HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 41-03 Cit'l o~ REPORT TO PLANNING COMMITTEE 35 Report Number: PO 41-03 Date: November 21,2003 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Watershed Planning Initiatives Recommendations: 1. That Report PO 41-03 concerning the TRCA's Watershed Planning Initiatives be RECEIVED for information; 2. That Report PO 41-03 of the Director, Planning & Development be ENDORSED as the City's comments on the TRCA's Watershed Planning Initiatives; and, 3. That a copy of Report PD 41-03 be FORWARDED to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and to the Region of Durham for their information. Executive Summary: The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) has recently commenced several watershed planning initiatives in Pickering. Specifically, TRCA is: . implementing an integrated watershed planning process to fulfill the watershed planning requirements of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan; . initiating the Rouge River Watershed Planning Study and releasing a proposed work program for comment; . preparing the terms of reference for a Coordination Committee to oversee the implementation of the Duffins Creek and Carruthers Creek Watershed Plan; and, . preparing a draft terms of reference for a Source Protection Plan for the Duffins and Carruthers Creek Watersheds. The resolutions and TRCA reports relating to these initiatives were forwarded to all regional and local municipalities within TRCA's jurisdiction for their information. Staff has reviewed the watershed planning initiatives and supports this work. The information provided on the integrated watershed planning process is flexible enough to be used by municipalities and TRCA in addressing the unique needs of each individual watershed plan. The Rouge River Watershed Planning Study is underway, which will result in a 'State of the Watershed Report' in 2004. City staff has requested that Petticoat Creek be included in this Study. Further, a Source Protection Plan for the Duffins and Carruthers Creek Watersheds would enhance protection of drinking water supplies including ground and surface water. Adequate funding and recognition from the Province is required to initiate the source protection planning. 3G Report PO 41-03 Date: November 21 , 2003 Subject: TRCA Watershed Planning Initiatives Page 2 Financial Implications: None by adopting this Report's recommendations. However, the Planning & Development Department's 2004 draft budget submission contains a carry-over of $7,000 of unspent funds from the approved 2003 budget as the City's contribution to TRCA to fund the preparation of a source protection plan (line item "Duffins Creek Groundwater Management Project" (funded from Studies Reserve) in Consulting and Professional Account 2611-2392). Background: 1.0 TRCA's Watershed Plannina Initiatives 1.1 An integrated watershed planning process to fulfill the watershed planning requirements of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (ORMCP) was approved by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA). On September 26, 2003, the TRCA passed Resolution #A 196/03 implementing an integrated watershed planning process to fulfill the watershed planning requirements of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (ORMCP) (see Attachment #1). This generic watershed planning process will be used to guide the workplans and budgets for individual watershed plans throughout TRCA's jurisdiction, and particularly for those watersheds draining the Oak Ridges Moraine. Watershed plans are to be prepared in cooperation with TRCA's watershed partners over a two-year time frame. Funding requirements for watershed plans will be presented as part of the regional capital budget request. The watershed planning process is also to be used as the basis for preparing watershed-based source protection plans. TRCA staff was requested to report back to the TRCA Board on any necessary modifications to the watershed planning process once the specific requirements of the source protection plans or provincial ORMCP watershed planning guidelines are known. 1.2 The Rouge River Watershed Planning Study has been initiated by the TRCA with the proposed work program released to the Rouge Park Alliance, watershed municipalities and other stakeholders for comment. In May of 2003, the TRCA initiated the Rouge River Watershed Planning Study, and released a proposed work program for comments by the Rouge Park Alliance, watershed municipalities and other interested stakeholders. The Study consists of three phases over two years. The first phase currently underway consists of planning and designing a public involvement program. The administration of the Study will be directed jointly by the Rouge Park Alliance and TRCA. Similar to previous watershed planning exercises, a task force model consisting of municipal elected officials, representation from key stakeholder groups, and citizens will be responsible for developing the watershed plan. Report PD 41-03 Date: November 21 . 2003 37 Subject: TRCA Watershed Planning Initiatives Page 3 The Division Head, Corporate Projects & Policy. and Planning & Development staff are involved in the Study. The involvement of elected representatives from each of the municipalities within the Rouge River Watershed on the Task Force will be requested towards the end of Phase 1. 1.3 The draft terms of reference for a Coordination Committee to oversee the implementation of the Duffins Creek and Carruthers Creek Watershed Plan will be brought back for Council's consideration in early 2004. On June 16, 2003, Pickering Council supported the Watershed Plan for Duffins Creek and Carruthers Creek, provided certain technical amendments were made to the Watershed Plan. Council also authorized staff to work with TRCA, other municipalities, agencies, residents and stakeholders as appropriate to provide input to a terms of reference for a Coordination Committee to be formed in the fall of 2003. Staff is currently providing input in the development of a terms of reference for a Coordination Committee that will oversee the implementation of the Watershed Plan. It is anticipated that the terms of reference will be brought to Council for consideration in early 2004. 1.4 A draft terms of reference for a Source Protection Plan (SPP) for the Duffins and Carruthers Creek Watersheds is being prepared by TRCA. On June 27, 2003, the TRCA passed Resolution #A5/03 requesting Provincial resources to develop a Source Protection Plan for the Duffins and Carruthers Creek Watersheds and to identify the methodology and costs for developing these plans. TRCA had originally proposed this work in 2001 as a component of the overall Duffins Creek and Carruthers Creek Watershed Plan, with the intent of building upon the surface and groundwater data and models developed as part of that study. However, work on the SPP was postponed until the Province was able to recognize the SPP as fulfilling its anticipated requirements for watershed-based source protection planning. On July 25, 2003, TRCA passed Resolution #A6/03 continuing to seek funding to initiate a SPP for the Duffins and Carruthers Creek Watersheds. This SPP, based on the Duffins and Carruthers Creek Watershed Plan. would provide a model for integrating watershed planning and source protection for the Oak Ridges Moraine and elsewhere in the province. TRCA staff is preparing a draft terms of reference for the preparation of a model SPP for the watersheds for review and discussion with its watershed partners. 38 Report PD 41-03 Date: November 21,2003 Subject: TRCA Watershed Planning Initiatives Page 4 2.0 Discussion 2.1 The integrated planning process outlined by TRCA provides an appropriate means of fulfilling the watershed planning requirements of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (ORMCP). TRCA is waiting for confirmation from the Province that the recently completed Duffins Creek and Carruthers Creek Watershed Plan fulfills the requirements of the ORMCP in Pickering. Staff supports the integrated watershed planning process described in TRCA's workplan as a means of undertaking the watershed planning requirements of the ORMCP. The generic watershed planning process is consistent with the process generally followed by TRCA in previous watershed studies (e.g. Duffins Creek and Carruthers Creek Watershed Plan) and from other watershed-based projects. It also provides clarification as to the roles and responsibilities of municipalities and TRCA throughout the process. TRCA has indicated that "watershed" study areas, for the purpose of fulfilling the objectives of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act, must encompass the full watershed areas from the crest of the Oak Ridges Moraine to lake Ontario. Within TRCA's jurisdiction in Pickering, this would include the watersheds of Duffins Creek and Carruthers Creek. Both Pickering and TRCA believe that the recently completed Duffins Creek and Carruthers Creek Watershed Plan fulfills the ORMCP requirements. In this regard, the Province has been requested to confirm that the Duffins Creek and Carruthers Creek Watershed Plan is consistent with the ORMCP. 2.2 The Rouge River Watershed Planning Study, resulting in a 'State of the Watershed Report' would provide the knowledge base needed for preparing a watershed management strategy for the Rouge River. Staff has requested that TRCA include the Petticoat Creek in this Study, rather than waiting until 2005. On September 22, 2003, staff met with TRCA to provide input to the workplan for the Rouge River Watershed Planning Study. Staff supports the overall planning exercise for the Study, which will result in a 'State of the Watershed Report' in 2004. The 'State of the Watershed Report' would provide the base information needed for preparing a water management strategy for the Rouge River. Staff also requested that TRCA include Petticoat Creek in the Rouge River Watershed Study, as both watersheds are adjoining and many of the same participants would be involved. As well, TRCA was made aware of several environmental studies pertaining to the Petticoat Creek watershed that have been prepared by landowners in the area that could be used as input into the Study. TRCA will consider the matter of including Petticoat Creek in the Watershed Study and respond accordingly. Report PO 41-03 Date: November 21,2003 39 Subject: TRCA Watershed Planning Initiatives Page 5 Although there is no budget for undertaking the Rouge Watershed Study at this time, funding for technical studies for Phase 1 is to be considered in the 2004 Capital budgets for TRCA, Durham Region, York Region and City of Toronto. 2.3 A Source Protection Plan (SPP) would protect and enhance the quality and quantity of ground and surface water for the Duffins and Carruthers Creek Watersheds. The Planning & Development Department's draft 2004 budget submission requests the carry-over of $7,000 of unspent funds from the approved 2003 budget to assist with this initiative. A SPP for the Duffins and Carruthers Creek Watersheds would enhance the quality and quantity of ground and surface water. It would involve the identification of potential contaminant sources, assessment of the vulnerability of groundwater systems, and result in the preparation of a management plan for these areas. The Planning & Development Department, in response to a previous request of TRCA, included a $7,000 item in its approved 2003 budget under the Consulting and Professional account, to assist with funding a SPP for the Duffins and Carruthers Creek Watersheds. This work will not commence in 2003 as initially anticipated by TRCA. TRCA has requested the City maintain this budget allocation in 2004 (see Attachment #2). Accordingly, a City financial contribution to the study of $7,000 is included in the Planning & Development Department's draft 2004 budget submission, funded by carry-over. Durham Region is also providing financial support in the amount of $35,000. As well, Provincial funding and recognition supporting the development of a SPP for the Watersheds has been requested. Without this funding and recognition, TRCA advises it will not be possible to initiate the source protection plan. Attachments: 1. TRCA Letter dated October 8, 2003, regarding workplan requirements of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan TRCA Letter dated October 14, 2003, requesting financial support for the Duffins Creek Watershed Source Protection Plan 2. 40 Report PO 41-03 Date: November 21 , 2003 Subject: TRCA Watershed Planning Initiatives Page 6 Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: ~d~~ Grant McGregor, MCIP~ Principal Planner - Policy ~ Neil Carrol, Director, Plan ~ . ~) Lf!tþú'~ ~ Catherine Rose / Manager, Policy GM:jf Attachment Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering CitY. Council /" /' ._- ., ative Officer ~ ATTACHMENT '~TO RH~"r' PO 4-. '.0 41 onsêrvilÙòn for The Living City .. - October 8, 2003 ~r1/..,., ,/' / t-é;. ¿", Mr. Bruce -~. Cler OJ of Pickering Pickering Civic Centre One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L 1 V 6K7 £?' d' çJ / /ú' (- ~¿J' ,..?"....<"-~ ',R' 'Eo, ~, if""~, r'," f! \"i,' 1Þ , , ~"""""!i "- ;,' ~'-'- D. ~ fQ;-" ~,." ~ ~,1", ~, ~ fIT,l ii' . DC j \1 '!OO~j LhJ CiTY OF PICKERING P!CKERING, ONTARiO () T ') ')rr,~j ,r.du~., CITY, .;;.; PLANN..\\; .,.,." G\~¡" ."" ¡e,,;.," I Dear Mr. Taylor: At Authority Meeting #7/03, held on September 26,2003, Resolution #A196/03 in regards to the Workplan to Fuifill the Watershed Pianning Requirements oftne Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (ORMCP) was approved as follows: THA T the Integrated Watershed Planning Process described in Part 1 of the Workplan to Fulfill the Watershed Planning Requirements of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (ORMCP) Regulation (0. Reg. 140/02) be used to guide the preparation of work plans and budgets for individual watershed plans throughout the TRCA jurisdiction, and particularly for those watersheds draining the Oak Ridges Moraine; THA T staff be directed to undertake the preparation of watershed plans, as per the planning schedule set out in this report, in cooperation with our watershed partners; THA T staff promote this watershed planning process as the basis for the preparation of watershed-based source protection plans and report back on any necessary modifications, as the specific requirements of source protection plans or provincial ORMCP watershed planning guidelines become known; AND FURTHER THA T all regional and local municipalities within the TRCA jurisdiction be informed of TRCA's long range watershed planning work program and of the Authority's commitment to undertaking this work in full co-operation with its watershed municipalities. . Encfosedfor your information and any action deemed necessary is the report as presented to the Watershed' Management Advisory Board on September 12, 2003, outlining the TRCA's fong range watershed planning work program. We ~vish to emphasize theTRCA's intent to deveiop watershed piansin fuii cooperation with our watershed municipalities. We will continue with this commitment of cooperation in the preparation of watershed-based source protection plans, at such time as provincial Source protection planning legislation is enacted, and will coordinate source protection planning work with the ongoing watershed plans to avoid any duplication of effort. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact the undersigned at 416-661-6600 extension 5264. Sincerely . /Á~ Kathy Stranks Supervisor. Board Member Services /Enc/. 42 ATTACHMENT' TO REPORT I PO if I.o~ TO: Chair and Members of the Watershed Management Advisory Board Meeting #4/03, September 12, 2003 FROM: Adele Freeman, Acting Director, Watershed Management Division RE: WORKPLAN TO FULFILL THE WATERSHED PLANNING REQUIREMENTS OF THE OAK RIDGES MORAINE CONSERVATION PLAN (ORMCP) KEY ISSUE Documentation of a generic watershed planning process and adoption of that process for the preparation of watershed plans and associated budgets for fulfilling the ORMCP watershed planning requirements of our partner municipalities. RECOMMENDATION THE BOARD RECOMMENDS TO THE AUTHORITY THAT the Integrated Watershed Planning Process described in Part 1 of the Workplan to Fulfill the Watershed Planning Requirements of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (ORMCP) Regulation (O.Reg. 140/02) be used to guide the preparation of work plans and budgets for individual watershed plans throughout the TRCA jurisdiction, and particularly for those watersheds draining the Oak Ridges Moraine; THAT staff be directed to undertake the preparation of watershed plans, as per the planning schedule set out in this report, in cooperation with our watershed partners; THAT staff promote this watershed planning process as the basis for the preparation of watershed-based source protection plans and report back on any necessary modifications, as the specific requirements of source protection plans or provincial ORMCP watershed planning guidelines become known; AND FURTHER THAT all regional and local municipalities within the TRCA jurisdiction be informed of TRCA's long range watershed planning work program and of the Authority's commitment to undertaking this work in full co-operation with its watershed municipalities. BACKGROUND The watershed planning requirements of the Oak Ridges Moraine Act and Conservation Plan (ORMCP) Regulation (O.Reg. 140/02), under section 24, require municipalities to: . initiate the preparation of watershed plans by April 22, 2003 for each watershed, whose streams originate on the aRM; incorporate the watershed plan's requirements into the municipal Official Plan; complete the watershed plans and ensure all major development conforms with the plan, before approving any major development application that is commenced on or after April 23, 2007; and . . 11 AT1ACHMHJT # I TO REPORT # PO '-li'o 3 43 . in the case of York Region, complete a water budget and conservation plan, demonstrating that the water supply required for major development is sustainable, before approving any major development application that is commenced on or after Apri/22, 2004 for areas serviced by the Yonge Street aquifer. Shortly after the release of the ORMCP, York Region indicated to its two conservation authorities (CAs) its interest in continuing its long-established partnership with the CAs as a means of undertaking the watershed planning related aspects of the ORMCP. In consideration of its stringent deadlines, the Region. expressed its need to ensure coordinated workplans were in place to fulfill the requirements. As the provincial watershed planning guidelines associated with the ORMCP had not yet been released [anticipated to be released for public comment in September, 2003], there was a need to develop a common outline of anticipated watersh.ed planning requirements, based on the experience of the Region and its CAs. This common watershed planning outline was intended to ensure consistency in approach between the CAs and provide a basis for long range budgeting exercises. A working group, consisting of staff from the planning and works departments of York Region, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (LSRCA), and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) , prepared a Workplan to Fulfill the Watershed Planning Requirements of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (ORMCP) Regulation (O.Reg. 140/02). The Workplan consists of two parts: Part 1 (attached) recommends a generic watershed planning process and outlines key deliverables required to fulfill the ORMCP. Specific features include: . watershed planning is recognized as one component in the overall, ongoing process of watershed management watershed plans will be developed in three stages: characterization, analysis and evaluation of management alternatives; and preparation of the final watershed plan watershed planning is a partnership; there is a commitment to involve all key players, many of whom have been active participants in previous watershed initiatives studies addressing ground and surface water quality and quantity, aquatic and terrestrial resources, and water supply address the watershed planning requirements of the ORMCP, but other studies are needed to address the full range of community interests in York Region watersheds (Le. human heritage, public use) . a chart summarizing the watershed planning component studies provides a basis for reporting on study status and budget needs. development of draft implementation policy will form part of the new generation of watershed plans to facilitate the transition from watershed plan to municipal policy . . . . . Part 2 outlines the watershed-specific workplans , including: recognition that "watershed" study areas for the purposes of fulfilling the full objectives of the ORM Act must encompass the full watershed area from crest of ORM to Lake. Within TRCA, this includes: Humber, Don, and Rouge Rivers and Duffins Creek watersheds. description of the current status of watershed plans and their component studies within York Region watersheds 12 44 ATTACHMENT I / TO REPORT I PO J..J I - 0 ~ . reference to separate, watershed-specific workplans containing more details of the planning process, tailored to the needs of each watershed a template for presentation of the five year budget forecast of funds needed to fulfill the ORMCP. . The generic watershed planning process described in Part 1 of the Workplan is consistent with the process generally followed by TRCA in previous watershed studies, and was drawn from the Watershed Demonstration Project "Lessons Learned and Best Practices in Watershed Planning, Implementation and Monitoring in the CYC, GRCA and TRCA" (CYC, GRCA, and TRCA,2003). This process is being promoted by Conservation Ontario in its discussions with the province, as a basic framework for watershed-based source protection planning. The watershed planning process and the outline of watershed planning component studies appear to be supported by other CAs on the ORM and by the Regions of Peel and Durham. A draft version of Part 1 of the Workplan was circulated to the nine CAs in the Conservation Authorities Moraine Coalition and to the Regions of Peel and Durham planning staff for comment. Overall, there was support for generic outline. All comments provided were incorporated into the final version. All members of the CAMC adopted the watershed planning outline as a means of reporting on status of their watershed plans. In June, 2003, at a meeting with the Region of Peel, TRCA, CYC, and the Town of Caledon staff, there was agreement to develop a "Peel" version of the York Region document, based on the same generic approach. Durham Region staff have indicated their intent to host a similar meeting with the five Durham CAs. Although, in the case of the Durham/TRCA portion of the aRM, it is believed that the recently completed Duffins Creek Watershed Plan largely fulfills the ORMCP requirements. BENEFITS Documentation of the watershed planning process provides clarification and coordination between the Region and TRCA on roles and responsibilities throughout the process. Upfront agreement on the deliverables, scope, and schedule for these planning initiatives should streamline the budget process in future years. The generic process still allows for flexibility in addressing the unique needs of each individual watershed plan, consideration of the level of . previous work completed, and advancement of the science of integrated watershed planning and other innovative methodologies. DETAILS OF WORK TO BE DONE Staff propose to use the integrated watershed planning process, described in Part 1 of the Workplan, as the basis for preparing and updating watershed plans throughout the TRCA jurisdiction. Watershed plans will be developed, or updated as necessary, according to the following schedule: 13 Watershed Duffins C. Carruthers C Rouge R. Highland C. Humber R. Don R. ATTACHMENT # I TO REPORT I PO Í-/ / -0 ~ 45 2005 2006 2007 2008 . Petticoat C. Etobicoke C Mimico C. Phase 1A - Scoping Dark shade = Period of primary planning activity Phase 1 B - Characterization Grey shade = Period of preparation or finalization work Phase 2 - Analysis and Evaluation Phase 3 - Plan Development This schedule recognizes the Regions' required timelines to address the ORMCP, the City of Toronto's priorities in implementing its Wet Weather Flow Master Plan, and the status of available watershed information and planning documents. Completion of this planning schedule is contingent upon available funding. Staff have begun the development of more specific work plans for each watershed, with outlines for the Rouge and Humber watersheds well underway. Consultations with municipalities and other partners are underway to obtain input to these workplans. Staff are attempting to obtain provincial review of the Duffins Creek Watershed Plan, and confirmation that the plan meets the ORMCP. FINANCIAL DETAILS TRCA staff are in the process of preparing 2004-2008 budget forecasts for watershed plans, using the template contained in this Workplan and which corresponds with the outline of study components. Funding requirements for watershed plans will be presented as part of the regional capital budget requests. Report prepared by: Sonya Meek, ext. 5253 For Information contact: Sonya Meek, ext. 5253 Date: August 22, 2003 Attachments: 1 14 4 (jRñs ê,RŸåtro n for The Living City AnACHr~Ein # ~ 10 REPORl # PO L/ I,D ~ October 14, 2003 Ms. Catherine Rose, Manager of Policy Planning and Development Dept. City of Pickering 1 The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 RECEIVED NOV 1 2 2003 CITY OF PiCKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ~r¡!1 ~ì n \\!71Þ PInt 1")< ¡¡ \.;j b!\ I, ¡ n ¡ \\1 '.J 1 2 l=lJ ~(~!<EHI¡\!G P¡c:';~~::mNG, ONTARIO Dear Ms. Rose: RE: Financial support for the Duffins Creek Watershed Source Protection Plan This letter is to confirm the TRCA's continued interest in pursuing the preparation of a source protection plan (SPP) for the Duffins Creek Watershed, with financial support from the City of Pickering in the amount of $7000. Durham Region has also provided financial support ($35,000). Funding and recognition of the work are currently being sought from the province. The TRCA had originally proposed this work in 2001 as a component of the overall Duffins Creek Watershed Plan, with the intent of building upon the surface and groundwater data and models developed as part of that study. However, work on the SPP was postponed until the province was in a position to recognize the SPP as fulfilling its anticipated requirements. With the adoption of the Duffins and Carruthers Creek Watershed Plan, the Full Authority of TRCA passed the following resolution at its meeting #5/03, held June 27, 2003: ~'THA T the Province of Ontario be requested to provide resources to develop a Source Protection Plan for the Duffins and Carruthers Creek Watersheds that will serve to identify the methodology and costs for developing these plans/¥: TRCA's Full Authority further expressed its intent to pursue the preparation of a source protection plan in this watershed, in its resolution regarding the provincial Advisory Committee's Report on watershed-based source protection planning. At Authority meeting #6/03, held on July 25, 2003, the following resolution was passed: ../2 5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 1 S4 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 www.trca.on.ca a ; \Ç¡J 'r; ',.-,' ¡:,T"' ACHi'J1EíJl # /).. TO REPQRl # PO 4j"(J 3 47 - 2- THA T the TRCA continue to seek seed funding to initiate a source protection plan for the Duffins and Carruthers watershe~ based on the recently approved ~ Watershed Plan For Duffins and Carruthers Creek~ to provide a model for/he integration of watershed planning and source protection for the Oak Ridges Moraine and elsewhere in the province. TRCA staff are preparing a draft terms of reference for the preparation of a source protection plan for Duffins Creek watershed, for review and discussion with all watershed partners. If you have any questions, please contact either Don Ford, Hydrogeologist at TRCA (416-661-6600 ext. 5369) or Gary Bowen, Duffins Creek Watershed Specialist (416-661-6600 ext. 5385). We look forward to working with the City of Pickering on this important work. Yours sincerely, ~~ Sonya Meek Water Management Planner Resource Science Section cc. Grant McGregor, City of Pickering Don Ford, TRCA Gary Bowen, TRCA