HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 39-03 002 REPORT TO PLANNING COMMITTEE Report Number: PD 39-03 Date: September 29, 2003 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application 18T-88059 (Revision 2) Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 3/02 711053 Ontario Inc. & 562503 Ontario Limited Part of Lot 4, Concession 5, Part 2, Plan 40R-4159 (East side of Sideline 4, south of Highway 7) City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That Draft Plan of Subdivision Application 18T-88059 submitted by 711053 Ontario Inc. & 562503 Ontario Limited, on lands being Part of Lot 4, Concession 5, Part 2, Plan 40R-4159, City of Pickering, be APPROVED to permit the development of a plan of subdivision of 35 country residential lots with frontages ranging from 32.0 to 68.0 metres, four public open space blocks and a new local road, subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix I to Report PD 39-03; That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 3/02 submitted by 711053 Ontario Inc. & 562503 Ontario Limited on lands being Part of Lot 4, Concession 5, Part 2, Plan 40R-4159, City of Pickering, be APPROVED, to establish performance standards to allow the implementation. of the draft plan of subdivision 18T-88059 (Revision 2), subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix II to Report PD 39-03. 2. Executive Summary: The applicant proposes to develop a draft plan of subdivision consisting of 35 country residential homes on lots with frontages ranging from 32.0 metres to 68.0 metres and lot areas ranging from 0.6 of a hectare to 1 hectare. The property is located on the east side of Sideline 4, south of Highway 7 (see Attachment #1). Fifteen lots will front Sideline 4 and the remainder will front a new internal road that will intersect with Sideline 4 (see Attachment #2). In addition, four blocks of land will be transferred to public ownership as Open Space to protect the redesigned and relocated Carruthers Creek on the subject lands. The redesigned creek channel will re-establish the channel and flood plain as it was before the gravel pit operations. Report PO 39-03 Date: September 29, 2003 003 Subject: 711053 Ontario Inc. & 562503 Ontario Limited (18T-88059 (R2) / A 3/02) Page 2 The applicant proposes to amend the current zoning to allow the proposed dwelling units with appropriate performance standards on the developable portion of the subject lands, to permit implementation of the draft plan. The proposed plan of subdivision represents appropriate country residential development and conforms to the policies of the Pickering Official Plan. All interests of the City will be appropriately addressed through an associated subdivision agreement. Financial Implications: With approval and implementation of the proposed development, staff recommends at least minimal improvement to Sideline 4 immediately adjacent to the development, with a cost of up to approximately $150,000. The recommended improvements include hard surfacing and installation of an upgraded profile for the portion of Sideline 4 fronting the subject lands. These works are identified in the City's development charge study and are partially funded through development charge accounts with the balance being paid by the City. Depending on the timing of the development, further infrastructure improvements may also be considered such as surface treatment upgrades to the other portions of Sideline 4 between Concession 5 and Highway 7. Funding for these improvements will be subject to Council approval and will be brought forward by Staff for consideration at such time as the development proceeds, through future budget submissions (anticipated 2005 budget). The financial implications have been discussed with the Treasurer who concurs with the report. Background: 1.0 Proposed Development Details (see Attachment #1 - Location Map and Attachment #2 - Proposed Draft Plan). Development Details A - land Area Gross area of draft plan Open space blocks 35.34 hectares 9.36 hectares Net residential area of draft plan Total area for residential lots 23.98 hectares 22.19 hectares New Street 1.79 hectares B - Residential lots Number of detached dwelling lots 35 lots Report PD 39-03 Date: September 29, 2003 Subject: 711053 Ontario Inc. & 562503 Ontario Limited (18T-88059 (R2) / A 3/02) Page 3 2.0 Comments Received: 2.1 At the April 18, 2002 Information Meeting: (see text of Information Report and Meeting Minutes, Attachments #3 and #4). Comments from area residents: . concerns were expressed about possible impacts on water quality and supply; and, support for restoration of the creek; . 2.2 Further comments were received: (see Attachments #5, #6 and #7). . concerns by J. & R. Murphy about the effect of 35 new wells on water quality and supply of existing wells; recommends Pickering only approve this proposal if full municipal water and sewer services are provided; . concerns by T. Malar about decreased water flow since 1995 to pond on his property to the east and about anticipated increase to water problems by the addition of new wells for the proposed development; and, . a letter of authorization from G. & J. Yu, owners of the property south of the subject lands, to allow relocation of Carruthers Creek on the Yu property, in conjunction with works on the subject lands.. . 2.3 Agencies: Region of Durham Provincial Policy requires protection of Carruthers Creek from adverse impacts by addressing concerns of TRCA, and an archaeological assessment; - a hydrogeological study, peer reviewed to the satisfaction of the Health Department supports private sewage system and drilled well servicing for the proposed lots; - conditions of draft approval should be implemented through a subdivision agreement with the Region. - (see Attachment #8). Report PO 39-03 Date: September 29, 2003 Subject: 711053 Ontario Inc. & 562503 Ontario Limited (18T-88059 (R2) / A 3/02) Page 4 Comments from City Departments (continued) Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (verbal and written comments) - while generally satisfied with the proposed re-establishment of a natural channel design for the stream corridor through the property, TRCA requests further details for review, approval and issuance of permits under TRCA Regulation 158; all prior to any QradinQ of the site or reqistration of the plan; - the further details requested include the proposed storm drainage system, grading, hydraulic analysis, natural channel design construction plans, restoration and stream corridor regeneration; - future requirements for securing open space blocks for channel design and flood conveyance be implemented by red line revisions to the plan, if necessary; - owner agree to convey the open space blocks (Blocks 36,37,38 and 39) to either TRCA or City of Pickering prior to registration of the plan; TRCA is prepared to accept conveyance after the City secures a reconstructed stream channel to TRCA requirements; open space lands should be zoned to prohibit buildings or structures, placement of fill, removal of vegetation or interference with watercourse, except for flood control purposes; subdivision agreement should include provisions, acceptable to TRCA to: . obtain permits for the works; . ensure lot, site and grading plans for lots abutting the open space blocks are subject to TRCA review and approval prior to issuance of building permits; . ensure no filling, grading or construction of buildings or structures that interfere with watercourse channel occur without prior written approval of TRCA; Report PD 39-03 Date: September 29,2003 Subject: 711053 Ontario Inc, & 562503 Ontario Limited (18T-88059 (R2) / A 3/02) Page 5 Comments from City Departments (continued) Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (verbal and written comments) Ontario Ministry of Culture Veridian Connections, Canada Post, Enbridge Consumers Gas, Bell Canada Durham District School Board 2.3 City Departments: . install chain link fence at the rear of the lots abutting open space blocks; and, . fulfill other conditions, (see Attachments #9, #10 and #11). - Licensing Clearance issued for the archaeological assessment, under the Ontario Heritage Act; - (see Attachment #12). - no objections/technical requirements; - (see Attachments #13, #14, #15 and #16). - no objections; - (see Attachment #17), Division Head, Municipal - Property & Engineering (verbal and written comments) Fire Prevention Officer (verbal and written comments) Supervisor, Development Control (verbal and written comments) upgrading the portion of Sideline 4 across frontage of subject lands, and surface treatment of the remaining portions of Sideline 4 from Highway 7 to Concession 5 is required; and, - open space blocks should be conveyed to a public authority; (see Attachment #18). - would like to explore possibilities for either a reservoir located adjacent to Sideline 4 or a dry hydrant on the new street as water sources for fire protection purposes. see Attachment #19 . Sideline 4 improvements: Minimal Servicing Option requires the developer to fund the following: . upgraded profile on the east side of Sideline 4 fronting the subject lands, with curbs and storm sewers; . surface treatment of roadway fronting the sub'ect lands. Report PD 39-03 Date: September 29, 2003 Subject: 711053 Ontario Inc. & 562503 Ontario Limited (18T-88059 (R2) / A 3/02) Page 6 Comments from Cit De artments (continued) Supervisor, Development Control (continued) (verbal and written comments) Recommended further improvements at City cost, coincidental with development: . upgrade the west side of Sideline 4 across from the subject lands to an upgraded profile (curbs and surface treatment); . significant cost reductions can be achieved if the City urbanizes the part of Sideline 4 adjoining the subdivision at the time the developer is constructing required works; . anticipated cost sharing of 75% to developer, 25% to City at an estimated cost to the City of $150,000; . upgrade remaining portions of Sideline 4 between Concession 5 and Highway 7 by surface treatment at an estimated cost to the City of $107,000; Other matters: - full upgrading of Sideline 4 between Concession 5 and Highway 7 (asphalt paving, curbs and storm sewers) is a 2007 development charges project with a $1,200,000 cost to be funded 75% from General Revenues and 25% from Development Charges; open space blocks 36, 37, 38 and 39 should be conveyed to a public authority; lots should be separated from open space blocks by a chain-link fence; detailed stormwater management and associated road drainage plans must be amended; and, conditions of draft approval should address (among other things) roads, seNicing, lot grading, vegetation restoration, fencing, tree preseNation, tree planting, stream channel construction; conveyance of open space blocks, street lighting, utilities, stormwater management, construction management, cost sharing, cost recovery, financial obligations, performance and maintenance securities and be implemented through a subdivision agreement with the City; see Attachment #20 . Report PO 39-03 Date: September 29, 2003 Subject: 711053 Ontario Inc. & 562503 Ontario Limited (18T-88059 (R2) / A 3/02) Page 7 3.0 Discussion 3.1 The Proposed Development is appropriate for the subject lands as it will rehabilitate a former gravel pit as a country residential development, without adverse effects on water supply: The proposed development implements the Region of Durham and City of Pickering Official Plan designations for these lands. The designations permit a country residential subdivision up to a maximum of 35 dwellings with private servicing and open space uses on the Carruthers Creek corridor lands. While some neighbouring residents are concerned that an additional 35 wells in the area will negatively impact their water supply, the Region of Durham Health Department is satisfied that an adequate quantity and quality of water can be supplied for the new lots without an adverse impact on surrounding wells provided a number of conditions are met by the applicant. The Regional Health Department reached its conclusions following review of a hydrogeological study prepared by consultants for the applicant and peer reviewed by another hydrogeological consultant hired by the Department. As a result, the Health Department identified an appropriate set of conditions for draft approval that will ensure proper servicing for the proposed subdivision. The conditions (see Attachment #8) require private wells to be drilled for the new lots that access the "intermediate" acquifer (between 18.0 and 61.0 metres deep) as the source of water, the conditions also require that both wells and septic sewage systems be constructed to Regional Health Department standards and inspected. In addition, a condition has been included requiring an on-going groundwater monitoring program. The Plan's design also allows for restoration of Carruthers Creek and its tributaries on the subject lands and the property immediately to the south. This matter is discussed in more detail in section 3.2 of this report. Approval of this Plan provides an opportunity to restore the stream to its former location, reconstruct the stream corridor to a natural profile and provide a more natural habitat for fisheries and terrestrial animals and plants. Having carefully considered the comments received, staff recommends approval of the plan subject to conditions. Staff's conclusion is based on review and analysis of the plan, supporting information and comments in support from agencies including the Region of Durham Planning and Health Departments, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, and City of Pickering Development Control and Municipal Property & Engineering staff. Technical review agencies have identified suitable conditions of approval. Report PD 39-03 Date: September 29, 2003 Subject: 711053 Ontario Inc. & 562503 Ontario Limited (18T-88059 (R2) / A 3/02) Page 8 3.2 Reconstruction of the Carruthers Creek channel will restore a degraded stream corridor to a natural form, in accordance with the Duffins and Carruthers Creek Watershed Strategy: Operation of the gravel pit in past years reshaped Carruthers Creek and its two tributaries that join on the subject lands. The development proposal includes restoration of the Creek and its tributaries to their former locations on these lands and on the abutting downstream property, the creation of a typical stream meander area and floodplain, and planting of native vegetation to recreate a natural open space area. This proposal is in keeping with the Duffins and Carruthers Creeks Watershed Strategy received by Council this past spring. The Plan includes open space blocks containing reconstructed stream channels to natural profiles, a newly graded and filled floodplain, a buffer area above the new top of the streambank and the planting of the streambank and floodplain areas with native plants. The residential lots will occupy the newly created tableland. Residential lots will be separated from the open space by a 1.5 metre chain link fence, with gates permitted, to permit access to the open space by residents. Further details respecting grading, planting, fill and construction of the stream channel, floodplain and buffer areas of the stream are to be provided by the applicant to secure final approval including TRCA permits. Grading, stormwater management and. road profile details for the new street and Sideline 4 will similarly be required. These matters must be subject to review and approval by TRCA, as necessary, and to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development and addressed as conditions of draft approval and contained within a subdivision agreement. Conveyance of the open space blocks into public ownership will be required to permit appropriate protection of the natural areas and any necessary erosion control works that may become necessary over time. The applicant will be required to construct the stream channels and make adjustments, if necessary, within a specified number of years following initial construction. The intention is to have the blocks conveyed to the City of Pickering in the short term under the City's authority to secure the cost of such works by means of a subdivision agreement, with subsequent transfer to TRCA once any adjustments to the initial channel reconstruction have been made by the owner. However, the applicant is considering retention of Block 36 as private open space. At this time, staff of the City and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority are not convinced that valleylands should be retained in private ownership. Should further information be provided that satisfies concerns respecting protection of valleylands, access, property maintenance and liability responsibilities, this matter could be re-evaluated at a later time. Report PD 39-03 Date: September 29,2003 Subject: 711053 Ontario Inc. & 562503 Ontario Limited (18T-88059 (R2) / A 3/02) Page 9 3.3 Sideline 4 will require Upgrading: This development triggers the need for the developer to undertake infrastructure improvements to part of Sideline 4 (Balsam Road); in order to serve the increased traffic access needs of residents of this subdivision. The developer will be required, at a minimum, to construct an upgraded profile (including curbs and storm sewers) on the east side of Sideline 4 adjoining the subject lands and to surface treat the portion of Sideline 4 adjoining the subject lands at the developer's cost. In addition, the west side of Sideline 4 across the frontage of the subject lands should be reconstructed to an upgraded profile (including curbs) with cost sharing between the City and the developer. The surface treatment of those parts of Sideline 4 north and south of the subject property could be delayed until 50% of the homes in the Barclay subdivision are occupied. Complaints from the new residents respecting the nuisance of gravel roads can be expected if improvements to Sideline 4 are not made within a short time of home occupancy. The costs to the City of upgrading the portion of Sideline 4 fronting the subdivision are expected to total approximately $150,000 and the costs to surface treat the remaining portions of Sideline 4 between Concession 5 and Highway 7 are expected to total approximately $107,000. The capital expense would be funded 25% from Development Charges and 75% from General Revenue. A reduction to the City's future upgrading costs would be realized by the City funding these works while the developer is working on the road. Although the developer's timing may be influenced by many factors, the earliest the works are anticipated to be undertaken is mid 2005. Accordingly, staff will be including these works as an item for consideration in the ZO05 capital budget. The actual timing for payment will be negotiated through the subdivision agreement following review of detailed engineering drawings. The full upgrading of Sideline 4 between Concession 5 and Highway 7 (including asphalt paving, storm sewers, and curbs) is identified as a 2007 Development Charge project. However, the City is not bound to undertake the project in or by 2007. The City is, nevertheless, obligated to proceed with the upgrading at some point in the future. The precise limits, timing and components of the upgrading of this part of Sideline 4 should be considered through the annual budget process in the context of other City priorities and the City's financial capability. Report PO 39-03 Date: September 29,2003 Subject: 711053 Ontario Inc. & 562503 Ontario Limited (18T-88059 (R2) / A 3/02) Page 10 3.4 High quality design will ensure an attractive country residential development for residents that is compatible with its surroundings: The following requirements will be implemented as conditions of approval: . submission of an architectural design statement to show, among other things, upgraded flankage elevations for Lots 1, 20 and 21; . installation of a 1.5 metre black, chain-link fence to separate all lots from the open space blocks; also, temporary fencing during construction to control erosion and siltation; . for parkland, payment of cash-in-lieu to the City of 5% of the value of the developable lands; . conveyance of open space blocks 36, 37, 38 and 39 to the City of Pickering with an agreement to later convey these blocks to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority once stream channel and associated works have been constructed to standards satisfactory to TRCA and any necessary adjustments have been done by the owner within approximately four years from initial construction, to the satisfaction of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and City staff; . the owner explore with the Fire Department, the possibility of obtaining a water source for fire fighting on the subject lands; . implementation of any mitigative measures that may be required by the Director, Planning & Development following comment on the completed archaeological assessment by First Nations; . satisfaction of all matters of concern of the Region of Durham and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority; and, . all other routine matters through conditions of draft approval. Technical Reports respecting environmental impact, environmental site assessment, the Carruthers Creek natural channel design concept, the hydrogeological investigation, supplementary hydrogeological data and the hydrogeological peer review can be viewed in the Planning & Development Department. Applicant's Comments 4.0 The applicant has been advised of the recommendations of this report. APPENDICES: APPENDIX I: APPENDIX II: Recommended Conditions of Approval for 18T-88059 (Revision 2) Recommended Conditions of Approval for A 03/02 Report PO 39-03 Date: September 29, 2003 Subject: 711053 Ontario Inc. & 562503 Ontario Limited (18T-88059 (R2) / A 3/02) Page 11 Attachments 1. Property Location Map 2. Applicant's Proposed Draft Plan 3. Text of Information Report No. 12-02 4. Minutes of the April 18, 2002 Statutory Public Information Meeting 5. Comments from J. & R. Murphy 6. Comments from T. Malar 7. Authorization from G. & J. Yu 8. Agency Comment - Region of Durham 9. Agency Comment - Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, April 8, 2002 10. Agency Comment - Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, August 16, 2002 11. Agency Comment - Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, May 13, 2003 12. Agency Comment - Ontario Ministry of Culture 13. Agency Comment - Veridian Connections 14. Agency Comment - Canada Post 15. Agency Comment - Enbridge Consumers Gas 16. Agency Comment - Bell Canada 17. Agency Comment - Durham District School Board 18. Staff Comment - Municipal Property & Engineering 19. Staff Comment - Fire Prevention Officer 20. Staff Comment - Development Control Report PD 39-03 Date: September 29, 2003 Subject: 711053 Ontario Inc. & 562503 Ontario Limited (18T-88059 (R2) / A 3/02) Page 12 Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: !# A ~y/.. / ..' \ .. . .é.~A~¡(.4-1/2/ Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Planner 1/ -!M~ ~ Catherine Rose Manager, Policy SG:ld:jf Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Supervisor, Development Control Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ,., . ", APPENDIX I TO REPORT NUMBER PD 39-03 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR DRAFT PLANS OF SUBDIVISION 18T -88059 Revision 2 1.0 1.1 2.0 2.1 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.3.1 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISI°ri.1.U -88059 (Revision 2) GENERAL CONDITIONS That this recommendation apply to the revised draft plan prepared by D. G. Biddle & Associates Limited, as revised March, 2003, (Project No. 101010) for Draft Plan of Subdivision Application 18T-88059 (Revision 2) submitted by D. G. Biddle & Associates Limited, on behalf of 711053 Ontario Inc. & 562503 Ontario Limited, on lands being the Part of Lot 4, Concession 5, Part 2, Plan 40R-4159, City of Pickering, to permit the country residential development of 35 lots for detached dwellings, four public open space blocks and a new road. PRIOR TO SUBMISSION OF A DRAFT 40M PLAN: That the owner satisfy the City with respect to implementation of any required mitigative measures to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development, following circulation of the archaeological assessment to the First Nations; and, PRIOR TO THE REGISTRATION OF THE PLAN: That the owners submit a Draft 40M-Plan to be approved by the City Planning & Development Department. That the implementing by-law for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 03/02 become final and binding. That the owner enter into a subdivision agreement with and to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering following review by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority respecting stream channel reconstruction and associated permits to ensure the fulfillment of the City's requirements, financial and otherwise, which shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the following: Edqe Manaqement (a) that the owner provide an edge management plan, for review by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development, such Plan to contain, among other things: (i) an identification of all hazard trees located at the edge of the property to be removed prior to the initiation of works on the site; protection hoarding as required during the construction process; grading details which confirm that the root zone on the adjacent vegetated areas will be protected; and, the planting of trees/landscaped stock as per the approved plan. (ii) (iii) (iv) 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.3.5 - 2- Storm Drainaqe (a) satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development respecting a stormwater drainage and management system to service all the lands in the subdivision, and any provisions regarding easements following review by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority respecting stormwater quality treatment requirements. Gradinq Control and Soils (a) satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development respecting submission and approval of a grading and control plan following review by the Toronto Region Conservation Authority respecting stream channel reconstruction and naturalization; and, (b) satisfaction of the Director, Planning and Development respecting the submission and approval of a geotechnical soils analysis. Road Allowances (a) satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development respecting construction of the internal road to an appropriate standard; (b) that the street be named to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering; and, (c) satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development respecting the reconstruction of the portion of Sideline 4 to an upgraded; paved and curbed profile, including cost-sharing between the City and the developer. Construction / Installation of City Works & Services (a) satisfaction of the City respecting arrangements for the provision of all services required by the City; (b) satisfaction of the appropriate authorities respecting arrangements for the provision of underground wiring, street lighting, cable television, natural gas and other similar available services; (c) that the cost of any relocation, extension, alteration or extraordinary maintenance of existing services necessitated by this development shall be the responsibility of the owner; and, (d) the owner explore with the Fire Department, a possible water source on the subject lands for the purpose of fire fighting, with possible options of construction of a reservoir adjacent to Sideline 4 or a dry hydrant at the end of the new street to access the stream flow. 3.3.6 3.3.7 - 3 - Dedications / Transfers / Conveyances (a) the dedication of all road allowances with the proper corner roundings and sight triangles to the City; (b) that the owner convey to the City in a form satisfactory to the City and at no costs to the City: (i) (ii) (iii) any easements as required; any reserves as required by the City; and, the road allowance; (c) that the owner convey any easement to any utility to facilitate the installation of their services in a location(s) to the satisfaction of the City and the utility; and, (d) that the owner convey Blocks 36, 37, 38, and 39 to the City, in a form satisfactory to the City and at no costs; and, further agree that once stream channel and associated works have been constructed to the satisfaction of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and the City, the blocks are to be conveyed to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority within approximately four years, once the owner conveying the lands to the City has made any required adjustments to the stream works, to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development. Construction Manaqement Plan (a) that the owner makes satisfactory arrangements with the City respecting a construction management plan, such Plan to contain, among other things: (i) details of erosion and sedimentation controls during all phases of construction and provide maintenance requirements to maintain these controls; addressing the parking of vehicles and the storage of construction and building materials during servicing and house construction, and ensuring that such locations will not impede the flow of traffic or emergency vehicles on either existing streets or the proposed pu blic street; ensurance that the City's Noise By-law will be adhered to and that all contractors, trades and suppliers are advised of this By-law; the provision of mud and dust control on all roads within. and adjacent to the site; type and timing of construction fencing; and, location of construction trailers. (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) -4- 3.3.8 Development Charqes (a) satisfaction of the City financially with respect to the Development Charges Act. 3.3.9 Coordinated Development (a) satisfaction of the City with respect to arrangements necessary to provide for coordination of services and roads with adjacent lands and any phasing of development that may be required. 3.3.10 Fencinq (a) satisfaction of the City with respect to the provision of temporary fencing for the purpose of erosion and siltation control, with review by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority around the entire perimeter of the subject lands during construction, prior to the commencement of any works; and, (b) satisfaction of the City with respect to the provision of a 1.5 metre black chain-link fence between all lots and public open space blocks, with gates permitted to provide access for residents to the open space blocks. 3.3.11 Street Tree Plantinq (a) the submission of a street tree planting plan to the satisfaction of the City. 3.3.12 Desiqn Planninq (a) the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development respecting a report outlining siting and architectural design objectives for the development, and the submission of site plans and architectural drawings identifying how each unit meets the objectives of the report, prior to the issuance of any building permit for the construction of a residential unit on the lands; and, (b) the report outlining siting and architectural design objectives for the development must address building envelopes, house designs, siting, upgraded side/flankage elevations at entry (including flankage elevations of Lots 1, 20 and 21), and streetscapes as well as garage designs, locations, massing, width, and projection from the main dwelling with special emphasis to be placed on minimizing visual impacts on the rural character of the area. - 5- 3.3.13 EnqineerinQ DrawÎnQs (a) that the owner satisfy the City respecting the submission of appropriate engineering drawings that detail, among other things, City services, roads, storm sewers, Carruthers Creek channel redesign and construction, lot grading, streetlights, fencing and tree planting, and financially-secure such works; and, (b) that the owner satisfy the City respecting designs for improvements to Sideline 4, construct the improvements to the satisfaction of the City and appropriate provisions for cost-sharing be agreed upon by the City and the developer. 3.3.14 Water MonitorinQ ProQram (a) that the owner agree to prepare and implement a program to include baseline monitoring of water quality and water level to assess groundwater interference with neighbouring water supplies to the satisfaction of the City and the Region. 3.3.15 Other Approval Aqencies (a) that the subdivider satisfy all the requirements, financial and otherwise, of the Region of Durham including well and septic tank location, construction standards and a monitoring program; (b) that the subdivider satisfy all the requirements, including approval and permits for the reconstruction of Carruthers Creek and its tributaries and sediment control of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority; and, (c) that any approvals and permits which are required from the Region of Durham or the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for the development of this plan be obtained by the subdivider, and upon request written confirmation be provided to the City of Pickering as verification of these approvals. 3.3.16 Parkland Dedication (a) that the owner provide to the City cash-in-lieu of parkland at a value of 5% of the value of the developable lands, to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development, in order to satisfy Section 42(1) of the Planning Act. 4.0 PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: That all creek channelization be constructed, functional and fenced to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development, before any building permits are issued. APPENDIX II TO REPORTNUMBERPD39~3 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 3/02 APPENDIX II TO REPORTNUMBERPD39~3 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 3/02 1. That prior to forwarding an implementing by-law to City Council: (a) Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-88059 (Revision 2) receive draft approval; (b) A Draft 40M Plan be submitted to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development. 2. That the implementing zoning by-law include, but not necessarily be limited to the following: (a) permit the establishment of detached dwellings on Lots 1 to 35, in accordance with the following provisions: (i) minimum lot area of 6000 square metres; and, (ii) minimum lot frontage of 30.0 metres; (b) permit resource management, flood and erosion control and pedestrian trail and walkway uses on the public open space blocks (Blocks 36,37,38 & 39); and, (c) include appropriate provisions permitting the construction of not more than four model homes. ATTACHMENT I ¡ TO REPORT' PO 39 ",0 '-:S FIFTH eNS . ~ .. ~ ~ 'U'@\\W[KIJ City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERlY DESCRIPTION PART OF LOT 4, CONCESSION 5; PART 2, 40R-4159 OWNER 711053 ONTARIO INC; 562503 ONTARIO LTD. DATE MAR.12,2002 DRAWN BY RC APPLICATION No. 18T-88059(R2); A 03/02 SCALE 1:7500 CHECKED BY SG FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN-RURAL PA- l' 0 0 -< U1 0 -< I 1'1 '" 0 ~ 'ì ",0 "'!i! OM .;'" ZC) 1'1", "':J> OJ < -<P ~~ 1) -< 0 v ñ :J> Z -< () ~'-D OJ en '" 0 ci '" 0 ci on 0 ci on 0 ci on 0 ci on ,,- ~ ~ ':j ß w '" ;:;; on~c:J tri .. '" '" '" .; '" on oj '" on <Ó '" on <Ó on 33 0> ci on .., iõ 34 0> .,; on 35 ::J J :.2 ~q ~O 3 APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN 18T -88059 ,\ ¡'fIICt-!fJ:ijl! HIGHVlAY NO.7 21 4 0 19m 0> .; on 5 22 6 23 7 24 8 25 9 26 10 27 28 11 29 30 31 32 BLOCK 36 BLOCK 37 Í) ( : n 0 z on OM -<t:; Wõ z U1 ( l' THIS MAP WAS PRODuceD 8Y THe CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING &< OEvaOPMENT OEPARTMENT, INFORMATION &< SUPPORT SERVICES. SEPT. 29, 2003. ATTACHMENT ,3 TO REPORT # PO .q 9'.Q ~ Cw¡ o~ INFORMATION REPORT NO. 12-02 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF APRIL 18, 2002 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, RS.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application 18T -88059 (Revision 2) Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 03/02 711053 Ontario Inc. & 562503 Ontario Limited Part of Lot 4, Concession 5, Part 2, Plan 40R-4159 (East side of Sideline 4, south of Highway 7) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION the site is currently vacant and was previously used as a licenced gravel pit by Barclay Transport since 1948. the site is located on the east side of Balsam Road north of the Fifth Concession Road (the Town of Ajax border) and south of Highway 7 (see Attachment #1 for the location map); this site has an area of approximately 33.34 hectares, and includes one existing building with two sheds about mid-point in its Balsam Road frontage; the site is steeply sloped in the bowl of the fonner gravel pit with Carruthers Creek flowing though the middle of the site being joined on the site by two smaller tributaries; an existing house is situated immediately north of the site, on the east side of Balsam Road; the site is situated across from a further 12 hectare land holding owned by the applicant on the west side of Balsam Road. To the east ofthe site is located a number of rural residential properties. Somewhat south of the site is an abandoned railway right-of-way now used as a recreational trail. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL the applicant proposes to develop the subject site with detached dwellings on 35 lots with lot frontages between 32 and 66 metres; the proposed lots are to have lot depths between 90 and 181 metres; 15 lots are proposed to front Balsam Road and 20 lots are proposed to front a new street to be constructed to the east of Balsam Road as shown on the applicant's submitted plan (see Attachment #2); the dwellings are proposed to be serviced by private water and sanitary sewer facilities; new homes are proposed on all of the proposed lots; the applicant proposes to restore the stream channels of Carruthers Creek and its tributaries that flow through the subject property to natural stream channel designs from the current altered state which resulted from by the operations of the now- abandoned gravel pit on the subject lands; the applicant proposes that the stream channels and corridors remain in private ownership. Infonnation Report No. 12-02 ATTACHMENT I 3 TO REPORT # PO 3 9- a -:s Page 2 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham Re ,!Îonal Official Plan designates the site as "Rural Settlements - Country Residential Subdivision" which permits development of a maximum of 35 residential dwellings that must be serviced by private water and sanitary sewer facilities. The proposal complies with this designation; . the Regional Plan requires a draft plan of subdivision to be accompanied by an updated settlement capacity study, a recent hydrogeological report, a lot servicing plan, a geological report and a grading plan; conditions of draft approval must address the findings of such studies, phasing of development and monitoring of the impact of development on adjacent wells and groundwater conditions; 3.2 Pickerin!.!: Official Plan designates the subject lands "Rural Settlements - Country Residentiaf' within "Settlement 8: Barclay Estates"; this designation permits residential uses and home occupations; the estate residential land use proposed by the subject applications is in compliance with the Pickering Official Plan. Provided the following technical requirements can be satisfied, no amendment to the Official Plan will be required; the Barclay Estates Settlement policies provide that: . continued operation of the existing gravel pit operation is recognized and permitted until subdivision development commences; . realignment of the Carruthers Creek tributary within the settlement in an environmentally-responsible manner is permitted to the satisfaction of the City and the conservation authority despite the land use designations on Schedule IV -8; and, . endeavour to ensure the country residential environment of the settlement is maintained, once developed; Schedule N-8, the Barclay Estates Settlement land use schedule, designates the tableland for country residential uses and the Caruther's Creek corridor as Open Space System - Natural Areas; Schedule III - the Resource Management Schedule of the Pickering Official Plan, designates the lands around Carruthers Creek and its tributaries running through the subject lands as Shoreline and Stream Corridor and the Former Lake Iroquois Shoreline running through the subject lands; on lands designated Shoreline and Stream Corridor, not designated as Open Space - Natural Areas (ie: the subject lands), new development is permitted in accordance with respective land use designations and provisions, subject to the recommendations of an Environmental Report and alterations to a watercourse or stream corridor may be permitted only following the appropriate approvals of the relevant conservation authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources, if necessary; Section 15.9 of the Official Plan requires the submission and approval of an Environmental Report as part of the consideration of the subject development applications. Supporting hydrogeological, grading and drainage, stormwater management and lot servicing information will be required as part of the environmental report; Schedule II to the Pickering Official Plan, the Transportation System, designates Sideline 4 as a Local Road. Local Roads provide access to individual properties, other local roads and collector roads and generally have a right-of-way of20 metres; the applicant has submitted a Draft Report on a proposed Carruthers Creek Natural Channel Design, Concept Plan, a Preliminary Storm Water Drainage Report, a Scoped Environmental Impact Study and a Hydrogeological fuvestigation in support of the subject applications; Information Report No. 12-02 /1 ATTACHMENT I .J TO REPORT I po- 3 q-ð .~ Page 3 3.3 Zonine By-law 3037 the site is zoned "Q" - Pit and Quarry Zone in By-law 3037; this zoning permits gravel pits, accessory uses and agricultural uses; amendment to Zoning By-law 3037 is required in order to permit this proposal. 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION (see Attachment # 3) 4.1 Resident Comments Dr. Theodore Malar, owner and resident of a 10 acre property east of the subject lands, provided v\Jritten comments in which he noted a significant deterioration in the water supply to his property since 1995. He attributes the deterioration to water taking by nearby golf courses to the south and ski resorts to the north. He indicated that he built a two-acre fish pond stocked with rainbow trout, with the intent of operating a recreational fishing pond and recreational area to produce retirement income. However, since 1995, the water level has deteriorated so significantly that the pond can not sustain fish during the summer; Dr. Malar is concerned that the addition of the wells required to serve the proposed development will cause the water supply to his property to further deterioration (see Attachment #3); 4.2 Aeency Comments no comments have been received :fi:om agencies to date. 4.3 Staff Comments in reviewing the application to date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration; 4.3.1 Draft Plan of Subdivision consider implementation of appropriate measures to respect the unique natural heritage of the former Lake Iroquois Shoreline; consider suitable ownership, including by a public agency, of the CaITUthers Creek stream corridor and its associated tributaries through the subject lands; review the proposed design for the creek channel, with the assistance and advice of TRCA and Region of Durham staff; review the proposed grading and drainage for the proposed residential lots to ensure that the proposed dwellings can be suitably drained and sited and that the stream corridor can be properly protected :fi:om construction and post-construction sedimentation; review of proposed house siting to ensure safety for future residents on sites that may have steep topography and possible groundwater discharge; review safety and servicing considerations of the proposed grading for the proposed new public road; review the proposed lot servicing for water and sanitary sewage facilities on site, including a peer review of the hydrogeological report, with the assistance of the Region of Durham Health Unit and the TRCA; 4.3.2 Zoning Matters ensure appropriate buffer zones to CamIthers Creek and its tributaries and to the steep slopes ofthe fonner gravel pit; ensure that gravel pit licence has been suspended/surrendered; Information Report No. 12-02 ATTACHMENT #: REPORT # PO '3 TO ~9"O3 Page 4 4.3.2 Technical Matters review supporting technical submissions, including the hydrogeological, environmental impact study, concept plan for Carruthers Creek channel design, and stormwater report, grading and drainage and lot servicing information, to ensure that adequate information is provided and that technical requirements are met; review water supply, sewage disposal, stormwater quality and quantity management; require a tree preservation plan; require an architectural design statement to ensure that the character of the lots on Balsam Road and on the new proposed street are compatible, through means of similar design of streetlights, street tree plantings, house siting on the lots that respects the topography, grading and natural features; demolition of the existing buildings and structures will be required. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding either the proposed plan of subdivision or zoning by-law amendment application, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk; if a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the City of Pickering in respect of the proposed draft plan of subdivision does not make oral submissions at the public meeting or make written submissions to the City of Pickering before the application is considered, the Ontario Mwúcipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal; if a person or public body that files a notice of appeal of a decision of the City of Pickering in respect of the zoning by-law amendment does not make oral submission at the public meeting, or make a written submission to the City of Pickering before the zoning by-law is passed, the Ontario Mwúcipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. If you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision of the proposed zoning by-law amendment application, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal. 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Appendix I lists the comments received on this proposal at the time that this Information Report was written; 6.2 Information Received The following documents are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department: . Full-sized copy of Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T -88059 (Revision 2); . Scoped Environmental Impact Study, Barclay Estates, Draft Report by Parish Geomorphic, January, 2002; . Carruthers Creek Natural Channel Design, Concept Plan, Barclay Estates, Draft Report by Parish Geomorphic, January, 2002; . Preliminary Storm Water Drainage Report, Barclay Fieldstone Estates by D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers, February 2002; . Hydrogeological Investigations, Barclay Residential Subdivision by Goffco Limited Groundwater Consulting Services, December 2001. Infonnation Report No. 12-02 ATTþf'H[,/'r;:'¡T # :3 ..'-1'0'" ,u vl._I\J! --.-- REPORT 1/ PD_.2.2:Q..2_~,_.- Page 5 6.3 Site Landowners - the applicant is Fourteen Estates Limited and the landowners are 711053 Ontario Inc. and 562503 Ontario Limited. The principal of Fourteen Estates Limited and the numbered companies is Mr. Richard Rondeau. ORIGINAL SIGNED BY ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Planner II Catherine Rose Manager, Policy SG/jf Copy: Director, Planning & Development Excerpts ¡rom the Statutory Public Information Meeting Minutes Pursuant to the Planning Act , , \TTACHMENl #_.!::t..--TO HEPaRT # PO 3 q - 03 Thursday, April 18, 2002 7:00 P.M. Chair: Councillor McLean The Manager, Development Review, providèd an overview of the requirements of the Planning Act and the Ontario Municipal Board respecting this meeting and matters under consideration there at. (II) DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION 18T-88059 (REVISION 2) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 03/02 711053 ONTARIO INC. & 562503 ONTARIO LIMITED PART OF LOT 4, CONCESSION 5, PART 2, PLAN 40R-4159 (EAST SIDE OF SIDELINE 4. SOUTH OF HIGHWAY 7) 1. Steve Gaunt, Planner II, provided an explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report #12-02. 2. Dana Anderson, DLA Consulting, provided the history of this property and applications which have been submitted and studies undertaken of the area. Over two years was spent developing this application, environmental impact study has been prepared, hydrogeological report and engineering reports have been provided as well as a planning report. Mr. Rondeau, owner, met with immediate neighbours and provided them with a plan of the proposed development. It is their intention to re-establish the natural creek and original flow plan, improve the flood situation and create an aesthetically pleasing development. The proposed homes will be one to one and a half storeys with walkouts. Zoning wì1l address open space and protection areas. Dr. Malar's letter was forwarded to a Hydrogeological Specialist who has provided comments. Frank, a resident of Kinsale, advised that he is in favour of the plan but spoke strongly against the dumping situation on the north side ofHwy. 7. 3. 4. Margaret Williamson, speaking on behalf of her mother who resides at 3360 Balsam Road, stated. her concerns with respect to deteriorating water quality, grading, fires left unattended on the property across the street, air quality, dust. She questioned what is being done to protect the wildlife, residents and their quality oflife. 5. Steve Gaunt, Planner II, advised that the construction management plan wì1l address concerns previously stated and that a site supervisor will maintain the requirements and hours of operation. 6. Ted Malar, 3510 Audley Road, stated his concern with respect to water quality and stress on his pond due to development. He spoke in favour of the creek being restored but against the creation of 35 new wells which will further put stress on the area. 7. Nancy Listro,3545 Balsam Road, stated their concern with the amount of activity going on in the area and no notification given. She stated further that putting 35 homes on well water is dangerous and that city water should be brought into the neighbourhood. 8. Joe Listro, 3545 Balsam Road, stated his concern with respect to what is being dumped on the north side ofHwy. 7 and with the water quality. 10. Laura Orlandi, 3270 Hwy. #7, advised of her approval of the plan and layout. She stated her concern with respect to the water issue in north Pickering, dumping on the north side of Hwy. 7 and the radius of notification. She further stated that if the dumping doesn't cease on both sides ofHwy. 7 the wells will not have drinkable water. 11. Dana Anderson, representing the applicant, advised that the Official Plan requires lots to be serviced by wells, a recent hydrogeological study has been completed, this plan wì1l have the least environmental impact on the area, a number of provisions have been put in place to monitor existing and new wells, the developer will be contributing to road upgrade and there will be no runoff onto the road. She further stated that the Ministry of the Environment has approved the Excerpts from the Statutory Public Information Meeting Minutes Pursuant to the Planning Act ATTACHME~n #_!:t.,___lO Thursday, April 18, 2002 REPORT # PD----31.:~,_" " 7:00 P.M. "'Chair: Couucillor McLean site for this development. She also advised that an island will be constructed to divide the traffic for safety reasons. The hydrogeological report will be made available and also a well monitoring program will be in place. (III) ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. t\iTACHMENì # 5 TO REPORT # PO :::s 9 - D =3 May 14,2002 Pickering Planning Development Department Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario LIV 6K7 John Murphy 3080 Concession Road 5 Pickering, Ontario LIV 2P8 Re: By-law i\mendment Application A03/02 711053 Ontario Inc.& 562503 Ontario Limited Part oflot 4, Concession 5, Part2 Plan 40R-4159 (East side of Sideline 4, south of Highway 7) City of Pickering. Dear Sir, With respect to this application, my wife and I want to express our opposition to the application as currently proposed. A development of this size, in our view should not be approved without full municipal sewage and water services to the site. We currently live in close proximity to the proposed development, right on the corner of concession 5 and Sideline 4. Weare very concerned about the impact it will have on our drinking water. We are currently on a well and have had problems with water level. The problem has got much worse in the past few years. The situation is particularly bad in the summer months with our well going dry in July and August. This fIrst well is an artesian well. To help alleviate the summer water problem, we had to add a second well in November of2000. Attached is a copy of the documentation to confmn the installation of this new well. The development as proposed, with 35 wells will have a major negative impact on the water levels in the area which are already very low. This could mean that we would have problems year round not just in the summer. The city of Pickering must have some foresight in allowing future development in the area. These homes should not be built unless full municipal services are provided, to do so would be very irresponsible. Durham is growing rapidly. Development with full municipal services north of Taunton Road is becoming the norm. Surely it makes more sense for Pickering to also recognize this fact and plan for the future. A development of this size should not be allowed without full municipal services. A further point worth considering is the health risk associated with so many wells and septic tanks in close proximity. Ontario does not need another Walkerton disaster. Finally we want to be clear that we are not opposed to the development only the fact that it does not include full Municipal services. Please keep us informed on any further hearings or public meetings with regard to this proposal. y:øerelY, ~RaChel Murphy , RECEIVED MAY 1 6 2002 c.c. : Mr. Ken Gorman, Regional Health Department CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ATTACHMENT I fe. TO REPORT # PO .3 ;1 ~ 0 '3> Dr Theodore Malar 3510 Audley Road Pickering Ontario LIX 2V9 REceiVED Dear Sir: April 8, 2002 APR - 8 2002 CiTY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT This letter is presented in order to establish my complaints to the City of Pickering, the Durham Region, the Province of Ontario, Environment Canada, and any other authority responsible for the regulation, the care and the maintenance of water. It is 'prompted by two resent developments in my area. The first is the expansion of the golf course west side of Audley Road south of the Fifth concession, for which I received no prior notification, and the second is the submission for a zoning by-law amendment application A3/02 711053 to allow for the development of 35 estates on Balsam Road bordering to the west of my property. I have a grave concern as to the effects of these developments on the water quality on my property CON 5 N PT LOT 3 and in the sUlTounding area. The greatest problem affecting my property is the extreme fluctuation in the water table. These changes to the water table ~ believe to be caused by the high demand on water by the golf courses Deer Creek and Faun Brook just to the south of me between Taunton Road and Concession 5 and by the ski resorts to the north , Dagmar and Lakeridge . When I bought the 9.87 acre property in1978, the property at this time was undeveloped siting in the middle of 100 acres. The front half of the property was open field rising up fonD Audley Road to the top of the hill. The back half, slopping down the hill, was wood lot until it met with Barclay's property. The hill crests in the middle of my property. The water conditions on the property at this time could be described as follows: - wet or even swampy bordering along Audley Road - solid ground going down hill on both east and west sides - extremely wet with sprouting steams at the lower back of the wood lot, that is along Barclay's property When I first built and moved onto the property in 1983, the land was as described above. It took about three full loads of limestone at the foot of the hill at Audley Road before it stopped sinking so that a drive way could be made. Barclay delivered the limestone. The house I built myself was situated near the top of the hill on solid ground. I had a well and a ground feed pond put in at the bottom of the hill along Audley Road. The pond of approximately two acres I stocked with 2 inch rainbow trout fmgerlings. Everything seemed to be developing just fine according to plan, until 1995 when the water level in the pond started to drop drastically. It dropped about 6 feet during the summer months. The sudden drop in water level causing the accompanying rise in water temperature killed approximately 4 000 of my rainbow trout which ranged between 10 and16 inches. Since then the water level fluctuated by 5-6 feet each year and ATTACHP.f¡£NT #_i£" ~ TO II PO 39 -o~ the pond has never reached its full capacity, always falling 3-4 feet below its over flow level. The water conditions on the property have changed in the following manner: - the pond levels fluctuate by 5-6 feet during the year - the water sprouting during the spring time along the sides of the driveway do not occur - the springs that used to flow at the back of the wood lot no longer do during any season So far these changes have produced a very significant affect on the uses and enjoyment of my property as well as on the financial losses and loss of potential income. I had planned to use the pond as a fishing pond and park recreational area for supplemental income during my retirement as well as to rent for sport fishing. Now that I have retired, it is impossible to make an income ITom the pond since the pond cannot maintain fish during the summer months when the water level is low. Due to the low levels the pond has also lost much of its aesthetic appeal. When the level is low, the pond is not pleasing for paddle boat or swimming uses. I have tried to give the property an atmosphere of the northern environment. I have planted over 5 000 evergreen trees of various species. Pictures of the property have been use in brochures and even in motion pictures. So I am greatly distressed that further erosion of the water supply is taking place by housing development's storm sewers, golf course expansion, ski resort's snow making operations, and now 38 wells bordering my property. Yours truly I. ,...r;j" . 1 . 1/... ,1 ;J i ,'It "., ..- ¡'-Ii F, /)¡1 /6~A./ Dr Theodore Malar ( oS-, ¿:s;y.77t.f1 ant ~y~ ';-'urteen Estatesj (905}427-0265j Feb-12-03 9:41; ATTACHMENT # "7 TO REPORT # PO .;?q.- 0 '3 TO WHOM IT MAY {'ONC"£R.N tETTER OF Aú':TRORlZA TtON T!:ú.g letter au:norÍ2:cs Richard R6.Ddeaa:a of FOfJ.r1een Enatu LÙQjJC',d 'to perform wark 011 IUilway.Emba."I1anc!1t iI.S per D.G. Biddle &. Ass<."~2tes limited's cl,r.,Jwlf1&» FP-lI.G. 2 and J:iSUft XS-! (proj ect 101010). Januæy MQ. Feb1'1.Ul::y 200:2. Rjçœ..rd Rondeau and Fourteen r.slates Llnú1e4 v.ill 2SSu.me ail the cost$ for the work iIfId will usume 1lI,)o' and AU liability for the work or reaulting trom the work. OWQer. of Land: Grtgory ADd Joseph!ue \"u .. Le8'EÙ Description: Part #'¡ of 40R6001 Part of Lot 3 - 4 COE'LCt!:SiOl1 5 City of PicU-fÏn¡ Signed this StlJl".....iI\. T e ~ \'.... "" ")' day of in the ,year 2003. ~~4 Gregot)'-Y1.I / . . l ]/~ ::;~y~~ V Page 1/1 .....--.....--.--'."...." . The Regional , Municipality of Durnam . Planning' Department 1615 DUNDAS ST. E. . 4TH FLOOR,LANG TOWER , .wEST BUILDING .', p,O, BOX 623 WHITBY, ON. L1N6A3 . (905) 728"7731 FAX: (905) 436-6612 www.region.durham.on.ca September 2, 2003 ATTACHM~' . 3 ' TO, , REPORT' ~D ' .3 q~D3 . RECE1VEJj, SfP ,0 5 2003 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT' , DEPARTMENT' Mr. N. Carroll . Director of Planning Planning Department City of Pickering 1 The Esplanade Pickeri~g, Ont L 1 V6K7 Dear Mr. Carroll: Re: , Regional Review of anApplicationfor Plan of Subdivi~ion FileNo.: 18T-88059' , ' , Cross Ref.: Zoning 'By-Iaw Amendment Application AO3/02 Applicant: 711053 Ontario Inc~ & 562503 Ontario Ltd. ~ocation: '. Part Lot 4, Concession 5 Municipality: . City of Pickering' A.L. Georgieff, MCIP,. RPP This application has been reviewed by the Region arid the following comments. . Commissjonerof Planning are offered with' respect to the Durham 'Regional Official Plan, Provincial policies, and the proposed method of servicing. ' , ' I' . , "SERT(ICE EXCELLENCE , fo~ou.r COM~UNITY" , . . Official Plan Conformity . . The subject property is within the Major Open Space system and is designated "CountryHesidential"in theDurham Regional Qfficial Plan. Schedule 5 ofthe Regional Official Plan permitsamaximumof 35 residential Units for this draft plan of subdivision; Policy 13$20 indicates that country residential development.. . shall be individually serviced with drilled wells and private sewage disposal systems in compliance with the standards' of the. Region. and the Ministry of Environment In this regard, a .hy(jrogeological report examining impacts on groundwater resources was provided by the applicant and peer-revieWed 10 the satisfaction of the Region. Policy ,13.3.23 contains certain provisions regarding the developmentof country residential subdivisiÇ)nsincluding being distinct and well separated from hamlets and other country residentiarsubdivisions and not . having an adverse cumulative impact on the environment The proposed plan of subdivision would appearto conform to the Plan. . ' '. Provincial Interests and DeleQated Review Responsibilities '. The subject lands have been, assessed as having a, high archaeological potential due to the proximity of a. tributaryöf the Carruthers,Creek. An archaeological. assessment will be nec~ssary. .. . . A sufficient buffer should beincorporatedfrom the developmentarea to . protectthe nearby Carruthers Creek tributary from any potential adverse . impacts. We note that an Environmental Study (Carruthers Çreek Natural Channel Design, Concept Plan) has been prepared addressing potential impacts and geomorphic and hydraulic improvements in this area. In order for this application to be considered for draft approval, all concerns of the' . Toronto and Region Conservatio/Î'Authoritymust be addressed. * 100% Post Consumer, ATTACHMENT# ,$? TO REPORT ¡PO,' ,=šq -03 ServicinCl This development will be serviced by private wells and private waste, çJisposal , systems, 'The Durham ~egionHearthDepartment indicatedthatthe necessarygeo- , technical införmation, including a 'peer review from the Region's hydro-geological consultant, confirmed thatthis.proposed development can be servicêd on the basis of private, sewage disposal systems and drilled wells, A lot servicing plari has¡ also been submitted to the satisfaction of the Health Department. Based on the foregoing, the attached draftconC itions are provided for your , consideration of this plan of subdivision, " Please call RichardSzarek, Planner, ifyou,shouid have ány qUestions. Yours truly, V'.' " K~ Manager, Plans Implementation . Current Operations Branch Attach: Conditions of Draft Approval cé: Fourteen Estates Meridian, Planning Regional Health Dep¡:trtment . Regional Works Department N:\pim\rs\ 18t-.8.8059comments.doc , , 5. 6. ATTACHME¡~l #... -g ro REPORT # PO ?;J Cj- D '3 ,_."_.~" CONDITIONS OF DRAFT APPROVAL September 2, 2003 Plan of Subdivision: 18T-88059 Part of Lot 4, Concession 5 City of Pickering 1. The Owner shall prepare the final plan on the basis of the approved draft plan of subdivision 18T-88059 (revision 2), prepared by D.G. Biddle & Associates Ltd., identified as project number 101010, dated November 2001, which illustrates 35 lots for single-detached dwellings, two (2) open space blocks, and a roadway. 2. The Owner shall name the road allowance included in this draft plan to the satisfaction of the Regional Municipality of Durham and the City of Pickering. 3. The Owner shall, prior to final approval, engage a qualified professional to carry out, to the satisfaction of the Ministry óf Culture, an archaeological assessment of the entire development property, and mitigate, through preservation or resource removal and documentation, adverse impacts to any significant archaeological resources found. No demolition, grading, or other soil disturbances shall take place on the subject property prior to the Ministry of Culture, confirming that all archaeological resource concerns have been met including licensing and resource conservation requirement. 4. The Owner shall satisfy all requirements, financial and otherwise, of the Regional Municipality of Durham. This shall include, among other matters, the execution of a subdivision agreement between the Owner and the Region concerning the provision and installation of subsurface sewage disposal systems, drilled wells, and other Regional services. The implementation of this cOndition shall involve the inclusion of appropriate provisions in the Regional subdivision agreement pertaining to private sewage disposal systems and drilled wells. The Owner shall grant easements as may be required for utilities, drainage and servicing purposes to the appropriate authorities. The subdivision agreement between the Owner and the City of Pickering shall contain, among other matters, the following provisions: a) the Owner agrees that: i) Each drilled well is to be tested under the direction of a qualified hydro-geologist to ensure that the supply is adequate both quantitatively and qualitatively and to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering's hydro-geologist. f) g) .¡ ç. "fO' 1'_-9- , '""" tI PD-..3.Q ~o ~ _. ii) Each drilled well is to be constructed in the target "intermediate" aquifer that is present at a depth between 18 - 61 metres (32 metres average) below grade. The City of Pickering's Hydro- geologist shall certify that the wells are installed in the target aquifer prior to final registration. b) The Owner agrees to strictly adhere to the site servicing plan as submitted by D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited, Project 101010, Drawing Nos. LG-1 and LG-2, dated January 2002 c) The Owner agrees to retain a qualified sewage system designer who specializes in the design of private sewage systems. The designer shall complete and provide the design of individual private sewage systems for each lot to the Regional Health Department for approval, in strict compliance with the Ontario Building Code standards for private sewage systems. d) The Owner agrees that the developer's consultant shall conduct on-site tests as required on the primary sewage system area for all lots to determine the soil permeability. The consultant shall provide analysis of the soil tests describing grain size analysis, coefficient of permeability and estimated percolation "T" times, to the Regional Health Department for review and approval. e) The Owner shall ensure that all existing drilled / test wells that will not be used for a drinking water supply within 15 metres of the proposed prime and reserve tile bed must be decommissioned in accordance with Ontario Regulation 903 under the Ontario Water Resources Act. The Owner agrees that there shall be no construction of accessory buildings or swimming pools in the prime and reserve tile bed areas, or in locations less than the minimum setbacks in accordance with the Ontario Building Code. The developer agrees to submit a copy of the final grading to the Region of Durham Health Department. In the event that there are significant differences in the final grading plan and the site servicing plan that may effect the location of the proposed private sewage system areas; the developer shall make the necessary revisions to the satisfaction of the Region of Durham Health Department. H:\2-4\ 18T.88059 conditions onserva tron TORONTO AND REGION April 8, 2002 An ACHMENT #. ~ CJ TO REPORT # PO .~ c¡ - °3 RECEIVED APR 1 5 2002 CF 1 fð1~~ OF PICKERING PLANNING AND oeVeL.OPM¡¡¡NT DEflAFlTMaNT Mr. Steve Gaunt City of Pickering Planning & Development Department Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 fITH~[g ~ Ð Wlærm UlJ APR 1 5 2002 I.W CITY OF PICKERING PIOK~Ft'NG. ONTARIO Dear Mr. Gaunt: Re: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application, File 18TM88059 (Revision 2) Zoning BYMlaw Amendment Application A 3/02 . 711 053 Ontario Inc. & 562503 Ontario Limited (Barclay Estates) Part of Lot 4, Concession 5, City of Pickering We acknowledge receipt of your submissions of March 22, 2002 and March 26, 2002 for the above noted applications, and offer the following comments. The subject property is currently an abandoned gravel pit situated within the Carruthers Creek watershed and previously was reviewed by Authority staff in conjunction with the original plan of subdivision, File 18T-88059, circulated in 1988,.and an Official Plan amendment application, File 18-0P-0010278. Since then, staff from the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) have had meetings and discussions with the applicants and their agents regarding our concerns with re-establishing a watercourse through the site and defining the limits of the floodplain. Please be advised that although we have no objection in principle to the development of the site for estate residential lots within the eastern 33 ha portion of the property, we require sufficient time for TRCA staff to review the following submitted documents, which were received only recently (ie. March 28,2002 and April 2, 2002): 1) 2) 3) 4) Hydrogèologicallnvestigations, prepared by Goffco Limited, dated December 2001, Carruthers Creek Natural Channel Design, Concept Plan, prepared by Parish Geomorphic, dated January 17, 2002, . Preliminary Storm Water Drainage Report, prepared by D. G. Biddle & Associates Limited, dated February 2002, Site Plan, prepared by D. G. Biddle & Associates Limited, dated November/Ot. Upon completion of our review of the above noted reports, more formal detailed comments will be provided. We trust this is satisfactory; however if you have any questions in the interim, please contact the undersigned at ext. 5259. Yours truly, .~~' Nora Jamieson Acting Plans Analyst Development Services Section cc: Ms. Dana Anderson, DU\ Consulting, 7234 Sandhurst Drive, Mississauga, ON L5N 7G9 F:\PRS\NORA259\PUBLlC\CFN19481WPD H~:::iiiJthy River.;; ., IfJiodiversity Gn:!f.snspace " Education for Sustainable [ildng ._=-".,~=-=-~--"""'~-~.._------ e '~-'--- 5 5horeham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 154 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 www.trca.on.ca ~~~ -. "". .", TORONTO A' ND REGIONt~", " ' onserva Ion for The living City ATTACHMENT' /0 TO REPORT # PO ~ q -D3 RECEIVED AUG 2 1 2002 August 16,2002 CFN 19481 Mr. Steve Gaunt City of Pickering Planning & Development Department Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT, DEPARTMENT Dear Mr. Gaunt: Re: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application, File 18T-88059 (Revision 2) Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 3/02 . 711053 Ontario Inc. & 562503 Ontario Limited (Barclay Estates) Part of Lot 4,Concession5, City of Pickering "... ."oo" .,.,.." .""" . Further to our letter of April 8, 2002, please be advised that TRGA staff have completed our review of the submitted documents for the above noted application, and now offer the following comments: 3. 4. Floodplain Mappinq 1. The applicant should confirm whether the mapping is in 2D or 3D format. Please be advised that TRCA will require the mapping and floodline information in digital format to confirm that the base mapping is to TRCA's standards for digital floodplain mapping (i.e. the floodline'must be geo~referenced). 2. The TRCA has recently adopted a standardized approach for Manning's roughness coefficients to be used in HEC~Ras and HEC-2 models. Attached, please find a table with the standardized values, which should be applied as follows: a single en' value for the LOB and/or ROB if all or a majority of the land use across the section (according to the descriptions provided in the attached table) is considered constant; or specific 'n' values input using the horizontal variation in 'n' value option in HEC~Ras (NH card in HEC~2) for each differing land use (according to the descriptions provided in the attached table). This table was previously sent to the applicant on January 17, 2002 to be used in this hydraulic analysis. .;.0<1' ","" .¡""o Please confirm ownership of the abandoned railway embankment. If this land is owned by someone other than the applicant, then landowner authorization will be required for the undertaking of the improvement to the culvert crossing prior to approval of the draft plan, based on the post-development floodline. . As noted in our previous correspondence of January 2001 , the realignment and natural F:\PRS\NORA259\PUBLlC\BARCLA Y A. WPD 5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 154 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 www.trca.on.ca IDo.'."'.'. . ~ , . ',... ' 9. ATTACHMENT # ~ / D TO REPORT # PO ,3 9~ö 3 ~ -:"'.o..-_-~_." -2- August 16, 2002 channel design of the creek will require that the existing riparian storage be maintained (Le. the volume of water that the floodplain naturally holds during each storm event, 2 year, 5 year, 10 year, 25 year, 50 year, 100 year, and Regional), and in order to ensure this, a HEC-2 analysis must be completed. As such, the existing riparian storage of the creek must first be determined by removing any structures (bridges, culverts, etc), and then calculating the volume using the VOL parameter in the SUMPO file which represents the cumulative volume in the model to each cross-section for each flow. Secondly, the riparian storage of the proposed channel should then be determined, making sure that it at least matches the existing riparian storage for all storm events. Finally, all the structures should then be put back into the proposed channel model and then run the Regional Storm to ensure that the floodline is contained within the proposed channel block and that there are no off-site flooding impacts or that none of the structures are overtopped at a different level than in the pre-development case. ,,"" .,... '" 5. The pro-rated peak flows (Regional) used for tributaries A, B, & C appear to be incorrect. The reference point flows may be pro-rated, but this must be done using the flow transposition equation (for all stòrm event flows) from theQ2 = 01 (A2/A1 )0.75), not a percent reduction method. 6. Several cross-sections shown on FP-1 and FP-2 are drawn incorrectly. It is not correct to draw a cross-section through two channels or ponding area (Le. Sections 2.26, 2.32, 2.33,2.34,2.35,2.36,2.38,2.39,2.41,2.42,2.43 and 2.45) and limit the flow to the main channel. The cross-section should be relocated to avoid this and eliminate any ineffective flow areas in the cross-section or stopped before the second channel altogether. If flood lines are required on the second channel (Le. if drainage area to that channel is greater than 125 ha), then cross-sections should be drawn separately for this tributary. This appears to have been done for the post-development floodline. ""',,. ,.., '.." -" 7. Please fix the errors, notes and cautions in the HEC-2 model for both the pre- and post- development models when Edit2 is run. There were 2 pages of errors in the pre- development model and 4 1/2 pages in the post-development model. 8. The post-development flood line should be plotted alone on floodplain mapping sheets, as well as on the draft plan, since this will be the ultimate floodline map. Moreover, during detailed 'design, the natural channel design by Parish Geomorphic should be put on the post-development floodline maps. TRCA's standard cross-section labels have circles with the cross-section number to the left of the circle, the Regional water level on the top half of the circle, and the 100 year water level on the bottom ofthe circle. Cross-sections should have starting and ending "tic" lines matching the starting and ending cross-section points in HEC-2 (not all of the cross-sections drawn on FP-1 and FP-2 and LG-1 and LG-2 had these). Moreover, the cross-sections should be oriented in one direction so that the circles and numbers can be read easily (not upside down), and on the same side (on the right-hand side for tributaries on the right and on the left-hand side for tributaries on the left). ".." F:\PRS\NORA259\PUBLlC\8ARCLA Y A. WPD 2. 3. 4. ATTACHMENT #,"- 10 TO REPORT # PO 3 c¡ -0 a----- - 3 - August 16, 2002 10. Drawing LG-1 shows that the proposed watercourse gradient for the main channel is 0.81 %, while page 5 of the report by Parish Geomorphic, states that the proposed main branch slope would be 0.66%. Please clarify. In addition, Parish Geomorphic should be made aware that the flow is supercriticalthrough most of the natural channel design cross-sections for mainly the 2 year flow, as this will affect the stone sizing in the detailed design of the channel. ."" .,.. .1'" 11. Section 3.1, page 4 of Parish's report states that the 2 year modelled flow of 3.26 ems was supplied, compared with the bankfull flow for a typical cross-section downstream of the trail culvert. This.flow is incorrect for this location. North of the site, the flow is 3;26 cms, but on this site, several tributaries come together and the flow increases from 3.26 cms. Parish Geomorphic should be provided with the same flows that are being used in the hydraulic analysis (i.e. 2 year flow at a cross-section downstream of the rail culvert should be 5.2 ems). Fluvial GeomorpholoClvl Natural Channel DesiCin and 52QjOQV Comments Section 3.2 on page 5 of the Parish report, states that the natural channel design was undertaken, based on the floodplain corridor provided on the Draft Plan. There are numerous errors in the Hydraulic modelling that determined this floodplain corridor. The above noted comments regarding the hydraulics and floodplain mapping could impact this floodplain corridor illustrated on the Draft Plan and the natural channel design. 1. The Parish report indicates that the meander belt for the main tributary is about 37.5m and 65 m. if you include the 100 year erosion rate. This should be the bottom width of the channel and should not include the valley walls. We recommend that a minimum 10 m riparian area be included on each side of the meander belt. There appears to be no details or recommendations in the report for the smaller tributary. Based on the information provided, we are unable to determine if the blocks set aside for the stream corridors are wide enough. Please provide further details and rationale. ..;¡"", "".." A buffer on the valley lands has not been provided. In accordance with the Authority's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program (VSCMP) , a 10m. buffer is required from the newly established top of bank or Regional Storm floodline, whichever is greater, to the rear lot line. We also note that the valley lands are proposed to be kept in private ownership. Please be advised that the TRCA requests that valley and stream corridors be transferred into public ownership. Please clarify ownership of the abandoned rail line, since the proposal involves modifications to the culvert which could impact adjacent properties. In addition, the owner of the downstream channel should be notified with respect to the proposed channel works since those lands may be impacted. In this regard, written authorization from affected landowners is required. The plans indicate that a pond will be constructed in the southwest corner. Is the ..WI" F:\PRS\NORA259\PUBLlC\BARCLA Y A. WPD ...", ..",. 2. 3. ATTACHMENT I: REPORT # PO ID TO '3 c¡ -03 - ,"" - 4- August 16, 2002 function of the pond for aesthetics only? Please clarify how this pond will function and what is its source of water? Will it intersect the ground water table? What are the implications on the temperatures in the streams? Is it designed to provide ecological habitat for wetland flora and fauna? Please address these concerns and be advised that we would not support capturing flows that would normally contribute to the fishery in the tributaries. 5. Most of the terrestrial inventory work was undertaken at least 10 years ago and is cursory at best. There are a number of habitat areas within the old gravel pit that have regenerated and likely support some wildlife species, particularly amphibians. There are also some natural areas that are adjacent to, and may extend onto, the site. In particular, the lots along the eastern boundary of the site back onto a large forest area, and the natural forested stream corridor may extend partially onto the site at the southern end and adjacent to the proposed pond. In order to determine the extent of natural vegetation and any possible intrusion, we suggest that a site visit be conducted in order to stake the boundaries of the natural featuresthat require protection and identify if more detailed evaluation is required. "..' ,""" ',."" 6. Due to the significant regrading works p'roposed, additional information is required regarding the water balance for the site which accounts for the post development soil conditions (which mayor may not be as permeable as the existing soil). This analysis should also demonstrate how surface and shallow ground water flows that support the tributaries and habitats, will be maintained (both volumes and flow paths). 7. The degree of restoration required for the new corridor was not acknowledged. We note that there may be opportunities to use some of the regenerating areas as source material. In addition, a strategy to deal with the beaver problem may be required in order that the restoration efforts are not compromised. 8. We note that the culvert under the road is being modelled as a closed bottom culvert. We request that an open foot culvert be used instead. Please adjust the drawings and modelling accordingly. Site Municipal Servicinq 1. It should be noted that a permit pursuant to Ontario Regulation 158, is required from the TRCA for any watercourse alterations or works within the Fill Regulated Area, including the road crossings and natural channel design works. ...... .",." Section 5 of the stormwater report, Temporary Sediment and Erosion Controls, was not reviewed at this time, but will be dealt with at the detailed design stage. .,.., Pre-development flows should be calculated for this site alone, in order to assess the impact of this development. Moreover, some of the parameters in Subwatershed 302 B do not apply to this site (Le. CN = 71.5 is not valid for a gravel area, etc.). The NASHYD F:\PRS\NORA2S9\PUBLlC\BARCLA Y AWPD ATTACHMENH!_1 ò TO REPORT # PO q c¿.. () ,L_- - 5- August 16, 2002 routine should be used and justification/calculations will be required to support the parameters used (Le. tp, CN, etc). Please note that the current Carruthers Creek watershed model, which was updated by CPM through the A8 Secondary Plan in Ajax, is uncalibrated. Future calibration of the Carruthers Creek hydrologic model is expected to be completed within the next year. In absence of this information, TRCA Regionalízation Equations may be used as a preliminary estimate of calibrated pre-development flows. Please tabulate the flow estimates calculated by the Regionalization Equations (which are attached for your information) against the pre-development flows from the site. ..... ,'.." 4. Given the size of the lots and the problems associated with soak-away pits that are situated in close proximity to septic beds, roof leaders to grassed areas would be sufficient for water quality benefits. .".¡., 5. At detailed design, the proposed roadside ditches should be designed to maintain a minimum 0.75 m to 1.0 m bottom width, to enhance the contact area for water quality treatment and infiltration. Raised culvert inverts (50 mm to 75 mm) are also preferred to increase infiltration (subject to municipal approval). 6. More design information is required at the detailed design state for the outfall channel from the storm sewer system located adjacent to lot 13. The attached general design criteria for storm outfalls and outfall channels should be used at detailed design. We trust these comments are of some assistance. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Yours truly, --ìt~,-- ~~tì~.~- .. - Nora Jamieson Acting Plans Analyst Development Services Section Extension 5259 -"." ...." <1íII1I .."". NJ/ Attach. L~:Me( ~. i3~ -5'7Q,~{ ~ F:\PRS\NORA259\PUBLlC\BARCLA Y A. WPD ".." .",,¡. onsêrvåYíon for The Living City May 13, 2003 ATTACHMtrJT #_lL _TO REPORTtI p~ u. e 1M C l,; ETV'1: D ~! ^ V [.")':{ .,00'4 ,14. '" l ,/ By Mail & Fax 905-420-7648 crrv OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CFN 19481C Mr Tyler Barnett City of Pickering Pickering Civic Centre One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 Dear Mr. Barnett: Re: Barklay Estates Plan of Subdivision 18T -88059 City of Pickering TRCA staff have had several discussions with the applicant and have received revised plans dated April 3, 2003 and provided to the TRCA on May 6, 2003 for this proposal. We have also attended several site visits and based on our review of the recent submission provide the following comments. The natural heritage system has been disrupted as a result of previous gravel extraction. The proposal will result in a reestablishment of the stream corridor through the property. TRCA staff have reviewed various iterations of the plan for the stream corridor block and have examined the proposal to incorporate natural channel design principles, have reviewed hydraulic reports and are generally confident that the proposed works will result in an improvement to the natural system and to the conveyance of flood flows through this corridor reach. We note that the details for the corridor improvements will be the subject of a permit application under Ontario Regulation 158. The draft plan provided shows an engineered channel design. However, we acknowledge the applicant's letter and provided reports which confirm plans to reconstruct a new channel including natural channel design principles and will confirm this requirement through approval under Ontario Regulation 158. Given that we are generally satisfied with the principles being incorporated in re-establishing of the natural system on the subject lands staff provide the following conditions: 1. Prior to the initiation of grading and prior to the registration of this plan or any phase thereof, that the owner shall submit for the review and approval of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, (TRCA), the following: (A) a detailed report that describes the storm drainage system for the proposed development of the subject lands. This report should include: plans illustrating how this drainage system will tie into surrounding drainage systems, ie. Is it part of an overall drainage scheme? How will external flows be accommodated? What is design capacity of the receiving system? stormwater management techniques which may be required to control minor or major flows; proposed methods for controlling or minimizing erosion and siltation on-site and in downstream areas during and after construction; location and description of all outlets and other facilities which may require permits under Ontario Regulation 158 . That the applicant provide detailed plans for the stream corridor regeneration which include 2. 5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 154 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 www.trca.on.ca ~.. r"'V. ; "-' , Mr. Tyler Barnett 3. ATTACHMENT ,- ¡ ¡ TO REPORT # PO .3 c¡ -0 .?> - 2- Mav 13, 2003 among other requirements as deemed necessary by the TACA, detailed grading plans, hydraulic analysis reports, natural channel design details, sediment and erosion control detailsl and restoration plans. That the plan be red line revised if necessary to accommodate the requirements of TACA for the securing of a viable corridor block (blocks 37 and 38) which considers the natural channel design principles and flood conveyance requirements of the Toronto and Aegion Conservation Authority. That prior to the final registration of this plan, the owner enter into an agreement with either the TACA or the City of Pickering with respect to the acquisition of block 36, the valleylands. That the open space lands once finalized through the required reestablishment of the stream corridor restoration be recognized in the appropriate designation that would have the effect of prohibiting all buildings and structures of any kind; the placement offill; the removal of vegetation; or interference with the watercourse other than required for flood control purposes. That the applicant receive owner authorization for any proposed modifications to the existing flooding and conveyance conditions on adjacent properties which may result from the proposed stream corridor improvements. 7. That the owner agree in the subdivision agreement, in wording acceptable to the TACA: (A) to carry out, or cause to be carried out, to the satisfaction of the TACA, the recommendations referred to in the report(s), as required in Condition 1 to 4 above. to obtain a permit for the works described in Condition 1 and 2 above. to submit individual lot! site and grading plans to the TACA for their review and approval for lots abutting the open space block. These plans shall be submitted prior to the issuance of building permits by the Municipality. to not place fill, grade, construct any buildings or structures or interfere with the channel of the watercourse without prior written approvals being received from the TACA. to erect a chain link fence at the rear of all lots abutting block 36, the open space lands. We trust these comments are satisfactory. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. 4. 5. 6. (B) (C) (E) (F) z~ sse! White Senior Planner Development Services Section Ext. 5306 c.c. M.B. Carswell, D.G. Biddle & Associates (Via fax: 905-576-9730) Dena Anderson - Meridian Planning (Via fax: 905-819-2994) F:\PRS\PUBUC\bark.wpd ATT ACHMENT # - i r2 TO RE"AT # PO ~q-o3 09/25/2002 12:40 FAX 9058192994 GS/21/200215:00 FAX 7053269389 AFBY CONSULTANTS @O02 Ig¡U:i: Ministry of Culture Mlnistère de Ia CUlture '. @ Ontario jQ) ~ þ.W , 4." Fl T -=. ON M7 A :<R9 G ~ UnÏtIeI9ñJ.4.. É!III\JS Tan:rØo,CN M7A2RS Hori- & Lt,.,.",.. Bnmo1I, ~ CpnIians UI'Iïc Tel:(416) 314-7143 Fax:(416} 3.14-7175 August 28, 2002 CbarJ.tgn Caæcallt:Il APBY Azclwclop:al a:ad Hc:ritage Caosulta11ts 65 Cedar Pointe Drive OriJ1i.a ON IAN 9R3 ])ear Mr. Caœ:allø1 JiŒ. J J...."~C Cll:ar'aDa:., fur acport bf.AFBY An:bJllw:lapaJ, liDel Uel'ÎlDßl' Cf)II!Iultaa.tsJ ..Stap 1 &: % ArdIaIIOtogicø1 A.ti5eiIIIDØ.t: Barday ]fIe1ds1aDe EstaD=s, Part of Lot 4; Conas5ÌUä ~ Tøwn of Pic::~ JUt. of D1II'b81Þ (Form~rIr iø.1'idœriDg TOWdShip. Ontario COUllty)". Augd Zoo:z, LiœDcelClf 2OO2.QOI!MI03, MCL File 18SB169 Thiø office is in n:œi,p1 af 1bc abeNe report gQ, .. Sta,ge 1 &. 2 archaeoJøgica1 86SCSS'mCDt T1ùs letter acknowlec1g=s IC'rieW ad .pprcmd offiæ above t:ît1IId ~ so'bmitrA::d to tidñl the requ:in:meats ofthc ()nt¡Qiø Heritage Ac:t. &.S.O. 1990, c.O .18. If it has not a1n:ady been d.rme, two additiomil copies of the œpœ:t should be sohD:dtœd to tbe Hm:it:age Opc:radcms unit iòr archival pUlpOse& This lea:or addr=sscs Jic=:¡sing clcaram:;e ant>,- In orr:k:r 1h:.I.t we may s:ïgn-«r on æ:~lògical resow:ce CI.'I11CeiCWi w tbt:: subj=t prçerty. please pitJYidc this affü::e with a. çapy af t1t= draft pm and t:;QJ)åi:ticns of draft plan ~ 1òr our :micw , If you have any qtICSIion:i æganUng the above; ple:ase 1iD:not hesitate to conta.ct me::.. t:- c. Mct ~giça1 Liœnse 0f\ícI: I RECE1¡~Ú~'--'-'-¡. . ¡ - - ~ " <: ",."", i £O/GO 'd ATTACHMENT #..J~ TO REPORT I PO :l¡ '1-o:?,. RECEIVED APR 1 9 2002 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT VERIDIAN CONNEC]'IONS DEVELOPMENT APPUCATION ;REVIEW [PROJECT NAME: [\DD""SO / PLAN, C.wNICIPALITY: .-. 711053 Ontario Inc, & %2$03 Ontario Ltd, - Dt>lft Pl.~n of Subdivision ,11\ Part oELot 4, Concession 5, Part 2, Plan 4OR-41!i9 (East side of Siddil3e 4, south of Highway 7) Pickering ... ClEF, NO.: ,., SUBMISSION DA~r 13:: March 26, 2002 ls'r-88059 (Revision 2), A3/02 1. Elc:ctríc Service is av:ailable on the road állowance(s) touching tJ:Us prcpl:rty. Ser<>icif)g will be from the east side of Balsam Road. 2. An extension of the Co!þomtion's plant is requited on the toad a11o\V1\~':e in ordet to service i:h4 ptojcct. O"lXlet's cost - Amount to be determined. All such extensions ate normally undergtoW1d, 3. Incüvidual metering for each unit is required. 4. The following standard fixed fee costs will apply (aU figures are app1'l';mc'nate): Service Co1U1eetiOi:\ l~ee $130.00 per unit 5. Existing Corporation plant On the east side of Balsam Road I119.Y have 1(1 be replaced/relocated at the Appliç;nt's cost [0 9.cC<:nnmodate the proposed future drivewaYI" G. The Applicant must make clirect I;I.ppl1<:9.tion to the Corporation [0 Qbt-Ih specific 9.pproval of the electñc~\ service artángements and rdated work for this project. The aþplk:u1t' is cs.utionc:d that tender., o;:ontt:>cts, or work initiated prior to obtaining specific approval wil1 be $ubjcct to ch:m~. 7. A Servicing Agreement must be signed with tho;: Cotporation Îl1 oNcr to obtain sc:r<>icing for this site. 8, All work from the public ro9.d aIlo-nce to the service c.ntruee and WI; tneteJ:ing 9.tnI1gcments must compJy with the Corporation's requ1reJ:ncnts and specifications. 9. The Applicant will be rc:qu.ked to gnttt to the Corpontion a standard Clc':upation easement, registered on title, for padmount tta.nsfol:X:nfJr locations within futUre strc:c:t. 10. Prior to obt-aioing a building pc.tmit, the Applicanr shall, by agreement, :()i1fu;m aceepra.nc(: of the terms 9.nd conditions of providing dectdcal service. 11. Where cranes ot material handJing equipment or workers must work ic proximity to e:cis~ ove.chead ..m.rcs, "lith the capability of cont'act or coming within the limit. of appJ:O9.ch, tl¡e developer/builde.t shaJJ p~y aU casts for the tètI1þorary reloatìoD, burilÙ, or protection of the wire¡;, or othe.t iI.ction deemed necessaty by Veridian to provide for worker safety and the security of the e.lectrie\l! system, . OLGO BL8 90B 'ON x~~ N~IaIH3^ Wd LÞ:IO I~~ èOO2-Br-~dV ATTACHMENT #_-, /3 _TO REPORT # PO 3't.o 3 Pagç2 VHRlDIAN CONNECTIONS DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW 12. L:lnd5caping, spcdikally ttccs and sh.tubs, should be relocated away Jj~:<.tn the Corporation's polelitte tQ avoid intc:d'ctcncc: with future growth, Lopsided appellNnce of trees from ~t.aunin.g may result. 13. Will. not attend scheduled City of Pickering DART Meeting for this d(,;,doptnt:J:1t. 14. Veridian Connec,:!:Ìon5 bas no objection to the proposed development. Please forward a copy of Bnt submission civil design so that a f'reliminary design and estilru1t<!: ca.!! h complcocd. 15, All of the abo,,", condition5 of 8e.tvke ate subject to Ontario Energy I!c)ard (OBB) approval. Tedmical Representative - Dave Bell Teiephone 427-9870 Ext. 3233 it 1':\'1;10,0: J)O<:\1mcn,,\Ve:ri,;hl11\El>gÌho:ccing & Coru¡tmobon\D<vclopmcnt Appli..âDn ltc:vic""Picke:ring\2002\7110S3 Ontario Inc & SG2503 Onlario Ltd. - ApprovlÙ of ~ Plat! ufSubdilision - Sidclinc4, ,outh of Hwy 7.doo Rev. Date: November 1, 1999 EO/EO 'd O~GO 619 906 'ON X~~ N~¡aIH3^ Ud LP:¡O IH~ 2002-8¡-Hd~ DELIVERY PLANNING 1860 MIDLAND AVE 2ND FL. SCARBOROUGH ON M1P SAt CANADA };r.?OST£ S POST. .. . CANADA (416) 285-5385 (T) (416) 285-7624 (F) May 13, 2002 ATTACHMENT if' Ì'if TO REPORT # PO ~'7. c ~ r ~REC'EIVED Steve Gaunt Planning & Development Department City of Pickering I The Esplanade Pickering On Ll V 6K7 MAY.', 5 2002 ,: CITY OF PICKERING' PLANNING AND : L-DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT! -- -- Dear Mr. Gaunt, RE: Application for Approval of a Plan of Subdivision 18T -88059 (Rev.2) Applicant: 711053 Ontario Inc. & 562503 Ontario Limited Part of Lot 4, Concession 5, Part 2, Plan 40R-4159 (East side of Sideline 4, south of Highway 7) City of Pickering Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the above noted plan. As a condition of draft approval, Canada Post requires that the owner/developer comply with the following conditions: - The owner/developer agrees to include on all offers of purchase and sale, a statement which advises the prospective purchaser that mail delivery will be from a designated Community Mailbox. - The owner/developer will be responsible for notifYing the purchaser of the exact Community Mailbox locations prior to the closing of any home sale. - The owner/developer will consult with Canada Post Corporation to determine suitable locations for the placement of Community Mailbox and to indicate these locations on the appropriate servicing plans. - The owner/developer will provide the following for each Community Mailbox site and include these requirements on the appropriate servicing plans: - An appropriately sized sidewalk section (concrete pad) as per municipal standards, to place the Community Mailboxes on. - Any required walkway across the boulevard, as per municipal standards. DELIVERY PLANNING 1860 MIDLAND AVE 2ND FL. SCARBOROUGH ON MIP 5Al ATTACHMENT' 14- TO REPORT # PO ':1 9 -0 ?:. (416) 285-5385 (T) (416) 285-7624 (F) - 2 - -Any required curb depressions for wheelchair access. The owner/developer further agrees to determine and provide a suitable temporary Community Mailbox location(s), which may be utilized by Canada Post until the curbs, sidewalks and final grading have been completed at the pennanent Community Mailbox locations. This will enable Canada Post to provide mail delivery to new residence as soon as the homes are occupied. I trust that this infonnation is sufficient, however, should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me the above number or mailing address. Sincerely, )/7/} c;ê1 . ~ ~^-- ~ . Debbie Greenwood Delivery Planner a:utiIdraw.sam rrn~~~~w~rru 500 Elgin Mills Road East. llì) APR 2 6 ZO02 lUJ Richmond Hill Ontario L4C 5G 1 . KERING CITY OF PIC PICKERING. ONTARIO 2002-04-21' ATTACHMENT II .MIS TO REPORT # PO ~ q -0 ~ '. :;;:;;;"fÍN B RID G E Consumers Gas REceiVED APR 2 6 2002 STEVE GAUNT - PLANNER CITY OF PICKERlNG ONE THE ESPLANADE PICKERING ON LI V 6K7 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Dear Sirs Re: APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PLAN OF SUBDIVISION PICKERING FILE NO. 18T-88059 It is requested that the following conditions be included in the subdivision agreement. The owner is to co-ordinate the preparation of an overall utility distribution plan to the satisfaction of all effected authorities. Streets are to be constructed in accordance with the municipal standards. The owner shall grade all streets to final elevation prior to the installation of the gas lines, and provide the necessary field survey information required for the installation of the gas lines, all to the satisfaction of Enbridge Consumers Gas. All of the natural gas distribution system will be installed within the proposed road allowances therefore easements will not be required. Yours Truly, . \ . ~\ /l \) H:WiL Planning Supervisor (905) 883-2613 HW /swc .""" 0;= ~ è1: 'J D.¡ ~'" ¡<."" ", \\,¡;, ,,' ",.<." ,£,.,~ ;~. ¡ :;VC",.", . '; .-' CiTY OF pg",;¡\¡;;if'¡INu :;'le C-~. ~~p~~!~~[ CITY OF PICKERING PICKERING, ONTARIO Bell R 2 6 2002 ATTACHMENT # I ~ TO REPORT # PO :3 c¡ -0 3 ClERl<lS DIVISION Right of Way Floor 5,100 Borough Drive Scarborough, Ontario M1P4W2 Tel: (416) 296-6291 1-800-748-6284 (416) 296-0520 RECEIVED Fax: APR 3 0 2002 April 24, 2002 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Town of Pickering Planning Department 1 The Esolande, Pickering', O~ntario / // L1V6K7 . ~~ Attention: Br aylor RE: Draft Plan of Subdivision Balsam Road East side of Sideline 4, south of Highway 7 711053 Ontario Inc and 562503 Ontario Limited File No: 18T-88059 Revision 2 Town of Pickering Thank you for your letter of March 22, 2002 concerning the above proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision. 1 - The Owner shall agree in the Subdivision Agreement, in words satisfactory to Bell Canada, any easements that may be required for telecommunication services. Easements may be required subject to final servicing decision. 2 - The Owner shall be r~quested to enter into an agreement (Letter of Understanding) with Bell Canada complying with any undemround servicing conditions imposed by the municipality, and if no such conditions are imposed, the owner shall advise the municipality of the arrangement made for such servicing. If there are any conflicts with existing Belt Canada facilities or easements, the Owner/Developer shall be responsible for re-arrangements or relocation. !fyou have any questions, please contact Jackie Wilkinson at (416) 296-6430. ~. ¥ourstruly, I} 4 '..' \ . (J ~'ILilLÞ~/- / Janice Young /.. .,1:/ Manager - Right of Way -/) 0 THE DURHAM DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Facilities SeNices 4r'" Taunton Road East \ hitby, Ontario LI R 2K6 Telephone: 1905} 666-5500 1-800-265-3968 Fax: (90S) 666-6439 ~' ~1 .~~7 ~~~~ Apri1S,2002 ATTÞ,CHMENì #_/7 TO HEPO¡H # PD- . 3CJ_- 03 ._:-.~..... RECEIVED APR 1 0 2002 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Pickering Civic Centre One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario LIV 6K7 CITY OF PICKERING """"'" ~NG AND """"""""'--"". DEPARTMENT Attention: Mr. Steve Gaunt Dear Sir, RE: Application fo¡- Approval of Plan of Subdivision 18T -88059 (Revision 2) 711053 Ontario Inc. & 562503 Ontario Limited Part of Lot 4, Concession V, Part 2, Plan 40R-4159 (East side of Sideline 4, south of Highway 7) City of Pickering Staff has reviewed the infonnation on the above noted application and has the following comments: 1. Approximately 18 elementary pupils could be generated by the proposed plan of subdivision 2. It is intended that any pupils generated by the above noted proposal be accommodated within an existing school facility. 3. Under the mandate of the Durham District School Board, Staff has no oqjections. Yours truly, ~~) Cv(l~ Christine Nancekivell, Planner I:IPROPLAN\DA T AIPLNGISUBISD59-8S REVISION 2 ATTACHMENT #~I g' TO FiEPORT 1/ PD-_:3!L:-'.fL,3,_".". OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DNISION RECEIVED MAY 0 8 2002 MEMORANDUM CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT April 29. 2002 To: Steve Gaunt Planner n From: Richard Holborn, P. Eng. Division Head. Municipal Property & Engineering Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application 18T-88059 (Revision 2) Zoning By-law Amendment Application A3/02 711053 Ontario Inc. & 562503 Ontario Limited Part of Lot 4. Concession 5. Part 2. Plan 40R-4159 (East side of Sideline 4. south of Highway 7) City of Pickering The Municipal Property & Engineering Division is in receipt of the above noted plan of subdivision and provides the following comments: . Sideline 4 surface upgrades are required to accommodate the increased use and the lots ITonting the road. This requires further discussion with the applicant to detennine extent of paving and limits. . The tern1 "Private Open Spaces" needs to be clarified. If these lands are open space hazard lands. they must be conveyed to the City. Copy: Director. Operations & Emergency Services RH:ds I:\SITEPLAN\A3-02 _18T -88059.docMay-O2 ATTACHMENT # /9 TO RE?JiiT# PD~9-<.13 --- Interdepartmental Memorandum Operations & Emergency Services Department Fire Prevention Date: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 To: Steve Gaunt Planner 2 From: Rex Heath Fire Prevention Officer RE: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application 18T-88059 (Revision 2) Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 3/02 711053 Ontario Inc. & 562503 Ontario Limited Part of Lot 4, Concession 5, Part 2, Plan 40R-4159 (East side of Sideline 4, south of Highway 7) City of Pickering This department has reviewed the applicants' proposal to develop 35 residential estate lots with street frontages between 32 and 66 meters for detached dwellings on the subject site and provides the following comments. The Pickering Fire Services would like to have the opportunity to meet with the applicant to discuss the possibility of using existing water sources on the property for the purposes of using such water sources to protect the properties in the event of fire. Regards, ~-fi;- Rex Heath, Fire Prevention Officer Copy: William Dougals Fire Chief, Pickering Fire Services ATTACHMENT I d2D TO REPORT I PO ~CJ:~D .~ PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM September 5, 2003 To: Steve Gaunt Planner" From: Robert Starr Supervisor, Development Control Draft Plan of Subdivision Application 18T-88059(R2) 711053 Ontario Inc. and 562503 Ontario Limited Part of Lot 4, Concession 5, Part 2, Plan 40R-4159 (Balsam Road) City of Pickering Subject: We have reviewed the information received regarding the above-noted application and provide the following comments: PRELIMINARY GRADING AND SERVICING PLAN 1) Internal Road The internal road will require a storm sewer with curbline catchbasins as per Pickering Standard P-700. Mountable curb would be acceptable. Road drainage using curb spillways to a shallow ditch is unacceptable. The proposed shallow ditch may provide water quality benefits but creates operational problems. The road grade at between 0.50% and 1.50% means the shallow ditch would also be at a grade between 0.50% and 1.50%. Sodded swales at any grade less than 2.00% does not function adequately. Standing water tends to become a health concern. --------.-.---- __.An ACHfli1ENi # :;< Q_.~TO REPORT II PO 3 Cf.D~.~_~ 711053 Ontario Inc. and 562503 Ontario Limited Draft Plan of Subdivision Application 18T-88Q59 September 5, 2003 - Page 2 A ditch would require a culvert to be installed for each driveway. Pickering's minimum standard for driveway culverts within the boulevard is 400mm. Providing sufficient cover over the pipe would raise the driveway such that positive drainage to the road may not be possible. Locations for aboveground utility hardware would also need to be addressed during detailed design. Other on-site controis may need to be implemented to provide the required quality controls. ~. Robert Starr \. r RS:bg J"Cooumonla1Dov- Coo,""",CBSTARR_lapp-.IdnoI' """\111053 OnL In'. '"' ""03 Cot. Lid. 1ST-"O".'.. Copy: Coordinator, Development Approvals Technician, Development Approvals