HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 37-03 Cw¡ o~ REPORT TO PLANNING COMMITTEE Report Number: PD 37-03 Date: September 26, 2003 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 14/03 Montessori Learning Centre of Pickering (750985 Ontario Limited) 401,409,417 Kingston Road & 4 Evelyn Avenue (Part of Lots 17, 18 and 19, Plan 230) South-west corner of Kingston Road & Evelyn Avenue City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 14/03, be APPROVED to permit commercial, office, institutional and residential uses, on lands being Part of Lots 17, 18 and 19, Plan 230, City of Pickering, submitted by McDermott & Associates Limited on behalf of 750985 Ontario Limited, (Montessori Learning Centre of Pickering). 2. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 14/03, as set out in Appendix I to Report Number 37-03, be FORWARDED to City Council for enactment. Executive Summary: The applicant is requesting a change to the various zoning designations on the subject lands to implement the City's Official Plan Mixed Use Area - Mixed Corridor designation, to permit the establishment of an integrated office, commercial, institutional and residential land use. The properties are located between Kingston Road and Highway 401, west of Evelyn Avenue (see Location Map, Attachment #1 and Conceptual Development Plans - Phase 1, 2 & 3, Attachment #2). Alterations, demolition and redevelopment are being proposed to the existing buildings and properties in a phased process over a period of time. The proposed mixed uses will be compatible with the existing Montessori School on the subject property. Financial Implications: proposed development. No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the Report PD 37-03 Date: September 26, 2003 Subject: Montessori Learning Centre (A 14/03) Page 2 Background: 1.0 Comments Received 1.1 At August 7,2003 Public Information meeting (see text of Information Report and Meeting Minutes, Attachments #4 and #5) 1.2 Agency Comments Veridian Connections Region of Durham 1.3 City Departments Development Control - no objections; - existing service to property may be inadequate, applicant can obtain service upgrade information from Veridian; - (see Attachment #6); - the proposal is permitted by the policies of the Durham Region Official Plan; - municipal water supply and sanitary sewer service are available; - at the time of Site Plan application a traffic report, noise study and soil remediation report will be required for any new, sensitive land use, i.e. Residential and day nursery; - (see Attachments #7 and #8); - stormwater must be addressed; granular parking surface is not acceptable; relocation of the Kingston Road entrance must be assessed; Evelyn Avenue design must be reviewed; - sidewalks will be required across the Kingston Road frontage of the site (City responsibility) with implementation of each phase of development; - improvements on Evelyn Avenue, including sidewalks, will be the owners responsibility; - (see Attachment #9). The above-noted matters may require amendment to the conceptual design at the site plan stage, however, the issues are not considered to be of such significance to prohibit rezoning the subject property. Report PO 37-03 Date: September 26, 2003 Subject: Montessori Learning Centre (A 14/03) Page 3 1.4 2.0 2.1 2.2 Community Comment 1000683 Ontario Limited - occupies 1 Evelyn Avenue, has expressed concern regarding the use of Evelyn Avenue for access and egress to the site; - express concern that increased vehicular demand on Evelyn Avenue will result in loss of revenues to the company; - (see Attachment #10). Discussion History of the Montessori School Site. 1987 - By-law 2497/87 zoned the most westerly two properties subject of this application to permit a wide range of commercial, institutional and office uses (including a Private Non-Residential School I Montessori School); 1997 - By-law 5150/97 expanded the list of permitted uses on the centre parcel subject of this application; 1998 - Committee of Adjustment (PICA 63/98) permitted the establishment of a modular school building on the most westerly parcel. Building to be removed by August 31, 2003; 2003 - Zoning By-law Application A 14/03 submitted to rezone the property supporting the Montessori school and additional properties; - see Attachment #3 for current zoning of the subject properties; - staff support the intent of this zoning by-law application to provide one common zoning over the three parcels of land. Proposed Uses are Compatible with Existing Institutional Uses and Site Function. Commercial Uses The proposed introduction of a mix of commercial uses will not detrimentally impact the existing institutional use of the site. The Montessori Learning Centre is currently operating within a locality that comprises a range of uses including office, auto wreckers and residential. The introduction of similar type uses to the subject property will further reinforce the desired objectives as outlined in the City of Pickering Official Plan and Kingston Road Corridor Urban Design Development Guidelines. The proposal will promote the subject site as a mainstreet district that serves the residential neighbourhoods north and south of Highway 401 through increased employment potential, provision of day-to-day services and provide additional educational facilities. Report PD 37-03 Date: September 26, 2003 Subject: Montessori Learning Centre (A 14/03) Page 4 Residential Uses To implement the goals and objectives of the Kingston Road Corridor Urban Design Development Guidelines - Rougemount Village Area, it is recommended that low rise apartment uses be permitted on the subject lands. Development similar to the Rougemount Co-op building on the north side of Kingston Road would provide an interesting urban village streetscape. Due to the size of the subject property and density requirements of the Official Plan (over 30 and up to 140 units per hectare) ground related residential development (detached, semi-detached or townhomes) is not recommended as it would not address the requirement of the Official Plan for an urban village form. Consequently the proposed implementing zoning by-law for the subject lands requires an apartment style development (multiple vertical residential). It is anticipated that should residential development be viable for the site that it is likely to occur at the corner of Kingston Road and Evelyn Avenue, providing a focal point to the corner. Building height requirements (minimum 6.5 metres, maximum 18.0 metres) and parking requirements (1.5 parking spaces per unit) will assist to control development of the site. Attachment #10 is a chart outlining existing permitted uses on the subject property under the various applicable zoning categories. 2.3 Establish Build To Zones (BTZ's) to Promote a Mainstreet Environment and Provide the Desired Village Atmosphere. The applicant has proposed that a Build-To-Zone (BTZ) be established to ensure that future development of the subject site be uniform in design and achieve the desired village character, as outlined within the Kingston Road Corridor Guidelines. It is recommended that the entire area fronting Kingston Road and a portion of Evelyn Avenue incorporate BTZ's that are 3.0 metres from the property boundary and 3.0 metres deep. The BTZ are proposed to be broken into three individual BTZ's separated by the property boundaries fronting Kingston Road. It is recommended that the height of buildings within the BTZ in area 'A' on Schedule II of Appendix I be a minimum of 6.5 metres and maximum of 14.0 metres. A conceptual elevation plan for a gymnasium building has been reviewed that indicates a height of 14.0 metres, along a small portion of area 'A', will not detract from the desired village feel. The BTZ within areas 'B' and 'c' of the same schedule should be limited to a minimum height of 6.5 metres and maximum height of 7.5 metres. Further it is recommended that all development within the building envelop be restricted to a height of no more than 18.0 metres. Development between the BTZ's and Kingston Road will not be permitted. The desired outcome is to provide a pedestrian friendly streetscape through the 'stepping' of built form, while maintaining the site's ability to function and accommodate more intensive uses. Report PO 37-03 Date: September 26, 2003 Subject: Montessori Learning Centre (A 14/03) Page 5 2.4 Parking Standards Implemented to Achieve Desired Landuse. In order to promote and maintain the desired village atmosphere of the locality the potential use of the land must be controlled. Specific parking requirements will permit reasonable development of the subject property while. regulating parking associated with uses that are high generators of parking need. Over-intensification of the land will be avoided through this form of control. Preliminary development plans have been submitted by the applicant that show the free and unrestricted movement of traffic within the site and connecting to City and Regional roads. The following table outlines parking standards that are recommended to effectively control future development of the site. Type or Nature of Use Minimum Off Street Parking Requirements Athletic Club and/or Fitness 8 parking spaces per 100 square Establishment, Private / Public Club metres of gross leasable floor area Day Nursery School or Private School 4 parking spaces per 100 square metres of floor area exclusive of the floor areas associated with an auditorium / gymnasium, main entrances, foyers or other common element areas not associated with classrooms Bank and/or Financial Institution, 5.5 spaces per 100 square metres of Business and/or Professional Offices, gross leasable floor area Retail, Commercial or Personal Service Establishments, Dry Cleaners Distribution Centre, Eating Establishment (no drive-thru permitted), Medical or Dental Clinic, or Offices of a Drugless Practitioner Funeral Home The greater of 10 parking spaces or 1 parking space for each 200 square metres of gross floor area Dwelling Unit (apartment) 1.5 parking spaces per dwelling unit Report PD 37-03 Date: September 26, 2003 Subject: Montessori Learning Centre (A 14/03) Page 6 2.5 Site Functioning to be Addressed Through Site Plan Approval Process. The existing Montessori School use operates in a random manner in terms of school drop-off and pick-up, access and egress and formalized parking. The proposed rezoning is accompanied by a three-phased parking and development plan that has been designed to address and resolve any current concerns (see Attachment #2). Staff has reviewed the three-phase scenario and has determined that the proposal is appropriate subject to alterations through the site plan approval process to ensure its success. The proposal, in addition to providing an adequate number of parking spaces to satisfy City requirements for appropriate forms of development, also includes a formalized student drop-off and pick-up zone. The neighbouring business situated at 1 Evelyn Avenue expressed concern regarding the current queuing of vehicles on Evelyn Avenue that are waiting for children before and after school hours. The conceptual development plan will allow for cars to load and unload passengers on-site without overflowing onto Evelyn Avenue. During peak flow periods the remainder of the parking area will be sufficient to handle any overflow issues. Further, staff anticipates that traffic entering and leaving the site in the first two phases will be directed toward Kingston Road. At the completion of the three-phase development it is acknowledged that there will be an increase of vehicular movement on Evelyn Avenue. Given that this is a short street that will only service the subject site and one other business, it is anticipated that the traffic generated will not be of a level that would be considered unacceptable. As indicated in the comments provided by Development Control, Kingston Road as part of the Site Plan Application process as each phase is developed, sidewalks will be introduced at City's expense. Report PD 37-03 Date: September 26, 2003 Subject: Montessori Learning Centre (A 14/03) Page 7 APPENDIX: Appendix I: Draft By-law Attachments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Location Map Conceptual Development Plans - Phase 1, 2 & 3 Existing Permitted Uses & Zoning Information Meeting Report Information Meeting Minutes Veridian Connections Comment Region of Durham Comment Region of Durham Comment, revised Development Control - Robert Starr Comment 1000683 Ontario Limited Comment Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: />/' ¿;;P/ . /ßí~1fk? Mike Duff Planner II Lynd~~; . Manager, Development Review MD:ld Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer J'/ APPENDIX I TO REPORT NUMBER PD 37-03 DRAFT BY -LAW ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 14/03 BY-LAW NUMB Being a By-faw to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering District Planning Area, Region of Durham in Part ofLot 17,18 & 19, Plan 230, City of Pickering. (A 14/03) WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering passed By-law 2497/87 & 5150/97, amending By-law 3036, to permit the development of restricted light industrial uses and mixed uses on the subject lands, being Part of Lots 17, 18 & 19, Plan 230, in the City of Pickering; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering now deems it desirable to further amend By-law 3036, by replacing By-laws 2497/87 & 5150/97, to permit a mix of institutional, commercial, personal service, office, and residential uses on the subject lands, being Part of Lots 17 & 18, Plan 230, in the City of Pickering; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. 2. 3. 4. SCHEDULE I & " Schedule I & II attached to this By-law with notations and references shown thereon is hereby declared to be part of this By-law. AREA RESTRICTED The provisions of this By-law shall apply to those lands in Part of Lots 17, 18 & 19, Plan 230, in the City of Pickering, designated "MU-17" on Schedule I attached to this By-law. GENERAL PROVISIONS No building, land or part thereof shall hereafter be used, occupied, erected, moved or structurally altered except in conformity with the provisions of this By-law. DEFINITIONS In this By-law, (1 ) "Build-to-Zone" shall mean an area of land within which all or part of a building or buildings are to be located; "Business Office" shall mean a building or part of a building in which the management or direction of business, a public or private agency, a brokerage or a labour or fraternal organization is carried on and which may include a telegraph office, a data processing establishment, a newspaper publishing office, the premises of a real estate or insurance agent, or a radio or television broadcasting station and related studios or theaters, but shall not include a retail store; (2) (3) "Commercial Club" shall mean an athletic or recreational club operated for gain or profit and having public or private membership; "Commercial Recreation Establishment" shall mean a commercial establishment in which indoor recreational facilities such as bowling alleys, miniature golf courses, roller skating rinks, squash courts, swimming pools and other similar indoor recreational facilities are provided and operated for gain or profit, and which may include an arena or stadium, but shall not include a place of amusement or entertainment as defined herein; (4) 9ø.f. (6) (5) -2- "Commercial School" shall mean a school which is operated for gain or profit and may include the studio of a dancing teacher or music teacher, an art school, a golf school or any other such school operated for gain or profit, but shall not include any other school defined herein; "Custom Workshop" shall mean a building or part of a building in which is carried on, at small scale, the custom assembly, development or production of articles for distribution or sale, or the activities of a trade, craft, or guild, which may include furniture upholstering, but shall not include heavy industrial or manufacturing activities; (7) "Dav Nursery" shall mean lands and premises duly licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Day Nurseries Act, or any successor thereto, for use as a facility for the daytime care of children; (8) "Dry Cleaninq Depot" shall mean a building or part of a building used for the purpose of receiving articles, goods, or fabrics to be subjected to dry cleaning and related processes elsewhere, and of distributing articles, goods or fabrics which have been subjected to any such processes; (9) "Duplicatinq Shop" shall mean a building or part of a building where such items as letters, plans, pictures and documents are reproduced by Photostatting, blueprinting, or other similar methods; (10) "Dwellinq" shall mean a building or part of a building containing one or more dwelling units, but does not include a mobile home or trailer; (a) (b) "Dwellinq Unit" shall mean one or more habitable rooms occupied or capable of being occupied as a single, independent, and separate housekeeping unit containing a separate kitchen and sanitary facilities; (c) "Multiple Dwellinq-Vertical" shall mean a building containing three or more dwelling units attached horizontally and vertically by an above grade wall or walls, or an above grade floor or floors or both; (11 ) "Financial Institution" shall mean a building or part of a building in which money is deposited, kept, lent or exchanged; "Functional Floor Level" shall mean an enclosed building storey containing an area of at least 50% of the building's ground floor area, and a ceiling height suitable for the intended use; (12) (13) "Funeral Home" shall mean a building or part of a building where funerals are conducted and shall be limited to such facilities as chapels, visitation rooms, administrative offices, rooms for the preparation of the deceased, display rooms for the storage of caskets, and garages for hearses and other equipment, but shall not include a single detached dwelling; (14) "Gross Leasable Floor Area" shall mean the aggregate of the floor areas of all storeys above or below established grade, designed for owner or tenant occupancy. or exclusive use only, but excluding storage areas below established grade; (15) (a) "Lot" shall mean an area of land fronting on a street which is used or intended to be used as the site of a building, or group of buildings, as the case may be, together with any accessory buildings or structures, or a public park or open space area, regardless of whether or not such lot constitutes the whole of a lot or block on a registered plan of subdivision; (b) "Lot Coveraqe" shall mean the percentage of lot area covered by all buildings on the lot; - 3- (c) "Lot Frontaqe" shall mean the width of a lot between the side lot lines measured along a line parallel to and 7.5 metres distant from the front lot line; (16) "Personal Service Shop" shall mean an establishment in which a personal service is performed and which may include a barber shop, a beauty salon, a shoe repair shop, a tailor or a dressmaking shop or a photographic studio, but shall not include a body rub parlour as defined in section 224 (9)(b) of the Municipal Act, RS.O. 1990, Chapter MAS, as amended from time-to-time, or any successor thereto; (17) "Place of Assembly" shall mean a building or part of a building in which facilities are provided for civic, educational, political, recreational, religious or social meeting purposes and may include facilities for entertainment purposes such as musical and theatrical performances, but shall not include a place of amusement or entertainment; (18) "Private Club" shall mean an athletic, recreational or social club, and includes the premises of a fraternal organization, but shall not include an adult entertainment parlour as defined herein or a body rub parlour as defined in section 224 (9)(b) of the Municipal Act, RS.O. 1990, Chapter MA5, as amended form time-to-time, or any successor thereto; (19) "Private Non-Residential School" shall mean a school which is maintained for educational or religious purposes but shall not include any other school defined herein; (20) "Private Residential School" shall mean a school which is maintained for educational or religious purposes and which includes accessory residential facilities but shall not include any other school defined herein; (21 ) "Professional Office" shall mean a building or part of a building in which medical, legal or other professional service is performed or consultation given, and which may include a clinic, the offices of an architect, a chartered accountant, and engineer, a lawyer or a physician, but shall not include a body rub parlour as defined in section 224 (9)(b) of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter MAS, as amended from time-to-time, or any successor thereto; (22) "Public Club" shall mean an athletic, recreational or social club not operated for gain or profit and having public membership, but shall not include an adult entertainment parlour as defined herein or a body rub parlour as defined in section 224 (9)(b) of the Municipal Act, RS.O. 1990, Chapter MAS, as amended from time-to-time, or any successor thereto; (23) "Public School" shall mean, (a) a school under the jurisdiction of a Board of Education which Board is continued or established pursuant to the Education Act, RS.O. 1990, c. E.2, or any successor thereto; (b) a college of applied arts and technology continued or established pursuant to the Ministry of Colleges and Universities Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.M.19, or any successor thereto; and (c) a university eligible to receive provincial funding pursuant to the Ministry of Colleges and Universities Act, RS.O. 1990, c.M.19, or any successor thereto; (24) "Rental Establishment" shall mean a building or part of a building in which goods, wares, merchandise, substances, articles or things are offered or kept to offer for rent directly to the public; (25) "Restaurant - Type E" shall mean a building or part of a building where food is prepared or offered or kept for retail sale to the public for immediate consumption in the building or elsewhere on the premises; 5. {2) -4- (26) "Retail Store" shall mean a building or part of a building in which goods, wares, merchandise, substances, articles or things are stored, kept and offered for retail sale to the public; 'Veterinary Clinic" shall mean a building or part of a building providing the services of a veterinarian, and facilities for the medical treatment, examination, surgery, diagnosis, grooming, general health care, and observation of domestic animals and birds, but shall not include boarding or lodging. PROVISIONS (1 ) Uses Permitted (UMU-17" Zone) No person shall within the lands zoned "MU-17" on Schedule I attached to this By-law use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except the following: (a) administrative office (b) antique safes and/or craft shop (c) athletic club and/or fitness establishment (d) business office (e) commercial club (f) commercial recreation establishment (g) commercial school (h) custom workshop (i) day nursery 0) dry cleaning depot (k) duplicating shop (I) financial institution (m) funeral home (n) medical or dental clinic (0) personal service shop (p) place of assembly (q) private club (r) private non-residential school (s) professional office (t) public club (u) public schoof (v) residential - Multiple Dwelling -Vertical (w) rental establishment (x) restaurant - type E (y) retail store (z) veterinary clinic Zone Requirements ("MU-17" Zone) No person shall within the lands zoned UMU-17" on Schedule I attached to this By-law use any lot or erect, alter or use any building except in accordance with the following provisions: (a) BUILDING RESTRICTIONS: (i) Building Location and Setbacks: A Buildings and structures shall comply with the maximum building envelope illustrated on Schedule II attached hereto; B The build-to-zone illustrated on Schedule 1/ attached hereto shall have located within it a building or buildings, or part of a building or buildings, which must occupy the minimum percentage of the length of the build-to-zone indicated on each area being A, B or C as shown on Schedule II; C Despite B above no building shall required within the build-to-zone if such land is used for parking only; - 5- D Notwithstanding clause A above, in the event that the rear lot line changes from the location of the line illustrated on Schedule I attached to this By-law, there shalf remain a minimum rear yard building setback of 14.0 metres from the rear lot line; E Notwithstanding clause B above, a deck, patio, or any building addition having a gross floor area less than 10 square metres,shalf not be considered to be a building or part of a building for the purpose of satisfying the requirements of that clause, only; (ii) Building Height: A Within the Build-to-Zone - minimum 6.5 metres; B Within the Build-to-Zone - maximum 7.5 metres; C Within the building envelope - maximum18.0 metres; D Despite A & B above development within the Build-to-Zone on Area 'A' on Schedule" shalf have a minimum height of 6.5 metres and maximum of 14.0 metres. (b) PARKING REQUIREMENTS: (i) For a day nursery school or private school there shalf be provided and maintained a minimum of 4 parking spaces per 100 square metres of floor area exclusive of the floor areas associated with an auditorium/gymnasium, main entrances, foyers or other common element areas not associated with classrooms; (ii) For an athletic club and or / fitness establishment, private / public club there shall be provided and maintained a minimum of 8 parking spaces for every 100 square metres of gross leasable floor area; (iii) For each dwelling unit there shall be provided and maintained a minimum of 1.5 parking spaces for each dwelling unit; (iv) For a funeral home there shall be provided and maintained the greater of ten parking spaces or one parking space for each 200 square metres of gross floor area; (v) For all other uses, there shall be provided and maintained on the lands a minimum of 5.5 parking spaces for every 100 square metres of gross leasable floor area or part thereof; (vi) Notwithstanding clauses 5.21.2(g) and 5.21.2(k) of By-law 3036, as amended, all entrance and exits to parking areas and all parking areas shalf be surfaced with brick, asphalt, or concrete, or any combination thereof. (c) SPECIAL REGULATIONS: (i) All uses, other than parking and outdoor play areas, shall take place entirely within enclosed buildings or structures with no outside storage or display; (ii) All development existing on the date of passing of this by-law, on Part of Lot 19, Plan 230 shall be deemed to comply with the provisions of By-law 3036, as amended; - 6- (iii) The minimum and maximum net residential density permitted on lands on Schedule I attached to this By-law shall be over 30 and up to and including 140 dwelling units per hectare; (iv) Section 5.22 (1) shall not apply to the lands designed MU-17 on Schedule I attached hereto. 6. BY-LAW 3036 1. By-law 3036, as amended, is hereby further amended by replacing By-law 2497/87 and 5150/97 to give effect to the provisions of this By-law as it applies to the area set out in Schedule I attached to this By-law. 2. Definitions and subject matters not specifically dealt with in this By-law shall be governed by relevant provisions of By-law 3036, as amended. 7. EFFECTIVE DATE This By-law shall take effect from the day of passing hereof subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, if required. READ A FIRST, SECOND, A,ND THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS of , 2003. day Bruce Taylor, Clerk orV ~ '2 ? .-( -z- :\o~ ~\G~ {.\\"-" ~ r' -z- c (í\ ~~ ~C?Y- l' N SCHEDULE I TO BY-LAW PASSED THIS DAY OF 2003 MAYOR CLERK a í'^\) Q ~ ~ ~a~ .-Z -z- ~G~ ~\ ~ ~ B c r' A / / / / / / ~~ ;(\ ~ <~-:J . - . BUILDING ENVELOPE l2Z23 BUILD- TO-ZONE LANDS AFFECTED - BY THIS BY-LAW l' N SCHEDULE :IT TO BY-LAW PASSED THIS DAY OF 2003 MAYOR CLERK ~ í1 0 « 0 cr 0 « 0 0::: « z 0 ~ « ~ t^-< y.,\GY\ />;0\ z City of Pickering ATTACHMENT' I TO REPORT # PO 37-03 w ~ cr 0 f- Z :J 0 :2 w (j :J 0 0::: ROAD w ~ 0::: 0 f- Z W U U) w Planning & Development Department PLAN 230 PART LOTS 17, 18 & 19 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION DATE JULY 2,2003 SCALE 1 :5000 l' APPLICATION No. A 14/03 OWNER MONTESSORI LEARNING CENTRE (750985 ONTARIO INC.) DRAWN BY JB CHECKED BY GR FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN-5 PA- STAFF SUMMARY OF CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN: PHASE 1,2 & 3 PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 3 . Further development of Montessori . Removal of Modular building and . Demolition of existing McWilliams School buildings at401 Kingston existing school building on 409 residence on 417 Kingston Road. Road. Kingston Road. . Potential construction of office or . 3 storey addition, gymnasium and . 409 Kingston Road developed as a residential building on 417 Kingston foyer to existing school building. parking facility. Road. Approximately 1247 square metres. . New access from Kingston Road . Pursue the purchase of excess . Purchase of McWilliams residence developed. Province of Ontario Highway Lands at 417 Kingston Road to operate as known as 4 Evelyn Avenue. classroom and office. . Add playground area to rear of 401 Kingston Road. . Additional parking provided at front and rear of McWilliams residence at 417 Kingston Road. . Purchase or lease of the Province of Ontario Highway lands at rear of 401 Kingston Road used for 16 additional parking spaces. ~~ 0» :D 0 -1::1: ""'S: m ",Z 0-1 tJJ ...1 '¿to a CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN - PHASE ONE Montessori Learning Centre Kingston Road - City of Pickering ATTACHMENT # L TO REPORT # PO 37 -0 3 \/"" \""", V"":" , \/ ,/ /\ \/ / ...;;\,ø \. ,/ ~;¡.¡;¡ \//~~o~ \-"// \"'/" t:~>'>o,_oo_oo_....oo \// \ç \ \. \. \ \._-- _m_'C"'C"","'-......L-~=--,-_u_,-,- - ----- \. \. \ \ \. \. "m- \. mm \- 'A~ ~~ ~~ 0 ;¡;Z G> ~." '<.0 ." 50 ---- " ~ ø :0 0 C Z 0 :» :0 m :» OU'm m.... om"- _m..o onm' ,..U.. Onm' Unm omm- Um.- O_Uh' - 'mho \ """"or." ~"""""""" ,",. "'" . ,..."..""" ",""" """"'"" ~'"~"",."o~""'~""~ , "" , '" " .. MONTESSORI lEARNING CENTRE CITY OF PICKERING .... "'~"" _.~,_.~ [ "'.~, PHASE 1 CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN - PHASE TWO MONTESSORI LEARNING CENTRE ATTACHMENT # 2- TO KINGSTON ROAD - CITY OF PICKERING REPORT # PO 37-63. ~ " '" î.1' "-~ t~ 0 ,..z \", ~o " ~o EVELYN AVENUE ~ltrr'&P.'"M',g~'~¡~¡,~~:Th'"", "",",t,." [ :::"" _.~= J [ o"."'."".~'".,~"'~,.,"'" . "" . " " '" MONTESSORI LEARNING CENTRE CITY OF PICKERING PHASE 2 CONCEPTUALDEVELOPMENTPLAN-PHASETHREE KINGSTON ROAD-EVELYN AVENUE ATTACHMENT # 2 TO REPORT # PO .3 "7 - 0 '3. '" \ ~ \. ':'J1~ CP"", "", g¡, -----\------..-- .-.---...-- .... \ . . " . " !; , »-< \..........O...'.' ~ ~ e.', . - '. 1, êj . -:5,.;\ . . \""""~~ q¡, 1,. \~~. "':~\"""-'-- '. ,. \ \ II U~-- -=î."-"'" jq jq , , i i ~~t',1.'t\. ~j¡.~~~~'j~,t'~l;>",", "."".,"", ( :~, _.~= J [ O"""~~'M"G"^,.,. ",.,.,,"'< , "" " " ~ MONTESSORI LEARNING CENTRE CITY OF PICKERING PHASE 3 J I ATTACHMENì # 2.. TO REPORT # PO 37-03 I PART ONE - INTRODUCTION page 7 1.4 Contextual Setting (cont'd) I To the north-east of the site, north of Kingston Road and to the east of the Rougemount Co-operative, there are two residential dwellings which are setback from the Kingston Road corridor on relatively large lots, municipal addresses of 422 and 428 Kingston Road. A third dwelling, municipal address of 440 Kingston Road, is occupied by Treco Real Estate and serves as the sales office for Glen Rouge Homes. Further to the east are the valley lands associated with Petticoat Creek and the new Petticoat Creek Library and Community Centre. I I I The Law Offices of Wakefield, Madger and Hawke are located adjacent the south-easterly corner of the intersection of Kingston Road and Evelyn Avenue, to the east of the lands affected by this application. Immediately to the east of the Law Office is the ravine associated with Petticoat Creek which drains to the south under the Freeway. I As is apparent from the pattern of land use and development, the uses present in the vicinity of the lands affected by this application include a relatively broad range of both residential and non-residential uses and activities, inclusive of institutional, commercial and industrial uses. The anlysis indicates that this is a transitional area in which lower density residential and other non-conforming land uses are gradually being displaced and/or adopted by commercial and/or higher density residential uses consistent with the objectives of the approved Official Plan for the City of Pickering. It follows, therefore, that the pattern of land use and development in this area is evolving over time and is, to a a larger degree, dependent upon continued investment by the private sector. I I I I 1.5 Conceptual Development Plan I With assembly of the three properties, municipal addresses of 401, 409 and 417 Kingston Road, our client proceeded with the preparation of a conceptual plan which promotes a comprehensive approach to the future use and development of the lands situated to the south of Kingston Road, west of Evelyn Avenue, inclusive of the two remnant parcels under the ownership of the Province of Ontario. The conceptual development plan promotes the mainstreet concept expressed in the City of Pickering Official Plan through the introduction of buildings within the streetscape and the creation well define focal points of interest and activity within the community. I I I Given the significant capital costs associated with the acquisition of lands and the construction / demolition of existing structures and related works and site services, it is proposed that redevelopment of the lands be phased over the next five to ten years consistent with market demands and growth related pressures. An overview of each phase of the redevelopment proposal is provided below. Conceptual drawings of each phase are provided at Tab 5 to this submission. I I I I Land Use Planning Assessment McDermott & Associates Limited Montessori Learning Centre June,2003 i I I I I I I I I I I I I ATTACHMENT # Z. TO HEPORT # PD 37-03 PART ONE - INTRODUCTION page 8 1.5 Conceptual Development Plan (cont'd) Phase One The initial phase leading to the redevelopment of the property involved the acquisition of 417 Kingston Road and conversion of the former McWilliams residence to allow the use of the structure for classrooms and/or offices. It will further be necessary to provide additional off-street parking in the front and rear yards of the former McWilliams property to facilitate current operations. The works proposed to the former McWilliams residence and exterior areas will be of an interim nature to minimize disruption during construction of an addition to the primary facility located at 401 Kingston Road. Upon completion of the renovations and related site works, the Montessori Learning Center will proceed to finalize the plans for a three storey addition to the existing structure located at 401 Kingston Road. The addition would provide forthe introduction of athree storey structure adjacent the frontage of Kingston Road. Conceptual elevation drawings prepared by Allen & Sherriff, the architects retained by the Montessori Learning Centre, are attached hereto at Tab 6. The proposed addition, having a gross floor area of approximately 1,247 square metres, will provide an auditorium/gymnasium and main entrance foyer having a height of 5 metres with the second and third storey classrooms resulting in an overall height of approximately 12.2 metres. Given the grade of the lands relative to Kingston Road, the addition will appear to be a two and one-half storey structure adjacent the more westerly property line. In proceeding with the addition, the Montessori Learning Centre proposes a minimum setback of. 3 metres adjacentthe front IQt line consistent with the build-to-zones established in other areas along the Kingston Road corridor. In an effort to create a focal point of interest and downtown or mainstreet environment, the proposed addition includes a bell tower on the north-east corner of the structure. The tower will represent a significant architectural element within the streets cape and symbolize the educational function of the building. It is further proposed that the roof line of the addition will be similar to that of the Rougemount Co-operative located opposite the Montessori Learning Centre, adjacoot the northerly limits of Kingston Road. With construction of the addition to 401 Kingston Road, the Montessori Learning Centre will endeavour to negotiate the purchase and/or lease of the land locked parcel of land owned by the Province of Ontario to the rear of 401 Kingston Road. This area will be maintained by the Montessori Learning Centre to provide 16 off-street parking spaces which will be primarily utilized by Staff to accommodate long term parking events during construction of this addition. To ensure provision of adequate off-street parking during Phase One, the Montessori Learning Centre is attempting to enter a lease with the Province to provide for the establishment of a temporary off-street parking area on the surplus lands, address 4 Evelyn Avenue. It is anticipated that this area will facilitate an additional 16 off-street parking spaces on a temporary basis during construction of the addition to 401 Kingston Road. Land Use Planning Assessment McDermott & Associates Limited Montessori Learning Centre June,2003 I ATTACHMENT # 2. TO REPORT # PO 37-03 I PART ONE - INTRODUCTION page 9 1.5 Conceptual Development Plan (cont'd) I Phase Two I The second phase of redevelopment will involve demolition of the former Shortreed residence and removal of the modular classroom facility located at 409 Kingston Road. Upon removal of the existing structures, the entrance from Kingston Road will be reconfigured and a well defined off- street parking area will be constructed which will include a short term lay-by parking area adjacent the easterly facade of the structure. Concurrent with the construction of the new off-street parking area in 2005, the outdoor playground will be regraded to provide for outdoor activities and playfields. I I I The site improvements proposed during Phase Two will be undertaken to facilitate the ultimate redevelopment of the lands situated adjacent the south-west corner of the intersection of Kingston Road and Evelyn Avenue. Ultimately, it is proposed that internal driveways will provide access to a shared use parking facility. Provision of such facilities will accommodate special events in the evening hours at the school. I I Phase Three I The third phase provides for the demolition of the former McWilliams residence and construction of a business and/or professional office complex adjacent the south-west corner of the inters~ction of Kingston Road and Evelyn Avenue. The future division of tlíe lands to facilitate constructìon of Phase 3 is dependent upon successful negotiations with the Province of Ontario in relation to the purchase of the remnant parcel adjacent the northerly limits of Evelyn Avenue. I I Based upon our discussions with the Ministry of Transportation, the remnant parcel of land is designated as a controlled access highway. To facilitate sale of the lands, the Ministry advises that it will first be necessary to obtain an Order in Council to remove the controlled access designp.tion. Subsequently, it will be necessary for the Ministry to initiate a process whereby the lands are declared surplus and offered for sale in accordance with the normal practices and procedures of the Province. I I I Ministry Staff advise that removal of the controlled access designation is a time consuming process which will only be initiated upon receipt of a formal request from our client or other person or agency. Consequently, it is unreasonable for the Montessori Learning Centre to proceed with the filing of such a request until By-law No. 3036 is amended to facilitate the ultimate redevelopment of the lands as illustrated on the Conceptual Plan. I I I I land Use Planning Assessment McDermott & Associates Limited Montessori learning Centre June, 2003 I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I ATTACHMENT # 2 TO REPORT # PO 37- 0 3 PART ONE - INTRODUCTION page 10 1.5 Conceptual Development Plan (cont'd) In summary, the need to provide for the phased redevelopment of the lands is, in part, a function ofthe significant capital investment required over a period of several years, and, the need to minimize the disruption of business activities throughout each phase of redevelopment. It is anticipated that Phase One, which involves the construction of the proposed addition to the school, will commence in the Spring or early Summer of 2004 and that the new facility will require 9 to 12 months to complete. Phase Two would therefore be completed during the following summer with all site works completed by the Fall of 2005. Phase Three is dependent upon the acquisition of the lands from the Province and the co- ordination of redevelopment efforts with the City and the Region. By allowing development to proceed in a phased manner, the City will realize the long term vision for this area during the next ten to fifteen years consistent with the continued growth and developmentof Pickering. Land Use Planning Assessment McDermott & Associates Limited Montessori Learning Centre June, 2003 ATTACHMENT #.3 TO REPORT # PO 37-D3 Existing Uses "M1-8/SC-27" - Business Office; - Financial Institution; - Furniture or Major Appliance Store; - Home Improvement Centre; - Light Machinery and Equipment Supplier; - Professional Office; - Rental Establishment; - Restaurant - Type A; - Commercial Recreation Establishment; - Dry Cleaning Establishment (non- venting); - Food Preparation Plant; - Garden Centre; - Place of Assembly; - Scientific, Medical, or Research Laboratory; - Vehicle Repair Shop; - Vehicle Sales or Rental Establishment; - Private Non-Residential School; - Day Nursery; ---.----"'---'-'--' --- -- ---.-----.------'--- "MU-8" - Business Office; - Commercial Club - Commercial Recreation Establishment; - Commercial School; - Custom Workshop; - Day Nursery; - Dry Cleaning Depot; - Duplicating Shop; - Dwelling Unit; - Financial Institution; - Funeral Home; - Personal Service Shop; - Place of Assembly; - Private Club; - Private Non-Residential School; - Professional Office; - Public Club; - Public School; - Rental Establishment; - Restaurant - Type A; - Retail Store; - Veterinary Clinic; "M1-8" -Light manufacturing plant -warehouse -------.-----.---..-.--.-.-----.------ ------.------ ___.m_.. - - ----.. --.--.-..---------.----- CURRENT ZONING OF SUBJECT PROPERTIES /~--~---- \ '~ \ .._-------~_J'-'--'/--_/-="--:::~'- -ý/ r= -.- """--- _om' -_J---'---'--'------- ~~l ~ (~--J- .. ~- j =- \1 e i \. .m '.: ':.~. .~,,~ .0' -...--......... L... -.-' .-... .-... \;"\\G\;""" t. Mi-B MU-8 (SG-27) ~ ::æ - l' M1-8 By-law 3036 MU-8 By-law 5150/97 M1-8 (SC-27) By-law 2497/87 P/CA63/98 - applies to properties zoned M1-8 (SC-27) & MU-8 ATTACHMENT # 4 TO REPORT # PO 37-03 09 Cw¡ (]~ INFORMATION REPORT NO. 18-03 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF August 7, 2003 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, RS.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 14/03 Montessori Learning Centre (750985 Ontario Ltd.) 401,409,417 Kingston Road & 4 Evelyn Avenue Part of Lot 31, B.F.C. 3 (Part of Lots 17,18 and 19, Plan 230) (southwest corner of Kingston Road & Evelyn Avenue) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the subject properties combined, are approximately 0.64 hectares in size, and are located at the south-west corner of Evelyn Avenue and Kingston Road (see Attachment #1 - Location Map); - the subject properties currently support a Montessori Learning Centre and a . single detached house; - Wakefeild, Mager, & Hawke, Law Office is located to the east, and Allison Auto Wreckers to the west; - Highway 401 to the south, and to the north is Rougemount Co-operative Housing and the Rougemount Centre. 2.0 APPLICANTS PROPOSAL - the applicant proposes to amend the zoning of 3 separate parcels and combine them under one new comprehensive zone category to permit a variety of Office, Commercial, Institutional, and Residential Uses; - development of these lands is proposed to be phased over the next 5 to 10 years (see Attachment #2- Phase 1 to 3 - Applicants Development Plan); - this development will promote concepts and policies expressed within the City of Pickering Official Plan. 10 3.2 3.3 3.4 Information Report No. 18-03 ATTACHMENT I 4 TO REPORT' PO 3'") - 03 Page 2 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham ReQional Official Plan - the Durham Regional Official Plan identifies the subject lands as being designated "Special Policy Area - A (Pickering)"; - this designations goal is to maximize the areas highway exposure as a main street and gateway to the Region; - intensify development in a manner that will not adversely affect similar development within the Main Central Areas of the City of Pickering; - the applicants proposal appears to comply with this designation; PickerinQ Official Plan the subject property is designated "Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridor" within the Rougemount Neighbourhood; - this designation permits a wide range of residential, retailing of goods and services, offices, restaurants, community, cultural and recreational uses; - Schedule II of the Pickering Official Plan - 'Transportation Systems" designates Kingston Road as a Type B - Arterial Road and Evelyn Avenue as a Local Road; --. RouQemount NeiQhbourhood - encourage and where possible require new development to be compatible with the character of existing development; require new development to have regard for the Rouge Park Management Plan; KinQston Road Corridor Guidelines -RouQemount VillaQe Rougemount Village will support a pedestrian friendly mainstreet of an evolving "urban village" that serves the neighbourhoods north and south of the 401; - a mix of land uses, pedestrian friendly uses and low rise building shall generally be encouraged; - village character streetscape elements should be established, including wide sidewalks, comfortable sitting areas, pedestrian scale street lights, signage, banners planting, and special pavement treatments; Information Report No. 18-03 ATTACHMENT # 4 TO REPORT # PO ~ Page 3 11 3.5 Zonina By-law 3036 the subject properties are currently zoned "M1-8/SC-27" - Storage & Light Manufacturing 1 Special Commercial by By-law 3036/00, as amended by By-law 2497/87 & "MU-8" - Mixed Use by By-law 3036/00 as amended by By-law 5150/97; the current zoning by-laws permit the following uses: Existing Uses "M1-8/SC-27" - Business Office; - Financial Institution; - Furniture or Major Appliance Store; - Home Improvement Centre; - Light Machinery and Equipment Supplier; - Professional Office; - Rental Establishment; - Restaurant - Type A; - Commercial Recreation Establishment; - Dry Cleaning Establishment (non-venting); - Food Preparation Plant; - Garden Centre; - Place of Assembly; - Scientific, Medical, or Research Laboratory; - Vehicle Repair Shop; - Vehicle Sales or Rental Establishment; - Private Non-Residential Schoof; - Day Nursery; "MU-B" - Business Office; - Commercial Club - Commercial Recreation Establishment; - Commercial School; - Custom Workshop; - Day Nursery; - Dry Cleaning Depot; - Duplicating Shop; - Dwelling Unit; - Financial Institution; - Funeral Home; - Personal Service Shop; - Place of Assembly; - Private Club; - Private Non-Residential School; - Professional Office; - Public Club; - Public Schoo/; - Rental Establishment; - Restaurant - Type A; - Retaif Store; - Veterinary Clinic; CURRENT ZONING OF SUBJECT PROPERTIES -"-- I' -------- -" .-r-- ----. '?Ol'-í) ~ I I ! ---'-'- -' --~ 1 ~ i .------' r=,.. - - ! - ' §§ L-------- LU ~-- '~ON -- :::- ì -- ~ /~--r : ~~---- ~,- í i :::: I. :;;-= I! u.' I , Ô t' è: , I i3 \...J -- . <.::> I ..-" J= I \ -- " 0, - I =I~ ---- .- .-- :-< I -- -- ~.\""\'.NI" L - - \""\\~ M1-S MU-S (50-27) ~ :::;; - - J>,.O'\ 7' 12 Information Report No. 18-03 ATTACHMENT'~TO REPORT I PO 37- D3 Page 4 4.0 RESUL 1S OF CIRCULATION 4.1 4.2 4.3 Resident Comments - no resident comments have been received to date; AQency Comments - no agency comments have been received to date; Staff Comments - in reviewing the application to-date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: Use . the compatibility of the proposed development with the existing built form and neighbourhood; . examine the types of uses, and determine whether any need to be modified or eliminated to ensure that they are compatible with each other and the surrounding area; ParkinQ . examination of minimum parking standards for the site/zone to determine if the site will function given the number of uses permitted on site; Zone ReQuirements . review zoning requirements with regard to present and future development of the properties to ensure orderly development in a phased manner; . determine if a build-to-zone or a building envelope is required to implement the Kingston Road Corridor (Rougemount Village) Design Guidelines; . evaluate building heights and building coverage options for present and future uses; Special ReQulations . examination of the minimum and maximum net densities permitted in the area for residential purposes; . examination of gross leaseable floor areas for all uses proposed for the site; . examination of the floor space index; . examination of future access points from Kingston Road to the subject properties; Information Report No. 18-03 ATTACHMENT # '-I TO REPORT # PD~7-Ö.3 Page 5 13 Kinqston Road Corridor Guidelines - RouQemount Villaqe . ensure that all guidelines within the Kingston Road Corridor Guidelines - Rougemount Village are being considered; . the intent of the guidelines are to create a pedestrian friendly mainstreet of an evolving "urban village" that serves the neighbourhoods north and south of the 401; . support a mix of land uses, pedestrian friendly uses and low rise building shall generally be encouraged; . village character streetscape elements should be established, including wide sidewalks, comfortable sitting areas, pedestrian scale street lights, signage, banners planting, and special pavement treatments; this Department will conclude its position on the application after it has received and assessed comments from the circulated departments, agencies and the public. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Appendix No. I list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing report; 14 Information Report No. 18-03 ATTACHMENT # 'I TO REPORT # PO 37 -D3 ------="----~ Page 6 6.2 Information Received - full scale copies of the Applicants submitted plan are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department; - Land Use Planning Assessment prepared by McDermott & Associates Limited is available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department; . 6.3 Property Princip~ - the principal of 401 Kingston Road is Cesaroni Holdings; - the principal of 409 Kingston Road is David and Eleanor Shortreed; - the principal of 417 Kingston Road is Roderick MCWilliams; - the principal of 4 Evelyn Avenue is the Ministry of Transportation. ~~. Ge R . anowski Planner I ~"",7 -;-- /J ; ....-"'\."4 c' ,~. Lynda Taylor, (P, RPP Manager, Development Review GXR:/d Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development. - ATTACHMENT #-Lro REPORT # PO 37 - 0 3 --~-- 15 APPENDIX NO. I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 18-03 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1 ) none received to date; COMMENTING AGENCIES (1 ) none received to date; COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1 ) none received to date; 2. A TI ACHMENT 1.5~~-' TO""" Stafuf6fýD~ation Meeti ng Thursday, August 7, 2003 7:00 P.M. PRESENT: ST AFF: C. Rose - Manager, Policy G. Romanowski - Planner I M. Duff - Planner" A. Greentree - Supervisor, Legislative Services The Manager, Policy, provided an overview of the requirements of the Planning Act and the Ontario Municipal Board respecting this meeting and matters under consideration there at. (I) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 13/03 HOME HARDWARE 477 - 481 KINGSTON RD. PART 1 OF LOT 3, B.F.C. 3 PART OF LOT 1 2 3 4 9 PLAN 230 1. Geoff Romanowski, Planner I, provided an explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report #17-03. 2. Evelyn Besker, representing the applicant, advised that Home Hardware has listed the subject property for sale and believes that the proposed uses in the application would be consistent with the desired uses of a prospective purchaser. (II) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 14/03 MONTESSORI LEARNING CENTRE (750985 ONTARIO LTD.) 401, 409, 417 KINGSTON ROAD & 4 EVELYN AVENUE PART OF LOT 31, B.FPART OF LOTS 17,18 AND 19, PLAN 230 SOUTHWEST CORNER OF KINGSTON ROAD AND EVELYN AVENUE 1. Geoff Romanowski, Planning Technician, provided an explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report #18-03. John McDermott, McDermott & Associates, representing the applicant, gave a presentation of the proposed project. He reported that although the City has stated that the application is respecting three properties, there are in fact five properties, which may be affected by the project. The Province of Ontario currently owns the two additional properties, and Mr. McDermott noted that these two properties are not necessary for the applicant to achieve their goal. Mr. {\TTACHfVlENT #- 5 TO StC:t~rrÓ}ý°~ation Meeting Thursday, August 7, 2003 7:00 P.M. McDermott clarified the existing uses and proposed uses for 401, 409 and 417 Kingston Road. Mr. McDermott further stated that the applicant believes that they are bringing forth a coordinated proposal which would be cost effective for the applicant and positive for the community, assist in promoting a well-defined mixed use area, and is consistent with 18.2.1 Special Policy Area (Pickering) of the Region of Durham Official Plan. Significant parking studies have been conducted and documented and the applicant is confident that there will be adequate parking at the conclusion of the project, but they are looking to the City for their cooperation during construction, especially during the first phase. The applicant is anxious to move forth with this project and requested staff to endeavour to report to Council in September. III ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. . ~~ ~~-_.. ..__.---~ ~.~~ "",cu... .U' ~ ATTACHMENT' Ie TO REPORT # PO ~7-03 VERIDIAN CONNECTIONS DEVELOPMENT APPliCATION REVIEW ROJECT NAME: CITY OF PICKERING - Montessori Lea.tIÚDg Centre ADDRESS/PLAN: - 401/409/417 KJNGSTON RD & 4 EVELYN AVE. MUNICIPALITY: PICKE.R.ll'I G REF. NO.: A 14/03 SUBMISSION DATE: JULY 15.2003 1. The exisring service to this site may be inadequate. Details.regarding a service upgrade can be obtained from ow: offices. 2. Other. Veridian Connections has no objection with the Zoning Amendment of this property. Technical Representative :- Don Bamert Telephone 427-9870 Ext.. 3253 /MF ,,' " The Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department 1615 DUNDAS ST. E. ,4TH FLOOR, LANG TOWER WEST BUILDING PO BOX 623 ' WHITBY ON L1N 6A3, ;ANADA --'::jO;¡-728-7731 Fax: 905~436-6612 , Emaìl: plarining@ ,region.durham.on,ca ATTACHMENT#- 7ro REPORT # PD---3.7-QJ. ' :- REceIVED " AUS '262003 , o,rrYOF,'"PfCKER, tN'a,' PtANNtNG 0& ~ ;n¡;;.; ~ ~ ,~~~ August22,20Ö3 Geoff Romanowski, Planner I Planning & Development Department One the Esplanade' Pickering, Ontario , L 1V6K7 Dear Mr. Romanowski: Re: Zoning Amendment Application A 14/03 , Applicant: Montessori LearningCe'ntre , Location:' 'Part of LoI3t, Broken Front Concession' Municipality: City of Pickering " , We have reviewed this application and thefollo~ing comments are offered' with respect to the Durham Regi()naIOfficiaIPlan,the proposed method. of servicing, and the delegated provincia/plan review re$pönsÎbiHties~ ' The application proposes to rezone the subjectprdperty to permit a variety of office, commercial,institutionaf, andresidÈmtial' uses., ' 'www.region,durham.on.ca , A.L.Georgleff,MCIP. RPP Commissioner of Planning Durham Regional'Official Plan" The subject lands are designated "Special Policy Area A" in the Durham Regional Official Plan. This;area contains a mixture of residential, retail, personal service and,industrial,uses. The policy of the Regional Plan is to maximize the area's highWay exposure as,a main street and gateway to the Region. Development, is to be intensified in a. manner that will, not adversely affect similar devêlopme¡nt inthe City's Main Central Area. The proposal is permitted by the policies of the DurhamRegiona/ Official Plan. " Municipal SerVicing Municipar water supply is available to the súbject property from an existing 500 mm watermainon Kingston Road, Any and all water supply works to be ' constructed in the public right-of-way will be constructed by the Region at' the applicant's expense. The applicant wm also be responsi/;>Ie for the cost, todisconnect. any unusedor àbandoned water service connections fronting the subject property along Kingston Road and Evelyn Avenue. " Sanitary sewer service is available from an existing 600 mm sanitary sewer on Kingston Road. Any and all sanitary sewer works to be constructed in the public right-of-way will be constructed by the Region atthe applicant's' expense. The applicant will also be responsible for the cost to disconnect any unused or abandoned sanitary sewer service connections fronting the ,subject property along Kingston Road and EvelynAvemìe. ' * 100% Post Consumer ,," , ' '-" ATTACHMENT" 7 TO REPÔRT' PD~7-ð3' Page 2 , Tra'nsportation' Atraffiê study will be required to assess traffic irnpactscausedby , development., This study will identify and confirm the need to formalize a , ~entreleft-turn land on Kingston Road to service thedevelopmËmt and' ' " possible restricting direct 'access onto Kingston Road to right-turn m,?vementsonly.The Region will require a minimum 18 metre right-of-way from centreHne on Kingston Road along the 'frontage of the site., , , Provincial Plan' ReviEiw Responsibilities , , The application has beeriscreened in accordance with ,the provincial pfan review r~sponsibilities. The,subject Ia.nds' are located in proximitytö both Highw~y 401,' which isadesignatedfreeway,and Kingston Road, which is designated a Type-B arterial roadi,nthe Durham Regional Official Plan. A " noise studywill be required prior to the development 'of toe landsfor residßntial purposes. , ',' , " , , , " , The subject lands are also located in proximity tban automobile wreckin'g , 'business. An adequàte separation distance between thisbusiness,and any , future residential use on thesubjectlands should be ensured to eliminate 'any potential, land use conflict. The applicant' should àlsodemonstrate that , the subject lands are free .from any contamination prior to any develOpment. , No further provinCial interests are affected by the proposal. '," If yoLi have any questions or require additional inforrriation, please call me. Yours truly, ", ~22 / I.~ " ,,' ~A Hay Davi,es, Planner, , Current Operations Branch cc.Jeff Almeida, Durham Region Works Department , ' , R:\traininglrd\zoninglpickering a14-03,doc "" , , ,': , ' ,,":',','" ,"","",":'," 'r:",,"{'i!,"7"Y'" ~,:,',"":' ,,",,:~, , ,", ,," "","IJJh,r,MEN,#,..;,32_,=~~."TO ",,",', ":'September10,.'2003" :::"',r{"'PORT,'At'i:1!) :'37::-63':"-, " "( ".", , ,"',",",:,:.," "~,:",:,.'"",-:"'..',~'<','f:;,~,'~'~'.">,"",,:,~::, " , : :,'.~'ityÖr~.icker1f1g::","",,:: ..,", "', ," " ' " ',,' ,", 'Pla:nl}ing &~ Qev~Joprrien~ jepartrnènt, , , ",' Piçkerih'g"CMc Q'oniplex'",,", " :"':,",Qi'l$.':The~'spla'flå:q~,.'""'::',,,, ":'" ,::' ',,':::'Pickering;'Ontå'ríp,,:,..,'::: """""" '",' ":" ",,"""""'L'1V'6KT,',:,",';,.. 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',' , '" " " , , , ':, ,"" U:Ll E;OOl SL des LlU899S06: xed Id30 SH::IOM 1\ TT ACHIVIENT # -"~1,,,,".,~~TO ~'r:DO>R1'#> PO :2"'-0" ,it, ! > -"""""¿J~._,=",> PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM September 8, 2003 To: Michael Duff Planner II From: Robert Starr Supervisor, Development Control »> Subject: S14/98 - Montessori Learning Centre Conceptual Development of Future Works Kingston Road/Evelyn Ave. City of Pickering We have reviewed the conceptual designs for the above-noted development and provide the following comments: PHASE 1 1) Details must be provided on retaining the stormwater drainage from the interim parking areas on Evelyn Ave. A granular parking area would not be acceptable. Mud tracking onto Evelyn Ave. and Kingston Road would create a continual maintenance problem. An alternative surface could be explored during the approval process. 2) Completing the sidewalk on Kingston Road is an important City initiative. We anticipate requiring it completed across this frontage with any additional development. A future relocation of the Kingston Road frontage may warrant a delay in the sidewalk extension. ATTACHMENT # 9 TO Montessori Learning Centre S14/98 REPORT # PO 37-D3 Conceptual Development of Future Works ." September 8,2003 Page 2 PHASE 2 1) Relocation of the Kingston Road entrance may need to be reassessed. The proposed location would require additional lane extensions and curb tapers as was required with the initial entrance. The proximity to Evelyn Ave. may not permit it, pending Region of Durham review. There appears to be a large hydro pole and a ditch inlet catchbasin that would require relocation for this entrance. There would be an additional cost to close the existing entrance. 2) 3) A sidewalk on Kingston Road to Evelyn Ave. would be required with this Phase. Again, the surface drainage and proposed surface on the parking areas on Evelyn Ave. would need to be addressed. PHASE 3 1 ) The entrance on Evelyn Ave. will be determined depending on existing conditions and limit of the existing portion of Evelyn Ave. We require sufficient distance south of the entrance to provide for snow storage. This proposal, as indicated, may require extending Evelyn Ave. further south or moving the entrance further north. 2) 3) Drainage and stormwater management will need to be addressed for this site. Our comments from Phase 2 proposal regarding the Kingston Road entrance remain for this proposal. ~ ~"., Robert Starr RS:bg mike - 8149B - Montessori - conceptuel development of future works Þ.TTACHMENT #~,~/ 0 __TO REPORT # PO _Jj7 ..- 0 3 - 1;'.""" Œ""" ,1', ,<'C", '1""'C t\'¿'. 1">=.~. '.' , ¡r', t.,'.".' ¡¡ f'" ...' ¡¡~'lìfi-~i"",ÍII ¡:;."""" CITY OF P~CKERING c' ,.. "'" 1'\ ?nnl"¡ "~'r"-6'P!I-' -.J ¡~. . '- ,J ""'"' f 000683 Ontario cLmite£LERK'S DIVI&j;;m;E: (905) 509-5267 FAX: (905) 509-5270 1 Evelyn Avenue, Pickering, Ontario L 1V 1N3 RECEIVED ?(~ t~ SEP 1 0 2003 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ~~(ÇJœD~~rm ¡ ! I . S E P B - 2003 , L) ,,-' August 26, 2003 CITY OF PICf<EP¡¡\j(3 PICKERING. ONTAfii,,) Clerk's D~rtment corP9~~on of the 1 The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario Llv 6k7 City of Pickering Dear Sir/Madam: Re: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 14/03 - Montessori Learning Centre (750985 Ontario Ltd.) 401, 409, 417 Kingston Road & 4 Evelyn Avenue, City of Pickering We are in receipt of the proposed development plan and would express the following concerns: The plans seem to channel all the traffic from both the Montessori school and the proposed commercial development onto Evelyn Avenue. As you are aware, Evelyn Avenue is a very short avenue, being cut off by the 401. As you are also aware, the office parking for 1 Evelyn Avenue is parallel to the property, As we have seen from the current access to the Montessori schools, there is a substantial amount of traffic dropping children off in the morning and picking them up in the afternoon, which, if channelled through Evelyn Avenue, would have the effect of blocking access to the parking spaces for 1 Evelyn Avenue. We would anticipate that stream of traffic, especially since a fair number of the cars would be attempting to make a left to proceed westbound on Kingston Road, would take a substantial amount of time to complete that turn, especially during rush hour on Highway 2, thereby further exasperating access to the parking spots for the clientele of our office. ¡~ 'iT AGHMENT # ~-",,¿ÇL",- TO HEYORT 1/ PD__~e.§- As such, we would ask to have further input into the development, so that it does not affect us in such economic manner. Yours ve..ry tr~\ r~- \ \\ ! t ' , , \ \\ . \ , ~\ " ' ~ ' BRIAN R." E .\, President '\"" \ "'J BRH/ec