HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 19-04][CKERING REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CS 19-04 Date: May 31,2004 From: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM City Clerk Subject: Responsible Pet Ownership Program PAW Joint Animal Services Committee Recommendation: That Report CS 19-04 regarding the Responsible Pet Ownership Program proposed by the PAW Joint Animal Services Committee be received. That the Council of the City of Pickering hereby endorses the Responsible Pet Ownership Program and other promotional initiatives as set out in the PAW Animal Services Business Plan dated May, 2004, Executive Summary: The purpose of this Report is to convey a recommendation of the PAW Joint Animal Services Committee to proceed with a Responsible Pet Ownership Program and other promotional initiatives as part of a program to increase the profile of the PAW Animal Services Centre in the communities of Pickering, Ajax and Whitby, Financial Implications: The total cost of implementing this Program is $7,400, however, in 2004, the multi- media equipment in the amount of $$4,700 would not be purchased and therefore the cost of implementing this Program in 2004 would be $2,700. Pickering's share of the 2004 cost of $2,700 would be 33.08% or $893.00 which will result in a small over expenditure in the 2004 budget for PAW which can be accommodated by the Treasurer. Background: Piease De advised that the PAW Joint Animal Services Committee passed the following motion at its meeting of May 18, 2004: Report CS 19-04 Responsibie Pet Ownership Program May 31, 2004 Page 2 That the PAW Anima~ Services Business Pla~ dated May 2004, with revisions note~ at the PAW Animat Services Committee Nieetin§ held on May 18, 2004, be received; and That the said Plan be forwarded to the Councils of the three municipalities for their consideration and adoption. Attached to this Report is a copy of the PAW Animal Services Business Plan that was adopted by the PAW Animal Services Committee on May 18, 2004. At the February 10, 2004, PAW Animal Services Committee meeting, Councillor Coe, who is the PAW representative from the Town of Whitby, stated that at the direction of the Committee, he spoke to various media agencies to raise the profile of the PAW Animal Services Centre and the PAW Animal Services Committee. He also met with representatives of both Boards of Education who agreed to work with the Committee to develop a program on responsible pet ownership for children in Grades 7 to 9 as part of their Social Responsibility course. The representatives of the Boards indicated that they would involve retired employees to help with this program. The Boards also wanted the Committee to develop a draft program that they could critique and send back to the Committee for approval. The Committee asked the Staff Advisors to determine if there was an appropriate employee in one of the three municipalities that could act as a Project Leader to develop a responsible pet ownership program and to ensure that all municipalities are involved in some way in the development of the program. Lindsey Brenner of the City of Pickering was invited to act as the Project Leader because with her employment experience as the Coordinator of Youth Leadership Programs and her academic background which involves a Bachelor of Science with a major in Animal Sciences. Ms. Brenner accepted the invitation to act as the Project Leader and working in cooperation with various staff of the Towns of Ajax and Whitby, she developed a plan to provide for the following: The Responsible Pet Ownership Program A promotional/marketing plan to increase the community awareness of PAW To enhance the current PAW Website A volunteer recruitment strategy The Responsible Pet Ownership Program is the core of this initiative and to this end, the Durham District School Board has agreed to accommodate this Program within their schools starting in September, 2004. The Durham District Separate School Board is expected to sta~ this Program possibly as earl)~ as Janua~,~ 2005 Report CS 19-04 Responsible Pet Ownership Program May 31, 2004 Page 3 The cost of impiementin~ this Program is very minimai. The totaf cost of impiementin~ this Program is $7',400, however, in 2004, the multi-media equipment in the amount of $4,700 would not be purchased and therefore the cost of implementing this Program in 2004 would be $2,700. Pickering's share of the 2004 cost of $2,700 would be 33.08% or $893.00. Attachments: 1. PAW Animal Services Business Plan dated May, 2004 Prepared By: I~ce Taylor City Clerk Approved / Endorsed By: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Attachment Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council P.A.W. ANIMAL SERVICES BUSINESS PLAN Completed by: Lindsey Brenner IVtay 2004 Table of Contents Executive Summary ............................................................................................ 1 Vision ............................................................................................................... 3 1.0 Educational Program Objective ................................................................... 4 Insert A: Program Outline Insert B: Draft Slide Presentation 2.0 Promotional/Marketing Plan ....................................................................... 6 Insert C: Promotional Brochure 3.0 Website Objective ................................................................................... 8 Insert D: Community Photographs 4.0 Volunteer Recruitment Objective for Responsible Pet Ownership Program ........ 10 5.0 Budget ................................................................................................ 12 In early 2003, the PAW Committee set a mandate for the development of a Responsible Pet Ownership Program to be delivered to elementary school students within the three municipalities. Extensive experience in the area of animal health and welfare as well as her current employment with the City of Pickering made Lindsey Brenner a perfect candidate to be chosen to assume the role of project lead for PA.W. After thorough research, it was evident that PAW must take an active role in educating afl citizens of their community, and not just students about the responsibilities associated with owning a pet. In May 2004, a comprehensive business plan was developed outlining four major goals, as noted below, which will help to enhance PAW Animal Services in a fresh and positive manner across the three municipalities: Create a half-day (3 hour) interactive presentation geared towards elementary school students across the Towns of Ajax and Whitby and the City of Pickering. The main focus will be to educate students around the importance of owning a pet as well as giving them some needed insight as to some of the duties undertaken by Animal Service Officers such as those at PAW. It is hoped that this new program will be launched by September 2004. To develop a consistent promotional/marketing plan for PAW that will effectively increase their community awareness by August 2004. Information brochures will be available at all major facilities across Pickering, Ajax and Whitby as well as at various animal service providers such as pet shops and vet clinics. PAW staff will also be present at various community events across the three municipalities to help promote the new responsible pet program. To further develop the current PAW Website to include a photo gallery of animal owners across Ajax, Pickering and Whitby by August 2004. Having PAW staff out and about speaking and taking photos with current pet owners in a positive and refreshing manner will do wonders for their image while, at the same time, allow them to reconnect with the current needs of pet owners across the 3 municipalities. Additionally, by taking photos of members of the community, PAW staff will not only be acknowledging their good practices at the community' level but tc the million~ of people who surf the internet each dav~ To implement a volunteer recruitment strategy whereby Ajax, Pickering and Whitby residents can become involved with PAW by helping with the execution of the new Responsible Pet Ownership Program by August 2004. in order to produce good quality educational programming to members of the community, it only makes sense that those same community members become involved. DeveLop a volunteer recruitment strategy wherebY interested adults and/or retired teachers as well as students taking the Secondary High School Cooperative Education Program can volunteer their time to help PAW with the execution of the Responsible Pet Ownership Program to elementary school students. The four goals outlined above can be implemented at a cost of less than $2,700 in the first school year of 2004/05. By raising the profile of PAW Animal Services in the community, residents will have the knowledge and confidence of the PAW Animal Service that it so rightly deserves. Vision: To enhance Community Awareness of the Pickering-Ajax-Whitby Animal Services in a fresh and positive manner across the Towns of Ajax and Whitby and the City of Pickering. Goal: To provide a high quality interactive and educational program with emphasis on "Responsible Pet Ownership" to elementary school students across the Municipalities of Ajax, Pickering And Whitby by September 2004. 2. To develop a promotional/marketing plan for P.A.W. by August 2004 that will effectively increase their community awareness. 3. To further develop the current P.A.W. Website to include a photo gallery of animal owners across Ajax, Pickering and Whitby. To implement a volunteer recruitment strategy whereby Ajax, Pickering and Whitby residents can become involved with P.A.W. by helping with the execution of the new Responsible Pet Ownership Program by August 2004. !.0: P.A.W. ANIMAL SERVICES BUSINESS PLAN - Educational Program Objective Objective: To provide s high quality educational program on "Responsible Pet Ownership" to eiementaG,- schooi students across the Municipalities of Ajax, Pickering And Whitby. Goal: To provide a high quality educational program Ownership" to elementary school students across the Pickering And Whitby by September 2004. on "Responsible Pet Municipalities of Ajax, Rationale: In 2003 P.A.W. brought in 600 unwanted and/or abandoned animals into their facility, adopted 130 of those to new homes and reunited 200 of those back their owners. With similar trends being seen in 2004, it is quite critical that PAW take an active role in educating the citizens of their community about the responsibilities associated with owning a pet. Target Group: Elementary School Students (Primarily Grades 6, 7, 8) (Secondarily, Grades 3, 4, 5) Participating Partners: Durham District School Board, Durham Separate School Board Project Overview: Create a half-day (3 hour) interactive presentation geared towards elementary school students across the Towns of Ajax and Whitby and the City of Pickering. The main focus will be to educate them around the importance of owning a pet as well as giving them some needed insight as to some of the duties undertaken by animal service officers such as those at P.A.W. Review current responsible pet programs, websites and services already being offered elsewhere and assess their methods and success rates. Assess the opportunity to offer a responsible pet ownership program to students in grades 6, 7 and 8 at all elementary schools across the Towns of Ajax and Whitby and the City of Pickering. P.A.W staff as well as community volunteers and Secondary School Cooperative Education Classes will be responsible to host the program at respective schools and community events. Upon the completion of the program, each student will come away with newfound knowledge as well as a certificate to recognize the completion of the program. Please see Appendix 1 for current program outline Project Evaluation: Take a random survey of grade 7 & 8 classes from at least one school from each municipality to determine their current awareness of P.A.W. as wel! as the responsibility behind ownin9 s pet by early September 2004, before the implementation of the new program. Track the participation of neighbouring schools from September 2004 to September 2005. The total number of schools participating should reach at least !5% of the total amount of elementary schools across the 3 municipalities for the project to be a success. Take a random sample survey of grade 7 & 8 classes from at least one school from each municipality to determine their newfound awareness of P.A.W. as well as the responsibility behind owning a pet by mid June 2005. Run statistical analysis of the results in JulY 2005 to determine the effectiveness of the new awareness strategy. Measurable Accomplishments for 2004/2005: Gain the support of the Durham District School Board to allow staff and volunteers from the Pickering- Ajax-Whitby Animal Services to present their Educational Awareness Program to students primarily in grades 6, 7 and 8 by April 2004. (Complete) Gain the support of the Durham District Separate School Board to allow staff and volunteers from the Pickering-Ajax-Whitby Animal Services to present their Educational Awareness Program on "Responsible Pet Ownership" to students primarily in grades 6, 7 and 8 by October 2004. To develop and implement a high quality educational program on "Responsible Pet Ownership" to elementary school students across the Municipalities of Ajax, Pickering And Whitby by September 2004. To achieve a 2% decrease in the number of impounded and surrendered animals turned into P.A.W. by September 2005. Action Steps: · Assess the type of curriculum suited program that should be developed to meet the current educational school requirements-April 2004 (Complete) Meet with representatives from the Durham District School Board to determine their willingness to accommodate a "Responsible Pet Program" within their schools-April 2004 (Complete) Begin the development of a "Responsible Pet Program" with required components, evaluation process and budget - May 2004 · Begin the development of a volunteer recruitment strategy -July 2004 Promote new program via marketing/promotional plan -August 2004 and ongoing Implement new "responsible pet program" into local schools - September 2004 Meet with representatives from the Durham District Separate School Board tc determine their willingness to. accommodate, e~ "Responsible Pet Program" within tr~eir schooi.~: - Octobe,'," insert A PROGRAM OUTLINE RESPONSIBLE PEt OWNERSHIP PROGRAtVi 'Y= day presentation (~3hrs) 5 Minutes 10 Minutes -!.5 Hours 30 Minutes 5 Minutes Introductions, who is P.A.W.? -Meet the animals at P.A.W. Icebreaker Game Actual Presentation -Open Discussion on Pets/Responsibilities (5 Min-Slide Show) -What Kind of Pet is best for me? (30 Min) (Interactive Survey, similar to true colors) (Magic Bag of Goodies) -Animal Facts (5 Min- Slide Show) ..... 5-10 MINUTE BREAK -What is an animal Control Officer (15 Min-slide Show) (Class Participation -dress like an officer) -Wildlife and Me (Slide Show) -Group Exercise (25 minutes) Interactive Game (Jeopardy)' Thank you and give out Certificates Interactive Survey- The Survey has been. modeled from the personality type indiCator test "True Colours". Students will work through visual and written cues to help them come up with the animal that best suits their lifestyle. Magic Bag of Goodies- Group Exer. cise-, No program would be complete without a "live animal component". Students will be introduced to a few animals (dog, kitten, hamster, etc...) The presenter will divide the class into 2 and will pull out a bag that is full of goodies and ask for 2 brave volunteers. The volunteers will come up to the front of the class, be blindfolded and then precede one at a time to pull items out of the bag. They will use their senses as well as asking their classmates questions' to try to guess the object in their hand. Each group will compete against each other to guess the items. The class wilt be divided into groups of 4-5 and given a scene relating to the presentation to act out in front of their peers. Each group will present to the rest of the class, INSERT B DRAFT Slide Presentation For the Responsible Pet Ownership Program (working copy) May 2004 P.A.W. and What We Do · Animal Education · Pet Adoption · Care of animals running loose · Care of unwanted animals · Pickup of sick & injured wildlife · Enforcement of animal control by-laws 3 R's of Owning a Pet Responsibility Relationship Respect RESPONSIBILTY Before choosing a pet, you should think about the following - PERSONAL NEEDS OF THE ANIMAL - TIME COMMITMENT ~ LIVING SPACE ~ COSTS Dog Cat Animal i Average i Yearly i life IcOst -$400 I ~hours/day needed 5-7 iBird ~ ! 12-75 yrs !-$150 Fish 12-5 yrs .,,~$100 t lRabbit 18yrs t-$125 ~'er i2-3 yrs ,-$100 , All Cats need to be registered annually * All Cats should visit the vet once a year "Cats should live indoors ' Spaying or neutering a cat extends it's life span by two or three years. , Cats can make more than 100 different vocal sounds. Cat udne glows under a black light · Cats are sometimes bom with extra toes. This is called poiydactyt. · A cat will spend neady 30% of its life grooming itself. ,~..rDli r-ac,s A healthy gerbil can live for 3-5 years Gerbils are social animals, they prefer to live with other gerbils (minimal 2) Bedding should be changed at least once a week. Gerbils rarely bite compared to other small animals Gerbils are diurnal Gerbils are very curious animals Rabbit Facts - A healthy rabbit can live up to ten years. · Bedding should be changed at least once a week. · You can attempt to litter train rabbits by placing a litter pan in the corner of their home. · Because of their unique digestive system, you may notice that your rabbit will eat their own droppings. This is a normal and healthy quirk for a rabbit Hamster Facts · A healthy hamster can live for 2 to 3 years Hamsters are very territorial · Hamsters are nocturnal and spend most of the day sleeping · Bedding should be changed at least once a week. · Hamsters cheek Pouches reach from the comers of their mouths to their shoulder blades · Poor nutrition can lead to 'malocclusion' (teeth meet and overgrow) · Hamsters have 4 front and 5 back toes Bird Facts A healthy bird can live for 12-75 years Birds are very VERY messy pets Birds need ~10-12 hrs of undisturbed sleep Fish Facts · A healthy fish can live for 2-5 years · Fish breathe using gills. Water'goes in through the mouth and out through the gills, which take oxygen from tl~e water. , When Goldfish return to/he wild, they revert to their natural coiours (green to black) Other Possibie wets: . Ferret . Hedgehog · Newt/lizard · Snake · Mice · Rat Animaf Service Officer, ~Nhat% that? Daily Duties ~..,.,~.,e,.~. ~..,~,,.,u~.~.,) Equipment Used ~,~.., ~, ~, ~.~...,. ~..~.~, Education Requirements Enforcement of animal control by-laws Eve~ d~i~t in Pi~edng, Aj~ and WhAby must ~ r~is[er~ on a yearly basis Wildlife and Me · Look, there's a baby bird on the ground, what should I do? · There's a raccoon eating my garbage, what should I do? · My mom just mn over a squirrel, what should I. do? · My dog smells like a skunk, what should I do? · I found a box of baby kittens, who do I call? i 2.0: P.A.W. ANIMAL SERVICES BUSINESS PLAN-Promotional/Marketing Piar, Objective: To deveiop a promotional/marketing plan for P.A.W. that will be effective in increasing their community awareness. Goal: To develop a promotional/marketing plan for P.A.W. that will be effective in increasing their community awareness by August 2004. Rationale: Currently, members of the community are simply unaware of the many duties and responsibilities associated with Pickering-Ajax-Whitby Animal Services. The community needs to become more aware of who P.A.W. is, as well as the important services in which they provide. Traditionally, animal service providers are thought of as "dog catchers" and are viewed in a negative light. It is our goal to reverse that trend and begin to show the various communities the positives associated with an association such as P.A,W. Consistency is key in promotion. With that in mind, all 3 municipalities will be provided with the same promotional pieces with regards to P.A.W. Target Group: Members of the Community Living in the Towns of Ajax and Whitby and the City of Pickering. Participating Partners: Local animal service providers, local Media Outlets Project Overview: Develop a consistent approach to market P.A.W. Animal Services that include the following: Outreach- distributing "thank you for being a good pet owner" cards to members of the community who are abiding by the laws, when approached by P.A.W. staff on their daily route. On the reverse side of the card, indicate current regulations, registration information as well as interesting facts for animal owners. Static - flyers available at all major facilities across Ajax, Pickering and Whitby, at local vet clinics, local pet shops, available on all 3 municipal websites and Local Community Newspapers. Community Events- distributing information flyers to members of the community at various community events across the three municipalities. Creating an interactive portable display to take to various community events providing knowledge to community members. Project Evaluation' Take a short random survey of local pet owners at various parks, facilities to determine their awareness of P.A.W. by July 30, 2004. Take a short random sample survey of local pet owners at various parks, facilities to determine their newfound awareness of P.A.W. July 30, 2005. Run statistical analysis of the results in August 2005 to determine the effectiveness of the new awareness strategy. Measurable Accomplishments for 2004/2005: Develop a Promotional image that will be consistent across all 3 municipalities by July 2004. Gain the approval of P.A.W. committee to progress with promotional campaign by June 2004. Gain the support of P.A.W. staff to commit to attending at least one community event per year at each of the 3 participating municipalities by July 2004. Gain the support of local animal service providers to house the promotional flyer within their facilities by July 2004. Action Steps: · Work with City of Pickering Communications team to develop a P.A.W. promotional flyer - April 2004 (Complete) · Develop a Promotional flyer to be distributed across all 3 municipalities-July 2004 · Work with City of Pickering Communications team to develop a P.A.W. "thank you" card - July 2004 · Work with Town of Ajax to determine approximate cost of printing and supplies- April 2004 (Complete) · Work with Town of Ajax to purchase supplies and build a "spinning wheel" - July 2004 · Work with Town of Ajax communications team to launch new promotional campaign-July 2004 P.A.W. ANIMAL SERVICES BUSINESS PLAN -Website Objective Objective: To further develop the current P.A.W. website to include ~ photo gallery of animai owners across Ajax, Pickerin9 and Whitby. Goal: To further develop the current P.A.W. Website to include a photo gallery of animal owners across Ajax, Pickering and Whitby by August 2004. Rationale: information technology is playing a pivotal role in shaping the minds of people young and old around the world. Having P.A.W. staff out and about speaking and taking photos with current pet owners in a positive and refreshing manner will do wonders for their image while, at the same time, allow them to reconnect with the current needs of pet owners across the 3 municipalities. Additionally, by taking photos of members of the community, P.A.W. staff will not only be acknowledging their good practices at the community level but to the millions of people who surf the internet each day. Target Group: Members of the Community Living in the Towns of Ajax and Whitby and the City of Pickering. Participating Partners: Members of the Community Living in the Towns of Ajax and Whitby and the City of Pickering Project Overview: Set a launch date for the improvements to the current P.A.W. website to be August 2004. Project Evaluation: Take a short random sample survey of local pet owners at various parks, facilities to determine their awareness of P.A.W. and their website by July 30, 2004. Take a short random sample survey of local pet owners at various parks, facilities to determine their newfound awareness of P.A.W and it's website by July 30, 2005. Run statistical analysis of the results in August 2005 to determine the effectiveness of the new awareness strategy. Measurable Accomplishments for 2004~2005: Develop an attractive, easy to use "community photo gallery" where various pet owners will be highlighted. Gain the support of the Whitby Information Technology Division and Website Team to assist in the maintenance and assessment of the new Photo Gallery added to the current P.A.W. Web Page by July 2004. Launch the new additions to the site by August 2004. Action Steps: P.A.W. staff wilt visit iocai parks and other hot spots to take candid photographs displayin§ good examples of pet ownership, P.A.W. staff wilt begin to develop s database community photos to be used on the new photo gallery - June 2004 · Work with the Town of Whitby Communications team to develop a concept and design for the addition of a "community photo gallery" page -July 2004. Budget Implications: Staff developed and maintained website (no anticipated cost) P.A.W. ANIMAL SERVICES BUSINESS PLAN -Volunteer Recruitment Objective for Responsible Pet Ownership Program Objective: To implement a volunteer recruitment strategy by whereby Ajax, Pickering and Whitby resiaents can become involved with P.A.W. by helping with the execution of the new Responsible Pet Ownership Program. Goal: To implement a volunteer recruitment strategy whereby Ajax, Pickering and Whitby residents can become involved with P.A.W. by helping with the execution of the new Responsible Pet Ownership Program by August 2004. Rationale: In order to produce good quality educational programming to members of the community, it only makes sense that those same community members become involved. Target Group: Adult Volunteers from Ajax, Pickering or Whitby, High School Cooperative Education Students from local schools and retired education teachers. Participating Partners: Durham District School Board, Durham Separate School Board and members of the Community Living in the Towns of Ajax and Whitby and the City of Pickering. Project Overview: Develop a volunteer recruitment strategy whereby interested adults and/or retired teachers can volunteer their time to help P.A.W. with the execution of the responsible pet ownership program to elementary school students. Promote P.A.W. animal services to Secondary High School Cooperative Education Programs as a viable option for placement. Interested students would gain experience in the day -to-day duties which entail an animal service officer. Project Evaluation: Promote the P.A.W. volunteer program through the media, on the website as well as at various secondary schools across Ajax, Pickering and Whitby. If P.A.W. receives a total of 25 volunteers (3 cooperative education students) in 2004/2005 then the initiative was a success. Measurable Accomplishments for 2004~2005: Gain the support of the Durham District School Board and Secondary Schools to allow P.A.W. animal services to become a Cooperative Education Programs placement option by September 2004. Gain the support of the Durham District Separate School Board and Secondary Schools to allow P.A.W. animal services to become a Cooperative Education Programs placement option by October 2004. Coordinate the development of a volunteer recruitment campaign package by August 2004. Action Steps: Work with P.A.W. staff to develop ~ volunteer package that meets their needs - July 2004 implement the promotion of the Volunteer Recruitment Program-August 2004 Meet with the Durham District School Board and Secondary Schools to allow P.A.W. animal services to become a Cooperative Education Programs placement option- September 2004 Meet with the Durham District Separate School Board and Secondary Schools to allow P.A.Wo animal services to become a Cooperative Education Programs placement option- October2004 Budget Implications: Staff developed and completed during regular hours (no anticipated cost) Item Description Cost Certificate of First Base Marble Paper $50 Completion 8.5 × 1 ! Multi-Media Compaq (HP) NX9110 - P4 2.8 GHz, 512 MB, $2,100 technology 40 GB Harddrive, DVD CDRW See Note 1 LCD Projector: Hitachi CPX328 $2,600 Portable Display Table Top Display 'Board - 3 Fold $500.00 Unit Novelty items $1,500 Round Wood With paw prints: 500 units x .64 = $368 Pencils 4-Colour Magnets With P.A.W. logo: 1000 units x .40 = $460 Stickers With P.A.W. logo: 3000 units x .115 = $396.75 Print Cost of Quantity of 5000 $325 Flyer 3-fold, 8.5 x 11 brochure, 2-colour (front and back) Artwork is supplied Spinning Game Supplies (made by Town of Ajax) $300 Wheel 3-Rind Binders 3-binders used for the Vounteer Manual/Kit $25 TOTAL $7,40O Note 1: A Laptop Computer and LCD Projector would not be purchased the first year of the Program. Based on the success of the Program and the availability of this equipment being borrowed from the three member municipalities, no such equipment would be purchased until the commencement of the 2005/06 school year,