HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 11-04 REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CL 11-04 Date: February 20, 2004 From: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM City Clerk Subject: 2004 Animal Services Budget Recommendation: 1. That Clerk's Report CL 11-04 regarding the proposed 2004 Animal Services Budget bet received. That the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby approves the 2004 Animal Services Budget as recommended by the Pickering-Ajax-Whitby Joint Animal Services Committee at its meeting of February 10, 2004. 2. Executive Summary: The PAW Joint Animal Services Committee is recommending the approval of the Year 2004 Capital and Operating Budget for the Animal Services Centre in the amount of $753,300.00 of which Pickering's share is $249,244.84. Financial Implications: TOTAL $242,244.84 7,000.00 $249,244.84 (Pickering's share only) (Pickering's share only) Current Capital Background: The PAW Joint Animal Services Committee passed the following motion at its meeting of February 10, 2004: That the Pickering-Ajax-Whitby Joint Animal Services Committee adopt the 2004 animal services budget estimates as set out in the Treasurer's Report, Item 4-04, as revised; and Report CL 11-04 Date: February 20, 2004 Subject: 2004 Animal Services Budget Page 2 That the estimates be submitted to the Council's of Pickering, Ajax and Whitby for approval. Attached to this Report is a copy of the PAW Committee Treasurer's Report 4-04 for your information. The City of Pickering entered into an Agreement with Ajax and Whitby respecting the operation of the Animal Services Centre that allocates operating expenses on a per capita basis and capital expenses on an equal basis. Therefore, in 2004, Pickering is responsible for 33.08% of the total operating costs of $732,300.00 being $242,244.84 and is responsible for 33.33% of the total capital costs of $21,000.00 being $7,000.00 for a total of $249,244.84. The 2004 Animal Services budget, including current and capital expenditures is an increase of 6.3% over 2003. It should be noted that because of population increases in the Towns of Ajax and Whitby, Pickering's total share of the animal services expenses has decreased from $250,799.65 to $249,244.84. The population figures used in the Committee Treasurer's Report are based on population data gathered by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation in 2003 for the election. Attachments: 1. PAW Committee Treasurer's Report 4-04 Prepar~By: ~ //"'] "'- Bruce Taylor City Clerk ~ Attachment Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ;/' ATTACHMENT#--1-.TOREPORT#~ /1- () Y 1'RlEASURER'S REPOR1' TO THE ?!CKEIDNG- AJAX-W!IITBY JOINT ANIMAL SERVICES COMMITTEE Item 4-04 February 10, 2004 Subject: 2004 Animal Services Budget Recommendation: 1. That the Pickering-Ajax -Whitby Joint Animal Services Committee adopt the 2004 animal services budget estimates as set out in the Treasurer's Report, Item 4-04; and, 2. That the estimates be submitted to the Council's of Pickering, Ajax, and Whitby for approval. Ori~in: The pròposed 2004 animal services budget estimates are set out in Attachment No.1 to this report. Analysis: The budget provides for the service and stafflevels and hours of operation set out in the Animal Services Agreement between the three municipalities. Alternatives: N/A Existin!! Policy: N/A Financial Considerations: By agreement, operating revenues and expenditures are apportioned on a per-capital basis between the City of Pickering and the Towns of Ajax and Whitby. Capital expenses are shared equally by the three municipalities. The municipal apportionment of the estimates is shown in Attachment No.2 to this report. r~'::~~UNT "i!: ,- 11450-50100 .-. 11-150-51800 114::>0-51810 11.450-51860 1]-150-52510 11450.-52520 11-150-52530 11450-2540 .11450-52570 I 11450-52640 "> 11450-52840 ._- 1 [450-52880 -- 11450-52920 '11450-53100 1.1450-53200 1 ¡ -150-53620 ... ) 1450-53920 ----. "e,,__- '~e..'~~~- ATTACHMENT NO.1 2004 ANIMAL SERVICES BUDGET ESTIMATES NAME 2002 ACTUAL Salaries, Wages, Benefits 604,650.00 1,074.00 Mileage Costs C onf erences/ S eminarsÆd uca lion 16,008.00 6,030.00 Unifonns and Clothing Telephone Costs 9,014.00 6,054.00 Hydro-Electricity Costs Heating Costs 2,170.00 Water Insurance Premium 2,530.00 9,058.00 Fuel Costs Bui]ding/Grounds RepairslMaint. 34,595.00 1,299.00 Vehicle Repairs and Maintenance .... Operating Supplies Advertising 25,982.00 Other Professional & Consulting Fees Equipment Rental - External 2,489.00 16,572.00 Bank Charges 598.00 738,123.00 Total Operating Expenses - 2003 PROJECTION 597,289.00 812.00 2,087.00 7,482.00 9,369.00 5,995.00 - 2,041.00 800.00 2,829.00 8,622.00 16,267.00 1,053.00 - 33,513.00 4,250.00 1,500.00 16,366.00 498.00 710,773.00 2003 BUDGET 580,000.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 6,000.00 2,200.00 3,000.00 9,000.00 16,000.00 6,000.00 24,000.00 5,000.00 1,500.00 14,000.00 800.00 688,500.00 BUDGET CHANGES INFLATION I OTHER 35,000.00 10,000.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 500.00 300.00 - 2,000.00 500.00 (2,000.00) 4,000.00 36,300.00 17,500.00 PAGE 1 of2 ~-"-'-'-"'-=-'~""'I '~Olì.l ~tJ!~~T -"] GLS,OOO.IJO ):" ;;..¡ ~ n ::J: 3: m Z -I j, a ;::c m -0 0 ~ ,~ 1,000.00 -....- 7,500 on 6,000.00 10,000.00 .-...,......... ó,500.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 - 3,500.00 ,e._- -_.- 9,00000 -"-.. ¡ó,OOO.OO 4,000.00 L8,GOO.OO --.....-. 5,00G.OO 1,500.00 "' ....... ) 14,000.00 800.00 ~ " I '12,300()() - .. .......... .-.. PAGE 2 of2 L~:SS OI'ERATING REVENUES: ,.. ...... .. . - .. 11450..50360 Pound and Service Fees 5,185.00 3,785.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 ...-.-.. ..........-., ¡ l.t50-50362 Animal Adoptions 4,440.00 2,977.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 .-..---...-- I----~_... 'n_- I 1450-50499 Misc. Revenue 389.00 917.00 .00 .00 _.... -,..... --- .._- Subtotal 728,109.00 703,094.00 678,500.00 36,300.00 17,500.00 _~{~2,3Q~¡:9° .... ..- :::. ~ () :I: ~ m 7' ..::¡ :1."; 1>1 ,us CAPITAL EXPENSES 1- , -¡ 0 :::c m -0 0 :::0. -, : : : 1f\ i ,.... .- h..' .'m --.. II 2002 2003 2003 200,j ACCOU NAME ACTUAL PROJECTION BUDGET BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET .., INFLATION OTHER _.. "---"-.'-.-..- 30,238.00 29,400.00 30,000.00 tdunicipal Water. 2004 (9,000.00) 21,000.00 'h'~~- . . Total 758,847.00 732,494.00 708,500.00 36,300.00 8,500.000 ï53,301!.00 .. -.. , ~ I C --c.. AfTACHt"'H:r../ ~ .t¡._J..- TC REPOrn #_~~ .1.T""'" A ,i"". ;i\'IE' ';la-., \JíC, ' " I """"",,.n!1I J"1, 1 , /I-of ,8UDGET NOTES ACCOUNT EXPLA1'lATION Operatin~ Expenses: Salaries, Wages, Benefits Pre~ousyears'overtimeexperi:ence Conference Seminars - Education Costs Customer service refresher course for staff Uniforms and Clothing Previous years' experience Water Connection of Animal Services Centre to municipal water Vehicle Repairs and Maintenance Pre~ous years' experience Operating Supplies Previous years' experience Capital Expenses: Municipal Water Municipal water connection to the Animal Services Centre Compound Fencing Replacement of vehicle compound fencing MUNICIPALITY Ajax -.-. Pickering -- Whitby _..0 TOTAL .,.= 2003 BUDGET 207,850.60 250,799.65 249,849.75 708,500.00 ATTACHMENT NO.2 MUNICIPAL APPORTIONMENT OF 2004 ANIMALBERVICES BUDGET POPULATION PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL POPULATION 29.72 74,907 83,381 93,756 33.08 37.20 2004 CURRENT 2004 CAPITAL 217,639.56 7,000.00 242,244.84 272,415.60 7,000.00 7,000.00 , 252,044 I 100.00% I 732,300.00 I 21,000.00 L 2004 BUDGET 224,639.56 249,244.84 279,415.60 753,300.00 J; ~ ;;! n :I: 3: m Z -I i~ a ~ -0 0 ~ # ,~ ........ .......... , ~. '(.