HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 21-04 Ciú¡ (J~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: PO 21-04 Date: April 20, 2004 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Request for Council's Permission to Create Lots by Land Severance R. & C. Lennox South Part of Lot 3, Concession 6 Part 1, 40R-4773 (3880 Kinsale Road) City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That the request made by the applicant Valerie Cranmer, on behalf of the owners R. & C. Lennox, be APPROVED, to permit the division of lands (being South Part of Lot 3, Concession 6, Part 1, 40R-4773 [municipally known as 3880 Kinsale Road]) by land severance rather than by draft plan of subdivision for future hamlet residential development. Executive Summary: The R. & C. Lennox property is approximately 18 hectares in size, and fronts the west side of Kinsale Road. The easterly third of the property lies within the Hamlet of Kinsale, and is designated Hamlet Residential. The applicant submitted land severance applications to the Region of Durham to create two new parcels of land fronting onto Kinsale Road. A property location map, conceptual site plan illustrating the applicant's proposed severances, and Hamlet of Kinsale Official Plan Schedule are included as Attachments #1, #2, and #3 to this Report. A subdivision plan is usually required to develop lands divisible into more than three additional lots. However, Council may authorize use of the land severance process, where a subdivision plan is inappropriate or unnecessary. Since the subject lands have the potential to be divided into more than three additional building lots, the applicant must obtain permission from City Council. It is recommended that the applicant's request to develop the subject lands by land severance be approved, as all requirements of the City can be appropriately addressed through conditions of severance approval. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of this authorization to develop by land severance. Report PO 21-04 Date: April 20, 2004 Subject: Request for Council's Permission to Develop Lands by Land Severance Page 2 1.0 Background: 1.1 The owners are seeking staged approvals to develop residential uses in the Hamlet of Kinsale The owners' intent is to create future hamlet residential lots in two stages. Stage 1 severs most of the hamlet residential lands from the subject property. This would allow for the sale of the lands to a private company established by the owners. Stage 2 develops the hamlet residential uses. Each stage requires different approvals, as follows: Staqe 1 Stage 1 consists of three planning processes. The first process is permission from City Council to develop the subject lands through the land severance process rather than by draft plan of subdivision. The second is approval of land severance applications to create two parcels of land for future hamlet residential development. The third is approval of a minor variance application for the proposed minimum lot frontage of the retained parcel. Staqe 2 If the owners receives all Stage 1 approvals, then Stage 2 can be initiated. Stage 2 consists of two planning processes. The first is approval of a zoning by-law amendment application to change the existing rural agricultural zoning on the severed lands to an appropriate hamlet residential zoning category. The second step is approval for the division of the severed lands from Stage 1 into individual lots through additional land severance applications. 1.2 The applicant has submitted required Stage 1 applications The applicant has submitted Land Severance Applications LD 11/04 to LD 12/04 to the Region of Durham Land Division Committee, proposing to create two new parcels of land fronting onto Kinsale Road from the total land holdings. One retained lot, also fronting Kinsale Road will continue to exist supporting existing agricultural uses (see Attachment #1 - Property Location Map and Attachment #2 - Conceptual Site Plan illustrating the applicant's proposed severances). The applicant's site plan will be revised pending resolution of Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) comments. The proposed severed parcels (Parcels A and ß, as indicated on Attachment #2) are designated "Rural Settlement - Rural Hamlet (Hamlet Residential)" within the Hamlet of Kinsale (see Attachment #3). The proposed severed parcels would vary in lot frontage and area. Parcels A and B comply with the existing 'A' - Rural Agricultural zoning. Report PO 21-04 Date: April 20, 2004 Subject: Request for Council's Permission to Develop Lands by Land Severance Page 3 The proposed retained parcel would be approximately 14 hectares in area and would provide a lot frontage of approximately 20 metres onto Kinsale Road. This lot requires a minor variance to seek relief for the proposed minimum lot frontage. A Committee of Adjustment application (P/CA 4/04) has been submitted. The applicant has requested that the application not be processed at this time until the final frontage width of the retained parcel is confirmed. The Land Division Committee tabled the Land Severance Applications at the request of the Pickering Planning & Development Department, to allow the applicant to obtain City Council's authorization to develop the subject lands through the land severance process rather than by draft plan of subdivision. Section 15.26(b) of the Pickering Official Plan requires that an ownership of land that is capable of being divided into more than three additional lots be developed by a plan of subdivision, except where it is demonstrated to Council's satisfaction that a subdivision plan is neither appropriate nor necessary. The subject lands are capable of being divided into more than three additional lots, and therefore permission is required from Council to allow development to proceed through the land severance process. 2.0 City's Interests to be Addressed Through Conditions of Land Severance The City's requirements for developing the subject lands will be addressed through conditions of the current land severance and committee of adjustment applications, and of any future zoning by-law amendment and land severance applications. Among other conditions, the owner will be required to enter into an appropriate development agreement with the City, to address matters typically included in subdivision agreements such as, but not limited to, stormwater management, grading and drainage, road widening, access and entrances, fencing, parkland dedication, easements, and securities. Therefore, it is recommended that the applicant's request to develop the subject lands by land severance be approved as all requirements of the City can be appropriately addressed through conditions of severance approval. Attachments: 1. 2. 3. Property Location Map Applicant's Submitted Plan City of Pickering Official Plan - Hamlet of Kinsale Schedule Report PO 21-04 Subject: Request for Council's Permission to Develop Lands by Land Severance Date: April 20, 2004 Page 4 Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: ~fÞ- Catherine Rose Manager, Policy PK:jf Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City ouncil 'C ,RPP ing & Development ATTACHMENT I I TO REPORT # PO ,~/ -0 'f HIGHWAY 0 ~ 0 a: ~ « (J) z >< --, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7 City of Pickering , HIGHWAY 7 0 <t: 0 a: '" C> 0 ír . Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION S PART LOT 3 CONCESSION 6, PART 1 40R.4773 OWNER R. & C. LENNOX DATE APRIL 6, 2004 FILE No. LD 11/04 & LD 12/04 SCALE 1 :7500 FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN-RURAL PA- DRAWN BY JB CHECKED BY PK l' An AGHìV,El\ll # :;¿ TO REFJRT # PO ~ I '0 if INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN LD 11/04& LD 12/04 - R. & C. LENNOX I. I 399,8m 295.5m 104.3m E 10 cD ()) ~ PARCEL 'A' E AREA = 3.03 Ha ": I"- m N E N ~ 10 '<t PARCEL 'C' AREA = 14.26 Ha 81;8m 77.6m ~ PARCEL 'B' . g , AREA= 1.01 ' '(.0)' Ha 3 307.5m rylt '/.f).9~ cV"----"" 93,Om I I 400.5m E '<t en C') W "'-. ...J <C en z 5'2 ~ THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, PLANNING INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION MAPPING AND DESIGN, APRIL 6. 2004. ATTACHMENT II - 3 TO ¡in "HI # PO r:2l. I: () .'i.~". ".,. CITY OF PI CKERIN G 0 FFI CIAL PLAN HAMLET OF KINSALE SCHEDULE --- ---------- .¡ -------- w z J w c ¡¡; SUBJECT PROPERTY .. . "'t. :s'.s-, . (~.- - .¡ w Z J w C ¡¡; HAMLET RESIDENTIAL HAMLET COMMERCIAL ------------------- ---- 0 œ CD --- 407 AND TRANSITWAY -------- ---------- --- }0- m t: I 0 3: 4: 0 Ct:: lL. W 0 () 9 Ct:: z 3: 0 I- ~ oJ ::J « 23 l' LEGEND (-, .....'" SPECIAL INTEREST SITE OPEN SPACE SYSTEM- NATURAL AREAS RURAL SETTLEMENT BOUNDARY (PROPOSED) NEW ROAD CONNECTIONS (PROPOSED) CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING '" DEvELOPMENT DEPARTMENT APRIL. 2DD4 <8"':~~ ...~::...:-o:'.;' ~~~ ~~ ~~~o::, 3eg'::'J~~,,6'~K~~~GTHE OTHE" SeHED\JLES AND THE TEXT.