HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 22, 2004 REVISED Executive Committee Meeting Agenda Monday, March 22, 2004 7:30 PM Chair: Councillor Brenner (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Meeting of March 8, 2004 (11) 1. DELEGATION Phil Diamond, Chairperson, Cardiac Care Community Advisory Group, will address Council to seek its support to name the Centenary site of the Rouge Valley Health System as an advanced cardiac surgery centre. George Daniels, Community Services Coordinator and Chris Merlin, Branch Coordinator, representing the Canadian Red Cross, Durham Region, will address the Committee to provide an overview of the Red Cross and its role in the community. (ltl) 1. MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REPORT PD 14-04 WEST ROUGE CANOE CLUB REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF LEASE AGREEMENT WITH TORONTO AND REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY FOR PADDLING FACILITY ON WEST SPIT OF FRENCHMAN'S BAY PAGE 1-14 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REPORT PD 10-04 KELECK INVESTMENTS (PICKERING) INCORPORATED -LOTS 1 TO 19, BLOCKS 20, 21 AND 22, PLAN 40M-1961 -LOTS 1 TO 34, BLOCK 35, PLAN 40M-1936 -LOTS 1 TO 15, BLOCK 16, PLAN 40M-1895 FINAL ASSUMPTION OF PLANS OF SUBDIVISION 15-30 CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 03-04 SECTION 357/358 OF THE MUNICIPAL ACT ADJUSTMENT TO TAXES 31-34 REVISED Executive Committee Meeting Agenda Monday, March 22, 2004 7:30 PM Chair: Councillor Brenner CLERK'S REPORT CL 14-04 REQUEST TO DESIGNATE THE ROUGE VALLEY HEALTH SYSTEM AS AN ADVANCED CARDIAC CARE CENTRE 35-43 CLERK'S REPORT CL 16-04 APPOINTMENT TO ENFORCE THE PARKING BY-LAW AT 1235 RADOM STREET 44-50 PROCLAMATIONS: "SENIORS MONTH" "HEARING AWARENESS MONTH" 51-54 CLERK'S REPORT CL 17-04 APPOINTMENTS TO DURHAM REGION WATERFRONT COORDINATING COMMITTEE Under separate cover (IV) 1. (IV) CONFIDENTIAL MATTER FOR CONSIDERATION For Council to consider a legal matter. To be distributed under separate cover. OTHER BUSINESS (V) ADJOURNMENT 1 RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That the request of the West Rouge Canoe Club to extend its lease agreement with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for the next three years on an annual basis commencing with the period November 1, 2003 to October 31, 2006, to accommodate a temporary compound on the west spit of Frenchman's Bay for the storage, within trailers, of canoes and kayaks associated with the club's paddling facility, be SUPPORTED by Council. That the City Clerk FORWARD a copy of Report PD 14-04 to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: PD 14-04 Date: February 23, 2004 F rom: Nell Carroll Director, Planning & Development Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: West Rouge Canoe Club Request for Extension of Lease Agreement with Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for Paddling Facility, on West Spit of Frenchman's Bay Recommendation: That the request of the West Rouge Canoe Club to extend its lease agreement with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for the next three years on an annual basis commencing with the period November 1, 2003 to October 31, 2006, to accommodate a temporary compound on the west spit of Frenchman's Bay for the storage, within trailers, of canoes and kayaks associated with the club's paddling facility, be SUPPORTED by Council. That the City Clerk FORWARD a copy of Report PD 14-04 to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. Financial Implications: lease extension. No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the Executive Summary: In April 1994, the West Rouge Canoe Club (WRCC) established a paddling facility on the west spit of Frenchman's Bay on lands owned by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA). The "facility" comprises of two trailers on wheels for the temporary storage of canoes and kayaks, and a parking area for three to five cars (see A[tachment #1). The facility was introduced with the permission of TRCA, and the concurrence of City Council. Extensions to that approval have been granted by Pickering Council and TRCA from 1995 through 2003. The present lease agreement exPred October 31, 2003. The City's approval for this temporary accommodation is required due to the current "R4" zoning of the land, which permits only residential use of the property. Report PD 14-04 Subject: West Rouge Canoe Club Date: February 23, 2004 Page 2 The WRCC have requested that TRCA extend their lease agreement (see Attachment #2). On February 6, 2004, TRCA Executive Committee recommended approval of lease extensions for the next three years on an annual basis to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, ending October 31, 2006 (see Attachment #3). Discussion: City staff has reviewed the request of the WRCC and have no objection to three annual extensions of the lease agreement between the West Rouge Canoe Club and the TRCA ending October 31, 2006. The paddling activity is consistent with the environmentally friendly recreation activities, which are suitable for the Bay, and with the current park operations. TRCA is expected to keep the road serving the West Spit open for at least three years in order to provide access to the leased Scudelari home, located on the eastern end of the West Spit, maintaining continued access to the Canoe Club. TRCA staff has also suggested that the City of Pickering, TRCA and the West Rouge Canoe Club investigate opportunities for a permanent location for the West Rouge Canoe Club consistent with TRCA/Pickering waterfront plans. The Municipal Property & Engineering Division advise that they are currently working on a design for waterfront areas adjacent to Frenchman's Bay, and are aware of the West Rouge Canoe Club's interest in securing a permanent facility. The Director, Operations & Emergency Services has no objection to the lease extension request and has indicated that there should be no conflicts between waterfront trail construction and operation of the paddling facility. He has also indicated that there have been no complaints from residents or park users about these operations. Attachments: 1. Facility Plan and Location Map 2. Letter from the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority staff, dated November 12, 2003 conveying the request for lease extension from the West Rouge Canoe Club. 3. Letter from TRCA conveying TRCA Executive Committee Recommendation (from February 6, 2004 meeting). 004 Report PD 14-04 Subject: West Rouge Canoe Club Date: Februaw 23,2004 Page 3 Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Planner II Lynda Taylor, M/C'~P, RPP Manager, Development Review Nell Carroll,~yt~PP Director, Plaitc~idg & Development Everett B u ¢,/~~ Director, Operations & Emergency Services SG:ld Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Operations & Emergency Services Recommended for the consideration of Pickerin~tygCi C.qufmil ,,,~'. T~'o~s :. ~y~n, C~f ~n4sGative ~TTACHMENT f REPOR'I' # PD Iz-/-0 ~ ¢05 Location of Existing Trailers r City of Pickering DETAIL 'A' Planning & Development Department ' ~ ,z See Detad A ¢' E~ , .... ~''' ' ~~?.~ ..... ~.~ , City of Picketing Planning & Development Dep~ment KEY MAP for The Living City November 12, 2003 .TO CFN 26296 Mr. Steve Gaunt Planning department City of Pickering One the Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K6 Dear Mr. Gaunt: N0 / 1 2 2003 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND -DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Re: Frenchman's Bay - West Rouge Canoe Club Extension of Agreement The West Rouge Canoe Club has requested an extension to their temporary licence agreement for the next three years on an annual basis commencing with the period November 1, 2003 to October 31,2004. We have enclosed all the approvals and documentation for the temporary licence agreement approvals from early 2001. Please note the correspondence o'[ October 31, 2000 to Linda Taylor suggesting the City of Pickering and TRCA investigate a location for the West Rouge Canoe ClUb on a more permanent basis. We should review this situation and the licence agreement extension with Everett Buntsma to get his comments. If You have any comments and suggestions as we proceed, please call the undersigned at 416-661-6600, extension 5243. Yours, tru¢?/~ //I'l~'r/y Fi~, MCIP, RPP /,.,/WaterfrOnt Specialist Watershed management Division Encl. cc: Lisa Valente - TRCA 5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 1S4 (416)661-6600 FAX 661-6898 www. trca.on.ca ~ ATTACHMENI' ~ ,_~ onserva tlon for The Living City February 12, 2004 FEB 1 ? ZOO/.,, CiTY OF PICKERING pICKERING, ONTARIO 007 Nell Carroll Director of Planning and Development City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 Dear Mr. Carroll: RECE!V.E FEB i 7 2004 CiTY OF PICKERING~ PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Re; West Rouge Canoe Club Temporary Licence Agreement Extension -. Nov. 1,2003 to Oct. 31,2006 On Friday, February 6, 2004, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority's (TRCA) Executive Committee recommended to the Authority approVal of the West Rouge .Canoe Club's. request for an extension to their temporary licence agreement for the period Nov. 1,2003 to Oct. 31,2006, as follows: THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT the request to extend the temporary licence agreement with the West Rouge Canoe Club for a paddling facility on Frenchman's Bay for the next three years commencing November 1, 2003, be approved subject to conditions satisfactory to Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (-I'RCA) staff and solicitor; THAT the AUthority's approval be subject to the City of Pickering CounciPs concurrence with the temporary licence agreement extension for the next three years; THAT the appropriate TRCA officials be authorized and directed to take whatever action is required in connection with the continuation of the West Rouge Canoe Club paddling facility on TRCA lands, including the execution of appropriate documents; AND FURTHER THAT the City of Pickering be so advised. A copy of the Executive Committee's report is attached for your reference. Please note that the Authority's approval to be considered on February 27th is subject to the City of Pickering Council's concurrence. We have also attached for your records the letter of notification sent to the Pickering Harbour Company on the West Rouge Canoe Club's temporary licence agreement extension. This report and recommendations have had the benefit of input from Operations and Emergency Services - John McMullen and your staff- Steve Gaunt. Please contact the undersigned at extension 5243 with any comments or questions. We look forWard to Council's concurrence of the West Rouge Canoe Club's continued use of the West Spit of Frenchman's Bay. 5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N lS4 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 www. trca.on.ca Yours truly Larry Field MSo.(PI.), RPP Waterfront Specialist CC: Everett Buntsma, Director of Operations and Emergency Services, City of Pickering John McMullen, Parks Planner, City of Pickering Steve Gaunt, Planner II, City of Pickering Lori Colussi, Property Agent, Rentals and Administration, TRCA Kathy Stranks, Supervisor, Board Member Services, TRCA on$ l'V&tlOl for The Living City February 12, 2004 Mr. Harold Hough President The Pickering Harbour Company Limited Executive Offices 591 Liverpool Road Pickering Ontario LlW 1R1 Dear. Mr. Hough: Re: West Rouge' Canoe Club's Temporary Lioence Agreement Extension On Friday, February 6, 2004, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority's (TRCA). Executive Committee recommended to the Authority that a request from the West Rouge Canoe Club to extend their temporary licence agreement to. October 31,2006 for their current site on the West'Spit. of Frenchman's Bay be approved, as follows: THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT the request to extend'the temporary licence agreement with .the West Rouge Canoe Club for a paddling facility on Frenchman's Bay for the next three years commencing November 1, '2003, be approVed, subject to conditions satisfactory to Toronto and Region Conservation Authority ('/'RCA) staff and solicitor; THAT the Authoritys approVal be subject to the City of Picketing Councifs concurrence with the temporary licenceagreement extension for:the next three years; THAT the'appropriate TRCA officials be authorized and directed to'take whatever action is required in connection with the continuation of the West Rouge Canoe Club paddling facility on TRCA /ands, including the eXecution of appropriate documents; AND FURTHER THAT the City of Picketing be so advised. A copy of the Executive Committee's report is attached for your reference. We request The Pickering Harbour Company's support for the continuation of the West Rouge Canoe Club's use of their current location .on the West Spit.'The conditions in the temporary licence agreement remain unchanged. If you have any comments or questions, please call the undersigned at 416-661-6600 ext. 5243. 5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 154 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 www. trca.on.ca 010 Y.ou.,rs truly.. . Larry Field, MSc.(PI?), RPP Waterfront Specialist ATIACHMENI #. ~ REPORI # PD ?¥ i' ~>~ ,TO CC: Nell Carroll, Director of Planning arid Development,'City .of Pickering Lori Colussi, Property Agent, Rentals and Administration, TRCA Kathy Stranks, Supervisor, Board IVlember Services, TRCA ATTACHMENT #~TO REPORT if PD_ f~-~ TO: FROM: RE: Chair and Members of the Executive Committee Meeting #1/04, February 6, 2004 James W. Dillane, Director, Finance and Business Development FRENCHMAN'S BAY - WEST ROUGE CANOE CLUB Licence Agreement Extension CFN 26339 KEY ISSUE To extend the temporary licence agreement with the West Rouge Canoe Club for the existing location on the west spit of Frenchman's Bay in the City of Pickering for the next three years commencing with the period November 1, 2003 to October 31,2004. RECOMMENDATION THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT the request to extend the temporary licence agreement with the West Rouge Canoe Club for a paddling facility on Frenchman's Bay for the next three years commencing November 1, 2003, be approved subject to conditions satisfactory to Toronto -and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) staff and solicitor; THAT the Authority's approval be subject to the City of Pickering Council's concurrence with the temporary iicence agreement extension for the next three years; THAT the appropriate TRCA officials be authorized and directed to take whatever action is required in connection with the continuation of the West Rouge Canoe Club paddling facility on TRCA lands, including the execution, of appropriate documents; AND FURTHER THAT the City of Pickering be so advised. BACKGROUND At Authority meeting #1/01, held on February 23, 2001, Resolution #Al 9/01 was adopted as follows: THAT the request to extend the temporary licence agreement with the West Rouge Canoe Club for a paddling facility on Frenchman's Bay for the next three years on an annual basis commencing with the period November 1, 2000 to October 31, 200? be approved; THAT the Authority's approval be subject to the Council of the City of Pickering's concurrence with the extension to the temporary lease agreement; AND FURTHER THAT the appropriate Authority officials be authorized and directed to take whatever action is required in connection with the continuation of the West Rouge Canoe Club paddling facility on Authority lands, including the execution of appropriate documents. City of Pickering Council has supported in previous years the use of the lands on a temporary basis by the West Rouge Club. Discussions with the City of Pickering Planning and Development, and Operations and Emergency Services Departments have been held on the request to extend the licence agreement for a further temporary period based on the results of 1994 to 2003 operations of the paddling facility by the West Rouge Canoe Club. RATIONALE The paddling facility is consistent wfth the environmentally-friendly recreation activities which are suitable for the Bay and with the current park operations. This proved to be the case for the operating seasons 1994 to 2003 with no objections from the residents and users of the park. The Director of Planning and Development for Pickering who is coordinating this request has indicated their staffs support for the licence agreement extension for the next three years on an annual basis. The Acting Director of the Watershed Management Division has reviewed the proposal and is. in concurrence with the purchase of this property. DETAILS OF WORK TO BE DONE Approval from the City of Pickering to extend the temporary licence agreement for the next three years running the period November 1, 2003 to October 31,2004 will be required. The temporary iicence extension request by the West Rouge Canoe Club will be considered by Council at a meeting in March, 2004. The Pickering Harbour Company will be notified of this licence agreement extension as owners of the abutting lake bed of Frenchman's Bay. The TRCA and the City of Pickering staff, along with the West Rouge Canoe Club will investigate opportunities for a perrnanent location consistent with TRCA/Pickering waterfront plans. Staff, upon approval by the Authority, will prepare and execute the necessary documents for the period November 1, 2003 to October 31,2004. FINANCIAL DETAILS The Club will continue to pay annually $500 rent for the next 3-year lease period. The Club will continue to cover the costs of one portable toilet which will be accessible to park users, and any additional costs deemed appropriate 'to cover the TRCA property taxes for the site area. ATTACH~IEI~JT ~... -~ TO REd-'OR!' # RD_ /5~ The Club also agrees to assist TRCA with on-site clean-up and assist in monitoring any activities deemed detrimental to the public's enjoyment of this area. The Club will also maintain the trailers to the satisfaction of TRCA staff. Report prepared by: L°ri Colussi, extension 5303; Larry Field, extension 5243 For Information contact: Larry Field, extension 5243 Date: December 18, 2003 Attachments: I Attachment 1 015 RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY By-law should be enacted to: 2. 3. 4. 5. assume roads and services within Plans 40M-1961, 40M-1936 and 40M-1895; amend By-law 1416/82 (Places of Amusement) to include the roads within Plans 40M-1961 and 40M-1936; amend By-law 2366/87 to add Wingarden Crescent within Plan 40M-1936 as a through highway; dedicate Block 23, Plan 40M-1961, Block 36, Plan 40M-1936 and Blocks 17 and 18, Plan 40M-1895 as public highways; and authorize the release and removal of the Subdivision Agreements from title relating to Plans 40M-1961, 40M-1936 and 40M-1895. 016 PICKERiN-(; REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: PD 10-04 Date: March 2, 2004 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Keleck Investments (Pickering)Incorporated - Lots 1 to 19, Blocks 20, 21 and 22, Plan 40M-1961 Keleck Investments (Pickering) Incorporated - Lots 1 to 34, Block 35, Plan 40M-1936 Keleck Investments (Pickering) Incorporated - Lots I to 15, Block 16, Plan 40M-1895 Final Assumption of Plans of Subdivision Recommendation: By-laws should be enacted to: 2. 3. 4. 5. assume roads and services within Plans 40M-1961,40M-1936 and 40M-1895; amend By-law 1416/82 (Places of Amusement) to include the roads within Plans 40M-1961 and 40M-1936; amend By-law 2366/87 to add Wingarden Crescent within Plan 40M-1936 as a through highway; dedicate Block 23, Plan 40M-1961, Block 36, Plan 40M-1936 and Blocks 17 and 18, Plan 40M-1895 as public highways; and authorize the release and removal of the Subdivision Agreements from title relating to Plans 40M-1961,40M-1936 and 40M-1895. Executive Summary: The City entered into Subdivision Agreements with the above-noted developers for the development of Plans 40M-1961, 40M-1936 and 40M-1895. As the developers have now completed all works and services within these Plans to the satisfaction of City staff, it is now appropriate to assume the M-Plans under the jurisdiction of the City and release the developers from the provisions of the respective Subdivision Agreements. Financial Implications: There are no new financial implications to the City as a result of this recommendation. Report PD 10-04 Subject: Final Assumption of Plans of Subdivision 40M-1961,40M-1936 and 40M-1895 Date: March 2, 2004 Page 2 017 Background: The City entered into Subdivision Agreements with the above-noted developers for the development of Plans 40M-1961, 40M-1936 and 40M-1895. As the developers have now completed all works and services within these Plans to the satisfaction of City staff, it is now appropriate to assume the M-Plans under the jurisdiction of the City and release the developers from the provisions of the respective Subdivision Agreements. The assumption of Plans 40M-1961, 40M-1936 and 40M-1895 and the release of the Subdivision Agreements must be acknowledged by the enactment of various By-laws assuming the roads and services within the Plans, amending By-law 1416/82 relating to Places of Amusement, amending By-law 2366/87 relating to through highways, dedicating Block 23, Plan 40M-1961, Block 36, Plan 40M-1936 and Blocks 17 and 18, Plan 40M-1895 as public highways and authorizing the release and removal of the Subdivision Agreements from title. Accordingly, it is recommended that the following By-laws be enacted to: 2. 3. 4. 5. assume roads and services within Plans 40M-1961,40M-1936 and 40M-1895; amend By-law 1416/82 (Places of Amusement) to include the roads within Plans 40M-1961 and 40M-1936; amend By-law 2366/87 to add Wingarden Crescent within Plan 40M-1936 as a through highway; dedicate Block 23, Plan 40M-1961, Block 36, Plan 40M-1936 and Blocks 17 and 18, Plan 40M-1895 as public highways; and authorize the release and removal of the Subdivision Agreements from title relating to Plans 40M-1961,40M-1936 and 40M-1895. Attachments: 2. 3. 4. 8. 9. 10. Location Map - Plan 40M-1961 Location Map - Plan 40M-1936 Location Map - Plan 40M-1895 By-law to assume roads and services within Plans 40M-1961, 40M-1936 and 40M-1895 By-law to amend By-law 1416/82 (Places of Amusement) to include the roads within Plans 40M-1961 and 40M-1936 By-law to amend By-law 2366/87 to add Wingarden Crescent within Plan 40M-1936 as a through highway By-law to dedicate Block 23, Plan 40M-1961 as public highway By-law to dedicate Block 36, Plan 40M-1936 as public highway By-law to dedicate Blocks 17 and 18, Plan 40M-1895 as public highways By-law to authorize the release and removal of the Subdivision Agreement from title relating to Plan 40M-1961 Repor~ PD 10-04 Subject: Final Assumption of Plans of Subdivision 40M-1961,40M-1936 and 40M-1895 Date: March 2, 2004 Page 3 11. 12. By-law to authorize the release and removal of the Subdivision Agreement from title relating to Plan 40M-1936 By-law to authorize the release and removal of the Subdivision Agreement from title relating to Plan 40M-1895 Prepared By: Denise Bye, ator Property & Development Services DB:bg Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council J. Jmini= Recommendation approved: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Operations & Emergency Services Director, Planning & Development Director, Corporate Services & 'l'reasurer City Clerk Approved / Endorsed By: Director, Planning & Development ATTACHMENT ~__ ! 1'0 FINCH AVENUE " . --~ Ld: ~ ', [ I CRESCENT I ~ ,, , ~~ / ~ L ~ ' VENUE ' ~ ~ I. IE~H~'i Il" ~.. j ~ ~ , , ... .., :,~. : sT~ou~s ~ ( I ~8 Ci~ of Pickering Planning & Development FiLE No. SUBDIVISION COMPL~ION AND ASSUMPTION SCALE 1:5000 CHECKED BY FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN-7 PA- ATTACHMENT~ Z , TO .... ...... I '0 . '~ < ~ DRIVF EDGEROW PL, 0 / ~ ' X ~ i ~ ..... SUBJEC~ i 0 '- I ~ JACQUELINE ~ WELRUS STREET SPRUCE Oi~ of Pickering Planning & Development Dopa~ment PROPER~ DESCRIPTION 40~-1936 /, OWNER VARIOUS DATE FEB. 12, 2004 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. SUBDIVISION COMPLETION AND ASSUMPTION SCALE 1:5000 CHECKED BY DB FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN-7 PA- t SHADE MAST DRIVF \ _ SUBJEC¢r ~1 IDl'lllllC~li~il~l GOLDENRIDGE 0 icr' J 021 ATTACHMENT#_ 3 TO REF O~'i # PD__ I O ' O't'I E:] ~ -__...'""-~ GABLEHUR'ST ' ~"--.~ ROAD n,' .~ CRESCENT g~ ~ .~_L , I,II UNA . .~.~ 2', :,, FF I ---") S~ JB, JECT 1~ i / ~' ,, Ih~ STROUDS~~~L~~" IBDI~\i qSii)¥FANE II'l ;, '" ~ SHADE MAST :R ' Gity of ~ickoring Planning & Do¥olopmont Dopartmont PROPERTYDESCRIPT~ON 40M-1895 OWNER VARIOUS DATE FEB. 12, 2004 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. SUBDIVISION COMPLETION AND ASSUMPTION SCALE 1:5000 CHECKED BY DE~ FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN-7 PA- 022 AT'rAOHMEN'I' #,,, ~ TO REFOR'[ # I'D I0 - 0~/ THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a By-law to assume roads and services within Plans 40M-1961, 40M-1936 and 40M-1895 under the jurisdiction of The Corporation of the City of Pickering for public use as public highways. WHEREAS above ground and underground services within the above-noted Plans have been completed to the City's satisfaction; and WHEREAS The Corporation of the City of Pickering has jurisdiction over the roads shown on Plans 40M-1961,40M-1936 and 40M-1895; and WHEREAS pursuant to the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c. 25, section 30, a highway is owned by the municipality having jurisdiction over it; and WHEREAS pursuant to the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c. 25, section 31, a municipality may by By-law assume highways for pui31ic use; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: The above ground services under the jurisdiction of The Corporation of the City of Pickering that are required to be constructed or installed in the development of the above-noted Plans including the roads, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, driveway aprons, boulevards, street signs, fencing and grading, are hereby accepted and assumed by the City of Pickering. The underground services under the jurisdiction of The Corporation of the City of Pickering that are required to be constructed or installed in the development of the above-noted Plans including the storm drainage system and related appurtenances, are hereby accepted and assumed for maintenance by the City of Pickering. The following highways are hereby assumed for public use as public highways under the jurisdiction of The Coq3oration of the City of Pickering: · Holbrook Court, Plan 40M-1961 · Wingarden Crescent, Plan 40M-1936 · Shade Master Drive, Plan 40M-1936 · Strouds Lane within Block 17, Plan 40M-1895 BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 5th day of April, 2004. David Ryan, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk ATTACHMENI ~___~'__ TO THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a By-law to amend By-law 1416/82 providing for the regulation and licencing of places of amusement. WHEREAS pursuant to the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c. 25, section 150(1), the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering enacted By-law 1416/82 providing for the regulation and licencing of places of amusement; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Schedule A to By-law 1416/82, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding thereto the following: (a) Holbrook Court, Plan 40M-1961; and (b) Wingarden Crescent and Shade Master Drive, Plan 40M-1936, all in the City of Pickering, Regional Municipality of Durham. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 5th day of April, 2004. David Ryan, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk 023 024 -:'-,'rTACHMEI'~T #~TO THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a By-law to amend By-law 2366/87 designating Wingarden Crescent as a through highway. WHEREAS, By-law 2366/87', as amended, designates certain highways within the City of Pickering as through highways; and WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend By-law 2366/87 to designate Wingarden Crescent as a through highway; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Picketing HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: COLUMN I Highway Wingarden Crescent Schedule "A" to By-law 2366/87, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding the following: COLUMN II From T._g Fairport Road West terminus This By-law shall come into force on the date that it is approved by the Council of the City of Pickering and when signs to the effect are erected. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 5th day of April, 2004. David Ryan, Mayor Bruce Taylor, City Clerk ~"rTACHMENT ~ ~ TO RE, jR1 # PD ..... /0-0~, THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a By-law to dedicate Block 23, Plan 40M-1961, Pickering as public highway. WHEREAS The Corporation of the City of Pickering is the owner of Block 23, Plan 40M-1961, Pickering and wishes to dedicate it as public highway; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Block 23, Plan 40M-1961, Pickering is hereby dedicated as public highway (Holbrook Court). BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 5th day of April, 2004. David Ryan, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk 025 0 2 6 THE CORPORATION OF THE CiTY OF PICKERIN¢, BY-LAW NO. Being a By-law to dedicate Block 36, Plan 40M-1936, Pickering as public highway. WHEREAS The Corporation of the City of Pickering is the owner of Block 36, Plan 40M-1936, Pickering and wishes to dedicate it as public highway; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Block 36, Plan 40M-1936, Pickering is hereby dedicated as public highway (Fairport Road). BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 5th day of April, 2004. David Ryan, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk ATTACH[v~ENT #~ ~ .TO THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a By-law to dedicate Blocks 17 and 18, Plan 40M-1895, Pickering as public highways. WHEREAS The Corporation of the City of Pickering is the owner of Blocks 17 and 18, Plan 40M-1895, Pickering and wishes to dedicate them as public highways; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Block 17, Plan 40M-1895, Pickering is hereby dedicated as public highway (Strouds Lane); and Block 18, Plan 40M-1895, Pickering is hereby dedicated as public highway (Fairport Road). BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 5th day of April, 2004. David Ryan, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk P27 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a By-law to authorize the release and removal of the Subdivision Agreement respecting Plan 40M-1961, Pickering, from title. WHEREAS pursuant to the Pla~Tning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. 13, s. 50, or a predecessor thereof, The Corporation of the City o1: Pickering and Keleck Investments (Pickering) Incorporated entered into a Subdivision Agreement dated June 15, 1998, Notice of which was registered as Instrument No. LT894349, resp~,cting the development of Plan 40M-1961, Pickering; and WHEREAS the terms and conditions of the Subdivision Agreement have been complied with to the satisfaction of the City; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: The Mayor and Clerk hereby authorize the release and removal of the Subdivision Agreement from title dated June 15, 1998, Notice of which was registered as Instrument No. LT894349 betweer~ Keleck Investments (Pickering) Incorporated and The Corporation of the City of Pickering, respecting the development of Plan 40M-1961, Pickering. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 5u~ day of April, 2004. David Ryan, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk .T..HE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERINC _BY-LAW NO. Being a By-law to authorize the release and removal of the Subdivision Agreement respecting Plan 40M-1936, Pickering, from title. WHEREAS pursuant to the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. 13, s. 50, or a predecessor thereof, The Corporation of the City of Pickering and Keleck Investments (Pickering) Incorporated entered into a Subdivision Agreement dated June 15, 1998, Notice of which was registered as Instrument No. LT870908, respecting the development of Plan 40M-1936, Picketing; and WHEREAS the terms and conditions of the Subdivision Agreement have been complied with to the satisfaction of the City; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: The Mayor and Clerk hereby authorize the release and removal of the Subdivision Agreement from title dated June 15, 1998, Notice of which was registered as Instrument No. LT870908 between Keleck Investments (Picketing) Incorporated and The Corporation of the City of Pickering, respecting the development of Plan 40M-1936, Pickering. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 5th day of April, 2004. David Ryan, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a By-law to authorize the release and removal of the Subdivision Agreement respecting Plan 40M-1895, Fickefing, from title. WHEREAS pursuant to the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. 13, s. 50, or a predecessor thereof, The Corporation of the City of i~ickering and Keleck Investments (Pickering) Incorporated entered into a Subdivision Agreement dated March 3, 1997, Notice of which was registered as Instrument No. LT834579, respecting the development of Plan 40M-1895, Picketing; and WHEREAS the terms and conditions of the Subdivision Agreement have been complied with to the satisfaction of the City; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: The Mayor and Clerk hereby authorize the release and removal of the Subdivision Agreement from title dated March 3, 1997, Notice of which was registered as Instrument No. LT834579 between Keleck Investments (Pickering) Incorporated and The Corporation of the City o1: Pickering, respecting the development of Plan 40M-1895, Pickering. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 5th day of April, 2004. David Ryan, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk 031 RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Report CS 03-04 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, be received; and That the write-offs of taxes as provided under Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act, 2001 be approved; and That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary action to give effect hereto. c! 32 PICKERING REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CS 03-04 Date: March 4, 2004 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act- Adjustment to Taxes Recommendation: 1. It is recommended that Report CS 03-04 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received and that: 2. the write-offs of taxes as provided under Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act, 2001 be approved; and, 3. the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary action to give effect hereto. Executive Summary: Not Applicable Financial Implications: If approved, the write-off of taxes as contained in this report represents a gross cost of $32,072.34 with a net cost to the City of approximately $5,852.64, the balance being charged back to the Region of Durham and the School Boards. Pickering's share of 1:he costs will be charged to the 2004 Current Budget allocation under General Government - Provision for Uncollectable Taxes. Background: The Municipal' Act provides the Treasurer with various tax tools regarding the administration and collection of property taxes. Under the provisions of the new Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, Section 357 of the Act (formerly Section 442) provides for the reduction of taxes due to fire, demolition, exemption, assessment change or error and the tax reduction is applicable to the current year only. Section 358 of the new Municipal Act (formerly Section 443) allows for the reduction of taxes due to assessment error and this section can be applied to property taxes for the two preceding years (2001 & 2002). Change in realty tax class can translate into lower property taxes if the property went from industrial to commercial tax class or commercial to residential tax class. When the City of Pickering acquires property, the property becomes exempt from taxation and therefore, the taxes have to be cancelled, as reflected in the attached report. Demolitions, and other physical changes to a property, such as removing or filling in a Report CS 03-04 Date: Subject: Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act- Adjustment to Taxes March 4, 2004 Page 2 swimming pool, or damage caused by fire result in a reduction in assessment and taxes. Attachments: 1. Section 357/358 Adjustment to Taxes Prepared By: GAP:tp Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Approved / Endorsed By: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Thorn/a~. buin~ Chef Admin~Officer / ATTACHMENT# t TO R,EPOB,T#_(.,~. ~Pp # NAME CITY OF PICKERING SECTION 3571358 ADJUSTMENTS TO TAXES March 2004 REASON FOR ADJUSTMENT YEAR ROLL NUMBER CITY REGION EDUCATION TOTAL 102/03 Arcobel Homes Ltd 103103 Thea LespouridislAngela Kelly 104/03 City of Picketing 105103 City of Pickering 106/03 City of Pickering 107103 City of Pickering 108103 City of Pickering 109103 City of Picketing 110103 City of Pickering 111103 Fampa Holdings Ltd 112/03 Fampa Holdings Ltd 02/04 Bopa Developments 08104 Bopa Developments 09104 Bopa Developments 10104 Bopa Developments t5104 Consumem Gas Co Ltd t 6104 City of Picketing 16/04 Unique at Holding Corp Demolition 2003 010-038-05900 Demolition 2003 010-019-19900 *Became Exempt 2002 020-0t6-26160 *Became Exempt 2003 020-0t6-26160 *Became Exempt 2003 020-016.25564 'Became Exempt 2002 020-016.25964 *Became Exempt 2001 020-016-29300 *Became Exempt 2002 020-016.29300 Gross/Manifest Clerical Error 2001 020-016.29560 Demolition 2003 010-018-20100 Demolition 2003 010-018-20410 ***Became Exempt 2003 0304)20-20575 *Became Exempt 2003 030-020.20570 *Became Exempt 2003 030-020-20565 *Became Exempt 2003 030-020.20563 Gross/Manifest Clerical Error 2003 010-030-01950 *Became Exempt 2003 020-025-3t 100 Gross/Manifest Ch;rical Error 2003 020-02400220 144.49 281.50 135.23 11t.06 216.37 103.94 475.10 924.54 471.82 558.40 t,087.87 522.60 601.36 1,t71.55 562.80 475.06 924.54 471.82 120.76 245.55 470.79 194.79 379.09 695.05 139.33 283.32 543.20 158.05 307.93 527.58 13.42 26.14 t2.56 171.82 334.73 160.80 171.82 334.73 160.80 171.82 334.73 160.80 171.82 334.73 160.80 35.80 69.74 33.50 17.50 34.10 t6.38 2,120.24 4,130.46 9,587.61 5,852.64 1t,421.62 14,798.08 561.22 431.37 1,87t.46 2,168.87 2,335.71 1,871.42 837.10 965.85 993.56 52.12 667.35 667.35 667.35 667.35 139.04 67.98 15,838.31 32,072.34. Note: MPAC is The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation * Purchased by the City of Pickering *** Purchased by the Region of Durham 035 RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering passed Resolution #22/99 on February 15, 1999 to support the Centenary Health Centre Site of the Rouge Valley Health System as the eastern regional site for cardiac surgical services; and WHEREAS there is not a hospital that conveniently serves the City of Pickering or other areas of west Durham that provides cardiac by-pass surgery as part of the process of cardiac care; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby reiterates its support for enhanced cardiac care services at the Rouge Valley Health System; and FURTHER THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to: Rouge Valley Health System Hon. George Smitherman, Minister of Health and Long Term Care Wayne Arthurs, MPP, Pickering-Ajax-Uxbridge REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CL 14-04 Date: March 2, 2004 From: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM City Clerk Subject: Request to Designate the Rouge Valley Health System as an Advanced Cardiac Care Centre Recommendation: WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering passed Resolution #22/99 on February 15, 1999 to support the Centenary Health Centre Site of the Rouge Valley Health System as the eastern regional site for cardiac surgical services; and WHEREAS there is not a hospital that conveniently serves the City of Pickering or other areas of west Durham that provides cardiac by-pass surgery as part of the process of cardiac care; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby reiterates its support for enhanced cardiac care services at the Rouge Valley Health System; and FURTHER THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to: Rouge Valley Health System Hon. George Smitherman, Minister of Health and Long Term Care Wayne Arthurs, MPP, Pickering-Ajax-Uxbridge Executive Summary: To respond to a letter from the Chair of the Cardiac Care Community Advisory Group to support its efforts to provide enhanced cardiac care services at the Rouge Valley Health System. Financial Implications: Not applicable Report CL 14-04 Rouge Valley Health System March 2, 2004 Page 2 037 Background: Please find attached to this Report a letter dated February 16, 2004 from Mr. Phil Diamond, Chairperson, Cardiac Care Community Advisory Group requesting Council to support their endeavour to have enhanced cardiac care services provided at the Rouge Valley Health System. This same letter was sent to the Council of the Town of Ajax that passed a resolution on February 23, 2004 to support the need for enhanced cardiac care services at the Rouge Valley Health System. Also, Pickering Council paSsed the following resolution at its regular meeting of February 15, 1999: WHEREAS full cardiac services such as bypass surgery, angioplasty and electrophysioiogy are only available to residents of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) at the teaching hospitals in downtown Toronto; and WHEREAS these hospitals have limited capacity for future growth but in the meantime waiting lists for major cardiac surgery are increasing; and WHEREAS the Hospital Restructuring Committee has decided that full cardiac services could best be served at hospitals in the western and eastern portions of the GTA; and WHEREAS the Centenary site of the Rouge Valley Health System is positioned to meet the cardiac care needs in the southeast GTA for a population of 1.5 million; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering hereby strongly supports the Centenary Health Centre Site of the Rouge Valley Health System as the eastern regional site for cardiac surgical services; and THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to: Centenary Health Centre Minister of Health Honourable Janet Ecker, MP, Durham West Mr. Diamond will be attending the Executive Committee Meeting of March 22, 2004 to provide further information with respect to this matter. 038 Report CL 14-04 Rouge Valley Health System March 2, 2004 Page 3 Attachments: 1. Letter from Cardiac Care Community Advisory Group Prepared By: .~..!~ Bruce Taylor City Clerk Attachments Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council . ///~~ ," . ,, The~n~ J.~ Quinn~hie~dminist~O~r A'D'ACHMENT#_ / -TOREPORT# <...5.~ CARl)lAC CARE COMMUNITY ADVISORY 3 CARROLL ST. WHITBY, ONTARIO L1 N 7Y7 e-mail: diamond4~rogers.¢om Tel. 905442-7799 CLERK'S DIVISION Fax. 905~430-9382 Mr. Bruce Tavior City of Picketing Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade . Pickering, Ontario Li V 6K7 f~ebruarv I 6, 2004 Dear Mr. Taylor We are a group of volunteers-ail ex-card/ac patients-connected with Rouge Valley Health System (Centenary and Ajax/Pickering hospitals.) and Lakeridge Health inc. (Oshawa et al hosp~tais). Wc arc advocating on bchalfoffuturc cardiac patients to bring advanced cardiac surgery' services ibr the residents in Durham Region and Scarborough. We respectfully request an opportunity' to make a presentation at one of your upcoming Council meetings. We have written to each of the Councilors and outimed the campaign we are undertaking. A copy of our campai~ma newspaper ad and direct mail piece is enclosed. it is our aim ro convince the Ontario Liberal Government to name the Centenary, site of RVPiS now as the advanced cardiac surgery,.' cenier with start-up in 2007-8. The RVHS and Lakcridgc Health Inc. hospitals havc f0nncd a cardiac service alliance because ora mutually strong commitment to the belief that a unified "health system" does provide the optimm'n in care fbr the residents they serve. The first submission to the Ministry of Health and Long 'i"em~ Care for Cardiac surge~ was made in i99i fully i2 years ago. Since then numerous submissions and presentations have been made. We have realized some progress but we have reached the final step and that is. to include cardiac by-pass surgery in the continuum of cardiac care. We ask ibr your Councii' s assistance in presenUng our case to the Provincial Libcrai Government, Picasc t~ow your support behind this endeavour f6r the benefit of yo/ar iocai/Popuiati4.. / ~? ~ Please advis~ifand when a time can be a~anged tbr us to be included on the a~2e~d~a o~afCouncd ~cetin~ I look ibrward to hearing fi-om you · bChairpcrson-CCCAG · ...TT~CHMEh?#.. !.. TO REPORT #_? c Iv- ~,¥ Let's Put an End to Legislative Heart Failure! For 10 years the Ontario PC Government failed to recognize the need for full cardiac care services in East Scarborough and in the Durham Region. Numerous appeals from the medical community and a huge public petition containing 20,000 signatures to correct this disturbing and potentially dangerous issue were virtually ignored. Consequently - while there are full cardiac surgery facilities in Mississauga, Downtown Toronto, Newmarket and other centres in western Ontario, none exist from East Scarborough all the way to Kingston, Ontario. There are I. I million people in East Scarborough and in all of Durham who are miles away from the cardiac care they may need. Those who do require cardiac bypass surgery must be transported to a downtown Toronto hospital - a situation that causes severe trauma to patients and to their families. The Rouge Valley Health System (RVHS), formerly Centenary Hospital and Ajax/Pickering Hospital, along with Lakeridge Health (Oshawa Hospital et al) have formed a regional cardiac alliance and are united in their commitment to bring full cardiac services to the people they serve. Currently, the Centenary site of the RVHS provides a range of cardiac services from diagnostics to rehabilitation but, sadly, cannot offer cardiac bypass surgery, the final part of full cardiac services, without governmental approval. It's time to ask our new Ontario Liberal government to step up and finish the job. Contact your local MPP and demand an equal opportunity for cardiac care - now! Mary Anne Chambers (416) 281-2787 - machambers.mpp.co@liberal, ola.org Wayne Arthurs (905) 420-0829 - wayne@arthurs.ca Jim Flaherty (905) 430-1141 -jim_flaherty@ontla.ola.org Jerry Ouellette (905) 723-2411 - jerry_ouelletteco@ontla, ola.org John O'Toole (905) 697-1501 - john_otoole@ontla.ola.org Created and presented by: Cardiac Care Community Advisory Group RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That the draft by-law to appoint ten persons to enforce the Parking By-law at 1235 Radom Street, be forwarded to Council for approval. 0 5 REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CL 16/04 Date: March 5, 2004 From: Bruce Taylor City Clerk Subject: Appointment to enforce the Parking By-law at 1235 Radom Street. Recommendation: That the draft by-law to appoint ten persons to enforce the Parking By-law at 1235 Radom Street, be forwarded to Council for approval. Executive Summary: Not Applicable Financial Implications' None Background: Correspondence has been received from Authorized Parking Only Ltd., requesting the appointment of ten persons as By-law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing the Parking By-law at 1235 Radom Street Attachments: Correspondence from Authorized Parking Only Ltd. Draft By-law Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: Debbie Kearns Committee Coordinator City Clerk Report CL 16-04 Subject: Appointment of By-law Enforcement Officers Date: March 5,2004 Page 2 BT:dk Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council TllXo~as J. Q~nn, CI'~ Adm~-'~trative O~cer A ut~arJze # Parking Onlj~ L 173 Advance Blvd., Unit #45, Brampton, Ontario L6T 4Z7 ATTACHMENT # I TO REPORT #c,.~--J,,.,,' O47 Phone: (416) 231 - TAGS February 25, 2004 Town of Pickerin~ Attention: Mm~om Howard One T~lanade Pi~ring, Ontario ,,-' /L~V 6K~' CiTY OF c ...... · .- , 'i~.r,.E.qJNG CLERK'S DIVISION We have been appointed as agents by O.C.C. #11, located at 1235 Radom Street in the Town of Pickering. A copy of the letter appointing us as agents from Newton-Trelawney Management is attached. We would like to have the following persons authorized to issue parking infraction notices on the above mentioned property: Robert James Mitchell 53 Yellow Brick Road Brampton, Ontario L6V 4K9 DOB: November 28, 1959 Darryl John Gordon R.R. #1 Palgrave, Ontario L0N 1P0 DOB: November 25, 1959 Neil James Sugars 46 Dearbourne Blvd. Unit # 24, Brampton, Ontario L6T 1 J7 DOB: January 1, 1963 Delon Fok 17 Venture Avenue Richmond Hill, Ontario DOB: January 25, 1968 L4S 2P2 Don Sunny-Guy 39 Belvedere Crescent Richmond Hill, Ontario DOB: July 22, 1979 L4C 8W1 i ,48 David Daniels 25 Gulliver Road Etobicoke, Ontario DOB: July 13, 1948 M6M 2M5 James Balendra 3763B Kingston Road Scarborough, Ontario M1J 3tt4 DOB: December 26. 1946 David Dunstan 4192 Bishopstoke Lane Mississauga, Ontario DOB: March 20, 1975 L4Z 1J3 Muhammad Malik 71 Mantis Road Scarborough, Ontario MIX 1V9 Date of birth: March 15, 1968 Ruj ohn Galo 214 Livingstone Avenue Toronto, Ontario M6E 2M2 Date of birth: January 9, 1981 Should you require any further information, please contact our office. Yours truly. ~ Offic~.~ ...... Lger NEWTON - TRELAWNEY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SERVICES February 16h, 2004 City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 Attn: Mr. John Wojnicz Dear Mr. Wojnicz Re: Ontario Condominium Corporation 11 1235 Radom Street, Pickering Please be advised that Ontario Condominium Corporation 11 has given Authorized Parking Only Ltd. the authorization to act as their agents in the enforcement of private property parking regulations on their property located at 1235 Radom Street, Pickering. Should you require any further information, please contact us at 905-619-2886 or Authorized Parking Only Ltd. at 416-231-8247. Yours truly Newton-Trelawney Property Management Services Inc. Mary Ellen Christensen Prope~y Manager :mec 95 Bayly Street West, Ste. #03, Ajax, ON LIS 7K8 Phone: 905-619-2886 Fax: 905-619-2705 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for certain purposes (Parking Regulation, 1235 Radom Street) WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(I) of the Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15, as amended, a municipal council may appoint persons to enforce the by-laws of the municipality; and WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(2) of the said Act, municipal by-law enforcement officers are peace officers for the purpose of enforcing municipal by-laws; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: That the following persons be hereby appointed as municipal law enforcement officers in and for the City of Pickering in order to ascertain whether the provisions of By-law 2359~87 are obeyed and to enforce or carry into effect the said By-law and are hereby authorized to enter at all reasonable times upon lands municipally known as 1235 Radom St4: Robert James Mitchell Nell James Sugars Don Sunny-Guy James Balendra Muhammed Malik Darryl John Gordon Delon Fok David Daniels David Dunstan Rujohn Galo The authority granted in section 1 hereto is specifically limited to that set out in section 1, and shall not be deemed, at any time, to exceed the authority set out in section 1. These appointments shall expire upon the persons listed in section I ceasing to be employees of Authorized Parking Only Ltd. or upon Authorized Parking Only Ltd. ceasing to be an agent for 1235 Radom Street, or upon whichever shall occur first. BY-LAW read a first, seconcl and third time and finally passed this 8th day of March, 2004. David Ryan, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Mayor Ryan be authorized to make the following proclamation: "Seniors Month"- June, 2004 "Hearing Awareness Month"- May, 2004 652 Minister Responsible for Seniors 6th Floor 400 University Avenue Toronto ON M7A 2R9 Tel.: (416) 585-7000 Fax: (416) 585-6470 February 23, 2004 Ministre d~l~gu~ aux Affaires des personnes .qg~es 6e 6tage 400, avenue University ,. Toronto ON M7A 2R9 T~I.: (416) 585-7000 T~l~c.: (416) 585-6470 Ontario CiTY OF PiCi<EFtlNG CLERK'S DIVISION Dear Mayor: As you may know, June is Seniors' Month in the Province of Ontario. I am writing to you at this early stage to ask you to officially proclaim June as Seniors' Month in your community this year. For your convenience, a sample proclamation is provided. Healthier Ontarians in a healthier Ontario is a priority for the McGuinty government. The theme for 2004 - Active in Body, Mind & Spirit - supports this government priority. Seniors' Month is an excellent opportunity to pay tribute to men and women who continue to contribute so much to our communities, and to celebrate these contributions. Seniors are instrumental in defining the Ontario we live in today, which is dynamic and vibrant. As Minister Responsible for Seniors, and on behalf of the McGuinty government, I hope you will join us in honouring these very special :members of our community and stage celebrations in their honour. Seniors' Month is also a good time to host one of the Ontario Seniors' Seminars. These seminars are available across the province to provide seniors with valuable information on healthy aging and healthy lifestyles. Topics include Safe Medication Use, Protect Your Money: Schemes, Scares and Flimflams, and Advance Care Planning. For more information, visit the Ontario Seniors' Secretariat Web site at www.gov.on.ca/citizenship/seniors or contact the Seniors' Infoline at 1-888-910-1999 (TrY 1-800-387-5559). Best wishes for the rest of the winter season and for your Seniors' Month planning, and remember t° check the Ontario Seniors' Secretariat Web site on a regular basis as plans for Seniors' Month 2004 unfold. Seniors' Month promotional material will be mailed to you early this spring· ° ce nister · Ontario MPPs // 053 seniors' Mont~ ?roclamation Seniors' Mont~ June z- 30; zoo4 WHEREAS Sen/ars'Mant~is an annual nation-wibe ce[e[2ration'; WHEREAS seniors ~ave contributeb anb continue to contribute immense[a to t~e life anb vi[2ranca of t~is community; WHEREAS seniors continue to serve as [eabers; mentors; volunteers anb important anb active members of t~is community; WHEREAS t~eir contributions past an?) present warrant appreciation anb recoonition anb t~eir stories beserve to 6e to[b; WHEREAS t~e ~eatt~ anb we[[-6eing of seniors is in t~e interest o[ at[ anb furtber abbs to the ~ea[t~ anb wett-~eing of t~e community/ WHEREAS t6e ~now[ebOe anb experience seniors pass on to us continues to 6enefit a[['; lj Maaor ; bo ~ereba proc[aim J~ne z-3o; zoo4 Senio'rs' MontO in anb encourage ail citizens to recognize anb ce/e/2rate t~e accomp[isOments of our seniors. Dateb in t~e Maaor's O~fice on t~is / ~-004. Maaor THE CANADIAN HEARING SOCIETY LA SOCII TI CANADIENNE DE L'OU E Services to deaf. deafened and hard of hearing pe~,~&~:~ gei'ViCe~'at~:~ Sou~rtls. devenus sourds el malentendants. CITY '-'.',~ ........ u. February 26. 2004 Dave Ryan May.,or City of Pickering Municipal Office 1 Thc Esplanade Pickering. ON L1V 6K7 [)ear Mayor Ryan: Across North America. May is considered 'I learing Awareness Month". This is an occasion t, promote public awareness of the needs of deaf. deafened and hard of hearing Canadians. and t~ emphasize the importance of protecting ()ur hearing. The Canadian Hearing Soci[ety of I)urham would like to obtain ye, ur support by requesting thru month of May be proclaimed "Hearing Awareness Month" in tile City' of !)ickering. Founded in 1940, The Canadian ttearing Society is a non-pmiit agency. During Hearing Aw Month, national, provincial and regional organizations will be working together to dispel the n and stereotypes of individuals 'aith hearing loss. Our goal is to increase awareness and to pror programs and services designed to ensure equal access for all deaf. deafened and hard of hearil Canadians. Thank your for your consideration and w'e look forward to your response. Sincerely, Wendy Szego Administrative Assistant Tile Canadian Hearing Society PETERBOROUGH AND DISTRICT REGIONAL OFFICES PETERBOROUGH: 315 Reid Street, Peterbomugh, ON KgJ 3R2 Voice: (705) 743-1573 TrY: (705) 743-1621 Fax: (705) 741-0708 Voice: (HAP) (705) 743-1876 DURHAM: 44 Richmond Street West, Suite 200A, Oshawa, ON LIG lC'/ Voice: (905) 404-8490 TI*Y: (905) 404-0468 Fax: (905) 404--2012 Voice: (HCCP) (905) 404-9199 LINDSAY: 230 Angeline Street South, 2nd Floor, R.R.#2, Lindsay, ON K9V 4R2 Voice/Fax: (705) 328-1480 TrY: (705) 328-3187 TOLL FREE NUMBERS: Voice: I (800) 213-3848 TrY: I (800) 213-0514 Fax: I (800) 360-6264 Website: http://www, chs.ca Chmimble Registration Number 10684 6926 RR0001 United Way Member Agency ~ c, 40 ATTACHMENT# CARDIAC SURGERY SERVICES ROUGE VALLEY HEALTH SYSTEM CONTACTS AND PRESENTATIONS TO TIlE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND LONG TERM CARE. Chronology of Events January 5, 2004 1986 Centenary Health Centre (CHC) identified cardiac services as a priority program and initiated surgical planning. 1986 1991 1997 1998 1998 July 1998 Feb. 03/99 Feb. 16/99 July 1999/ Feb. 2000 July 1999/ Present First Cath lab at CHC First submission for surgery services to the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MOHLTC) Second submission to MOHLTC for surgery and angioplasty. HSRC identified CHC as an option for surgical site Rouge Valley Health System (RVHS) Cardiac Care Advisory Group (CCCAG) formed by cardiac patients. Many meeting,s over the period to devise campai~tms to obtain cardiac surgical services at CHC. Revised cardiac surgery proposal to MOHLTC to reflect need in eastern GTA given the Trillium and York County decisions for cardiac surgery. Requested and received a letter of support from Mr. Roger Anderson, Regional Chair, Durham Region. Received support in the form of an official resolution passed by the Council of Pickering and sent to the Minister of Health. Letters sent to the Minister of Health, Elizabeth Witmer requesting a decision regarding the submission sent by CHC. Constant contacts via letters and meetings with Janet Ecker. July 1999/ Constant contacts via letters and meetings with Jim Flaherty. Present July 1999/ Present July 1999/ Present Oct. 1999/ Present Oct. 1999/ Present Dec. 04/99 Dec. 1999/ Mar. 2000 Jan. 2000 Feb. 2000 Jan. 2000/ Mar. 2000 Feb. 2000 Feb. 2000 Mar. 2000 Mar. 2000 June 2000 Aug. 2000 Constant contacts via letters and meetings with J. O'Toole. Constant contacts via letters and meetings with Steve Gilchrist. Letters sent to Dan Newman. Received 10 form letter responses. No personal contact made and no interest shown by him. Contacts made and meetings held with Lakeridge to form a parmership in cardiac care in the eastern GTA. Announcement of Waterloo region being awarded a fifll service cardiac care site. Campaign to obtain signatures from residents for cardiac services in eastern GTA. More than 20,000 cards signed in a four month period. Small volunteer force and no advertising/promotion budget. Meeting with Jeff Lozon, Deputy Minister of Health regarding cardiac surgery resulted in request to CCNO to examine the need for cardiac surgery in the eastern GTA. Proposal "Expanded Advanced Cardiac Services to the East GTA" submitted to MOHLTC and CCNO. Correspondence with Premier's office and replies received from MOHLTC. Informed E. Eves, Minister of Finance of the situation. Letter referred to the MOHLTC. Letter of support from Mr. Buzz Hargrove of the United Auto Workers. Dm~ report for submission to CCNO of the need for cardiac surgery services in the eastern GTA. Meeting with staff of MOHLTC regarding CCNO report that the MOHLTC indicated did not demonstrate the need for advanced cardiac services in the east. Additionally, there were staffing issues and potential impact on existing centers to consider, so MOHLTC would delay decision until consensus panel report on human resource issues completed in the summer of 2000. Support from Ajax Council in the form of a resolution in Council sent to the Minister of Health. RVHS commissioned Hay Group to further analyze the need in the eastern GTA in response to the MOHLTC comments on the CCNO report. The need in the east was demonstrated by the Hay report, especially in ri41_ Sept. 2000 Nov. 2000 Jan. 2001 Feb. 2001 Mar. 28/01 Apr. 30/01 May 02/01 May 15/01 'May 23/01 July 2001 Jul. 19/01 Aug. 24/01 Sept/Oct. 01 Sept. 06/01 Nov. 14/01 ATTACHMENT# / TOREPORT# Scarborough where the population and in particular, women's cardiac surgery needs are under serviced. Submitted to MOHLTC the staffmg plan as requested by CCNO. Contact by Premier's office for data and update. Human resource plan submitted to MOHLTC. Submitted angioplasty proposal to MOHLTC. Meeting with Policy Advisor, MOHLTC, to review submissions. Letter frOm John Kin, Assistant Deputy Minister of Health, indicating no need for a fourth comprehensive cardiac surgery centre in Toronto. Letter from Minister of Health, Tony Clement, confirming no need for surgery at this time, but recognized RVHS interest in angioplasty and eleetrophysiology and invited RVI-IS to submit a separate proposal for these services. MOHLTC announced additions to services (not cardiac) at William. Osler Hospital in Bmmpton. Contacted MOHLTC for clarification of announcement regarding the expansion of services at William Osier- explanation was that the site plan approved regarding capital but no specific cardiac services approved. RVHS submitted the requested proposal regarding eletrophysiology (EPS) to MOHLTC. RVHS met with Minister Clement regarding cardiac surgery and · angioplasty. Work group to be struck to examine feasibility of RVHS as a stand alone pilot project (official interpretation does not name RVHS). Cardiac surgery appears to be on the back burner. Received letter from MOHLTC indicating review of proposal will be undertaken with the overall provincial strategy. Feasibility study of stand-alone angioplasty lab underway. Potential pilot lab April to November 2002. Announcement by MOHLTC of additions to the Trillium and William Osier cardiac services. Announcement by MOHLTC of province's first stand-alone angioplasty site at RVHS. REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CL 17-04 Date: March 17, 2004 From: Anne Greentree, BA, AMCT Deputy Clerk Subject: Appointments to Durham Region Waterfront Coordinating Committee Recommendation: That Clerk's Report CL 17-04 regarding the Region of Durham's request to participate in the Durham Region Waterfront Coordinating Committee be received, The Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering agrees to participate in the Durham Region Waterfront Coordinating Committee. Subject to the Regional Municipality of Durham achieving support from a minimum of five municipalities to participate, comprising a majority of the population of the Region, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering appoints the following Regional Councillor and one representative from our community to represent the City of Pickering on the Coordinating Committee. a) b) Regional Councillor Community Representative Executive Summary: Not applicable Financial Implications: Not applicable Background: Please find attached to this Report a letter dated March 9, 2004 from the Region of Durham requesting Council to support their endeavour to establish a Durham Region Waterfront Coordinating Committee. On December 6, 1999 the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering passed Resolution #225/99 to establish the Waterfront Coordinating Committee. The mandate of this Committee is: Report CL 17-04 Durham Region Waterfront Coordinating Committee March 17, 2004 Page 2 To provide a forum for on-going discussion amongst the various groups, agencies, interest and individuals involved in projects and initiatives along the waterfront; · To help coordinate the implementation of approved waterfront projects, particularly those involving more than one group, organization or interest; · To provide technical advise and assistance on waterfront issues, projects and priorities to the member organizations and others as requested; · To help investigate alternative funding sources and grant programs for waterfront projects and provide assistance in waterfront fundraising efforts; To assist in providing information about Pickering's waterfront to the general public, businesses and others and if requested to provide advise and assistance to others concerning special events and programs involving Pickering's waterfront; and · To make recommendations to Council for its consideration. The purposes for the Durham Region Waterfront Coordinating Committee are detailed in the attached correspondence appear to be consistent with the mandate of our Waterfront Coordinating Committee. The Regional Council has stated that support from a minimum of five municipalities agreeing to participate, comprising a majority of the population of the Region, is required for the proposal to be valid and for the Coordinating Committee to continue its work. The City of Pickering is requested to appoint one Regional Councillor and one representative from the public to participate on the Coordinating Committee. Attachments: 1. Letter from The Region of Durham dated March 9, 2004. Report CL 17-04 Durham Region Waterfront Coordinating Committee March 17, 2004 Page 3 Prepared By: /,-,// Deputy Clerk Attachments Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council T~i'o~a~ J. ~innfJ~/hief AdM~r ;TACI~IENT#_~ TO REPORT#~_,~ \~ TO ALL AREA MUNICIPAL CLERKS The Regional Municipality of Durham Clerk's Department 605 ROSSLAND RD. E. PO BOX 623 WHITBY ON L1N 6A3 CANADA 905-668-7711 1-800-372-1102 Fax: 905-668-9963 Email: clerks@region.durham.on.ca www. reglon .durham .on;ca Pat M. Madill, A.M.C.T., CMM I Regional Clerk DIVISION March 9, 2004 Mr. B. Taylor Clerk City of Pickering 1 The Esplanade Pickering ON L1V 6K7 ESTABLISHING A DURHAM REGION WATERFRONT COORDINATING COMMITTEE - (O.UR FILE: D07-00) Mr. Taylor, at'their meeting held on March 3, 2004 the CoUncil of the Regional Municipality of Durham passed the following motion: "WHEREAS Durham Region borders three bodies of water - Lake Simcoe, Lake Scugog and Lake Ontario; and WHEREAS the Durham Region Strategic Plan envisioned adiverse, vibrant and interconnected waterfront system that is a centre for community and recreation that connects Durham's municipalities; and WHEREAS there are currently major obstacles to creating a seamlessly integrated waterfront trail system across the Lake Ontario waterfront; and WHEREAS municipalities .working in broad partnership have greater opportunity to gain access to funding and support from other levels of government and private, sector interests; NOW THEREFORE the Corporation of the Region of Durham hereby establishes a Durham Region Waterfront Coordinating Committee comprised of one Regional Councillor from each municipality and one representative from the public in each lower tier municipality' to coordinate a proposal to intemonnect the Lake Ontario waterfront trail system and' to further the trail system of the Lake Scugog waterfront; and "Service Excellence for o~ Communities" THAT the Coordinating Committee proposal be proportionate to the size of each municipality while taking into consideration broader priorities; and THAT the CoOrdinating Committee utilize the work and plans of lower tier government to provide the detail andlocal priorities for the proposal; and THAT the-Coordinating Committee.also draw upon the resources and expertise of the appropriate Conservation Authorities and other agencies it deems appropriate; and - THAT the Coordinating Committee identify potential funding' and partnership opportunities for the proposal that give consideration to appropriate jurisdicti'on; and' THAT the Coordinating Committee submit the said proposal to Regi0nal'COuncil as soon as possible to endorse .it for'the ' -consideration and approval of the lower tier municipalities;' and THAT upon approval from both the upper and lower tier, the Coordinating Committee' be ch arged With coordinating .the funding and facilitating inter-municipal cooperation fOr the proposal in coordination with the participating lower tier municipalities; and THAT a minimum of five' municipalities agree to' participate, comprising a majority of 'the population of the Region, for the proposal to' be valid and for the Coordinating Committee to continue its work." In accordance with the. above resolution Regional Council' requests.a response from eaCh mun!cipality as it relates' to the following: 1. Agreement to participate in the Durham Region 'Waterfront Coordinating Committee. 2. Appointment of one Regional COuncillor and one representative from the public from-each municipality. Your assistance in placing this matter before your Council would be appreciated. P~M. Madill, A.M,C.T., CMMI Regional Clerk PMM/mrf c: :A.L. Georgieff, Commissioner of Planning