HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 14, 2003Committee of the Whole Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 14, 2003 Chair: Councillor Ryan ii) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Meeting of September 8, 2003 (11) 1. MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 40-03 RESERVE FUND - DOUBLES SQUASH COURTS PAGE 1-9 CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 41-03 ADDITIONAL REQUESTS FOR EXTERNAL BORROWING 10-14 CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 36-03 FINAL APPROVAL FOR FINANCING OF COUNCIL APPROVED CAPITAL PROJECTS -INTERNAL LOANS AND EXTERNAL BORROWING THROUGH THE ISSUANCE OF DEBT 15-25 CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 27-03 CONFIRMATION OF MUNICIPAL FEES AND CHARGES 26-53 CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER'S REPORT CAO 09-03 TENDER / CONTRACT APPROVAL -COUNCIL'S SUMMER RECESS 54-96 CLERK'S REPORT CL 26-03 APPOINTMENT TO ENFORCE THE PARKING BY-LAW 97-104 Committee of the Whole Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 14, 2003 Chair: Councillor Ryan PROCLAMATIONS "THE LUNG ASSOCIATION AWARENESS MONTH" "BLOCK PARENT WEEK" 105-109 (111) OTHER BUSINESS (IV) ADJOURNMENT RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Report CS 40-03 from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, concerning Reserve Fund - Doubles Squash Courts, be approved; and That Council approve the establishment of the Doubles Squash Courts Reserve Fund; and That the attached by-law be read three times and passed; and That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. OO2 PICKERING REPORT TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Report Number: CS 40-03 Date: October 1, 2003 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Reserve Fund - Doubles Squash Courts Recommendation: 1. It is recommended that Report CS 40-03 from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be approved; and that: Council approve the establishment of the Doubles Squash Courts Reserve Fund; the attached By-Law be read three times and passed; and, the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: Council's formal approval is required to set up a separate reserve account to receive all proceeds from fundraising initiatives of the Pickering Squash Club for new doubles squash courts including the surcharge for squash and combination memberships. Financial Implications: Non-pending approval of the construction of doubles squash courts in future Capital Budgets. Background: Council has passed Resolution #79/03 in its meeting of June 2, 2003 supporting in principle the proposal submitted by Pickering Squash Club for the construction of two new doubles squash courts. The Recommendations provide for the establishment of a Reserve Fund in which to deposit and hold funds raised through the fundraising efforts of the Squash Club. The actual construction of doubles squash courts will be subject to Council approval during future Capital Budgets deliberations. Report CS 40-03 Date: October 1,2003 Subject: Establishment of Doubles Squash Courts Reserve Fund Page 2 003 On June 2, 2003, Council passed Resolution #79/03, Item #5 supporting in principle a cost sharing partnership with the Pickering Squash Club for new doubles squash courts at the Pickering Recreation Complex which provided City staff with direction related to the proposed Pickering Squash Club fundraising initiatives. Council approval is required to establish the membership surcharge and to transfer the membership surcharge revenue to the designated reserve account as a contribution to the fundraising initiatives for new doubles squash courts at the Pickering Recreation Complex. The following Pickering Recreation Complex squash and combination membership surcharges require Council approval: $50.00 surcharge added to adult/family annual squash and combination memberships $25.00 surcharge added to adult/family seasonal squash and combination memberships $25.00 surcharge added to seniors/disabled/nighthawk annual squash and combination memberships $12.50 surcharge added to seniors/disabled seasonal squash and combination memberships 5. No surcharge to youth squash and combination memberships The Recommendations provide for the establishment of a reserve fund in which to deposit and hold funds raised through the fundraising efforts of the Squash Club. The actual construction of doubles squash courts will be subject to Council approval during future Capital Budget deliberations. Attachments: Doubles Squash Courts Reserve Fund By-law Letter of Intent from Pickering Squash Club Resolution #79/03 004 Report CS 40-03 Date: October 1, 2003 Subject: Establishment of Doubles Squash Courts Reserve Fund page 3 Prepared By: Caryn Kong Senior Financial Analyst Approved / Endorsed By: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP:vw Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Cit~ Council ""/,~) Th,e"ma-'~ J. Qui~(n, Chief Adminis~.ve Of, ffcer - THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. /03 Being a by-law to provide for the establishment of a Reserve Fund to be known as the Doubles Squash Courts Reserve Fund WHEREAS under the Municipal Act, S.O., 2001 as amended, Section 417(1), the Council of the City of Pickering may establish and maintain a reserve fund for any purpose for which it has authority to expend funds. WHEREAS the Council of the City of Pickering has endorsed in principle the construction of two doubles squash courts at the Pickering Recreation Complex. WHEREAS it is desirable for the City of Pickering to establish such a reserve fund for the purpose of receiving funding from the Pickering Squash Club, memberships' surcharges, corporate sponsorships or any third parties for contributions towards future capital projects or undertaking that may be considered and approved by Council. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: The establishment of a reserve fund known as the Doubles Squash Courts Reserve Fund is hereby authorized. The Doubles Squash Courts Reserve Fund shall consist of such moneys paid by Pickering Squash Club, memberships' surcharges, corporate sponsorships, any third pariies and such other funds as the Council may approve together with the investments made and earnings derived there from for the specific purpose of fulfilling future capital commitments. The Doubles Squash Courts Reserve Fund shall be used for the purpose of paying expenses related to the provision of doubles squash courts, or such other projects, as the Council of the City of Pickering may approve. 4. ' This By-law shall come into force on the date of its enactment. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed the 14th day of October, 2003. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk 095 ,,~W'~^C:HHENT#,, ~ TO REPORT# - - SQUASH CLUB c/o THE PI0~NG ~O~ATION 1867 V~EY F~ R0~, SOUTH. Decemb~ 8, 2002 /Vir. Thomis J. Q.i,~. Dear Tom: . ' Please find attached the Picketing Squash Club's lette~ of i~tent as to our desire to partner with the City of Pi&e~g to see.the construction o£ Doubles Squash courts at ~e Picketing t~ecreation Centre. illth, ough there are tomy details still to be worked out, we would ask that i~ the New Year we work with the City to. determine acceptable methods' we mm use to help raise funds with{~ the community cemt:re xTith ~he existing squash facilities. We look ~onvard to. complete this project m;M,g the Picketing Recreation Centre and the Pickeriag Squash Club one of the premier squash'facilities in ~ G.T.A. CC. Everet Btmtsma Brain Wittmberg 097 'LETTER OF INTENT FOR PARTNERSHIP.BETWEEN THE PICKERING SQUASH CLUB ANDTHE cITY. OF PIC:KERING Mr. Thomas Ouinn Chief AdminiStrative' Officer. City of Picketing Picketing Civic Complex One the Esplanade Pickering, Ontario. LlVCK7 12/09/02 · Dear Mr. Ouinn:. The' Pickering Squash .Club is pleased to submit this letter of intent regarding the construction of new doubles courts at the City of Picketing Recreation. Complex. The partnership, inclucfing te~ms and conditions, is described in greater detail A. DEFINITIVE PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT The parties to this Letter .of Intent Will endeavor to scope out the Partnership' definition to be mutually agreed by the City of Picketing and the Picketing Squash Club. 1.' THE PARTNERSHIP' a. Cost Sharing. The Pickering Squash club would like to Propose that our cost sharing partnership follow the guidelines as set out in the Current piCkering Hockey Association's agreement. The strategic principal 'being to equitably Share the cost in the facility. expansion between' the user groups and the city of Pickering up to a Picketing Squash Club total of two hundred thousand Dollars. b. Third Party Grant Programs. We request that the Ci.ty of Picketing Recreation, Parks & Cultural services apply for, on our behalf, those grant programs that we could show eligibility for' such as the Ontario Trillium Foundation Program, Ontario Superbuitdand other opportunities that they may be aware of. Reception of such grants may allow for a three way split .in our cost sharing approach. 008 c. ~Fundraising Approaches Being a small group,.we wish to use a multiple approach to raising funding for our portion of this partnership: -Membership SurcharpeS: The Picker. lng Recreation Complex would add a $50 surcharge to all squash members for the length of time judged to be appropriate.' For example a $50 surcharge on 300.members per Year for 10 Years would raise approximately $150,000. '-¢-,o.r~)orate Sponsorships: The Picketing Squash Club would seek long term corporate sponsorship created through ideas such as naming rights for the courts proposed Change rooms, and possibly the squash facility, We propose the ability to "sell" advertising space on the squash tins; locker doors, and.for events sponsored by the Squash Club. Other ideas woul~l be to approach corporations to sponsor advertising on locker doors Within the change room, on bench seating and perhaps other areas around the squash facility. Fund Raising: A variety of fund raising tactics will be used· to' supplement our funding approach. SUMMARY: This Letter of Intent· represents the Picketing Squash Club's commitment to working with the City of Pickeri[~g to expand the current facilities at the Pickering Recreation Complex. f'~ ' ~ . lan Parsons ' . k...I //] .,.,," . . president- Picketing Squash Clu~,4/~//~/~' Picketing Recreation Complex ~,,._~;/~ v ~'//~- ~r-L/ ~ %. Picketing Ontario -- ~/ · ATTACHHEN7 #._~_ TO REPORTer. C~ .y'o - O~ June 4, 2003 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT CLERK'S DIVISION MEMORANDUM Everett Buntsma, Director, Operations & Emergency Services Steve Reynolds, Division Head, Culture & Recreation Bruce Taylor, City Clerk Referrals from the Council Meeting of June 2, 2003 Please be advised that the Council of the City of Pickering passed Resolution #79/03, Item #$ at the Council Meeting of June 2, 2003, as follows: That the memorandum of the Division Head, Culture & Recreation, dated May 22nd, 2003 regarding a proposal submitted by the Pickering Squash Club be received; and That Council support in principle a cost sharing partnership with the Pickering Squash Club for new doubles squash courts at the Pickering Recreation Complex. BT:dk Copy: T.J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer I~iTaylor 010 RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Report CS 41-03 from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, concerning Additional Requests for External Borrowing, be approved; and 2. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to; a) undertake debt financing through the Region of Durham in the amount of $74,000 for a period not exceeding 10 years, at a rate to be determined for Sidewalk - Safety Request Asphalt for Whites Road & Pickering Recreation Centre for completed project; b) undertake debt financing through Region of Durham in the amount of $180,000 for a period not exceeding 5 years, at a rate to be determined for the Pickering Recreation Complex Dry-O-Ton Emergency Replacement; c) undertake the financing of any projects or portions thereof that cannot be accommodated through the foregoing through a financial institution offering long term financing under similar terms and conditions; d) finance any capital expenditures currently financed through internal loans, should the need for funds arise, through the Region of Durham or through a financial institution; 011 e) make any changes, adjustments, revisions to amounts, terms and conditions or any other actions necessary in order to effect the above directions of Council; That the costs of undertaking the financing, currently estimated at up to approximately $1,905 be charged to the 2004 Current Budget, General Government Loan Repayment; and That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be directed and authorized to finance any capital projects, the financing for which is not specifically approved by Council, through the issuance of debt or long term financing arrangements, through the Region of Durham, a financial institution, internal loans or whatever means necessary at the discretion of the Treasurer; and That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to engage the services of any firm, legal or otherwise, necessary to assist in the preparation of documentation, completion of an undertaking and any other aspects in regards to the financing of capital projects; and That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to apply any excess proceeds raised on external and internal loans to other capital projects for which long-term financing is required, or to reduce the promissory notes for internal loans as is permitted under the Municipal Act; and That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be directed to prepare the requisite by-laws for presentation to and adoption by Council at its meeting of October 14, 2003; and That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. PICKERING REPORT TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Report Number: CS 41-03 Date: October 1, 2003 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Additional Requests for External Borrowing Recommendation: That Report CS 41-03 from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be approved; and that: the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to; a) undertake debt financing through the Region of Durham in the amount of $74,000 for a period not exceeding 10 years, at a rate to be determined for Sidewalk - Safety Request Asphalt for Whites Road & Pickering Recreation Centre for completed project; b) undertake debt financing through the Region of Durham in the amount of $180,000 for a period not exceeding 5 years, at a rate to be determined for the Pickering Recreation Complex Dry-O-Ton Emergency Replacement; c) undertake the financing of any projects or portions thereof that cannot be accommodated through the foregoing through a financial institution offering long term financing under similar terms and conditions; d) finance any capital expenditures currently financed through internal loans, should the need for funds arise, through the Region of Durham or through a financial institution; e) make any changes, adjustments, revisions to amounts, terms and conditions or any other actions necessary in order to effect the above directions of Council; the costs of undertaking the financing, currently estimated at up to approximately $1,905 be charged to the 2004 Current Budget, General Government Loan Repayment; Report CS 41-03 Subject: Additional Requests for External Borrowing Date: October 1,2003 Page 2 o the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be directed and authorized to finance any capital projects, the financing for which is not specifically approved by Council, through the issuance of debt or long term financing arrangements, through the Region of Durham, a financial institution, internal loans or whatever means necessary at the discretion of the Treasurer; the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to engage the services of any firm, legal or otherwise, necessary to assist in the preparation of documentation, completion of an undertaking and any other aspects in regards to the financing of capital projects; the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to apply any excess proceeds raised on external and internal loans to other capital projects for which long-term financing is required, or to reduce the promissory notes for internal loans as is permitted under the Municipal Act; the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be directed to prepare the requisite by-laws for presentation to and adoption by Council at its meeting of October 14, 2003; and, the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: Not applicable Financial Implications: Contained in Report below. Background: The total value of external long-term borrowing requested Recommendation 2 is $254,000. The projects are as follows: Projects Reasons Amount Required Sidewalk- Safety Request Completed Project with $74,000 Whites Road & Recreation Centre no formal requests Project no 02-2323-001-06 Recreation Centre -Dry-O-Ton Emergency 180,000 Project no 03-2733-005-02 Replacement Total $254,000 for The annual loan and debt repayment charges in the amount of approximately $39,645 will be funded through the general property tax levy, commencing in 2004 and continuing thereafter until the loan is repaid. Report CS 41-03 Subject: Additional Requests for External Borrowing Date: October 1, 2003 Page 3 The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has certified that these loans and the repayment thereof falls within the City's Debt and Financial Obligations approved Annual Repayment Limit for debt and other financial obligations for 2003 as established by the Province for municipalities in Ontario. Prepared By: Oaryn Kong Senior Financial Analyst Approved / Endorsed By: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP:vw Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council / Th~r~a"s J-. Q~n, Chef Adm'~trative O'¢ficer RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Report CS 36-03 from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, concerning Final Approval for Financing of Council Approved Capital Projects - Internal Loans and External Borrowing Through the Issuance of Debt, be approved; and That Council approve the internal borrowing of $317,071 for projects approved in the 2003 Capital Budget to be temporarily financed from the Development Charges Reserve Funds based on the purposes, terms & conditions as specified in Attachment 1 and furthermore, that the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized and directed to take whatever actions necessary, including the recommendations below, to give effect thereto; and 3. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to: a) undertake long term financing through the issuance of debt up to a total amount of $3,240,000 for the projects listed on Attachment 2 in the indicated amounts up to a maximum term of 10 years, through the Region of Durham or the Ontario Municipal Economic Infrastructure Financing Authority (OMEIFA) for the following purposes, as indicated in Attachment 2: Roads $1,700,000 Parks 845,000 Storm Water 250,000 Culture and Recreation 445,000 Total $3,240.000 016 o and the funding for remaining balances in these accounts be provided from the annual Current Budget; and b) undertake the financing of any projects or portions thereof that cannot be accommodated through the foregoing through a financial institution offering long term financing under similar terms and conditions; and c) finance any capital expenditures currently financed through internal loans, should the need for funds arise, through the Region of Durham or through a financial institution; and d) make any changes, adjustments, revisions to amounts, terms and conditions or any other actions necessary in order to effect the above directions of Council; and That the costs of undertaking the financing, currently estimated at up to approximately $24,300, be charged to the 2004 Current Budget, General Government Loan Repayment; and That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be directed and authorized to finance any capital projects, the financing for which is not specifically approved by Council, through the issuance of debt or long term financing arrangements, through the Region of Durham, a financial institution, internal loans or whatever means necessary at the discretion of the Treasurer; and That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to engage the services of any individual or firm, legal or otherwise, necessary to assist in the preparation of documentation, completion of an undertaking and any other aspects in regards to the financing of capital projects; and That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to apply any excess proceeds raised on external and internal loans to other capital projects for which long-term financing is required, or to reduce the promissory notes for internal loans as is permitted under the Municipal Act; and That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be directed to prepare the requisite by-laws for presentation to and adoption by Council at its meeting of October 14, 2003; and That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. REPORT TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Report Number: CS 36-03 Date: October 1,2003 017 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Final Approval for Financing of Council Approved Capital Projects - Internal Loans and External Borrowing Through the Issuance of Debt Recommendation: That Report CS 36-03 from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be approved; and that: Council approve the internal borrowing of $317,071 for projects approved in the 2003 Capital Budget to be temporary financed from the Development Charges Reserve Funds based on the purposes, terms & conditions as specified in Attachment 1 and furthermore, that the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized and directed to take whatever actions necessary, including the recommendations below, to give effect thereto; and, the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to: a) undertake long term financing through the issuance of debt up to a total amount of $3,240,000 for the projects listed on Attachment 2 in the indicated amounts up to a maximum term of 10 years, through the Region of Durham or the Ontario Municipal Economic Infrastructure Financing Authority (OMEIFA) for the following purposes, as indicated in Attachment 2: Roads $1,700,000 Parks 845,000 Storm Water 250,000 Culture and Recreation 445 000 Total $3,240,000 and the funding for remaining balances in these accounts be provided from the annual Current Budget; b) undertake the financing of any prOjects or portions thereof that cannot be accommodated through the foregoing through a financial institution offering long term financing under similar terms and conditions; 018 Repod CS 36-03 Date: Subject: Final Approval for Financing of Council Approved Capital Projects - Internal Loans & External Borrowing Through the Issuance of Debt October 1, 2003 Page 2 c) finance any capital expenditures currently financed through internal loans, should the need for funds arise, through the Region of Durham or through a financial institution; d) make any changes, adjustments, revisions to amounts, terms and conditions or any other actions necessary in order to effect the above directions of Council; the costs of undertaking the financing, currently estimated at up to approximately $24,300, be charged to the 2004 Current Budget, General Government Loan Repayment; the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be directed and authorized to finance any capital projects, the financing for which is not specifically approved by Council, through the issuance of debt or long term financing arrangements, through the Region of Durham, a financial institution, internal loans or whatever means necessary at the discretion of the Treasurer; the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to engage the services of any individual or firm, legal or otherwise, necessary to assist in the preparation of documentation, completion of an undertaking and any other aspects in regards to the financing of capital projects; the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to apply any excess proceeds raised on external and internal loans to other capital projects for which long-term financing is required, or to reduce the promissory notes for internal loans as is permitted under the Municipal Act; the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be directed to prepare the 'requisite by-laws for presentation to and adoption by Council at its meeting of October 14, 20O3; the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: While long term financing (internal and external) was always generally approved by Council during the annual capital budgeting process and/or through specific reports, there has never been a specific formal approval by the Council for capital projects requiring such financing with the terms and conditions being specified in detail. This Report to Council serves as that final formal approval and Corporate Services will complete all the necessary documentation. The 2003 approved debt financed capital projects will be funded by a combination of issuance of internal Repod CS 36-03 Date: October 1,2003 Subject: Final Approval for Financing of Council Approved Capital Projects - Internal Loans & External Borrowing Through the Issuance of Debt Page 3 019 loans and external loans through the Region of Durham or a financial institution as per Attachment 2. Council has to formally approve the request to undertake the long term financing most likely through the issuance of debentures through the Region of Durham at the terms arid conditions as arranged in the capital markets. The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has certified that this loan and the repayment thereof falls within the City's Debt and Financial Obligations approved Annual Repayment Limit for debt and other financial obligations for 2003 as established by the Province for municipalities in Ontario. Financial Implications: Internal Loans The 2003 Capital Budget included financing through internal loans for the following projects: Roads $ 76,000 Libraries $241,071 Total $317,071 The combined principal and interest payment for the above internal loans will be $41,462 and payment will commence in 2004. These internal loans will be temporary financed by the Development Charges Reserve Funds and repay through an allocation in the annual current budget commencing in 2004. The internal borrowing rate was determined by taking the average annual yield of six other municipals' 10-year bonds. The annual yield of these municipal bonds varies from a Iow of 5.085% for Vancouver Municipal Bond to a high of 5.346% for Edmonton Municipal Bond. Thus, the calculated interest rate set forth for our 10-year internal loans is 5.2%. External Debt The remaining unfinanced projects from 2001 and 2002 amount is $1,420,000 out of which the actual amount expended and requested is $450,000. With this financing, there remains three unfinanced projects from 2002 and prior. These projects are the construction of the new Fire Hall, Sidewalk-Asphalt Safety Request and Western Waterfront Parks Improvements. The combined total for these unfinanced projects is $814,000, which will be financed at a future date. 020 Report CS 36-03 Date: Subject: Final Approval for Financing of Council Approved Capital Projects -Internal Loans & External Borrowing Through the Issuance of Debt October 1,2003 Page 3 loans and external loans through the Region of Durham or a financial institution as per Attachment 2. Council has to formally approve the request to undertake the long term financing most likely through the issuance of debentures through the Region of Durham at the terms and conditions as arrar~ged in the capital markets. The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has certified that this loan and the repayment thereof falls within the City's Debt and Financial Obligations approved Annual Repayment Limit for debt and other financial obligations for 2003 as established by the Province for municipalities in Ontario. Financial Implications: Internal Loans The 2003 Capital Budget included financing through 'internal loans for the following projects: Roads $ 76,000 Libraries $241,071 Total $317,071 The combined principal and interest payment for the above internal loans will be $41,462 and payment will commence in 2004..These internal loans will be temporary financed by the Development Charges Reserve Funds and repay through an allocation in the annual current budget commencing in 2004. The internal borrowing rate was determined by taking the average annual yield of six other municipals' 10-year bonds. The annual yield of these municipal bonds varies from a Iow of 5.085% for Vancouver Municipal Bond to a high of 5.346% for Edmonton Municipal Bond. Thus, the calculated interest rate set forth for our 10-year internal loans is 5.2%. External Debt The remaining unfinanced projects from 2001 and 2002 amount is $1,420,000 out of which the actual amount expended and requested is $450,000. With this financing, there remains three unfinanced projects from 2002 and prior. These projects are the construction of the new Fire Hall, Sidewalk-Asphalt Safety Request and Western Waterfront Parks Improvements. The combined total for these unfinanced projects is $814,000, which will be financed at a future date. Report CS 36-03 Date: October 1,2003 Subject: Final Approval for Financing of Council Approved Capital Projects - Internal Loans & External Borrowing Through the Issuance of Debt Page 4 021 The total debt financing approved in 2003 Capital Budgets by Council is $3,771,971. The combined total of all external debt requested as of August 31, 2003 is $3,240,000. Attachment 2 provides a detail breakdown of all projects funded by external debt. The external borrowing rate will be determined by the capital markets at the time of the issuance of the debt. Financial Burden The annual loan and debt repayment charges .are funded through the general property tax levy in the annual CUrrent Budgets. The projected total of internal loans and debt outstanding for December 31, 2003 is $14,490,288 net of principal repayments to date. Please refer to Attachment 3. Background: Continuous growth has created a need for capital infrastructure to maintain the level of services provided to residents and businesses. Funding sources for capital projects are identified and approved by Council prior to the commencement of the projects. The continuous growth coupled with aging capital infrastructure calls for expansion to new facilities, replacement and repairs. This prompted the need for more borrowing to fund the capital projects. Total borrowings from the reserve funds to finance 2002 and prior years capital projects amounted to $8,901,000 and has almost maximized the amount that the reserve funds could lend out. Thus a very minimum amount of only $317,071 was designated for internal borrowing during the 2003 budgeting process. Such internal borrowings require appropriate approvals and documentation in accordance with both the Municipal Act 2001, S142 and the Development Charges Act RS© 1990, Regulation 12(3)(4)(5). Corporate Services will complete the necessary documentation including Promissory Notes indicating the amount, term, interest rate and other relevant information relating to the internal loans and their repayment. Normally, all external debt requested by an Area Municipality is issued through the Region of Durham. However, given recent announcements by the Province there may be other, perhaps more cost effective, means of financing available. While I have discussed this with provincial staff, details are not known at this time, and may not for some time. Furthermore, alternate financing may be desirable or necessary for some portions of the City's requirements. The Recommendations allow for the best course of action to take place. The recommendations also provide a limited degree of flexibility in the event that the documentation for projects or portions thereof is insufficient to meet the legal requirements for a debenture issue in that the project can then be financed through other means. They also provide for some flexibility with the treatment of excess 002 Report CS 36-03 Date: October 1,2003 Subject: Final ApProval for Financing of Council Apl~roved Capital Page 5 Projects - Internal Loans & External Borrowing Through the Issuance of Debt proceeds that may be raised as a result of the market conditions (i.e. issued as a premium) or excess funds resulting once project costs are complete and final. The costs of financing of approximately $24,300 will be included in the 2004 Current Budget for the 2003 capital projects. This cost represents commissions, legal fees, registration for debentures with the Canadian Depository for Securities (C.D.S.) and any discount upon sale. Under Resolution 144/99 the Mayor and Treasurer has the authority to sign the Promissory Notes. Attachments: Internal Loans Funded by Reserve Funds as at January 1,2003 External Debt, Through Region of Durham or a Financial Institution Total Projected Debt Outstanding at December 31,2003 Prepared By: Caryn Kon~~ Senior Financial Analyst Approved / Endorsed By: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP:vw Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council omas J. Q~,i~n, Cllj/ef Adminis-~'~e' Officer 023 ,, Budget Year Proiect Number Terms Amount Rates DeCsription of Loan Roads 2003 03-2320-010-02 10-Year 5.20% Road Rehab-Pickering Parkway 76,000 Library 2003 03-2745-005-02 10-Year 5.20% 2003 03-2745-005-04 10-Year 5.20% 2003 03-2745-005-05 10-Year 5.20% Total Internal Loans - 2003 Checkpoint RFID System-Central Library Construction of Central Library Lobby Redesign Flooring for Central Library Lobby redesign 130,000 73,371 37,700 241,071 317,071 Note: Internal Loans to be funded from Development Charges Reserve Fund Principal and interest payments to commence in 2004 2003 Council Approved Debt Loans.xls Int. Loans-sort RTC (1) 02/10/2003 824 ATTACHMENT#_ TO REPOP, T#_C,,T_gC- 0.3 Budget Year Proiect Number Terms .Roads 2003 03-2320-004-01 5-Year ,Roads 2001 Granite Court Brid.( 10-Year 2002 02-2320-009-00 1 O-Year 2003 03-2320-010-01 1 O-Year 2003 03-2320-008-00 1 O-Year 2003 03-2320-008-01 1 O-Year 2003 03-2320-008-02 10-Year Total -Roads -1 O-Year Total -Roads Parks 2003 03-2718-001-00 5-Year 2003 03-2718-001-07 10-Year Total -Parks Amount Decsription of Loan 1990 Champion 740VHP Road Grader Remove, replace ,repair damaged structure Petticoat Creek -Culvert Rehabilitation Road Rehab.-Amberlea Blvd. Road Const.-Rougemount Dr-Phs II Road Const.-Audley Rd., H#7 southern limit Road Const.-Liverpool Rd- Mill. Sq/Wharf St Soccer Fields-Lighting & Improvem. Progress Frenchman's Bay East Park 160,000 160,000 100,000 200,000 48,000 818,000 274,000 100,000 1,540,000 1,700,000 230,000 615,000 845,000 2003 2002 2OO3 2003 Storm Water Mana.qement 03-2410-005-05 5-Year Amberlea Creek Erosion Control 02-2410-005-00 10-Year Ambedea Creek Stabilization-Phase 2 Total Storm Water Management Culture & Recreation 03-2731-005-04 5-Year 03-2735-005-01 10-Year Total Culture& Recreation Overlay asphalt for Parking Lot -Rec. Centre Delaney Roof Replacement-Rec. Centre 100,000 t50,000 250,000 75,000 370,0O0 445,000 3,240,000 Total External Debt- 2003 2003 Council Approved Debt Loans.xls Ext. Debt-Supported by RTC (2) 02/10/2003 AT?ACHHENT #~_._TO REPORT ,Internal Loans As at Janumy 1, 2001 2001 Capital Projects 2002 Capital Projects 2003 Capital Projects Total Internal Loans 2001 2002 2003 Original Principal Principal Principal Outstanding Amount ,Repayment Repayment Repayment Balance 7,677,000 (604,837) (624,089) (667,677) 853,000 0 0 (65,325) 371,000 0 0 (32,855) 317,071 0 0 0 9,218,071 (604,837) (624,089) (765,857) 5,780,397 787,675 338,145 317,071 7,223,288 External Debt 2002 Capital Projects 2003 Capital Projects Total External Debt 4,279,000 0 0 (252,000) 3,240,000 0 0 0 7,519,000 0 0 (252,000) 4,027,000 3,240,O0O 7,267,000 Total Projected Debt 16,737,071 (604,837) (624,089) (1,017,857) 14,490,288 2003 Council Approved Debt Loans.xls Total debt-RTC (3) 02/10/2003 RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Report CS 27-03 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, concerning Confirmation of Municipal Fees and Charges; and That Council adopt the attached General Municipal Fees and Charges By-law, as a housekeeping measure to confirm the various user fees and charges already in effect; and That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be directed to prepare the requisite by-laws for presentation to and adoption by Council at its meeting of October 14, 2003; and That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. REPORT TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 0 2 ? Report Number: CS 27-03 Date: October 1,2003 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Confirmation of Municipal Fees and Charges Recommendation: It is recommended that Report CS 27-03 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received for information; and that: Council adopt the attached General Municipal Fees and Charges By-law, as a housekeeping measure to confirm the various user fees and charges already in effect; the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be directed to prepare the requisite by-laws for presentation to and adoption by Council at its meeting of October 14, 2OO3; the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: Approval of the Recommendations simply provides authority required under the Municipal Act, 2001 for fees and charges primarily approved by Council. Section 391 of the new Municipal Act gives a general authority for the municipality, by by-law, to establish fees and charges that will be charged to the public who receive various City services or make use of various City property. While the City has long had a variety of fees and charges, some had not typically been incorporated into by-law form. In response to this new Municipal Act provision, it is recommended that existing fees be authorized in a by-law. For ease of reference, existing fees contained in numerous existing by-laws would also be consolidated into the new by-law. Financial Implications: The fees and charges confirmed by this by-law are already in operation and are incorporated into the revenue projections in the City's approved 2003 Budget. Background: The new Municipal Act came into effect in 2003. Section 391 of that Act provides generally that a municipality may pass by-laws imposing fees or charges on any class of persons, for services or activities provided by or on behalf of the 028 Report CS 27-03 Subject: Confirmation of Municipal Fees and Charges Date: October 1,2003 Page 2 municipality, or for the use of the municipality's property. Section 392 provides that the municipality must maintain a list of its fees and charges for public inspection. The City has assembled this list, which is attached. Copies are available to the public from the Treasurer and Clerk. Many of the City's existing fees and service charges are already contained in by-laws. 'Among many examples are dog licenses, marriage licenses, false alarm penalties, property compliance letters, and culvert installations. Some of our existing charges, however, have not specifically been included in a by-law in the past but have received approval through the annual current budget process. The charge to buy copies of City documents, such as the Official plan or the Business Directory, are examples. The fees and charges for participating in the City's Culture and Recreation activities and for using City sports facilities are the largest example which had not traditionally been incorporated into by-law form. This was the case in most municipalities, before the new Municipal Act came into effect this year. Because of the general reference in the Municipal Act, 2001, staff are recommending as a housekeeping measure that these various charges be confirmed by by-law. It is important to note that the proposed by-law: 0 o 0 Does not introduce any new fees or charges which are not already in effect. Does not change policy concerning the City's fees or service charges. Does not increase the amount of any existing fee (the sole exception relates to a modest October 1 increase in some swimming pool fees, about which the user groups have already been made aware and which is incorporated into the 2003 Budget revenue projections). For ease of reference, staff are also recommending that the proposed General Municipal Fees and Charges by-law consolidate existing fees and charges which are scattered through a variety of existing City by-laws and passed under the authority of the Municipal Act. The proposed by-law does not, however, consolidate the City's existing fees and charges authorized by other Acts such as Development Charges, Planning, or Building Code. Nor does it consolidate the City's existing fees for business licensing or for fire prevention permits or inspections, The new Municipal Act created special requirements pertaining to the passage of by-laws to establish fees of this nature, including the method of calculating the fee and the notice which must be given to the public. The fees and charges consolidated into the proposed General Municipal Fees and Charges By-law are not subject to these procedural requirements. Passage of the attached housekeeping by-law will clarify in relation to the new Municipal Act those existing fees and service charges to which no previous by-law applied, and will consolidate numerous other existing fees and charges from several by- laws into one general by-law. Report CS 27-03 Subject: Confirmation of Municipal Fees and Charges Date: October 1,2003 Page 3 LO 2 9 Attachments: 1. Summary of Fees & Charges, August 2003 Prepared By: Stan Karwowski Manager, Finance & Taxation GAP:vw Attachment Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Prepared / Approved / Endorsed By: "-G-"~lis A. Paterson Director,Corporate Services & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City.Council ~ -~.~i~ , O3O PICKERING SUMMARY OF FEES & CHARGES PURSUANT TO SECTION 392 OF THE MUNICIPAL ACT Corporate Services Department August, 2003 Disclaimer'. The following are a list of the current fees and charges in place in the City of Pickering at the time of printing. These fees and charges are subject to review and change. Please contact the appropriate City Department for the actual fees in p/ace at any specific time, or if you require any further information. CLERKS DIVISION Authority User Fee or Charge Amount (By-Law if Applicable) Body Rub Licences 5764/00, as amended Owner/Operator - 1st licence $1500 Owner - not operator- 1st licence $1400 OwnedOperator -renewal $100/yr Owner - not operator - renewal $100/yr Operator - not owner $100/yr Rubber $100/yr Business Licence 1887/84, as amended Wrecking Yard $20/yr Markets (<100 stalls) $200/day Markets (>99 stalls) $1000/day Public Hall $10/yr Kennel Licence $65/yr Taxi Licences 2206/86 Owners licence $500 Driver - original $100 Owner - original $1000 Broker - original $1000 Driver - renewal $100 Owner - renewal $125 Broker -renewal $125 Driver - replacement $10 · Owner - replacement $10 Plate - Replacement $10 Broker- Replacement $50 Tariff Card $5 Cat & Dog Licence 5728/00 Spayed/neutered $15/yr Unaltered $25/yr Microchip - spayed/neutered $10/yr Microchip - Unaltered $20/yr Replacement $5 ea. Adult Video 5828/01 Owner/Opertor $1500/yr Owner - not operator $1400/yr Operator- not owner $100/yr Fences - Pool Enclosure 425/76, as amended Permit $150 ·Note: Applicant is also required to pay a $500 damage deposit to Planning & Development 0 3 2 CLERKS DIVISION Authority .... User Fee or Charge Amount (By-Law if Applicable) 'Hawker / Peddler Licence 4437/94 (1) Per location $200 + Per day $50/day Maximum $2000 Horse Riding Establishment Licence 5684/00 Original Licence $250 Annua! ..renewal $100/yr Late renewal penalty $25 Signs 2439/87, as amended Sign $150 ea Temporary Sign $25 ea Commissioning & Certification of Documents 5934/01 Flat rate regardless of number of pages. $1 O/job Commissioning for Pension forms is unofficially exempt. Lotteries .75% of gross 5972/02 prize value Marriage Licence $100 each 5419/.98 , , Burial Permits $25 each 4928/97 Tree Cutting Permit $100 each 6108/03 Photocopying 5359/98 Up to five pages free - additional pages $.50/page Compliance Letters $125/respons 5241/98 e FOI Request $5/request plus copying fees Note: (1) Subject to change- By-law under reconsideration CORPORATE PROJECTS & POLICY DIVISION 0 3 3 Authority User Fee or Charge Amount (By-Law if Applicable) Business Directory $20 Business Directory - Special Reports $20 Business Directory- Mailing Labels $100 Filming Fees: Parks $500 Facilities Fire '. Actual costs Museum Fees: Prep/Strike Fee $75/hr+gst - Filming $150/hr+gst Overtime $200/hr+ ,gst 3 CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Authority User Fee or Charge Amount (By-Law if Applicable) Bidder's cost to pick up tendering set. Range: Price range based upon the size of the tendering $30 to $1.00 document package, drawings, soils report, consulting reports - relative to the size of the project NSF Cheques $20 Tax Certificates $65 357/358 Applications $25 ,(Depending on value of rebate) 4 " CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION Fee includes GST where applicable Authority User Fee or Charge Amount (By-Law if Applicable) Fitness Services Fitness Consultations - Members $53.50 - Non-Members $80r25 Personal Training Introductory Package - Members $74.90 - Non-Members $90.95 Personal Training One Hour - Members $42.80 - Non-Members $48.15 Personal Training Five-hour Packages ....... - Members $192.60 - Non-Members $224.70 Personal Training Ten-hour Package - Members $363.80 - Non-Members $417.30 Babysitting Service Babysitting 1 Hour - Member $2 Babysitting 6 Hour - Member $12 Babysitting 10 Pass - Member $20 Babysitting 1 Hour - Non-Member $4 Babysitting 15 Hour - Non-Member $40 Pass Programs Fitness Programs Holistic Nutrition Eight - 1.5 hour classess $173 Tai Chi Ten - 1 hour classes $75 Yoga Eight - 1.5 hour classes $87 Intermediate Pilates Six- 1 hour classes $80 Pilates Six - 1 hour classes $75 ' 'Pilates Six - 45 minute classes $85 F.I.T. Club Fifteen hour program $80 Pre-Teen Workout Five - 1 hour classes $40 Weight Training for Eight - 1 hour classes $98 Women Aquatic Programs AquatotsFFurtle Tots Ten- 30 minute classes $68 m$7I Aquaquest 1 to Ten-30 minute classes $68 Aquaquest 5 (~)$71 Aquaquest 6 to Ten-55 minute classes $79 Aquaquest 12 m$83 Summer Swim (DIP) Nineteen - 45 minute $125 ..... Session classes 5 CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION Authority User Fee or Char_g_~_ Amount _(_.~/-Law ffA~ Youth Stroke Ten- 55 minute classes $69 I-~'Er°vement (~)$72 Jr. Lifeguard Club Ten- 1 hour classes --$89 Canadian Swim Patrol Ten-1 hour classes $79 m$83 Bronze Star Ten-1.5 hour classes $91 (~)$96 Bronze Medallion' Twenty-four hour program $158 (¢)$166 Bronze Cross Twelve - 2 hour classes $142 NLS Ten.3 hour classes $223 - (¢)$234 ..... Leader/Assistant Ten - 4.5 hour classes $225 Instructor (¢)$236 Red Cross/Lifesaving Forty-five hour program (7)$187 SocietyWater Safety · Instructor .... Aqua Adults Ten-55 minute classes $75 Private Classes Five-30 minute classes $110 mS 117 Semi-Private Classes Ten-30 minute classes $128 Mini-Session Private Three-30 minute classes $52 " Daytime Private Mini Four-30 minute classes $70 Session (¢)$74 ' Aquafit Ten - 55 minute classes $78 Aquafit Twenty - 55 minute $135 classes ~t Thirty_- 55 minute classes $157 Specialty Aquafit, Ten - 40 minute classes $62 ...... Nice'n Easy Specialty Aquafit, Twenty - 40 minute $99 Nice'n Easy classes ~ for Arthritis Ten - 40 minute classes $62 Aquafit for Arthritis Twenty - 40 minute $99 classes Museum OUtreach Programs Buzz SaWork Shop & 1 - 2 Hours $85 .......Building Blocks Christmas Past, Sheep 1 -2 Hours $90 to Shawl, Stunning Stencils, Wordsmiths & Weaving Wizards 6 CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION 037 Authority User Fee or Charge Amount (By-Law ffApplicable) Fraktur, Settlers' 1 - 2 Hours $95 Workshop, Thingamajigs Wonderful Wool Forty Five Minute class $50/$35 Thingamajigs, half day 1 ~ hour class $65/$40 Preschool Programs Let's Pretend Twelve - 30 minute $55 classes ..... Artful Toddler · Twelve - 1 hour classes $75 Tots of Fun · Twelve - 30 minute $84 classes Tots In Action Twelve - 2 hour classes $103 Family Fun Twelve - 1.25 hour $94 classes Kiddies Craft Corner Twelve - 1.5 hour classes $88 Land of Fairy Tales Twelve - 1.5 hour classes $88 Tots on the Go Twelve - 1 hour classes $75 Wiggles'n Giggles ,Twelve- 30 minute $54 " classes Tumble Tots Twelve - 45 minute $67 classes Bouncin' Buddies Twelve- 45 minute $67 classes Jumpin' Jax Twelve - 45 minute $67 classes Romp'n Roll Twelve - 1 hour classes $67 Parent & Tot Skate Twelve - 30 minute $67 classes Beginner Skating Twelve - 20 minute .$67 classes Advanced Skating Twelve- 45 minute $72 classes Creative Steps Twelve - 30 minute $53 classes "Pre-Ballet Twelve - 45 minute $68 classes Children & Youth Programs Dance Twelve - 45 minute $68 - classes Highland Dancing Twelve- 45 minute $76 classes Children's Art Ten - 1.25 hour classes $57 Youth Art Ten - 1.5 hour classes $63 Cartooning Ten - 1.25 hour classes t $55 Babysitting Course Eight- 1.5 hour classes $50 7 CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION Authority. User Fee or Charge Amount (By-Law ffAppiicable) Home Alone Four' 1~5 hour classes $26 Breakdancing Eight-80 minute classes $55 Youth Leadership Nine- 1.5 hour classes $50 Mad Science Eight - 1 hour classes $86 Ball Hockey Ten- 1.5 hour classes $48 Karate 2 Months- 45 minute $38 classes Youth Karate 2 Months- 1 hour classes $52 Badminton Twelve - 1 hour classes $44 Raptor Ball Ten - 1.25 hour classes $63 Summer Hockey Ten - 1 hour classes $87 School SUmmer Assistant Minimum 2 sessions or 4 $63 Counsellor weeks Summer Youth Nine - 3 hour classes $105 Leadership Ten - 3 hours classes $1.16 Recreational Seven - 2 hour classes $35 Basketball Clinic Recreational Volleyball Seven - 2 hour classes $35 Clinic Adult Programs Art Ten - 2 hour classes $70 Folk Art Ten - 2 hour classes $72 "Watercolours Six- 3 hour classes $56 Soap Making Four - 2.5 hour classes $46 Aromatherapy Three - 2.5 hour Classes $35 Quilting Eight - 2 hour classes $66 Balli'oom Dance Ten - 2 hour classes $87 Bellydance Twelve - 1 hour classes. $67 Scrapbooking One - 3 hour class $37 ,. Spanish, Beginner Ten - 2 hour classes $67 Photography, Beginner Ten- 2 hour classes $72 Photography, Ten - 2 hour classes $82 Intermediate Sewing Ten - 2 hour classes $95 Stained Glass Two - 2.5 hour classes $30 Stained Glass Work One -2.5 hour classes $17 Shop Cake Decorating Seven- 2.25 hour classes $67 Chocolate Work Shop One - 1 hour class $40.00 Carousel Work Shop One - 2 hour class $35 Lcwfat Cooking 3 weeks - 2.5 hours $70 Ballroom/Latin Dance Ten - 2 hour classes $87 Karate Two months - 1.5 hour $59 classes 8 CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION 0 3 9 Authority User Fee or Charge Amount (By-Law if Applicable) Skating Twelve - 45 minute $71.03 classes Power Hour Twelve - 1 hour classes $34 Badminton Twelve- 1.5 hour classes $55 Volleyball, Competitive Twelve - 2 hour classes $55 Volleyball, Recreation Twelve - 1.5 hour classes $49 Christmas Craft Work One - 3 hour class $28.97 Shop Bread Making One - 2.5 hour class $30 Museum Christmas One - 3 hour class $30 Crafts Older Adult Programs Spanish Ten - 2 hour classes $30 Keep Fit Ten - 1 hour classes $30 Stretch & Tone Ten - 1 hour classes $30 Line Dancing Ten - 1 hour classes $22 Art Ten - 2.5 hour classes $44 "Summer Fit Ten - 1 hour classes $26.90 Bridge Eight - 2.5 hour classes $25. Tai Chi. 4 month - 1 hour classes $55 55 Drive Alive Four - 3 hour classes $30 Stretch & Strengthen Twelve - 1 hour classes $30 Camp Programs March Break Camp Extend a Camp 5 Days $43 Full Day Program 5 Days $113 Half Day Camp 5 Days $57 Summer Camp Museum One - half day $23.36 Museum Summer, 4 half days $39.72 Museum Summer, 5 half days $56 Museum Summer, 10 half days $93 Summer Camps - Adventure/Art/Sports Full Day Program 5 Days $122 9 Days $210 10 ~Days $233 Camp Mini Pidaca Half Day Program 5 Days $62 9 Days $106 10 Days $112 9 CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION Authority User Fee or Charge Amount (By-Law if Applicable) Extend-a-Camp 5 Days $47 9 Days $85 10 Days $91 Memberships: Pickering Recreation Complex Health Club Adult, full Annual $406.60 Seasonal $162.64 Adult, daytime Annual $265.36 Seasonal $105.93 Adult, full, corporate Annual, under 15 $365.94 members Annual, over 15 members $345161 Adult, daytime, Annual, under 15 $238.82 corporate members Annual, over 15 members $225.56 Youth Annual $165.85 Seasonal $80.25 " Squash Adult Full, Annual $453.68 Full, Seasonal $180.83 Adult Daytime, Annual $294.25 Daytime, Seasonal $117.70 Adult, full, corporate Annual, under 15 $408.31 members Annual, over 15 members $385.63 Adult, daytime, Annual, under 15 $264.83 corporate members Annual, over 15 members $250.11 "Youth Annual $192.60 Seasonal $80.25 Family Annual $869.91 Racquetball Adult Full, Annual $421.58 Full, Seasonal $167.99 Adult Daytime, Annual $273.92 Daytime, Seasonal $109.14 Adult, full, corporate Annual, under 15 $379.42 members Annual, over 15 members $358.34 Adult, daytime, Annual, under 15 $246.53 corporate members Annual, over 15.members $232.83 Youth Annual $192.60 l0 CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION Authority User Fee or Charge Amount (By-Law if Applicable) Seasonal $80.25 Family Annual $809.99 .. Combination Adult Full, Annual $482.57 Full, Seasonal $192.60 ...Adult Daytime, Annual $314.58 Daytime, Seasonal $126.26 Adult, full, corporate Annual, under 15 $434.31 members Annual, over 15 members $410.18 Adult, daytime, Annual, under 15 $283.12 corporate members Annual, over 15 members $267.39 Youth Annual $192.60 Seasonal $80.25 Family Annual $926.62 Tennis Adult Resident, Full, Annual $411.95 Resident, Full, Seasonal $164.78 Adul!~. Resident, Daytime, $268.57 Annual Resident, Daytime, $107 Seasonal Youth' Resident, Annual $192.60 Resident, Seasonal $80.25 Family Resident, Annual $790 Tennis Adult Non-resident, Full, Annual $465.45 Non-resident, Full, $186.18 Seasonal Adult Non-resident, Daytime, $302.81 Annual Non-resident, Daytime, $120.91 Seasonal Youth Non-resident, Annual $203.30 Non-resident, Seasonal $80.25 Family Non-resident, Annual $892.38 Golden ...Adult Full, Annual $963 Full, Seasonal $385.20 Adult Daytime, Annual $625..95 Daytime, Seasonal $250.38 11 0 4 2 CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION Authority User Fee or Charge Amount (By-Law if Applicable) Adult, full, corporate Annual, under 15 $866.70 members Annual, over 15 members $818.55 Adult, daytime, Annual, under 15 $563.36 corporate members. Annual, over 15 members $532.06 Youth Annual $385.20 Seasonal $154.08 Family Annual $1,847.89 Fitness Class Memberships ...Fitness Memberships Annual $335.98 3-Month $135.89 Memberships: Pickering Rec. Complex and Dunbarton Indoor Pool Aquatic Memberships ..... Adult Annual $118.77 Family Annual $224.70 Youth/Disabled/Senior Annual $85.60 Adult Seasonal $52.43 ... Family Seasonal $84.53 Youth/Disabled/Senior Seasonal $3,6.38 Pickering Museum Village Membership Season, Family $42.06 Memberships Season, Single $18.69 Int. Sketching One - 3 hour class $30 Breadmaking One - 2 1/2 hour class $30 Pre-teen Dance Membership Membership Five Pass $40.00 Admissions & Passes Combatants Room Our Special Place Single Admission $4.50 Fitness Admissions Fitness Class Single Admission $6.60 Fitness Class Five-Pass $33 Fitness Room Single Admission $8 Fitness Room Five-Pass $40 Fitness Room Ten-Pass $80 Arena Admissions Public Skating Single Admission $3 ,,, Ten-Pass $24 12 CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION 0 Authority User Fee or Charge Amount (By-Law if Applicable) Family Pass $7.50 Family 10 - Pass $42 Parent & Tot Single Adult Admission $2 Senior Skate Single Admission $1 '",'~hinny Single Admission $4.67 20- Pass $74.77 ,,Raquet Sports Admissions Squash/Racquetball Prime Time $11.25 Non-Prime-Time $9 Tennis Prime Time $23.20 Non-Prime-Time $18 Swimming Admissions Pre-Teen Swim Single Admission $2.25 Youth/Senior/Disabled Single Admission $2.25 Youth/Senior/Disabled Ten-pass $15 Adult Single $3.25 Adult Ten-pass $25 Family Single $6.50 Fami,lY Ten-pass $50 Museum Admissions Adults Single Admission $4 Student/Senior Single Admission $2.50 Children Single Admission $2 Family Single Admission $12 School Tours Half day, per student $5 School Tours Full day, per student $9.50 Rental Fees: Pickering Rec. Complex and Don Beer Arena Ice Rental Rates Pickering Youth Prime time $135 Affiliate Non-Prime time $107 Adults & Residents Prime time $155 Affiliate Non-Prime time $123.05 Commercial & Non- Prime time $176 Resident Non-Prime time $144.45 '"Elementary Schools Prime Time $123 Non-Prime Time $64.20 High School/Industrial Prime time $140 Non-Prime time $94.16 Summer Ice Prime Time $1 76 13 CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION 044 Authority User Fee or Charge Amount (By-Law if Applicable) Non-Prime time NA Pad Rental Leagues Hourly Rate $69.55 General Flat Rate, Full Day $1,500 General Hourly $69.55 Pickering Museum Village Schoolhouse Flat rate, 2 Hours day $250 before, 2 Hours day of rental Chapel Flat rate, 2 Hours day $250 before, 2 Hours day of rental Hall Flat rate, 2 Hours day $300 before, 2 Hours day of rental Bandstand Flat rate, 2 Hours day $225 before, 2 Hours day of rental Grounds/Photos Flat rate, 2 Hours day $75 before, 2 Hours day of rental Pickering Rec. Complex & Dunbarton Indoor Pool Pool Rentals Private Rental Hourly, max 19 (RC) $80 Private Rental Hourly, max 19 (DIP) $70 Private Rental Hourly, max 50 (RC) $97 Private Rental Hourly, max 50 (DIP) $84 Turtle Pool Hourly $48.50 Synchronized Pool Hourly, non prime (DIP) $46.52 Rental Synchronized Rental Hourly, diving well (RC) $26.85 Pickering Swim Club Hourly, prime time (RC) $45.49 Pickering Swim Club Hourly (DIP $49.35 ..... Master Swim Program Hourly (DIP) $60.65 Extra Lifeguard Hourly $15.00 Instructor Hourly $20 Board of Education Hourly $45 Pickering Rec. Complex Facilities Combatants Room Off Court Training Hourly $10.70 Martial Arts Hourly I $13.38 14 CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION Authority User Fee or Charge Amount (By-Law if Applicable) _,,Rec. Complex Child Supervision Area General Hourly $40 After Hour Tennis Rentals Four Courts Hourly rate $37.50 Pool Meeting Room Swim Party Rental Flat rate, Whole Day $29.96 Meeting Room 1 Resident Flat rate, Whole Day $133.75 Non,resident Flat rate, Whole Day $171.20 Resident Hourly rate $26.75 Non-resident Hourly rate $37.45 Daytime, business, Flat rate, Business Hours $80.25 resident Daytime, business, Flat rate, Business Hours $112.35 non-resident Community Group Flat rate, Max. 4 hours $26.75 Meeting Rooms 1 & 2 Resident Flat rate, Whole Day $224.70 Non-resident Flat rate, Whole Day $294.25 Resident Hourly rate $37.45 Non-resident Hourly rate $53.50 Daytime, business, Flat rate, Business Hours $112.35 resident Daytime~ business, Flat rate, Business Hours $160.50 non-resident Community Group Flat rate, Max. 4 Hours $53.50 Meeting Rooms 1, 2 & 3 Resident Flat rate, Whole Day $347.75 Non-resident Flat rate, Whole Day $438.70 Resident Hourly rate $53.50 Non-resident Hourly rate $74.90 Daytime, business, Flat rate, Business Hours $160.50 resident Daytime, business, Flat rate, Business Hours $224.70 non-resident Community Group Flat rate, Max. 4 Hours $53.50 New Year's Eve, Fiat rate, Whole Day $695.50 resident O'Brien Meeting Room A or B Resident Flat rate, Whole. Day $187.25 15 CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION Authority User Fee or Charge Amount (By-Law ffApplicabie) Non-resident Flat rate, Whole Day $230.05 Resident Hourly rate $37.45 Non-resident Hourly rate $53.50 Daytime, business, Flat rate, Business Hours $80.25 resident Daytime, business, Flat rate, BuSiness Hours $112.35 non-resident Community Group Flat rate, Max. 4 Hours $26.75 O'Brien Meeting 'Rooms A & B Resident Flat rate, Whole Day $374.50 Non-resident Flat rate, Whole Day $454.75 Resident Hourly rate $74.90 Non-resident Hourly rate $107 Daytime, business, Fiat rate, Business Hours $160.50 resident Daytime, business, Flat rate, Business Hours $224.70 non-resident Tournament bookings Flat rate, per day $187.25 Community Group Flat rate, Max. 4 Hours $53.50 New Year's Eve Flat rate, Whole Day $749 Pickering Rec. Complex East or West Salon Resident Flat rate, Whole Day $588.50 Non-resident Flat rate, Whole Day $759.70 Sunday, resident Flat rate, Whole Day $347.75 Sunday, non-resident Flat rate, Whole Day $438.70 Children's Banquets Flat rate, Max. 4 Hours $107 New Year's Eve, Flat rate, Whole Day $1,284 resident Pickering Recreation Complex East & West Salons Resident Flat rate $1,043.25 Non-resident Flat rate $1,310.75 Sunday, resident Flat rate $642 Sunday, non-resident Flat rate $802.50 New Year's Eve, Flat rate $1,926 resident Petticoat Creek Community Centre Paris or Franklin Meeting Room Resident Flat rate $321 Non-resident Flat rate $481.50 Daytime, business, Flat rate $80.25 resident 16 CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION Authority User Fee or Charge Amount (By;Law if Applicable) Daytime, business, Fiat rate $112.35 non,resident Community Group Flat rate $26.75 Resident Hourly rate $42.80 Non-resident Hourly rate $74.90 Paris & Franklin Meeting Rooms Resident Flat rate $588.50 Non-resident Flat rate $759.70 Daytime, business, Fiat rate $160.50 resident Daytime, business, Flat rate $224.70 non-resident Community Group Flat rate $26.75 Resident Hourly rate $74.90 Non-resident Hourly rate $107 New Year's Eve, Flat rate $1,177 resident .... Don Beer/West Shore Community Centre Banquet Halls Resident Flat rate $428 Non-resident Flat rate $545.70 Daytime, business, Flat rate $160.50 resident Daytime, business, Flat rate $224.70 non-resident Sunday to Thursday, Hourly rate $32.10 resident Sunday to Thursday, Hourly rate $42.80 non-resident .... Sunday, resident Flat rate $321 Sunday, non-resident Flat rate $438.70 Children's Banquets, Flat rate $53.50 resident Children's Banquets, Flat rate $107 non-resident Tournament Rate Flat, daily, Don Beer only $187.25 New Year's Eve, Flat rate $856 resident New Year's Eve, non- Flat rate $1,091.40 ' -- resident Rental Extra Fees Listing ' Community Groups 12 bookings $107 17 CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION Authority User Fee or Charge Amount (By-Law if Applicable) Administration Fee $26.75 Maintenance Fee Hourly $16.05 Outdoor Facilities Parks Weekly $500 Daily $100 Adult, Softball. Flat $500 Tournaments ' ..... Events. Pre-teen Dance Single Admission $6.07 Haunted House Single Admission $2 Poinsettia Tea Single Admission $2 Big Band Single Admission $5 Big Band (Seniors Single Admission $1.87 Month) Museum Events Adults $4.67 Museum Events Students/Seniors $3.74 Museum Events Children $2.80 Museum Event Family $14.02 A Spirit Walk $9.35 Miscellaneous Lock Rental Recreation Complex $1 Replacement Access $10 Card Museum Filming/Photo Set Dressing & Clean Up, $70.09 Shoots Hourly Museum Filming/Photo Shooting Time, Hourly $140.19 ShoOts Kindergym Birthday $96.30 Parties Program GST will be added to $10 Administration Fee applicable programs Membership $15 Administration Fee NSF Charge Per cheque $20 Additional Receipt Per Family $5 Charge Marketing Promotions City Brochure Full page $593.85 Advertising Half page $428 Note: (~) effective October, 2003 18 FIRE SERVICES - FIRE PREVENTION Authority User Fee or Charge Amount (By-Law if Applicable) Multi-Residential Inspections $125. 5430/98 Legal Inspections. (Generally requests from legal $125 5430/98 firms) File Searches, ( Searches from our existing filing $125 5430/98 network). Sales of Supra Key Boxes. $80 - 5430/98 *Fire Services responseto accidents Actual costs 5430/98 Malicious False Alarms $300 5430/98 Garbage container Fires $300 5430/98 Occupancy load Inspection $125 5430/98 False Alarm Penalty $300 5430/98 Commercial Inspections $125 5430/98 Industrial Inspections $125 5430/98 Day Care Inspections $125 5430/98 Standby for movie -shoots. Actual Costs 5430/98 Fuel tank inspections. $125 5430/98 Fire Works Permits. $125 5430/98 Fire Display inspections. $125 5430/98 Federal Property $300 5430/98 **Canadian Pacific Railway Lands for Fire Services Actual costs LLBO Permits $125 5430/98 File Searches, ( Searches. from our existing filing $125 5430/98 network). Standby for movie short Actual Costs * MTO rates ** Request for reimbursement to railway company for costs for overtime vehicles and staff 19 MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION Authority User Fee or Charge Amount (By-Law if Applicable) Sports Tournaments- User Fee $500 (per. weekend) Sport Camps- User Fee $500 (per week) Road Occupancy Permits $25 Driveway Entrance (no culvert) Contract Cost 5430/98 Schedule "1" (time & material) Driveway Entrance 9 metres x 400 millimetres $1,305 ,, Driveway Entrance 9 metres to 15 metres $1,305 ,, Plus $145 per metre in excess of 9 metres plus $40 per coupler when required. Driveway Entrance extension of existing culvert $145 per metre ,, Plus $40 per , coupler. Minimum ... charge is $185 Driveway Entrance, culvert other than as described Contract Cost ,, above (time and material) Commemorative Tree and Plaque $500 Commemorative Bench and Plaque $1000 2O PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Authority User Fee or Charge Amount (By-Law if Applicable) .BUILDING PERMITS Building Code Act 4647/95 Assembly Use $12.00/m~ ,, Institutional Use $14.00/m~ Residential Use Apartment buildings $ 7.00/m~ ,, Detached & semis $ 8.50/m~ ,, Townhouses $ 8.50/m2 ,, Business & Personal Service Occupancies Single storey plazas (shell) $ 7.00/m2 ,, Multi-storey office buildings (shell) $ 8.50/m2 " Other business & Personal Service $10.50/m~ ,, Mercantile Occupancies Single storey buildings $ 7.00/m~ ,, Multi storey buildings $ 8.50/m~ ,, Industrial Occupancies Farm Buildings $ 3.00/m2 ,, Unserviced storage buildings $ 3.00/m2 ,, I Other industrial buildings $ 5.50/m2 ,, Parking Garages, Unfinished Basements & Service Floors in any building New structures $ 4.00/m~ ,, Repairs ~, $ 1.00/m~ ,, Interior Partitioning & Finishing $ 2.00/m2 ,, (As part of new construction) Alterations 1% of construction value Minor accessory structures $50.00 Partial Building Permit Fee Plus ,, $5oo Conditional Building Permit Fee Plus ,, $1ooo .... Demolition $10/100m2 ,, Change of Use $50 ,, Authority to Occupy $100 ,, Minimum fee, all permits $50 ,, DEVELOPMENT CONTROL Design Standards $50 ..Municipal Consent Fee $300 5430/98 Culvert & Extension- $145/m + ,, $40/ coupler 21 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Authority User Fee or Charge Amount (By-Law if,Applicable) Curb Cut - new development not assumed by Minimum ,, municipality charge $112/4m or less $27/m 4 m plus 'Curb Infill $145/m Sidewalk Repair $225/m Pre,installed storm sewer connection Contract cost plus admin fee .... Fill/Topsoil Permit $500 + 6060/02 One-Year Permit $25/hectare For a one-year extension $300 ,, Newspaper Box Pad Permit $50/box 4639/95 Newspaper Box Installation $22_5 - $450 ,, · Newspaper Box Annual Maintenance $15/box Road Cleaning Contract Cost + 15% Damage Deposits Pool $ 500 Sewer Connection $ 500 Residential Building Permit Rural $1500 Residential Buildin..g Permit Urban $2000 Commercial Building $2000 - $5OOO ..... Residential Development Review Fee $ 40/unit 5430/98 Development Inspection Fee $ 25- AS PER SUB/DEV' $48/hr + AGREEEMENT 25% + 15% PLANNING DOCUMENTS Pickering OP $75 OP Compendium $25 ,,Dev. Guideline $5-10 Spec. Studies $10-20 Zoning By-laws $5-10 each Sum'fy Res Aps $20 Mapping $5-25 Address Booklet $25-50 Fiche Prints Spec Mapping $50/hr Photocopies $0.50 each PLANNING APPLICATIONS Minor Variance $350-450 Planning Act; By-law 5747/0O Zon amendment $500.800 - 22 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Authority User Fee or Charge Amount (By-Law if Applicable) Minister Zoning Order Amendment $200 Remove Hold $350 ,, OP Amend Recirculation $2000 ,, $500 Drait SubDiv $1,500 Recirculaiion $500 Release $1000 Draft Condo $800 ,, Release $1000 Recirculation $500 Conversion $1000 Site Plan $625 ,, Min Rev $250 Maj Rev $650 Clearance $250 License Letter $50 AGREEMENTS & BY-LAWS Subdivision $3,000 Municipal Act/Council ~ Resolution 42/97 Development $3,000 ,, Amending =Subdivision - Development $1,200 ,, Condominium $2,000 ,, Encroachment $1,000 ,, Site Plan ~ $750 ,, Amending Site Plan $400 ,, Model Home $750 ,, Demolition $0 ,, Agreement Release $150 ,, Part Lot Control By-law $300 ,, Right of Re-entry Letters $150 ,, Release Packages $350 ,, Road Dedication By-Law $300 ,, 23 054 RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Report to Council CAO 09-03 reporting on tendering and contract approvals during Council's 2003 Summer Recess be received; and That Council pass a resolution ratifying the approval of the Tenders and Contracts contained in this Report by the Chief Administrative Officer during Council's summer recess (i.e., from June 24 to July 27, 2003 and from July 29, 2003 to September 7, 2003) being Tender Nos. T-10-2003, T-11-2003, T-12-2003, and Quotation Nos. Q-19-2003 and Q-21-2003; and That Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the following projects through the issuance of debt through the Region of Durham, with terms and conditions as follows: I) Tender T-10-2003 for Petticoat Creek Culvert Rehabilitation, total project costs of $221,858; be approved; and a) debt financing not exceeding $200,000 for a period not exceeding 10 years at a rate to be determined be approved; and b) financing and repayment charges in the amount of approximately $27,174 be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2004 and continuing thereafter until loan is repaid; and c) the remaining amount of $21,858 be funded from surplus proceeds from 2001 approved Internal Loans related to roads projects; and II) That Tender T-11-2003 for Asphalt Paving and Concrete Works - Liverpool Road South Phase 1, Don Beer Arena and Westney Road/Concession Road, total project costs of $222,778 be approved; and a) debt financing not exceeding $100,000 for the portion pertaining to Liverpool Road South - Phase 1 & 2 for a period not exceeding 10 years at a rate to be determined be approved; and b) financing and repayment charges in the amount of approximately $13,587 be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2004 and continuing thereafter until loan is repaid; and c) the portion pertaining to Don Beer Arena, in the amount of $159,642 be funded from under-expenditures from Don Beer Arena-Third Ice Pad; and d) the portion pertaining to Asphalt Patching Program budgeted for in the 2003 Current Budget, in the amount of $13,211 be funded from the 2003 Current Budget; and III) That Tender T-12-2003 for Amberlea Creek Watercourse Works, total project cost of $251,872 be approved; and a) debt financing not exceeding $150,000 for portion related to Amberlea Creek Stabilization-Phase II for period not exceeding 10 years at a rate to be determined be approved; and b) debt financing not exceeding $100,000 for portion related to Amberlea Creek Erosion Control for period not exceeding 5 years at a rate to be determined; and c) financing and repayment charges in the amount of approximately $20,380 and $23,740 respectively be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2004 and continuing thereafter until loan is repaid; and d) the amount of $1,872 be financed from 2003 Current Budget; and That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has certified that these loans and the repayment falls within the City's Debt and Financial Obligations approved Annual Repayment limit for debt and other financial obligations for 2003 as established by the Province for municipalities in Ontario; and That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing. 056 PICKERING REPORT TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Report Number: CAO 09-03 Date: October 1,2003 From: Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administrative Officer Subject: Tender / Contract Approval - Council's Summer Recess Recommendation: ¸1. That Report to Council CS 38-03 reporting on tendering and contract approvals during Council's 2003 Summer Recess be received; and that: Council pass a resolution ratifying the approval of the Tenders and Contracts contained in this Report by the Chief Administrative Officer during Council's summer recess (i.e., from June 24 to July 27, 2003 and from July 29, 2003 to September 7, 2003) being Tender Nos. T-10-2003, T-11-2003, T-12-2003, and Quotation Nos. Q-19-2003 and Q-21-2003; Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the following projects through the issuance of debt through the Region of Durham, with terms and conditions as follows: I) Tender T-10-2003 for Petticoat Creek Culvert Rehabilitation, total project costs of $221,858; be approved; and, a) debt financing not exceeding $200,000 for a period not exceeding 10 years at a rate to be determined be approved; b) financing and repayment charges in the amount of approximately $27,174 be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2004 and continuing thereafter until loan is repaid; and, c) the remaining amount of $21,858 be funded from surplus proceeds from 2001 approved Internal Loans related to roads projects; Tender T-11-2003 for Asphalt Paving and Concrete Works - Liverpool Road South Phase 1,Don Beer Arena and Westney Road/Concession Road, total project costs of $222,778 be approved; and, a) debt financing not exceeding $100,000 for the portion pertaining to Liverpool Road South - Phase 1 & 2 for a period not exceeding 10 years at a rate to be determined be approved; Report CA© 09-03 October 1,2003 Subject: Tender / Contract Approval - During Council's Summer Recess Page 2 CU 5 '~ o b) financing and repayment charges in the amount of approximately $13,587 be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2004 and continuing thereafter until loan is repaid; c) the portion pertaining to Don Beer Arena, in the amount of $159,642 be funded from under-expenditures from Don Beer Arena-Third Ice Pad; d) the portion pertaining to Asphalt Patching Program budgeted for in the 2003 Current Budget, in the amount of $13,211 be funded from the 2003 Current Budget; III)Tender T-12-2003 for Amberlea Creek Watercourse Works, total project cost of $251,872 be approvedi and, a) debt financing not exceeding $150,000 for portion related to Amberlea Creek Stabilization-Phase II for period not exceeding 10 years at a rate to be determined be approved; b) debt financing not exceeding $100,000 for portion related to Amberlea Creek Erosion Control for period not exceeding 5 years at a rate to be determined; c) financing and repayment charges in the amount of approximately $20,380 and $23,740 respectively be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2004 and continuing thereafter until loan is repaid; and, d) the amount of $1,872 be financed from 2003 Current Budget; the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has certified that these loans and the repayment falls within the City's Debt and Financial Obligations approved Annual Repayment limit for debt and other financial obligations for 2003 as established by the Province for municipalities in Ontario; and, the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing. Executive Summary: The Chief Administrative Officer, under authority of Resolution 85/00, Item 1 has the authority to act in an approved capacity on behalf of Council during any recess, break or absence of City Council. Similarly, the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, under Resolution 85/00, Item 1 has authority to approve the financing for such projects during recesses of Council. This report and its recommendations confirms the action taken during the 2003 summer recess of Council. 058 Report CAO 09-03 October 1,2003 Subject: Tender/Contract Approval- During Council's Summer Recess Page 3 Financial Implications: T-10~2003 - Tender for Petticoat Creek Culvert Rehabilitation Approved Capital Budget Financing - 2002 Capital Budget Roads Project Petticoat Creek Culvert Rehabilitation 10 Year Debt - to be financed Surplus from 2001 Internal Loans Roads Projects Total Funding Available Tendered Amount Total Estimated Net Project Cost $169,484 Project Costs (over)/under Approved Funds $200,000 21,858 $221,858 221,858 0 T-11-2003 - Tender for Asphalt Pavinq & Concrete Works for Liverpool Road South, Don Beer Arena and Westney Road/Concession 8 Intersection Approved Capital Budget Financing- 2003 Capital Budget Roads, Liverpool Road/ Millennium Square 10 Year Debt - to be financed - 2002 Capital Budget- Don Beer Arena Third Ice Pad under expenditure on total project - 2003 Current Budget Roads Asphalt Patching program tax levies Total Funding Available $100,000 282,173 93,000 $475,173 Tendered Amount $202,539 Tendered Estimated Net Project Cost Project Costs (over)/under Approved Funds 222,778 $252,395 Debt financing of $100,000 provided for Liverpool Road South relates to Phase 1 and 2, out of which $49,925 is required for Phase 1 and the remaining $50,075 to be allocated to Phase 2. T-12-2003 - Tender for Amberlea Creek Watercourse Works Approved Budget Financing Financing - 2003 Capital Budget Amberlea Creek Erosion Control 5 Year Debt - to be financed - 2002 Capital Budget Amberlea Creek Stabilization - Phase II, South of Bayly 10 Year Debt - to be financed $120,000 .150,000 Report CAO 09-03 October 1,2003 Subject: Tender / Contract Approval - During Council's Summer Recess Page 4 Total Funding Available $270,000 Tendered Amount $173,914 Tendered Estimated Net Project Cost Project Costs (over)/under Approved Funds .251,872 $18,128 In accordance with the Purchasing Policy & Procedure an award exceeding $75,000 is subject to Council Approval. The following awards exceeding $75,000 were approved by the CAO during Council's summer recess. Q-19-2003 - Request for Quote Squash Court Roofinq & Maintenance Corridor, Pickerincl Recreation Complex The Report to Council OES 20-03, Resolution 79/03 awarded Tender T-8-2003 for the Pickering Recreation Complex-Delaney Area Roofing for a debt financed amount of $370,000, out of which as a result of very competitive bids, only $224,314 was needed. This leaves an under-expenditures of $145,686. The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer under the authority of Report to Council 18-02, Resolution 110/02, Item 7 is authorized to apply excess proceed raised on external debt to other capital projects for which long-term financing is required, in this case towards Squash Court Roofing & Maintenance Corridor, Pickering Recreation Complex. Financing from under-expenditures (T-8-2003) $145,686 Quotation Amount Project Costs (over)/under Approved Funds 119,519 $ 26,167 Q-21-2003 - School Crossing Guard Proqram Financing from annual Current Budget Outside Agency Service $286,000 Quotation Amount Annual cost 2003/2004 (School term of Sept. 2003 to June 2004) Project (over)/under Approved Funds 271,187 $. 14,813 This quotation was for a two year term from September 2003 to June 2005. Report CAO 09-03 October 1, 2003 Subject: Tender / Contract Approval - During Council's Summer Recess Page 5 Background: On May 21, 2002 Council passed Resolution 80/02, Item 4 authorizing the Chief Administrative Officer to act in an approved capacity on behalf of Council during any recess, break or absence of City Council, which states in part: That subject to the Council approved Purchasing Policy & Procedures, the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to act in Council's approval capacity on behalf of Council during any recess, break or absence of City Council on the condition that: such actions are in compliance with the Purchasing Policy & Procedure as approved under Resolution 136/02; and the costs thereof are within the budget previously approved by Council; and a report respecting these approvals is subsequently submitted to Council." Council also passed Resolution 85/00, Item 1 on June 5, 2000 authorizing the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be given the authority to recommend and approve project financing to the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer for projects contained in the annual capital budget or current budget, during recesses of City Council. Circumstances were such that being 3 tenders and 2 formal quotations were required to be approved by the Chief Administrative Officer during Council's summer 2003 recess. It is recommended that Council receive this Report for information and ratify the approval of Tender Nos. T-10-2003, T-11-2003, T-12-2003, and Quotation Nos. Q-19- 2003 and Q-21-2003 being all of which conformed to the conditions as set out in Resolution #80/02 Item 4. Attachments: 1) Memorandum dated August 22, 2003, Tender No. T-10-2003, Petticoat Creek Culvert Rehabilitation 2) Memorandum dated August 14, 2003, Tender No. 'T-11-2003, Asphalt Paving and Concrete Works for Liverpool Road South, Don Beer Arena and Westney Road/Concession 8 Intersection 3) Memorandum dated August 20, 2003, Tender No. T-12-2003, Amberlea Creek Watercourse Works 4) Memorandum dated July 10, 2003, Quotation No. Q-19-2003, Roofing Squash Court & Maintenance Corridor, Pickering Recreation Complex 5) Memorandum dated August 20, 2003, Quotation No. Q-21-2003, School Crossing Guard Program 6) Resolution #80/02 Item 4 7) Resolution #85/00 Item 1 Report CAO 09-03 October 1,2003 Subject: Tender / Contract Approval - During Council's Summer Recess Page 6 Prepared By: (~ Vera A. Felgemacher ~ Manager, Supply & Sedvices Prepared By: A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Prepared By: Caryn Kong Senior Financial Analyst Approved / Endorsed By: ThOmas J. Qu~n Chief Administrative Officer GAP/vw Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ~-//~'~ ~ ., ThoCn~'s J. Quid/n, Chieff-~dminis~ Offi(;er ATTACHMENT# OPERATI.ONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM /~ugust 22, 2003 'T'o: Thomas J. Quin.n Chief Administrative Officer CITY OF PICKERI-NG AUG 2 2:.2803 CORPORATE SERVICES From: Subject: Richard Holborn Division Head, MUnicipal Property & Engineering Tender T-10-2003 ,- .Tender for Petticoat Greek Culvert Rehabilitation please be advised that tenders have been. received for the above noted project, seven (7) companies were invited to participate. An advertisement was placed in the Daily Commercial News, the New Advertiser Community Page and the City's Website. Ten (10) companies picked up tendering documents for a non-refundable fee of $50.00 per set. Attached' is ~. Copy of the record of tenders 'opened and checi~ed that were used at the public tender opening on Wednesd.ay; July 23, 2003. Summary (P.S.T. inCluded, G.S.T. included) Company Ron Robinson Limited Total Tendered Amount After Calculation CheCk $169,483.79 $348,963.8'6 $169,483.79 Elirpa Construction & $348,983.86 'Materials Limited. " R & M 'Construction Reiected cambridge Landscaping Inc. Unable to Bid Recommendation That Tender.No, T-10-2003.submitted by Ron Robinson Limited, for Petticoat Creek Culvert Rehabilitation, in the amount. $158,396 plus 7% G.S.T. be. approved, and That a total gross project Cost of $230,475 incfuding the tender amount, other associated project costs and 7% G.S.T., and a total net project cost of $221,858 after the.G.S.T, rebate, be approved, and Council authorize .the Director, Corporate Services& TreaSurer to finance the project through the issuance of debentures through the Region of Durham; and Subject: Tender T-10-2003 August 22, 2003 Page 2 c) .e) Debt financing not exceeding the amount of'$200,000 for a peri.od not exceeding 10 years,at a rate to be determined; and Financing and repayment Charges' in the amount of approximately $27,174 be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Picketing commencing ir~ 2004.4n8 continuing thereafter until the loan is repaid; and The remaining amount of $2l ,858 will be funded from proceeds from 2001 approved Internal. Loans related to roads, projects. The .surplus is from completed roads projects budgeted for in 1999. Funds raised through the 2001 Internal Loans 'were based on the approved'budgeted amount, meanwhile the combined actual costs incurred for these projects were less than the budgeted amounts. The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has certified that this loan. and the repayment thereof falls within, the City's debt and Financial Obligations approved Annual Repayment Limit for debt aod ot, her Financial Obligations for 2003 as established by the Province for municipalities in Ontario; and The. Treasurer is authorized.to take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing. FINANCIAL IMRLtCATIONS: 1. Tendered Amount' T-t'0-2003 -Petticoat Creek Culvert Rehabiiitation G.S.T. Sub Total G.S,T. Rebate Total $158,396 $169,484 (6,336) $163.,148 APPROVED SOURCE OF FuNDs: 2. Year 2002 Capital Budget, Account Number- 2320-6004 Roads Project Project Code - 02-2320-009-00 Petticoat Creek Culvert Rehabilitation 1 O-Year Debt - To be financed Surplus from 2001 Internal Loans - Roads Projects TotAl Funding Available $200,000 $ 21.858 $221,858 0 S~bject: Tender %10-2003 August 22; 2003 Page 3 Estimated Project Costing Summary ' T-10-2003- Petticoat Creek Culvert Rehabilitation Total - T-I 0-2003 Associated Costs Consultant Fees Tender and other Miscellaneous Costs Material Testing Tree. Removal Project Contingency Total G.S.T. Total Gross Project Cost Less ' G.S.T. Rebate Total. Net Project Cost $158,396 $ 45,000 2,000 2,500 2,500 5,000 . $215,396 I'5,078 $230,474. (8~616) $221,858 Project Cost (under} over Approved Funds $o Ron Robinson Limited has previously worked on a. City project, (Tender T-4-2000 The Realignment of' Picketing Parkway, A copy of the Confined Space Entry Procedure to be used on this project,' The Health and Safety Policy,· a list of personnel trained, the CAD 7 form and a copy of the current certificate of Clearance issued by Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, aS submitted by Ron Robinson Limited 'hage been 'reviewed by. the Supervisor,. Human Resources Services and are deemed acceptable. Credit information as provided by Dun & Bradstreet for: Ron Robinson Limited .have. been reviewed by the. Senior Financial Analyst and in conjunction With staff's review of the. reference information and the bonding available on the this project, is ·deemed acceptable. Upon your-approval for this project, we will proceed with an on-line requisition and issue the Contractor a purchase order to commence construction. · ?/" Subject: Tender T-10-2003 / · · August'22, 2003 Page 4 If you require any further information or-clarification, please contact me at your convenience. Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Darrell E~. Setsky~ / - Supervisor, Municipal Works Gitlis Paterson Director; Corporate Services & Treasurer Everett ECawt~ma ~ Director, Opera~tions &: Emergency Services DS:hr Attachments: Location Map Record .of Tenders Opened and Checked Supply & Services Memorandum 0 6 {~ MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENOINrEERING Attachment For Tender: T-10-2003 PETTICOAT CREEK CULVERT TWY~ RIVERS . % CANADIAN "~ NATIONAL RAILWAYS ~HF'PPARD CULVERT LAURIER AVEN U E LOCATI.O~ MAP PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES: Culvert rehabilitation - Concrete i~nin_g of existing steel culvert l:~ARachmen£~ f~r T~nder~.2OO3tT.¢O_2003 ~ ,~et#cc~at Culver~.cl¢c CORPORATE SERVICES 'DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM 067 July 24, 2003 To: F~:om: Subject: Richard Hotbom · DiVision Head Municipal Property & Engineering. ' Darrell Setsky Supervisor, Municipal Works Vera A. Felgemacher · Manager, Supply & Services Tender for Petticoat Creek Culvert Reh-abiiitation Tender No. T - i 0 - 2005 Tenders have been received for the above project. Seven (7) co. mpanies were invited to participate. 'An advertisement was placed in the Daily Commei-cial News, News Advertiser Community Page and on the City's. website all of which yielded interest· from additional' bidders. Ten (1.0) bidders picked up'tendering documents for a non-refundable fee o.f $50.00 per set of which three'(3) responded. A copy' of the Record of Tenders Op6ned and Checked used'at·the . public tender opening is attached. Purchasing Procedure No. 'PUR 010-001,. Item 10.03 (r) provides 'checking' tendered unit prices and.extensions; unit prices shall govern and extensions will be .corrected accordingly, which has bee~n done; All deposits other'than "the Iow three bidders may be returned to, the applicable bidders as provided, for by Purchasing Procedure No.. PUR 0t0,00t, Item '10..0.3(w) and is not applicable in this tender call as oniy two (2) bids are available for consideration.. 0 8. Tender for. Petti0oat Creek Culvert Rehab.iiita'don Tender No., %10-2003' Page ;3. Please review the c. op.ies of the bids,. to Council; include the following items in your Report (a)' if items (a).through (¢) noted.above, ~re acceptable to the Safety & Training Coordinator; (b). any past work experience Ron Robinson Limited including work location; (c) without past work experience~ if reference information is acceptable; (d) the appropriate account number(s) to which this work is to be charged; (e) the budget amount(s) ass!gned thereto; (f) Treasurer's confirmation of fundir~g; (g) related departmental approvals; (h) any reason(s) why the .Iow.bid of R3n.Robinson Limited is not acceptable; and · (i) ref'ated comments specific to the project. .. Caryn Kong, Financial Afraid, st will request ¢omrnercia[ cr~dit rating information on Ron. RotSinson Limited and upon our review of the information, it is deemed acceptable. If'you require further i~formation, please feel free to con~ac~ me. Ivf A~achments - Vera A. Fer'gemacher COpy for:. Director, Operations & Emergency Services Tender for Petticoat Creek Culver~ Rehabii?~ation Tender No.. %10-2003 Pa~e 2 Summary .(PST included, GST included) R°n Robinson. Limited Elirpa Construction &.Materials' Limited R&M Construction Cambridge ---- Landsca in in~ $189,483,79' $348,963.86' Rejected Unable to Bid $.i69,483.79 $348,.963..86 · .Addendum #1 not acknowiedged. Purchasing By- law No. 5900-0I, Proced'ure No. PUR. 101-00t, 1'0.04- Item · 13 (automatic rejection),, lB3,. IB17, IB18, IB29' Letter' 07/11/O3 Pursuant to Information to Bidders Item 21, the following are being requested of. the Iow bidder.for your review during the .evaluatiOn stage of this tender call: .(a) a copy of the Confined Space Ent~y~Procedure document to be used on (b). th'is project; (c) a list of employees trained in the Confined Space Entry .Procedure Who wilt be (d) working on this.pr'ojecl; (e) a copy of the Health & Safety POlicy to be used on this projec, t; . (f) a copy of the current Co&t and Frequency Report issued by Workplace Safe~ & insurance Board (in lieu of the Cost and Frequency document,.a copy of the current CAD 7, NEER, or MAP reports may be submitted); .t~) a copy of the current Cer'dficate of Clearance issued by WOrkplace Ssfety & l'nsuranCe Board; and (h) the City's certificate of insurance completSd' by the bidder's agent~ broker or insurer. " · /0 7 0 ¥' ATTACHMENT #~TO REPORT #~,o~ OPERATIONS.& EMERGENCY SERVICES D MUNICIPAL PROPER~ & ENGINEERING DI ~~' AugUst 14, 2003 CITY OF PtCKE~tN~ To: Thomas J. Quinn . AU~ 2 0 2003 ..... Chief Administrative Officer_ ' PO ATE SeRWCES % From: Evere~ Buntsma ............. Director, Operations & Emergency Se~ices. 0 ~' Gil Paterson Director, Corporate Sewices Subject: . Tender T-11-2003 - Tender for Asphalt Paving and Concrete Works For Live~ool Road South, Don Beer Arena and Westney Road/Concession 8 Intersection Please be advised that tenders have been' received for the above noted project. Nineteen (19) companies were invited to participate. An advertisement was placed in the Daily Commercial News, the New Adver[iser Community Page and the City's Website. Eleven (11) companies picked up tendering documents for a non-refundable fee of $50.00 per set. Attached is a copy. of the record of tenders opened and checked that were used at the public tender bpening on Thursday, July 31,2003. Summary (P.S.T. included, G.S.T. included) Company Furfari Paving Paveco Road Builders Corp. Miller Paving Limited- Harnden & King Construction Peltar Paving & General Contractors Total Tendered Amount $2O2,538.96 $206,499.30 $217,959.00 $228,845.29 After Calculation,Check $202,538.96 $206,499.30 $217,959.00 '$228,845.29 Rejected Rejected Recommendation ¸3. That Tender No. T-1t-2003. submitted by Furfari Paving, for Asphalt Paving and Concrete Works, in the amount $202,539 including 7% G.S.T. be approved, and That a total gross project cost of $231,429 including .the tender amount, other associated project costs and 7% G.S.T., and a total net project cost of $222,778 after the G.S.T. rebate, be approved, and That debt funding in the amount of $100,000 through the Region of Durham be approved.. Subject: Tender %11-2003 August 14, 200.3 Page 2 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Tendered Amount T-11-2003 - Asphalt Paving and Concrete Works G.S.T. Sub Total G.S.T. Rebate Total $189,289 _ 13,250 202,539 ,,, (7,571) $194,968 APPROVED SOURCE OF FUNDS: 2. Year 2003 Capital Budget Account Number- 2320-6003 Roads Project Code - 03-2320-008-02 Liverpool Road/Millennium Square 10 Year Debt - To be financed Year 2002 Capital Budaet Account Number-3263-0088 Don Beer.Arena Project Code- 02-2715-006-01 Third Ice Pad Under expenditure on Total Project Year 2003 CUrrent Budqet Account Numbe~' 2320-2407 Roads Asphalt Patching Program - tax levy Total Funding Available $100,000 $282,173 $93,000 $475,173 Estimated Project Costing Summary T-11-2003- Asphalt Paving and Concrete Works Liverpool Road South including Parking Lot Works (Account Number 2320-6003) Don Beer Parking Lot Expansion (Account Number 3263-0088) Westney Road Paving (Account Number 2320-2407 Roads) Total - %11-2003 Associated Costs Material Testing Tender & other Miscellaneous Costs Project Contingency Total G.S.% Total Gross Project Cost Less - G.S.T. Rebate ' Total Net Proiect Cost $42,420 $135,644 $11,225 $189,289 $ 5,000 2,000 20,000 $216,289 15,140 $231,429 ,, $222,778 · .072 Subject: Tender %11-2003 August 14, 2003 Page 3 Project Cost (under) under Approved Funds $252,395 The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has reviewed the budgetary implications and the financing of the expenditures contained in this memo and has provided the 'financing recommendations. Please bear in mind that the $252,395 is not a true under-expenditure. Background: This tender consists of three projects being proposed by Municipal. Property & Engineering for 2003. Liverpool Road South Phase One works consist of transitioning the road works by Pentad Construction in 2002 to the Millennium Square. These works also include completing the parking lot construction adjacent to the .Coolwater Farms site. Funds will require to be budgeted .for in 2004 to complete Phase Two the boulevard works from Wharf Street south to the Millennium Square. The next project is the DOn Beer parking lot expansion, which also includes the resurfacing of the existing asphalt pavement. This project is a true under-expenditure~ The value of the under-expenditure after the parking.lot allowance is $142,460. Westney Road/Concession 8 Intersection has been identified as a safety issue project and requires asphalt paVement. Furfari Paving has previously worked on a City project, (Tender %3-2001 Road Improvements). A copy of the Confined Space Entry Procedure to be used on this project, The Health and Safety Policy, a list of personnel trained, the CAD 7 form and a Copy of the current certificate of Clearance issued by Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, as submitted by Furfad Paving have been reviewed by the Supervisor, Huma.n Resources Services and are deemed acceptable. Credit information as provided by Dun & Bradstreet for Furfari Paving have been reviewed by the Senior Financial Analyst and in conjunction with staff's review of the reference information and the bonding available on the this project, is deemed acceptable. Upon your approval for this project, we will proceed with an on-line requisition and issue the Contractor a purchase order to commence construction. If you require any further information or clarification, please contact-me at your convenience. 074 Subject: Tender T-1 t-2003 August 14, 2003 Page 4 Giliis Paterson Treasurer, Corporate Services & Treasurer Everett Buntshl~ Director, Operations & Emergency Services DS:hr Attachments: Location Map Record of Tenders 'Opened and Checked Supp y & Services Memorandum Copy: Division Head,' Municipal Property & Engineering Supervisor, Municipal Works P CKb, R 'MIYNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING Attachment For Tender: T-11-2003 LIVEP~OOL ROAD & P~G LOT FPE.IVCH~IAN '~ SUBLIE'CT AREAS '£,,4~E' BEAC P~F'RONT .~ PARK ALEX ROBERT$ON LOCAT!ONMAP LOCATION: Liverpool Road - Between the parkdng tot and Marshall Homes to the north Liverpool South Parking Lot- east side, just nmCh of the bridge PROPOSED ROAD CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES: Complete road aligmnent wi~ narrow curbs and gutter - Grinding off old asphalt and repave PROPOSED PARKING LOT CONSTRUCTION LNCLLrDES: Expand P~lcing area With banSer curbs - Asphalt complete parking.lot u7a J:~sbookellAtt. achment$ for ~"ender3~2OO3tT. '11-2003 - Don Beer Uverpeol Parking, doc MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING Attachment For Tender: T-11-2003 -DON BEER ARENA PARXJNG LOT' LOCATION MAP LOCATION; Don Beer Arena- Pazking Lot expansion PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES:. re-ditch around the .site new ~anutar base for'the proposed expansion Asphalt complete paring tot' J:~booker~Attachment$ for ']'ender2~OO3W-'] 1-2003 - Don Beer Liverpool Parking. doe CORPO~TE SERVICES DEPA~RTMENT MEMOt:~NDUM 077 AuBust 1, 2003 h-rom: Subje~: Richard Holborn Division Head Municipal Property &.Engineering · Darrell Selsk7 Supervisor,. Mun. iCipal Works Vera A. 'Felgemacher. Manager, Supply & Services Tender.fo~ Asphalt Paving and Concrete Works Tender No, T'- 11 - 2003 · Tenders have been received for the above project. Nineteen..(19) companies were invited to paAicipate. An advertisement was .placed .in the Daily Commercial News, News Advertiser Comm. unity Page and on the city"s Website .all of .which yielded 'interest from additional bidders. Eleven (11) bidders picked up tendering documents for a non-refundable fee of $50.00 per' set of which six (6) bidders have responded..A, copy of the P,ecord of Tenders 'Opened and' Checked used at the public tender opening .is attached. Purchasing Procedure 'No. PUP, 010-00t, item 10.03 (0 provides checkin9 tendered unit prices and. e~ensions; unit Pdces shalt govern and.e~ensions will be:corrected accordingly, which.has been. done. All bid o~.post~s have been retained at this time. Tender for Asphalt Pavin~ and Concrete Work~ 8 Tender No. T'- 11 - 2003 · August 1, 2003 'Paee 3 Please review submission and include the following .items in your Report. to (a) if items (a) through (c) noted above, are accep(able to the Safety' & Train'ing Coordinator;· (b) any past Work experience with Fur'fad Paving including work location; (c) w~.thout past work experience, if reference information is acceptable;. (d) the appropriate account number(s) to which this work. is to be charged; (e) · the b'udget amount(s), assigned thereto; (0' Treasurer's confirmation of fun'ding; (g) related departmental approvals; (h) any reason(s) why the iow bid of Furfari Paving is n'ot acceptable; and (i). related comments specific to the project. Request' has'been made' of Caryr~'Kong, Financial Analyst ..to review' Dun & Bradstreet reporting information on Furfad Paving,. Commentary will be provided for your consideration. if you require further information, please feet freef~¢~/~ 1~ to hi¢~ct me. Vera A. F&lg.emacher vf Attachments' Copy for: Director, Operations & Emergency Services 079 IT1 0 0 o mO 0 m~ 0 _-'E- 0 030 ATTACHMENT# .~ TO OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION · August 20, 2003 MEMORANDUM RECEIVED CITy OF PICKERING AU6 1 9 2003 TO: Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administrative Officer CORPORATE SERVICES' FROM: Richard Holbom, P, Eng. Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering RE' Tender %12-2003 - Tender for Amberlea Creek Watercourse Works Please be advised that tenders have been received for the above noted project. Nine (9) companies were invited to participate. An advertisement was placed in the Daily Commercial News, the New Advertiser Community Page and the City's Website. Thirteen (13) companies picked up tendering documents for a non-refundable fee of $50.00 per set. Attached is a copy of the record of tenders opened and checked that Were used at the public tender opening on Thursday, July 31,2003. .Summary (P.S.T. included, G.S,.T. included) Company R & M Construction Total Tendered Amount After Calculation Check $173,912.76 $173,912.76 Recommendation 1. That Tender No'. T-12-2003 submitted by R & M Construction, for Amberlea Creek Watercourse Works, in the amount $173,913 including 7% G.S.T. be approved, and 2. That a total gross project cost of $261,653 including the tender amount, Other associated project costs and 7% G.S.T., and a total net project cost of $251,872 after the G.S.T. rebate, be approved, and 3. Council authorize the director, Corporate Services & .Treasurer to finance the project through the issuance of debentures through the Region of Durham; and Subject: Tender T-12-20'03 August 20, 2003 Page 2 a) c) d) e) Debt financing not exceeding the amount of $150,000 for a period not exceeding 10 years.and $100,000 for a Period not exceeding 5 years at a rate to be determined; and Financing and repayment charges in the amount of approximately $20,380 and $23,740 respectiVely be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2004 and continuing thereafter until the loan Is repaid; and The amount of $1,872 be financed from the 2003 Current Budget; The Director, Corporate Services & 'Treasurer has certified that this loan and the repayment thereof falls within the City's Debt and Financial Obligations approved Annual. Repayment Limit -for debt and other financial Obligations for 2003 as established by the Porvince for municipalities in Ontario; and The Treasurer is authorized to take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing; and FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Tendered Amount T-12-2003 - Amberlea Creek Watercourse Works G.S.T. Sub Total G.S.T. Rebate Total $162,536 11,378 $173,914 (6,501) $167,413 APPROVED SOURCE OF FUNDS: 2. Year 2002 Capital Bud(let Account Number - 3264-2410-6181 Project Code- 02-2410-005-00 10 - Year Debt - To be financed Year 2003 Ca:)ital Budctet Account Number 3264-2410-6181 Project Number 03-2410-005-05 5 - Year Debt- Tobe financed Total Funding Available $150,000 $120,000 $270,000 ' Subject: TenderT-12-2003 O82 -August 20, 2003 Page 3 Estimated Project Costing Summary T-12-2003 -Amberlea Creek Watercourse Works Total - T- 12-2003 Associated Costs Tender and other Miscellaneous Cost Material Testing Consultant Fees Condominium Restoration Project Contingency Total G.S,T. Total Gross Project Cost Less - G.$.T. Rebate Total Net Project Cost $162,536 $ 2,000 $ 5,0oo $ 60,000 $ 5,000 $ 10,000 $244,536 17,117 $261 ,'653 (9,781) $251,872 .. Project Cost (under) over Approved Funds $18,128 R & M Construction. has previously worked on a City project, (Quotation called by Schollen & Company on behalf of the City for Amberlea Creek Phase 1 Works March 15, 2001). The Health and Safety Policy, a list of personnel trained, the CAD 7. form and a copy of the current certificate of Clearance issued by Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, as submitted by R & M Construction have been reviewed by the SUpervisor, Human Resources Services and are deemed acceptable. Credit information as provided by Dun & Bradstreet for R & M Construction have been reviewed by the Senior Financial Analyst and in conjunction with staff's review of the reference information and the bonding available on the this project, is deemed acceptable. Upon your approval for this. project, we will proceed with an on-line requisition and issue the Contractor a purchase order to commence construction. If you require any further information or clarification, please contact me at your convenience. "Subject: Tender T-12-2003 August 20, 2003 Page 4 083 Prepared By Approved By: uarrell B. Selsk~ ' //'/ -~' P/i(~l~a~t- Holi~rn Supervisor, Municipal Work¢/ ~!vision He~d, Munoipal Property & Gil is Pat6,rs~cr Everett Buntsma Treasurer, Corporate Services & Treasurer Director, Operations & Emergency Services DS:hr Attachments: Location Map Record of Tenders Opened and Checked Supply & Services Memorandum 0 8 4 MUNICIPAL'PROPERTY & ENGINEERING Attachment'For Tender: %12-2003 AM~ EP,_LEA CREEK /f STLJ LA ySUBJECT DRIVE TIMMiNS (5;ARDEN'S SA'M FO RD LN. ~ tCF-CYLIA LYNX AVE, SANOK .GR. EYCOAT I ¢ ' VICK, I LANE ~/' LOCATION MAP LOCATION: Amberlea Creek - in the ravine behind Vistula'Drive PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES: Erosion Control / Stabilization (completion ofpre¥ious works)' · Amberlea Creek - in the ravine behind .V'ismla Drive. l:~A#echments for Tenderst2OO3t T-12-2003 . Amberlea Creek. doc CORPORATE.SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM 0 8,5 July 31, 2003 From: Richard Holbom Divisibn Head Municipal Property & Engineerin~ Darrell Setsky Supervisor, Municipal.Works Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Seh4ces Su~e~: Tender for Ambedea Creek Watercourse Wo~s Tender No. T- 12 - 2003 Tenders have been 'received for the above, project. Nine (9). companies were invited to participate. An advertisement was placed in the Daily Commercial News, News Advertiser Community. Page and. on the City's Website all of which ~,ielded interest from additional bidders. Thirteen (13) bidders picked up tendering documents for a non-refundable fee of $50.00 per set of which one bidder has responded: A copy of the Record of Tenders Opened and Checked used at the public tender opening .is. attached.. Purchasing Procedure No.- PUR 010-001,"Item 10.03 (r) provides clSecking tendered unit prices and extensions; ' unit prices shall govern and exten~i0ns will be corrected accordingly, Which has been done. Summary (PST included, CST included)~ Tender for Amberiea Creek Watercourse Works Tender No. T- 72 - 2003, Page 2 Pursuant' to information to Bidders Item 21, the following are being requested of the low bidder for your review during the evaluation stage of this tender call: (a) a copy of. the.Health & Safety'Policy to be used on this project; (b) a copy of the current Cost and Frequency Report issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance. Board (in' lieu of the Cost and Frequency document, a copy of the current CAD 7, NEER, or MAP reports may be submitted); (c) a copy of the current Ce~fiCate of Clearance issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board; (d) the City's certificate of insurance shall be completed by the bidder's agent, broker or insurer;, PIease review submission and include .the following items in your Report to Council: · (a) if items (a) through (c) noted above, are acceptable to the Safety & Training Coordinator; ' (b) any past work experience R & M Construction including work location; (c) without past work experience, if reference information is acceptable; (d) the appropriate account number(s) to which this work is to be charged; (e) the budget amount(s) assigned thereto; (f) Treasurer's'confirmation of funding; (g) .related departmental approvals;. (h) any reason(.s.)why the Iow bid of R .& M Construction is not acceptable; and (7 related comments specific to the project. Request has been. made of Caryn Kong; Financial Analyst to review Dun & Bradstr. eet reporting information on R & M Construction. Co!mmentary will be provided for your consideration, feet free to Contact ~ .. ' If you.require further information, please . Vera A. Fetgema~r /bt Attachments Copy for: Director, Operations & Emeigency Services o 0 0 0 0 0 >© 0 IT1 088 CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT ATTACHMENT # ..ff 'MEMORANDUM · TO REPORT Date: TO: From: Subject: July 10, 2003 Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services JUL I O. 20O3 Barbara Tran Buyer I! Quotation for Roofing Squash'Court & Maintenance Corridor, 'Pickering Recreation Complex Quotation No, Q - 19 - 2003 Quotations have been received for t'he above projecL Four (4) companies were. invited to participate of which three attended the mandatory site visit and 'two (2) responded. SuPplementary Standard Conditions Item 10 sets out documentation required of a 'Iow .bidder for your review during the evaluation stage of a quotation .call. This documentation has been received and reviewed recently (May 13, 2003) as part of the evaluation process for Tender No. T - 8 - 2003 .and were deemed acceptable by Coordinator, Safety..& Training at that time, and the Health & Safety related documentation remains current. A current CertifiCate of Clearance is being requested. Solar Roofing was the successful bidder .on that project and is currently providing roofing work for the City at the Picketing Recreation Complex. '- A copy of the Warranty and Qualified Contractor has been submitted with this' quotation as well as another Agreement to Bond for.this project. A performance bond and labour & materials payment bond will be requested of Solar Roofing following notice of acceptance from the City. Please review the attached summary as well as quotation copies. Include the following items in your recommendation': (a) the apPropriate account number(s).to which this work is to be charged'; (b) the budget amount(s) assigned thereto; (c) related departmental approvals; (d) any reason(s) why the bid of SOlar Roofing & Sheetmetal Ltd., is not acceptable; (e) related comments specific to the project; and · (f) an approved 'on-line' requisition. Everett Buntsma Quotation No.. Q-19-2003 July.10, 2003 Page 2 As set out in Policy Item 04..05, Authorities and Dollar Limits - Formal Quotation Process, an award exceeding $75,000 is subject to Council approval. CAO can approve during Council's recess as set out in the Resolution dated May 27, 2002. An approval under $75,000 does not require CAO apprdval, should you decide to accept the quotation in part. if you. require further information, please feel free to contact me. Barbara Tran /bt Enclosures · Copy Division. Head, Culture & Recreation Supervisor, Facilities Operati'or~s O9O August 21, 2003 To: From: Subject: OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION 09.1. MEMORANDUM 2 2003 '; Buyer Il Division Head, Municipal Prope~ & Eng~neerm ............................ ?"'~ ............... : ...................... ~ ...... : . Richard Holborn Q-21-2003-.School Crossing Guard Program' Further to.your memo dated August 20, 2003 advising that the Iow bidder, Proactive Staffing Services has declined to provide the services for Q-21-2003, please be advised that I accept the recommendation to award to the second lowest bidder, .Adecco Employment Services Inc. The formal quotation which exceeds $75,000 will be approved by the Chief Administrative Officer under his authority, during the recess of Council. RH:hr Copy: R'.Zhard Holl:26rn I:;iCJvision Head, Municipal Property & (-- Engineering Director, operations & Emergency Services .092 August 20, 2003 C,-.{PORATE SERVICES DEPART,,,.~NT MEMORANDUM A."TACHHEh,,"!" #_~TO REPORT To: From: Subject: Richard Holbom Division Head, Municipal Property and Engineering Jill Hone . Buyer II Q-21-2003, School Crossing Guard Program Attached please find 'a copy of the letter received from Proactive Staffing Services detailing the reasons they are unable t° perform this work. I am therefore recommending award to the Second lowest bidder, Adecco.Employment Services Inc. Adecco Employment Services 'Inc. has been performing this work for the City satisfactorily since 1998. ' Award iS subject to receipt of .the following: jh Attachments * Certificate of InSurance o .WSIB Clearance Certificate o WSIB Cost and FrequenCy Report ' Health & Safety Policy 'Kindly advis8 if you concur with this recommendation. Please note that in accordance with Purchasing Policy & Procedures, formal quotations over the amount of $75,000.00 are subject to Council app.rovai: Thank you, / CORPORATE SERVICES DEPAR ~ ,¢IENT SUPPLY & SERVICES MEMORANDUM Date: To; From: Subject:. July 31, 2003 Richard Holbom Division Head, Municipal ProPerty & Engineering Jill Hone Buyer II Q - 21 - 2003, SChOol Crossing Guard Program The quotation to administer the City's School Crossing Guard Program has closed. Four companies were invited to .bid, of which two' (2) responded "no .bid" and two acceptable bids were received. · The following is a summary of costS: .Proactive Staffing Services Inc. ADECCO Employment Services Limited Adept Personnel Services Inc. Apple One Employment Services $27,000.0'0 $270,000.00 $770.00 $27,118.70 $271,187.00 $900.00 Unable to bid Unable to bid NOTE: Provincial Sales Tax Not App/icable/Goods and Services T~,~ ~ "' COpies of the quotations are attached for your'perusal. Supply and Services should you wish to review them. The original documents are in. c 94 Q - 2t - 2003, School Crossing Guard Program August 1, 2003 Page2. I am recommending award of this work to the Iow bidder, Proactive Staffing Services Inc. subject to receipt of the following: - . · Fav0urable reference check · Certificate of'insurance · WSIB Clearance Certificate · WSIB Cost and Frequency Report Kindly review the information provided and advise if you concur with this recommendation. Please note that in accordance with Purchasing Policy & Procedures, formal quotations over the amount of $75,000.00 are subject to Council approval. The current blanket purchase order will serve as an authorized requisition, however, confirmation of the account code to be used is required. if you require further information, please feel free to contact me. Thank you, .ih Attachments May 27, 2002 ATTACHI"IENT # ~ . ,'TO P, EPOi~T#,~-O' ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT CLERK'S DIVISION q 9 5 MEMORANDUM MAY' z a 20o2 COR POR ATf:: ::'3 hL R,,/K::ES TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Tom Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer Gil Paterson, Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Bruce Taylor, Clerk Referrals from Council Meeting of May 21, 2002 Please be advised that the Council of the City of Pickering passed Resolution #80/02, Item #4, at the Council Meeting of May 21, 2002, as follows: That Report to Council CAO 04-02 seeking authorization by the Chief Administrative Officer to act in Council's approval capacity on behalf of Council during any recess, break or absence of City Council be received; and That subject to the Council approved Purchasing Policy & Procedure, the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to act in Council's approval capacity on behalf of Council during any recess, break or absence of City Council on the condition that: a) such actions are in compliance with the Purchasing Policy & Procedure as approved under Resolution 136/01; and b) the costs thereof are within the budget previously approved by Council; and c) a report respecting those approvals is subsequently submitted to Council. 3.' That appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to give effect thereto. BT:dk Copy: T.J. Quirm, Chief Administrative Officer E~rUce Taylor ATTACHMEWf# 7 70 P&PO'RT:#' '" "- INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM CLERK'S DIVISION DATE: TO: FROM: June 6, 2000 G. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Bruce Taylor City Clerk CITY* OF PICKERING JUN 0 2000 CORPORATE SERVICES Please be advised that the Council of the City of Pickering passed Resolution 85/00, Item #1 at the Council Meeting of June 5, 2000, as follows: That Report to Council CS 12-00 regarding authority for the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to recommend project financing approval during recesses of Council be received, and The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to recommend and approve project financing to the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer for projects contained in the annual capital budget or current budget, during recesses of City Council; and That appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to give effect thereto. This resolution is sent to you for your information. Bruce Taylor, City Clerk cc. T.J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer 097 RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY 1. That the draft by-law to appoint two persons to enforce the Parking By-law at 605 Stroud's Lane-Highbush Public School and ten persons to enforce the Parking By-law at 1210 & 1235 Radom St., 1310 Fieldlight Blvd., 1975 & 1958 Rosefleld Rd., 1915 Denmar Rd., 1525/35 Diefenbaker Court, 1530/40 and 1625 Pickering Pkwy., 1360 & 1885 Glenanna Road, 1000/1400 The Esplanade, 925 Bayly St. and 1650 Kingston Road, be forwarded to Council for approval. REPORT TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Report Number: CL 26-03 Date: September 24, 2003 From: Bruce Taylor City .Clerk Subject: Appointment to enforce the Parking By-law at 605 Stroud's Lane - Highbush Public School, and 1210 & 1235 Radom St., 1310 Fieldlight Blvd., 1975 & 1958 Rosefield Rd., 1915 Denmar Rd., 1525/35 Diefenbaker Court, 1530/40 and 1625 Pickering Pkwy., .1360 & 1885 Glenanna Road, 1000/1400 The Esplanade, 925 Bayly St., and 1650 Kingston Road. Recommendation: That the draft by-law to appoint two persons to enforce the Parking By-law at 605 Stroud's Lane-Highbush Public School and ten persons to enforce the Parking By-law at 1210 & 1235.Radom St., 1310 Fieldlight Blvd., 1975 & 1958 Rosefield Rd., 1915 Denmar Rd., 1525/35 Diefenbaker Court, 1530/40 and 1625 Picketing Pkwy., 1360 & 1885 Gienanna Road, 1000/1400 The Esplanade, 925 Bayly St., and 1650 Kingston Road, be forwarded to Council for approval. Executive Summary: Not Applicable Financial Implications: None Background: Correspondence has been received from The Durham District School Board requesting the appointment of two persons as By-law Enforcement Officer for the purpose of enforcing the Parking By-law at 605 Stroud's Lane-Highbush Public School. Report CL 26-03 Subject: Appointment of By-law Enforcement Officers Date: September 24, 2003 Page 2 Correspondence has also been received from Group 4 Falck Canada Ltd. requesting the appointment of ten persons as By-law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing the Parking By-law at 1210 & 1235 Radom St., 1310 Fieldlight Blvd., 1975 & 1958 Rosefleld Rd., 1915 Denmar Rd., 1525/35 Diefenbaker Court, 1530/40 and 1625 Pickering Pkwy., 1360 & 1885 Glenanna Road, 1000/1400 The Esplanade, 925 Bayly St., and 1650 Kingston Road. Attachments: Correspondence from The Durham District School Board Correspondence from Group 4 Falck Canada Ltd.. Draft By-law Prepared By: Debbie Kearns Committee Coordinator BT:dk Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Approved / Endorsed By: BrUd'e Taylor City Clerk Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council . ~ t TI'rOmPs J. Quint, Chie~Admi~ive officer i00 DURHAM DISTRICT SCHOOL' BOARD HIGHBUSH PUBLIC SCHOOl. 005 St¢Oud'~ Lane PJckering, Ontario [.iV 5M5 Telephone'. {906) ~628g Fax: (905) 839-1372 Please accept this Icttcr as a requost for pcamission to be al~ointed Municipal Law Enforc~znent Officer for thc following address: Highbush Public School 605 Stroud's Lane Picketing Ontario LiV 5M5 In doing so I would act as an agem for Durham District School Board. Liana Lafranier Principal GROUP 4 FALCK (Canada) LIMITED 2f4 King Sfreet East, 2nd Ftoor, Oshawa; Ontario LIH lC7 September 22, 2003 Sent via fax: 905-420-05i5 RECEIVED CiTY OF piCKERING SE? 2 3 003 CLERK'S DIVISION The Corporation of the Town of Pickering Councilor's Office One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 Attention: Deborah Kearns Coordinator of Council Services Deborah Kearns, According to the records of this office the following persons need to be removed, as our company no longer employs them. PIERRE CHABOT JEN GALO GILLES LEVESQUE JASON SAVAGE JIM WRAIGHT JENNIFER ZUB I have also need to update the appointed lands our company provides services for. Below I have listed the following lands to be removed from our authorized iisi, as we no longer provide service at these locations. DCC#52 580 EYER DCC#93t106 1880/1890 VALLEY FARM ROAD 2~-' 9-03; 14:85 ;','Sr'©~D 4 S,,3ci..Ir i ts;'~ ;905 579 8~,28 # 2/ 2 192 GROUP 4 FALCK (Canada) LIMITED 244 King Street East, 2nd Floor, Oshawa, Ontario LIH ftC7 The following are persons i need to be put through council for bylaw certification at the following Picketing locations. DCC#19 DCC#42 DCC_.4f58 DCC#60 D CC.#¢ 136 DCC¢139 DCC_~152 OCC#2 OCC#11 1210 RADOM DCC #32 1360 GLENANNA 1310 FIELDLIGHT BLVD DCC#51 1958 ROSEFIELD 1975 ROSEF]ELD 1915 BENMAR RD 1525/35 DIEFENBAKER COURT & 1530140 PICKERING PARKWAY 1000/1400 THE ESPLANADE CASITAS MILLENIUM 1625 PICKERING PARKWAY 925 BAYLY 1235 RADOM 1650 KINGSTON ROAD 1885 GLENANNA ROAD CRAIG BENNETT LIC#239932 DAVID PUSKAS LlC# TODD SISK LIC#284085 JOHN BURNETT LIC# STEVE PLUE LIC#254427 SHERRI TROMELY-CANE LIC# JASON KILBURN LIC#035958 STEVE WILKES LIC#PENDING STEVE CANNING LIC#! Oq;O~t PETER LAWRENCE LIC #258896 Your attention to the above matters is greatly appreciated. Please contact myself when the above persons have been authorized or if any questions arise. Thank you Peter Lawrence, CPO Operations Supervisor Group 4 Falck Canada Ltd Oshawa Branch THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for certain purposes (Parking Regulation - 605 Stroud's Lane - Highbush Public School, 1210 & 1235 Radom St., 1310 FieldlightBIvd., 1975 & 1958 Rosefield Rd., 1915 Denrnar Rd., 1525/35 Diefenbaker Court, 1530/40 and 1625 Picketing Pkwy., 1360 & 1885 Glenanna Road, 1000/1400 The Esplanade, 925 Bayly St., and 1650 Kingston Road.) WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(i) of the Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15, as amended, a municipal council may appoint persons to enforce the by-laws of the municipality; and WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(2) of the said Act, municipal by-law enforcement officers are peace officers for the purpose of enforcing municipal by-laws; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: That the following persons be hereby appointed as municipal law enforcement officers in and for the City of Pickering in order to ascertain whether the provisions of By-law 2359/87 are obeyed and to enforce or carry into effect the said By-law and are hereby authod;,ed to enter at all reasonable times upon lands municipally known as a) 605 Stroud's Lane: Barry Bedford Liana Lafranier b) 1210 & 1235 Radom St., 1310 Fieldlight Blvd., 1975,& 1958 Rosefield Rd., 1915 Denmar Rd., 1525135 Diefenbaker Court, 1530/40 and 1625 Pickering Pkwy., 1360 & 1885 Glenanna Road, 1000/1400 The Esplanade, 925 Bayly St., and 1650 Kingston Road: Craig Bennett Steve Plue Steve Canning David Puskas Sherd Tromely-Cane Todd Sisk Jason Kilburn Peter Lawrence John Bumett Steve Wilkes The authority granted in section 1 hereto is specifically limited to that set out in section 1, and shall not be deemed, at any time, to exceed the authority set out in section 1. These appointments shall expire upon the persons listed in section l(a) ceasing to be employees of The Durham District School Board, or upon those persons listed in section l(b) ceasing to be employees of Group 4 Falck Canada Ltd. or upon Group 4 Falck Canada Ltd. ceasing to be an agent of 1210 & 1235 Radom St., 1310 Fieldlight Blvd., 1975 & 1958 Rosefield Rd., 1915 Denmar Rd., 1525/35 Diefenbaker Court, 1530/40 and 1625 Picketing Pkwy., 1360 & 1885 Glenanna Road, 1000/1400 The Esplanade, 925 Bayly St., and 1650 Kingston Road, or whichever shall occur first. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 14th day of October, 2003. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk ].05 RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamation: "The Lung Association Awareness Month" - December, 2003 "Block Parent Week" - October 19 - 25, 2003 106 Clerks Department City of Pickering 1 The Esplanade Pickering,ON LIV 6K7 LUNG ASSOCIATION Durham Arm 1627 Dundas Street East Whitby, ON L1N2K9 Tel: (905) 436-1046 Fax: (905) 723-3151 http://www, on. lung. ca rqECEIVED :"?,,~ ~F PIC_,KERIt - 1 ¢tober 1sI' 2003 IJ[J OCT" GITY OF PICKERING PIOKERING. ONTARIO Dear Sir/Madam On behalf of The Lung Association, Durham Area, we would respectfully request that the City of Pickering proclaim the month of December 2003 as The Lung Association Awareness month. Through our Christmas Seal Campaign, The Lung Association is promoting lung health awareness during the months of November and December. Residents in our municipality and across Ontario will be receiving Christmas seals and are asked to use these colourful seals as a reminder to their family and friends to show their commitment to improving lung health in our community. The Lung Association gratefully accepts donations to help prevent and control many lung diseases including asthma, and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Please find enclosed some lung health statistics and a sample of this year's Christmas Seal. We would be happy to address any questions you may have. Thanking you in advance, ~ A~m.:y M~ M~e~ ~~-- .... Community Project Assistant Durham Area Encl. 2 When You Can't Breathe, Nothing Else Matters. Charitable Registration No. 12404 6368 RRO002 Page 1 of 2 1,08 Taylor, Bruce From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Mark Holland [mark@markholland.ca] October 2, 2003 3:17 PM Block Parent Robbins, Maureen; Taylor, Bruce Re: Block Parent Week Hi Bruce, thanks for writing. No problem on the proclamation - by way of copy I am requesting that Bruce Taylor ensure it is put on our next agenda (may have to be circulated under separate cover because of the tight timeline involved). I am also requesting that Maureen contact the Town of Ajax and have them place it on their agenda as well. Congratulations on taking on the responsibility of president and please let me know if there is any other way I or the City may be of assistance. Thanks, -Mark Mark Holland Regional Councillor, Ward 2 wk: (905) 420-4605 fx: (905) 420-6064 e-mail: mark~markholland.ca web: www.markholl and. ca m_ Original Message --- From: B_l_o_ck?_a_r_e_n_t To: Mark Holland Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2003 12:54 AM Subject: Block Parent Week Greetings Mark: Once again we are faced with reorganizing. It is difficult to get volunteers these days. I have now moved up to the chairperson however we are going to be looking for more volunteers to fill the open positions. Block Parent week this year is October 19th to 25th, as in the past we have had both Picketing and Ajax do a proclamation for this. Would you be so kind to ask the mayor to do a proclamation for this week? Also would you be able to put me in touch with someone in Ajax to do the same? I would need to contact them by email as it is long distance for me to phone from my place of work. We value your commitment to the Block Parent Program and we will be asking in the near future all city officials as to their commitment to this program. We need as much support from the City in order to recruit more block parents. This will be one question that I will asking those that are looking for my support for the election. I wish you all the best for re-election to the regional chair. I understand the situation and your decision for not running for mayor. I have always said that you will make a good mayor for Picketing and one day I hope this will be true. Take care, 02/10/2003 Page 2 of 2 Bruce A sincere thank you to you and all our trusted and loyal parents who understand the importance and integrity of the BLOCK PARENT sign in your window. We appreciate your vigilance to keep it safe and for knowing were it is at all times. Your dedication gives our organization integrity while bringing reassurance and comfort to Picketing and Ajax streets. Thank you for insuring a safe haven for children and people in need. BIocl~ Parent Program is the largest volunteer crime prevention program in Canadt~ Bruce Hampson Ajax/Pickering Block Parent Chairperson block.parent@rogers, com This electronic message and all contents contain information from which may be privileged, confidential or otherwise protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the e-mail to the intended recipient, any disclosure, copy, distribution or use of the contents of this message is prohibited. If you have received this electronic message in error, please notify the sender immediately by return email and destroy the original message and all copies. 02/10/2003