HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 36-03 REPORT TO PLANNING COMMITTEE Report Number: PO 36-03 Date: September 29,2003 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2002-02 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 9/99 (R2) Nicou Inc. South Part of Lot 34, Concession 2 Part 1, 40R-11934 (100 Finch Avenue - North side of Finch Avenue, opposite Woodview Avenue) City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2002-02 submitted by Nicou Inc., on lands being the South Part of Lot 34, Concession 2, Part 1, Plan 40R-11934, City of Pickering as revised by the applicant in April, 2003, be APPROVED to permit the development of a plan of subdivision of 39 lots for detached dwellings with frontages ranging between 12.0 and 15.0 metres, a parkland block, an open space block, a new local road and a road widening block, subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix I to Report PD 36-03; That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 9/99 (R2) submitted by Nicou Inc. on lands being the South Part of Lot 34, Concession 2, Part 1, Plan 40R-11934, City of Pickering, be APPROVED to establish performance standards to allow the implementation of the draft plan of subdivision, subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix II to Report PD 36-03; and, 2. 3. That Amendment 2 to the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines be ADOPTED by Council, to remove the requirement for a stormwater pond on Woodview Avenue, as outlined in Appendix III to Report PD 36-03. Executive Summary: The applicant proposes to develop a draft plan of su bdivision consisting of 39 lots for detached dwellings on the north side of Finch Avenue at Woodview Avenue (see Attachments #1, #2a and #2b). Ten lots will front Finch Avenue and the remainder will front a new crescent road that will intersect with Finch Avenue at Woodview Avenue and east of Woodview Avenue. In addition, two thirds of the property will be transferred to public ownership as an open space block to protect wetlands and vegetated wildlife habitat lands. Report PD 36-03 Subject: Nicou Inc. SP-2002-02 / A9/99 (R2) Date: September 26, 2003 Page 2 The applicant proposes to amend the current zoning to allow the proposed dwelling units with appropriate performance standards on the developable one third of the subject lands, to permit implementation of the draft plan. The proposed plan of subdivision represents appropriate residential development and conforms to the policies of the Pickering Official Plan and provisions of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines. All interests of the City will be appropriately addressed through an associated subdivision agreement. Financial Implications: With approval and implementation of the proposed development, staff recommends at least minimal improvements to the adjoining portion of Finch Avenue with a cost of up to approximately $100,000. The recommended improvements include a sidewalk (cost-shared by the City and the developer), and oversizing of the storm sewer and installation of extra sewer connections at City expense. These works are identified in the City's development charge study and are partially funded through development charge accounts with the balance being paid by the City. Depending on the timing of the development, further infrastructure improvements may also be considered. Funding for these improvements will be subject to Council approval and will be brought forward by staff for consideration at such time as the development proceeds through future budget submissions (anticipated 2004 budget). The financial implications have been discussed with the Treasurer who concurs with these findings. Background: 1.0 Proposed Development Details (see Attachment #1 - Location Map, Attachment #2a - Proposed Draft Plan and Attachment #2b - Enlargement of Applicant's Plan). Development Details A - land Area Gross area of draft plan Open space block Net residential area of draft plan Total area for residential lots Park block Streets B - Residential lots Total Number of lots - lots with minimum 12.0 metre frontage - lots with minimum 15.0 metre frontage 8.73 hectares 5.87 hectares 2.86 hectares 2.14 hectares .05 hectares .67 hectares 39 11 28 lots lots lots Report PD 36-03 Subject: Nicou Inc. SP-2002-02 ¡ A9¡99 (R2) Date: September 26, 2003 Page 3 2.0 Comments Received: 2.1 At the May 16, 2002 Information Meeting: (see text of Information Report and Meeting Minutes, Attachments #3 and #4). Comments from Area Residents: . questions of whether services will be brought up Woodview Avenue or along Finch Avenue; concerns about the effects of the proposed development on Amos Pond and on wildlife. . 2.2 A further comment was received: (see comment from Save the Rouge Valley System - Attachment #5). Comment requested that the City: . acquire the entire property as a park; ensure appropriate development setbacks from the wetland and tree line; protect the natural features; and, provide notification of further meetings. . . . 2.3 Agencies: Region of Durham Provincial Policy requires an archaeological assessment and implementation of Noise Report recommendations; - water supply is available and a sanitary sewer extension should be constructed on Woodview Avenue at the developer's expense; conditions of draft approval should be implemented through a subdivision agreement with the Region. (see Attachment #6). satisfied with 1.0 metre set back from the drip-line of the forested vegetation for Lots 14 to 26; - satisfied with the buffer area restoration plan between proposed Lots 1 to 14 and the wetland boundary; Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Report PD 36-03 Subject: Nicou Inc. SP-2002-02 / A9/99 (R2) Date: September 26, 2003 Page 4 Comments from Agencies (continued) Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (continued) Rouge Park Alliance Canada Post, Enbridge Consumers Gas and Canadian Pacific Railway Durham District School Board, Durham Catholic District School Board, City of Toronto and Veridian Connections 2.4 City Departments: - satisfied with the proposed stormwater management plan, subject to some technical amendments, further details and TRCA approvals; and, - requests details, technical revisions and TRCA approvals be addressed in the conditions of draft approval and a subdivision agreement; (see Attachments #7, #8, and #9). - supports a 50.0 metre setback from the wetland (per OMB decision), restricted access to wetland, including fences to protect wildlife; and, - offered to assist with an education package for residents; (see Attachment #10). - no objections/technical requirements; (see Attachments #11, #12 and #13). - no objections; (see Attachments #14, #15, #16 and #17). Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Fire Prevention Officer - tree preservation/edge management reports, open space connection to the future trail system, a park block and engineering details are required; (see Attachment #18). - no objections; (see Attachment #19). Report PD 36-03 Date: September 26, 2003 Subject: Nicou Inc. SP-2002-02 / A9/99 (R2) Page 5 Comments from City Departments (continued) Supervisor, Development - no pregrading is permitted until City and other Control agency approvals are obtained; - sidewalks are required on new street at developer's cost; sidewalk required on north side of Finch Avenue to be cost-shared with City; Woodview improvements: sanitary sewer required on Woodview Avenue from Hydro Corridor north to Finch Avenue to service the development at the developer's cost; - full urbanization of Woodview not anticipated until 2007 (a Development Charges Project - estimated cost $1,050,000 in 1999 dollars); Finch improvements: Minimal Servicing Option requires the developer to fund the following: . sanitary sewer to service the development, . storm sewer across Nicou frontage, eastwards to Petticoat Creek, under the Finch Avenue roadway; and, . repaving of the road to a rural cross-section; Also recommended: . sidewalk across Nicou lands, cost-shared by City and developer; . oversizing of storm sewer and connections to serve properties on the south side of Finch Avenue, and lands to the west, at City cost, anticipated to cost approximately $100,000; Further Information: significant cost reductions can be achieved if the City urbanizes the part of Finch Avenue adjoining the Nicou subdivision at the time the developer is constructing his required works; - full urbanization of Finch Avenue from Altona Road to T ownline Road is identified as a 2005 development charges project with an estimated cost of $1,800,000 if City undertook all works on its own; City funding would be 50% Development Charges and 50% General Revenue; (written and verbal comments) Report PD 36-03 Subject: Nicou Inc. SP-2002-02 / A9/99 (R2) Date: September 26, 2003 Page 6 Comments from City Departments (continued) Supervisor, Development - costs to the City for upgrading Finch Avenue Control (continued) across the Nicou lands to Petticoat Creek to a full urban profile are anticipated to be less than half of the estimated $850,000 costs if done at the time the developer constructs the required works; - costs to City of upgrading portion of Finch Avenue between Petticoat Creek and Altona Road would be an additional $400,000; and, - conditions of draft approval should address (among other things) roads, sidewalks, servicing, lot grading, vegetation restoration, sediment and erosion control, fencing, tree preservation, tree planting, street lighting, utilities, stormwater management, construction management, cost sharing, cost recovery, financial obligations, performance and maintenance securities and be implemented through a subdivision agreement with the City; see Attachments #20, #21, #22 and #23 . 3.0 Discussion 3.1 The Proposed Development is appropriate for the subject lands and protects the sensitive natural areas: The proposed development implements the vision of the Council's Official Plan to permit low density residential development in this part of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood, provided such development is compatible with nearby wetlands and other natural habitat areas. The proposal also implements the results of an Ontario Municipal Board decision in the year 2000 to uphold the open space designation for the north-east portion of the subject lands. While a small number of residents and an interest group (Save The Rouge Valley) are requesting no development occur on these lands, other residents welcome expansion of urban services to this area. Based on staff's review and analysis of the plan, supporting information, and comments in support from agencies including the Region of Durham, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, Rouge Park Alliance, City of Pickering Development Control and Municipal Property & Engineering, the plan is recommended for approval, subject to conditions. Report PO 36-03 Subject: Nicou Inc. SP-2002-02 / A9/99 (R2) Date: September 26,2003 Page 7 The Plan's design protects lands containing significant ecological features and functions. Impacts on those features and functions by the residential development can be mitigated through buffering/edge management, open space enhancement strategies and fencing. Technical review agencies have identified suitable conditions of approval. Also, provision of storm and sanitary sewer services to this area will provide an opportunity for some existing residents to connect to desired urban services. Conveyance of the northern two thirds of the subject lands to a public authority (TRCA) will maintain the wetland and abutting vegetated areas in a natural state in support of the wildlife corridor functions and habitat areas. An unpaved public pathway will provide access to the wildlife corridor and trail to the north which also implements the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines and the City of Pickering Master Plan for Bikeways and Pedestrian Pathways. 3.2 Stormwater will be directed to Petticoat Creek: The original stormwater management strategy for the Rouge Park Neighbourhood, west of Petticoat Creek was to locate a stormwater pond on the east side of Woodview Avenue, on Hydro Corridor lands. However, this approach is not achievable because lands are not available at that location. An alternate strategy involving individual quality controls for each development area has been developed that is supported by the City and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. This will require technical changes to the City's Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines to be implemented by a Guidelines amendment. Details of proposed Amendment 2 to the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines are outlined in Appendix III. Stormwater management for the Nicou site will include quality controls through a stormceptor. The outfall will discharge to Petticoat Creek to the east. 3.3 This development triggers the need for a sanitary sewer on Woodview Avenue and sanitary and storm sewers on the adjoining part of Finch Avenue: Woodview Avenue: The opportunity exists for the City to urbanize Woodview Avenue (from the Hydro Corridor to Finch Avenue) coincidental with the Region's extension of sanitary sewers to service the Nicou plan. However, this urbanization would constitute a major cost to the City ($1,050,000) and is not identified for implementation as a development charge project until 2007. The Nicou plan does not require storm sewers on Woodview Avenue and the sanitary sewer will not be located under the road, so minimal road excavation is anticipated. Report PD 36-03 Subject: Nicou Inc. SP-2002-02 / A9/99 (R2) Date: September 26, 2003 Page 8 Consequently, the urbanization of Woodview Avenue is not recommended at this time. This matter will be reviewed by staff on an annual basis through the City's budget deliberations. Finch Avenue: This development triggers the need for the developer to undertake significant infrastructure improvements to a portion of Finch Avenue. The developer will be required, at a minimum, to construct sanitary sewers under the portion of Finch Avenue that abuts the subject lands, construct a storm sewer under the roadway from the west limit of the subject lands to Petticoat Creek, and repave that part of Finch Avenue to an open-ditch rural profile at the developer's cost. In addition, sidewalks should be installed across the subject lands with cost-sharing between the City and the developer. Further, the City should fund the oversizing of the storm sewer and installation of connections to the south side of Finch Avenue in order to serve properties on the south side of Finch Avenue and to the west. The costs of sewer oversizing/connections and the City portion of the sidewalk are expected to total approximately $100,000. The capital expense would be funded 50% from Development Charges and 50% from General Revenue. A substantial reduction to the City's future urbanization costs would be realized by the City funding these works while the developer is working on the road. Although the developer's timing may be influenced by many factors, the earliest the works may be undertaken is mid 2004. Accordingly, staff will be including these works as an item for consideration in the 2004 capital budget. The actual timing for payment will be negotiated through the subdivision agreement following review of detailed engineering drawings. The urbanization of Finch Avenue between Altona Road and Townline Road is identified as a 2005 Development Charge project. However, the City is not bound to undertake the project in or by 2005, and the Nicou subdivision is only the first proposal in this part of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood. The City is, nevertheless, obligated to proceed with urbanization at some point in the future. The precise limits, timing and components of the urbanization of this part of Finch Avenue should be considered through the annual budget process in the context of other City priorities and the City's financial capability. Report PD 36-03 Subject: Nicou Inc. SP-2002-02 / A9/99 (R2) Date: September 26, 2003 Page 9 3.4 High quality urban design and public facilities will ensure an attractive development for residents that is compatible with neighbourhood surroundings: Upgraded urban design standards will be required for flankage elevations of corner lots, rear elevations facing Finch Avenue and to minimize garage projections. In addition, zoning will restrict building heights to 9.0 metres to maintain existing neighbourhood character and minimize visual impact on the open space areas. Inclusion of a small park, a trail connection, upgrades to the required noise attenuation fencing adjacent to Finch Avenue and street tree plantings add to the attractiveness of the development for future residents. Requirements for fencing between the new lots and the open space area, edge management and buffering measures, and protection of heritage features that may be identified on the lands address compatibility with the surrounding natural areas. The following requirements will be implemented as conditions of approval: . submission of an architectural design statement will be required to show, among other things, upgraded façade treatments for flankage sides of homes on Lots 1, 11, 27, 30, 38 and 39; upgraded second storey rear elevations for Lots 31 to 37, adjacent to Finch Avenue; and restrictions on garage projections; . installation of a 1.8 metre black chain-link fence on the west side of Lots 1 and 13, and north side of Lots 1 to 10 and 14 to 26 (with no gates, in order to restrict access to the natural areas beyond), and on the perimeter of the required parkland block (Block 41); also, temporary fencing during construction to control erosion and siltation will be required; . conveyance of a parkland block (Block 41 - 0.052 hectares) to the City, and payment of cash-in-lieu to the City for the remainder of the 5% of the value of the developable lands; . conveyance of an open space block (Block 40 - 5.87 hectares) to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and the planting of native species and other agreed buffering and edge management measures to the satisfaction of TRCA and City staff; . preparation of an educational package by the applicant with the assistance of Rouge Park Alliance outlining methods of protection of the wetland and natural habitat functions of the open space areas, to be provided to purchasers of the new homes; Report PO 36-03 Date: September 26, 2003 Subject: Nicou Inc. SP-2002-02 1 A9/99 (R2) Page 10 . construction of noise attenuation berms and fencing along the rear and side yards of Lots 11 and 30 to 38 facing Finch Avenue; fencing will reflect upgraded façade detailing facing Finch Avenue and attractive materials to the satisfaction of the City; . submission of an archaeological assessment to investigate the presence of heritage features on both the open space and residential portions of the lands subject to clearance by the Ministry of Culture, with comment from First Nations; and implementation of appropriate mitigative measures to the satisfaction of the City; . provision of sidewalks on the north side of Finch Avenue; and along the west side (abutting Lots 11 to 14), the north side (abutting Lots 15 to 26) and the west side (abutting Lots 27 to 30) of the new street; . satisfaction of all matters of concern of the Region of Durham and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority; and, . satisfaction of all other routine matters through conditions of draft approval. Technical Reports respecting noise impact, servicing and stormwater management, the wetland buffer, analysis of environmental conditions, environmental site assessment and environmental impact can be viewed in the Planning & Development Department. 4.0 Applicant's Comments The applicant is aware of the recommendations of this report. APPENDICES: APPENDIX I: Recommended Conditions of Approval for SP-2002-02 APPENDIX II: Recommended Conditions of Approval for A 9/99 (R2) APPENDIX III: Proposed Amendment 2 to the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines Report PD 36-03 Subject: Nicou Inc. SP-2002-02 / A9/99 (R2) Date: September 26, 2003 Page 11 1. 2a. 2b. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Attachments: Property Location Map Applicant's Proposed Draft Plan Enlargement of Applicant's Plan / Staff Recommended Plan Text of Information Report No. 15-02 Minutes of the May 16, 2003 Statutory Public Information Meeting Comments from Save the Rouge Valley System Agency Comment - Region of Durham Agency Comment - Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, October 28,2002 Agency Comment -: Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, March 17,2003 Agency Comment - Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, September 5, 2003 Agency Comment - Rouge Park Alliance Agency Comment - Canada Post Agency Comment - Enbridge Consumers Gas Agency Comment - Canadian Pacific Railway Agency Comment - Durham District School Board Agency Comment - Durham District Catholic School Board Agency Comment - City of Toronto Agency Comment - Veridian Connections Staff Comment - Municipal Property & Engineering Staff Comment - Fire Prevention Officer Staff Comment - Development Control, January 21,2003 Staff Comment - Development Control, February 5, 2003 Staff Comment - Development Control, September 5, 2003 Staff Comment - Development Control, September 3, 2003 Report PD 36-03 Subject: Nicou Inc. SP-2002-02 / A9/99 (R2) Date: September 26, 2003 Page 12 Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: ~'" r-" Ii / . ' - '., "d24+~ '" Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Planner II ~P . g & Development Catherine Rose Manager, Policy SG:ld:jf Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Supervisor, Development Control Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council j' , APPENDIX I TO REPORT NUMBER PD 36-03 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION SP-2002-02 1.0 1.1 2.0 2.1 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.3.1 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION SP-2002-02 GENERAL CONDITIONS That this recommendation apply to the revised draft plan prepared by Sernas Associates, dated April 2003, (Project No. 01269) for Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2002-02 submitted by Sernas Associates, on behalf of Nicou Inc., on lands being the South Part of Lot 34, Concession 2, City of Pickering, to permit the development of 39 lots for detached dwellings, an open space block, a park block, a new road and a road widening block. PRIOR TO SUBMISSION OF A DRAFT 40M PLAN: That the owner satisfy the City with respect to an archaeological assessment to investigate the presence of heritage features on both the open space and residential portions of the subject lands, obtain clearance by the Ministry of Culture, and implement any appropriate mitigative measures that may be required by the Director, Planning & Development, following circulation for comment to First Nations. PRIOR TO THE REGISTRATION OF THE PLAN: That the owners submit a Draft 40M.Plan to be approved by the City Planning & Development Department. That the implementing by-law for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 9/99 (R2) become final and binding. That the owner enter into a subdivision agreement with and to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering to ensure the fulfillment of the City's requirements, financial and otherwise, which shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the following: Storm Drainaqe (a) satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development respecting a stormwater drainage and management system to service all the lands in the subdivision, and any provisions regarding easements following review by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority respecting stormwater quality treatment requirements; and, (b) satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development for contributions for down stream stormwater management works. 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.3.5 - 2- GradinQ Control and Soils (a) satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development respecting submission and approval of a grading and control plan following review by the Toronto Region Conservation Authority respecting grading and groundwater infiltration for the lots backing onto the buffer area abutting the wetland and vegetated areas; and, (b) satisfaction of the Director, Planning and Development respecting the submission and approval of a geotechnical soils analysis. Road Allowances (a) satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development respecting construction of internal roads with curbs, storm sewers, sidewalks and boulevard designs to maximize front yard space without impeding services or the safe operation of the streets; (b) that all streets be named to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering; and, (c) satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development respecting the reconstruction of the portion of Finch Avenue between the west limit of the developer's lands and Petticoat Creek to a rural open-ditch profile, including cost-sharing between the City and the developer. Sidewalks (a) that the owner construct a sidewalk on Street 'A' on the west side abutting Lots 11 to 14, on the north side abutting Lots 15 to 26 and west side abutting Lots 27 to 30, to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development; (b) that the owner construct a sidewalk along the north side of Finch Avenue between the east and west limits of the draft plan; and, (c) that the owner construct a pathway through the parkland block (Block 41) to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development and the Director, Operations & Emergency Services. Construction / Installation of City Works & Services (a) satisfaction of the City respecting arrangements for the provision of all services required by the City; (b) satisfaction of the appropriate authorities respecting arrangements for the provision of underground wiring, street lighting, cable television, natural gas and other similar services; and 3.3.6 3.3.7 - 3- (c) that the cost of any relocation, extension, alteration or extraordinary maintenance of existing services necessitated by this development shall be the responsibility of the subdivider. Dedications / Transfers / Conveyances (a) the dedication of all road allowances with the proper corner roundings and sight triangles to the City; (b) that the owner convey to the City in a form satisfactory to the City and at no costs to the City: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Block 41, being a park block; any easements as required; any reserves as required by the City; and, a road widening block (Block 42). (c) that the subdivider convey any easement to any utility to facilitate the installation of their services in a location(s) to the satisfaction of the City and the utility; and, (d) that the owner convey to the Toronto Region Conservation Authority Block 40, in a form satisfactory to the Authority and at no costs. Construction ManaQement Plan (a) that the owners make satisfactory arrangements with the City respecting a construction management plan, such Plan to contain, among other things: (i) details of erosion and sedimentation controls during all phases of construction and provide maintenance requirements to maintain these controls; addressing the parking of vehicles and the storage of construction and building materials during servicing and house construction, and ensuring that such locations: . will not adversely affect the wetland and buffer areas; and, . will not impede the flow of traffic or emergency vehicles on either existing streets or the proposed public street; ensurance that the City's Noise By-law will be adhered to and that all contractors, trades and suppliers are advised of this By-law; the provision of mud and dust control on all roads within and adjacent to the site; type and timing of construction fencing; and, location of construction trailers. (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) -4- 3.3.8 Development Charqes 3.3.9 (a) satisfaction of the City financially with respect to the Development Charges Act. Coordinated Development (a) satisfaction of the City with respect to arrangements necessary to provide for coordination of services and roads with adjacent lands and any phasing of development that may be required. 3.3.10 Fencinq (a) satisfaction of the City with respect to the provision of temporary fencing for the purpose of erosion and siltation control, with review by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority around the entire perimeter of the subject lands during construction, prior to the commencement of any works; (b) satisfaction of the City with respect to the provision of a 1.8 metre black chain link fence along perimeters of Lots 1 to 26 abutting the open space block (Block 40) with no gates to the open space block permitted; (c) satisfaction of the City with respect to the provision of noise attenuation berms and fencing along the rear and side yards of Lots 11 and 30 to 38 facing Finch Avenue as recommended in the Noise Impact Study, prepared by Sernas Associates, dated March 2002 with attractive materials and design detailing on the side facing Finch Avenue to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development; and, (d) satisfaction of the City with respect to the provision of 1.8 metre black chair link along the east, west and north perimeters of the parkland block (Block 41 ). 3.3.11 Street Tree Plantinq (a) the submission of a street tree planting plan to the satisfaction of the City. 3.3.12 Desiqn Planninq (a) the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development respecting a report outlining siting and architectural design objectives for the development, and the submission of site plans and architectural drawings identifying how each unit meets the objectives of the report, prior to the issuance of any building permit for the construction of a residential unit on the lands; - 5- (b) the report outlining siting and architectural design objectives for the development must address building envelopes, house designs, siting, upgraded side/flankage elevations at entry, and streetscapes as well as garage designs, locations, massing, width, and projection from the main dwelling with particular attention to; . upgraded flankage elevation detailing for Lots 1, 11, 27, 30, 38 and 39; . upgraded design detailing for the second storey of rear elevations of Lots 31 to 37; and, . . restrictions on garage projections; (c) the report outlining siting and architectural design objectives for the development must address driveway placement and curb cut location on the proposed public road to ensure adequate room is maintained to accommodate street furniture and boulevard landscaping; and, (d) that the owner satisfy the City respecting the provision of appropriate aesthetic details and design of all boundary fencing and noise attenuation fencing. 3.3.13 Noise Attenuation (a) that the owners satisfy the requirements of the Ministry of the Environment regarding the approval of a noise study recommending noise control features satisfactory to the Region of Durham, and the City of Pickering by implementing the recommendations of the Noise Impact Study, prepared by Sernas and Associates, dated March 2002; and, (b) that the owners design noise attenuation fencing and berms to the City's satisfaction. 3.3.14 Enqineerinq Drawinqs (a) that the owner satisfy the City respecting the submission of appropriate engineering drawings that detail, among other things, City seNices, roads including drawings for the urbanization of Finch Avenue, storm sewers, sidewalks, lot grading, streetlights, fencing and tree planting, and financially-secure such works; (b) that the engineering plans be coordinated with the architectural design objectives and further the engineering plans shall coordinate the driveway width, street hardware and street trees in order to ensure that conflicts do not exist, asphalt is minimized and street trees are accommodated; and, (c) that the owner satisfy the City respecting designs for improvements to Finch Avenue, construct the improvements to the satisfaction of the City and appropriate provisions for cost-sharing be agreed upon by the City and the developer. - 6- 3.3.15 Other Approval Aqencies (a) that the subdivider satisfy all the requirements, financial and otherwise, of the Region of Durham including construction of a sanitary sewer on Woodview Avenue at the developer's expense and any appropriate agreement to collect from future developers who may access the sewer in the future; (b) that the subdivider satisfy all the requirements, financial and otherwise of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority; and, (c) that any approvals which are required from the Region of Durham or the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for the development of this plan be obtained by the subdivider, and upon request written confirmation be provided to the City of Pickering as verification of these approvals. 3.3.16 Parkland Dedication (a) that the subdivider provide to the City a park block of 0.052 hectares in size and provide the City cash-in-lieu to satisfy the shortfall of parkland dedications, to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development, in order to satisfy Section 42(1) of the Planning Act. 3.3.17 Edqe Manaqement (a) that the subdivider provide an edge management plan, for review by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development, such Plan to contain, among other things: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) an identification of all hazard trees located at the edge of the property to be removed prior to the initiation of works on the site; protection hoarding as required during the construction process; grading details which confirm that the root zone on the adjacent vegetated areas will be protected; plans for the edge planting in the buffer area between the rear yards of those lots facing the wetland to the satisfaction of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority; and, the planting of trees/landscaped stock as per the approved plan. 4.0 PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF ANY BUILDING PERMITS: Educational Packaqe That the owner prepare an educational package, with the assistance of Rouge Park Alliance to outline methods of protecting the wetland and natural habitat functions of the open space areas to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development, and provide such package to purchasers of the new homes. 4.1 APPENDIX II TO REPORT NUMBER PD 36-03 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 09/99 (~ APPENDIX II TO REPORT NUMBER PD 36-03 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 09/99 (R2) 1. That prior to forwarding an implementing by-law to City Council: (a) Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2002-02 receive draft approval; (b) A Draft 40M Plan be submitted to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development; 2. That the implementing zoning by-law, but not necessarily be limited to the following: (a) permit the establishment of detached dwellings on Lots 27 through 37, in accordance with the following provisions: (i) minimum lot frontage of 12.0 metres; (ii) minimum lot area of 350 metres; (iii) minimum front yard depth of 4.5 metres; (iv) minimum rear yard depth of 7.5 metres; (v) minimum side yard width of 1.2 metres; (vi) minimum flankage side yard width of 2.7 metres; (vii) maximum building height of 9.0 metres; (viii) minimum gross floor area of 100 square metres; (ix) maximum of one dwelling unit per lot; (x) maximum lot coverage of 38 percent; (xi) minimum one private garage per lot and limitations for garage projections from the front of houses; and, (xii) provisions regarding rear yard projections of uncovered steps and platforms. (b) permit the establishment of detached dwellings on Lots 1 through 26, and Lots 38 & 39 in accordance with the following provisions: (i) minimum lot frontage of 15.0 metres; (ii) minimum lot area of 460 square metres; (Hi) minimum front yard depth of 4.5 metres; (iv) minimum rear yard depth of 7.5 metres; (v) minimum side yard width of 1.2 metres; (vi) minimum flankage side yard width of 2.7 metres; (vii) maximum building height of 9.0 metres; (viii) minimum gross floor area of 100 square metres; (ix) maximum of one dwelling unit per lot; (x) maximum lot coverage of 38 percent; (xi) minimum one private garage per lot and limitations of garage projections from the front of houses; and, (xii) provisions regarding rear yard projections of uncovered steps and platforms. (c) permit recreational facilities and accessory uses on the park block (Block 41); (d) permit resource management, flood and erosion control and pedestrian trail and walkway uses on the open space block (Block 40); and, (e) include appropriate provisions permitting the construction of not more than four model homes. APPENDIX III PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE ROUGE PARK NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES AMENDMENT: The Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines to be amended by: Recognizing that a location for a stormwater management pond is not available on the east side of Woodview Avenue and a revised stormwater strategy to direct stormwater from lands north of Finch Avenue near Woodview Avenue to Petticoat Creek is acceptable, replace Section N1.7.1 - Stormwater Management, such that Section N1.7.1 reads as follows: The Tertiary Plan identifies the preferred location of a twe stormwater management pond. Lands west of Petticoat Creek 'llould contribute to a pond located on Ontario Hydro lands on the east side of \Noodvie'N /\venue. Lands east of Petticoat Creek would contribute to the pond located on Ontario Hydro lands on the west side of Altona Road. Detailed siting, engineering and grading plans are required prior to finalization of the sites - reference should be made to the Environmental Master Servicing Plan for additional stormwater management details. Stormwater from lands west of Petticoat Creek will be directed to Petticoat Creek with quality control provided before stormwater outlets into Petticoat Creek. As discussed in the Environmental Master Servicing Plan, there may be a limited opportunity for some lands at the north-west corner of Finch Avenue and Rosebank Road to drain to an existing storm sewer along Rosebank Road. And, Amending the Tertiary Plan to remove the stormwater pond symbol from the east side of Woodview Avenue on lands owned by Hydro One at the north edge of the Hydro Corridor. ATTACHMENT /I . I TO REPORT # PO -3 " ~ 0 ~ a ð It: -------- -----E~~~Ë------ ---------------- - PiPËCÏÑË" - - - - - -- ST L&H ~ @ þ ~ @ @5 @ þ t"\~O ~~v TRUNK LIN QO~ ~~\ cP w :J Z w ~ City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PART OF LOT 34, CONCESSION 2; PART 1, 40R-11934 APPLICANT NICOU INC. DATE MAR. 18,2002 DRAWN BY RC APPLICATION No. SP-2002-02; A 09/99(R) SCALE 1 :7500 FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN-14 PA- CHECKED BY SG l' ,! ----------~-. \ í (/ -.....".---/--'-----'--'----""-"---- /?/" I ; '--- i ~- -, ' I/--j .-/' __r,! I '- -,-' - ./ /'--,,' I "'--- , ,-' :. / \ --..--..,.,.--- // -\ .! ) '"\., ~-----., -_/ \ . . -"..-..,-.,-.- /' ~ // <::-" ;¡ ¡ ¡} '------- . _.--'t:::::::::----:,:-' í----~--"" I '.-. '~.::-::::i;::~.'~-.. f: ¡ V ._~ -..-.--" /þ'iNADINV DA ------. ,_._,~~-::::-- . ..,. ------..~_._"~.::C--..~C':::/: /----" _u _/......--- ' ' ,CIne RAIL I .. ..._'--- oo _.,~- --. ----' --,_.. --.... . ...-~ _..----,... _.J1A} . --oo_-,-- .. ~~\ ----~~:=lrt=>..- ~;:<::~-=.:;¿~~~ -,- -- ..~ r - ----.. -r'--'-,.' . 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'=~~~-""""'.. ....iW"""'""",,__-",--,. Mq___._..... 100 FINCH AVENUE $'1'-2002-0% 5I<r>NA5 A5=<A11!!!5 .......... "'.~ i5.- =" I""" """" j""""'" '"';¡¡;';:¡'¡';,-;¡ïL~'- 0I2jI;9 ....."" ~.......,... ::;'.',~~,:,~ DP-1 "'."', ,...., .."" I ¡ ,"" ¡I.J ,Vol! 10' i) . !j ~ ~E I C / / / / ( \ \ \ \ \ \ '-", "- "- "- "- ~, ) / / / / / / / / ( I I I ~J (~ ( "t?~ RiFT WETLJND'~CH 30, 2000 ~\ TAGGED ON MA I 30N LOCATION AS ~~~ ------ ---- ~ /' ~ ---~-~~ LOT APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN SP-2002-02 ~v", 1.50 OPEN SPACE BLOCK 40 (5.866 ha -14.50 ac.) 34 SURVEYED DRIPLINE OF TREE 2 3 4 7 8 5 6 15.fi 15.0 15.0 N72'44'40"£ a.3m RESERVE BLOCK 3.0m WIDENING BLOCK SURVEYED DRIPLINE OF TREE 26 13 19 20 15 116 117 18 I I 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 STREET "A" ~ I 13.0 13.2 13.21 I 131 13.2 I 13.2 113.21 33 32 37 I 36 I 35 34 12 a tri ~ 9 10 -- 406.545 17N3Ð.3m RESERVE BLOCK FINCH A VENUE l' THIS ,,",P WAS PROOUC£O BY "" CITY OF PlCIŒRING PlANNING .. OEVElOPM£NT OéPARTM£NT, fNFORMAllON .. SUPPORT S£RI1C£5. SEPT 29, 2003. ~ "'c " ... -Ò¡ ~~ 2. L ~ oj ~ a.3m BU ----. ~ i~ ~ 11;1 ~ .. a I Ñ " or.,.¡', D ¡ t.u ! S ATTACHMENT # . 3 TO REPDR, # PO ~ boo 0 3 INFORMATION REPORT NO. 15-02 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF MAY 16, 2002 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, RS.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2002-02 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 09/99(R) Nicou Inc. South Part of Lot 34, Concession 2 Part 1, 40R-11934 (100 Finch Avenue; north side of Finch Ave., opposite Woodview Ave.) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION the location of the subject lands is shown on the location map (see Attachment #1); the subject lands occupy an area of approximately 8.7 hectares; the north-west portion of the subject lands is occupied by a wetland; the remainder of the northern portion is occupied by wooded lands; the subject lands are situated east of Amos Pond, which is within the Rouge Park; to the south are a nmnber of dwellings ftonting Finch Avenue and Woodview Avenue; to the east is vacant land and a detached dwelling; and to the north are the Canadian Pacific Railway and the York-Durham Sanitary Tnmk: sewer. 2.0 ÄPPLICANT'S PROPOSAL to develop 39 lots for detached dwellings with minimum lot ftontages ranging ftom 12 to 16.5 metres and lot depths between 32 and 54.3 metres (see Attachment #2); 29 dwellings ftonting the proposed new street and 10 dwellings ftonting Finch Avenue; the northern 5.82 hectares as an open space block; a walkway fiom the proposed new street to the open space block. 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham Re!!ional Official Plan designates the subject lands as Living Area with an identification of an Open Space Linkage, and Major Open Space System with an indication of Environmentally Sensitive Area; - Living Area shall be used predominantly for housing pmposes; lands designated Major Open Space System shall be used predominantly for conservation, recreation, reforestation, agriculture and fann-related uses; environmental features and functions must be preserved and maintained on lands identified as an Open Space Linkage, and adjacent lands, with details provided in the area municipal official plan, in consultation with the Ministry of Natural Resources and the respective conservation authority; lands identified as Environmentally Sensitive Area (the wetlands) shall be maintained and preserved with the appropriate measures identified by an environmental impact study; 4.1 4.2 fufonnation Report No. 15-02 ATTACHMENl#.~ 3 TO REPORT # PO :3 6 - 0 's Page 2 although the subject applications appear to comply with the land uses pennitted by the Durham Regional Official Plan, detailed delineation of the boundaries of the different proposed land uses, and identification of appropriate conditions to ensure preservation of the wetlands will be required; 3.2 Pickerin2: Official Plan & Compendium Document designates the subject lands as Urban Residential Areas - Low Density Areas and Open Space System - Natural Areas within the Rouge Park Neighbourhood; Urban Residential - Low Density Areas may be used for residential uses at a density up to and including 30 dwellings pcr net hectare; the proposed density of the development is 17 dwellings per net hectare; lands designated Open Space System - Natural Areas may be used for conservation, restoration, environmental protection, education, passive recreation, and similar purposes; Finch Avenue is designated as a Type B Arterial Road in Schedule II to the Pickering Official Plan - the Transportation System; the northern portion of the site is designated in Schedule m - the Resource Management Schedule, as Shorelines and Stream Corridors (may include hazard lands) Area and as a Wetland Class 3; an Environmental Report must be submitted in order to detennine how to satisfy the Pickering Official Plan policy that encourages protection of wetland areas and their inter-related systems of water resources, biotic habitat, natural and cultural heritage and landforms; Schedule III identifies the boundary of the Rouge Park to the west of the subject lands; Schedule III also designates parts of the subject lands within the Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor; the function of the Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor as a vegetated connector for species migration must be protected through adoption of appropriate recommendations of an environmental report, to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering; the Rouge Park Neighbourhood policies require the proposal to have regard to the Rouge Park Management Plan, identifies the subject lands as a Detailed Review Area that is governed by the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines, requires an appropriate engineering and environmental component, and requires the provisions of the Environmental Servicing Master Plan to be met; section 11.16 of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Policies sets the minimum extent of the Open Space System - Natural Areas designation at the southerly drip-line of the existing hedgerow plus 1 metre, with the maximum extent to be determined during the review of related applications; 3.3 Zonin2: By-law 3036 the site is zoned "A - Rural Agricultural Zone in Zoning By-law 3036; this zoning permits residential uses on lots having a minimum lot area of 0.8 hectares, agricultural, recreational, institutional and business uses; amendment to the zoning by-law is required to implement the applicant's proposal. 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION Resident Comments No written comments have been received to date; A!!encv Comments Enbridge Consumers Gas, the City of Toronto, Veridian Connections, Canada Post and the Durham District School Board have indicated no objections and have also provided certain technical comments (see Attachments # 3 to #7); Information Report No. 15-02 ATTACHMENT #_23 TO REPORT # PO :3 b - (;)3. Page 3 4.3 Staff Comments Background following the decision on the City's new Official Plan in 1997, the applicant, under the company name Map Realty (on behalf of the Beare Estate), appealed the Open Space - Natural Areas designation on the north-east portion of the subject property; in 1999, the applicant submitted applications to amend the Pickering Official Plan, approve a draft plan of condominium, and rezone the property to permit an intensive residential project; the proposal comprised an adult lifestyle condominium development including 70 bungalow townhouses, 160 apartment units plus 188-bed assisted-living complex in 10 and ll-storey buildings on the subject lands (previous file numbers OP A 99-002/P; l8CDM-99001 and A 9/99); in 2000, the Ontario Municipal Board denied the appeal of Map Realty, and confirmed the designation on the north-east part of the subject lands as Open Space- Natural Area; the Board also added a related Rouge Park Neighbourhood Policy to identify that the minimum extent of the Natural Areas designation on the subject lands is the southerly drip-line of the existing hedgerow plus 1 metre, with the maximum extent of the Natural Areas designation to be determined through the review of a development application; although not part of Official Plan policy, the text of the Board's decision noted that a 50 metre setback should be maintained from the wetland boundary; , based on the Board's decision, it was also determined that the limits of the Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor would coincide with the limit of the Natural Areas designation; the Board decision effectively precluded the ability of Map Realty to proceed with its original applications; those applications have been withdrawn and are now considered closed; New Submission supplementary information to the submitted Environmental Report and other technical reports will be required from the applicant to address the following to the City's satisfaction, in consultation with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority: 0 protection of the wetland and its inter-related ecological systems; 0 requirements of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines; 0 requirements of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Environmental Master Servicing Plan; including stormwater quantity and quality control; and 0 maintenance ofthe Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor; staff will give careful consideration to a number of design aspects of the proposed subdivision, including, but not limited to: 0 whether the number and alignment of driveways for the lots fronting Finch Avenue are appropriate on Finch Avenue; 0 whether the location of proposed lot #1 and the rear edge of lots #2 to # 10 provide enough setback from the wetland boundary; and if not, consideration needs to be given as to whether the lots should be shallower and wider in this area; 0 the need for, and design of, appropriate noise attenuation adjacent to Finch Avenue and the Canadian Pacific Railway, following review of the noise impact study submitted by the applicant; and 0 appropriate stormwater treatment measures; as an outcome of the previous Board decision, staff will process technical amendments to the Rouge Park Neighbourhoòd Development Guidelines and the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Environmental Master Servicing Plan to implement findings of the Ontario Municipal Board. Information Report No. 15-02 ..., ATTACHMENT I.;) TO REPORT II PO 3{; -ö 35 Page 4 5.0 PROCEDURALINFO~TION written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Councilor a Committee of Council; . if a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the City of Pickering in respect of the proposed draft plan of subdivision or proposed zoning by-law does not make oral subllÙssions at the public meeting or make written subllÙssions to the City of Pickering before the application is considered, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding either the proposed plan of subdivision or zoning by-law amendment application, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. 6.0 OTHER INFO~TION 6.1 Appendix I lists the comments received on this proposal at the time that this Information Report was written; 6.2 Information Received full-scale copies of the applicant's subllÙtted plan and the following technical reports are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department: . Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report; . Analysis of Environmental Conditions; . Assessment of Proposed Wetland Buffer. 6.3 Site Landowners the principal of is Nicou Inc. is PieITe Boiron. ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Planner II ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Catherine 1. Rose Manager, Policy SG/jf Copy: Director, Planning & Development ATTACHMENT # 3 TO REPORT # PD... 3b.. o~-_.__.. APPENDIX I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 15-02 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) None received to date; COl\<IMENTING AGENCIES (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Durham District School Board; City of Toronto - City Planning Division Canada Post; Veridian Connections; Enbridge Consumers Gas; COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1 ) Planning & Development Department. Excerpts from Statutory Public Information Meeting Minutes Pursuant tothe Planning Act ATTACHMENT#_¥ TO REPORT # PO 3 t:,- 0 s Thursday, May 16, 2002 7:00 P.M. The Manager, Development Review, provided an overview of the requirements of the Planning Act and the Ontario Municipal Board respecting this meeting and matters under consideration there at. (I) DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION SP-2002-02 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION AO9/99(R) NICOU INC. SOUTH PART OF LOT 34, CONCESSION 2 PART 1, 40R-11934 (100 FINCH AVENUE; NORTH SIDE OF FINCH AVENUE, OPPOSITE WOODVIEW A VEN1Æ) 1. Steve Gaunt, Planner II, provided an explanation of the application, as outlined in fuformation Report #15-02. 2. Brice Jordan, Planning Consultant, speaking on behalf of the applicant, advised that the east side of the road is open for future development and that the lots backing onto the woodlot provide a one metre setback 3. Ottis Stock, 1960 Woodview Ave., questioned if the services will be brought up Woodview Ave. or along Finch Ave. 4. Norman Collier, 2825 York-Durham Line, stated his concern with respect to how this development will affect Amos Pond. He questioned if the proposed homes will have basements and if so will sump pumps be required, will this development cause too much congestion and will hockey still be allowed on the pond. He stated that this development will influence whether the present wildlife remain in the woodlot. 5. Wendy McCullough, 1800 Woodview Ave., stated that since development has occUlTed in the area there are no more deer tracks. She also stated that 30' and 40' lots have appeared where 50' lots should have been. She stated her objection to this development and any development around Amos Pond. 6. Bonnie Littley, 1499 Sandhurst Cres. advised that this land should not be development and she concurs with the comments of the previous speaker. 7. Brice Jordan, Planning Consultant, speaking on behalf of the applicant, advised that the storm and sanitary sewers will be coming up Woodview Ave. The [mal Environmental hnpacts and hnpact Study were submitted today and the Environmental Consultant stated that the wildlife corridor runs east to west and is also the frog corridor. This area drains away from Amos Pond and is above the water level. ATTACHMENT' 5 TO REPORT # PO .~ b"" D3 Save the Rouge Valley System Mailing Address: P.O. Box 88005, Cliffcrest Plaza, 2975 Kingston Rd. Scarborough, Ontario, MIM 3Wl Tel. (416) 282-9983 Fax.(416) 282-5231 May 14, 2002 To: Mayor and Members of Council City of Pickering P.O. Box 300 One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario LI V 6K9 905-420-7648 Re: Request to Incorporate Save the Rouee recommendations into plannine for Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2002-02 Zonine By-law application A-O9/99 R South Part of Lot 34 Concession 2 - Rou2:e Park Neiehbourhood Lands Dear Mayor and Members of Council, Please consider this letter as a fonnal request to adopt and incorporate the following recommendations regarding this development proposal. This request should be viewed as part of our fonnal input into the planning process for consideration of new zoning for these lands as per section 34 of the Planning Act. We request that the City support the following recommendations: 1) That staff be directed to pursue a land exchange and/or fee simple acquisition for the remaining portions of this property. In our opinion, protection of remaining unprotected lands on this property in public ownership would be an outstanding contribution to the City of Pickering Park's system and the Rouge Park in Pickering. 2) That staff also be directed to investigate unit transfer as recommended in the April 10,2000 Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines to other portions of the Pickering community as a means to offset costs of fee simple acquisition or land exchange. 3) That staff request the Rouge Park Alliance to provide assistance and support for efforts to acquire the remaining unprotected portions of this property. 4) That staff be directed to meet with Nicous Inc. and Save the Rouge representatives to discuss the details of this proposal and the contents of the required environmental report(s). 5) That staff be directed to ensure that this proposal is consistent with OMB Decision Order 1548 Oct, 23, 2000 which required a minimum SOm buffer from the wetland boundary on the site. Our preliminary review suggests that this minimum buffer is not met for all portions of this site. 6) That staff be directed to ensure that City of Pickering Rouge Park Neighbourhood Environmental Master Servicing Plan recommendations are being followed. This includes requirements for larger buffers when woodlands are near wetlands. þ,rrß,CHMENT #- $_TO REPORT # PO .36.,- 03 7) That staff be directed to examine the opportunity of applying a minimum 30 m setback from the tree line of the woodland portions of the property to the rear yard lot lines of any potential development. A 30m vegetated setback from the tree line is supported as a minimum standard for environmentally sensitive areas including the Oak Ridges Moraine and the Rouge Park North and should also apply to this equally environmentally sensitive community in Pickering. 8) That the City investigate additional opportunities for fill removal, plantings, natural fencing and other measures as recommended in the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Environmental Master Servicing Plan. 9) That MNR be fonnally requested to provide detailed comments to the City on this proposal prior to any decision on this matter. 10) That this area be planned to allow the persistence and viability of the following species that have been found in this area in the past and are the focus of protection and restoration efforts: Avian: Great Blue Heron, Wood Duck, Pied Billed Grebe, Terrestrial Mammals: Mink, Beaver, Snowshoe Hare Amphibians: Wood Frog, Blue Spotted Salamander, Spring Peeper 11) That staff review and incorporate recommendations on the protection of Amphibians, their habitat, and migration routes on this site prior to making any decision on this application. 12) That Save the Rouge be notified by letter at the address above or by phone at 416-282-9983 a minimum two weeks in advance of any public or City of Pickering facilitated meeting related this application. The adoption of these recommendations will ensure that the ecosystem functions of these lands are not compromised and will assist in upholding the City of Pickering's earlier commitment to maintaining the environmentally sensitive character of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Community. Our recommendations also reflect the findings and defensible scientific directions of the recent OMB decision on these lands and on lands adjacent to the Rouge Park in other communities. Please contact me at 416-261-5364 if you would like to meet to discuss any of these recommendations in more detail. We look forward to working closely with the City of Pickering to ensure permanent protection of the Amos Pond, the Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor and Rouge Park in Pickering. Yours sincerely, ~~ ~ c -- ~ -", Glenn De Baeremaeker President, Save the Rouge Valley System Inc. CC: Hon. Janet Ecker, MPP Pickering Fax: 416-325-2608 Mr. Russell White, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Fax: 416-661-6898 Mr. Louis Yeager, Rouge Park Alliance Fax: 905-713-6028 Ms. Ramani Nadaraja, Counsel, Canadian Environmental Law Association, Fax: 416-960-9392 Ms. Theresa Fancy, Ministry of Natural Resources Aurora District Office, Fax: 905-713-7361 2 The. Regional Municipality of Durham' Planning , Department' August ,9, 2002 ' ATTACHMENT (I b 'TO REPORT I PO' 3", - 03 , RECEIVED' AUG 1 3'2002' , Mr. N. Carroll , Director of Planning ,Planning Department City of Pickering' 1 The Esplanade Pickering, Ont. L 1V 6K7 CITY OF PICKERING ' PLANNING AND, DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Dear Mr. Garroll: Re: Regional Review of an Application for Plan of Subdivision File No.: "S-P-2002-02, , ' , Cross Ref.: 'Zoning By-lawAmendment Application A09/99 , Applicant: Nicou Incorporated " , Location:, Part Lot 3~, Concession 2 Municipality: City of Pickering , 1615 DUNDAS ST.,E. 4TH FLOOR, LANG TOWER' WEST BUILDING P,O.BOX623 " WH¡TBY, ON L1N 6A3 (905) 728.7731 '¡&.)(: (905) 436.6612 " JwW,region.durham.on.ca This application has been reviewed by the Region and the following comments AòL. Georgieff¡ MCIP, RPP are offered with respect to the Durham Regional Official Plan, Provincial policies, , Commissioner of Planning and the proposed method of servicing. ' ' "", , l ,.::;);,::"< "SERVICEEXCELLENCE jor . ()l}rço MNJ,þNITY" ;' ',,' '~;; " . OffiCial Plan Conformitv The subject property is located within the "Living Area"and "Major Open $,pace" designations in the Durham Regional Officia,l Plan. The area of the development is to take place within the Living Area .designation. 'The predominant use of land within -the Liv.ingArea designation is for residential pu~poses. The property is also in proximity to, the Open Space Linkage,' known as the Rol,lge-DuffinsWildlife ' Corridor, which consists of natural. areas and features in order to provide for the migration of flora 'and faUna. 'Further, the Regional Official Plan 91so indicates an,' Environmentally Sensitive Area in the Major Open Space portion of the property. According to Policy 2.3.17 of the Plan, an Environmental Impact Study is required and shall address, among other matters, the degree of sensi~ivity ofthe present' environmental conditions, an assessment of cumulative impacts, and the need for mitigating measures. ' , " " ' Provincial Interests and Deleaated Review Responsibilities . The subject lands have b~en assessed as having a high archaeolOgical potel1tialdueto the proximity of a tributary of the Petticoat Creek. ,The property also appears to contain an identified archaeologica.l site. An archaeological assessment will be necessary. ' A sufficient buffer shou'ldbe incorporated from the development area to protect the nearby Townline Swamp Complex, a Provincially S,ignificant , Wetland, from any potential adverse impacts,; Also, there may be impacts on the various environmental features and functions of the Rouge,..Duffins ' Wildlife Corridor immediately adjacent to, the proposed subdivision' development. An Environmental Assessmentis required to investigate the' ,potential for impacts on the wetlê;H1d and wildlife corridor. " , . " ,~ . $, 100% Post Consumer ATlACHMENI #,_L~TO' . '. ':2.. . .' REPORT#PD~~,~~k..:Q3~.",~"c~,' . . . The subject lands are located approximately 450 metres to the east of the, ' , Beare Road Landfill'Site.lnformation.is required .to ensure thatth~infh.ienc~ " , ' area of the landfill 'site does notadvt;!rsely affect the proposed .á~sident¡al use, or cause,risk to ,health and safety, or whether remedial measures are" , necessary. " . . . , .The submitted noise report,'pr~päred bySernas As$oci~tes, addres~es noise, impact on the proposed residential development from Finch Avenue and the .' , nearbyC.P.R Appropriatenoisebarriers andwarningclausesare ' ". recommende,d .for this development The study WaS prepared in' accordance . with Provincial Criteria and Regional policy. . , , , . '. , , .' A Phase 1 Environmental Site Asse~sment was prepared by Angus Environmental Limited for the subject property. . The assessment indicated, thatenvil'onmentarconditions at the site are considered to be satisfactory and ' that,no evidence of actual'coritaminatioll was encountered. The development of the site would be suitable forresi~ential pùrpOses. ' , There are nÒ ,otherprovincial interests or delegated review responsibilities'" applicable tothisapplication. . , " . . Municipal WaterSupplvand Sanitary Sewer Service , . , Municipal water supply'can be provided to thesubjectdevèlopment from an' . existing 250ry1m. diameter watermain on Finch Avenue. ' Sanitary sewèrservice i.s presi:mtly'not 'available. The provision of sanitary sewers will require the, extension of sanitary sewers onWOódview AvenUe for a distance of , approximately 700 metres to Finch Avenue. ThIs extension would beat the . Developer's cost, as the subject site is considered non-sequen'ti~1. Based, on the foregoing, the Region has no objection to draft approval of this, , plan. The attached conditions of approval are to be satisfied prior to clearance by , the Regionför registration ofthisplali.'., "', Plea~e call Richard Szarek, Planner, if you should have any questions. Yours truly, '~~' " .c;z Bla¡r,~M.c.I.P., RP.P.' . Director, Current Operations Branch Attach: COnditions of Draft Approval cc: Nicou Incorporated The Semas Group -Regional Works Department N:\pim\rs\s-p-ZOOZ-ÖZcommemts,doc , ATTACHMENT#_~ TO REPORT # PO 3b - 0 3 Attachment to letter dated: August 9,2002 RECEIVED AUG 2 8 2002 Re: Plan of Subdivision S-P-2002-02 Nicou Incorporated City of Pickering CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARïMENT Region of Durham Conditions of Draft Approval 1. The Owner shall prepare the final plan on the basis of the approved draft plan of subdivision prepared by G.M. Sernas & Associates, identified as Project Number 01269, dated January, 2002, which illustrates 39 lots for single detached dwellings, an open space block, a walkway, a roadway, a road widening, and 0.3m. reseNes. 2. The Owner shall name any road allowances included within this plan to the satisfaction of the Regional Municipality of Durham. 3. The Owner shall grant to the Region, any easements required to provide Regional seNices for this development and these easements shall be in locations and of such widths as determined by the Region. 4. The Owner shall submit plans showing any proposed phasing to the Region for review and approval, if this plan is to be developed through more than one registration. 5. The Owner shall provide for the extension of such sanitary sewer and water supply facilities which are external to, as well as within, the limits of this plan that are required to seNice this plan. In addition, the Owner shall provide for the extension of sanitary sewer and water supply facilities within the limits of the plan which are required to seNice other developments external to this plan. Such sanitary sewer and water facilities are to be designed and constructed according to the standards and requirements of the Regional Municipality of Durham. All arrangements, financial and otherwise, for said extensions, are to be made to the satisfaction of the Regional Municipality of Durham, and are to be completed prior to final approval. 6. Prior to entering into a subdivision agreement, the Regional Municipality of Durham shall be satisfied that adequate water pollution control plant and water supply plant capacities are available for the proposed subdivision. 7. The Owner shall satisfy all requirements, financial and otherwise, of the Regional Municipality of Durham. This shall include, among others, the execution of a subdivision agreement between the Owner and the Region concerning the provision and installation of sanitary sewers, water supply, roads and other regional seNices. Page 2 8. The Owner shall agree in the City of Pickering Subdivision Agreement to implement the recommendations of the report entitled, "Noise Impact Study", prepared by G.M. Sernas and Associates Limited, dated March 7, 2002, which specifies noise attenuation measures for the development. The measures shall be included in the subdivision agreement and must also contain a full and complete reference to the noise report (i.e. author, title, date and any revisions/addenda) and shall include any required warning clauses identified in the study. The Owner shall provide the Region with a copy of the subdivision agreement containing such provisions prior to final approval of the plan. 9. The Owner shall carry out a cultural heritage resource assessment of the subject property and mitigation and/or salvage excavation of any significant heritage resources to the satisfaction of the Regulatory and Operations Group of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation. No grading or other soil disturbance shall take place on the subject property prior to a letter of clearance from the Regulatory and Operations Group of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation. H:\2-4\s-p-2002-02 conditions BY FAX AND MAIL ATTACHMENT (I 7 REPORT # PO 1õ1~~. ~.j~. n\ \ru NO~ - ß liJO2 ,U PiCKERiNG C'~~~~ING, ONTARIO 2ConsêrvåNiron for The Living City October 28, 2002 XREF CFN 30323 RECEIVED \ NOV 8 2002 n CITY OF PICKERING I' PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEP~RTMENT -" Mr. Steve Gaunt City of Pickering Planning and Development Department Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 Dear Mr. Gaunt: Re: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2002-02 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 09/99 (R2) Nicou Incorporated South Part of Lot 34, Concession 2 Part 1, 40R11934 102-198 Finch Avenue City of Pickering We acknowledge receipt of the above noted application and wish to offer the following comments. Authority staff understand that the above noted applications are to permit the development of a 39 residential lot subdivision, fronting on either Finch Avenue or Street "A", involving a rezoning to recognize the proposed residential use and the natural features on the subject property. The northern portion of the subject property is heavily vegetated and forms a link between Amos Pond to the west and Petticoat Creek to the east. This area has been identified as part of the Duffins Corridor, the boundaries of which have been recognized in the City of Pickering's Official Plan.. The northwestern part of the property is located partially within the Townline Swamp wetland, being a Provincially Significant Wetalnd, the boundaries of which have previously been defined by MNR and TRCA staff in conjunction with a previous Plan of Condominium, File 18CDM-99001. These lands were also subject of a recent Ontario Municipal Board decision, whereby the OMS recognized that the wetland had to be protected and identified the limits of the Rouge Duffins corridor as being the forested area along the north side of the subject property, from the wetland eastward to Petticoat Creek. As such, the Soard stated "any proposed residential development should be located to the south of this tree line with at least a 50 metre wide buffer, from the agreed upon wetlands boundary line". Staff note that the proposed residential development, as illustrated on the Draft Plan prepared by G.M. Sernas & Associates, dated Janu8:ry 2002, is located outside of the wetland, however; Lots 1 to 8, do not maintain the required 50 metre buffer. The OMS also amended the OP to indicate that the Open Space boundary (for the upland forest along the north and northeastern portions of the site), should be the dripline plus a minimum 1 metre distance. The Draft Plan appears to satisfy this requirement. . ~ .~~ '",...' 5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 154 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 www.trca.on.ca Mr. Steve Gaunt ATTACHMENT#- 7 TO REPORT # PO 3& ,. ò 3 - 2- October 28, 2002 Please be advised that Authority staff have recently reviewed an Environmental Impact Study prepared by Gartner Lee Limited, dated May 10, 2002 which addresses the potential impacts of the proposed development on the wetland feature and Duffins Rouge corridor. While Authority staff generally concur with the report's analysis and recommendations; we have concerns with the report's recommendation that natural regeneration be allowed tooccùr in the buffer area, as the report had previously noted that invasive species could pose a problem if left to regenerate in the field areas. Authority staff therefore, request that some active regeneration/restoration/management of the buffer should be undertaken in order to reduce the invasion of problem species. The report also recommends that a construction barrier fence be installed along the rear of Lots 1 to 26, and the west side of Lot 1. Authority staff request that this fence also serve as a sedinientcontrol fence and'be designed as such. Authority staff note that the EIS does not include details on surface and subsurface drainage as it relates to the proposed development, nor does the subdivision plan illustrate the proposed grading or drainage for the proposed lots. In this regard, the Authority requests submission of site gràding and drainage plans, and information relating to how the recommendations of the EIS will be addressed with respect to the provision for infiltrátion BMPs. The Authority has concerns With the proposed development, noting that all Jots.do not respect the required 50 metre development setback from the wetland, and as suchcannotsupport this current application. We suggest that a redesign of the lots be conductedwhichrecognizes the buffer requirements and that the revised lot layout be submitted for our review and approval. By copy of this letter, we wish to advise the applicant of our concerns and comments. We trust this is satisfactory. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Yours truly, , J1v,ci...s;h?1^- Ul¿ú)- . Nora Jamieson Acting Plans Analyst Development Services Section Extension 5259 NJ/ cc: Mr. Richard Szarek, Planning Dept., Region of Durham G.M. Sernas & Associates F: \P RS\ Corresp \P JCKE RI N\2002\n ico u. wp d onsêrvaNfíòn for The Living City March 17, 2003 ATTACHMENT# g TO fõ) ~[HiU ~ ~n- ¡ð.2 - U1J MAR 2 4 20O:~ i1JJ CITY OF PICKERiNG CFN 33826 PIOKERING, ONTARIO Mr. Ross Pym City of Pickering Pickering Civic Centre One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 REceiVED Re: Plan of Subdivision SP-2002-02 100 Finch Avenue City of Pickering (Nicou Incorporated) MAR 2 6 2003 CITY Or: PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Dear Mr. Pym: We acknowledge receipt of the above application and offer the following comments. TRCA staff recently received a preliminary storm water management and servicing report and an environmental impact study from the applicant's representatives. We have now had an opportunity to review the reports and offer the following comments. Staff are generally satisfied with the recommendations of the restoration plan proposed by Gartner Lee Limited. These recommendations need to be applied at the time of construction and should not be simply referenced as possibilities (i.e., Should do or could do as stated in the report) with no confirmation of their implementation at the time of construction. Therefore staff will attach a condition of draft plan approval which will require the applicant to undertake the recommendations of the report to the satisfaction of the TRCA . The Rouge Park Neighbourhood MESP identified astormwater pond to service this development parcel (i.e., the Woodview Facility). This pond is not built yet, therefore, the applicant and the municipality must consider the construction of the pond and all necessary connections (i.e., storm sewer down Woodview). The alternative option is to provide an interim solution on the site that would deal with stormwater quality and erosion controls (i.e., possibly a stormceptor and an enhanced outlet from the storm sewers - mirco pools etc.). This interim solution would have to fit into the ultimate solution of the stormwater pond in accordance with the MESP. TRCA staff will need to review the details of each option and prior to the start of grading on the site. We note that permits will be required under Ontario Regulation for any proposed connection to Petticoat Creek. The applicant has indicated verbally that they intend to build the pond and meet the requirements of the MESP. Staff will require to review the details. Usually we get the details on the pond prior to draft plan approval, however given the applicant has committed to their submission and given that their provision should not significantly alter the. proposed plan of subdivision, we are prepared to address this requirement as a condition of approval:' Please recognise that an addendum to the MESP identified that water quantity controls for the 2 through 100 year storms are not required for this area (or pond), which is contrary to the .. """ =.. E:à.eB$ \.C.Q'( r 13$ p. \. P, 1.c.!S:.!;fH N 1:;;'0,0;:)1 gfDg,Q.e ?J:ì.)i\(R.Ç "., ,..»,. "'" <0,. - .-.. ""-...>,......,....",~.,.~.».. ".'" "".."w "... " _..._."..~...O>.... ."...~.~"",,..,", ,.,,~ .~~~,'.",. '... ..== ,',.",,' [ç 2,D!: 9:.:.:".,.." .'" , 5 5horeham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3 N 154 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898'www.trca.~~.ca-'" .". ..... :~~\ -. Mr. Ross Pym ATlf\CHMENT #_Î- TO REPORT # PD- 3~..ö '3 ---......"........ .. 2- March 17, 2003 original MESP. Level 1 water quality and the specific erosion control requirements stated in the original MESP are still valid, and the pond should be designed for them. The applicant has noted inthe SWM report, the intention to use temporary erosion and siltation control pond during the construction period. The applicant should be aware that the rRCA has new criteria on temporary ponds, and that they should be sized for 125 m3/ha active storage as well as for 125 m3/ha permanent pool storage. It appears that the stormwater management report promotes the use of swales along rear and side yards. While the location is not shown we note that if the swales are proposed within the buffer, restoration plans proposed by Gartner Lee Limited should include recommendations for enhancements recognizing the proposed swales. Given the above we provide the following condition of draft approval: 1. Prior to the initiation of grading and prior to the registration of this plan or any phase thereof, that the owner shall submit for the review and approval of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, (TRGA), the following: (A) a detailed report that describes the storm drainage system for the proposed development of the subject lands. This report should include: details illustrating how the requirements of the approved Master Environmental Servicing Plan for the Rouge Park Neighbourhood would be satisfied. plans illustrating how this drainage system will tie into surrounding drainage systems, ie. Is it part of an overall drainage scheme? How will external flows be accommodated? What is design capacity of the receiving system? storm water management techniques which may be required to control minor or major flows; proposed methods for controlling or minimizing erosion and siltation on- site and in downstream areas during and after construction; location and description of all outlets and other facilities which may require permits under Ontario Regulation 158. 2. That the plan be red line revised as necessary to undertake Condition 1 as noted above. F: \P RS\ co rres p \P IC KER I N\2003\cfn33826. wpd /cont'd... , .' ATTACHMENT # $š TO REPORT # PD 3b - 0 3 _._,~_. Mr. Ross Pym - 3- March 17, 2003 3. That prior to the final registration of this plan, the owner enter into an agreement with either the TRCA or the City of Pickering with respect to the acquisition of the open space lands. 4. Prior to the final registration of the plan that the applicant undertake the recommendations of the Environmental Impact Study prepared by Gartner Lee Limited dated May 2002, to the satisfaction of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. 5. That the owner agree in the subdivision agreement, in wording acceptable to the TRCA: (A) to carry out, or cause to be carried out, to the satisfaction of the TRCA, the' recommendations referred to in the report(s), as required in Conditions 1 and 4 above. (B) (C) to obtain a permit for the works described in Condition 1 above. to erect a permanent chain link fence between the open space lands and the limit of development to the satisfaction of theTRCA. In order to expedite the clearance of the plan of subdivision, we requestthat a copy of the signed subdivision agreement be forwarded to this Authority. We trust that this is of assistance. If you have any questions please contact the undersigned at ext 5306. . Yours truly, Russel White Senior Planner Development Services Section Ext. 5306 cc: Mr. Pierre Boiron, Nicou Inc. F :\P RS\ co rresp \P ICKERI N\2003\cfn33826. wpd õn'Sêï-RvåYiòn for The Living City September 5, 2003 REceiVED SEP l 0 2003 ATTACHMENT ,- '1 TO REPORT I PO qt:,-O3 C'TY OF PICKERiNG [PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CFN 33826 X-ref CFN 30323.A BY FAX (905-420-7648) AND MAIL Mr. Steve Gaunt Planning and Development Department City of Pickering Pickering Civic Complex One The Esaplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 rrnœ[(g Œ D Wi œ rñln Ifú SEP 1 0 2003 IdJ CITY OF PJCKERIí\IG PICKERING. ONTARIO Dear Mr. Gaunt: Re: Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2002-02 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 09/99 (R2) 102-192 Finch Avenue South Part of Lot 34, Concession 2 Part 1, Plan 40R-11934 City of Pickering, Durham Region (Nicou Incorporated) This letter follows receipt of a Preliminary Servicing and Storm water Management (SWM) Report, prepared by RG Robinson and Associates Ltd., for the Rouge Park Residential Subdivision at 1 02- 198 Finch Avenue, in the City of Pickering on July 11,2003. The applicant, Nicou Incorporated proposes to develop a 5.8 ha site with a 39-lot residential subdivision. Staff at the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) has had an opportunity to review the above submitted document and offers the following comments: SWM On-Site Measures: Generally, the proposed strategy to address stormwater management through on-site measures is considered acceptable given that Hydro One will not permit the construction of a SWM facility within their lands to service the subject site (as recommended in the Rouge Neighbourhood MESP) Infiltration Swales: The use of infiltration swales to capture rear yard and roof drainage will promote recharge to the shallow groundwater system as well as assist in reducing storm sewer flows and the potential for in-stream erosion. Notwithstanding, it is recommended thatthe design of the swales be enhanced, where feasible, to include a 1 m bottom width as well as large sub-surface infiltration component (e.g., 0.5 m deep) that should be protected with filter fabric/geotextile. Oil and Grit Separators: The use of oil and grit separators(OGS) to address water quality is typically not recommended given that the proposed land use is residential. However, in light of the limited opportunities to address water quality, this type of mitigation measure would be deemed acceptable. To further support the use of an OGS, it is recommended that a larger unit(s) , sized for Level 1 treatment, be ._-~.~.,E~\[?J;¡S\Kevif;l3Q,"Z\eubliC\33826.CammeQts.wp,GL...,,.""."""-"----_.===~-"_.._,-----_.=-. . -...--=---. ,. 5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 1 S4 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 www.trca.on.ca ~'(Ð:~ - Steve Gaunt ATTACHMENT I 9: TO REPORT # PO . 36 - 0 '3 ~ 2- September5,2003. installed on Finch Avenue immediately upstream of the outfall structure. The intent would be to provide treatment for not only the proposed subdivision but also Finch Avenue subsequent to future roadway urbanization as noted in the report (i.e., connectto storm sewer). This would result in a net benefit by providing additionàl water quality treatment for a portion of Finch Avenue that currently outlets to Petticoat Creek with no controls. Further Details: It should be noted that additional details will be required as part of the subsequent detailed design and permit submission including storm outlet details as well as a sediment and erosion control planas indicated in the report. We trust these comments are of assistance. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Kevin Huang at extension 5307 or the undersigned. iw~. Senior Planner Development Services Section Extension 5306 /KH c.c.: D. Dodwell, RG Robinson (Fax: 1-705-734-0764) Richard Szarek, Region of Durham (Fax: 1-905-436-6612) Kevin Huang, TRCA F:\PRS\Kevin307\Public\33826 Comments.wpd ATTACHMENT #_10 TO REPORT # PO ;;¡f, ." Ö 3 The Rouge Park Alliance Rouge Park 50 Bloomington Road West Aurora, ON L4G 3G8 Tel: Fax: (905) 713-6038 (905) 713-6028 Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Planner II , Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, ON LIV 6K7 RECE,"ED , 1 5 2002 I\JL ' ~¡ , , \ err:, ¡:~".,>" """....;".".".".""..j ~. "',""\1"-,\"".._,"""'" p~"~ RE: APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF A PLAN OF SUBDIVISION FILE NUMBER SP-2002-02 Dear Mr. Gaunt, The Rouge Park Alliance appreciates the opportunity to comment on the plan approval as described above. As one of our partners the Toronto Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) review land use proposals and officially comment on our behalf. We support the decisions and comments forward-ed to you by the TRCA regarding the above proposal. In particularity we are in agreement that the fifty metre setback established at the previous Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearing for this site be adhered to. Additionally we are supportive ofthe concept of restricted access ) to the wetland complex for the future neighbourhood in the detailed design phase. The construction offences todecreàse access will be of benefit to the sensitive wildlife found in a Provincially Significant Wetland. If approved we would also like to encourage the idea of providing an educational package to the future occupants of the neighbourhood and would be interested in assisting with this in any way we can. Once again thank you for the opportunity to provide comment On this issue and we look forward to your response. It would also be appreciated ifinformation on further activity or decisions regarding this plan continue to be forwarded to the Rouge Park. Sincerely, Le:'~- General Manager, Rouge Park -----,-, ------ ATTACHMENT#~j I TO REPORT # PO 3h ~°"3 DELIVERY PLANNING 1860 MIDLAND AVE 2ND FL. SCARBOROUGH ON M1P 5A1 CANADA ~ POSIES POST. ..CANADA (416) 285-5385 (T) (416) 285-7624 (F) April 12,2002 RECEIVED APR 1 5 2002 fõ}~~~nWl~lñì lJ1J APR 1 5 2002 lW CITY OF PICKERING PICKERING. ONTARIO Steve Gaunt Planning & Development Department City of Pickering 1 The Esplanade Pickering On LIV 6K7 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Dear Mr. Gaunt, RE: Application for Approval of a Plan of Subdivision SP-2002-02 Applicant: NICOU Inc. Part of Lot 34,Concession 2, Part 1, Plan 40R-11934 (North side of Finch Ave, opposite Woodview Avenue) City of Pickering Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the above noted plan. As a condition of draft approval, Canada Post requires that the owner/developer comply with the following conditions: - The owner/developer agrees to include on all offers of purchase and sale, a statement which advises the prospective purchaser that mail delivery will be fÌ'om a designated Community Mailbox. - The owner/developer will be responsible for notifying the purchaser of the exact Community Mailbox locations prior to the closing of any home sale. - The owner/developer will consult with Canada Post Corporation to determine suitable locations for the placement of Community Mailbox and to indicate these locations on the appropriate servicing plans. -The owner/developer will provide the following for each Community Mailbox site and include these requirements on the appropriate servicing plans: - An appropriately sized sidewalk section (concrete pad) as per municipal standards, to place the Community Mailboxes on. - Any required walkway across the boulevard, as per municipal standards. DELIVERY PLANNING 1860 MIDLAND A VE 2ND FL. SCARBOROUGH ON MIP 5Al ATTACHMENT # /1 TO REPORT # PD 3 h - 6 :3 (416) 285-5385 (T) (416) 285-7624 (F) - 2 - -Any required curb depressions for wheelchair access. The owner/developer further agrees to determine and provide a suitable temporary Community Mailbox location(s), which may be utilized by Canada Post until the curbs, sidewalks and final grading have been completed at the permanent Community Mailbox locations. This will enable Canada Post to provide mail delivery to new residence as soon as the homes are occupied. I trust that this information is sufficient, however, should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me the above number or mailing address. Sincerely, ~~~ Debbie Greenwood Delivery Planner a:utüdraw.sæn ATTACHMENT # /d. TO REPORT # PO 86 - Q "3 -.- 500 Elgin Mills Road East Richmond Hill Ontario L4C 5G 1 [õ)Œ@ ~ II WI œ lJlJ APR 2 6 2002 C'iyvOF PICKERING ERING, ONTARIO <:;..""'"""'~ "v NBRIDGE Consumers Gas 2002-04-22 STEVE GAUNT - PLANNER CITY OF PICKERING ONE THE ESPLANADE PICKERING ON Ll V 6K7 RECEIVED APR 2 6 2002 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENTDEPAATMENT Dear Sirs Re: APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PLAN OF SUBDIVISION PICKERING FILE NO. SP-2002-02 It is requested that the following conditions be included in the subdivision agreement. The owner is to co-ordinate the preparation of an overall utility distribution plan to the satisfaction of all effected authorities. Streets are to be constructed in accordance with the municipal standards. The owner shall grade all streets to final elevation prior to the installation of the gas lines, and provide the necessary field survey information required for the installation of the gas lines, all to the satisfaction of Enbridge Consumers Gas. All of the natural gas distribution system will be installed within the proposed road allowances therefore easements will not be required. Yours Truly, r+1l ¡U \J~i~ox Planning Supervisor (905) 883-2613 HW/swc ATTACHMEN1 # ~ I ~ . TO REPOR1 II PO. .3 b..- 9..3-._.",,~...., .---.. ......-..-...-..----.. MAY 31 200214:31 FR CPR REAL ESTATE 4165953112 TO 919054207648 P.01/01 ~.,..:.., ~:~~~AN ~ RAILWAY RSQI EsQte Suit~ ¡OO 40 Univenlity Avenue TorontoOnt¡¡r;o HS ITI Fax (416) 595-3112 May 31, 2002 City of Pickering Planning & Development Department Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V6K7 RECEIVED MAY 3 1 2002 CITY OF PICKERING DEVEL6~~~~~Ngéi>1~TMENT FAX (90S) 420M7648 Attention: Steve Gaunt Dear Sir. Re: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2002"( 2 Zoning By-Law Amendment Application A 09199(R2) Nicou Incorporated This is in reference to your circulation of April 25, 2002 regarding the above-mentioned applications. We have reviewed the proposed development and request that the following requirements be included as Conditions of Draft Plan Approval: 1. ~g$ must be atJnstructed lSUeil /hat /ho ¡nreriar nalso level:; mQt the ¡:¡ftøtla of tho aJIPfDprlatB MInistry. 2.. A clause should bEl ;nSl1rted In aN al!brs to purahÐss, agreements of safe and pUrahase or lease and In thEl tItJe døed or /eass "f BEfell riNelffng. wSmfnl1 prosps~ve PUrr:hasers or tensnrs at the exJs:tenr:e of the Railway's opBfI tfng IfQht-of-way: the poss/b/6ty of sJtei'tJtJons mcluling /he pas¡;ibi//ty /hat the RBiway may Elxpsnd its aperafJøns, whft:h sxpsn!liøn may affact /he iMng Bl/IIÏmnrrlfmt of /he residfnts n0twithst8nding /he/nt:IUsiDn Of noise and vibration attenuating ,",asures in thEl dElSign of thEllSUbdivision and IndMriua/ unf/s, and th/!Jt the Raiway wi/{ flot bB røspoflSib/ø for t;tJmplalnt:; or claims atl.slng from /he use (J/ Irs fscIIrIes 8f1tVor OpBl'lillÏ<I/Is. We would appreciate being circulated with all future correspondence related to this application. Yours truly. ~/LJ Orest Rojik Ares Manager Support (416) 595-3116 fMrIù: orastrojiJ(@cpr.r:a BY FAX ** TOTAL PAGE.01 ** THE DURHAM DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Facilities Services 400 Taunton Road East Whitby, Ontario , L1R 2K6 Te ~1- -'Ile: (905) 666-5500 -800-265-3968 Fax: (905) 666-6439 1~' ~ ~~~ April 29,2002 ~~:~~~o~~ TV OF PICKERING R E eEl V E'D PICKERING, ONTARIO ATTACHMENT # 1'1 TO HEPORT # PO 3' 6- o:s . -, The City of Pickering Planning Department Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario Ll V 6K7 I MAY 0 1 2002 . crrv OF PICKERING ", PLANNING AND 1:!EVELOPM"""e:NT DEPARTMENT' Attention: Steve Gaunt Dear 1v1r. Gaunt, RE: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application S-P-2002-02 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A09/00(R2) NICOU Incorporated South Part of Lot 34, Concession II Part 1, 40R-1l934 102-198 Finch Avenue (North side of Finch Avenue, opposite Woodview Avenue) City of Pickering Staff has reviewed the information on the above noted application and has the following comments. . . 1. Approximately 20 elementary pupils could be generated by the above noted application. 2. It is intended that any pupils generated by the above noted plan of subdivision, be accommodated within an existing school facility. 3. Under the mandate of the Durham District School Board, staff has no objections. Yours truly, "~1 ~' ~'ì I \ .,! CJì'1J/'C5L . " Christine Nancekivell, Planner 1:\PROPLAN\DA T A\PLNG\SUR\SP2002-02a ATTACHMENT #- /S TO # PD.--3..k - 03_,-..."" THE DURHAM CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Catholic Education: Learning & Living in Faith RECEIVED MAY 1 7 2002 May 16, 2002 , I CITY OF PICKERING PI.ANNING AND , DEVEI.QPM!!NT OEPARTMEN'f Steve Gaunt, Planner /I Planning and Development Department City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L 1V 6K7 Dear Mr. Gaunt, RE: Draft Plan of Subdivision S-P-2002-02 NICOU Inc. Part of Lot 34, Concession 2, Part 1, Plan 40R-11934 City of Pickering At the Regular Board Meeting of Monday, May 13, 2002, the following motion was approved: '" "THAT the Durham Catholic District School Board indicate in its comments to the City of Pickering that the Board has no objection to Plan of Subdivision S-P-2002-02." Sincerely yours, éJ;{) ;J/ G~ Controller of Planning and Admissions GON:AD:ad (fj To RONm ATTACHMENT # /6 TO REPORT # PO ~ 56- 0 3 Ted Tyndorl, Director Community Planning, East District Urban Development Services Paula M. Dill, Commissioner City Planning Division Scarborough Civic Centre 150 Borough Drive Toronto, Ontario M1P 4N7 Tel: (416) 396-7006 Fax: (416) 396.4265 April 8, 2002 RECEIVED APR 1 0 2002 Mr. Steve Gaunt, Planner II City of Pickering Planning & Development Department Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering ON LIV 6K7 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Dear Mr. Gaunt: Re: Application for Approval of a Plan of Subdivision City of Pickering File No: SP-2002-02 Applicant: NICOU Inc. Part of Lot 34, Concession 2, Part 1, Plan 40R-11934 (North side of Finch Avenue, Opposite Woodview Avenue) City of Pickering This is in response to your circulation letter of March 25,2002. The City of Toronto has no comment with regard to this application. P lanning, East District TT:ci ATTACHMENT # REPORT #- PO /7 TO 36-°.3 VERIDIAN CONN,ECTIONS . DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW ] [;.OJECT NAME: Nicou!!le. - Approval of", PIro of Subdivision ~'DRESS/ ?LAN: Put IJftQt34, Concession 2, Patt 1 (North sidc ()n:¡nchAvenue, opposí.te Woodview L Avenue) GUNICIPALITY: Pickering G~F. NO.: SP-2002-02 ,.' SUBMISSION DAT::!:: M.üch 25, 2002 1. Veridiøn Connections has no objection to the ptoþo~ed dev<;!lopmeilt. :?I.eas.;: forward II copy of fu:1It submission civil design so thl!t II design and servicing proposal can be <;1)lnplcted. TedIDical Representative - Fred :R.ai.nb~t 1'é:kphoné: 427.9870 Ext. 3255 ~i Pl'/.IF f;\ W",d booumcnt!l\ Vt:ri.jion\J3a¡9rtœing & ç.,,"'truotiun\1:>ovc1opmcnt A1>þ¡¡....âonJM.ìcw\I~d\I."'¡n8\Z{J( 2\Nicou If,ç. . AFpro.o1 of a Ph", of Subdivi'lion - Fi"ch Avenue, opposite Woodvi"", Avenue,doc RECE~'n~J) APR 9 2002 CITY OF PI PI.ANNI DEVELOPMENT ATTACHMENT #- /~ TO REPORT # PO .~6 -03 OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DNISION "J t¡ MEMORANDUM May 30, 2002 To: Steve Gaunt Planner IT From: Richard Holbom, P. Eng. Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2002-02 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 09/99(R2) Nicou Incorporated South Part of Lot 34, Concession 2 Part 1, 40R11934 102-198 Finch Avenue City of Pickering The Municipal Property & Engirieering Division is in receipt of the above noted draft plan of subdivision. I provide the following comments. 1. Tree preservation and edge management reports/plans are required. 2. An open space block should be provided to connect to future trail system. 3. A park block is required. 4. We require to review detailed engineering drawings. ". RH:ds Ri ard Ho /" / Copy: Director, Operations & Emergency Services I: \SITEP LAN\sP - 2002-02. docJ un -02 ATTACHMENT' /9 TO REPORT II PO 36- 0 3 Interdepartmental Memorandum Operations and Emergency Services Fire Prevention Date: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 To: Steve Gaunt Planner 11 From: Rex Heath Fire Prevention Officer RE: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2002-02 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 09/99 (R2) Nicou Incorporated South Part. of Lot 34, Concession 2 Part 1, 40RII934 102 -198 Finch Avenue City of Pickering Steve: This department has reviewed the applicant's proposal to develop 39 lots with minimum lot frontages ranging from 12 to 16.5 meters and provides no objectionable comments at this time. We would appreciate reviewing the site design of the subdivision ripon submission of the drawings. Regards, /{PL-ft- Rex Heath, Fire Prevention Officer ATTACHMENT #_-P 0 ~TO REPORT # PO .~b -D 3> -.--- CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Janu ary 21 , 2003 To: Steve Gàunt Planner fI From; Robert Starr' Supervisor, Development Control Subject Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP2002-02 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A09/99(R2) Nicou Inc. . South Part of Lot 34, Concession 2 , Part 1, 40R-11934, 102-198 Finch Ave. City of Pickering , We have reviewed the above-noted application and provide the following comments: /' Draft Plan - Semas Associates, Project No. 01269, Drwg. No. DP-1 - Revised Submission pate December 2002. 1) Lot 39 and Lot 27 daylight triangles should be revised to corner roundings. The daylight triangles Lot 11; 38 and 30 adjacent to Finch Ave. is acceptable. 2) Lots 13 to 26 inclusive may require the depth of lot to be reduced in order to accommodate the proposed infiltration swale. This swale will not be permitted within the lot as presently designed. Lots 28 to 39 wiII also require further review with regard to the proposed infiitration swa/e. , , Phase I Environmental Site Assessment by Angus Environmental Limited dated September 1999. No comments at this time. Gartner' Lee Limited - Reports - An analysis of environmental conditions dated August 1999, an assessment of the Proposed Wetland Buffer dated January 24,- 2002 and Environmental ímpact Study dated May 2002. No comments at this time. 1 ATTACHMENT' ::2 0 TO REPORT I PO ::?h-D~ Gartner Lee Limited - Report - Vegetation Restoration Plan for Buffer dated December 17, 2002. 1) The restoration pJantings should be required to be installed during the se rvicing phase of ~his development and prior to buit~;ng permits. Th is will provide a longer period of time for plants to get established and mainte:nance and replacement programs can be ongoing during the building phase and maintenance' period. 2) The Planting Plan, Figure 1, indicates plantings within the drainage swales proposed in RG. Robinson repo~ dated December 2002. This Plan needs to be revised. RG. Robinson & Associates :- .Report - Preliminary Servicing and Stormwater Management File No. 828-01079-11 dated December 2002. '1) All references in the report to "Tòwn" of Pickering must be revised to "City". ,2) The Environmental Master Servicing Plan by XCG Consultants. Ltd. required that storm drainage from this site and other properties on and/or surrounding Woodview Ave. be accommodat~d through a storm sewer on Woodview Ave. sized to accommodate this entire drainage area, directed to a stormwater management facility proposed on property on the nortþ side of the hydro c<?rridor, east side of Woodview Ave. (proposed Woodview S.W.M. Pond). ïhe Woodvìew S.W.M. Pond is required for quality control on this drainage area. Quantity control will also be required as the existing storm sewer located on Woodview Ave., at the south limit of the hydro corridor, was sized to accept this drainage area but only at pre-development ¡eve!s. This being the first application proposed for this system the Servicing and StormWater Management Report must provide details on the Woodview Ave. storm sewer and' the proposed stormwater management pond, including details regarding land purchase for this facility. . Cost recovelY details for these works will be identified in the Subdivision Agreement. 3) Infiitration Swale - A flat bottom swale at a 1 % grade, although suitable for infiltration purposes, would tend to promote standing water, which is unacceptable in or adjacent to rear yards. The infiltratfon swale must be designed so that standing water does not occur. 2 AnAcr-liinENT#~ 0 *,TO REPORT # PO -: q (;,- () 3 ..--.,...'" T he infiltration swale located within the open space lands as indicated at the rear of lots 1 to 10 is acceptable. The infiltration swale proposed within the lot as indicated in Lots 13 to 26 and 27 to 39 is not acceptable. . The infiltration $wale across Block 41 is unacêeptable' as we anticipate pedestrian trayelfrom the park block to 'the open space area. Lots 13 to 26 - The infiltration swale should be relocatí3d onto the open space lands and out of the rear yard of the lots ot the lot depths reduced so that the swale is located within the open space area. Lots.27 to 39 - Lot grading on these lots will need to conform to Pickering's lot Grading Standard, requiring minimum 2% grades and additional rear yard catch basins between Lots 31 and 37. 4) The rear yard catch basin, - Lot 14 - is unacceptable. The rear yard catch . basin must have direct connection to the storm sewer. ' . 5) All rear yard catch basins wilJ require easements in favour of the City. 6) The rear yard catch basin, - rear of Lot 10, appears to be the low point for drainage from the open space and from the rear. of Lots 1 to 14. This' rear yard catch basin would also receive overflow from Lots 15 to 23 if drainage by-passes the rear yard catch basin at Lot 14. Should the rear yard catch basinet Lot 10 not function properly; there must be an overland flow so that properties are not flooded. The drainage would appear to go east and not west as indicated in Figure 3 "Post - Development Storm Catchment Plan". , The R. Y.C.B. may also need to be designed as a ditch inlet to reduce the risk of flooding. . , . 7) The storm sewer on Finch Ave. should be located as per the normal profiie for a future urbanized road. The proposal as indicated would only be considered should the normal profile not be feasible. . The storm sewer on Finch Ave. will need to extend to the west limit of Lot i and storm sewer service connections wiII be required for Lots 1 to 10 inclusive. Storm sewer service connections for the existing homes on the south side of Finch Ave. will be reviewed with detailed design submissions. 3 ,4 #,.",i?JL"., '1('" REPOFIl # PD- 36-öL-___, 8) The storm sewer on Finch Ave. shouid be e}(tended to the easteriy limit of the site. 9) Urbanization of Finch Ave. fronting the site will be reviewed during detailed design submissions. Cost sharing for these works and/or future contribution costs will be aDdressed in the Subdivision Agreement. (See Comment #19): 10) Art units on Street "A" will need to be provided a storm sewer service connection for the foundation drains. Sump pump drainage to the surface will not be permitted. , 11) We will require additional information for the area east of this site to ensure that drainage is not affected, and/or is accommodated by this 'development. 12) Fencing wilt be required on lots adjacent to the open space and park block. Fencing and/or noise attenuation requirements will be, required for lots adjacent to or backing onto Finch Ave. The fence along the east boundary of this site will need to be reviewed. The fence does not appear to be located or¡ the property line in some areas. A new fence should be required along the boundary at the proper location. , , 13) Grading and restoration details for the park block should be identified on the detailed engineering plans. 14) Sidewalk will be required on Street "A", probably fronting Lots 11 to 26 and . along the east limit of Street "A". This is to be determined during review of the engineering submissions. Sidewalk along Finch Ave: will be required across the entire frontage of the site. Cost sharing with the City will be adàressed in. the Subdivision Agreement. . 15) A Sediment anà Erosion Control Plan will be requireà for this site. 16) A Construction Management Plan will be required for this site. 17) A, Tree Preservation Plan and Boulevard Tree Planting Plan wiIJ be required för this site.' . 18') Side yard set backs should be reviewed for Lots 1 and 26 and increased to ensure that construction of the house can be accommodated without, infringement onto the adjacent properties. 19) The, urbanization of Finch Ave. adjacent to this site and the urbanization of Woodvisw Ave. from Finch Ave. to the south limit of the hydro cor-ddor 4 ATTACHMENT #: :;¿ 0 TO REPORT #. PO 3 to - ó ':S (approx. 700m south) are projects identified in the City's Development Charge By-law. Although these works would be benefici~i for the development of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood, and would be cost affective if completed with the underground servicing, the funds have not yet been aI/ocated for these works. The/By-law !ndicates funding for 2005 and 2097 and budget approval at .that time and/or prior to, would require Council approval. . ïhis matter will require further review and' clarification as this project continues on the approval process and as timing of construction becomes mare accurately defined. . 20) A detailed Geotechnical Report will be required to be submitted with the ' . detailed engineering submission for this development. . This Report must include geotechnical info'rmation for roads, servicing and house construction within the site and for serving and roadway on Finch Ave, Woodview Ave. and the future S.W.M. Pond location. . 21) Development of this site must require the developer/owner to enter into a Subdivision Agreement with the City that addresses, but is not limited to, roads, sidewalks, servicing, jot grading, fencing, tree planting, street lighting, utilities, stormwater management, construction management, cost sharing" cost recovery, finanCial obligations, performance and maintenance securities, etc. . 22) Pregrading on the site should not be permitted without approvals as required by the City and/or other agencies. ~ .. ~,\ , .", .'.~ \"ÇJ, . Robert Starr RS:bg J:IAC"""PAA1BOnsTARR_"""",,- "'" "noI'P"..'" Copy: Coordinator, Development Approvals 5 ATTACHMENT # .,;¿ / TO crA~PefF ÞïðKE:R/NG" 3~.:2,3 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT February 5, 2003 To: From: Subject: Steve Gaunt Planner" Robert Starr SupeNisor, Development Control Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP2002-02 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A09/99(R2) Nicou Inc. . South Part of Lot 34, Concession 2 Part 1, Plan 40R-11934, 102-198 Finch Ave. City of Pickering In addition to our comments, memo dated January 21, 2003, we provide comments on the Noise Impact Study by Sernas Associates dated March 2002, their project No. 01269. 1) The 2.7m noise barrier and berm combination recommended for Lots 30 to 38 inclusive, provides a number of concerns that will need to be addressed. They are as follows: (a) (b) (c) the proposed design eliminates the standard location for the Finch Ave. sidewalk. The slope within the rear yard affects the rear yard grading as proposed in cross-section A-A and does not conform to the lot grading as proposed by report R..G. Robinson & Associates (Preliminary Servicing and S.W.M. dated December 2002). The 3 to 1 slope is not considered usable rear yard area; We will require that each rear yard have 5 to 6 metres of usable rear yard (2% to 5%). 2) Lot 11. The design for the noise fence should include a provision for a gate to allow access to the rear yard while maintaining the noise attenuation requirement. RS:bg \op~."I""'\N,",",~."'BftPI"(2).d"" ~\\:;.~.' .." .\ '.. \ \ Robert S'arr ATTACHMENT #_:2 a TO REPORT # PO . ~ {., -. 0 ~-"._~. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM September 5, 2003 To: Steve Gaunt Planner /I From: Robert Starr Supervisor, Development Control Subject: Nicou Inc. Draft Plan SP-2002-02 Woodview Avenue / Finch Avenue Urbanization City of Pickering The Nicou draft plan will require the sanitary sewer to be extended on Woodview Avenue from the Hydro Corridor (Rougeforest Crescent) north to Finch Avenue. Since a storm sewer on Woodview Avenue would not be required at this time for the Nicou development, urbanization of Wood view Avenue is not anticipated at this time. Although Woodview Avenue is identified as a Development Charge Project, the proposed timing of the project is not until 2007 (estimated cost $1,050,000.00). On Finch Avenue, a sanitary sewer and storm sewer are required for the Nicou site from the west limit of the site east to Petticoat Creek. It is also expected the Region would install sanitary sewer to the west townline at the same time. We would recommend that Finch Avenue be urbanized at this time. The urbanization of Finch Avenue west of Altona Road to Pickering / Scarborough Townline was identified as a Development Charge Project, with timing anticipated for 2005. The identified cost for these works is $1,800,000.00, however, completing these works with the installation of services should provide a significant cost reduction. Completing the entire length would be beneficial for the Nicou site, Bopa development site located at the south west corner of Finch and Altona, which is already occupied, as well as the existing residents along Finch Avenue. Should sufficient funding not be available, the project could be reduced to urbanizing the Nicou frontage and east to Petticoat Creek. This alternative has an identified cost of $850,000.00 (1999 estimate). As a portion of the total cost for sidewalk, storm sewer and sewer connections would be chargeable to Nicou, the cost to the City should be less than estimated. RS:jf J:IDocumentslDevelopment Control\BDBSTARRlmemoslNicou Memorandum.doc ~ Robert Starr -- ,/'" ., Lit¡¡ orfl ATTACHMEMT #.213 TO REPORT # PO 36- 9? ~8ëptember 3,2003 Pickering Civic Comple One The Esp]anad Pickering; Ontaril Canad. LIV 6K: Direct Access 905.420.4661 cityofpickering.èoD PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Department 905.420.4617 Facsimile 905.420.7648 p lan&d ev l@dty.pickering.on.ca D. DodweH, C.E.T. . R.G. Robinson and Associates (Barrie) Ltd. 10 High Street Barrie, ON L4N 1 W1 Subject Subdivision: Rouge Park Residential Subdivision Plan SP-2002-02, Finch Ave. & Woodvi.ew Ave. , Preliminary Servicing and Stormwater Management Report City of Pickering . We are in receipt of 'Your Preliminary Servicing and Stormwater. Management Report for. the above-mentioned .subdivision and our comments are as follows: . 2.0 DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT 1. , The report states that the area is approximately 8.7 hectares, howevèr when the "Open Space" and the residential are added, an area of 9.6 hectares is obtained. . . 3.0 STORM DRAINAGE 3.1 Existinq DrainaOEj 1. The report states 5,8 hectares as wetlands and 3 hectares draining to the south. Figure 2 indicates 5.05 hectares of wetlands and 3.75 hectares draining to the. south. 3.2 Proposed Drainaqe . 3.2.1 Overview 1. Front to rear drainage is not permissible on the site. 3.2.2 Quality and quantity Contra! 1. Quality control wiH be required for the entire site, including Lots 1 - 10 which front on the existing Finch Avenue. ' 3.3 Groundwater Management 1. Wè'have concerns with the'hydraulic grade line for the entire site, in particular in . the vicinity of the most westerly entrance. " l\ 4.2.3 , "-"-"""""""",,,,-., HEPo¡n il PO ._"",,~A!._,,~ ~"-,,,. Rouge Park Residential Subd'n. Septeniber 3,2003 Page #2 APPENDIX A -:- Stormwater Managemant Calculations 1. The pre-development peak flows are 3.75 ha, not 2.9 m2. 2. The City of Pick~ring uses Yarnell's equations to determine intensity. Provide reasoning for using an alternate intensity equation. APPENDIX C - Stormceptor Sizing Calculation 1. At detailed design stage, we will require the impervious areas to be shown on a pian. ' 2. The sizing of Stormceptor #2 must also include Lots 1 - 10. Based on the current design, Stormceptor #2 will have to be an STC 1000. Based on a Type 1 habitat, an STC 750 only provides quality control for 0.20 ha and an STC 1000 provides for 0.30 hectares. The inipervious area for this storm captor is 0.33 hä. Should" you have any questions or concerns about these comments, please do !lot hesitate to contact myself of Laura"Calvelli at èxtension 2158. Your$ truly ~.~ Robert Starr Supervisor, Development Control RS:lmc lcaivallVsubdvsnslsp200202lp,elim report Attachment Copy: Co-ordinator, Development Approvals" DevelQpment Controlln$pector (Laura Calvelli) Planner /I (Steve Gaunt)