HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 13, 2004t IC K ERINI Executive Committee Meeting Agenda Monday, September 13, 2004 7:30 PM Chair: Councillor Johnson (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Meeting of July 26, 2004 (11) 1. MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REPORT PD 24-04 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 23/03 CITY OF PICKERING IN ASSOCIATION WITH PINE RIDGE PARKWAY LTD. (FORMERLY 1331301 ONTARIO INC.) PART OF LOT 21, CONCESSION 1 (NORTHEAST CORNER OF PICKERING PARKWAY AND GLENANNA ROAD PAGE 1-27 ., PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REPORT PD 34-04 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 7/04 ANTHONY VAN DAM 1477- 1481 ROUGEMOUNT DRIVE PART OF LOT 32, PLAN 228 28-46 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REPORT PD 33-04 PLACES TO GROW- BETTER CHOICES, BRIGHTER FUTURE GREATER GOLDEN HORSESHOE GROWTH PLAN DISCUSSION PAPER - SUMMER 2004 47-$6 OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 25-04 TENDER NO. T-3-2004 TENDER FOR PICKERING RECREATION COMPLEX CHILLER REPLACEMENT, PICKERING CIVIC COMPLEX CHILLER CONVERSION To be circulated under separate cover PICK ,RING Executive Committee Meeting Agenda Monday, September 13, 2004 7:30 PM Chair: Councillor Johnson OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 24-04 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF ONE FIRE PUMPER VEHICLE Q-29-2004 57-67 CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 29-04 CASH POSITION REPORT AS AT JUNE 30, 2004 68-78 CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 30-04 ONTARIO TRANSIT VEHICLE PROGRAM - 2004 REQUEST FOR ALLOCATION OF FUNDS 79-84 CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 28-04 2004 FINAL TAX DUE DATES FOR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND MULTI-RESIDENTIAL REALTY TAX CLASSES AND TAX RATES 85-91 CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 31-04 APPEAL OF DEVELOPMENT CHARGES BY-LAW 92-96 10. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 33-04 2004 MUNICIPAL BY-ELECTIONS (WARD 2) -ADVANCE VOTING, SPECIAL VOTING LOCATIONS 97-101 11. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 27-04 APPOINTMENT OF BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS 102-106 12. PROCLAMATION "TERRY FOX RUN DAY" "2004 FIRE PREVENTION WEEK" "WHITE RIBBON WEEK" "CANADA'S CITIZENSHIP WEEK" "DRUG AWARENESS WEEK" 107-114 (~v) Executive Committee Meeting Agenda Monday, September 13, 2004 7:30 PM Chair: Councillor Johnson OTHER BUSINESS (V) ADJOURNMENT RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 23/03, be APPROVED asset out in the draft by-law attached as Appendix I to Report PD 24-04, to amend the existing zoning on the subject property to permit a variety of Office and Commercial uses to implement the City's Official Plan Designation, submitted by the City of Pickering in association with Pine Ridge Parkway Ltd. (formerly 1331301 Ontario Inc.), on lands being Part of Lot 21, Concession 1 (1450 Pickering Parkway), in the City of Pickering. 2. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 23/03, as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 24-04; be FORWARDED to City Council for enactment. 2 ;RING REPORT E×ECUIWE Report Number: PD 24-04 Date: August 26, 2004 From: Neii Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: City Initiated Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 23/03 City of Pickering in association with Pine Ridge Parkway Ltd. (formerly 1331301 Ontario Inc.) Part of Lot 21, Concession 1 (Northeast corner of Pickering Parkway and Glenanna Road) City of Pickering Recommendation: That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 23/03, be APPROVED as set out in the draft by-law attached as Appendix I to Report PD 24-04, to amend the existing zoning on the subject property to permit a variety of Office and Commercial uses to implement the City's Official Plan Designation, submitted by the City of Pickering in association with Pine Ridge Parkway Ltd. (formerly 1331301 Ontario Inc.), on lands being Part of Lot 21, Concession 1 (1450 Picketing Parkway), in the City of Pickering. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 23/03, as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 24-04; be FORWARDED to City Council for enactment. Executive Summary: The City has initiated this application at the request of the office of the Chief Administrative Officer to work with the owner, Pine Ridge Parkway Ltd., to change the zoning by-law to permit a variety of office and commercial uses on lands located at the northeast corner of Glenanna Road and Pickering Parkway. The City currently owns an old road allowance (Sheridan Mall Parkway) in the northeast sector of the site, and Pine Ridge Parkway Ltd. owns the remainder of the site (see Location Map, Attachment #1). Both properties are currently vacant, however Regional water and sanitary sewers cross the City owned lands. Council has directed staff to proceed with the declaration of the City owned parcel as surplus and to conduct an appraisal of the lands. Zoning ~,/-iaw a, mendmen~. Apptica'don A 23/03 Date: August 26,200~ Page 2 3 ~./enicuiar access easement dissects the properties to allow for access to the apartment complex to the north. This access will be maintained, but relocation may be necessary as determined through the site plan process. Parking requirements will be determined in the by-iaw by the type of use introduced on the property. The Pickering Downtown Core Development Guidelines are in place to guide development of a downtown for Pickering that will be a major regional landmark and destination. These guidelines support an increased intensity and mix of uses in the downtown. It is recommended that the application be approved and that the draft by-law be forwarded to Council for enactment. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. Sale of surplus City lands will bring revenue to the City. Background: 1.0 Comments Received 1.1 At the December 18, 2003 Information Meeting (see text of Information Report, Attachment #2) Public Comment Mr. F. Adriau (Pickering Place Supervisor) looking forward to a well designed building; tree preservation to be taken into account; access to apartment complex to the north must be retained; Applicant's Comments Bob Oldman (Pine Ridge Parkway Ltd.) ~ no comments; Pon Taylor (Economic Development Officer) - rezoning is being processed in conjunction with the City's disposition and sale of excess land procedures; Da~e: mugLls~ ~6, ~00¢ Agencies: 1.3 Durham Region Planning Department Ministry of Transportation City Departments: - conforms with Regional Official Plan; no Provincial interests identified the City will have to convey additional easements through their publicly owned lands, prior to transferring ownership to Pine Ridge Parkway Ltd.; Regional water and sanitary sewer crosses the City owned lands; no permanent structures or underground to be installed within the limits of the existing or future Regional easements, without prior consent or location approval from the Regional Works Department; - Regional Works Department reserves the right to comment further with respect to services, until the submission of a site plan or land division application; (see Attachment #3); - no objection in principle; - any new buildings must be set back a minimum of 14.0 metres from the north road allowance of Pickering Parkway; permits are required prior to any construction being undertaken due to the proximity to Highway 401; (see Attachment #4); Development Control I - no specific comments; 2.0 2.1 2.1.1 Discussion Use and Compatibility Uses will be compatible with the surrounding downtown area. The Official Plan designates this area as "Mixed Use - Downtown Core", which permits a broad range of uses to be considered for the site. The Pickering Downtown Core Conceptual Design Plan for the Town Centre Neighbourhood identifies the northeast corner of Pickering Parkway and Gienanna Road as an Office/Employment area. It is recommended that office uses (business & professional), commercial uses (retail stores & personal service uses) financial institutional and restaurant uses be Permitted by the new zoning for these lands. $.~,c~ect: Zcning Sv-aw ~,.menCment Application A 23103 Date: '~ , · " "~ ~ ~ugus, 26, ~00'. ~:age ,z 2,.2 2.3 2.3.1 Ail uses will be compatible with the surrounding area (see Attachment #5 - Downtown Core Conceptual Design Plan). Parking Off-street parking requirements will reflect the standards imposed elsewhere in the downtown area. To ensure that off-street parking can be accommodated, standards that have been used elsewhere in the City to effectively control future development of the sites within the downtown will be implemented on this site (see Attachment #6 - Off-Street Parking Table). It is recommended that only one restaurant with a minimum floor area and specific parking standard be implemented if it is the only use on the site. It is further recommended that the amount of gross leasable floor space for medical office uses be restricted to 1000 square metres to ensure that the demand for parking does not exceed the supply. Downtown Core Development Guidelines & Zoning By-law Performance Standards Implementation of Downtown Core Development Guidelines through recommended By-law Provisions. The Downtown Core Guidelines require that on the northeast corner of Pickering Parkway and Glenanna Road, a base building be constructed with a minimum height of 2 storeys to a maximum height of 6 storeys. In addition, building(s) on this property should be designed in such a way that it frames the intersection of Pickering Parkway and Glenanna Road. The design of the lands at Pickering Parkway and Glenanna Road intersection should have high regard to quality streetscape treatments such as lighting, signage, outdoor seating, and street trees where appropriate. These treatments should be designed for Pedestrian scale, access and safety. To encourage pedestrian activity and foster appropriate downtown character, it is recommended that no drive-thru's be permitted in conjunction with any of the recommended uses. 6 24-04 Z:~ning By-law AmenCment Ap,~iication A Date: August 26, 2004 :Cage 5 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 It is recommended that the site be developed predominateiy for non-retail uses. Use restrictions will be implemented through the zoning by-law. Office uses (Business/Professional), financial institutions and/or restaurant uses will be required to occupy a minimum 75% of any proposed building. Retail and Personal Service uses will be limited to 25% of the gross leasable floor area of any building. Further, to avoid the establishment of several small-scale food establishments it is recommended that a restaurant use be a minimum of 500 square metres in size. A restaurant would also be permitted as a stand-alone use, provided it meets the minimum floor area requirement. Building setbacks will encourage development toward the corner of Pickering Parkway and Glenanna Road. It is recommended that a building setback between 0.0 metres and 6.0 metres be implemented along both the Pickering Parkway and Glenanna Road frontages. These setbacks will mirror the setbacks implemented on the northwest corner of Pickering Parkway and Glenanna Road (Pickering Town Centre). Implementation of a minimum and maximum setback will ensure that a building is located in close proximity to the streets, thus framing the intersection of Pickering Parkway and Glenanna Road as per the Downtown Core Development Guidelines. Establishment of a Build-to-Zone (BTZ) will promote a pedestrian environment with buildings close to the street. The establishment of a Build-to-Zone is being recommended to ensure that development will comply with the intent of the Official Plan policies and development guidelines. The BTZ will be established along the Pickering Parkway and Glenanna Road frontages, and 70% of the length of the BTZ shall be occupied by a building. Building Height will be regulated through the proposed Zoning By-law. Building height should be regulated to ensure that buildings do not overshadow this corner of the downtown area nor interfere with the views of the municipal building located to the north. The following chart outlines minimum and maximum heights that will be implemented through the proposed zoning by-law. Zoning S,/- aw AmenSmen'a Appiication,< 23/03 Date: August 26,200~ Sage..S 3.0 ~r~as Within the Build-to-Zone and abutting Glenanna Rd. & Pickering Parkway All other areas Buiidinq Height Minimum Building Height Maximum 6.5 metres (2 storeys) 13.0 metres (4 storeys) None 27.0 metres (6 storeys) The desired outcome is to provide a pedestrian friendly streetscape by framing future development to the street, while maintaining the site's ability to function and accommodate a wide variety of uses. Applicant's Comments Pine Ridge Parkway Ltd. is aware of the content of this report and they have reviewed the draft by-law. Bob Oldman on behalf of Pine Ridge Parkway Ltd. requests that the zoning by-law permit "drive-thru's" in association with established uses. APPENDIX: Appendix I: Draft By-law Attachments: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Location Map Information Report Comments from the Region of Durham Planning Department Comments from the Ministry of Transportation Downtown Core Conceptual Design Plan Off-Street Parking Table 8 Date: August ~,, 2004 Prepared Sy: Approved / Endorsed By: Nell carr~z~lPi RPP Director, Planning & Development Lynda Taylor, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review GXR:Id Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Coul r~:~Offi Thomas J. Quinn, ighlef Administ cer APPeNDiX i~ DRAFT BY-LAW ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 23/03 10 THE CORPORATION OF THE CIT"E'6F1PICKERING Seing ~ By-law to amena Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 1346/81 to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering Distdct Planning Area, Region of Durham in Part of Lot 2!, Concession 1, City of Pickering. (A 23/03) WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering passed By-Taw 1346/81, amending By-law 3036, to permit uses that are in compliance with the relevant provisions of the City of Picketing Official Plan, including amendments and modifications, on the subject lands, on Part of Lot 21, Concession 1, in the City of Pickering. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of The City of Pickering now deems it desirable to further amend By-law 3036, by repealing and replacing By-law 1346/81, to permit a variety of office and commercial uses on the subject lands, on Part of Lot 21, Concession 1, in the City of Pickering; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. SCHEDULE I & II Schedule I & II attached to this By-law with notations and references shown thereon is hereby declared to be part of this By-law. AREA RESTRICTED The provisions of this By-law shall apply to those lands in Part of Lot 21, Concession 1, in the City of Pickering, designated "MU-19" on Schedule 1 attached to this By-law. GENERAL PROVISIONS No building, land or part thereof shall hereafter be used, occupied, erected, moved or structurally altered except in conformity with the provisions of this By-law. 4. DEFINITIONS In this (1) (2) By-law, "Build-to-Zone" shall mean an area of land within which all or part of a building or buildings or part of a structure of structures are to be located; "Business Office" shall mean a building or part of a building in which the management or direction of business, a public or private agency, a brokerage or a labour or fraternal organization is carried on and which may include a telegraph office, a data processing establishment, a newspaper publishing office, the premises of a real estate or insurance agent, or a radio or television broadcasting station and related studios or theatres, but shall not include a retail store; (3) (4) "Financial Institution" shall mean a building or part of a building in which money is deposited, kept, lent or exchanged; "Functional Floor Level" shall mean an enclosed building storey containing an area of at least 50% of the building's ground floor area, and a ceiling height suitable for the intended use; -2- 'G~-oss Leasable Floor Area" shall mean the aggregate of the ¢ioor a~'eas of ail storeys above or below estabiished -~rade, .~esigneci .=or ownez' o.~ :enant occupanc';; or exclusive use o~liy, but .~xciuding storage areas below established grade; (a) "Lot" shall mean an area of land fronting on a street wi~ich is used or intended to be used as the site of a building, or group of buildings, as the case may be, together with any accessory buildings or structures, or a public park or open space area, regardless of whether or not such lot constitutes the whole of a lot or block on a registered plan of subdivision; (b) "Lot Coverage" shall mean the percentage of lot area covered by ali buildings on the lot; (c) "Lot Frontaqe" shall mean the width of a lot between the side lot lines measured along a line parallel to and 7.5 metres distant from the front lot line; (7) "Personal Service Shop" shall mean an establishment in which a personal service is performed and which may include a barber shop, a beauty salon, a shoe repair shop, a tailor or a dressmaking shop or a photographic studio, but shall not include a body rub parlour as defined in section 224 (9)(b) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, as amended from time-to-time, or any successor thereto; (8) "Professional Office" shall mean a building or part of a building in which medical, legal or other professional service is performed or consultation given, and which may include a clinic, the offices of an architect, a chartered accountant, and engineer, a lawyer or a physician, but shall not include a body rub parlour as defined in section 224 (9)(b) of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, as amended from time-to-time, or any successor thereto; (9) "Restaurant - Type A'i shall mean a building or part of a building where food is prepared or offered or kept for retail sale to the public for immediate consumption on or off the premises, but shall not permit a drive-thru; (10) "Retail Store" shall mean a building or part of a building in which goods, wares, merchandise, substances, articles or things are stored, kept and offered for retail sale to the public; 5. PROVISIONS (1) Uses Permitted ("MU-19" Zone) No person shall within the lands zoned "MU-19" on Schedule I attached to this By-law use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except the following: (a) business office (b) financial institution (c) personal service shop (d) professional office (e) restaurant- Type A (f) retail store (2) Zone Requirements ("MU-19" Zone) No person shall within the lands zoned "MU-19" on Schedule I attached to this By-law use any lot or erect, alter or use any building except in accordance with the following provisions: 12 -3- a','. SIj!LDiNG RESTRICTIONS: Location and Setbac:~s: A auiidings and structures .shall compiy with the minimum and maximum building envelope illustrated on Schedule 11 attached hereto. B A minimum of 70% of the 40.0 metre Build-to-Zone must be occupied prior to the erection of any other buildings or structures on the subject lands. C The build-to-zone illustrated on Schedule Il attached hereto shall have located within it a building or buildings, or part of a building or buildings, which must occupy the minimum percentage of the build-to-zone as stated in clause B above. Notwithstanding clause B above, a deck, patio, or any building addition having a gross floor area less than 10 square metres, shall not be considered to be a building or part of a building for the purpose of satisfying the requirements of that clause, only. (ii) Building Height: A B Within the Build-to-Zone and abutting Glenanna Rd. and Pickering Parkway: - minimum 6.5 metres (2 storeys); - maximum 13.0 metres (4 storeys); Within the building envelope, but beyond clause A above: - maximum 27.0 metres (6 storeys); (b) PARKING REQUIREMENTS: (i) For a restaurant - Type A, when it is the sole use on the site, there shall be provided and maintained a minimum of 5.5 parking spaces for every 100 square metres of gross leasable floor area; (i~) For all other uses, there shall be provided and maintained on the lands a minimum of 4.5 parking spaces for every 100 square metres of gross leasable floor area, for the first 1,000 square metres of gross leasable floor area, and 2.5 parking spaces per 100 square metres of gross leasable floor area, for all floor area in excess of 1,000 square metres or part thereof; (iii) Clauses 5.21.2 (a) and (b) of By-law 3036, as amended, shall not apply on lands designated "MU-19" on Schedule I attached hereto; (iv) Notwithstanding clauses 5.21.2 (g) and 5.21.2 (k) of By-law 3036, as amended, all entrance and exits to parking areas and all parking areas shall be surfaced with brick, asphalt, or concrete, or any combination thereof; (c) SPECIAL REGULATIONS: (ii) The aggregate gross leasable floor area for all medical office uses shall not exceed 1000 square metres. The maximum aggregate leasable floor area for all retail and personal service shop uses shall not exceed 25% of the gross leasable floor area for all building(s) on the site. (iii) The minimum gross leasable floor area for any restaurant - Type shall be 500 square metres. ~ii uses, other than :.3arking, shail take ~iace entirely ~ithin enclosed buildings or structures with nc outside s.:orage o: display; (v) No drive-thru component shall be permitted with any use on site. (vi) No parking shall take place within the Build-to-Zone. .t3 BY-LAW 3036 (i) By-law 3036, as amended, is hereby further amended by repealing and replacing By-law 1346181, to give effect to the provisions of this By-law as it applies to the area set out in Schedule I attached to this By-law. (2) Definitions and subject matters not specifically dealt with in this By-law shall be governed by relevant provisions of By-law 3036, as amended. EFFECTIVE DATE This By-law shall take effect from the day of passing hereof subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, if required. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this day of ,2004. Dave~~ll~~' Bruce~Taylor, Clerk ~LOC, ,. ~ 3 MU-19 / SCHEDULE T TO BY-LAW PASSED THIS DAY OF 2OO4 MAYOR CLERK ~OM-,:o"'- "~ BLOCK 14 "" '~-- 40M-i 23!  ' BUILDING EN ~ - -- - VELOPE ~ ~ ~u~-~o-zo~ // ,,, ~NDS AFFECTED SCHEDULE TI' TO BY-LAW PASSED THIS DAY OF 2004 MAYOR CLERK 16 PINE RID~ PARKWAY OWNED ALLIANC[ BAYLY STREET Ci~ of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PART OF LOT21, CONCESSION 1 OWNER C;TY OF PICKERING & PINE RIDGE PARKWAY LTD. DATE DEC. 4, 2003 j DRAWN BY JB FILE No. A 23/03 I FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN-8 PA- I SCALE 1:5000 I CHECKED BY (~ 17 PICKERING INFORMATION REPORT NO. 25-03 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF December 18, 2003 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: City Initiated Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 23/03 City of Pickering in association with Pine Ridge Parkway Ltd. (formerly 1331301 Ontario Inc.) Lands owned by the City of Pickering Part of Lot 21, Concession 1 and Lands owned by Pine Ridge Parkway Ltd. (formerly 1331301 Ontario Inc.) 1450 Pickering Parkway Part of Lot 21, Concession 1 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION the subject properties are approximately 0.41 hectares (Pine Ridge Parkway Ltd.) & 0.26 hectares (City of Pickering) in size (0.67 hectares total), and located at the north-east comer of Glenanna Road and Pickering Parkway · (see Attachment #1 - Location Map); the properties are currently vacant; the City owned land is a remnant portion of a closed road allowance (Sheridan Mall Parkway); an apartment complex is located to the north and east; Highway 401 and the Veridian Office Building is located to the south; and the Pickering Town Centre to the west. 18 Page ,2 2.g~ APPLICANTS PROPOSAL 3.0 3.f 3.2 3.3 3.4 the City cf Pickering, in association with Pine Ridge ParKway Ltd., proposes to amend the existing zoning on the subject lands to permit a variety of Office and Commercial uses to implement the City's Official Plan designation. OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING Durham Reqional Official Plan - the Durham Regional Official Plan identifies the subject lands as being designated "Main Central Area"; - the goal of the designation is to develop these areas as focal points of activity, interest, and identity; create people-oriented places that are accessible by public transit and an extensive pedestrian network; characterize these areas with distinctive forms of art and architecture; - the proposal appears to comply with this designation; Pickerinq Official Plan the subject property is designated "Mixed Use Areas - Downtown Core" within the Town Centre Neighbourhood; this designation permits a wide range of residential, retailing of goods and services, offices, restaurants, community, cultural and recreational uses serving City-wide and Regional levels, as well as special purpose commemial uses; Schedule II of the Pickering Official Plan -"Transportation Systems" designates Glenanna Road and Pickering Parkway as a Type C - Arterial Roads; Town Centre Neiqhbourhood - encourages the highest mix and intensity of uses and activities in the City in this neighbourhood; Pickerinq Downtown Core Development Guidelines - to create a downtown for Pickering that will be a major regional landmark and destination for workers, shoppers, and visitors; - to establish a strong civic and cultural focus for Pickering; - to support an increased intensity and mix of uses in the downtown and provide a range of housing, employment, retail, and entertainment opportunities; - to support a coherent and identifiable public realm, and provide a safe, accessible inviting, and comfortable pedestrian environment; ~formatJon ~epon ~io. 25-03 ~ge 3 19 3,6 4.0 4.1 4.2 · 4.3 Deveio~ment Guideiines for Pickerinq ParkwaWGJenanna Road Area - Pickering Parkway and Glenanna Road should have high quality streetscape treatment which includes paving materials, signage, lighting, outdoor seating, display areas, street trees, flower boxes, waste and recycling containers, and bicycle racks where appropriate; - Glenanna Road (south of Kingston Road) will become the main pedestrian destination incorporating wide sidewalks, special streetscape treatments, and improved links to the current and future land uses by the use of medians; Pickering Parkway should be similar to Glenanna Road with respect to streetscape treatments; buildings at the intersection of Glenanna Road and Pickering Parkway should be base buildings only (2-3 storey minimum to 6-7 storey maximum) to allow for views of the Civic Complex and clock tower; base buildings should be designed to frame the street and have their front walls parallel to the street and occupying at least 70% of the street frontage, and in corner lots, most of the frontage of both streets; - the corner of Glenanna Road and Pickering Parkway has been designated as Office/Employment within the City of Pickering's Downtown Core Conceptual Design Plan; Zoning By-law 3036 the subject property is currently zoned "H" - Holding Zone by By-law 3036~00, as amended by By-law 1346/81; no uses are permitted on-site until the "H"- Holding Symbol has been lifted, at which time such lands must be developed in compliance with the relevant provisions of the City of Pickering Official Plan, including amendments and modifications. RESULTS OF CIRCULATION Resident Comments - no resident comments have been received to date; A_qencv Comments - no agency comments have been received to date; Staff Comments - in reviewing the application to date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: Use · the compatibility of potential uses with the surrounding built form; Page 4 5.0 examination of the parking ~'equirements for uses -:c ansure minimum on-site parking is available; evaluate parking options to determine if floor space limitations are required for certain land use; evaluate the maximum parking capacity of the site; Downtown Core Development Guidelines · ensure that all objectives/guidelines within the Downtown Core Development Guidelines are being considered: · to create a downtown for Pickering that will be a major regional landmark and destination for workers, shoppers, and visitors; · to establish a strong civic and cultural focus for Pickering; · to support an increased intensity and mix of uses in the downtown and provide a range of housing, employment, retail, and entertainment opportunities; · to support a coherent and identifiable public realm, and provide a safe, accessible, inviting, and comfortable pedestrian environment; Other Matters · coordinate the disposition of City lands through the rezoning application; · review the vehicular access points in and out of the site; · ensure that the vehicular access to the residential area to the north is appropriately maintained; this Department will conclude its position on the application after it has received and assessed comments from the circulated departments, agencies and the public. PROCEDURAL INFORMATION written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. nformation '~'-~ , Page 5 6.2 OTHER ~NF©RMAT~ON Apl3endix No. ~ list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing report; Properties Principals - Cityof Pickering; (Ron Taylor, Economic Development, 905.420.4660, extension 2292); - Bob Oldman - Pine Ridge Parkway Ltd. (formerly 1331301 Ontario Inc.). ORIGINAL SIGNED BY ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Geoff Romanowski Planner I GXR:Id Attachments Lynda Taylor, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development RevieTM Copy: Director, Planning & Development 22 iNFORMATiON REPORT COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) none received to date; COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) none received to date; COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) none received to date; 23 The Regionai Municipal ty of Durham Planning Depar~mem 1615.DUNDAS ST: E. ~tT" FLOOR. LANG TOWER WEST BUILDING · PO 'BOX 623 WHITB¥ ON L!N 6A3 -'-'3ANADA J5-728-7731 Fax: 905-436-6612 Email: planning@' region.durham .on.ca www. reglon.durnam.on.ca A;L. Georgieff( MCJP, RPP Commissioner of Planning " $ervice.~X~"eflence f~r Geoff Rom'anowski, Planner i Planning & Development Department One the Esplanade Picketing, Ontario LI V 6K7 Dear M'r. Romanowski: Re: Zoning Amendment Application A 23~03 Applicant: 1331301 Ontario Limited. in Association with the City of Pickering Loca. tion: part of Lot'21, Concession 1 Municipality: City of, PiCkering We have reviewed this application and the following comments are offered with-respect to the Durham Regional Official Plan, the proposed method of serviCing, and the delegated provincial plan review responsibilitieS. The application propoSes to .rezone the subject property to permit a variety 'of office and-commerCial uses. Durham Reqio'nal Official Plan . The subject:lands are designated "Main .Central Area" in the DUrham Regional OffiCial Plan. Lands within this designation are to be planned and develOped as the main concentrationsof Urban activitieS within area municipalities providing a.fully integrated array:of community, office, service and shopping,-reCreational,, and .'residential uses. The proposed amendment conforms to.the pOlicies of the Durham Regional Official Plan. DluniCipaiServiOing An existing 300mm watermain is tocated within a 6.0 metre Regional easement and' a 200mm sanitary sewer located.within .a 9.0 metre Regional easement, which crosses the 1331301 Ontario Limited lands. The Region Will require the City to convey additional easements througii their publicly owned lands, prior to transferring ownership'to 1331301 Ontario Limited: -Fhe applicant should be advlsed that a Regional vvatermain and Regional sanitary sewer crosses the CitYrowned lands. The Region will not permit any permanent structures or underground 100% Post Consumer 24 services ~.obe ins~ailea within the iimits oT the exlstina anc'.'/or 'f, ,+,,= R.egicnal easements, without prior consent or location approval from the Regional'Works Department. The Regional. Works Department reserves the right to' comment further with respect to Regional services, at the time of submisSi°n of a site plan application and/or land diVision application. Provincial Plan Review Resi~onsi'bilities The application has been. screened in accordance with. the provincial plan review responsibilities. No provincial interests are affected bY the If you have any questions or require additional information, please call · ag Davies, Planner Current Operations Branch cc. 'Rob-Roy, Durham Region'Works Department R:\t raJning~rdtzoning~ickering a23-O3.doc ntano 25 (4t6) bu~. fyffe~m.m. December 03, 2003 OF PlCKERING PL&NNtNG & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Notice of Public Meeting Zoning Amendment Application - A15103 1450 Picketing Parkway Part of Lot :~1, Concession 1 City of Picketing Dear Mr. Taylor: The ministry h~z no objection in principle ~o the noted application, bu( note thc following comments. This Mini,try will require that any nev~uilding~/ztructm'es, above and below ground, be setback a minimum of 14m (46 feet) from the..~road allowance of Picketing Parkway. Further, no indispensable arrangement, traffic and otherwise should utilize ~e 14m setback. The owner should be made aware that minis~¥y permits are required prior to any construction being undertaken. Ministry permits are also required for all signs visible to the highway. Further information on our permit requirements is available from our office by contacting Mr. Ken Sherbanowski, Permits Officer, at 416-235-5560), As Part of our permit review process, we will require the subraission ofa Stormwater Managcmmt Rvport for our review ~d approval. o6 tOOd~l~tdl? [mi I RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 7/04 submitted by Anthony Van Dam, on behalf of the owner Claire Van Dam, to amend the zoning of the subject property to an "R4" zone in order to permit the creation of two lots with minimum frontage of 15.0 metres, on lands being Part of Lot 32, Plan 228, City of Pickering, be APPROVED. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 7/04, as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 34-04 be FORWARDED to City Council for enactment. REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMilVl TTEE Report Number: PD 34-04 Date: August 26, 2004 29 From: Nell Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 7/04 Anthony Van Dam 1477 - 1481 Rougemount Drive Part of Lot 32, Plan 228 City of Pickering Recommendation: That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 7/04 submitted by Anthony Van Dam, on behalf of the owner Claire Van Dam, to amend the zoning of the subject property to an 'R4' zone in order to permit the creation of two lots with minimum frontage of 15.0 metres, on lands being Part of Lot 32, Plan 228, City of Pickering, be APPROVED. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 7/04, as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 34-04 be FORWARDED to City Council for enactment. Executive Summary: The applicant proposes to amend the existing 'R3' zoning, which requires a minimum lot frontage of 18.0 metres, to 'R4' zoning in order to permit the creation of two lots with minimum frontage of 15.0 metres on Rougemount Drive (see Location Map and Applicant's Submitted Plan, Attachments #1 and #2). The subject property currently supports a detached dwelling. Approval of this application will establish a zoning for the subject property which will permit the development of two lots that are compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood and conform to the Pickering Official Plan. The City's rei:luirements respecting development of the subject property will be addressed through conditions of the associated land severance application. It is recommended that this application be approved, and the draft by-law forwarded to Council for enactment. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. 3O Date: August 26, 2004 Psge 2 Background: 1.0 Comments Received !.1 Before the Information Meeting one resident comment in opposition was received (see Attachment #3); 1.2 At the August 5, 2004, Information Meeting (see text of Information Report and Meeting Minutes, Attachments #4 and #5) no one spoke for or against the application; 1.3 Following the Information Meeting - no further resident comments have been received; 1.4 City Department and Agency Comments Development Control no objection; all concerns can be addressed through the future land severance application; Durham Region Planning Department no objection; all Regional requirements will be addressed through the associated land severance application; (see Attachment #6); Toronto and Region Conservation Authority no objection; (see Attachment #7); Veridian Connections no objection; 2.0 Discussion: 2.1 The proposed development is compatible with existing development, and the subject property is to be zoned 'R4' Applications for the redevelopment of properties along Rougemount Drive to allow for reduced lot frontages of 15.0 metres have been submitted and approved by Council over the past several years. The introduction of lots with 15.0 metre frontages has occurred without negatively impacting the streetscape or character of the neighbourhood. Therefore, it is recommended that the subject property be zoned 'R4' - Residential Detached Dwelling, in order to permit the future development of two lots with minimum frontage of 15.0 metres and minimum lot area of 460 square metres. Date: August 26, 200~. Page 2.2 2.3 3.0 Zoning the property a category identical to that of existing properties located along Rougemount Drive provides the opportunity for future development that is compatible with surrounding development. In order to ensure that the unique character of the neighbourhood is maintained, the Draft Implementing By-law (see Appendix I) retains several of the 'R3' zoning standards established for this area, including minimum front yard depth of 15.0 metres, maximum dwelling height of 9.0 metres, accessory structure provisions, and a garage projection restriction of 2.0 metres. All development matters concerning the City will be addressed through the land severance process The applicant proposes to sever the subject property in order to allow for the future development of two new detached dwellings. A site plan showing the proposed severance is provided for reference (see Attachment #2). In order to ensure appropriate development of the proposed lots, all requirements of the City will be included as conditions of approval for the associated land severance application. These conditions will address matters such as, but not limited to, grading and drainage, architectural design, parkland dedication, securities and costs. The applicant has not yet submitted a land severance application to the Durham Region Land Division Committee. The City's interests can be appropriately addressed and protected through the conditions of land severance approval. By-law to be forwarded to Council The attached by-law, included as Appendix I to this report, implements Staff's recommendation to approve the requested 'R4' residential zoning. It is recommended that the attached by-law be forwarded to Council for enactment, should Council approve this application. Applicant's Comments: The owner is aware of the content of this Report. 32 Date: AU(::ust 16 ~,nn~! APPENDIX: Appendix I: Draft Implementing By-law Attachments: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Location Map Applicant's Submitted Plan Resident Comment Information Report Minutes from Statutory Public Meeting Agency Comment - Region of Durham Planning Department Agency Comment - Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Prepared By: Li, 11 Carla Pierini Planner I Approved / Endorsed By: Nei[ Carr~~RPP Director, Planning & Development Lynda Taylor, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review CXP:jf Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Thomas J. Quinn, Chief Administrati~f~cer APPENDI:~ 'T~.~, REPORT NUMBER 34-04 33 DRAFT BY-LAW ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 7/04 34 THE ..... ,.~,~RP.cRA.~ tON CF THE CITY OF PtCKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a By-taw to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham in Part of Lot 32, Plan 228, in the City of Pickering. (A 7104) WHEREAS the Councit of The Corporation of the City' of Pickering deems it desirable to rezone the subiect property, being Part of Lot 32, Plan 228, from 'R3' to 'R4' - Residential Detached Dwelling Zone in order to permit the creation of two lots with minimum lot frontages of 15.0 metres; AND WHEREAS an amendment to By-law 3036, as amended, is therefore deemed necessary; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: SCHEDULE "1" AMENDMENT Schedule "1" to By-law 3036 as amended by By-law 2912/88 is hereby amended by changing the current 'R3' zoning designation to 'R4' as shown on Schedule 'T' attached hereto. EFFECTIVE DATE This By-law shall take effect from the day of passing hereof subject to the approval of the Ontado Municipal Board, if required. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this ,2004. day of David Ryan, Mayor~ Bruce Taylor, Clerk PART OF LOT 32 PLaN 228 R4 SCHEDULE 'I' TO BY-LAW PASSED THIS DAY OF MAYOR 2004 CLERK 36 x -.~F-----4%1 L ", 'x J. i x~------.-.~' ~ PINEVIEWLANE j J I I ! ! i d 'il h t J i ~t'~t AUTUMN CRE i , ~i, I , ,, TWYN RIVERS DRIVE ~ SHEPPARD AVENUE ~°v? i~°i"~ ~ , ~ , City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PART LOT 32, PLAN 228 OWNER C. VANDAMME DATE JUNE 25, 2004 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. A 07104 SCALE 1:5000 CHECKED BY CP FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN-10 PA- 37 30.48m 1 'i PP, OPOSED NEW HOMES {CONCEPT ONLY) ,,r q'5.24m ROUGEMOUNT' DRIVE TO THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED 8¥ :-HE CiTY OF PIOKEJ~ING PLANNING DE',/~.DPMENT DEPARTMENT, PLANNING ;NFORMATiON SERVICE~ 38 Aau ,saya, 3LD. F,R. Or thopaedic Surgeon ~-~AA'FMF~NT 60] £,Jarwood Ave. S., Suite 207 Ajax, Ontario LIS 2~5 Ye£: (905) 686-0882 Fax: (905) 686-79d0 July 29, 2004 City of Pickering Mr. Bruce Taylor Administration Dept. Clerk's Division Picketing Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 RE: Zoning By-Law Amendment Application (A 07/04) Dear Mr. Taylor: Regarding the above amendment application I would like to place my objection to this recommendation. This property backs directly on to my property. I do not think that two home with such narrow frontages of 15m will be encouraging to property values in the area. I am unable to attend the public meeting on AUgust 5, 2004 as I will be on holiday. I would like to be informed of the final decision on this application. Sincerely, F. Abuzgaya, M.D., F.R.C.S.(C) FAJlp 39 INFORMATION REPORT NO. 09-04 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF August 5, 2004 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 7/04 Anthony Van Dam 1477 - 1481 Rougemount Drive (Part of Lot 32, Plan 228) 1.0 2.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the subject property is located on the north side of Rougemount Drive, east of Altona Road (see Location Map, Attachment #1); - the subject property has an area of approximately 0.3 hectares, a lot frontage of 30 metres, and currently supports a detached dwelling; - existing residential uses surround the subject property. APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - the applicant proposes to amend the existing "R3" zoning of the subject property to permit the creation of two lots with minimum lot frontages of 15 metres, and to allow for the future development of two new detached dwellings; - the applicant has requested to establish the "R4" - Detached Dwelling Residential Zone category in By-law 3036, as amended by By-laws 2912/88 and 3707/91. This zoning includes such provisions as a minimum front yard depth of 15 metres, maximum dwelling height of 9.0 metres, accessory structure provisions, and garage projection restriction of 2.0 metres; - a site plan showing the existing dwelling, the proposed lots, and a conceptual siting of two new detached dwellings is provided for reference (see Attachment #2); - the applicant has not yet submitted a land severance application to the Durham Region Land Division Committee. 4O information Repc~ Ho. 09-04 Page 2 3.2 3.3 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.3.1 OFFICIAL DLAN AND ZONING Durham Reqionai Official Plan - identifies the subject property as being designated "Urban Area - Living Area", where development is intended to be predominantly for housing purposes; - the proposal appears to conform to the Durham Region Official Plan; Pickerinq Official Plan identifies the subject property as being located within an "Urban Residential- Low Density Area" within the Rougemount Neighbourhood; encourages new development to be compatible with existing development; the applicant's proposal conforms to the policies of the Plan; Zoninq By-law 3036~00 - the subject property is currently zoned "R3" - Residential Detached Dwelling Zone, by Zoning By-law 3036, as amended by By-laws 2912/88 and 3707/91; - the existing zoning permits a detached dwelling on a lot with a minimum lot frontage of 18 metres and a minimum lot area of 550 square metres; - a zoning by-law amendment is required to permit the future severance of the subject property. RESULTS OF CIRCULATION Resident Comments none received to date; A_qencv Comments - none received to date; Staff Comments Other Matters - in reviewing the application to date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: · compatibility with the surrounding area; · ensuring the unique character of the maintained. existing neighbourhood is ;'~'"*r '~'~'~ , 09-04 , ,f~, ~¢[,.on Repo~ '.',lo. Page 6.0 6.1 P~OCEDURAL ~NFORMAT~ON written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; ail comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. OTHER INFORMATION Appendix No. I list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing report. Carla Pierini Planner I CXP:Id Attachments ORIOINAL SIGNED BY Lynda Taylor, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review Copy: Director, Planning & Development COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) none to date; COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) none to date; COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) Planning & Development Department. The Manager, Development Review, provided an overview of the requirements of the Planning Act and the Ontario Municipal Board respecting this meeting and matters under consideration there at. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 7/04 ANTHONY VAN DAM '1477 - 1481 ROUGEMOUNT DRIVE {'PART OF LOT 32, PLAN 228) Carla Pierini, Planner I, provided an overview of property location, applicant's proposal and City's official plan policies pertaining to this site, as outlined in Information Report #09/04. Anthony Van Dam, applicant, advised that he has plans available for residents review, -1- The Regio~: M unicipaiit'¢ of Durham P!annmg Department 1615 DUNDAS S%E. ~T~ FLOOR. LANG TOWER WEST BUILDING PO BOX 623 WHITBY ON L1N 6A3 .ANADA d05-728~7731 Fax: 905-436~6612 Email: ~lannmg@ reg~on.aurnam.on.ca www.reglon.aurnam.on.oa A.L Georgieff, MCIP, RPP Commissioner of Planning August~..': .~u~,m~. Carla Pierini, Planner, Planning & Development Department One ~.he Espianade Pickering, Ontario L!V ,~K7 Dear Ms. Pierini: Re: Zoning Amendment Application A 07/04 Applicant: Claire & Anthony Van Dam Location: Part of Lot 32, Broken Front Concession 1477-1481 Rougemount Drive Municipality: City of Pickering We have reviewed this application and.the following comments are offered. The application' proposes,to rezone the subjeot property to permit the creation of two new residential lots with minimum lot frontages of 15 metres. Durham Regional Official Plan The subject lands are designated "Living Area" in the Durham Regional. Official Plan. Lands within this designation are to be used predominantly for housing purposes. The proposal conforms to the policies of the Regional Plan. Municipal. Servicino Municipal water supply and sanitary sewer service are available tothe subject property. Regional requirements concerning the provision of servicing, financial and .otherwise, may be addressed.through the subsequent land division application. Provincial' Plan Review Responsibilities The application has been screened in accordance with the provincial plan review responsibilities. Any provincial interests affected by the proposal may be addressed through the subsequent land division application. "Service Excellence for our Communities" !00% Post Consumer !f vcu 'nave any auestions or require aaditionat information, please call ~q3e. Ray Davies, Planner Plan Implementation Current Operations Branch COpy: Pete Castellan, Durham Region Works Department R:\rd~zoning\pickedng aO7-O4.doc 8Y FAX AND MAiL 905-420-9685) ibis. Carla Pierini P!anning Departmen'[ Picketing Civic ~' -, ~.omple;. One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 8K7 Dear Ms. Pierini: RE: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A07/04 Par[ lot 32, Plan 228 1477-1481 Rougemount Drive City of Picketing (Claire and Anthony Van Dam) The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) has reviewed the above noted by-law amendment, received July 9, 2004 and offers the following comments. Background The subject property is located south of Sheppard Avenue and east of Altona Road, in the City of Pickering. It is our understanding that the purpose of the application is to amend the zoning of the property to "R4" in order to permit the creation of two new residential lots with minimum lot frontages of 15 metres. There is an existing dwelling on the subject property that will be demolished. Applicable Policies and Regulations The subject property is located outside of the TRCA's Fill Regulated Area and the Regional Storm Flood Plain of the Petticoat Creek. Therefore, a permit under Ontario Regulation 158 (Fill, Construction and Alteration to Waterways) is not required for development on this property. Further, there are no natural heritage features on, or adjacent to the property, that may negatively impacted by the proposed development. Recommendation In light of the above, the TRCA has no objections to the approval of zoning by-law amendment A07/04. Fees By copy of this letter, the TRCA confirms receipt of the required processing fee ($750) associated with review of the subject application. We trust this is of assistance. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Yours truly, Kirsten Kontor, B.Sc., M.E.S. (PI) Plans Analyst Development Services Section Extension 5370 c.c: Anthony Van Dam (Fax: 905-884-3350) kk/ci F:\P RS\CLAU284\PUB LIC\A0704.wpd RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Pickering Council RECEIVE and ENDORSE Report PD 33-04 as its comments on the proposed Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, prepared by the Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal, dated Summer 2004; That Pickering Council ADVISE the Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal that: (a) (b) (c) (d) Pickering Council supports the recognition of downtown Pickering as an emerging urban centre; there is a lack of rationale for designating the entire Agricultural Assembly area in Pickering as permanent open space; the Province should be adopting a 50-year planning horizon for its Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe Region; and the Province needs to develop and detail the appropriate fiscal, regulatory and other tools for municipalities to facilitate plan implementation; That Pickering Council REQUEST the Province to release a comprehensive package of reforms for further consultation, which includes the planning reform initiatives, and the Greater Golden Horseshoe initiatives, such as the above Growth Plan, Transportation Strategy, 10-year Strategic Infrastructure Investment Plan, and the proposed Provincial Greenbelt Plan, prior to finalizing the growth plan; and That the City Clerk FORWARD a copy of Report PD 33-04 to the Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Region of Durham, and Wayne Arthurs, MPP, Pickering-Ajax-Uxbridge. R PORT TO ~epc~ Number: PD 33-04 Date: August 27,200A From: Neii Carroll Director,. Planning & Development Subject: Places to Grow - Better Choices. Brighter Future Greater Golden Horseshoe Growth Plan Discussion Paper Summer 2004 Recommendation: That Pickering Council RECEIVE and ENDORSE Report PD 33-04 as its comments on the proposed Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, prepared by the Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal, dated Summer 2004; That Pickering Council ADVISE the Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal that: (a) (b) (c) (d) Pickering Council supports the recognition of downtown Pickering as an emerging urban centre; there is a lack of rationale for designating the entire Agricultural Assembly area in Pickering as permanent open space; the Province should be adopting a 50-year planning horizon for its Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe Region; and the Province needs to develop and detail the appropriate fiscal, regulatory and other tools for municipalities to facilitate plan implementation; That Pickering Council REQUEST the Province to release a comprehensive package of reforms for further consultation, which includes the planning reform initiatives, and the Greater Golden Horseshoe initiatives, such as the above Growth Plan, Transportation Strategy, 10-year Strategic Infrastructure Investment Plan, and the proposed Provincial Greenbelt Plan, prior to finalizing the growth plan; and That the City Clerk FORWARD a copy of Report PD 33-04 to the Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Region of Durham, and Wayne Arthurs, MPP, Pickering-Ajax-Uxbridge. Executive Summary: The Province has released a discussion paper on a proposed Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe for public consultation. Council recently provided comments on other Provincial planning reform initiatives: the Planning Act/Bill 26, the Strong Communities (Planning Amendment) Act, 2004; the Provincial Policy Statement; the Ontario Municipal Board; and the Greenbelt Task Force Discussion Paper. Suoiec:: G,,'ea~er Soiden -!orsesnoe GroW~.h Plan ~ugust 27,200~ ,~age 2 in the discussion paper, the Growth Plan proposes to redirect urban grovc[h away from suburban sprawl toward existing and emerging urban centres (as infill and redevelopment) with new greenfield development directed to lands south of the Oak Ridges Moraine. The Province is proposing to support this shift by: investing significantly in public transit, assuming stronger Provincial authority, and providing new fiscal and regulatory tools for municipalities to implement the Growth Plan. Comments have been made on the discussion paper relating to: the shift in responsibility for land use planning matters from municipalities to the province; the need for a provincial vision of 50 (not 30) years for the Greater Golden Horseshoe; the lack of rationale for Pickering's future growth areas; the need to expedite enabling legislation for new and effective fiscal and regulatory tools; and the need to clarify the role and structure of the Greater Toronto Transportation Authority (GTTA). It is recommended that the Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal consider, and where appropriate incorporate, Pickering's comments. Further, the Province should release a comprehensive package of all of its initiatives for further consultation, prior to finalizing the Growth Plan. Financial Implications: Although there are no financial implications to providing comments on the Growth Plan, possible implementation of some of the financial tools by the Province (such as amendments to the Development Charges Act) may have future financial implications on the City. Background: t.0 Introduction The Province has initiated a review of planning and development in Ontario. The review includes the preparation of provincial, or area wide growth plans, transportation strategies and source water protection. For the Greater Golden Horseshoe, a Growth Plan, a 10-Year Infrastructure Investment Plan, a Transportation Strategy, and a Greenbelt Plan are being developed. Other initiatives include reviewing legislation - such as the Planning Act; policy - such as the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS); and other mechanisms - such as the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB). In July 2004, Council endorsed Report PD 31-04 relating to the planning reform components: the Planning Act / Bill 26, the Strong Communities (Planning Amendment) Act, 2004; the Provincial Policy Statement; and the Ontario Municipal Board. Earlier, Council endorsed Report PD'28-04 relating to the Greenbelt Task Force's Discussion Paper that outlines proposed approaches for a Golden Horseshoe Greenbelt. 5O ~umec~: :¢;,ea~.er ~c. iden ~orsesnoe GrowTh P!an August 27:, 200zi ~age S 2.0 Recently, the Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewat released a discussion paper on a proposed Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe. During July and August of this year, the Ministry held public sessions in the Golden Horseshoe area. City staff attended the stakeholder sessions in Oshawa and Markham. Comments on the proposed Growth Plan are requested by September 24, 2004. A copy of the Growth Plan was previously forwarded to members of Council for their information. Greater Golden Horseshoe Growth Plan Discussion Paper The paper indicates the population growth of the Greater Golden Horseshoe will increase from 7.8 million in 2001 to over 11 million by 2031. Approximately 75 percent of this growth is projected to occur in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and Hamilton with most of the remaining growth expected to occur in the larger urban centres located at the periphery of the Horseshoe area. To accommodate this growth, the Province is proposing its vision for managing growth for the area over the next 30 years by: identifying priority urban centres, strengthening the transportation linkages among them; and encouraging more compact development in urban areas to maximize the benefits of new growth; · protecting and managing valuable greenlands, natural agricultural lands so that they continue to contribute a environmental, social and economic benefits to Ontario; · using tools to implement these objectives: systems and full range of invest strategically in infrastructure that supports identified growth priorities; create a legislative and regulatory planning framework that promotes greater collaboration between the province and its partners to strategically accommodate growth; provide a suite of new regulatory and fiscal tools to assist municipalities and other stakeholders in attracting and locating growth strategically and protecting what is valuable. SuSiec:: $~'eater :3,;iden .'~orseshoe GroVm. h Plan august.,~'? ,200~ ---age $ The following table identifies how Pickering is addressed in the paper. 3.0 3.1 Discussion Paper emerging urban centre future growth areas natural heritage features agricultural resources Pickering identifies downtown Pickering (see Maps 3 and 4 of the Discussion Paper) includes lands in Pickering located slightly south of the Oak Ridges Moraine including the Pickering airport site and all of the lands between the Ajax and Whitby municipal borders (see Maps 4, 5, and 6 of the Discussion Paper) · specifically identifies the Agricultural Assembly (see Map 7 of the Discussion Paper) · specifically identifies the Agricultural Assembly lands (see Map 8 of the Discussion Paper) In addition, the paper indicates that significant infrastructure investment is planned for the Seaton lands, which will be developed as a model community that provides balanced housing choices, jobs and greenspace. The paper also acknowledges the potential of the future Pickering Airport to become a major employment hub and economic generator. Many of the objectives and opportunities for growth discussed in the paper are consistent with the principles and policies set out in the Pickering Official Plan, which supports mixed use, intensification, pedestrian oriented and transit supportive development patterns. Discussion The proposed Greater Golden Horseshoe Growth Plan would duplicate regional and local official plans. There is merit in a provincial Growth Plan that is visionary and provides long term guidance to and coordination of provincial actions and the actions of other levels of government and agencies. Staff supports the provincial vision of encouraging more compact development in urban areas, protecting natural systems and agricultural lands, and investing in infrastructure. 52 ;5~.:~iec:: ?.~a',:er Golden :!orsespoe Growth Plan However, it appears from our review of the document that the effect of the provincial Growth Plan will be a significant shift in responsibility for land use planning matters to the provincial level. Essentially, the proposed provincial growth plan would duplicate the function of many of the policies already contained in regional and local official plans, and reduce the role of municipalities to that of 'implementers' of policy. It is unclear as to whether the Growth Plan will be implemented by special legislation or as part of a strengthened Provincial Policy Statement under the Planning Act. In either case, more stringent policies in upper and lower-tier Official Plans will be required to implement the provincial vision for the Greater Golden Horseshoe. Although the discussion paper sets out a broad vision for growth and development, the lack of detail prevents an evaluation of its full impact on the City. Staff recommends that Council request a further opportunity to comment on the specifics of the proposed growth plan, before it is finalized and adopted, and that those specifics be provided as part of a comprehensive package of provincial land use planning reforms and initiatives. 3.2 A provincial vision of 50 (not 30) years is required to manage growth in the Greater Golden Horseshoe. The City had previously commented to the Province on its planning reform initiatives that the GTA Regions already use a 30-year time-frame in their Official Plans, and that a longer time-frame is required for provincial infrastructure planning, such as 400-series highways, hospitals, water and sanitary servicing and interregional transit. The Province should reconsider the proposed timeframe for its growth plan and adopt a 50-year planning horizon for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, with the upper and single-tier municipalities continuing to plan for up to 30 years. The discussion paper is proposing that upper-tier and single-tier municipalities be required to prepare growth plans, and subsequent conforming official plan amendments. However, the need for municipal growth plans, distinct from municipal official plans, is not explained. Official plans currently guide growth and development at the municipal level. Another level of 'growth plan' would be redundant, and further complicate the planning and development process. The Province should eliminate the need for upper and single-tier municipalities to also prepare growth plans, but ensure that growth matters are incorporated into official plans. :~-~.~0~ec~: ~,~eF .=Olce~q 5orses~oe ~,=Fowth Plan 53 3.3 No ~'ationa~e is provided for the location of Pickering's 'conceptual future growth areas' or the identification the Agricultural Assembly lands in Pickering as permanent open space. The discussion paper identifies the 'conceptual future growth areas' for the Greater Golden Horseshoe. For Pickering, the growth areas encompass most of the lands south of the Oak Ridges Moraine, including the future airport site and all of the lands between the Ajax and Whitby borders, except for the Aqricultural Assembly. These lands are identified as a natural area. There is no rationale or justification provided for either the inclusion in or exclusion of lands from the 'conceptual future development areas'. The Province's continued position to retain the Agricultural Assembly lands for open space and agriculture is contrary to many of the objectives and strategies stated in the proposed Growth Plan. The Agricultural Assembly lands: do not currently support a sustainable agricultural industry, and will become further impacted as urban development proceeds on the Seaton lands and the future Pickering airport lands; are not a unique high value crop area, like the Holland Marsh, the grape lands or the tender fruit lands; are not a unique natural area or feature, like the Oak Ridges Moraine and Niagara Escarpment; and, have natural heritage features that are less sensitive than those on other lands within the Duffins Creek watershed identified for development in Seaton (and as 'conceptual growth areas' to the east of Seaton). A provincial Growth Plan should be based on credible information and analysis, and result in defensible conclusions and recommendations. The discussion paper does not meet this standard in identifying the conceptual growth areas for Pickering. Furthermore, the Growth Plan discussion paper strongly promotes partnerships with municipalities. This language is consistent with earlier Provincial planning reform initiatives that recognized the role of municipalities in growth matters including: the draft Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) that identifies that the upper-tier municipalities, in consultation with local municipalities, would designate new growth areas; and, the proposed amendment to the Planning Act (Bill 26) that would eliminate a developer's appeal rights on urban area boundary expansions where the expansion is not supported by the municipality. Yet, the effect of a provincial Growth Plan, as set out in the paper, will be to pre-determine where growth should occur. With the Province pre-determining the areas for growth, both the City and the Region will be relegated to only detailing the types of uses and when growth should occur, not whether growth should occur. 54 Growth P!an Page 7 3.4 Partnerships should inciude respect for and incorporation of municipal input. Therefore, a provincial Growth Plan should incorporate the results of independent planning studies that have examined the relative opportunities to and constraints for growth, such as Pickering's Growth Management Study (GMS). The provincial Growth Plan should reflect the results of the City's GMS and include the southern part of the Agricultural Assembly as a 'conceptual future growth area'. The discussion paper proposes fiscal and regulatory tools to support provincial and municipal efforts to implement the shift in development patterns. The paper proposes that the Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal will coordinate policy and infrastructure funding of all Provincial Ministries with the Greater Golden Horseshoe area. In addition, the Province is proposing significant new fiscal and regulatory tools to support municipalities in implementing the Growth Plan. These tools include: appointing a provincial facilitator to resolve conflicts; requiring upper-tier and single-tier municipalities to prepare growth plans with long term goals for population growth, transportation priorities and infrastructure plans; encouraging lower or single tier municipalities to implement community improvement plans to promote revitalization of underused areas; amending the Development Charges Act to require full-cost pricing for infrastructure in greenfields development and possible discounts in urbanized areas where basic infrastructure exists; examining land transfer taxes as a tool to promote more compact development; considering property tax reform as a means to encourage higher densities; and, requesting municipalities to investigate new fiscal tools. The details on how the various tools are to be implemented by municipalities have not been provided. However, the use of one or more of the new fiscal tools can reduce the City's dependency on property taxes. For example, new tools could enable Council to impose income tax, sales tax or gas tax at its own discretion. This would equip municipalities with the ability to provide updated infrastructure without waiting for the changing priorities of senior levels of governments. ::~ o~ec;: 3mater ~.=.~¢~cen ~orseshoe Growth :~ugust 27, 2004 5'5 4.0 information on the ~*oie and structure of the Greater Toronto T~'ansportation Authority (GTTA) is required. The Province has an important role in coordinating transportation at the GTA level. To this end, the discussion paper proposes that the previously announced Greater Toronto Transportation Authority (GTTA) will be responsible for coordinating transportation planning and investment at a regional level and ensuring a seamless transit system in the Greater Toronto Area. However, as with many of the strategies and implementation measures referred to in the discussion paper, too little detail is provided about the role and structure of the new GTTA. It is unclear how much authority for transit operations and planning will be assigned to the GTTA. Last February, Council supported Durham Region assuming full authority over bus passenger transportation currently provided at the lower-tier. It now appears that the GTTA would be responsible for developing an integrated system for the Greater Toronto Area including Durham Region. Again, although there is merit in provincial coordination of transit planning and funding, the role of local and regional transit operators within the GTA requires further detail before staff can provide comment on its implications for Pickering. Other strategies include: building urban transit facilities within the GTA (including Pickering); strengthening GO facilities and ridership; building a network of HOV (high occupancy vehicle) lanes; and supporting the movement of goods. These strategies signify a redirection of provincial priorities in favour of public transit and is consistent with the policies of the Pickering Official Plan. Conclusion It is recommended that Council request the Province to combine all of its Greater Golden Horseshoe initiatives to create an integrated package of reforms for the area. This package should be circulated for public review and comment. In addition, the Province needs to provide more details on the GTTA, and on the fiscal and regulatory tools available to municipalities. Details of, and legislation enabling, the new fiscal and regulatory tools as well as a GTTA must be given high priority by the Province; otherwise, there will be a growth plan without sufficient power or tools to implement it effectively. ATTACHMENTS: None - A copy of the Discussion Paper was distributed to Members of Counci~ on July 23, 2004. -~,d .....,=~LGF ~.;oloen '(orseshoe ' P!an Prepared Approved / Endorsed Neii'Carroll,';%,~?,Pl~ Director, Planning & Development Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Manager, Policy GM:SC:Id Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Division Head, Corporate Projects & Policy Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Coun Thomas J. Quinn, Chief Administrative~Officer RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 57 DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Report OES 24-04 regarding the supply and delivery of a Fire Pumper Vehicle be received; and That Quotation No. Q-29-2004 submitted by Smeal Fire Apparatus for the supply and delivery of a Fire Pumper Vehicle in the amount of $378,000.00 (GST extra) be accepted; and That the total gross purchase cost of $404,460.00 and a net purchase cost of $378,000.00 be approved; and That Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the purchase through the issuance of debt; a) That debt financing not exceeding the amount of $378,000 for a period not exceeding 10 years, at a rate to be determined, be approved; and b) That financing and repayment charges in the amount of approximately $48,500 be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2005 and continuing thereafter until the loan is repaid; and c) That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has certified that this loan and the repayment thereof falls within the City's Debt and Financial Obligations approved Annual Repayment Limit for debt and other financial obligations for 2004 as established by the Province for municipalities in Ontario; and d) That the Treasurer be authorized to take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing; and 5. That staff at the City of Pickering be given the authority to give effect thereto. REPORT TO EXECUT]¥E COMMfTTEE Report Numi~er: OES 24-04 Date: July 22, 2004 59 From: W. Douglas Fire Chief Subject: Supply and Delivery of one Fire Pumper Vehicle Q-29-2004 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 24-04 regarding the supply and delivery of a Fire Pumper Vehicle be received and that: 2. Quotation No. Q-29-2004 submitted by Smeal Fire Apparatus for the supply and delivery of a Fire Pumper Vehicle in the amount of $378,000.00 (GST extra) be accepted; 3. The total gross purchase cost $404,460.00 and a net purchase cost of $378,000.00 be approved; 4. Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the purchase through the issuance of debt; A) B) C) D) Debt financing not exceeding the amount of $378,000 for a period not exceeding 10 years, at a rate to be determined, be approved; and Financing and repayment charges in the amount of approximately $48,500 be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2005 and continuing thereafter until the loan is repaid; The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has certified that this loan and the repayment thereof falls within the City's Debt and Financial Obligations approved Annual Repayment Limit for debt and other financial obligations for 2004 as established by the Province for municipalities in Ontario; The Treasurer be authorized to take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing: and 5. Staff at the City of Pickering be given the authority to give effect thereto. Reoom OE$ 24-04 ~iJoiect: Suppiy& DeJJver¥ of FiFe ~umper ~-z9-200~ Vehicie Date: July 22, 2004 Page 2 Executive Summary: Not Applicable Financial Implications: 1. Approved Source of Funds 2004 Capital Budget Debt (10 years) Account 2240/6157 Proiect Code 04-2240-001-01 Total Approved Funds Amount $38o,ooo $380,000 Estimated Project Costing Summary Q-29-2004 Fire Pumper Vehicle Less Trade-in 1986 SuperiodMack Pumper Sub Total G.S.T. P.S.T. (not applicable) Total Gross Purchase Cost G.S.T. Rebate Total Net Purchase Cost $388,000 (10,000) 378,000 26,460 404,460 (26,460) $378,000 Project Cost under (over) Approved Funds $2,000 The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has reviewed the budgetary implications and the financing of the expenditures contained in this report and concurs. CO2000-07/22 Reoor~ OES 24-04 Su~iect: Suuply & DeiJvew of Fire Pumper Vehicie ~-~_9-2004 Date: July 22, 2004 Page 3 Background: The purchase of a Fire Pumper Vehicle was approved by Council in the 2004 Capital Budget. Through research and analysis of current emergency response apparatus, Fire Services compiled specifications for this piece of equipment. Supply & Services invited seven (7) vendors to participate in the bidding process of which four (4) have submitted quotations. Upon careful examination of all quotations received by Supply & Services, the Pickering Fire Services Division recommends acceptance of the bid from Smeal Fire Apparatus in the amount of $378,000.00 (GST extra) and that this total net purchase cost of $378,000.00 be approved. This report has been prepared in conjunction with the Manager Supply & Services who concurs with the foregoing. Attachments: 1. Supply & Services Memorandum 2. Pickering Fire Services Memorandum Prepared By: W. Douglas ~ ~ ' Fire Chief/.._. '~~,~ Vera Felgemacher/ Manager, Supply & Services Appro~v_~ Eve re~~__~a/' lj Director, Operations & Emergency Services ~Tl~s lA. Paterson Director, Corporate Services 8, Treasurer WD:nrm Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City..C~il Th~'s J. Qui~n, Clef Admini~?t'r~i.ve/Offie/er ' 62 CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT SUPPLY & SERV!CES MEMORANDUM Juty 6, 2004 To: From: Subject: Mark Diotte Deputy Fire Chief Bob Kuzma Purchasing Analyst Quotation fOr Fire Pumper Vehicle Quotation No. Q-29-2004 Closing: June 16, 2004, 12:00 Noon Quotations were invited from seven (7) companies on June 2, 2004 of which four (4) have responded by the closing date and time noted above and one "unable to bid" (Dependable Emergency Vehicles). Quotations shall be irrevocable for 90 days after the official closing date and time. Summary: Account Number - Project Code - Approved Capital Budget- Financing - 2240- 6157 04-2240-001-01 $380,000.00 Debt (10 year) Description Darch Fire $ Part A, Sections 1-6, Base Custom Chassis 373,013.21 Less Trade-in (5,000.00 Sub-Total 367,013.21 G.S.T. 25,690.92 Total 392,704.13 After calculation check 393, 774. 13 Delivery (days) Upcharge - raised roof Part B Section 1, Optional Equipment Payment Terms 3O0 3,500.00 104,066.63 Net 30 upon delivery Resqtech. Systems Inc.$ 381,500.00 (5,000.00 376,500.00 26,355.00 4O2,855.OO 402,855.00: 325 No bid Partial quote: 39,675.50 After calculation check: 37,850.50I If chassis paid for upon delivery to Rosenbauer America - $6,500 discount Smeal Fire Apparatus $ 388,000.00 (10,000.00) 378,000.00 26,460.00 404,460.00 Seagrave Fire Apparatus Co.$ 418,720.00 (10,000.00 408,720.00 28,611.00 437,331.00 404,460.00 437,330.40 270 290 Included in price 98,499.00 Assumption: Net 30 upon delivery 3,415.00 118,906.00 After calculation check: 96,934.00 Down payment of 15% at contract signing, chassis payment upon arrival at the facility, balance upon delivery Quotation No. Q-29-2004 Mark Diotte July 6, 2004 Page 2 63 ~idaers ~vere requested within :he Supplementary Quotation Terms & Conditions .:iSQTC) and Specifications to include a variety of documents with their submittal. Based upon the instructions given in the SQTC and Specifications, the submittals have been thoroughly reviewed so as to locate the documentation requested. A summary of this review is attached for your information. Copies of the quotations are attached for your review along with the summary of costs. Each line item provides a space for the vendor to indicate a "Yes, No, Specify" to provide the City with information and details to subjectively review each line item and the sum total of all specifications. Specifications Item 4 states: Where a minimum is called for, the item shall meet or exceed the capacity, size or performance specified. 1. A mark in the "yes" space shall mean compliance with the specification and can be further detailed in the SPECIFY space. 2. A mark in the "no" space shall mean a deviation from the specification and must be further detailed in the SPECIFY space. Deviations will be evaluated and acceptance of these deviations is within the discretion of the user department. The quotation submitted by Darch Fire in the total amount of $392,704.13 the Iow quotation, subject to further evaluation of the terms, conditions and specifications of fire pumper vehicle quoted upon and Fire Services requirements. In accordance with Purchasing Policy Item 04.05 (revised 2004), an award exceeding $79,600 is subject to Council approval. Include in your report to Council: 1. if reference information is acceptable the appropriate account number(s) to which this work is to be charged and the budget amount(s) assigned thereto; 2. Treasurer's confirmation of funding; 3. related departmental approvals; 4. any reason(s) why the Iow bid of Darch Fire is not acceptable; 5. summary memorandum from Supply & Services; and 6. related comments specific to the acquisition. Bidders will be advised of the outcome in due course. Please do not disclose pricing to enquiring bidders. Subject to Council approval, an approved "on-line" requisition will also be required to proceed. if you require further information, please feel free to contact me. /b ? Attachments Copy for: Director, Operations & Emergency Services Fire Chief 64 SUPPLY& S:R¢.C~ fVlEMORANDUM July 6, 2004 To: From: Subject: Mark Diotte Deputy Fire Chief Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services Review of Submittals Quotation for Fire Pumper Vehicle Quotation No. Q-29-2004 The purpose of this memorandum is to report upon the initial revieTM and analysis of this quotation call, as conducted by Supply & Services and to provide a recommendation as how to proceed. It was apparent after quotation closing, submittals received by the City required an extensive review to determine if requested documents were included with each submittal within the requirements of the quotation call. An extensive review was required for an objective look at all submittals based upon the terms, conditions and instructions within the quotation document. A collective group, Bob Kuzma (Supply & Services) Grant Smith (Fleet Operations) and yourself (Fire Services) reviewed the submittals to determine which documents were received in addition to the quotation (pricing) page. In addition, Supply & Services independently reviewed the submittals. This included a review of the instructions, clarity of terms and specifications and the meaning and the purpose of each requirement requested by the City. Each bidder was contacted for the City to clarify documentation and omissions, as might be the case. Where irregularities or omissions had occurred, possible causes were determined and the practice of fair and equal treatment of all bidders was undertaken. A review of the interpretation of the whole quotation and each of its parts was conducted for assurance of the integrity of the bidding process and to serve the best interests of the City. These tasks had to be undertaken during the first phase of the evaluation process before a determination could be made as to which, if any quotation could p¢oceed to the 2nd ~hase,, eva!uabo,' ~' of specifications. July 6, 2004 Page _ 65 The following questions were posed as the review was undertaken: - Was the City clear on its meaning and expeotation; - Could a bidder feel his/her interpretation of the instruction and subsequent drawing, sample, explanation etc. be exactly what the City wants to see; - Is it truly non-compliant or somewhat deficient; if what has been received isn't what was expected by the City, why; - Could there have been cause for misinterpretation; is documentation available at this point, before the vehicle is built i.e. booster tank specifications and NFPA 4.19.1 document sample- a bidder has advised that the NFPA 4.19.1 document is typically provided upon delivery. As noted in the attached Review of Documents Summary, there are varying degrees of documentation received or not received based upon the reference provided by the City in the quotation document? Each submittal has attempted to provide one version or another of what was understood to be included with the documentation (diagram, explanation, sample etc.) or a reasonable version thereof. Standard Quotation Terms & Conditions Item 13 - Bid Acceptance states the following: "The City reserves the right to waive irregularities and omissions, if in so doing the best interests of the City will be serviced. No liability shaft accrue to the City for any decision in this regard". Therefore, without precedence, based on the foregoing review and subsequent findings, it is recommended irregularities and omissions be waived so as to enable Fire Services to evaluate the fire pumper vehicles and specifications being quoted upon, in so doing the best interests of the City will be served. To this end, thank you for your assistance and co-,oCeration to date during this process. if you require further information or assistance, fqel free to contact me at extension .- ~52 or Boo Kuzma at extension 213t. /vf attachment copy · Director Operations & Emergency Services Fire Chief & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT FiRE SERVICES DIVISION MEMORANDUM July 22, 2004 To: W. To Douglas Fire Chief From: M. Diotte Deputy Chief Subject: Quotation For Fire Pumper Vehicle - File: FS1001 In the year 2004 capital funds of $380,000 were authorized by council, Account # 2240-6157 Project Code 04-2240-001-01, for the replacement of the 1986 Superior/Mack pumper currently in our fleet. Members of the Pickering Fire Services completed detailed specifications with assistance from Grant Smith Supervisor, Fleet Operations and Bob Kuzma from Supply and Services to ensure the needs of Pickering Fire Services were met and demonstrated in a concise manner conforming to City policy. There were seven manufacturers invited to bid with four submitting quotations. Three of these quotations were within budget allocations - Darch Fire ("American Lafrance"), RESQTECH Systems Inc. ("Rosenbauer") and SAFETEK Emergency Vehicles ("Smeal"), The fourth bidder Seagrave Fire Apparatus Company ("Seagrave") was over budget and immediately eliminated from the competition. In concert with Grant Smith, Captain John Hagg, Bob Kuzma and myself a comparative analysis was conducted on the submitted bids - these results were reflected in the memorandum dated July 6th, 2004 from Bob Kuzma. Subsequently in a memorandum from Vera Feigemacher dated July 6th, 2004 it was confirmed that fire services complete a further detailed analysis of the quotation documentation. During the week of July 19th, 2004 fire services completed the detailed analysis on the three bids. It was during this analysis that an error by Darch Fire (lowest bidder) was found and confirmed that costing of agreed to specifications were found to be missing from the overall pricing of the apparatus. With the discovew of this information Darch Fire requested that their bid be removed from the table due to their inability to meet the costs as reflected by their quotation. The final two bids remained were carefully reviewed. Based upon the costs and the following information ~ am recommending that the City of PiCkering accept the auotation, ~bmltt~,.~ by SAFETEK Emergency Vehicles ~""~.omea~ ..... ). Yhe "Smesi" bid inciudes the following additionai items: A raised roof in the overall price that was not confirmed in the "Rosenbauer" bid. The value added estimated cost for such an item would be approximately $5,000.00. Aluminum checker plate hose bed covers versus an ordinary vinyl hose bed cover. This item will reduce overall truck maintenance costs and protect hose loads from the environment. The value added estimated cost for such an item would be approximately $5,000.00 3. Shorter delivery time by 55 days. Conclusion: Although the "Rosenbauer" bid was $1,500 less than the "Smeal" bid, the relative value added of the raised roof and tread plate hose bed covers make the "Smeal" bid the lowest in realized costs. Costs: 67 Description Part A, Sections 1-6 Base Custom Chassis SAFETEK Emergency Vehicles ("Smeal") 388,000 RESQTECH Systems Inc. ("Rosenbauer") 381,500 LessTradein - 1986 (10,000) (5,000) SuperiodMack Sub-Total $378,000 $376,500 0 0 GST 0% (rebated) PST 0% Budget allocation 2240-6157 04-2240-001-01 $380,000.00 The decision has been discussed amongst the available members of the Pickering Fire Services Apparatus Committee, Grant Smith Supervisor, Fleet Operations and Bob Kuzma, Supply and Services with unanimous support. Two members of the Picketing Fire Services committee were not available for their comments. I trust that this recommendation will assist you in determining which of the bidders will construct our new pumper. As always, if you have any questions regarding this process or recommendation, please contact the undersigned for clarification. J'\ \Quotation !Vien%;.doc RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Report CS 29-04 from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, concerning Cash Position Report as at June 30, 2004, be received for information. REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CS 29-04 Date: August 26, 2004 69 F~'om: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Cash Position Report as at June 30, 2004 Recommendation: It is recommended that report CS 29-04 from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received for information. Executive Summary: The attached schedules provide the City of Pickering's cash position, continuity of taxes receivable, outstanding investments, development charges collected and other development contribution information for the three months ended June 30, 2004. Financial Implications: The cash position of the Corporation for three months ended June 30, 2004 was a net increase in cash of $919,549 to $6,174,624. Sources of Funds totalled $51,198,193 and Use of Funds totalled $50,278,644. Background: The discussion below describes the purpose and the information contained in each of the attached schedules. Statement of Cash Position: Attachment 1 reflects the sources and uses of funds for the second quarter of 2004. Subcategories have been identified to highlight those cash transactions that are significant in nature or large dollar value transactions for the City of Pickering. Continuity of Taxes Receivable: Attachment 2 summarizes the tax related transactions from April 1 to June 30, 2004 and provides the outstanding taxes receivable as at June 30, 2004. This balance represents all three levels of taxes billed, such as City, Region and School Boards. ?0 .~.~ ~ ..... ..;~.sn ~,3si';ion :-:eDorz as a'~ .June ou, ~u0~ D~te: A ' .... UgL ST 2004 ::a6e 2 Outstandin.q investments: Attachment 3 reflects the short-term and long-term investments for both the Current Fund and the Reserve Funds outstanding as at June 30, 2004. Development Charqes Collected: Attachment 4 indicates the total development charges for the City, Region and School Boards, as the City is responsible for collecting development charges on behalf of all levels of government. The total amount collected of $2,252,056 agrees with the balance indicated under Sources of Funds on Attachment 1. However the remittance of development charges to the Region and School Boards indicated under the Use of Funds is different than the total collected on Attachment 4. This variance is a result of timing differences because payments to the Region and School Boards are due 25 days following the month collected. Other Development Contributions: Attachment 5 is provided to show other significant development contributions that have been received. Attachments: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Statement of Cash Position Continuity of Taxes Receivable Outstanding Investments Statement of Development Charges Collected Other Development Contributions City Portion of Development Charges Collected 2002-2004 Building Permits Issued 2000-2004, 2nd Quarter City Portion of Development Charges Collected 1991-2003 Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: Avril Payne ~. Audit Analyst A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Cot ~:'~ ''~' '~F Thomas J. Quinn, Chief AdministratiV~'~Otf[cer ,,~as~ Position Statement fcr ~,~hree months ending June 30, 2004 Sources of Funds: Accounts Receivable collected $ 484,954 Development charges collected 2,252,056 Operating --r- ....... ~ I0, I O~f~O00 Grants-in-lieu: Federal 297,536 Provincial _ Ontario enterprises 1,728,830 Municipal enterprises 10,903 Linear Properties 78,962 Federal specific grants Ontario specific grants 13,215 Interest Income 213,567 Sale of land 145,400 Tax payments received 27,832,883 POA Revenue Total $ 51,198,193 i Use of Funds: Operating and Capital Expenditures $ 19,105,144 Payroll 5,786,113 Region Levy 13,916,209 Regional portion of Dev. Charges 279,457 School Board Levies 9,682,134 School Board portion of Dev. Charges 531,900 Debenture payment to Region 102,893 APTA Funding 874,794 Total $ 50,278,644 Net Cash Increase (Decrease) $ 919,549 FINANCIAL POSITION Bank Balance Net Cash Bank Balance April 1, 2004 Provided (Used) June 30, 2004 Current Fund $ 5,255,075 $ 919,549 $ 6,174,624 TOTAL i$ 5,255,075 I$ 919,549 $ 6,174,624 Note: Includes City, Region and School Boards Cash Position second quarter 2004.xlsNET CHANGES 72 e- o o E 0 0 0 (,3 ,.- .o_ 0 X Z I~1 Z o .-1 3 ZZZZ(~ z~z~ ZWWWW ~00~~ w ~ZO~o< z< oozS~<z ~0000< WW ~WWW0 O0~OZZZ 0000 EEEEEEEE ZZZZZZZZ Z Z Z 0 °1 ?3 o 0 0 Z 0 75 City of Picketing Other Deveiopment Contributions For three months ending June 30, 2004 CONTRIBUTIONS: Cash - In - Lieu of Parkland TOTAL CASH-IN-LIEU OF PARKLAND $73,852 $73,852 Cash Position second quarter 2004.xlsOther Dev. Contrbtns ?~ ?9 RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Report CS 30-04 concerning the Ontario Transit Vehicle Program - 2004 Request for Allocation of Funds, be received for information; and That Council approve the application for Provincial subsidy funding as directed in the Ontario Transit Vehicle Program (OTVP) guidelines for 2004; and That Council approve the (OTVP) application for the eligible expenditures as approved in 2004 APT^ Budget and the Treasurer be authorized to make any changes to the OTVP application or undertake any actions necessary in order to ensure the application process is complete; and That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering and the Ajax Pickering Transit Authority be given authority to give effect thereto. 8O P, CKBR Ne REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COiMM TT E Report Number: CS 30-04 Date: August 26, 2004 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Ontario Transit Vehicle Program - 2004 Request for Allocation of Funds Recommendation: That Report CS 30-04 be received for information and that: Council approve the application for Provincial subsidy funding as directed in the Ontario Transit Vehicle Program (OTVP) guidelines for 2004; Council approve the (OTVP) application for the eligible expenditures as approved in 2004 APTA Budget and the Treasurer be authorized to make any changes to the OTVP application or undertake any actions necessary in order to ensure the application process is complete; and, the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering and the Ajax Pickering Transit Authority be given authority to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: This year the Provincial Government has changed the name of the transit vehicle subsidy program from the Ontario Transit Renewal Program to Ontario Transit Vehicle Program or OTVP. Beside the name change, the Province has also introduced subsidy funding for fleet expansion. The OTVP is designed to provide up to one-third subsidy funding for: replacement transit vehicles, major refurbishment of ageing municipal transit vehicles and for fleet expansion. The City has recently received the application forms and information package from the Province and it is our understanding that the application should be forwarded to the Ministry by September 30, 2004. The application must be approved by the municipal Councils and the Council of the Town of Ajax will be passing a similar Resolution. Financial Implications: In 2002 and 2003, APTA had applied to the Province for one-third subsidy funding for the purchase of replacement vehicles and for major transit vehicle refurbishments. To-date, the Province has provided funding to the Town of Ajax and the City of Pickering for a total amount of $1,090,855 for APTA. For the years ~f F'.'nas Vsnicie Date: August 26, 200~ ~ogram - 2004 Fe~uest for Aiiocstic~ :~ge 2 81. 2002 and 2003, APTA has received subsidy funding for 7 bus refurbishments and 11 transit vehicies: (6 conventional and 5 specialized vehicles.) Under the Ontario Transit Vehicle Program, APTA's eligible renewal expenditures are based on the following APTA Board and Council approved 2004 capital budget items: Rep.- 1985 Orion Bus#2040 $567,000 $188,811 $378,189 Rep.- 1986 Orion Bus#2039 567,000 188,811 378,189 Mid-life Bus Refurb. 1992 Orion#2018 50,000 16,650 33,350 Mid-life Bus Refurb. 1992 Orion#2017 50,000 16,650 33,350 Mid-life Bus Refurb. 1992 Orion#2016 50,000 16,650 33,350 Rep.- 1995 Ford CTV#9010 (Special) 100,000 33,300 66,670 Rep.- 1995 ELF 125#9007 (Special) 100,000 33,300 66,670 Rep- 1997 Ford CTV#9006 (Special) 100,000 33,300 66,670 TOTAL $1,584,000 $527,472 $,1056,428 Based upon the above, APTA is asking the Province to provide funding in the amount of $527,472. Approval of the above Recommendations will provide the necessary authority for APTA to apply for the Ministry of Transportation subsidy funding. (The remaining net capital costs for the projects listed above are included in APTA's 2004 Capital Budget and are funded equally by the Town of Ajax and City of Pickering). Background: The Provincial Government recently announced, in its 2004 budget, a commitment of $448 million in funding for the Ontario Transit Vehicle Program (OTVP) for this year. Through the OTVP, the Province will provide funding of up to one-third of the eligible capital costs incurred by municipalities to replace or refurbish ageing transit vehicles or to purchase new vehicles to expand their transit fleets to increase ridership and reduce gridlock. 82 Date: August 26, 200Z Program - 2004 ~eauest for Allocation Page $ The Provincial Government has not yet established 2004 funding allocations for individual municipalities, however, in order to be eligible to claim 2004 funding, the OTVP - Guidelines and requirements require municipalities to first submit a "Request for an Allocation of Vehicle Program Funding" based on 2004 budgeted expenditures supported by a Council resolution. In APTA's situation, both the Town of Ajax and the City of Pickering Councils must pass resolutions supporting APTA's OTVP application. Attachments: 1. Correspondence from Ministry of Transportation Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: Stan Karwowski Manager, Finance & Taxation GAP:vw Attachment Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City C~~~_ Thomas J. Quinn, Chief Administ~a.ti.ve Officer Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer 7T Wellesley 3t. Nest ~oron~c, Sntsno M7A IZ8 (416) 327-9200 ~.~to.gov.o~.c~ JUL His Worship David Ryan Mayor City of P~ckerin~ I The Esplanade Pickedng, Ontario ~ V ~K7 3ureau au mims~re Tcdifice Ferguson, Se atage rue Weiiesiev ouest -oronto (On~ario'~ M7A 1 Z8 6) 327-9200 %~.m~o.gov.on.ca 83 -..&:~h :..' .. . ................ '. Dear Mayor Ryan: .... -':-' . , Increasing transit ridership is a priori~ for the Ontario-gOvernment That's why the province has cOmmi~ed $448 million for transit capital in its 2004 budget. With this commitment, municipalities can improve and·eXpand their transit se~ices to increase ddership, reduce gridlock and build stronger communities. I am pleased to advise you that the Ontario government is now confirming the first component of its 2004 transit capital program for conventional transit as well as for specialized transit services for persons with disabilities. Through the 2004 Ontario Transit Vehicle Program (OTVP), the province will provide funding of up to one'third of eligible capital costs incurred by municipelities to renew or refurbish transit vehicles, or purchase vehicles to expand their transit fleets. The government will require all vehicles that are funded to be fully accessible and meet all safety standards. This program improves upon the previous program in providing funding to help municipalities expand their transit fleets to grow ridership and provide a viable alternative to the automobile. In addition, the OTVP will provide incentive funding to municipalities that acquire alternately fuelled vehicles that reduce emissions, which contribute tb smog and global warming. .~ There will be further announcements on future funding for transit vehiCles and further ridership incentives fOr municipalities following upcoming consultationS with municipalities on sharing provincial gas taxes. The Ministry of Transpo~ation (MTO) ...,/2 will also continue ;o work with transit operators on pew approaches to transit ve~icie ~rocurement and financing to help accelerate the replacement and expansion of municipal transit fleets. As well, details about other transit capital programs addressing province-wide investments in transit related technologies and infrastructure will be announced later to ensure consistency with the government's approach with "Places to Grow: Better Choices, Brighter Future," a GTA Transportation Strategy and the creation of a Greater Toronto Transportation Authority. Staff from MTO's Transit Policy and Programs Office will be in contact with transit staff from your municipality concerning necessary reporting and the financial payment process. Thank you again for your commitment to improving public transit services within your municipality. Sincerely, Harinder S. Takhar Minister c: Wayne Arthurs, .MPP, Pickering-Ajax-Uxbridge RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Report CS 28-04 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, be received; and That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to issue the FINAL 2004 Tax Bills for Commercial, Industrial and Multi-residential properties with a due date of October 15th, and That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to make any changes or undertake any actions necessary, including altering the due dates, in order to ensure the tax billing process is completed and in order to comply with Provincial Regulations; and That the necessary By-law attached to this report be read three times and approved; and That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect hereto. 86 E×EC TIV : ~eport Number: CS 28-04 Date: SePtember t, 2004 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: 2004 Final Tax Due Dates for Commercial, Industrial and Multi- Residential Realty Tax Classes and Tax Rates Recommendation: It is recommended that report CS 28-04 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; and that: the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to issue the FINAL 2004 Tax Bills -for Commercial, Industrial and Multi-residential properties with a due date of October 15th, 2004; the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to make any changes or undertake any actions necessary, including altering the due dates, in order to ensure the tax billing process is completed and in order to comply with Provincial Regulations; the necessary By-law attached to this report be read three times and approved; and, the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given aUthority to give effect hereto. Executive Summary: Adoption of the above recommendations and passing the attached By-law provides for the final 2004 tax billing for non-residential tax classes (commercial, industrial and multi-residential) and provides for the establishment of the non-residential property tax rates for 2004. Schedule A of the attached By-law also consolidates all of the City's 2004 tax rates and final due dates. Date: ,, ~ ~ 2004 Res~den~ia~ -' :* ' ~,( Rates mea~q/Tax C:iasses and Financial Implications: The attached By-law is for the FINAL billing of 2004 property taxes for commercial, industrial and multi-residential properties. This billing of final property taxes will raise approximately $23.1 million for the City, Durham Region and School Boards. Tax bills for the Residential tax classes were issued on June 14, 2004 with due dates of Juiy 16th and September 29th. Background: The City of Pickering will soon be in a position to issue the final 2004 property tax bills in accordance with the capping provisions of Bill 140, Continued Protection For Property Taxpayers Act, passed by the Province on December 4, 2000 and implemented through various Regulations. This legislation was put in place to limit assessment reform related increases to 5% per year on commercial, industrial and multi-residential properties. Under this legislation, property owners facing increases due to property assessment reform had their increases "capped" (reduced). Conversely, those properties experiencing decreases were limited to that permitted under the legislation. This meant that taxes have to be "clawed back" from those experiencing decreases to fund the loss of revenue resulting from the capped increases. The funding of the capping protection is "paid for" on a Region wide basis. The Region of Durham acts like a banker in this process. In other words, the total cost of the capping protection for example, the commercial tax class is paid for by the other commercial properties throughout the Region by having a portion of their related property tax decrease withheld (clawed back). As part of the Region wide process, City of Pickering uses a Provincial database program called "Online Property Tax Analysis" or OPTA to' verify non-residential assessment data. Every municipality within Durham Region uses the OPTA system. The OPTA system became operational in mid April and taxation staff worked throughOut the spring verifying the data and investigating the discrepancies. Assessment Review Board decisions and Minutes of Settlement were incorporated into the capping calculations up to May 7th, which was the cut-off date for these changes. After this date the area municipalities would have completed their analysis of the assessment and taxation data. Schedule A of the attached By-law lists the 2004 tax rates used by the City, School Boards and Region of Durham for the calculation of property taxes. The 2004 residential tax rates were approved by Council on June 7th, 2004 and all of the 2004 tax rates and final due dates are presented in one schedule for presentation and consolidation purposes. For this year, the City of Pickering issued an interim tax bill to these realty property tax classes with two installment dates (February 26th and April 29th). The proposed final installment date of October 15th, provides these tax classes with some additional time to pay their tax bill. Table One below, provides a breakdown of tlqe final billing dates for the non-residential tax classes from 2000 to 2004. 88 ~u~iec:: 2C,0~ Finai 'Tax C. ue Dates for Commerciai. indus~.riai and iViuiti- ;=age 3 Resideniiai Reaitv, a^ ~.~,a.ses and: ax Rates Table One Non-Residential Final Billing Dates Year Number of Date installments 2000 One 2001 One 2002 One 2003 One 2004 One October 13, 2000 October 29, 2001 October 29, 2002 October 15, 2003 October 15, 2004 As Table One indicates, the proposed 2004 final due date closely follows the pattern established during the last four years. The one installment date will assist the City in managing its cash flow due to the fact the total School Board payment of approximately $9.9 million which is required on September 30th. Attachments: 1. By-law to establish the 2004 Tax Rates and Final Installment due date for the Commercial, Industrial and Multi-Residential tax classes. Prepared By: Approved ! Endorsed By: St~ Karwowski Manager, Finance & Taxation Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP:vw Attachment Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ? Thomas J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer 89 ;.,"~u~ti-.~esiaentiaf: ax t.;iasses aha ::o consodaa'~e a~i ~'., ,u 2% 200a (ax rates aha to iewj, the EiNAL tax bills for '[h,e OoF.'~mei-'o;~.i ..~dus~dai 8nG ~Viuiti-resJdentisi ~es Tot t~e ~/ear 2004. '~'~'::::'~< :t s nec~ssan.,' for the Council of The Corporation of ,~.:,~uan,~-.:c 'he Mun¢c/ma/ AcL ~00~ S.O. 2001. c.2~ as amendea. ay\/~, seD~Fa'[¢ '~ax :'a~e on the ~cssessment tn each propem? class; and. "~"=~-E'~S,.,~,. ~..--.~ ,. the property, classes i~ave ~3een prescribed by the Minister of Finance unaer Assessment Act, R,S.O. !990, ch.A.31, as amended and its Regulations; and. NHEREAS it is necessary 'for the Council of The Corporation of the City of Picketing, pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, to levy on the whole ratable property according to the last revised assessment roll for The Corporation of the City of Picketing. WHEREAS the Regional Municipality of Durham has passed By-law No. 29-2004 to establish tax ratios and By-law No. 27-2004 to adopt estimates of all sums required by The Regional Municipality of Durham for the purposes of the Regional Corporation and By-law No. 30-2004 to set and levy rates of taxation for Regionai Solid Waste Management and By-law No. 28-2004 to set and levy rates of taxation for Regional General Purposes and set tax rates on Area Municipalities; and, WHEREAS it is necessary for the Council of The Corporation of the City of Picketing pursuant to the Municipal Act, to levy on the whole ratable property according to the last revised assessment roll for The Corporation of the City of Picketing for the current year; and, WHEREAS an interim levy was made by the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering (pursuant to By-law No. 6257/04) before the adoption of the estimates for the current year; and, WHEREAS sub section 342 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25 as amended, permits the issuance of separate tax bills for separate classes of real property for year 2004. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: For the year 2004, The Corporation of the City of Pickering (the "City") shall levy upon all Property Classes ( Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Multi-. residential) as set out in By-law No. 6364/04 of Schedule A, the rates of taxation, for the City of Pickering, the Region of Durham and for Education purposes on the current value assessment as also set out in Schedule A of By-law No. 6364/04. Where applicable, taxes shall be adjusted in accordance with Bill 140. as amended and its Regulations. The levy provided for shall be reduced by the amount of the interim levy for 2004. The 2004 final tax catcuiations for the industrial, commercial and multi-residen,:ia~ realty tax classes is based on the "cut-off" date as of May 7, 2004. 7'he decrease :'etainea percentage for the realty class is outlined below: Multi residential 94.5265% Commercial 41.7591 % industria! 27.3679% 9,0 sr assessment, ~'ant :r :a~e of anv instalment or :san the~eo~~ a-creaming cn ~he _irst aa,/of defauit and on ~he first day of each calendar mends :n wh~cn such defamt continues pursuan~ to subsections 345 (i :~ .... ~,u,'x~s~ai Act .... PnO~ ~.~.~ ~ n~.2~' ~ as amended. The -~ ;easurer distress or otherwise ~Jnder the orovisions of t~e appiicame sta[u~as :axes. ~ssessments. rents, i'ates or ~nstaJtments or pa~s thereof nave been paid on or before the several dates named as aforesaid. [oge~her ~ne said percentage charges as they are ~ncurred pursuant to sections and 35': of the Munic(¢at Act 2001, S.O.c.25as amended. if any section or portion of this By-law is found by a cour[ot competent jurisdiction to be invalid, it is the intent of Council for The Corporation of the C tv of Fickering that all remaining sections and portions of this By-taw continue in force and effect. Taxes shall be payable to the Treasurer, City of Picketing. Schedule A of this By-law shall supersede Schedule A of By-taw 6341/04 passed by Council on June 7, 2004. 10. This By-law comes into force on the date of its final passing. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 20th day of September, 2004. David Ryan, Mayor Bruce Taylor. Clerk 2004 CVA City Tax Rate Propers/Class Residentiai 8,924,778,696 0.00347988 Fam~ 66,843,070 0.00086997 Managed Forest 4,420,500 0.00086997 Pipelines 22,782,000 0.00427816 Multi-Residential 58,859,890 0.00740310 Commercial 533,201,827 0.00504583 Commercial - Excess Land 9,643,380 0.00353208 Commercial Vacant Land 8,787,000 0.00353208 Shopping Centres 289,713,865 0.00504583 Shopping Centres Excess Land 245,000 0.00353208 Office Building 19,696,220 0.00504583 Office Building Excess Land 0.00353208 Industdal 135,284,965 0.00786383 Industdal Excess Land 3,140,128 0.00511149 Industrial Vacant Land 35,882,967 0.00511149 Large Industrial 26,581,805 0.00956967 Large Industrial - Excess Land 643,195 0.00622029 Parking Lot Full 0.00504583 Parking Lots Excess Land 0.00353208 Total 8,110,502,505 Payments in Lieu Properties Residential 88,954,340 0.00347988 Residential - Tax Tenant 64,856,320 0.00347988 Residential - General 42,569,140 0.06347988 Farm 44,595,600 0.00086997 Farm - Tax Tenant 10,542,800 0.00086997 Commercial Full 42,755,695 0.00504583 Commercial Full - Shared PIL 31,413,655 0.00504583 Commercial Full - Tax. Tenant 2,488,640 0.00504583 Commercial General 9,278,090 0.00504583 Commercial Full - Excess Land 8,883,625 0.00353208 Commercial General Excess Land 447,500 0.00353208 Commercial Gan o Vacant Land 2,425,000 0.00353208 Commercial Vacant Land Full 0.00353208 Off'ice Building Full -Shared PIL 7,844,960 0.00504583 Parking Lot 75,000 0.00504583 Industrial Ful~ 1,102,350 0.00786383 Industrial General 0.00786383 Industda~ Full- Shared PIL 6,808,730 0.00786383 Industdal Full- Tax Tenant 112,830 0.00786383 Ind. Excess Land - Shared PIL 7,382,125 0.00511149 Ind. Excess Land Tax Tenant PIL 133,170 0.00511149 Industrial ExcessLand Gert 1,365,215 0.00511149 Industrial Vacant Land Full 0.00511149 Industrial Vacant Land Gan 0.00511149 Industda{ Vacant Land Shared PIL 2,152,500 0.00511149 Large Industrial Full - Shared PIL 78,399,710 0.00955967 Large ind. Excess Land - Shared PIL 823,320 0.00622029 Total PILS 455,410,315 By-Law No,83§4/04 Schedule A 2004 Tax Rates Region Education Tax Rate T~x Rate 0.00682179 0.00296000 0.00170545 0.00074000 0.00170545 0.00074000 0.00838670 0.01596771 0.01451268 0.00296000 0.00989160 0.01645136 0.00692412 0.01151595 0.00692412 0.01151595 0.00989160 0.01645136 0.00692412 0.01151595 0.00989160 0.01645136 0.00692412 0.01151595 0.01541589 0.02015898 0.01002053 0.01310333 0.01002053 0.01310333 0.01875992 0.02453190 0.01219395 0.01594573 0.00989160 0.01645136 0.00692412 0.01151595 0.00682179 0.00296000 0.00682179 0.00296000 0.00682179 0.00000000 0.00170545 0.00074000 0.00170545 0.00074000 0.00989160 0.01645136 0.00989160 0.01645136 0.00989160 0.01645136 0.00989160 0.00000000 0.00692412 0.01151595 0.00692412 0.00000000 0.00692412 0.00000000 0.00692412 0.01151595 0.00989160 0.01645136 0.00989160 0.01645136 0.01541589 0.02018898 0.01541589 0.00000000 0.01541589 0.02015898 0.01541589 0.02015898 0.01002053 0.01310333 0.01002053 0.01310333 0.01002053 0.00000000 0.01002053 0,01310333 0.01002053 0.00000000 0.01002053 0.01310333 0.01875992 0.02453190 0.01219395 0.01594573 Please note: Assessment for the CHN, DHN, LHN, LKN classifications have been adjusted to reflect proposed OPG settlement. Total Picketing Region Education TOTAL Tax Rate Billing Billing Billing BILLING 0.01326167 0.00331542 0.06331542 0.02863257 0.02487578 0.03138879 0.02197215 0.02197215 0.03138879 0.02197215 0.03138879 0.02197215 0.04343870 0.02823535 0.02823535 0.05286149 0.03435997 0.03138879 0.02197215 0.01326167 0.01326167 0.01030167 0.00331542 0.00331542 0.03138879 0.03138879 0.03138879 0.01493743 0.02197215 0.01045620 0.01045620 0.02197215 0.03138879 0.03138879 0.04343870 0.02327972 0.04343870 0.04343870 0.02823535 0.02823535 0.01513202 0.02823535 0.01513202 0.02823535 0.05286149 0.03435997 24,097,392 47,239,372 20,497,339 91,834,103 58,151 !13,998 49,464 221,613 3,846 7,539 3,271 14,656 97,465 191,066 363,776 652,307 435,746 854,215 174,225 1,464,186 2,690,446 5,274,219 8,771,895 16,736,560 34,06t 66,772 111,053 211,886 31,036 60,842 101,191 193,069 1,310,472 2,568,986 4,272,646 8,152,104 865 1,696 2,82t 5,383 99,384 194,827 324,030 618,241 1,063,858 2,085,538 2,727,207 5,876,603 16,051 31,466 41,146 88,663 183,415 359,566 470,186 1,013,168 254,379 498,673 652,102 1,405,154 4,001 7,843 10,256 22,100 $ 30,380,568 $ 59,556,618 $ 38,572,609 $ 128,509,795 309,550 606,828 263,305 1,179,683 225,692 442,436 191,975 860,103 148,135 290,398 438,533 38,797 76,056 33,001 147,853 9,172 17,980 7,802 34,954 215,738 422,922 703,389 1,342,050 158,508 310,731 516,797 986,037 12,557 24,617 40,942 78,115 46,816 91,775 138,591 31,378 61,511 102,303 195,192 1,58~ 3,099 4,679 8,565 16,791 25,356 39,584 77,599 129,060 246,244 378 742 1,234 2,354 8,669 16,994 22,222 47,885 53,543 104,963 137,257 295,762 887 1,739 2,275 4,901 37,734 73,973 96,730 208,437 681 1,334 1,745 3,760 6,978 13,680 20,658 11,002 21,569 28,205 60,777 750,259 1,470,772 1,923,294 4,144~325 5,121 10,040 13,128 28,289 2,121,327 $ 4,158r549 $ 4,214,664 $ 10~494,540 r3 RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Report CS 31-04 from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, be received; and That Council approve the appointment of Mr. Brad Teichman of the law firm McCarthy, Tetrault LP to act on behalf of the City of Pickering in regards to the appeal of the City's 2004 Development Charge By-law; and That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be given authority to give effect thereto and to engage the services of any other legal or consulting services required in regards to defending the City's interest in this matter. EPO T TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CS 31-04 Date: August 26, 2004 93 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Appeal of Development Charges By-law Recommendation: That report CS 31-04 from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received and that: Council approve the appointment of Mr. Brad Teichman of the law firm McCarthy, T~trault LLP to act on behalf of the City of Pickering in regards to the appeal of the City's 2004 Development Charge By-law; and, the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be given authority to give effect thereto and to engage the services of any other legal or consulting services required in regards to defending the City's interest in this matter. Executive Summary: On August 11, 2004 the City received notice that the Development Charge By-law passed by Council on July 26, 2004 was being appealed by the firms of Metrus Development Inc., Lebovic Enterprises, Mattamy (Bond Lake) Limited (attached). There are appealing the fact that the City did not include "Seaton" in the 2004 Development Charge Study. This matter is now before the Ontario Municipal Board. Financial Implications: Unknown at this time. However, any costs incurred would be charged to the General Government allocation for this purpose. Aisc, potential partial funding from Development Charges will be explored. Background: As stated in the Executive Summary the City recently received notice that it's development charges by-law was being appealed by the three firms on the basis that Seaton was excluded from the 2004 Development Charges Study. The same three firms appealed the Region of Durham's Development Charge By-law for the Date: A ' '28, 2004 same reason. Seaton was exciuded as there are no auantifiabie details especially projected population, available to facilitate inclusion of this' area th this time. The Region bas appointed Mr. Teichman of the firm McCarthy, Tstrauit to represent their interests in this matter and staff of the City feel that it is in the best interest of both the City and the Region to have the same firm and individual represent the respective interests of both parties. This report has been discussed with the Solicitor for the City who concurs with the Recommendations. This matter was then discussed with the Regional Solicitor prior to confirming with Mr. Teichman his willingness and ability to act on behalf of the City. He has indicated that he will represent the City in this matter. In the event that the interests of the City and the Region of Durham do not coincide or that there is a conflict of interest at any time, Recommendation 2 provides authority for the Treasurer to appoint another legal firm in the place of the one approved under Recommendation 2 above. It is anticipated that, should this occur the firm of Poole Milligan, as represented by Mr. Richard Poole, would be appointed to represent the City in this matter. Aisc, should the matter proceed the services of our consultant for the Development Charge Study, CN Watson & Associates, may be required to assist the City. Although not anticipated, it is possible that other expertise may be required in defending the City's By-law. It is important to note that while the Region's by-law was appealed approximately one year ago, nothing further has occurred to date. Staff feel that the filing of the appeals were strategic moves on the part of the three firms on the basis that they anticipate to be significant landowners in the area to be developed. Attachments: 1. Correspondence dated August 5, 2004 from Goodmans LLP Prepared / Approved / Endorsed By: GAP/vw Attachment Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Picketing City ~ Thomas J. Quinn, Chief Administrative'*offieer Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer )il.re .... n,'::, :- 5-597.-4.136 s3.qii,.~.s (J.c,v c;:~[~i.r odmar, s.ca Our .File No.; Fm .~ ~ q ~.,na -~ or~ ,, Deiivered by Courfer Bruce j. Taylor, Clerk The City of Picke~g i The Esplande Picke,dng, Ontar/o- LtV 6K7 Dear Mr. Taylor: Re: Notice of Appeal of City of Pfckering Development Charge By-law No. 6349/04 We are solicitors for Lebovic Enterprises, Metrus Development Inc. and Mattamy (Bond Lake) Limited. Our clients have an arrangement with the Province of Ontario whereby they will be acquiring land within the Seaton area. Lebovic also owns land elsewhere in Pickering. Our clients are hereby appealing the City of Pickering's Development Charge BY-law No. 6349/04 to the Ontario Municipal Board, pursuant to Section 14 o£the Development Charges Act, 1997. Our clients' objection to the by-law, and the reason for this appeal, is that the City's development charge by-law has not properly accounted for growth in Seaton, as result of the decision to exclude the Seaton area from the by-law. The rationale for tkis exclusion is summarized in paragraph 1.4 of the Executive Summary to the Development Charge Background Study, as follows: "The background study is applicable to all land within the City of Picketing, with the exception of the Seaton lands, The growth management study process for the Seaton area is not complete and at this time growth and infrastructure assumptions have not 'been approved. Once this information is available, it is expected that the Seaton lands will be the subject of a separate development charge background study. In the interim, it is understood that no development will be permitted on these lands." c~.nt~ view that re~onable growth and infrastructure assumptions for the Seaton area can be made at this time, given the ongoing work of the Province in bringing ~brward a iamZ use plan ~br tho Seaton area ander the Ontario planning an2 development work, and given the work unde~aken Barristers & Solicitors / Toronto / Vancouver / Hong ~ong ~ .~ study :A~ea. :his oaas~ the Sea'ton ian~s can ~.nu should have Seen included in ' ~' - .... ~ ,.ne ~ity s new aevetopment cnarge by-law. these~?-;,~,-,'~,.~.~....~., and other more .~e.m,m'o'~/"~ .... *~'~ may ~ ' ' *" ".~- ~ <,~ ~3,~r clients are tTeresv ...... ",~ e~,. ' ' ,~,,~.~ .v fixe Mumc~m Board. We ~e enclosing a cheque made payable to the Minister of Finance in the amount of $125.00~ which is the Board's prescribed filing tee. Yours very ~uiy. GOODM[ANS ~P Mark Nosldewicz 4P.N/jkm Lloyd Chemiak, Lebovic Bruce Fisher, Metrus Troy Van Haastrecht, Mattamy Reg Webster 'Randy Grimes GOODMANS\NOSKIEWM~5045§25.1 97 RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Corporate Services Report CS 33-04 regarding the 2004 By-election be received; and That the draft by-law to provide advance voting on Saturday, October 30, 2004 and Wednesday, November 3, 2004, between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., and for reduced hours of voting in institutions and retirement homes on voting day be enacted. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CS 33-04 Date: August 25, 2004 Anne Greentree Supervisor, Legislative Services Subject: 2004 Municipal By-elections (Ward 2) Advance Voting, Special Voting Locations File: A-2140 Recommendation: That the Corporate Services Report CS 33-04 regarding the 2004 By-election be received; and That the draft by-law to provide advance voting on Saturday, October 30, 2004 and Wednesday, November 3, 2004, between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., and for reduced hours of voting in institutions and retirement homes on voting day be enacted. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: In accordance with Sections 43(1) and 46(3) the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, a by-law is being recommended to provide for advance voting to be held on Saturday, October 30, 2004 and Wednesday, November 3, 2004, at the Civic Complex between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., and to provide for voting at Bay Ridges Long-Term Care on Voting Day between the hours of 10:00 am and 12:00 noon. Financial Implications: 1. N/A 2. Staffing costs for each advance voting day is approximately $1025. Report CS 33-04 Subject: 2004 By-Elections Date: August 31,2004 Page 2 Background: Advance Voting Section 43(1) of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, requires the City to pass a by-law, at least 30 days before voting day, establishing one or more dates for advance voting and the hours during which voting places shall be open on the advance voting date(s). In previous years, the City of Pickering has provided two advance voting dates, the Wednesday and Saturday immediately before Voting Day. The Civic Complex has traditionally been used as the location for advance voting because of its immediate proximity to the Pickering Town Centre, the Recreation Complex and the Library. As well, the Civic Complex has sufficient parking and is on the public transit route. The combination of two advance voting days, 10 hours of voting, and the Civic Complex has proven successful. We recommend, therefore, that the City enact a by-law to provide for advance voting on Wednesday, October 30, 2004 and Saturday, November 3, 2004 between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., and that the Civic Complex be used as the advance voting location. Special Votinq Locations The Municipal Elections Act, 1996, provides that voting must be provided on the premises for institutions with 20 or more beds occupied by persons who are disabled, chronically ill or infirm and for retirement homes in which 50 or more beds are occupied. We refer to these locations as "special voting locations". Council may pass a by-law providing for reduced hours of voting for these special voting locations. The only institution qualifying as a special voting location in Ward 2 is Bay Ridges Long- Term Care. Voting hours at Bay Ridges Long-Term Care have been established based on number of potential electors and the hours of voting for this facitility in our 2003 Municipal Elections. It is recommended that election officials assigned to these special voting locations conduct the vote during the specified hours. Voting will be conducted with both roving vote and stationary voting processes. After the close of vote, the Election Officials working at the special voting location will immediately proceed to the specified regular voting location. The ballots will then be removed from the special voting location ballot box and deposited 'through the vote tabulator into the ballot box for that voting subdivision. The election results of the special voting locations will be included with the results of the' voting subdivision in which the institution is located. Report CS 33-04 Subject: 2004 By-Elections Date: August 31,2004 Page 3 The recommended voting hours for Pickering's special voting location are as follows: Voting Place Hours of Voting 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 noon Bay Ridges Long-Term Care 900 Sandy Beach Road Pickering Attachments: 1. Draft By-law Prepared By: Supervisor, Legislative Services Approved By: Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer BT:cag Attachments Recommended for the consideration of Pic[(ering City Co.~j~ Thomas J. Q~inn,~ief Ad~inistr~-"~ffi...,~cer _THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. /04 Being a by-law to provide for reduced hours of voting in institutions and retirement homes on Voting Day and for advance votes to be held prior to the 2004 By-election Voting Day. WHEREAS Section 43(1) of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 provides that a municipal council shall pass a by-law establishing one or more dates for an advance vote, and the hours during which voting places shall be open on that date or dates; AND WHEREAS Section 46(3) of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, S.O. 1996, provides that a municipal council may pass a by"law with respect to reduced voting hours in voting places in retirement homes or those institutions as defined in Section 45(7) of the said Act, where the voting place is only for the use of the residents; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: An advance vote shall be held on Saturday, October 30, 2004 between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. at the Pickering Civic Complex, One The Esplanade, Pickering. A second advance vote shall be held on Wednesday, November 3, 2004 between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. at the Pickering Civic Complex, One The Esplanade, Pickering. 3. That the voting places listed below shall be open during the hours specified: Voting Place Hours of Voting Bay Ridges Long-Term Care 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 noon 900 Sandy Beach Road Pickering BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 20th day of September, 2004. David Ryan, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That the draft by-law to appoint five persons to enforce the Parking By-law at 1822 Whites Road, 1100 Begley Street and 1865 Kingston Road, be forwarded to Council for approval. 5ICKE NG REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CS 27/04 Date: July 30, 2004 103 F rom: Bruce Taylor City Clerk Subject: Appointment to enforce the Parking By-law at 1822 Whites Road, !100 Begley Street and 1865 Kingston Road. Recommendation: That the draft by-law to appoint five persons to enforce the Parking By- law at 1822 Whites Road, 1100 Begley Street and 1865 Kingston Road, be forwarded to Council for approval. Executive Summary: Not Applicable Financial Implications: None Background: Correspondence has been received from Securitas Canada requesting the appointment of five persons as By-law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing the Parking By-law at 1822 Whites Road, 1100 Begley Street and 1865 Kingston Road. Attachments: Correspondence from Securitas Canada Draft By-law 104 ~. ...... ~.~ 27-04 Su~)iect: Appointment of 8y-iaw Enforcement Officers Date: July 30:~ 200,~ Page 2 Prepared By: ~ruce Taylor City Clerk BT:dw Attachments Approved / Endorsed By: Gillis A. Paterson, Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council TI1~m~'s J. Qq~n, Chief Admin'h3s~ativ~Offi~er 105 Suly 27, 2004 The Corporation of thc City of Pickering Picketing Civic Complex One The Esplanade Picketing, ON L1V 6K7 Attention: Debbie Kexns Securitas Canada Ltd. Along with V_a.!!~t Property Mauagement, Simerra Property Management and Newton Trcwlaney Property Ma~g~-mcnt rcquests that the Corporation of the City of Picketing approv© and recognize tho following employees of Secufi~ Canada Ltd. as Private Propert7 Parking Enforcement Officers, Howard Jones Beth Sullivan Alpesh Paid Tabitha Cocbranc Doug Proctor This being for the properties located at 1822 Whites Road, 1100 Begley Street and 1865 Kingston Road in Picketing. Please contact me at 905 571 40404 ff you should have any questions. Thanking you in advance for your cooperation in this matter. Branch Manager Securitas Canada Oshav~ Otaario LIO4Wt Td~pho~: (905) 5714040 Fax: (9053 57t4~17 ;3eing a i~y-iaw to appoint 8y-iaw Enforcement Officers for certain Purposes (Parking Regulation - 1822 Whites Road, i I00 Begtey Street and 1885 Kingston Road.) ~NHERF_AS pursuant to section 15¢) of the Police Services Act .... S.u. 1990, c.P. t5, as amended, a municipal counci~ may appoint persons to enforce the by-laws of the municipality; and ~NHEREAS pursuant to section 15(2) of the said Act, municipal by-law enforcement officers are peace officers for the purpose of enforcing municipal by-laws; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL Of THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACT8 A8 FOLLOWS: That the following persons be hereby appointed as municipal law enforcement officers in and for the City of Pickering in order to ascertain whether the provisions of By-law 2359~87 are obeyed and to enforce or carry into effect the said By-law and are hereby authorized to enter at all reasonable times upon lands municipally known as 1822 Whites Road, 1100 Begley Street and 1865 Kingston Road: Howard Jones Beth Sullivan Alpesh Patei Tabitha Cochrane Doug Proctor The authority granted in section 1 hereto is specifically limited to that set out in section 1, and shall not be deemed, at any time, to exceed the authority set out in section 1. These appointments shall expire upon the person listed in section 1ceasing to be employees of Secudtas Canada or upon Secudtas Canada ceasing to be agents for 1822 Whites Road, 1100 Begley Street and 1865 Kingston Road, or upon whichever shall occur first. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 20th day of September, 2004. David Ryan, Mayor Bruce Taylor, City Clerk 107 RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Mayor Ryan be authorized to make the following proclamations: "Terry Fox Run Day"- September 19, 2004 "2004 Fire Prevention Week" - October 3 - 9, 2004 "White Ribbon Week" - October 17 - 24, 2004 "Canada's Citizenship Week" - October 18 - 24, 2004 "Drug Awareness Week" - November 15 - 21, 2004 108 August 17, 2004 Mayor David Ryan City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 Subject: Terry Fox Marathon of Hope - September 19, 2004 Dear Mayor D~~'.' Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope celebrates its 24th anniversary on Sunday, September 19, 2004, commencing at 9:30 am from the Pickering Recreation Complex. It would be greatly appreciated to have your support at our event and have Sunday September 19, 2004 officially proclaimed as the "Terry Fox Run" Day. Thank you for your consideration and continued support of Terry's dream. Yours truly, KC:ko ~airman Terry Fox Run 905.509.5668 199 OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT FIRE SERVICES DIVISION MEMORANDUM August 25, 2004 To: Debbie Watrous Committee Coordinator From: Stephen Fowlds Fire Inspector Subject: Declaration of Fire Prevention Week October 3-9, 2004 It would be appreciated if you would arrange for Mayor Ryan to declare October 3-9, 2004 Fire Prevention Week. Fire Prevention Week was established to commemorate the Great Chicago Fire, the tragic 1871 conflagration that killed more than 250 people, left 100,000 homeless, destroyed more than 17,400 structures and burned more than 2,000 acres. The fire began on October 8, but continued into and did most of its damage on October 9, 1871. "It's Fire Prevention Week: Test Your Smoke Alarms" m that's the theme of Fire Prevention Week 2004, the annual safety campaign supported by the Ontario Fire Marshals Office. Testing smoke alarms may sound like basic advice, but this lesson can save !ivgs. All too often the presence of a working smoke alarm can mean the difference between life and death. But despite the fact that smoke alarms are now widely popular, roughly 70 percent of home fire deaths result from fires in homes with no smoke alarms or no working smoke alarms. Because fire can spread through a home so quickly, it is essential that everyone in your family be able to recognize the sound of the alarm, and has a plan for getting out safely. We've even got special smoke alarm tips for kids, older adults and people with disabilities. Smoke alarms are the fire safety success story of the 20th century, but they can't save your life if they're not working. Test your smoke alarm today. It could make all the difference. Subject Date Page 2 In addition of the declaration of Fire Prevention Week, Pickering Fire Services would like the Fire Safety Flag to fly in front of city hall during fire prevention week. Please comact me at 905-420-4660 x 2073, or, email sfowldsC, city.pickering.on.ca if you have any questions regarding this subject. Stephen Fowlds, GIFireE,CFEI Fire Inspector Copy: William T. Douglas, Fire Chief Rex Heath, Fire Prevention Officer CLERK'S D[Vt~,ON DURHAM REGION Canadians Addressin.q Sexual Exploitation, Durham Chapter (previously People Against Porno.qral3hV) WHITE RIBBON CAMPAIGN Oct. 17-24, 2004 111 "Citizens working together for a better community" July 29, 2004 Mayor Dave Ryan City Council Members, City of Picketing One The Esplanade Picketing, Ont. LIV 6K7 Dear Mayor Ryan/h Members of Council: Once again, we are preparing for WHITE RIBBON WEEK, an annual national compaign to increase public awareness on the harmful effects of pornography in our society. We particularly focus on child pornography, which has unfortunately flourished since the age of the "world wide web." Locally, we have served as an awareness group since 1987 and continue to educate our citizens to react to issues of sexual exploitation, first and foremost towards our children. We continue to be encouraged by government changes and current child pornography legislation but we continue to lobby for harsher penalties and strict enforcement of current laws. We would ask that your Council declare this week - OCT. 17-24th WHITE RIBBON WEEK. Looking forward to your confirmation. Jc~/s~n Shetler Founder, President 53 Taunton Rd. E., Unit 55 Oshawa, On. LIG 3T6 905-725-2854 Home Fax: 905-571-2602 11£ Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Miflistre · de la' Citoyennet~ et de I'lmmigration Ottawa, Canada KIA 1L1 · UG AouT I 3 Dear Sir or Madam: This year, Canada's Citizenship Week will be held October 18 - 24. This event is a time to explore the nature of Canadian citizenship and the underlying values of respect, freedom and belonging that bring us together and make Canada such a great country in which to live. I hope that your municipality will join the celebration by recognizing this important week. We are encouraging municipalities to become involved by passing a resolution proclaiming Canada's Citizenship Week. A sample resolution is enclosed for your reference. You may also want to lead your council in a reaffirmation of Canadian citizenship by reciting the oath of citizenship. A copy of the oath is enclosed, along with a copy of the Citizenship Week poster and an order form for material to support your community's participation in the Week. To ensure priority service, please fax your order to (613) 954-7619. As a municipal official, I am sure you will agree that all citizens should be encouraged to take part in community activities. It is particularly important for young people to become actively engaged in citizenship activities. Many of the products we have developed aim to empower young people with the concepts, understanding and skills they need to be responsible, caring and active citizens. If you have any questions about Canada's Citizenship Week or citizenship in general, please e-mail us at welcomehome@cic.gc.ca. You can also obtain more information by visiting the Citizenship and Immigration Canada Web site at www.cic..qc, ca. Sincerely, The H~n~ able Judy Sgro Enclosures (4) Canad i Proclamation Ganada'$ Gitizenship VVeek October 18-24, 2004 WHEREAS: AND WHEREAS: AND WHEREAS: AND WHEREAS: AND WHEREAS: THEREFORE: Canada's Citizenship Week will be held from October 18 to 24, 2004; Canada's Citizenship Week provides an opportunity to reflect on the value of citizenship and immigration and to focus on the privileges, rights, responsibilities and obligations of citizenship; New Canadians bring a strong sense of commitment to their new home, make many valuable contributions to Canada and play an important role in our economic strength and cultural diversity; The themes and values of Canadian citizenship reinforce an important message for all Canadians--that newcomers are welcome in Canada and that we all belong; All Canadians, old and new, can join together in reaffirming their commitment to Canada; I (Mayor) do hereby proclaim the week of October 18-24, 2004, as "Canada's Citizenship Week" in the (City/Town) of Please fax a copy to (613) 954-9144 July 19, 2003 B. Taylor, Clerk City of Picketing 1 The Esplanade Picketing, Ontario L1V 6K7 Dear B. Taylor, The Regional Municipality of Durham Health Department HEAD OFFICE SUITE 210 1615 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY ON L1N 2L1 CANADA 905-723-8521 Tor: 905-686-2740 1-800-841-2729 Fax: 905-723-6026 www. reg~on.durham.on.ca An Accredited Public Health Agency RE: Proclamation of Drug Awareness Week On behalf of the Injury Prevention Program, Durham Region Health Department, I am asking you to help raise awareness regarding substance use by bringing this to the attention of your Regional Council and requesting that they proclaim the week of November 15-21, 2004, as Drug Awareness Week. The Injury Prevention Program is planning a public awareness.campaign for the week of November 15-21, 2004. Part of the campaign is requesting Regional Council and local councils to proclaim Drug Awareness Week in their municipalities. In addition, the campaign will include a media release, community events and distribution of resources in the community. The following are important facts on drug use: On Canadian roads, drank drivers kill an average of 4 people and injure 125 people every 24 hours, each day, every day of the week. · Alcohol related crashes are the leading killer of people under the age of 40. · Binge drinking (5 or more drinks on any occasion) is increasing in students and young adults. · During the Durham Regional Police Holiday R.I.D.E. Campaign (mid- November 2003-January 2004) 33 G1 or G2 license holders were charged with having consumed alcohOl when their license requires a zero alcohol level at all times. · In the 2003 Ontario Student Drug Use Survey, 30% of students reported using cannabis in the year prior to the survey. The Injury Prevention Program will be collaborating with other community agencies such as the Ontario Drug Awareness Partnership, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and Pinewood to address this important issue. Please join us in raising awareness of this important issue by proclaiming November 15-21, 2004 Drug Awareness Week. Thank you for your support. "Service Excellence for our Communities" Yours sincerely, \~"- '~ ~..-,.~...~-~/~,.¢ Tricia Dallaway RN, BScN Durham Region Health Department Injury Prevention Program 905-723-8521 ext. 2284 or 1-800-841-2729 ext. 2284 tricia.dallaway~region.durham, on(~)a 100% Post Consumer · PICKERING REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: OES 25-04 Date: September 3, 2004 From: Stephen Reynolds Division Head, Culture & Recreation Subject: Tender No. T-3-2004 Tender for Pickering Recreation Complex Pickering Civic Complex Chiller Conversion File: CO3000 Chiller Replacement and Recommendation: That Report OES 25-04 regarding the Pickering Recreation Complex Chiller Replacement and Pickering Civic Complex Chiller Conversion be received and that: Tender No. T-3-2004 submitted by Harold R. Stark, Division of William Stark Group Inc. for the replacement of the Pickering Recreation Complex Chiller and the Pickering Civic Complex Chiller Conversion in the amount of $599,169.00 (G.S.T. extra) be accepted; The total gross project cost of $676,795.33 and a net project cost of $632,519.00 including tender amount and other project costs identified in this report be approved; That Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the project as included in the approved 2004 Capital Budget as follows: a) Issuance of debt not exceeding the amount of $425,000 for a period not exceeding 10 years, at a rate to be determined; b) Issuance of debt not exceeding the amount of $130,000 for a period not exceeding 5 years, at a rate to be determined; c) The balance of funding for the above project in the estimated amount of $77,500 plus financing costs, be financed from 2004 current funds; d) Financing and repayment charges in the amount of approximately $82,600 be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2005 and continuing thereafter until the loans are repaid; e) The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has certified that these loans and the repayment thereof falls within the City's Debt and Financial Obligations approved Annual Repayment Limit for debt and other financial Report OES 25-04 Subject: Chiller Replacement and Conversion Tender T-3-24 Date: September 3, 2004 Page 2 obligations for 2004 as established by the Province for municipalities in Ontario; f) The Treasurer be authorized to take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing; and, Staff at the City of Pickering be given the authority to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: The Pickering Recreation Complex Chiller Replacement and Pickering Civic Complex Chiller Conversion were approved by Council in the 2004 Capital Budget. Tenders have been received and the total net project cost is estimated to be $632,519.00 (net of G.S.T. rebate). Supply & Services and Totten Sims Hubicki Associates have confirmed that Iow bidder Harold R. Stark, Division of William Stark Group Inc. have satisfied their tender requirements and is qualified to undertake this project. Financial Implications: APPROVED SOURCE OF FUNDS: 1. 2004 Capital Budget - 5 Year Debt 2004 Capital Budget- 10 Year Debt 2004 Capital Budget- Current Levy Account 2124-6181 2731-6181 2735-6181 Project Code 04-2124-005-05 04-2731-005-07 04-2735-005-02 Amount $130,000 $425,OOO $ 85,000 Total Approved Funds $640.000 Report OES 25-04 Subject: Chiller Replacement and Conversion Tender %3-24 Date: September 3, 2004 Page 3 Estimated Project Costing Summary %3-2004 Tender for Pickering Recreation Complex Chiller Replacement and Pickering Civic Complex Conversion Consulting Fees Subtotal GST Total Gross Project Cost GST Rebate Total Net Project Cost $599,169.00 $ 33,350.00 $632,519.00 $ 44,276.33 $676,795.33 (44,276.33) $632,519.00 Project Cost under (over) Approved Funds $7,481.00I The Director, Corporate Services and Treasurer has reviewed the budgetary implications and the financing of the expenditures contained in this report and concurs. Background: The Pickering Recreation Complex Chiller Replacement and Pickering Civic Complex Chiller Conversion were approved by Council in the 2004 Capital Budget. Tenders have been received and the total net project cost is estimated to be $632,519.00 (net of G.S.T. rebate). The tOtal budget allocation available for this project is $640,000.00. Totten Sims Hubicki Associates developed the specifications for the Pickering Recreation Complex Chiller Replacement and Civic Complex Conversion. Council is also advised that the $85,000 listed under "Approved Source of Funds" (Project Code 04-2735-005-02) was originally intended for the replacement of the chiller in the Delaney Rink with a high energy efficient Plate Chiller. This project will be re-budgeted in 2005 proposed budget submissions. This will allow the work for %3-2004 to proceed this year to meet legislated requirements. A mandatory site visit was held on Wednesday, August 24, 2004, at which seventeen companies (17) were in attendance. The City received seven (7) bids at the time of closing. The seven (7) bids for T-3-2004 were opened on Wednesday, August 11, 2004. A copy of the Records of Tenders Opened and Checked used at the public tender opening and the memorandum from Supply and Services is attached. Report OES 25-04 Subject: Chiller Replacement and Conversion Tender T-3-24 Date: September 3, 2004 Page 4 The Iow bidder, Harold R. Stark, Division of William Stark Group Inc. have not performed previous work for the City of Pickering. References have been checked by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates and are deemed acceptable. The Health & Safety Policy, the WSIB Clearance Certificate, the CAD 7 Form issued by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board as submitted by Harold R. Stark, Division of William Stark Group Inc. have been reviewed by the Coordinator, Health & Safety and are deemed acceptable. A comprehensive business report as provided by Dun & Bradstreet for William Stark Group Inc. has been reviewed by the Senior Financial Analyst and in conjunction with staff's review of reference information and the bonding requirement on this project, is deemed acceptable. Upon careful examination of all tenders and relevant documents received, Totten Sims Hubicki Associates and the Culture & Recreation Division recommend the acceptance of the Iow bid submitted by Harold R. Stark, Division of William Stark Group Inc. in the amount of $599,519.00 (G.S.T. extra) and that the total net project cost of $632,519.00 be approved. This report has been prepared in conjunction with Supply & Services who concurs with the foregoing. Attachments: 2. 3. 4. Supply & Services memorandum dated August 11, 2004 Record of Tenders Opened and Checked Recommendation from Totten Sims Hubicki Associates dated August 19, 2004 Location Maps Prepared By: L~'n~~ Supervisor, Facilities Operations E)6b KU~zr~ ~ ~- Purchasing Anfllyst Everett~untsma Direct6r, Operations & Emergency Services ~ / '"") ,, , Division Ffeee~, Culture & Recreation Report OES 25-04 Subject: Chiller Replacement and Conversion Tender T-3-24 Date: September 3, 2004 Page 5 Funding Approved: _~. '('(~il'i~; A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer SR:Ig Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Pickerin~~ounc~__~ f.Thomas J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer OORPORATE SERVIOES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM August 11, 2004 To: Steve Reynolds Division Head Culture & Recreation Len Hunter Facility Superintendent From: Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services Subject: Tender for PRC Chiller Replacement, PCC Chiller Conversion Tender No. T - 3 - 2004 Closing: Wednesday, August 11,2004 2:00 pm Tenders have been received for the above project. Four companies were invited to participate. An advertisement was placed in the Daily Commercial News, News Advertiser Community Page and on the City's Website all of which yielded interest from additional bidders. Nine bidders picked up tendering documents for a non-refundable fee of $50.00 per set of which seven have responded by the closing date and time. Seventeen companies signed in at the Mandatory Site visit held Wednesday, August 4, 2004. A copy of the Record of Tenders Opened and Checked used at the public tender opening is attached. Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010-001, Item 10.03 (r) provides checking tendered unit prices and extensions; unit prices shall govern and extensions will be corrected accordingly, which has been done. /~q. aeDos:s other than the low :",fas bidders m~.y Tender No. T-3-2004 Steve Reynolds August 1 1,2004 Page 2 SUMMARY PST included* / GST extra The amounts ,do not include any amount for the Goods & Services Tax (GST). Other taxes and duties either included or excluded are in accordance with the contract documents. * confirmed with Totten Sims Hubicki Harold R. Stark, Div of William Stark Group 599,169.00 599,169.00 Canadian Tech Air Systems 617,924.00 617,924.00 849060 Ontario Inc. - Air Con Systems 658,104.00 658,104.00 York International 679,413.00 679,413.00 Nekison Engineering & Contractors Ltd. 893,000.00 .893,000.00 LCD Mechanical Rejected: Bid bond insufficient. Reference: lB 17, 18, 19, TS 3, Addendum #1- Item 1.1, PUR 010- 001,10.04 Item 9(d) RTIC Technology Unable to Bid Pursuant to Information to Bidders Item 21, the following are being requested of the Iow bidder for your review during the evaluation stage of this tender call: a) A copy of the Health & Safety Policy to be used on this project; b) A copy of the current Cost and Frequency Report issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (in lieu of the Cost and Frequency document, a copy of the current CAD 7, NEER, or MAP reports may be submitted); c) A copy of the current Certificate of Clearance issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board; and d) The City's certificate of insurance completed by the bidder's agent, broker or insurer. (Received with tende','ing document for review purposes) ::..~- ;equested of the Financiai Anaiyst ;:.'tnd ~;. summary v,.,il! be i:',ro,'idec~ !o you durir':,,7 Tender No. T-3-2004 .Steve Reynolds August 1 1,2004 Page 3 Please review the copies of the bids. Include the following items in your Report to Council: (a) if items (a) through (c) noted above, are acceptable to the Safety & Training Co-ordinator; (b) any past work experience Harold R. Stark, a division of William Stark Group, including work location; (c) without past work experience, if reference information is acceptable; (d) the appropriate account number(s) to which this work is to be charged; (e) the budget amount(s) assigned thereto; (f) Treasurer's confirmation of funding - including reference to Debt Financing if applicable; (g) related departmental approvals; (g) any reason(s) why the Iow bid of Harold R. Stark, a division of William Stark Group is not acceptable; (i) and related comments specific to the project. Totten Sims Hubicki & Associates as the consultants on this project will be reviewing submissions and making recommendations to you. The consultant should also review carefully all submittal information based on tendering instructions. If the consultant notices any infractions or information missing during the evaluation, please contact me or a member of Supply & Services as soon as possible. If you require further information, please feel free to cent e. Vera A. Felge'r~acher Manager, Supply & Services /V Attachments Copy for: Director, Operations & Emergency Services LU Z --© 0 0 0 ~UL?/_.U-LUUq engineers architects planners oq Totten Sims Hubicki Associates 300Water Street Wl~itby, Ontario, Canada L1N 9J2 (905) 668-9363 Fax: (905) 668-0221 E~-rnail: tsh@tsh,ca www.tsh,ca August 19, 2004 Len Hunter Supervisor, Facilities Operations Cullure and Recreation Division City of Piakering One the Esplanade Picketing, ON LIV 6K7 Dear Mr, Hunter: Re: Reference review of Low Tender for T-3-2004 Picketing Recreation Complex Chiller Replacement and Civic Centre Chiller Convrsion TSI-I Project N0.22-!4274 TSH has been requested to perform a review of the three references, which were listed in the Tendc-r submitted by H.R. Stark Mechanical Ltd. for The above noted project. We have contacted 'the establishments of the Corporation of the Town of Cobourg, Sir Sanford Fleming College and Dacon Construction in an attempt to discuss matters with the listed contact person. It appears that vacations have interfered in our attempts to gain direct discussions with the listed contact personnel however we have endeavoured re contact additional persons involved with each of the referenced projects with results as follows: Town of Cobo_.q_g~ Both, the contract administrator, Mr. Steve Robinson, and the building maintenance foreman Mrs, Sally Lablano have indicated that from an administrative perspective H.R. Stark Mechanical has performed well, on time and without incident. Their teclmieal workmanship was good and met .qatisfactocy completion dates for fne buildings staff. Co-ordination was conducted effectively and co-operation was excellent. H.R. Starks' work ±brces organized ~e completion of their project and met the cooling needs of the Town Hall, which is aisc a Heritage Building. N~, lVlu~i¢ipali~y August 19, 200~ ^'n S_~k. 'Sandford Fleming College Mr. MaePherson reports that the college was very pleased with the workmanship and the timely completion of lxheir new N~rural Resources Wing. Few problems arose during construction and any equipment wm-ranty issues were dealt with immediately. They can not give any negative accounts or issues, which they recollect, concerning H.R.Starks' performance. Mr. MaoPherson would recommend H.R,Stark Mechanical for any future mechanical work they may require. H.R. Stark has satisfactorily completed projects with TSH in the past and it is expedited that this record will continue. Tt, e listed sub contraotors for this project have also been utilized on the previous projects completed for TSH. We therefore recommend that the City of Piekerirtg award the tender for T-3-2003 to It.R. Stark in the total amount of $599,I69.00 (GST included), 'We trust this information is satisfactory for your purposes. Yours very truly, Mark A. Benedet, P.Eng- Mechanical Manager MAB /-~"f'l ACH Vi Ir. iN f q -- SUBJECT BUILDING OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEP,~RTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION SCALF.: PLO1 gATE: 1:3000 August 2712004 "[ :~UUU jl ,~'~U~LJSL F_fl/_tJU~ REPORT TO COUNCIL o...~~. CHILLER SYSTEM CONVERSION PiCKER1NG CIVIC COMPLEX · SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION SCAL~.: ! PLOT 1:3000 j August 2712004 I SUBJECT , .N BAI-< EFR COUR~ · REPORT TO COUNCIL CHILLER SYSTEM REPLACEMENT PICKERING RECREATION COMPLEX