 over five years as identified in Table 3, Table 4 and Table 5. The negotiation between Veridian and the GIS Services Group resulted in a pricing structure requiring Veridian to submit payment to the Region in the amount of $28,790.14 annually plus applicable taxes. The reselling agreement requires the Region pay Teranet royalty fees of $16,534.14 per year for service areas in the Town of Ajax, the City of Pickering, the Municipality of Clarington, the Township of Brock and the Township of Uxbridge. Teranet also requires an additional service charge in the amount of $5,256.00 for monthly deliveries of Geomedia .mdb formatted data that is required by Veridian Connections. The annual cost recovery Report No.:2004-A-40 REPOfll ~ PD ~ ~' -0 (J- r Paqe No. 6 from the sale of the data to Veridian is $7,000.00 or $35,000.00 over five years as identified in Table 3, Table 4 and Table 5. The revenues identified for Enbridge of $61,480.00 and Veridian of $35,000 are only those costs that the Region would retain as part of the sale. Under the agreement with Teranet Enterprises and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation the Transfer Report and the Easement Report cannot be provided to the Regional Police Forces, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, Durham District School Board, Durham Catholic District School Board and Durham Non-Profit Housing Corporation although they will be sublicensed to the Ownership Polygons. Table 4 below identifies the costs for Year 2 and each consecutive year in the five-year contract. The cost of the Easement Report is not included in these costs as this is a one-time delivery cost in Year 1. All costs are subject to applicable provincial and federal taxes. Table 4: Proposed Annual Data Sharing Costs after Year 1 Annual Costs after Year 1 ~i~:a~ci~l ~a~rs Region of Durham $28,051.00 City of Pickering $3,073.00 Town of Ajax $3,073.00 Town of Whitby $3,073.00 Municipality of Clarington $3,073.00 Township of Scugog $1,000.00 Township of Uxbridge $1,000.00 Township of Brock $1,000.00 Cost Recover~ Enbridge Inc. $12,296.00 Veridian Connections $7,000.00 R~GiOI',i OE D~R~AM Report No.:2004-A-40 ATTACHMENT #. I TO REPORT # PD .~ ~¢-O ~ Paqe No. 7 2.2 Financial Commitment The Region of Durham, as a participant in the five year contract, is responsible for a total cost of $56,967.00 (the actual cost of the Durham portion is $244,447), but through cost sharing with lower-tier municipalities and the resale of data to strategic partners Veridian Connections and Enbridge Inc., the Region is able acquire additional datasets for less costs then incurred in previous years. The Region of Durham's $56,967.00 portion and the participating partner organizations costs are outlined in Section 2.1. Table 5: Five-Year Financial Commitment for Data Sharing Partners Region of Durham $56,967.00 City of Pickering $19,000.00 Town of Ajax $19,000.00 Town of Whitby $19,000.00 Municipality of Clarington $19,000.00 Township of Scugog $5,000.00 Township of Uxbridge $5,000.00 Township of Brock $5,000.00 Cost Recove .ry Enbridge Inc. $61,480.00 Veridian Connections $35,000.00 Financinq: Funding for the first year of the contract in the amount of $21,947.00(net of recoveries) for the Region's share is available in the 2004 ClS/GIS Budget, Computer Maintenance and Operations. Legal Agreements: All participants in the cost sharing arrangement have indicated their commitment to purchasing the Products offered by Teranet and MPAC for the amounts stated in this report, subject to the Region finalizing agreements with MPAC and Teranet as well as agreements with the participants. Report No.:2004-A-40 ATTACHMENT REPORT # PD Paqe No. 8 5. Benefits: Numerous benefits would be realized for the Planning Department with the Corporate GIS acquisition of additional data from Teranet. Creation of public notification lists, as required by the Planning Act for many of our planning applications (Land Division, Official Plan Amendments), would become more current and accurate with the addition of the Teranet Transfer report. The ownership database would be updated monthly as compared to the quarterly updates currently being received. Additionally, the link between the Teranet Parcel Data and the Assessment Roll number would become dynamic, a substantial improvement over the static table the Region has been using since the initial parcel fabric delivery. The Assessment Roll number will be available directly from the Teranet Parcel Data increasing the usefulness of the data for the Planners in the Department. Overall, obtaining the Transfer Report and the other additional Teranet data would improve efficiencies in several Planning Department business processes. The Real Estate division identified in all instances of easement and fee simple acquisition, and many instances of leasing and letting, the property agent will need most, if not all of the information to be listed on the Transfer Data reports: PIN #'s required in the Offers; Roll numbers to obtain assessment information and for appraisal purposes; Municipal Address for sending letters and confirming property locations; Parties to - to confirm owner's for correspondence and for completing Offers; Parties from - for history review on the property; Instrument number needed to access other programs for further information on additional sales for appraisal purposes; Needed for title search; and Sales amount needed in negotiating. For matters of leasing or letting, much of this information is needed to confirm owners, legal descriptions, municipal addresses etc. when putting together offers etc. The Transfer Data reports can also be very helpful when other staff members from the Works Department enquire about specific properties, which are not owned by the Region. Easement Reports are most useful in identifying any restrictions on title, which may effect or influence: our negotiations, land values, and commitments/restrictions made prior by the owner. This information is Report No.:2004-A-40 ATTACHMENT #, i ~TO ;~FPOR1 # PD ~ ? ?~ Paqe No. 9 then useful when we are dealing with owners for the acquisition of easements or fee simple interests. At present we have no way of knowing what the easements are unless we visit the registry office. These reports will also be useful in providing easement information to other staff members who need this information. In summary, Works requires most, if not all the information available, which the Transfer Data Report and the Easement Report provides. This information is needed on a daily basis. Currently they need to access several web sites and / or visit the registry office personally to obtain this information otherwise they call the legal department who will obtain the information through Teranet for which there is a cost associated with each search. The Real Estate division has hard copy information for Region based easements. There is no information available on any other easements except through the Registry Office. The process of extracting pertinent information is currently onerous and costly in terms of time spent. Providing location and descriptions of easements electronically would be extremely helpful to the Real Estate staff and other Works staff. The Legal department identified similar benefits to that of the Real Estate division. A benefit that Corporate GIS Services has identified is that the data will be more GIS friendly so that the presentation of the information on IMAGE or in the geowarehouse will be easier for all regional employees to access. The Region of Durham, as a participant in the five year contract, is responsible for a total cost of $56,967.00 (the actual cost of the Durham portion is $244,447), but through cost sharing with lower-tier municipalities and the resale of data to strategic partners Veridian Connections and Enbridge Inc., the Region is able acquire additional datasets for less costs then incurred in previous years. The Region of Durham's $56,967.00 portion and the participating partner organizations costs are outlined in section 2.1. Recommendations: It is respectfully requested that the Finance and Administration Committee recommend to Regional Council that the OPMA Products Delivery Agreement between Teranet Enterprises Inc. and the Region of Durham in the amount of $244,447.00 for five years be approved and the Regional Chair and Clerk be authorized to execute an Agreement, Report No.:2004-A-40 ATTACHMENT ~J .TO REPOR'I' ~' PD .~ ~ -0 Paqe No. 10 It is respectfully requested that the Finance and Administration Committee recommend to Regional Council that a Region of Durham OPMA Partner Agreement between the Region of Durham and each lower-tier municipality be approved in the amount of $19,000.00 each for the City of Pickering, the Town of Ajax, the Town of Whitby and the Municipality of Clarington and in the amount of $5,000.00 each for the Township of Scugog, the Township of Uxbridge and the Township of Brock for a five year contract and that the Regional Chair and Clerk be authorized to execute a Region of Durham OPMA Partner Agreement with each participant. It is respectfully requested that the Finance and Administration Committee recommend to Regional Council that a Region of Durham OPMA Partner Agreement with Veridian Connections in the amount of $143,950.70 plus applicable taxes be approved and the Regional Chair and Clerk be authorized to execute an Agreement. It is respectfully requested that the Finance and Administration Committee recommend to Regional Council that a Region of Durham OPMA Partner Agreement with Enbridge Inc in the amount of $164,440.00 plus applicable taxes be approved and the Regional Chair and Clerk be authorized to execute an Agreement. It is respectfully requested that the Finance and Administration Committee recommend to Regional Council that the Regional Chair and Clerk be authorized to execute an OPMA Value Added Reseller Agreement between Teranet Enterprises Inc and the Region of Durham. Ray Briggs, Chief Information Officer Corporate Information Services Department RECOMMENDED FOR PRESENTATION TO COMMITTEE G.H. Cubitt, M.S.W. Chief Administrative Officer TO; FROM: Clerk's Depadment DATE: RE: REPORT OF: R. Brigg_=, Corporate Informstion Officer P.~/. Madill, Regional Clerk July 7, 2o34 Direction ~s per mi~ules of the Regional C(xJ.~cil meeting held on July 7, 2004 Finarc9 Comm[Ll. ee ITEM #5 SEE ATTACHFr3 P.M, Madilt, A.M.C.I'., CMM I Reg[onsl Clerk cc: B.J. Poy, Regional Solicitor R.J. Clapp, Co mm issi,one '- of Finarce PURCHASE OF ONTARIO PARCEL MASTER AGR:_---EMENT PRODUCTS (2004.A..40~) ATTACHMENT #--_2 TO a) THAT the Regional Chair and Clerk be author zed ~ e):ecule the General Municipal Licer. se Agreement - O:~,~vlA Ownership Mapping Data Prcducts be.ween Terarte: EnterFrises Inc., IVur~.cipal Property Assessment Corporation and ,'.he ~egior'; b) THAT the Regional Chair and Clerk be autl"orizec to execute a Region of Durham OPMA partner cost sha,'ing agreement between the participating lower-lie.- municipal padners and the Regir~n; c) THAT the Regiortal Chair and Clerk be autnodze.d to execu:e the Value Added Rsseller agreement beb, feen Teraret E'~lerp.'is~s Inc. and the Region; THAT the Regional Chair and C:erk be authc[ized to 9xecute a Region of DUrham OPk4A par':.ner ~greeme'TI ~th bolh V.~ridian Connections and En3ridge 'nc. an~ ths Region; e) THAT the Finance De3artmenl be authorized Io issue purchase orders in the amounl of S244,447.00, plus appl cable taxes to Teranet Enterprise Inc. for the purchase c,f Ontario Pa~ce! Mas;er Agreement Prodjcls as detailed in the ex~.cJ~ed ag.memenL The costs of the purchase orcer in the fi'st year of ~he co~.ract are $71,075.00, Flus applicable taxes, with each oonsecut~ve year of Ih~ five-yesr contract in an amount of S4~t,343.00, plus ~Pl::[ica01e *,axes; f) THAT financing for the first year of the agreement for the Region's share to be provided from lt'e aFproved 2024 CISfGiS 3ad[iel, Computer i',~a[n;enance and Operations; g) -THAT financing -.'or the ~..ma~ning four yearn of the agreement fcr the Region's share to be provided in t.qe GIS budget [or subsequent. years; and h) THAT tn e t3~Je-year revenue r~cove;'ies from the resale of: ara in the amount of $35,000.00 from Ve;idia~ Connecfions an~- $61,450.00 from Enbr[dge inc. be app;[ee to the R-:gicn's share of' the purchase price.