HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 34-03 CU'l o~ REPORT TO PLANNING COMMITTEE Report Number: PD 34-03 Date: August 25, 2003 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Department Subject: Proposed Acquisition of Land from John Woitzik Part of Lot 33, Concession 1 (Part 4, 40R-11904) File: RE0303 Recommendation: That Council authorize the Director, Planning & Development, and Solicitor for the City to make the necessary arrangements, and to prepare the necessary documentation to accept the conveyance of that part of Lot 33, Concession 1, Pickering, designated as Part 4, Plan 40R-11904 from John Woitzik to be used for open space purposes in accordance with the City's Official Plan. Executive Summary: Staff have received a letter from Murray Stroud, Solicitor for John Woitzik requesting that the City accept a conveyance of a portion of Mr. Woitzik's property. Mr. Woitzik is interested in severing the property and by conveying the Part 4 lands to the City, the usual severance process would be unnecessary. Acquisition of the property would expand the City's ownership of the open space system in this area, currently identified in the City's Official Plan. Financial Implications: Cost to City: Nil 1.0 Background: Staff have received a letter from Murray Stroud, Solicitor for John Woitzik requesting that the City accept the conveyance of a portion of Mr. Woitzik's property for nominal consideration ($2.00). Mr. Woitzik wishes to sever the lands into two parcels and conveyance of the Part 4 lands to the City would eliminate the need for land severance through the Durham Land Division Committee. City staff have reviewed this request and support the acquisition of this parcel as it would provide an extension to the open space system currently identified in the Official Plan. The City currently owns an open space block immediately south of the subject property and additional open space lands one property north of the subject property (see Attachments #1 and #2). Report PO 34-03 Date: August 25, 2003 Subject: Proposed Acquisition of land from John Woitzik Page 2 (f) (g) (h) (i) U) The conveyance would be subject to the following conditions being complied with prior to the City taking title to the lands: (a) (b) (c) that the acquisition be at no cost to the City; that the acquisition be free and clear of all encumbrances; that an updated reference plan be prepared and registered, defining more concisely the boundaries of the Part 3, 4 and 5 lands; that the parcels lying on either side of the Part 4 lands (Parts 3 and 5) be able to function independent of one another, (i.e. servicing, emergency access, etc.) and that access to the Part 3 lands be gained from Sandhurst Crescent; (d) (e) that all applicable fees be paid relating to the preparation and registration of the By-law to lift the 0.3 metre reserve fronting Sandhurst Crescent, the contribution to Altona West Developments for downstream service costs, the cost for the installation of the storm sewer connections and all fees owing to the Region for sanitary and watermains; that an appropriate curb cut and driveway entrance to Part 3 from Sandhurst Crescent be installed; that the existing bridge and any other structures located on the Part 4 lands be removed; that fencing along the rear boundary of the Part 5 lands be installed to the City's satisfaction; that the portion of the existing driveway on the Part 5 lands which encroaches onto the Part 4 lands be relocated; and that Mr. Woitzik enter into an Agreement with the City to address any future redevelopment of the Part 3 lands. Conditions may include, among others, the demolition of the existing dwelling, the conveyance of additional open space/hazard lands to the City, fencing of the rear boundary of the Part 3 lands and payment of all fees required by such an agreement, including but not limited to parkland fees and agreement preparation/registration fees. Mr. Woitzik has been made aware of all of the above-noted conditions and he has, through his Solicitor: (a) (b) confirmed with the Region, the Durham Region Health Unit and Pickering's Fire & Emergency Services that the Part 3 and 5 lands are capable of being independently serviced and accessed; agreed to comply with all of the City's conditions should Council support this recommendation. Report PO 34-03 Date: August 25, 2003 Subject: Proposed Acquisition of land from John Woitzik Page 3 Attachments: 1. 2. Location Mapping Reference Plan Drawing Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: ú . rßtL Denise Bye, Coordinator Property & Development Services RPP ning & Development DB:ld Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Economic Development Officer Solicitor for the City Recommended for the consideration of Pickering :ity c~ ~ " ";"coo- i~--" 0, Thomas J. Quinn, Chief Administrati~è' ATTACHMENT I I TO REPORT I PD '-14 - D3 QO?-- ?-- ?-- \ CO -:<Q?--O ~ 1I1I111I1I11TII0PEN SPACE LANDS OWNED WlWWIII.lllIBY THE CITY OF PICKERING Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PART LOT 33, CONC 1, BEING PARTS 3,4 & 5, 4OR-11904 OWNER WOITZIK DATE DEC. 11, 2002 SCALE 1 :5000 DRAWN BY JB CHECKED BY DB l' FILE No, FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN.10 PAM PART LOT 33, CONCESSION 1 BEING PART 3, 4, & 5 H. WOITZIK ATTACHMENT # Z TO REPORT # PO 34 -63 3 -'- -<. '-../ -If:"/! 4.0;~~N$ï' 'v ~... PART 3 <t (t I ~~~. 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