HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 14-04 REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CL 14-04 Date: March 2,2004 From: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM City Clerk Subject: Request to Designate the Rouge Valley Health System as an Advanced Cardiac Care Centre Recommendation: WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering passed Resolution #22/99 on February 15, 1999 to support the Centenary Health Centre Site of the Rouge Valley Health System as the eastern regional site for cardiac surgical services; and WHEREAS there is not a hospital that conveniently serves the City of Pickering or other areas of west Durham that provides cardiac by-pass surgery as part of the process of cardiac care; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby reiterates its support for enhanced cardiac care services at the Rouge Valley Health System; and . FURTHER THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to: 1. 2. 3. Rouge Valley Health System Hon. George Smitherman, Minister of Health and Long Term Care Wayne Arthurs, MPP, Pickering-Ajax-Uxbridge Executive Summary: To respond to a letter from the Chair of the Cardiac Care Community Advisory Group to support its efforts to provide enhanced cardiac care services at the Rouge Valley Health System. Financial Implications: Not applicable Report CL 14-04 March 2,2004 Rouge Valley Health System Page 2 Background: Please find attached to this Report a letter dated February 16, 2004 from Mr. Phil Diamond, Chairperson, Cardiac Care Community Advisory Group requesting Council to support their endeavour to have enhanced cardiac care services provided at the Rouge Valley Health System. This same letter was sent to the Council of the Town of Ajax that passed a resolution on February 23, 2004 to support the need for enhanced cardiac care services at the Rouge Valley Health System. Also, Pickering Council passed the following resolution at its regular meeting of February 15, 1999: WHEREAS full cardiac services such as bypass surgery, angioplasty and electrophysiology are only available to residents of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) at the teaching hospitals in downtown Toronto; and WHEREAS these hospitals have limited capacity for future growth but in the meantime waiting lists for major cardiac surgery are increasing; and WHEREAS the Hospital Restructuring Committee has decided that full cardiac services could best be served at hospitals in the western and eastern portions of the GT A; and WHEREAS the Centenary site of the Rouge Valley Health System is positioned to meet the cardiac care needs in the southeast GT A for a population of 1.5 million; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering hereby strongly supports the Centenary Health Centre Site of the Rouge Valley Health System as the eastern regional site for cardiac surgical services; and THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to: 1. 2. 3. Centenary Health Centre Minister of Health Honourable Janet Ecker, MP, Durham West Mr. Diamond will be attending the Executive Committee Meeting of March 22, 2004 to provide further information with respect to this matter. Report CL 14-04 March 2,2004 Rouge Valley Health System Page 3 Attachments: 1. Letter from Cardiac Care Community Advisory Group Prepared By: /7 ,/. ~ >' (>'7 ,'/ ( Bruce Taylor City Clerk Attachments Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council II ATTACHMENT#-L TO REPORT # <:" '- / y:"" ¿; '7 - CARDIAC CARE COMMUNITY ADVISORY GROUß [: C E ü 0 3 CARROLL ST. CITY OF P¡C¡'Œ:HjNG WHITBY, ONTARIO L1N 7V7 e-mail: diamond4@rogers.com T ei. 905-442- 7799 CLERK'S DIVISION ji'ax. 905-430-9382 . ¡vIr. Bruce Tayíor 100vn Clerk City of Plckenng February 16, 2004 PIckering CIvic Complex One 1 he Esplanade Pickering, Untario Lì V 6Kì Dear ¡vir. Taylor We are a group of volunteers-aii ex-cardiac patients-connected wIth Rouge VaHey Heaith System (Centenary and AjaXiPlckenng hospItals) and Lakendge tIeaith Inc. (Oshawa et al hospitals). \V e are advoeatmg on behal t of future cardIac patients to bnng advanced cardiac surgery services tor the residents 111 Durham Region and Scarborough. We respectfully request an °ppûftumty to make a presentation at one of your upcoming Council meetings. \Ve have wlltten lo each oCtIle Councilors and outhned the campaí.gn we arc undertakIng. 1\ copy of our campaign newspaper ad and direct maÌÍ piece IS enclosed. It is our ann to convince the Ontario Libera; Uovernment to name the Centenary sIte of k \/HS nO\v as the advanced cardiac surgef'j center \víth start ~up In 2007-8. The R V HS and Lakendge Health Inc. hospitals have formed a cardIac serVIce allIance because of a l11utuaily strong commitment to thc beiief that a uni ficd '.hcalth system-' does pmvide the optHnul11 m care ¡Ür the resIdents they serve. . ¡ he first submissIOn to the ~v'1I11istry of Ilcalth and Long I crm Care tÒr cardiac surgery \vas made in 199 í funy 12 years ago. Since then numerous submissIons and presentatIOns have been made. \Ne have realIzed some progress but we have reached the fina; step and that is to indude cardiac by-pass surgery in the contll1uum of cardiac care. \Ve ask tor your Councd s assIstance 111 presentIng our case to the ProvIncial Libcml Government. Please throw your support behInd thIs endeavoUí for the benctit of Yt." 'f íoca~- opulatio. . 'J PI as~ adviS if' and when a time canbe arranged for us to be mcluded on the . .~e' o! a founclll .efllng. I look lonvard to hearIng from you I . Y..~'i íS.' tí 1~..'..(\. ,...~Iß.l'aa fA \,' ,!\ ~¡ I ~1 ¡~ .;J j I ~~ja~p~~:~0011ndL,.I".'L--' A (-, . Lc:ü U "'.., - ~. L1'U ATTACHMENT#--LTO REPOir! #_=.L. ILI- 0'1- CARDIAC SURGERY SERVICES ROUGE VALLEY HEALTH SYSTEM CONTACTS AND PRESENTATIONS TO THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND LONG TERM CARE. 1986 1986 1991 1997 1998 1998 July 1998 Feb. 03/99 Feb. 16/99 July 1999/ Feb. 2000 July 1999/ Present July 1999/ Chronolo!!V of Events January 5, 2004 Centenary Health Centre (CHC) identifiéd cardiac services as a priority program and initiated surgical planning. First Cath lab at CHC First submission for surgery services to the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MOHLTC) Second submission to MOHLTC for surgery and angioplasty. HSRC identified CHC as an option for surgical site Rouge Valley Health System (RVHS) Cardiac Care Advisory Group (CCCAG) fonned by cardiac patients. Many meeting~ over the period to devise campaigns to obtain cardiac surgical services at CRC. Revised cardiac surgery proposal to MOHL TC to reflect need in eastern GTA given the Trillium and York County decisions for cardiac surgery. Requested and received a letter of support from Mr. Roger Anderson, Regional Chair, Durham Region. Received support in the form ofan official resolution passed by the Council of Pickering and sent to the Minister of Health. Letters sent to the Minister of Health, Elizabeth Witmer requesting a decision regarding the submission sent by CHC. Constant contacts via letters and meetings with Janet Ecker. Constant contacts via letters and meetings with Jim Flaherty. Present July 1999/ Present July 1999/ Present Oct. 1999/ Present Oct. 1999/ Present Dec. 04/99 Dec. 1999/ Mar. 2000 Jan. 2000 Feb. 2000 Jan. 2000/ Mar. 2000 Feb. 2000 Feb. 2000 Mar. 2000 Mar. 2000 JlU1e 2000 Aug. 2000 F r IJ:., " 1-n" 1_.J_- TO REPORT # <:::' L I L/- 0 '1- - Constant contacts via letters and meetings with J. O'Toole. Constant contacts via letters and meetings with Steve Gilchrist. Letters sent to Dan Newman. Received 10 form letter responses. No personal contact made and no interest shown by him. Contacts made and meetings held with Lakeridge to form a partnership in cardiac care in the eastern GT A. AnnolU1cement of Waterloo region being awarded a full service cardiac care site. Campaign to obtain signatures from residents for cardiac services in eastern GT A. More than 20,000 cards signed in a four month period. Small vollU1teer force and no advertising/promotion budget. Meeting with Jeff Lozon, Deputy Minister of Health regarding cardiac surgery resulted in request to CCNO to exanrine the need for cardiac surgery in the eastern GT A. Proposal "Expanded Advanced Cardiac Services to the East GT A" submitted to MOHL TC and CCNO. Correspondence with Premier's office and replies received from MOHL TC. Informed E. Eves, Minister of Finance of the situation. Letter referred to the MOHL TC. Letter of support from Mr. Buzz Hargrove of the United Auto Workers. Draft report for submission to CCNO of the need for cardiac surgery services in the eastern GT A. Meeting with staff of MOHL TC regarding CCNO report that the MOHL TC indicated did not demonstrate the need for advanced cardiac services in the east. Additionally, there were staffmg issues and potential impact on existing centers to consider, so MOHLTC would delay decision lU1til consensus panel report on hmnan resource issues completed in the summer of2000. Support from Ajax ColU1cil in the form of a resolution in ColU1cil sent to the Minister of Health. RVHS commissioned Hay Group to further analyze the need in the eastern GTA in response to the MOHLTC comments on the CCNO report. The need in the east was demonstrated by the Hay report, especially in Sept. 2000 Nov. 2000 Jan. 2001 Feb. 2001 Mar. 28/01 Apr. 30/01 May 02/01 May 15/01 May 23/01 July 2001 Jul. 19/01 Aug. 24/01 ATTACHMENT#-L TO REPORT#.{L..I4'- t?¥ Scarborough where the population and in particular, women's cardiac surgery needs are under serviced. Submitted to MOHLTC the staffing plan as requested by CCNO. Contact by Premier's office for data and update. Human resource plan submittèd to MOHL TC. Submitted angioplasty proposal to MOHLTC. Meeting with Policy Advisor, MOHL TC, to review submissions. Letter from John Kin, Assistant Deputy Minister of Health, indicating no need for a fourth comprehensive cardiac surgery centre in Toronto. Letter from Minister of Health, Tony Clement, confinning no need for surgery at this time, but recognized RVHS interest in angioplasty and electrophysiology and invited RVHS to submit a separate proposal for these services. MOHL TC announced additions to services (not cardiac) at William. Osler Hospital in Brampton. Contacted MOHLTC for clarification of announcement regarding the expansion of services at William Osler - explanation was that the site plan approved regarding capital but no specific cardiac services approved. RVHS submitted the requested proposal regarding eletrophysiology (EPS) to MOHL TC. RVHS met with Minister Clement regarding cardiac surgery and angioplasty. Work group to be struck to examine feasibility ofRVHS as a stand alone pilot project (official interpretation does not name RVHS). Cardiac surgery appears to be on the back burner. Received letter from MOHL TC indicating review of proposal will be undert:àkenwith the overall provincial strategy. Sept/Oct. 01 Feasibility study of stand-alone angioplasty lab underway. Potential pilot lab April to November 2002. Sept. 06/01 Nov. 14/01 Announcement by MOHL TC of additions to the Trillium and William Osler cardiac services. Announcement by MOHL TC of province's first stand-alone angioplasty site at RVHS. ;;-L TOREPORT#~, I '{ ~ CIl! Let's Put an End to Legislative Heart Failure! For 10 years the Ontario PC Government failed to recognize the need for full cardiac care services in East Scarborough and in the Durham Region. Numerous appeals from the medical community and a huge public petition containing 20,000 signatures to correct this disturbing and potentially dangerous issue were virtually ignored. Consequently - while there are full cardiac surgery facilities in Mississauga, Downtown Toronto, Newmarket and other centres in western Ontario, none exist from East Scarborough all the way to Kingston, Ontario. There are 1.1 million people in East Scarborough and in all of Durham who are miles away from the cardiac care they may need. Those who do require cardiac bypass surgery must be transported to a downtown Toronto hospital - a situation that causes severe trauma to patients and to their families. The Rouge Valley Health System (RVHS), formerly Centenary Hospital and Ajax! Pickering Hospital, along with Lakeridge Health (Oshawa Hospital et al) have formed a regional cardiac alliance and are united in their commitment to bring full cardiac services to the people they serve. Currently, the Centenary site of the RVHS provides a range of cardiac services from diagnostics to rehabilitation but, sadly, cannot offer cardiac bypass surgery, the final part of full cardiac services, without governmental approval. It's time to ask our new Ontario liberal government to step up and finish the job. Contact your local MPP and demand an equal opportunity for cardiac care - now! Mary Anne Chambers (416) 281-2787 - machambers.mpp.co@/iberal.ola.org Wayne Arthurs (905) 420-0829 - wayne@arthurs.ca Jim Flaherty (905) 430-1141 - jim-flaherty@ontla.ola.org Jerry Ouellette (905) 723-2411 - jerry_ouelletteco@ontla.ola.org John O'Toole (905) 697-150 I - john_otoole@ontla.ola.org Created and presented b : Cardiac Care Communit Advisory Group