HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 16-04 CUt¡ 0# REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: PO 16-04 Date: March 26, 2004 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 25/03 Harry Gerlach 2050 Dixie Road (South Part of Lot 25, Concession 2) City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 25/03 be APPROVED, subject to conditions outlined in Appendix I to Report PO 16-04, to amend the zoning of the subject property from 'A' - Rural Agricultural Zone to 'S2' - Single Detached Dwelling Zone in order to permit future residential development with minimum lot frontages of 13.5 metres, on lands being, South Part of Lot 25, Concession 2, City of Pickering, submitted by the owner/applicant Harry Gerlach. 2. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 25/03, as set out in Appendix II to Report PO 16-04 be FORWARDED to City Council for enactment. Executive Summary: The subject property is located on the north-west corner of Dixie Road and Colonial Street and currently supports a one-storey detached dwelling and frame shed (see Attachment #1 - Location Map). The applicant proposes to amend the existing 'A' - Rural Agricultural Zone, which requires a minimum lot frontage of 60 metres and a minimum lot area of 0.8 hectares, to 'S2' - Single Detached Dwelling Zone which requires a minimum lot frontage of 13.5 metres and a minimum lot area of 400 square metres. The lands are proposed to be redeveloped in conjunction with the southerly abutting City owned lands, for future residential development fronting Colonial Street (see Attachment #2 - Applicant's Submitted Plan). Approval of this zoning by-law amendment will establish a zoning for the subject property which is consistent with the existing zoning established for properties fronting Colonial Street (see Attachment #3 - Zoning Map). Proposed development is compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood and conforms to the Pickering Official Plan. Report PO 16-04 Subject: Harry Gerlach (A 25/03) Date: March 26, 2004 Page 2 The City's requirements respecting development of the subject property will be addressed through the use of an '(H)' - Holding Symbol within the zoning by-law and through the conditions of any associated future land severance application. It is recommended that this application be approved, and the draft by-law be forwarded to City Council for enactment. Financial Implications: proposed development. No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the 1.2 1.3 Background: 1.0 Comments Received 1.1 At the February 19, 2004, Public Information Meeting Five area residents and the applicant appeared at the public information meeting to discuss the proposed zoning by-law amendment (see text of Information Report and Meeting Minutes, Attachments #4 and #5). Resident Comments in Objection The main concerns expressed by the residents included: . the subject property could be used for an alternate land use, such as a park (see Attachments #6 and #7, Resident Comments); . traffic issues; . tree removal; . safety concerns regarding construction of homes; and . ensuring that the proposed development is compatible with surrounding existing residential development. Resident Comments in Support The applicant and one area resident are opposed to an alternate land use, such as a park. They would prefer to see the subject property be used for residential purposes (see Attachments #8 and #9 - Applicant's Comments, and Attachment #10 - Resident Comments). Report PO 16-04 Subject: Harry Gerlach (A 25/03) Date: March 26, 2004 1.4 City Department and Agency Comments Page 3 Fire Service Durham Region Planning Department Development Control Veridian Connections Municipal Property and Engineering no objection; - the proposal is permitted by the policies of the Durham Regional Official Plan; municipal water supply and sanitary sewer service are available to the subject lands; - a noise study will be required to address the impact of road noise on the proposed residential lots, this may be submitted through any associated future land division application; (see Attachment #11); a 3.45 metre road widening is required for Dixie Road, and a 0.30 metre reserve will be contained within this widening; - the rezoning should be conditional on the applicant entering into a development agreement with the City; (see Attachment #12); no objection, however, applicant must fulfill certain conditions; (see Attachment #13); road widening is required for Dixie Road; mature trees must be relocated to other City lands using a tree spade; responsibility of developer to relocate above ground utilities and street furniture; proposed lots should front Colonial Street; (see Attachment #14). Report PO 16-04 Subject: Harry Gerlach (A 25/03) Date: March 26, 2004 Page 4 2.0 Discussion 2.1 The proposed development is compatible with surrounding development, and the subject property is to be zoned 'S2' It is recommended that the subject property be zoned the same 'S2' residential zoning as the existing development located on the north and south sides of Colonial Street (see Attachment #3). This zoning would permit future residential development with minimum lot frontages of 13.5 metres and minimum lot areas of 400 square metres. The applicant has also submitted a request to purchase the City owned lands immediately south of the subject property to enable creation of up to four lots by land severance (see Attachment #2). The City owned lands are zoned 'S2' - Single Detached Dwelling Zone and were pre-zoned 'S2' when the original abutting plan of subdivision was approved. This zoning was established in anticipation of the subject property and the City owned lands being developed together in a coordinated fashion for residential purposes. It is anticipated that the applicant or future owner will submit a land severance application to the Region of Durham Land Division Committee. This land severance application will have the potential to create a maximum of four lots with minimum lot frontages of 13.5 metres. A site plan showing the anticipated future severances is provided for reference (see Attachment #2). The proposed zoning of the subject property is identical to that of the City owned lands and to the properties located on the north and south sides of Colonial Street. This zoning provides the opportunity for future development that is compatible with surrounding lands, and maintains the design and character of the area. 2.2 Request by area residents for the City to purchase the subject property and construct a park in combination with the City owned lands Area residents have requested that the City purchase the subject property and that it be developed in conjunction with the City owned land for park purposes. The Municipal Property and Engineering Department has reviewed this request and does not support a park at this location (see Attachment #15 - Municipal Property & Engineering Division Comments). Given the close proximity of Lynn Heights park, the residential zoning of the City's land, and the clear intention since the registration of Plan 40M-1350 to develop this land for residential purposes, it is not appropriate to pursue this property for park purposes. Report PO 16-04 Subject: Harry Gerlach (A 25/03) Date: March 26, 2004 Page 5 Council declared the City owned lands as surplus on March 22, 2004, and sanctioned the sale of the lands to the northerly abutting land owner. Future development of the subject property is conditional upon the owner receiving approval from City Council to purchase the City owned lands, and consolidating them with the subject property. It is appropriate to rezone the subject lands at this time, to allow for future residential development of the lands in a consolidated fashion. 2.3 All matters of development can be addressed through a '(H)' Holding Symbol provision within the zoning by-law and as conditions through any associated future land severance application In order to protect the City's interests and address appropriate development, it is recommended that the implementing zoning by-law include an '(H)' Holding Symbol restricting the use of the land to its current single detached dwelling use while the '(H)' is in place. The '(H)' Holding Symbol provision will remain in place until the applicant or future owner receives approval from City Council to purchase the City owned lands (Block 114, Plan 40M-1350), consolidates the parcel with the subject property and enters into an appropriate development agreement with the City. These conditions, in addition to others, are generally outlined in Appendix I, and will address requirements of the Planning and Development Department, the Municipal Property & Engineering Department and the Region of Durham. The conditions address matters such as, but not limited to: prohibiting future access onto Dixie Road, Dixie Road widening, grading, architectural design, and securities. 2.4 By-law to be forwarded to Council The attached by-law, included as Appendix II to this report, implements Staff's recommendation to approve the requested 'S2' residential zoning. It is further recommended that the attached by-law be forwarded to Council for enactment (see Appendix II). 3.0 Applicant's Comments: The applicant is aware of the contents of this Report and has reviewed the draft by-law. APPENDICES: Appendix I: Conditions of Approval Appendix II: Draft Implementing By-law Report PO 16-04 Subject: Harry Gerlach (A 25/03) Date: March 26, 2004 Page 6 Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Applicant's Submitted Plan 3. Zoning Map 4. Information Report 5. Minutes from Statutory Public Information Meeting 6. Resident Comment in Objection 7. Resident Comment in Objection 8. Applicant's Comments 9. Applicant's Comments 10. Resident Comment in Support 11. Region of Durham Planning Department Comments 12. Development Control Comments 13. Veridian Connections Comments 14. Municipal Property & Engineering Division Comments 15. Municipal Property & Engineering Division Comments Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: ~ Per Korouye' Planner Neil Carrol, , PP Director, Planning & Development 'Þ. PK:ld Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ,. APPENDIX I TO REPORT NUMBER 16-04 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 25/03 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 25/03 1. That the subject property be rezoned from an "A" - Rural Agricultural Zone in Zoning By-law 3036 to an "S2" - Single Detached Dwelling Zone, to permit future residential development with minimum lot frontages of 13.5 metres and minimum lot areas of 400 square metres. 2. That the implementing zoning by-law include an '(H)' Holding Symbol and that the requirements to remove the '(H)' Holding Symbol be: . that the owner purchase and consolidate the City owned lands (Block 114, Plan 40M-1350) with the subject property (South Part of Lot 25, Concession 2); and . that the owner enter into an appropriate development agreement with and to the satisfaction of the City with respect to matters of development such as, but not limited to: 0 a 3.45 metre road widening be established across the frontage of Dixie Road, that any future created lots front onto Colonial Street, that a 0.30 metre reserve contained within the Dixie Road widening be established to prohibit access onto Dixie Road, coordination of development with City owned lands (Block 114, Plan 40M-1350), removal and/or relocation of existing services within the lands and Block 114, Plan 40M-1350 (both underground and above ground), removal of existing access on Dixie Road and placement of a permanent concrete sidewalk (including connections to the existing sidewalk) within the road widening, restoration of the Dixie Road boulevard, fencing, lot grading/drainage, driveways, boulevard trees, utility installation and/or relocation, storm sewer service connections, easements, road restoration, engineering plans, inspection fees, architectural design (statement), relocation of existing mature trees on City lands, parkland dedication and securities. 3. That the following requirement be included in the comments to the Land Division Committee regarding any associated future land severance application: a) b) That the '(H)' Holding Symbol provision in the zoning by-law be lifted; That the City and the Region of Durham be satisfied with regard to appropriate noise attenuation features for the proposed lots; and c) That Veridian Connections be circulated any associated future land severance application so they have the opportunity to review and comment. APPENDIX II TO REPORT NUMBER 16-04 DRAFT BY -LAW ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 25/03 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-lAW NO. Being a By-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 1699/83, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham, South Part of lot 25, Concession 2, in the City of Pickering. (A 25/03) WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering deems it desirable to rezone the subject property, being South Part of lot 25, Concession 2, to an 'S2' zone in order to permit future residential development with minimum lot frontages of 13.5 metres; AND WHEREAS an amendment to By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 1699/83, is therefore deemed necessary; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCil OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. TEXT AMENDMENT (1 ) Section 5. (1) (b) (xi) of By-law 1699/83, is hereby further amended by adding thereto the following: C Despite the provisions of Section 5. (1) (b) of By-law 1699/83, the one-storey detached dwelling existing on the lands zoned "S2" on Schedule I attached hereto, on the date of passing of this by-law, known as 2050 Dixie Road (South Part of lot 25, Concession 2), shall be deemed to comply with the provisions of By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 1699/83. Any alterations, additions, or new development on the lands shall comply with the provisions set out herein. (2) Section 5. (1) (b) of By-law 1699/83, is hereby further amended by adding thereto the following: (xii) Uses Permitted "(H)" Holding Symbol Despite the provisions of Section 5. (1) (a) of By-law 1699/83, while the "(H)" Holding Symbol is in place preceding the "S2" zone designation as outlined on Schedule I attached hereto, no person shall use the lands for any purpose other than a one-storey detached dwelling, as per Section 5. (1) (b) (xi) C of By-law 1699/83. (xiii) Removal of the "(H)" Holdinq Symbol Prior to an amendment to remove the "(H)" Holding Symbol preceding the "S2" zone designation, the lands zoned "(H) S2" on Schedule I, shall be consolidated with Block 114, Plan 40M-1350; and an appropriate agreement respecting development of the lands shall be registered with the City. 2. SCHEDULE "I" AMENDMENT Schedule "I" to By-law 1699/83 is hereby revoked and replaced with Schedule "I" attached hereto. - 2- 3. AREA RESTRICTED By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 1699/83, is hereby further amended only to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this By-law as set out in Section 1 above, and as set out in Schedule I attached hereto. Definitions and subject matter not specifically dealt with in this By-law shall be governed by the relevant provisions of By-law 3036. 4. EFFECTIVE DATE This By-law shall take effect from the day of passing hereof. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this ,2004. day of David Ryan. MaRAFf Bruce TaYloQ.y Clerk ------ HYDRO CORRIDOR ------ ----- S3 ~ 3' N N ~ ~ N ~ m ~ CRESCENT S1 ~ m '" ~ '" œ .... 3 :J: ffJ S1 ð '" ---------- IOB.lm IB4.9m COLONIAL SHERMAN CRESCENT 4.lm S1 1 57.8m N ~ ~ S2 170.3m 1 53.7m S3 NP .eO' ~> ., .. ~ G S3 - '" t S3 t ~ m ~ ð S2 ~ ~ . z î 38.7m G ~ ~ .... X 15 :G .~ 33.Bm~ io 3 SO-SA 96.7m FINCH AVENUE ì~ IV SCHEDULE I TO BY-LAW AMENDED BY BY-LAW PASSED THIS DAY OF 1699/83 2004 MAYOR o~~~ CLERK !--¡YORO City of Pickering PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ATTACHMENT # / TO REYORT # PO / to -Ot! CORRIDOR w ~ <.:J CRES. ::Q 0 G) fT1 f- Z W U U") W 0::: U w ~ <.:J 0 <.{ 0 cr: w x 0 AVENUE :;: 0 Z -1 rrl ~ Planning & Development Department SOUTH PART OF LOT 25, CONCESSION 2 DATE JAN. 20, 2004 DRAWN BY JB CHECKED BY PK l' OWNER H. GERLACH FILE No. A 25/03 FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SCALE 1 :5000 PN-12 PA- ATTACHMENT # REPORT # PO 2- TO I h . ()l.j. INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN A 25/03 - H. GERLACH f SUBJECT PROPERTY EXISTING FRAME I !j SHED : ! :1 LOT 15~ 1 I I REGISTI::RED I i I i I :--_.- -'-'-f-- i I ! I ! 1.80 I -I i I i I i : I EXISTING I j SWIMMING: I POOL I I I , I ! 12.5m I 8.0m LOT 2 16 \, \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \. T PLAN LOT 1 8.8m 5. am COLON/AL í ~ I í '1' I , § I ! I I 0... -;¡. I ~ - I ," i Q. I , ..; I I ... I i ~ I i i i '"... -.- j L.vl II i i LOT "- ',~ '-, -'. 1ì 4ûM-13ì5 % LOT 3 LOT 4 STRttT ~: I cO I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I ,1 I I I 1 I I I I I L I I I ~ I I I I LOT 78 LOT -n; EXISTING DWELLING ~ 0 Q: 4J X ëi ~ THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, PLANNING INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION MAPPING AND DESIGN, JAN. 20, 2004. ATTACHMENT #_",.J.._.~.TO REf-OAT 1/ PO / h-o'l ZONING MAP 02 ONTARIO HYDRO A SUBJECT PROPERTY ;1 ..~ .:; 0 c:( 0 a:: A A' . 'Ii 'v'" I i I FfNGH ~ THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, PLANNING INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION MAPPING AND DESIGN, MARCH 20, 2004. /""1 ACHMEN1 # - 'I TO r;i- ,.in-' II PO /i.£,-ô¥ INFORMATION REPORT NO. 04-04 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF February 19th, 2004 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 25/03 Harry Gerlach 2050 Dixie Road (South Part of Lot 25, Concession 2) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the subject property is located on the north-west corner of Dixie Road and Colonial Street (see Attachment #1 - Location Map); - the subject property has an area of approximately 0.18 hectares, and a lot frontage of approximately 30.48 metres, and currently supports a one-storey detached dwelling and frame shed; - existing residential uses surround the subject property. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - the applicant proposes to amend the zoning of the subject property from "A" - Rural Agricultural Zone to "S2" - Single Detached Dwelling Zone, to permit the future creation of four lots with minimum lot frontages of 13.5 metres fronting Colonial Street; - the applicant has also submitted a request to purchase the City owned lands (zoned "S2" - Single Detached Dwelling Zone) immediately south of the subject property to facilitate this zoning by-law amendment application (see Attachment #1 - Location Map); - a site plan showing the existing buildings on the property, and the proposed future severances is provided for reference (see Attachment #2 - Applicant's Submitted Plan); - the applicant has not yet submitted a land severance application to the Durham Region Land Division Committee. Information Report No. 04-04 An ACI-:I\~EJrr '!I t.¡ '~H Jrr¡ Ii PI: _?6:¿Yií Page 2 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.0 4.1 4.2 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING Durham Regional Official Plan identifies the subject property as being designated "Urban Area - Living Area", where development is intended to be predominantly for housing purposes; - the proposal appears to conform to the Durham Region Official Plan; Pickering Official Plan identifies the subject property as being located within an "Urban Residential- Low Density Area" within the Liverpool Neighbourhood; urban residential areas are to be used primarily for housing and related uses; - the Plan establishes a density range for residential development within this designation of up to 30 units per net hectare; - the proposed development would provide a net site density of approximately 22 units per net hectare (based on the proposed 4 lots being developed on approximately 0.18 hectares of land); - the applicant's proposal conforms to the policies of the Plan; Zoning By-law 3036/00 - the subject property is currently zoned "A" - Rural Agricultural Zone, by Zoning By-law 3036; - the existing zoning permits a detached dwelling on a lot with a minimum lot frontage of 60 metres and a minimum lot area of 0.8 hectares; a zoning by-law amendment is required to permit the future severances of the subject property. RESULTS OF CIRCULATION Resident Comments Murray Mawson of 1019 Colonial Street has requested that the City owned land and the subject property be developed for park purposes (see Attachment #3 - Murray Mawson Letter); Agency Comments none received to date; Information Report No. 04-04 ATTACHMENT I Lf TO RH JR1 # PO I b -tJ,!- Page 3 4.3 Staff Comments in reviewing the application to date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: . ensuring that the proposed development is compatible with surrounding existing residential development; . ensuring future access onto Colonial Street and the elimination of access onto Dixie Road; and . coordinating the sale of the City owned lands with the Economic Development Department. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; - oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Councilor a Committee of Council; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. 6.0 6.1 OTHER INFORMATION Appendix No. I list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the application at the time of writing the report; 6.2 Information Received a copy of the applicant's submitted plan is available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department. ORIGINAL SIGNED BY ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Perry Korouyenis Planner I Lynda Taylor, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review PK:ld Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development A 1"1 ACHMENT II !¡ TO RHuRT # PD /Ø -0<1 APPENDIX NO. I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 04-04 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1 ) Murray Mawson of 1019 Colonial Street COMMENTING AGENCIES (1 ) none to date COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1 ) Planning & Development Department ArT ACHMENT # 5 TO RfJ vAl # PO I b -o<f Excerpts from Statutory Public Information Meeting Thursday, February 19, 2004 7:00 P.M. The Manager, Development Review, provided an overview of the requirements of the Planning Act and the Ontario Municipal Board respecting this meeting and matters under consideration there at. (I) 1. 2. 3. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 25/03 HARRY GERLACH 2050 DIXIE ROAD .(SOUTH PART OF LOT 25. CONCESSION 2) Perry Korouyenis, Planner 1, provided an overview of property location, applicant's proposal and City's official plan policies pertaining to this site, as outlined in Information Report #04/04. Murray Mawson, 1019 Colonial Street, advised that he forwarded a letter to the Director, Operations & Emergency Services on January 21/04 requesting that an amount of $400,000 be included in the 2004/05 budget to purchase the property known as 2050 Dixie Road to be used for park purposes. He advised that there are many advantages to this which include the elimination of the need to relocate fire hydrant, Canada Post Superbox and newspaper pads, no need to dig up roads for hydro, water and cable connections, no curb cutting. This is a high profile location with a 4-way stop sign, a perfect location for a park. This provides Hydro One with an opportunity to donate to the purchase of this land in a good will gesture to pay back the community for the spill last summer. There would be little or no crime in the park as the residents are good observers. This park is supported by the residents, Councillors Holland, McLean and Ashe. David Burton, 1025 Colonial Street, echoed Mr. Mawson's comments and advised that he wished Mr. Gerlack all the best. He requested the City act quickly in order that Mr. Gerlack could move ahead with his life. He distributed and discussed the parks and facilities in surrounding area's pointing out the lack of facilities and equipment in their neighbourhood. He suggested that Mr. Mawson has come up with an excellent idea that the entire neighbourhood could enjoy. ATTACHMENT # 5 TO liEh)Rl#PD ifð-O'f Excerpts from Statutory Public Information Meeting Thursday, February 19, 2004 7:00 P.M. 4. 5. 6. Deborah McLeod, 1007 Colonial St., advised that this is the first time she has heard of Mr. Mawson's and Mr. Burton's suggestion but is in total support. Colonial Street is a very congested street and this would just create more traffic. She advised that she is not looking forward to the construction and does not want to see the trees removed from the site. She also is concerned that the homes would not be similar to those in the area, therefore, decreasing the value of the properties and destroy the character of the area. She further advised that children use Colonial Street as their route to school. Mr. Gerlack, applicant, advised that the proposed homes would enhance the area and that the spacing is adequate as the lots are long. Lynda Taylor, Manager, Development Review, advised that the disposition of the land will be dealt with separately and will be handled by Economic Development. She suggested that residents call Mr. Ron Taylor, Economic Development Officer to find out the timing of this item. She further advised that land disposition will be dealt with in March and zoning in April. 8 'III ."" ... AïTACHMENT II REF-OAT # PO fo TO /6 -()<¡ Whites Road Physiotherapy & Sports Injuries Clinic THE MEDICAL CENTRE 720 Sheppard Avenue, Suite 8 Pickering, Ontario L1 V 1 G5 (905) 420-0647 RECEIVED ? 'j f"\00' ,- ¿, 1. l} January 21,2004 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Mr. Everett Buntsma Director of Operations The City of Pickering Re: 2004/05 Budget Inclusion PROPOSAL TO PURCHASE PROPERTY KNOWN AS 2050 DIXIE ROAD - CITY OF PICKERING Dear Mr. Buntsma, This letter is to request formally that you write into your 2004/05 operating budget plan, an amount of $400,000.00 to purchase the property known as 2050 Dixie Road, City of Pickering. The present owner has an application registered with the City's Planning Department to rezone the agricultural property. The plan is to sub-divide to construct four homes. The sale of land allows him to move to British Columbia in retirement. The City of Pickering has a "once in a lifetime" opportunity to purchase this high profile property and turn it into a beautiful park that present and future generations living in our City can appreciate and enjoy. To date, I have spoken with Councillors Holland, McLean and Ashe. All are in favour and recommended that I make this request. Many thanks in advance for your support. Sincerely, ,::;-::.::::J7, ," .' ."-e<,,,,':;' ,"" /,0 ,,{ <,"{2 'Î,.;' Œ.., i, l .r1, (,..<' ,.....~,., \""~"'" Murray Mawson Residence: 1019 Colonial Street, Pickering 905-839-3020 C.c. Honourable Mayor, Councillors and Plagning -- e-mail: murray.mawson @3web.net ATTACHMENT #- b TO mr JIH # PO /Ç:;. -(¿if PROPOSAL THAT THE CITY OF PICKERING PURCHASE THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS 2050 DIXIE ROAD WITH THE INTENT OF CREATING A BEAUTIFUL PARK ADVANTAGES . High profile, well situated to the location. Northwest corner of Dixie Road (regional road) and Colonial Street (City), 4 way stop signs. . Presently zoned Agricultural should reflect in the purchase price. Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity as infills disappears in Pickering. . No need to dig up roads for hydro, water and cable connections. No cutting of curbs for driveways. . No potential requirement to relocate a fire hydrant, Canada Post Superbox and newspaper pads . Finally, the City of Pickering can exercise easement rights on Dixie Road. Also, the City will not need to sell a strip of property on Colonial Street. Already, the City cuts grass and ploughs snow on Colonial Street. . An opportunity for Hydro One to contribute to this park as it is on the way to their transfer station. This financial gesture of goodwill can help defray the Pine Creek oil spill and the tree planting failure on Dixie Road boulevards. The trees were to deflect the eye from the heavy configuration of hydro lines and poles flanking both sides of Dixie Road. Good PRo . Little or no crime in the park as residents are good observers as are motorists who stop at the four-way stop signs. Colonial Street is a direct school route with a crossing guard hired to help children to cross Dixie Road. The rectangular property can be seen from all sides. . This park will encourage a greater sense of "community" as many tax-paying neighbours have offered verbal support and are willing to sign a document if requested. . Councilors Holland, McLean and Ashe are favourable to this proposal Murray Mawson resides at 1019 Colonial Street and has lived in Pickering since 1970. He is the owner of Whites Road Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic, 720 Sheppard Avenue since it's inception in 1988. ')Î,: 7 'rr) /<0 . 6tr. .. n.. ". ":),?(C,~'o PARKS AND FA CILITIES IN SURROUNDING AREA Note: 1. Boundary roads in the order from North-West-South-East 2. All areas approximately the same size (see attached map) Area Boundary Park Name Facilities 1 Hydro Corridor (P-OlO) Maple Ridge Park 1 Softball diamond Dixie 1 Soccer field Finch 2 Lighted tennis courts Liverpool 1 Creative play unit (E-O21) Maple Ridge PS (E-O20) St Isaac Jo ves SS 2 Finch (P-O46) Glendale Park 2 Creative play units Dixie Asphalt walkway Glenanna Seating Liverpool (P-O 11) David Farr Park 1 Softball diamond 4 Soccer fields 1 Lighted Soccer field 2 Creative play units 4 Lighted Tennis courts (P-O52) Mulmer Tot Lot 2 Creative play units Swings (E-OI8) Vall han Willard PS 3 Finch (P-OI5) Forestbrook Park 2 Softball diamonds Fairport 1 Soccer field Glenanna 2 Creative play units Dixie 3 Bay swing set (E-O 17) William Dunbar PS 4 Finch (P-O13) J. Mcpherson Park 1 Softball diamond Whites 1 Soccer field Strouds Lane 2 Creative play units Fairport Swings Parking (E-O 16) Grandatsetia on PS 5 Hydro Corridor (P-O48) Glendale Park 2 Creative play units Whites Asphalt walkway Finch Seating Fai ort ¡,'CHMENl # . ...L~,- TO ....~; fJ Pf!.._J!f2-Q1-..- """ C;¡.. '" P"'RI<' NAME P-",RK NUMBER .ALDERWOODPARK..................................................... p.DOO ALEX R.Q8'SRT-SON PAqK .............................................. p,i)::!1 AMARETTDPt\RK......................................................... P.C>44 AMBEFRE"'-PARI'<.......................................................... peO:?7 BALSDONPARK ""'...................................................... P'w."12 B.4YLI>.WNDRr'.lERAViiNE ............................................... 1".034 BAYRmGESKlN.".MEN PARK........................................... 1".024 BÞ.YSHORETGT !.oPT """""""....................................... p.DZ5 BEAC!-IFRDNT PARK -"""""""""""'............................. 1".032 BEECHLA.WN PARK """"'.............................................. 1".0'1.. BEVERLEY MOR3ANP."',RK............................................ p.O2B e,IDWEU. TOT LOT_..............................................m....... p.0:i!i7 BONITA. pARK""""""""""""""""""""""""""'.......m p-O:i!iB BROCKR;¡DGE COM'MUWITY PARK-...........,...................... 1".1:\26 BRUCiE:HANSCOM:!JE PARK ".....m.....,.,.................."...... 1".03'9 CENTÐ\INIAL !,ARK_...................................................... 1"-006 CHICKADEE PARK """""""""""""............................... 1".040 CLAREMONT PARK_._..........."....................................... p.D:17 CLEhRSfDE OPEN SPACE ..............................................1".041 CLlFFVIEW PARK ""-"""""""""""'.............................. 1"-'071 OAV¡OFARRPARK..............................--........................ 1".011 OENMAR PARK """""""""""""""............................... p.D20 DI.!'.NA PRJNCESS OF WALES PARK '....................-----....... 1"-<1:>0 OONBEERJ\,fEMORIALPARK .......................................... P-<1BO DOUGLAS PARK """""""""'..........-............................. 1".004 .OOUGLASR,<VjNE_....................................................... P'O3B OUNBARTON CREEK 'RAVINE ......................................... 1"-054 OUNCANNOt'¡R"'~~NE """"""'...m...............--................ 1".042 DlmMOORE PARK """""""'--....................................... 1",025 EASTwaODL"'ND5 PARK.............................................. 1".011:\ ER~NGATE p,"'?K """""""""""".................................. p-D4B ESPLANADE PARK"...................................................... P-D43 FORE5T8ROOK PARX """'............................................ p.D15 FRENCHMAN'S BAY RATE PAYERS-r"EMOffiAL PARK -""" p-OD3 GLENRAl.'iNEP...,RK...................................................... p.O7D GLENDALE PARK -'...................--...................-.............. p.;Q.tB GLENGRO'\/E PAFU< -"""""""""................................... p-'DOB GREENRJ'\IER PARK """"""'.........................................'1"-<174 GR'EEN\NOOD PARK ......................................................1"-'076 J. MopHiERSC'N PARK """""""""'.....................-........... 1".::113 KITLEY RAVIN2:............................................................. 1".047 LOOKOUT POleNT PARK """"'......................................... f'-cOOð LYNN HEIGh'TS PARK """""'----..................-.................. p.mm MAJOR OAKS PARK """""".......................................... 1"..012 MAP!.,!; RiDGE PARK......._.............................................. 1".010 MARnN'STOrLOT........................................................p-O51 MfTCH8..Lf'ARK ""'..................................................... p-Œl5 MUU.!ERTOT LOT......................................................... 1".052 notassi¡¡;ned """"""""""""""".....-.............................. 1"-1:149 not assigned """"""""'....................-.......................-.....1".057 notassigne<'l.................................................................. f'-cO5B not assig.....-! """"..........................................................P-Ut'B notassi¡¡;<>I>d "'--"""""""""".......-...........................--.. 1"-<173 Nt; WEST RAVINE_........................................................ 1"-053 plCKERrnGMUSEUMVILLAGE """"""""'--".................. f'-cOl'", pINEGROVEP,&RK.........----_.......................................... 1".001 PROGRESS FRENCHMAN'S 3,0, YEAS, PARK....... ....--....... 1"-1)45 RICK HULL M9-;IORIALPARK _........................................1"-007 ROSEEIANKSOUTH PARK """"'----"............................... f'.-Qß4 ROTARY FRENCHMAN'S BAY WEST PARK ................_......p..jJß1 ROUGE VALLEY PARK .................................................._.1",005 S.M..WOODSMERE PARK """""..................................... p.un SEQUJN PARK """--m................................................... P--D6f¡ s¡,¡,=.,DYEiROOK PARK ......-................--.-..........................P-'D14 SHADYEiROOK TOT LOT -................--.............................1".03'3 SOl-"TH PETTlCOÞ.T RAVINE ..........--..............-............... P..a!!2 SOUTH PlfNE CREER RAVINE """""-""""""""""""""" p-j)j\3 SOlITHCOITPA.RK.....................................---._.............. P-tI21 ST. MARY PARK............................................................ p~lU!a STEEPLE HilLLPARK ............--...................................--.. 1"'.02,2 SUMMER PARK """""""""""""......................-........... p.;¡ ð7 TH:ClŒTOpENSpACE..................................................P-055 TaWN HALL PARK _m..................................................-- 1"-<17-6 VJl<!.1.EY FARMRAVliNE .................................................. pores VALLEY'R,OGEOpEN SPA:::E ......................................... p.D5ß VAJ.LEYV""EW P.">RK.. ..................... ................................f'-cO17 ""ILLA.GE EAST PARI<: -"'..........---................................... P.013 VISTULA RAVINE -............ ............... ........... ................. ..p.1J69 WHTÆVAl.E PARK .......................................................-- f'-c075 WOODViEW,OT LOT.......................................--............ 1".023 SCHOOL NAME SCHOOL NUMBER .ALTOn'" FORESTPUBLIC'SCHQOL .............--.................E.{ t3 BAYVIEW HEIGHTS PUBLIC SCHOOL ...............................E~ CLAREMONT PUBLIC &;H:JOl'.......................--...............E-006 DUNBARrONi H1GH SCHOOL ..........................---............. E- ELIZABETH B PHIN P'LIBUCSCHOOL """"""---"""'."""" E-œIS FAJIRPORTBEACH PUSUC.SCHOOL ................................E- FRENCHMAN'S 8AypUBLIC SCHOOL ....---............. ..........E-- GANDATSETIA.GON PUSL1C.SCHOOL .............................. E-$16 GLEN{JROVE PUBUCSCHOOL """..............---................E-O79 H*GH8U'SH?UBLICSCHOOL """'--................................. E-$~4 Hal.\" REDEEMER SEPARATE SCHOOL ------................ "'" E-- MAPLE RtDGE P'UBLlCSCHOOL ..........--.......................... E-<121 OIlJRUillYOFTHEBAYSEpARA,TESCHOOL ...........--...... E-OO2 PINE RIDGE SECC'NDA.R'Y SCHOOL ""............................. E-w::t ROSEBANK PUcERJC SCHOOL """""""............................ E.{þ:!' SIR JOHN A, MACOOl'iiALD PUBLIC SCHaaL .....................E-007 ST. 8..1Z"-EETH SETON SEPARATE SCHOCL ....................E--D12 5T.ISAAC JOG'IESSEpARATE SCHOOL -.............----.......E--!l2:Q ST. MARYC".THOIL!C HIGHSDHOOL """"'-----.............u..E--!I~5 ST. WlLFR:-o SEPARATE SCHOO!. .......--.-----..........u....u. E-$24 V.!'LLEYFARM-PUBLfD&Of-M:¡OL ............................--.......E-<123- VALLEYVIEWPUSLIC SCHOOL """".......n--uu............... E~25 VÞ.UGHAN WILLARD'PUBlIC S'DHOCL """"""--""""""'" E-$t$ WESTCREEK PUBLIC SCI-fO'.CL "'.......u--n....................... E-$U WfU:..tAM DUNBAR PUBLIC SCHOOL ..................--............E-$~7 V,'O':::'DiA¡>¡;O-S'C,ENTENNIAL PUBUCS..CHOOL u---u............E-$H! î/~ ,.2.--. TO PiJ.,-~_&9Y GRID INDEX B3 BE F4 03.='3 CT.C8 F5 B!I.B9 07 Ei7.B8 Eta F7.FB C4- 55 Fa C'6 GoB E2' RURAL H9 B!i E5.E7 E9 E~ RURAL C7.D7 07 D6.E5 F5 B4 C3 F5 ES ES.F;;; C7 C6 F7 E!I RU'RAL RURAL E4..E5 E!t 55 F6 G¡¡ F7 H2 08 F7 G7 RURAL Et Cl B3- A3 85.B6 01 E3 F:! E4.E5 D4 C3 E7 Gg F4 C3 E3 E1 RURAL GS 01 E:!: E9 D6 RURAL 0'1 GRID INDEX E3 DB RORAL D4 D:Jt C4.G5 as F4.F5 E5 E3_Ë4 C7 F7 C5 G? '63 os E:!- FT E4 Hg. GII .RURAL. Eß E2 E5 D4 CÏty of Pickering - Sport Fields and Playgrounds SPORTS FIELDS & PLAYGROUNDS Alderwood Parkette (South of Bayly Street, west of Sandy Beach Road) Alex Robertson Community Park (South of Bayly Street, west of Sandy Beach Road) Alwin Tot Lot (South of Kingston Road, west of Brock Road) Amaretto Park Amberlea Park (North of Sheppard Avenue, west of Whites Road) Balsdpn Park (South of Bayly Street, east of Liverpool) Beech lawn Park (South of Kingston Road, east of Brock Road) Beverley Morgan Park (Liverpool Road, north of Finch Avenue) Bidwell Tot Lot (South of Bayly Street, east of Whites Road) . 7" , ;1," ._..."c'"~..'" \; if:,' Ii po Il~ - 0'1 -~._._-_.._.~.. FACILITIES Updated June 18, 2003 . Greenland . 1 Cricket Pitch . Home Place . Wooden Sculptures . Parking . Greenland . 1 Creative play unit (for 2-5 year aids) . 1 Creative play unit (for 5-12 year aids) . Swings . Seating . 1 Softball diamond . 1 Baseball diamond lighted . 1 Soccer field . 1 Creative play unit . 1 Ball hockey rink . 1 Basketball net . 1 Outdoor skating rink . Washroom facility (port-a-potty) . 1 Softball diamond . 1 Creative play unit (for 5-12 year aids) . Swings . 1 Creative play unit (for 2-5 year aids) . 1 Creative play unit (for 5-12 year aids) . Swings . 1 Softball diamond . 4 Soccer fields . 1 Soccer field lighted . 1 Track . 1 Creative play unit (for 2-5 year aids) . Swings . 1 Creative play unit (for 2-5 year aids) hH~.IITT'TT'n' ro;1'H~f'....;rolTa,.;....'" ro~~/"1'n~rtn~rtl1;+n"h,lrol....n~lTnJ~n;.... h.~l Page 1 of 8 ~^ H ~ ,- ~ ~ . City of Pickering - Sport Fields and Playgrounds Bonita Park Brockridge Park (Northwest corner of Brock Road at Finch Avenue) Brockridge Tot Lot Brougham Park (Don Beer Memorial Park) Highway 7 east of Brock Road Bruce Hanscombe Memorial Park (Breezy Drive north of Oklahoma Drive) Centennial Park (Brock Road, south of 3rd Concession) Claremont Park (In Claremont, Brock Road south of Central Street) (", \"IPJE-iliTI/ 7 TO ' ii"'"";'" I" " ",n ;/ PD.~£:i -~."-", . 1 Creative play unit (for 5-12 year aids) . Swings . 1 Creative play unit (for 2-5 year aids) . Swings . Asphalt walkway . Seating . 2 Mini soccer fields . 2 Baseball fields . 1 Baseball field lighted . 1 Creative play unit (for 2-5 year aids) . 1 Creative play unit (for 5-12 year aids) . Washroom Facilities (open during scheduled events) . 1 Creative play unit (for 2-5 year aids) . Seating . Asphalt walkway, lighted . 1 Softball diamond lighted . 1 Traditional play unit . Swings . 1 Basketball court . Parking . 1 Creative play unit (for 2-5 year aids) . 1 Creative play unit (for 5-12 year aids) . asphalt walkway . seating . 1 Softball diamond . 1 Softball/Baseball diamond lighted . 1 Creative play unit (for 2-5 year aids) . 1 Creative play unit (for 5-12 year aids) . Washroom facility (port-a-potty) . Parking . 1 Softball diamond . 1 Softball diamond, lighted . 2 Tennis courts, lighted . 1 Creative play unit (for 2-12 year hth...II"T1"'" (';t",,-Fn;(' ].,-ø".;,.. 0' ,..",.....I"t",..~ ",.r1 11 ;+""t.,]" 1~"_]7n I~ ,,;~ 1-..t~ 1 Page 2 of 8 n- .. ~ .. - - City of Pickering - Sport Fields and Playgrounds David Farr Memorial Park (Glenanna Road east of Dixie Road) Denmar Park (South of Kingston Road, east of Brock Road) Diana, Princess of Wales Park Behind Pickering Recreation Complex (South of Kingston Road, east of Valley Farm Road) Douglas Park (South of Bayly Street, east of Liverpool Road) Dunmoore Park (South of Bayly Street, east of Whites Road) East Woodlands Park Erin Gate Park 1-.+,-.11......... ~:+..~.ç_:~l.~_:_- ___1_+__-1_--..1 11'-"" "L 1 I ',"'""',11(#. 7 <",~ <'.,,-i;....:,,'., _.","-,~=,~"-,¡v ;, if PO itO"()U ,., " . . '-"'-m_"...1.....v.a-,__"" aIds) . 1 Outdoor skating rink . Washroom facilities . Change rooms . Parking . 1 Softball diamond . 4 Soccer fields . 1 Soccer field, lighted . 2 creative play units . 4 Tennis courts, lighted . 1 Creative play unit . Swings . Basketball court . 1 Creative play unit (for 2-5 year olds) . 1 Basketball Cou rt . 1 Ball Hockey Court . 1 Skateboard park . Asphalt walkway . Seating . Parking . 2 Soccer fields . 1 Creative play unit (for 2-5 year aids) . 1 Creative play unit (for 5-12 year aIds) . asphalt walkway . seating . 1 Softball diamond . 2 softball diamonds lighted . 1 Soccer field lighted . 4 Tennis courts, lighted . 1 Traditional play unit . 1 Creati~e play unit w/swings . Washroom facilities . Parking . 1 Creative play unit (for 2-12 year aids) . Swings . Asphalt walkway . Basketball Court . Parking . 1 Creative play unit (for 2-5 year aIds) Page 3 of 8 City of Pickering - Sport Fields and Playgrounds Forestbrook Park (South of Finch Avenue, east of Dixie Road) Frenchman's Bay Ratepayers Park (South of Bayly Street, east of Liverpool Road) Glen Ravine Park (Rotary Tot Lot) Glendale Park Glengrove Park (North of Kingston Road, east of Liverpool Road) Green River Park Greenwood Park (South of 6th Concession, west of Westney Road) ,,;:i;;:t:!'JT #",.."...L.,,"_'fO ¡; , i PO"~-.__.lf£:..Q1~_,~--~.,, . 1 Creative play unit (for 5-12 year aids) . Swings . Seating . Asphalt walkway . 2 Softball diamonds . 1 Soccer field . 1 Creative play unit (for 2-5 year olds) . 1 Creative play unit (for 5-12 year aids) . 3 bay swing set with 3 belt and 3 tot swings . 1 Creative play unit (for 5-12 year aids) . 1 tire swing . Basketball court . 1 Softball diamond . 1 creative play unit (for 5-12 year aids) . Swings . 1 CrE';ative play unit (for 2-5 year aids) . l' Creative play unit (for 5-12 year aids) . Asphalt walkway . $eating . 2 Softball diamonds . 1 Soccer field . 1 Mini Soccer field . 2 Basketball courts . 1 Creative play unit (for 2-12 year aids) . 1 Creative play unit (for 2-12 year aids) . Parking . 1 Softball diamond lighted . 1 Traditional play unit . Swings . 1 Outdoor skating rink . Washroom facilities htt,.,../I"""n, ,..;hrryF",;"lr=,.;,.,<T ,..,....n->/...t"~r1,,,.r1I1;'¡:-"nh.l_I____L_I___'_- I, , Page 4 of 8 City of Pickering - Sport Fields and Playgrounds J. McPherson Park (South of Finch Avenue, east of Whites Road) Kinsmen Park (Sandy Beach Road: South of Bayly Street, east of Liverpool Road) Liverpool Road Beachfront Park (South of Bayly Street, on Liverpool Road) Millennium Square The washroom facility will be open from 9:00 am - 9:00 pm Monday to Sunday, and operation of the spray pool is subject to appropriate weather conditions. Look Out Point Park (South of Bayly Street, 1." " ,. . , ",.,. , , , "'","Cri! 7 ""0 f n~, ~"j.,- " , =,,~~~~,,~~~~I ,¡ \ .ri¡ 'f PO .c".,.j!!2.~Q,;L~~'=,""'N . Change rooms . Parking . 1 Softball diamond . 1 Soccer field . 1 Creative play unit (for 2-5 year olds) . 1 Creative play unit (for 5-12 year aids) . Swings . Parking . 4 Softball diamonds lighted . 5 Soccer fields . 1 Soccer field lighted . 1 Football field lighted . 4 Tennis courts, lighted . 1 Creative play unit (for 2-5 year aids) . 1 Creative play unit (for 5-12 year aids) . Swings . Washroom facility (open during scheduled events) . Concession . Parking . 1 Creative play unit (for 2-5 year aids) . 1 Creative play unit (for 5-12 year aids) . 1 small picnic shelter with Cool topper sails for shade . 2 Beach Volleyball courts with nets . Parking . Water Splash Pad . Beach access . Waterfront trail . Boardwalk with seating . 1 Softball diamond . 1 Creative play unit (for 5-12 year Page 5 of 8 City of Pickering - Sport Fields and Playgrounds east of Whites Road) Lynn Heights Park (West of Dixie, north of Finch) Major Oaks Park (North of Finch Avenue, west of Brock Road) Maple Ridge Park (North of Finch Avenue, west of Liverpool Road) Martin's Tot Lot (South of 3rd Concession at Altona Road) Mitchell Park (South of Bayly Street, east of Liverpool Road) Mutmur Tot Lot (South of Finch Avenue, west of Liverpool Road) Petticoat Creek Conservation Area (Southern terminus of Liverpool Road) Pinegrove Park (Pine Grove Avenue, west of Altona Road) Rosebank Park (Rick Hull Park) South of Highway 401, west of Whites Road " U' . orr" 7 '>1'n ¡J..'~n¡Vit\;1 ~'-"".~,.._,=~;.... ':".""'PD /to-Oil r!;.¡.,Jhl PI -_._,--..~."..," olds) . Swings . 1 Creative play unit (for 2-5 year aids) . 1 Creative play unit (for 5-12 year aids) . 2 Softball diamonds . 1 Soccer field . 1 Creative play unit (for 2-5 year aids) . 1 Creative play unit (for 5-12 year aids) . 1 Softball diamond . 1 Soccer field . 2 Tennis courts, lighted . 1 Creative play unit . 1 Creative play unit . 2 Softball diamonds . 1 Soccer field . 1 Creative play unit (for 2-5 year aids) . 1 Creative play unit (for 5-12 year aids) . Swings . Parking .1 Creative play unit (for 2-5 yew olds)$' . 1.Creative play unit (for 5-12 year aids) . Swings Visit the TRCA website for details. . 1 Creative play unit (for 2-5 year aids) . 1 Creative play unit (for 5-12 year aids) . Asphalt walkway, lighted . Parking . 1 Softball diamond . 2 Soccer fields . 2 Tennis courts Page 6 of 8 City of Pickering - Sport Fields and Playgrounds . Rouge Valley Park (South of Twin Rivers Drive, west of Altona Road) Shadybrook Park (North of Sheppard Avenue, east of Whites Road) Shadybrook Tot Lot (North of Sheppard Avenue, east of Whites Road) Southcott Park Sparrow Court Park 51. Mary's Park (South of Finch Avenue, at Whites Road) Steeple Hill Park (North of Kingston Road, west of Whites Road) Summer Park (West of Fairport, south of Finch) Valley View Park n¡,,"q¡\nr:¡\,'r# 7 TO . ;".1>' ""'.. . I "~"~'- Œ~'¡1'¡ 41 PO,,_-1Io: Q':f~-,-_cc,< . 2 Creative play unit . Basketball court . Parking . 1 Creative play unit (for 2-5 year olds) . 1 Creative play unit (for 5-12 year olds) . Swings . Asphalt walkway, lighted . 1 Softball diamond . 1 Soccer field . 2 Tennis Courts . 1 Creative play unit . 1 Traditional play unit . Swings . 1 Creative play unit (for 2-5 year aids) . 1 Creative play unit (for 5-12 year aids) . Swings . 1 Softball diamond . 1 Soccer field . Seating . 1 Creative play unit (for 2-5 year aids) . Swings . Seating . 2 Soccer fields . 2 Creative play units . 1 Track with bleacher seating . 1 Basketball 1/2 court at west play unit . 1 Full basketball court at east play unit . 1 Creative play unit (for 2-5 year aids) . 1 Creative play unit (for 5-12 year aids) . Swings . 1 Basketball court . 4- Swings . 1 Creative play unit (for 2-5 year Page 7 of 8 City of Pickering - Sport Fields and Playgrounds Village East Park (West of Brock Road on Pickering Parkway) Westcreek Park Westshore Glen Ravine Parkette (South of Bayly Street, east of Whites Road) Whitevale Park (Whitevale Road, east of Altona Road) Woodsmere Park (Woods mere Avenue at Rosebank Road) Woodview Park (North of Twyn Rivers Drive on Woodview) ATTACHME~JT fI_~. 7~~TO r¡r.: "R¡ # PD~--1~~ -Q::L.",.".",.,~ aids) . 1 Creative play unit (for 5-12 year aids) . Swings . Seating . Asphalt walkway, lighted . Basketball court, lighted . Softball diamond . 1 Softball diamond . 1 Soccer field . 2 Tennis courts . 1 Creative play unit . 1 Softball diamond lighted . 1 Creative play unit . 1 Scrub diamond . 1 Soccer field . 1 Creative play unit (for 2-5 year olds) . 1 Creative play unit (for 5-12 year olds) . Washroom facilities . Parking . 1 Creative play unit . 1 Baseball diamond . Swings . Asphalt walkway . 1 Creative play unit (2-5 year olds) . 1 Creative play unit (5-12 year olds) . Swings . Asphalt walkway . Seating Page 8 of 8 I ! I , I \ l (';¡;;Y-. Residence: 1019 Colonial Street, Pickering 905-839-3020 e-mail: mUITay.mawson ~/~ C.c. Honourable Mayor, Councillors and Pl~ng . @3web.net NO1i=;- . ..~ . .,. -1 L ~~ G "".>r >e Æ' Q, h ry E AI 1'5 í't J1-,B£ ß I tÝ7rte R)j ;(, G:= ,RL A-c If- DrV 7111£ /'::J/T-G'£ /'TN]) ¡èe[/c;R5e t/TC.~ , ,',.., IffT#rP7e7VT#3 T6. /N¡-O¡¿rrf'rhOA! ~ft,Ær OL¡-o'f Ø, c i" ,. ATTACHMENT # 8 TO REPORT # PO 1/1) -'0<1 Whites Road Physiotherapy "t£ Spcim'1njuries Clinic THE MEDICAL CENTRE 720 Sheppard Avenue, Suite 8 Pickering, Ontario Ll V 1 G5 (905) 420-0647 if IJr ~- I 181 4"" ... ~,,~. ~ if-If: RECEIVED JAM 2 2 2004 January 21, 2004 feææ'j hRðl( '1'c;A!Í!;, P!-I4NNe~ , C ( T'-( tOr PIC/, (::;1<; tV 6- PL/f7V Nf/V 6- j)?7. ~ ~ ?::r:.NrNC; þ¡-J.A< ¡j /'1 ~ ~ j) ""'teNT I!-~/')LI c-ItTioiJ . .. IT ~Vo~- t-- CiTY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT, D~R_NT ¡f Mr. Everett Buntsma Director of Operations The City of Pickering Re: 2004/05 Budget Inclusion PROPOSAL TO PURCHASE PROPERTY KNOWN AS 2050 DIXIE ROAD - CITY OF PICKERING Dear Mr. Buntsma, . This letter is to request formally that you write into your 2004/05 operating budget plan, lY.a, n ount of$400,000.00 to urchase the property known as 2050 Dixie Road, City of VI)ickering, . . . jThe present owner has an application registered with the City's Planning Department to , rezone the agricultural property. The plan is to sub-divide to construct four homes. The sale of land allows him. to move to British Columbia in retirement. , tJß:ret;;,{t . 71 .:r~. ¡~ (;,/4 (¿¡"'e '&;/J Cø/.£ ~'-~ 114 The City of Pickering has a "once in a lifetime" opportunity to purchase this high profile property and turn it into a beautiful park that present and future generations living in our City can appreciate and enjoy. V' To date, I have spoken with Councillors. Holland, McLean and Ashe.. All are in favour i- t' ~commended that I make this request. '-) . ,,' ...--.'. '°" ' -/), ' -- ,. 0..,.;.. " .,~ '¡? Z ~tO-,t ¡ fry; J '/t7 c7\J e;; (( () é: /V ~ r " Many thanks in advance for your support. ¡J D -- r . D iA...f' N7 1'\ /1- {t;; t NC"~61¡clÆ:: Sincerely, . ",/~ .f> .~:? r /' /1,>tÆ'.../Ò.~ (~ MUlTay Mawson [) '¡-- I 10 '-- --- "" ATTACHMENT I_"8 TO REFúRT #' PO lib -ò.i.. [-z ~F 1/J PTõ :?> PROPOSAL THAT THE CITY OF PICKERING PURCHASE THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS 2050 DIXIE ROAD WITH THE INTENT OF CREATING A BEAUTIFUL PARK .' ADVANTAGES . High profile, well situated to the location. Northwest corner of Dixie Road (regional rqad) and Colonial Street (City), 4 way sto siGns. -j:;If 11:. 'Presen zoned AgrIcultural should reflect in the purchase rice. O..t, .~~,.J : , Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity as infills disappears in Pickering. . ~/lft1 . No need to dig up roads for hydro, water and cable connections. No .,'::;'11 r- cutting of curbs for driveways. .?o-u-:7;&rI."" . No potential requirement to relocate a fire hydrant, -Canada Post a..e1~~'1' Superbox and newspaper pads , ! fi~! ~. 'S ¡¡J.6 . ,FinallY, tb ~ City o~ Pic~ring ca exercise easement riuhts on Dixi 'f,t~ .~..., I (L~ h Road. Also, the CIty wIll not nee to se a strl 0 ro er on ¿ ~' ,i/Lk,...p "Je.tkf.f,1.¿ Colonial Street Already, the City cuts grass and ploughs snow on - " ll-=== ~ e.:Colonial Street. - ( fL, !..~~~- t~n opportunity for~~~J!o'cont~ibute to thi~~s it is on ß-;;2, ~,.¡~üC~the way t,p their transfer station. This financial ges, ture of goodwill t ,~, . /, I ~ - f ( ,/ can help~ the Pine Creek oil spin!and the tree planting failure tv~ i{...jol t11 ......;':) ~ on Dixie Road boulevards. The trees were to deflect the eye from th :;tI~i heavy configuration of hydro lines and poles flanking both sides of í t~ , Dixie Ro.ad. Good PRo ('s i?f 1-::-~'::- /~ l~ittle or no crrm_e in the parkfas resident~ are good o?servers as are -a '" motorists who stop at the four-way stop sIgns. ColonIal Str~et is a direct school route with a crossing guard hired to ,help children to cross Dixie Road. The rectangular property can be seen from all it: sides. ~ b 'Q"""cl c'.. . This park will encourage a greater sense of "community" as~ iii 'j~ ~~:J fav~e¿ tax-paying neigh?ours hav~ of~baI support ~nd ~e w~ng -~ 7ô "'ú4-Ile.;yi- ,sign a document If request~. -.> ...tr . k¡t... ~~. ~;o~~:~~EW~nd, M.;~n and ::!!!. ~e favourable to th~~ ~;;~t ~ - (I "'1-"'-¿1"€-1? " ,'j, 7."" . ~~ v L I'v1urray Mawson resides at 1019 Colonial Street and has lived in Pickering " . since 1970. He is the owner of "\Vhites Road Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic, 720 Sheppard Avenue since it's inception in 1988. p,L e M£ C£;,tV l r£>& k /f f2.o t/ EGO/-¡' h S-/V1 75 Ii: j/ . f{~~c#~~~-~ /N r;::;fy:/ J:;;~ '., B ¡Ii , {f ~~",,-..,~,~ V 'f .;i" # PD ib-D</ ,"~--,~~,' ~.r'., ~'-"'-""" I f)r 3 ----- ,./"'ì ! [) .: PERRi! f koR-Dc( ye- N{5 ?L Iflv /11/ e/< I I) L Iì!V /1/ (/u G Ij-IJ) j)e (/¿ !-Ð Fir e IV I )fJ;- C (7f or- /'J/c/<'6Kr NG- j)J) Ke /\ It it K{(jrl N/TtU'>OIJ I'S !-¿¡'leI? Dr ¡/'}-fLl ¿o/ 1/ z.Þo!f 1fT í frr:-ff /7 (5/1,/ r I/- S í 0 ( // r 0 I? /7 ItT"¡ tJ/V R6? C¥ê I -tit) í.f ,- ð; (f) ~ CJ N( /r! (5 M - LI1--túI A f1 E/Uj) /1 E: tV T ¡f/}r:> L ( ê/l-Tr ofV' llt:l G /os Fe ß ZD ?ÇJO if I 11 teleR Y / / itE&,¿tE5T Tifffi &oÎft /¥ r", ,......., (j) f 1- (J¡,tV tN1/( ^/ G- IJ-t/l> j)é ¿/ e: /-£; r li{ e /~/ r ) /J / - ~ @ T If£: Þ C",; ¡Vt) /1 ( c- Òe /J6 fro-I) ? 11 e IV r jJ ! r t1o IV S' ( ;:> e;;r~ :: /fNJ) /1 '-l C r{) /"1 /'1 e/\/73 FE J< I Ilt j\/ / 1\/ G-{O í1fe P ¿l£s¿'l C lr e7f' ír /ví<s- r!) F Fe- ß / c¡ ~. ¿,~;o L/ I ) 17/° fie,) f ¡¿ ( ß- TË ([)P /1 t) lv.S I cO /1q!?I(þ( /'1/~Sc9/ (:.s" LET/e-/tZ. íl F +,J-¡1f ;2.- ( '21 0 t:> if f I {) '.".') 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CttJN S;~íß).e tR ffT/oN " TIf'é S-4J-é õF ÍÌfB C/IY- OtvI1/c~ð jJ/fIt~K~ i r ç T ;e! /=> ,.., () AI C ((J .L () III l' /1- J.-; t';vf /1- L- ! 12 0 Cí (i2E r C1 Tt¡ ¡¿é I~ t/ e IV t( é:;; ffl(/ .1) &5 /1/ (.../:::: FI /fL L- ~ Tlt-x 1° ffY' æ:; tï F (fie CJ ì1 tíV=- ¡A'ck E/ê r IÝ G- ( /fY l) /e () ()Af c; ) I £3 (5 J-( e- t/ e: lfirt.~ &..ò 6£/ ~ . ) C¿))J ST/(lA-IA/TS ItJV) /1/0 F't¡ì/l)S !ti,I/lIt..,¡ð¡[?L-e -¡.:::.,.-":) '<,r-7 .' r) . . . '1 ¡ôr\. \.Y rf.)()¿) !i~///-,L lJ:' ê,S~1fC'E::S -~ T!fE Y If1H) e A- t) }) R e3 _š éJ) ¡J-/vj) Rc s;o 4/ c:.} 7ì'æ 1~(j1fr3 C.f2ce-¡< t/)/I- S¡IJ¡'J-L /J¡~C)Sf-,G~ /l-hj;) ¡1--S:5 ¿J l~e6 I '1 c tf) P /)! D - j)e ;-r e c. ( /.1)- ß I-E - i-i.- t/ L 1-5 /' / . 0 I::: .,/J C1 ¿? ,-) I IV ú-U,,4( l1./ e ~L /V 1'1 ~J( g r Cd) t'-V i) '{ ¿:- /-~-/ ¡1j~ C- If; é~5' í t /1/ b f)~ 6) (; ;e t4 /if T/l;fT r/~[)t/~!.) To 6£ Îo/It1-I-Y Sftl/SF¥fokj", .~ ACtJ.d Ita) ~ ATTACHMENT () 8 TO REFì)RT # PO 11o_-D~_.- /} . ~ ? ¿::.> {ì r- .::> ;4(1)* ':'). !j Q) (¿ ./ .- ~ rr ACHfV1ENT I--~~,= TO "'." .,., # PO 1~'ofJ >-1¡¡ ,j 1 . -,,-~~'~"~.(-'-"'W" 'î _? :) tJr J ~ it 0 -, --- £1...>../ D L1 ' \ r " " ./ - ' 'If ;;>,~ R S. fT/'<Æ' (ffe. í /t /' -I /1 II Iv L:-> I v~l6 ¿¡-éJl/i {ì'/== ;^1 i( /¿I:¿/Þf 111-.5 0 ttl/j..;¿r ¡V! 6- To INCill\; 7Irx IN' C ¡:¿ e; 17:S~ T D ¡= I IV 131./ ~ 7 ff£ (ift Ie f R D :¡ e-G--( 12 cQ K I ;r k" t::: (/1 c Clc:rcf 1\/ c( J...ú; If S ¡At rlf1lGJuR. PF Î7t!IICÆltys' l~æo?¿.5~ ~So tV'/ f-, £-.! /1/ & r D Æe: 60/1 /? e:;Iv:]ì 7!1e IV ~Cé$ ;; I}fè 7 fi kß I¡('C'lec~ 7D 'Tï17< ¡; FI-1 ~ SJ mvj:> . I () (j-I\/ ;lh::7 -7 v,.iT / rY / /1-6 ~ '~ /1/ () f I I tì AJ' $' T I) /'1 u ¡¿ fè/t<I í S; ? Ær£J ~ð S.IJL ITfùé ~ (L 5 ¿"o IV .& /Y I c~A-1~ ]Jv ¡/e t-or ~ e þ~1 / PIC 1'1 '1 ¡o ¡¿ore/¿ T 7' TÐ ~S: LI rvE ~e Ct) {} õ) fL1 r /-1 ;f-/l/ ce W / ilf S - z . 2- 6->1\1 / IV! G ~Ò ( /'1 e IV! 5ì (Î.11f/TL 1M /T -/'1 e::rq. c:.- d) r- ,Fer-r-t K P ¡Q () ? ¿rý:) I- û IS: . - --> V)') ~'/£-- D I tV G-5' lJr E & t( ¡fL (j) K- lGv r r cR j~ t! e: T Ó71f\/ T /fty,;; . /# T/fe 1/'1/'1é j)//F7C5 fVç/67f&~ (j¡¡) i~}le-ßt5"1( 1//9/(v/t/ OF c)(r5í (IV6-- ,/ ~ - , ,!~S .1¡j~~G¿/c~ r~(ßt.fi j It ~!.- tÝ;-' Iv! If (¿/f 6- c !f¡:¿'é/J I a:~t/V1t~ð II~ ¡) R D VI/~/c;.. 0 ¡/ ?f)..,~L k1i- CSTtl'f 6' !/ ff/:-¿:( tJ //v Tift; l112e IT !~ II 7>1£ /~ Tff:1ff'/ If ~?- T r/V G- IN" T/f1::? cD P ¡frð cJYr/-"E / r IrmV I< Y?'"Zc) Sìir Cð/f! e Lr, ;;Vb*7" #-it~j ATTACHMENT #",""'i=.."".:nt RF ,.¡:'L it' PO ..Jfrc' -Ö'i RECEIVED MAR 1 5 2CC4 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT March 15th 2004. Harry H. Gerlach 2050 Dixie Rd. N RR#2 Pickering, ON L 1V2P9 905-831-1039 Mr. Perry Korouyenis, Planner 1 City of Pickering Planning & Development Dept. Re: 1. Zoning by-law amendment Application A 25/03 2. Letter of Mrs. Dale Weir 1027 Maury Cres. March 2/04 3. Re-appraisal of city owned parkland strip alongside our southern property border. Dear Mr. Korouyenis; I sympathise with Mrs. Weir's concerns and objection to Mr. Mawson's parkland proposal. We too have had first hand experience of having lived adjacent to the city owned parkland for over 20 years. For many years there were noisy drinking teenagers using abusive language and throwing beer bottles and garbage over our fence, fully aware of disturbing the peace in the area. Attempts to reason with them were met with insults and further abusive language. Police surveillance was scarce and when notified, usually too late to apprehend offenders, When we moved to Pickering in 1978 we had planned this property to become our retirement home since natural beauty and a peaceful quiet was all around us. The parkland strip was the result of development around us in 1984. In spite of the expected negative impact on our privacy we opted to stay and adapt to the change. We refrained from any complaints to the city when the negative impact began to manifest itself. Currently, as a result of my wife's passing a year ago I wish to join my daughter in British Columbia. I feel that economic development of our property in compliance with zoning parameters around us and, with buildings of equal Of better valueplanned, neighbouring real estate values can be maintained or even increased. 9 ATTACHMENT fI .._TO REf (¡AT # PO ._l1e~ :~?;;L '~O~'"'" , I therefore request of the Mayor and Council, as well as the economic development manager Ron Taylor, and the planning department to consider the overall plan to be of mutual benefit to both the city and to myself. And in order to render the sale of this property attractive to a quality builder I respectfully request that the city refrain from requiring a substantial increase in the appraisal value of the parkland strip adjacent to our property. Thanking you for your consideration, S¡~ ¡ ~JJ Harry H. GJrlach cc: Mr. Ron Taylor cc: Mayor and Council City of Pickering . ATTACHMENT' / D TO REPORT' PO ¡to -Dl! CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ~~~~~o~~ CITY OF PICKERING PICKERING. ONTARtO Mr. & Mrs. G. Weir 1027 Maury Crescent Pickering, Ontario LlX IP7 RECEIVED MAR 0 5 2004 March 2, 2004 Mr. Perry Korouyenis, Planner 1, City of Pickering, One The Esplanade, Pickering, Ontario, LIV 6K7. Re: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 25/03 2050 Dixie Road Harry Gerlach Dear Mr. Korouyenis: My husband and I own the property located directly behind Mr. Gerlach's property. It was our intention to attend the public meeting held February 19th, however we were unable to attend due to his mother's sudden passing. Today I had the opportunity to review the minutes of said meeting and, afterwards, I spoke with Mr. Ron Taylor, Economic Development Officer to discuss the raised issue of constructing a park On the property. Mr. Taylor suggested that I send a letter stating our objections to this suggestion. As the property owner, most affected by this change, we would like to go on record that we object to the construction of a park on the property. We were aware, at the time we purchased our property, that the time would come when additional homes could be built behind us, however never to our knowledge was the property considered or zoned for parkland. Had it been, we definitely would not have purchased our property, having backed onto parkland in the past. We know first hand the negative impact a park can have backing onto a residential property. Garbage thrown over the fence, kids climbing the fence ,causing damage to our property, as well as elevated noise levels and the infringement on our privacy. We do not want to appear unreasonable regarding this matter, and we wish Mr. Gerlach only the best, however we feel that when the time comes to sell our home, it will be more attractive to a potential buyer to have other homes, of the same caliber, behind our property. We would like to thank you for taking the time to consider our opinions. Yours very truly, Dale & Gary Weir. cc: Mr. Ron Taylor The Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department 1615 DUNDAS ST. E. 0 4TH FLOOR, LANG TOWER WEST BUILDING POBOX 623 WHITBY ON L1 N 6A3 CANADA 9Ü5-728-7731 Fax: 905-436-6612 , Email: plannjng@ region.durham.on.ca www.region.durham.on.ca \.l. Georgieff, MCIP,RPP Commissioner of Planning )r¡-¡ï.\CHMENT I ~"=!/ 4l¡ HEfúAT #PD~ 0" ItO-Z;;¿ .. RECEIVED FEB 1 7 2004- . OF PICKERING CLA'TN~ING & DEVELOPMENT P 'DEPARTMENT February 12, 2004 Perry Korouyenis, Planner I Planning & Development Department One the Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 Dear Mr. Korouyenis: Re: Zoning Amendment Application A 25/03 Applicant: Harry Ger!ach Location: Part of Lot 25, Concession 2 Municipality: City of Pickering We have" reviewed this application and the following comments are offered with respectto the Durham Regional Official Plan, the proposed method of servicing, and the delegated provincial plan review' responsibilities. The application proposes to rezone the subject property to permit the development of 4 residential lots with minimum lot frontages of 13.5 metres. Durham" Reqional Official Plan The subject lands are designated "Living Area" in the Durham Regional 0 Official Plan.. Lands within this designation are intended predominantly for housing purposes. The proposed amendment is permitted by the 0 policies of the Durham Regional Official Plan. 0 Municipal Servicinq Municipal water supply and sanitary sewer service are available to the subject lands. Regional requirements concerning the provision of Regional services, financial and otherwise, associated with the development of the property may be addressed through the related land division process. Provincial Plan Review Responsibilities The application has been screened in accordance with the provincial plan review responsibilities. The subject lands are adjacent to Dixie Road, which is designated a Type-Barterial roadintheOurham * 0 100% Post Consumer ...p :'~: 1/ . . -30 I (p~()y-.. . ...¡ : I)¡" Page 2 Regional Official Plan. A Noise Study will be required to address the impact of road noise on the proposed residential lots. This study may be submitted for Regional review through the related land division process. No further provincial interests are affected by the proposal. If you have any questions or require additional information, please call me. Yours truly, . 1ft .;2.... Ray Davies, Planner Current Operations Branch cc. Pete Castellan, Durham Region Works Department R:\rdlzoninglpickering a25-03.doc , '1 /2 ;U ",rd if P6~~l~?~è'/c" ,,=~ PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM February 20, 2004 To: Perry Korouyenis Planner I From: Robert Starr Supervisor, Development Control Zoning By-law Amendment Application A25/03 - Harry Gerlach - Dixie Road and Colonial Street (N.W. Corner) - City of Pickering Subject: We have reviewed the above-noted application and provide the following comments: 1) A road widening on Dixie Road across the frontage of this site will be required. The width of the widening will be 3.45 m. A 0.30 m reserve will be contained within this widening. 2) As this rezoning is not anticipated to require application for draft plan of subdivision, the rezoning should be conditional on the applicant entering into a development agreement with the City. This agreement will need to address, but not be limited to, coordination of development with Block 114, Plan 40M-1350 (City property), removal and/or relocation of existing services within the lands and Block 114, Plan 40M-1350 (both underground and above ground), removal of existing access on Dixie Road and placement of a permanent concrete sidewalk (including connections to the existing sidewalk) within the road widening, restoration of the Dixie Road boulevard, fencing, lot grading/drainage, driveways, boulevard trees, utility installation and/or relocation, storm sewer service connections, easements, road restoration, engineering plans, inspection fees, securities. ~.~.........<"'" r-'" , . '^. \ . \ Robert Starr RS:bg J,ID"""""'ID"eIopmonl Con',oI\SOBSTARRlmemoo_\""..", """men""e'OCh,'", Copy: Coordinator, Development Approvals - -- -- ---'...-----.... ..." "V, . UL/ UL ~'tAU-Ìi\ì;tI~{iI . /3._...ì{ì .iU vH¡ i1 PD,=_j}::>.:::.~,'L. ,~,=",-, VERIDIAN CONNECTIONS DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW I P1l0JECT NAME: r hrry Gedach ] ] ] ] ADDRESS/PLAN: N/W cotner of Dixie Road and Colonial Street I MUNICIPALITY: PickcrÜ~g REF, NO.: A 25/03 SU"BMISSlON DATE: Febrnuy 2. 2004 1. Electric Service i$ available on th~ road :~Uowance(s) touching this prope:Hy. Se~vicing will bt'. f~om Colonial SI.reet, 2. 'fhe follo\G'ing mndard fixed fee costs will apply (all figures are: !\pproJcimatc): Service Conncction Fce $130,00 per unir 3. The Applicant must make direç~ applicacion to ¡he Co¡:pomtion to obrilln specific approval of the electrical 5e~iee anaflgemcAts and ~elated work [Ot tlús p~oject. The applicant is cautioned tllat tenders, contract~, or work initiated. prior to obtaining spcdfic approval will be subject to change- 4. A Se:~viei.1lg Agreeme:f~t must þe signed with the Cötporation in o~Qe:c to obtaif.l $ervicl¡¡g for this site. 5. All VJork from the pt¡þlic wad allowance w the se~vice enl:tanc(; and the: metering ammgeme::nts must comply- with the: Corpofaùon's fequirernent5 ant! specificacions. 6. Prior to obtaining a building permit, the Applicant $hall, by agreement, cOnfitffi àCCcpt'~èce of the teITtls and COtldition$ of providing dectrical selvke- 7. \'X;'herc Cfanes or matedal hamlling cq1Ùpmcmt at wodœts m¡¡st wofk in pfoxill1ity to existing overhead wires, with the capability of contact or çaming within the limits of appro~u;h, the developet/buildet shall pay all CI)$ts fat the: tempofaty relocation, burial, ot protection of the \iiites, Or othcf !\ction deemed nccc:ssary by Veridiall to prlwide fof wocket sHfety and the security of the electrical system, 8. L:~ndscapirig, spe:cifically trec~ ¡¡nd shrubs, :>bOllld be felocat~LÌ aW¡iY from t:he Cc):s:p°Iilt.ion's transformer to avc)id inte:rferenci;: with e;:'uipmer ,[ access, 9. Will not anenci scl1ec\.uled City of Pickering DART Meeting for this developmenT- 10. Vetidian Conncctions has no objection to the: propo$e4 development. Pkase fo.rward a coPY of first submi~siol1 dvil desigl1 so that V cddi9.11 Conncctions may prcpare al1 electrical design and a11 Offer to Selvke. Technical R¿plesel1t'~tivc - Fred Rahúnger Telephone 427-9870 EJ(;t. :3255 f~"-'"w,",_\&""",,, "'"M"'\'""'""'~'^"'"""" ""\~"~\'."- o.~. . M ~ '"' '"'~,., .-." ATTACHMENT I It¡ TO REFORT I PO ¡(crOLl OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM March 9, 2004 To: Perry Korouyenis Planner 1 From: Richard W. Holborn Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application (A25/03) -Harry Gerlach -North-west corner of Dixie Road and Colonial Street The Municipal Property & Engineering Division is in receipt of the above noted zoning application to permit four residential lots within minimum lot frontages of 13.5 metres. This Division provides the following comments. 1. The owner of northerly abutting lands, known as South Part of Lot 25, Concession 2 (Assessment Roll # 010-018-02900) must provide the proper road widening for Dixie Road. 2. The City property has been landscaped with many trees that are mature and of value. These trees would have to be relocated to other City lands using a tree spade. The cost to relocate should come from the proceeds of the sale of City lands or be a requirement of zoning. 3. The Colonial Street frontage has many above ground utilities and street furniture that would encumber lot frontage and driveway location. The developer should be made aware that it is their responsibility to relocate them. 4. Creating 3 lots on Colonial Street would result in a lot depth of only 20 metres on Dixie Road. Planning and Development should comment on the viability and conformity of the lotting proposal. Will the existing lot on Dixie Road revert to a driveway on Colonial Street. Driveway from both streets is not allowed. '~::;t:::'~, . /1/ ß .j' .." o:c¡¿.7UÂ,tJi1/ilzl,LI} r~~'; RH:ds iard HarbIn Attachments_^" Copy: Director, Operations & Emergency Services 1:\SITEPLAN\A25-03.DOCMarch 04 ATTACHMENT' /5 TO REPORT I po. /6 - ot! OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM March 24, 2004 To: Perry Korouyenis Planner 1 From: Richard W. Holborn, P. Eng. Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A25/03 Harry Gerlach 2050 Dixie Road South Part of Lot 25, Concession 2 I have read the minutes from the Statutory Public Information Meeting held February 19, 2004 regarding the above noted application. Three residents on Colonial Street suggested that the City purchase the private lands and develop a park in conjunction with the City owned lands. Please be advised that the Municipal Property & Engineering Division has considered this opportunity and has determined that another neighbourhood park in the vicinity would not be beneficial and is cost prohibitive. Currently, there are three parks (Lynn Heights, Forestbrook and Maple Ridge) that are in the neighbourhood, and this is sufficient. Dixie Road is a Class "C" Arterial Road and Colonial Street is a residential collector road and a main road into and out of the subdivision to the west. Developing a park at the corner would create more of a traffic impact and be more of a pedestrian safety concern than the development of four residential lots. At this time, it is not economically feasible for the City to purchase four potential lots and a house to be demolished as well as incur costs to develop a park, or to purchase three vacant lots and develop a park between existing residential homes. This has been discussed with the Director, Operations & Emergency Services who concurs that the purchase of the land and development of a park is not recommended. RH:ds / Copy: Director, Operations & Emergency SerVices 1:\SITEPLAN\A25-03.DOCMarch 04