HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 08-03 188 REPORT TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Report Number: CAO 08-03 Date: July 14, 2003 From: Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administrative Officer Subject: Draft Environmental Assessment Terms of Reference Highway 407 East Completion City of Pickering Comments File: D-7400-001 Recommendations: 1. That Council receive for information Report CAO 08-03 concerning the Draft Environmental Assessment Terms of Reference for the Highway 407 East Completion, prepared by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates (TSH) and Gartner Lee Limited for the Ministry of Transportation (MTO). 2. That Council endorse the following recommendations with respect to the Highway 407 East Completion Draft EA Terms of Reference: A. That the City be provided clear and compelling supportive arguments prior to considering any preferred alignment and associated links of the Highway 407 East extension that deviate significantly from the previously recommended alignment anticipated in Pickering. B. That options for the location, design and number of interchanges, transit stations, truck inspection stations and commuter parking lots in Pickering be developed and reviewed in consultation with the City. 3. That Council request MTO to expedite the Highway 407 East Completion EA process wherever possible and commence construction of the extension of Highway 407 from Brock Road eastward immediately following the conclusion of the EA process. 4. That Council request MTO to assist the City and Region of Durham in funding improvements to existing City/Regional roads that have been negatively impacted and deteriorated from significant increased local traffic movements and volume resulting from the current Highway 407 East terminus being located in Pickering. 5. That a copy of this Report and Council recommendations be forwarded to MTO and the Region of Durham. Report CAO 08-03 Date: July 14, 2003 Subject: Draft Environmental Assessment Terms of Reference Highway 407 East Completion 189 Page 2 Executive Summary: The Ministry of Transportation recently released the Draft Environmental Assessment Terms of Reference for the Highway 407 East Completion project for comment. Comments have been requested from stakeholders by July 31, 2003, after which the Terms of Reference (ToR) document will be revised as necessary, and submitted for approval to the Minister of Environment. The Draft ToR document sets out the parameters of the formal Environmental Assessment (EA) to be undertaken. The boundaries of the proposed Study Areas in the Draft EA ToR generally respect the previously recommended 407 alignment established in the early 1990's in Pickering. Staff is satisfied with the general approach and outline of the Draft EA ToR. Route alternatives in Pickering are being explored for the segment of the Highway between Sideline 16 and Salem Road, and the West Durham Link between Highway 401 and 407. It is recommended that MTO provide clear and compelling supportive arguments prior to considering any recommended final alignment and associated links of the Highway 407 East extension that deviates significantly from the previously recommended alignment anticipated in Pickering. The future EA process will also consider Highway interchanges (including improvements to the existing Brock Road interchange), transitways and stations, truck inspection stations and commuter parking lots. It is recommended that MTO develop and review options for the location, design and number of these facilitieslinfrastructure in consultation with the City. The route location/concept design EA Report is planned for completion in Winter/Spring, 2005. It is recommended that MTO expedite the completion of the EA process and commence construction of the Highway extension immediately following the conclusion of the EA process. Due to the delay in extending Highway 407 eastward, it is further recommended that MTO assist the City and Region of Durham in funding improvements to existing City/Regional roads supporting significant increased traffic accessing/exiting the current Highway 407 East terminus at Brock Road in Pickering. City Staff will continue to be involved in the EA consultation process, with ample opportunity for comment respecting Highway alignment and interchange locations. Regular updates to Council respecting this project will be provided. Financial Implications: Not Applicable. Study Overview: MTO recently released the Draft EA ToR for the Highway 407 East Completion, and requested comments on the draft document from stakeholders by July 31,2003. Report CAO 08-03 Date: July 14, 2003 190 Subject: Draft Environmental Assessment Terms of Reference Highway 407 East Completion Page 3 Once comments are received by MTO, a final EA ToR document will be revised as necessary, and submitted to the Ministry of Environment (MOE) for approval by the Minister. The Draft EA ToR and subsequent proposed EA process are structured in accordance with the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. As the project will also likely be subject to Federal EA requirements, the EA ToR have been structured proposing federal endorsement of the scope and assessment of the project. This will allow the project to proceed in a coordinated and streamlined manner satisfying both Federal and Provincial EA requirements. A map depicting the Highway 407 East Completion study area is included as Attachment #1 to this Report. The proposed Highway 407 East Completion project consists of: . the extension of Highway 407 from its current terminus at Brock Road eastward to Clarington; . the establishment of two north-south links between Highways 401 and 407; . the establishment of a public transit corridor within the extended highway right-of- way from Brock Road to the East Durham Link, and within the West and East Durham Link right-of-ways; and, . consideration for the location and number of interchanges (including improvements to the existing Brock Road interchange), transitway stations, truck inspection stations and commuter parking lots. MTO has noted in the EA ToR that it is their intention to confirm the location of the original route, where possible, and examine alternatives where required through the completion of the EA process. Although a technically preferred route for the extension of Highway 407 eastward and associated north-south links to Highway 401 were previously identified in the early 1990's, the EA work needs to be updated to reflect changes in the overall study area and regulatory process. The proposed EA for this project is being considered in three "Study Area Segments" (see Attachment #1). Study Area SeQment 1 (Route Refinements) For this segment, previous EA assessment and evaluation can be confirmed, therefore requiring only minor adjustments to the previously recommended route. Segments in Pickering falling into this classification, and therefore requiring only route refinement alternatives (within 100 metres of the previously recommended route) include the segment from Sideline 22 to Sideline 16, and from Salem Road eastward (to Thorton Road in Oshawa). Report CAO 08-03 Date: July 14, 2003 191 Subject: Draft Environmental Assessment Terms of Reference Highway 407 East Completion Page 4 Study Area Seqment 2 (Route Alternatives) For this segment, generation/assessment/evaluation of route alternatives will be undertaken to establish a technically preferred route. Segments in Pickering that fall into this classification are: 1. The segment from Sideline 16 to Salem Road (the study area for this segment includes the area between Highway 7 and the previously recommended route). 2. The West Durham Link from Highways 401 to 407 (the study area for the proposed west boundary of the West Durham Link is established along Audley and Kinsale Roads in Ajax and Pickering, and the proposed east boundary continues to be west of Coronation Road in Whitby). Study Area Seqment 3 (Transportation Alternatives) This study area segment does not affect lands in Pickering. For this segment, the work completed on the identification and updating of problems and opportunities has resulted in the need to generate, assess and evaluate a number of transportation alternatives. This study area segment is located in Clarington only, and will look at required transportation links from the proposed East Durham Link to Highway 35/115. Discussion: Route Aliqnment Staff is satisfied with the general approach and outline of the Draft EA ToR. The majority of the proposed Highway 407 extension through Pickering identified in the EA ToR is very similar to the previously recommended 407 alignment established in the early 1990's. It is recommended that the City be provided clear and compelling supportive arguments prior to considering any preferred alignment and associated links of the Highway 407 East extension that deviate significantly from the previously recommended alignment anticipated in Pickering. The Highway 407 alignment has been depicted in the City's Official Plan for many years, and past land use decisions/considerations have been based on this alignment. Significant changes to the previously recommended 407 route and location of the West Durham Link are not desirable, and no compelling reasons have been cited, to-date, suggesting the need for major alterations to the previous alignment and associated links. Study Area Segment #1 in Pickering consists of minor route refinement considerations, as previous EA assessment and evaluation can be confirmed. Highway segments within this Study Area in Pickering will have little or no variation from the previously recommended route. Staff supports the review approach for this Study Area. Report CAO 08-03 Date: July 14, 2003 192 Subject: Draft Environmental Assessment Terms of Reference Highway 407 East Completion Page 5 Study Area Segment #2 in Pickering consists of route alternatives being explored, and includes the segment of the Highway in Pickering between Sideline 16 and Salem Road, and the West Durham Link between Highways 401 and 407. The EA ToR identifies the segment between Sideline 16 and Salem Road as a study area requiring a minor route location refinement from the previously recommended route. The general route alignment remains between Highway 7 and the previously recommended route, and continues to cross Highway 7 east of Brougham and is located north of Greenwood. Reasons noted to consider a minor route location refinement in this Highway segment include a shift of the existing Highway alignment westerly due in part to groundwater issues on the slopes of Sideline 16 and possible recent improvements to the natural and social environment east of Sideline 14. Anticipated alignment changes within this segment of Highway 407 appear to be technical and minor in nature, and therefore Staff are supportive of the review approach in this segment. The previously recommended location of the West Durham Link was in Whitby, west of Coronation Road and east of Halls Road. The EA ToR identifies the West Durham Link segment within a new study area bound by the previously recommended route to the east, and Audley and Kinsale Roads within Ajax and Pickering to the west. The EA ToR cites a number of planning and environmental issues that require consideration when assessing the preferred alignment. Staff will closely monitor the alternatives suggested for the West Durham Link location that differ from the previously recommended link location in Whitby, and request MTO to provide a compelling rationale for any recommended location change. Staff will further seek a Council position respecting a location of the West Durham Link, if a change is recommended in the future EA Report. Interchanqes and Related Infrastructure The EA ToR notes that a review of a proposed transitway and associated stations, truck inspection stations and commuter parking lots will be incorporated into the EA process. The consultant has also confirmed that Highway interchanges (and over/underpasses) will be considered in conjunction with the Highway alignment review (although not explicitly noted in the EA ToR). The existing Brock Road interchange will be included in the EA, with possible alternative design options being developed. The previously recommended 407 east route plan identified full interchange locations in Pickering at Brock Road, Sideline 14, Westney Road, Salem Road and Lakeridge Road. Options for these highway-related facilities/infrastructure will be closely monitored by Staff throughout the EA process. It is recommended that options for the location, design and number of interchanges, transit stations, truck inspection stations and commuter parking lots in Pickering be developed and reviewed in consultation with the City. Report CAO 08-03 Date: July 14, 2003 193 Subject: Draft Environmental Assessment Terms of Reference Highway 407 East Completion Page 6 Project TiminQ City Council passed Resolution #107/02 in July, 2002, requesting the Minister of Transportation to establish an expedited timetable for the Highway 407 East Completion project. A copy of that Resolution is included as Attachment #2 to this Report. It is critical to extend the Highway westward as soon as possible in order to alleviate local traffic congestion, reduce local road deterioration and encourage economic development opportunities in Pickering and Durham Region. The route location/concept design EA Report is planned for completion in Winter/Spring, 2005, with additional months (4-6) required for approvals and comment. It is recommended that MTO expedite the Highway 407 East Completion EA process wherever possible and commence construction of the extension of Highway 407 from Brock Road eastward immediately following the conclusion of the EA process. Phasing of the EA process and/or construction of the Highway mainline extension may be an appropriate method of expediting this project, as only route refinements and "technical" route alternatives are proposed from the current 407 terminus at Brock Road to the proposed West Durham Link. Provincial FundinQ Assistance for ExistinQ Roads The current Highway 407 East terminus at Brock Road in Pickering has created significant traffic congestion on local roads providing access to and from that intersection. The resultant traffic well exceeds expected traffic counts that would be generated at the Brock Road interchange if the Highway was extended eastward. The increased traffic movements and volume have resulted in accelerated deterioration of surrounding Local/Regional roads. It is recommended that MTO assist the City and Region of Durham in funding improvements to existing City/Regional roads that have been negatively impacted and deteriorated from significant increased local traffic movements and volume resulting from the current Highway 407 East terminus being located in Pickering. Consultation/Information Updates The proposed process allows for multiple updates to stakeholders, and incorporates several public and municipal consultation milestones. The Division Head, Corporate Projects & Policy represents the City on the Municipal Technical Advisory Group (MTAG) for this project, and will provide updates to Council as the study proceeds. The City will have an additional opportunity to comment on a future draft EA Report to MTO, and if necessary, an opportunity to comment directly to the Ministry of Environment Report CAO 08-03 Date: July 14, 2003 194 Subject: Draft Environmental Assessment Terms of Reference Highway 407 East Completion Page 7 References: 1. "Draft Highway 407 East Completion - Environmental Assessment Terms of Reference", prepared by TSH and Gartner Lee Limited for MTO, and dated April, 2003. 2. "Draft Highway 407 East Completion Transportation Planning/Needs Report - Supporting Documentation for the EA Terms of Reference", prepared by TSH et al. for MTO, and dated April, 2003. 3. "Region of Durham Commissioners of Planning and Works Report No. 2003-J- 18", dated June 25. . 4. "Highway 407 East Completion Study" website, www.407eastea.com, July, 2003. Attachments: 1. Map - Proposed Study Area Overview 2. Council Resolution #107/02 Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: z:¡;( -== Economic Development Officer c t.. Prepared By: rjY/l~ Thomas E. Melymuk Division Head, Corporate Projects & Policy RST:TM:kr Attachments Copy: All Directors Division Head, Corporate Projects & Policy Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council PROPOSED STUDY AREA OVERVIEW - HIGHWAY 407 EAST COMPLETION A; ¿ ~ _n\¿~#f-~ --=x I' ~1 j> f i /' >" J" Æ,) I "," f' 'f ,~H ~:A >í~ iJ ¿ lCI t i/)~:I ,,' In- ':;. 1/ f~' ..1:y' !~~'(~' ,~;¡ , ~ rn~--¡-¡._~ ' ~~~Jj)~! 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ATTACHMENT # ¿) TO REPORT #~ - aß, a ~ 196 Resolution #107/02 Passed on July 29. 2002 - Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor Holland WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering has been supportive of the construction of Highway 407 through the City of Pickering to connect to Highway 35/115; and WHEREAS this support has been expressed as far back as 1990 when it endorsed the preferred route alignment of Highway 407 through Pickering and in 1996 when Council requested the Ministry of Transportation to proceed expeditiously with the planning and environmental assessment work relating to the construction of Highway 407 east from Markham Road to Highway 35/115, including two links with Highway 401; and WHEREAS Council supported the extension of Highway 407 through Pickering to Highway 35/115 because it recognized not only the economic benefits to the City of Pickering and the Region of Durham but also the requirement for an alternate commuter route for residents throughout the Region of Durham; and WHEREAS Council was of the understanding that the extension of Highway 407 east of Brock Road would be completed by 2005; and WHEREAS the Ministry of Transportation made a presentation to the Regional Works Committee wherein it was indicated that an Environmental Assessment Terms of Reference and an Environmental Assessment for Route Location and Concept Design would need to be completed and that this would not occur until the end of 2004; and WHEREAS the completion of the Environmental Assessment studies will delay the completion of Highway 407 to Highway 35/115 until approximately 2010; and WHEREAS the required Environmental Assessment studies were completed in 1994 but not filed with the Ministry of Transportation; and WHEREAS any delay to the construction of Highway 407 east of Brock Road in Pickering to Highway 35/115 will have a major impact on the economic well- being of the Region of Durham; ..../2 ATTACHMENT #~ TO REPORTIQt\G, OC) - o~ 1.97 NOW THEREFORE the Councjl of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby requests the Honourable Norm Sterling, Minister of Transportation, to direct that the Terms of Reference for the Environmental Assessment for Highway 407 completion from Brock Road in Pickering to Highway 35/115 be completed no later than December 31, 2002 and that the Environmental Assessment for the Route Location/Concept Design be completed no later than December 31,2003; and FURTHER THAT the Minister of Transportation set a deadline of no later than December 31, 2005 for the extension of Highway 407 beyond Brock Road in Pickering; and FURTHER THAT this resolution be forwarded to the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham and all area municipalities for endorsation; and FURTHER THAT this resolution be forwarded to: The Honourable Janet Ecker, MPP, Pickering-Ajax-Uxbridge The Honourable Jim Flaherty, MPP, Whitby-Ajax Jerry Ouellette, MPP, Oshawa John O'Toole, MPP, Durham CARRIED