HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 23, 2001PICKERING AGENDA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Wayne Arthurs DATE: April 17, 2001 Mayor REPORT NUMBER: MO 01-01 SUBJECT: Governance Reform Process Durham Region RECOMMENDATION: t. That City Council receive for information, Report to Council MO 01-01 on the govemance reform process in Durham Region. That City Council request Durham Council to not establish a final position on governance reform until the "Made-in-Durham" governance study being undertaken for the City of Pickering and the City of Oshawa by The Berkeley Consulting Group is completed. 3. That pending completion of the Berkeley Consulting Group's study, the City of Picketing confirm that it remains supportive of: a) A modified 2-tier system with a "slimmed down" Region acting as an agent of the lower tier; b) Potential municipal amalgamations, including the amalgamation of Pickering and Ajax; and c) A review of a reduction in the number of politicians in Durham Region. 4. That a copy of Report to Council MO 01-01 be forwarded to Regional Council and all other municipalities in Durham Region. ORIGIN: Request from Regional Chair Roger Anderson to obtain a position from the City of Pickering on regional governance reform in advance of the Regional Retreat planned for May 16-18, 2001. AUTHORITY: The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 FINT ANICq A l. IMIPl .lC A TIC)NI.q. Report to Council MO 01-01 Subject: Durham Governance Reform Process Bate: April 17, 2001 Page 2 reflective of the past positions taken by Pickering Council and was prepared with input from Councillor Brenner. For the past many years, Pickering Council has actively promoted governance reform in Durham Region, and has participated in numerous discussions and studies particularly with the Town of Ajax. Although there have been some limited achievements (e.g. an agreement to amalgamate the Pickering and Ajax transit systems), for the most part little progress hats been made in this regard. Last year, Pickering Council agreed to participate with the City of Oshawa :in funding a "Made- in-Durham" Governance Study being undertaken by The Berkeley Consulting Group. Berkeley's recommendations have not yet been received (pending additional clarity on the possible future role of the GTSB) but are expected within the next few months. Consequently, pending receipt of Berkeley's final report, it would be premature for Regional Council to finalize a position on governance reform. Until the Berkeley :report is completed, Council should reaffirm to the Region th.at its earlier position on Durham governance reform remains valid, namely that Pickering remains supportive of: a) A modified 2-tier system with a "slimmed down" Region acting as an agent of the lower tier; b) Potential municipal amalgamations, including the amalgamation of Pickering and Ajax; and c) A review of a reduction in the number of politicians in Durhara Region BACKGROUND: Pickering Council has been a strong advocate of local government reform in Durham Region. Over the past many years, we have taken actions and have made decisions that are consistent with the stated objectives of the current provincial government concerning fewer municipal politicians; lower taxes; better, more efficient service delivery; less bureaucracy; and better accountability. Examples of the many governance reform initiatives taken by Pickering Council include but are not limited to the following: In 1996, Council invited Ajax to form a Review Committee in order to study the recommendations of a provincial sub-panel on municipal administration, and requested that a meeting be convened between, the two municipalities to review possible partnerships and co-operative servicing. In 1997, Council held a joint public meeting with Ajax to identify potential partnership opportunities. Later that year, Council approved in principle the partnering of the Fire and Transit Departments with Ajax, and the establishment of a committee to prepare a business case to address the issue of shared services. Report to Council MO 01-01 Subject: Durham Governance Reform Process Date: April 17, 2001 Page 3 Later in 1999, Council requested the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to appoint a mediator to facilitate the merger of Pickering and Ajax into one new municipal corporate entity. At the same time, Council adopted a recommended governance structure for the amalgamated municipality comprising one Mayor, two Councillors-at- Large and six Ward Councillors. Also. in 1999, Council signed an Automatic Aid Agreement for fire services with the Town of Ajax. Since January 2000, the City has participated in the Public Works "Who-Does-What" Committee. Also in 2000, after a two-year study, Council entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Town of Ajax respecting the amalgamation of the two municipal transit systems. Before this, in 1996, Pickering entered into a shared servicing agreement with Ajax respecting the relocation of Pickering Transit Specialized Services to Ajax Transit. In 2000, Council invited the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to make an order under the Municipal Elections Act, requesting that the City submit a question to Pickering electors asking if they are in favour of reducing the total number of municipal governments in Durham through amalgamations, and encouraged all other area municipalities in Durham Region to make a similar request to the Minister. Also in 2000, Council accepted the Region of Durham as the service provider for the courts administration and prosecution of proceedings under the Streamlining of Administration of the Provincial Offence Act. Also last year, Council endorsed participating with the City of Oshawa in an independent study of governance options for municipalities in Durham being undertaken by The Berkeley Consulting Group. The timing of the Berkeley Consulting Group's final report has been delayed pending greater clarity as to the future role of the GTSB in service delivery. Without clarity as to the role of the GTSB, any assessment of municipal restructuring options, or service realignments would be highly speculative, and potentially wasteful. Berkeley's final report may be completed within the next few months. Until it has been received and considered, Pickering Council should encourage Regional Council to not establish a final position on governance reform. Pending completion of the Berkeley study, Council should reaffirm to the Region that its earlier position on Durham governance reform remains valid. Prepared By: AGENDA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 23' 2001 7:30 P.M. CHAIRMAN: Councillor McLean ADOPTION OF MINUTES Meeting of April 9, 2001 (II} 1. DELEGATIONS Representatives of the Pickering Public Library Board will give a presentation of the new Teen Web Site. Lorraine Roulston, Chair, Waste Management Committee, will address the Committee with respect to International Composting Awareness Week to e held fi.om April 29th to May 5t~. MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION PAGE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REPORT PD 12-01 VERIDIAN CORPORATION PART OF LOT 16, CONCESSION 1 NOW PART 1, PLAN 40R-8469 (NORTHEAST CORNER OF BAYLY STREET & SQUIRES BEACH ROAD) 1-15 MAYORS REPORT MO 01-01 GOVERNANCE REFORM PROCESS -DURHAM REGION 16 o LEGAL REPORT L 04-01 ROAD CLOSING AND SALE OF CITY LANDS PART OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN LOTS 34 & 35, CONCESSION 3, PICKERING 35-38 LEGAL REPORT L 05-01 ROAD CLOSING AND SALE OF CITY LANDS PART LOT 20, CONCESSION 8, PICKERING (PART OF PART 7, PLAN 40R-17520, NOW DESIGNATED AS PART 1, PLAN 40R-XXXX) ACORN LANE TURNING CIRCLE 3942 CLERKS REPORT CL 17-01 APPOINTMENTS TO ENFORCE THE PARKING BY-LAW AT 963-979 BROCK ROAD, 1735 BAYLY STREET, 1305/1315 PICKERING PARKWAY, 905 BAYLY STREET, 1915 DENMAR ROAD, 1310 FIELDLIGHT BLVD. AND 1345 ALTONA ROAD 43-48 PROCLAMATIONS "LOONIE FOR AUTISM DAY" "HEARING AWARENESS MONTH" "GREEN RIBBON OF HOPE MONTH" "NATIONAL MISSING CHILDREN'S DAY" "HEALTH BEFORE PREGNANCY MONTH" 49-57 (iv) OTHER BUSINESS (V) ADJOURNMENT 001 RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 01/01, submitted by Rinders Consultants Ltd. on behalf of Picketing Pentecostal Church and Veridian Corporation, on lands being Part of Lot 16, Concession 1, known as Part 1, Plan 40R- 8469, City of Pickering, to amend the existing zoning to permit the establishment of a place of religious assembly and a day care facility while maintaining approximately 1,050 square meters of office space, be APPROVED, subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix No. I to Report Number PD 12-01. O02 REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development DATE: April 5, 2001 REPORT NUMBER: PD 12-01 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 01/01 Veridian Corporation Part of Lot 16, Concession 1 Now Part 1, Plan 40R-8469 (Northeast comer of Bayly Street and Squires Beach Road) City of Picketing RECOMMENDATION: That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 01/01, submitted by Rinders Consultants Ltd. on behalf of Pickering Pentecostal Church and Veridian Corporation, on lands being Part of Lot 16, Concession 1, known as Part 1, Plan 40R-8469, City of Picketing, to amend the existing zoning to permit the establishment of a place of religious assembly and a day care facility while maintaining approximately 1,050 squa:re meters of office space, be APPROVED subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix No. I to Report Number PD 12-01. O~G~: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 01/01 submitted to the City of Pickering. AUTHORITY: The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter 13 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. Report to Council PD 12-01 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 01/01 Date: April5,2001 003 Page 2 BACKGROUND: 1.0 Information Meeting A Public Information Meeting for the proposal was held on March 22, 2001. Information Report No. 06-01, which summarizes the applicant's proposal and outlines the issues and comments identified through the circulation of the application, was prepared for the meeting and is provided for reference as Attachment #3. No members of the public were in attendance at the Information meeting to comment on this item. 2.0 Additional Information Subsequent to the Public information meeting, comments were received from: Veridian Corporation advising that the existing storage on site will be removed by May 7, 2001 (see Attachment #4). The Region of Durham Planning Department noted that the subject lands are designated "Employment Area" within the Durham Region Official Plan. The site is located fronting a Type 'A' arterial road. The proposed amendment is in conformity with the Durham Regional Official Plan. They further noted that the site is on full municipal services, with a grinder pump to the sanitary sewer on Squires Beach Road. Reports should be submitted to ensure the subject lands are appropriate for the proposed new uses with respect to land use compatibility and site contamination (see Attachment #5). 3.0 Discussion 3.1 Applicant's Proposal An existing one-storey industrial building with associated office space (approximately 3,750 square metres), known as the Veridian Corporation building, currently occupies the site. Prospective purchasers of the site wish to establish a place of religious assembly (approximately 2,597 square metres), and a day care facility (approximately 112 square metres) within the building, while maintaining approximately 1,046 square meters of office space (see Existing Site Plan, Attachment #2). 3.2 Conformity and Compatibility of Use The subject property is located at the northeast comer of Bayly Street and Squires Beach Road. The southern portion of the land is designated "Employment Area - Mixed Employment" while the northern portion is designated "Employment Area - Prestige Employment". These designations permit a range of employment and employment related uses, and community and cultural uses such as places of religious assembly and day care facilities. 004 Report to Council PD 12-01 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 01/01 Date: April 5, 2001 Page 3 3.3 3.4 Appropriateness of the Site The subject lands are located within a "detailed review area" of the Brock Industrial Neighbourhood. Council could require that a detailed review of the subject property and surrounding lands be undertaken prior to development. However, the proposed uses are intended to be located fully within an existing building on the site. The change in use is considered minor and maintains the intent of the Official Plan. It is not recommended that a detailed review be undertaken, as a prerequisite to this application. The existing building is situated with good exposure to Bayly Street, with parking to the side and rear of the building. Through discussions with the applicant regarding the proposed maximum occupancy of the building for religious activities, it was determined the site will be able to provide a sufficient supply and arrangement of parking. The religious activity area will require approximately 207 parking spaces for the proposed occupancy of 825 persons. The conceptual site plan identifies 234 parking spaces proposed. The operational characteristics of a place of religious assembly allow for the sharing of parking spaces for the other uses. The day care facility and office use will have adequate parking available through the proposed parking. Should anY difficulties arise in the future, the site has additional land area available for the introduction of additional parking. Site Plan approval will be required to address the significant change of use on site. In addition to the parking requirement,,; noted above, the site plan review process will also consider such matters as the functioning of the site respecting traffic movement, the location of any outdoor play area associated with the day care facility, appropriate lighting, and the introduction of additional landscaping. Environmental Site Assessment Environmental Auditors (Canada) Ltd. (EACL) was retained by Veridian Corporation to carry out a Phase I - 11I ESA of the subject property. The assessment consisted of a review of current and past environmental conditions of the' site. The work was undertaken as part of a real estate transaction between Veridian mhd the prospective purchasers (Picketing Pentecostal Church). Certain remedial works, such as the; removal of underground storage tanks, and waste liquids have been completed. Following the remedial work at the tanks and oil/water interceptor locations, soil conditions meet the non-potable (residential parkland land use) Table B criteria of the Ontario Mindstry of Environment (MOE) Guideline for Use at Contaminated Sites in Ontario, February 1997, for those parameters tested. Due to the nature of the proposed uses (religious assembly, day care, and office) it is important that the City be advised, by a qualified expert, that the site has been restored to a condition suitable for the intended uses. This confirmation must be received prior to Report to Council PD 12-01 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 01/01 Date: April 5, 2001 Page 4 It is recommended that the implementing zoning by-law provide one zone category for the site which would permit the establishment of a place of religious assembly, day care facility and business offices, in addition to a light manufacturing plant, warehouse use and a printing establishment. This zoning would permit the continuance of certain currently permitted Storage and Light Manufacturing uses while also introducing the requested new uses. This zoning would also begin to implement the Official Plan designations while providing opportunity in the future to introduce additional uses in compliance with the mixed employment designation. The conceptual site plan submitted with the rezoning application does not correctly reflect the proposed ownership boundaries. A transformer sub-station exists on the site that will not be part of the ownership of the place of religious assembly. A revised reference plan is being prepared and will be used to identify the correct ownership boundary through the preparation of the implementing zoning by-law. 4.0 Applicant's Comments The applicant, Reinders Consultants Limited, reviewed the content of this report and has no comments. ATTACHMENTS: 2. 3. 4. 5. Property Location Map Existing Site Plan Information Report Agency Comment - Veridian Corporation Agency Comment -Region of Durham Planning Department Prepared By: Lynda ~aylor, MCIP,/I~P Manager, Current Operations Approved / Endorsed by: I~il Carrol ~Q~Ith/R_P-~ Director, Planning & Development LDT/pr Attachments 006 APPENDIX I TO REPORT NUMBER PD 12-01 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 01/01 1. That the Implementing zoning bylaw: (a) permit place of religious assembly, day care facility, business office, light manufacturing plant and printing establishment; (b) establish one comprehensive., set of performance standards and one classification applicable to the subject lands. zone 2. That prior to the issuance of a building permit: (a) the owner receive site plan approval from the City's Director, Development to address matters including, but not limited to:: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Planning & enhanced landscaping;; parking space location and traffic circulation; matters specifically associated with the introduction of a day care use (such as the drop off area and outdoor play area); a qualified expert satisfying the Director, Planning & Development, that the site has been restored to an acceptable environmental condition, suitable for the permitted uses. ATTACHMENT # [ TO REPORT ~' PD !¢'~- (~ I OO7 FICKERING PARKWAY BAYLY OF~GEBROOK CRT. STREET KELUNO STRED ${.18JEC 1' PROPERTY BAYLY STREET O08 ATTACHMENT ~_~- TO REPORT ~' PD I '~- O I IND US TRIAL INDUSTRIAL INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPUCANT'S SUBMI'i-rED PLAN A 1/01 VERIDIAN CORPORATION N72' 54' 40' E 137.~95 INDUSTRIAL M2S EXISiTNG FENCED STORAGE AREA INDUSTRIAL MI ATTACHMENT# -~ ,,TO REPORT#PD I~,-0~ PICKERING 009 INFORMATION REPORT NO. 06-01 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF March 22, 2001 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 01/01 Veridian Corporation Part of Lot 16, Concession 1 Now Part 1, Plan 40R-8469 (North-east comer of Bayly Street and Squires Beach Road) City of Picketing 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.1 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the subject property is 3.23 hectares in size, and is located on the north-east comer of Bayly Street and Squires Beach Road (see Attachment #1 - location map); - a one-storey industrial building approximately 3,743 square metres in size is currently situated on the property (see Attachment #2 - Applicant's Submitted Plan); - vacant Industrial zoned lands surround the property. APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - the applicant proposes to amend the current zoning by-law to permit the establishment of a place of religious assembly and daycare facility while maintaining approximately 1,046 square metres of office space; - the applicant intends to renovate the rear portion of the building for a place of worship and daycare facility; - no additional floorspace is proposed. OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING Durham Regional Official Plan the Durham Regional Official Plan designates the subject lands as "Employment Area", which permits a wide range of' employment and employment-related uses; the Durham Regional Official Plan indicates that cultural facilities, such as places of religious assembly, are encouraged to locate within urban areas and shall be permitted in any designation except for the Permanent Agricultural Preserve and the General A owic.]]lh]ral Are. n- 010 Information Report No. 06-01 ATTACHMENT # ~-~.--..~TO REPORT # PD ) ,'?)~- (~]- Page 2 3.3 3.4 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 - the "Mixed Employment" designation is applied to the highly visible and accessible lands along Bayly Street while the "Prestige Employment" designation applies to the rear portion of the subject lands; - the Brock Industrial Neighbourhood Plan identifies a proposed east-west road at the north limit of the subject property that is intended to connect Squires Beach Road to Church Street; - the subject property is located within a Detailed Review Area of the Brock Industrial Neighbourhood; Schedule I1/- Resource Management to the Official Plan designates the lands on the west side of SqUires Beach as a "Wetland Class 3" and "Shoreline and Stream Corridor"; - The applicant's proposal appears to comply with the applicable Official Plan designations; .Compendium Document to the Official Plan the subject property is located within a Detailed Review Area of t]he Brock Industrial Neighbourhood; Council may require the completion of development guidelines prior to permitting .major development; Zoning By-law Zoning BY-law 2511, as amended, identifies the subject lands as 'MI' - Storage & Light Manufacturing Zone and "M2S" - Yard Storage and Heavy Manufacturing Zone; an amendment to Zoning By-law 2511~ is required to accommodate., the proposed uses and provisions. RESULTS OF CIRCULATION Resident Comments - to date, no comments have been received; Agency Comments - No Objections or Concerns: - Durham District School Board (see Attachment #3); Staff Comments - in reviewing the application to-date, the following matters have 'been identified by staff for further review and consideration: - examination of the existing pm'king situation on-site to determine its suitability in serving the proposed uses; - examination of the traffic movements and impacts on the area; - staff will review the opportunity to remove the dual zoning that exists on the subject land,q intn one. nnmnre.lhe.n.qlve, eaf~r~nr~' ' Information Report No. 06-01 ATTACHMENT ~, REPORT # PD ,TO Page 3 011 5.0 6.0 6.1 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development DePartment; - oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; - all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments tothe City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; - if you .wish to be .notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. OTHER INFORMATION Appendix No. I,. list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have cOmmented on the applications at the time of writing this Report; JTB/pr Copy: Director, Planning & Development Lynda Ta"yt~r, MC~ Manager, Current Operations 012 ATTACHMENT# . _~ · TO REPORT # PD__ ( ~ - 0 1 APPENDIX I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 06-01 _COMMENTING RESIDENTs AND LANDOWNERS (1) None to date. .COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) The Durham District School Board. COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) Planning & Development Department. /~TTACHMENT # ,.TO 013 VE RI D lAN CORPORATION April 3, 2001 Linda Taylor Planning Department City of Picketing One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 Dear Ms. Taylor Re: Zoning Application, 1920 Bayly Street APR - 5 ZOO1 CITY OF PIOKERING PIGKERING, ONTARIO 55 Taunton Road, East Ajax, ON L1T 3V3 ?el: (905) 427-9870 Fax: (905) 619-0210 www. veridian.on,ca RECEIVED APR 5 2001 CITY OF PIOKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Further to your recent request of the Picketing Pentecostal Church, we understand that the zoning amendment bylaw for 1920 Bayly Street is conditional on the outdoor storage yard being completely vacated by May 7, 2001. As the current owner and occupant of this property, we hereby commit to the clearance of our storage yard by this date. We trust this assurance will facilitate the prompt processing of the Picketing Pentecostal Church's zoning application. If you require further infon-nation, please call me at 905-427-9870, extension 2202. Yours truly, George Armstrong, C.E.T., B.A.S. The Regkmal Munl=imllty Planning Department Bo~ 623 ~5 Dundm ~ E. 4th FIc~r I~ng Tower C~da L1N ~ T~: (~) 7~31 F~ (~) ~12 · d P~n~' .ol. 4 April 8, 2001 Lynda Taylor, Manager, Current Operations· ' ' Planning DePartment Picketing Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V6K7' ATTACHMEN'T ~___~ . .TO REPORT~ PDI~.__L~_z_.~L Dear Ms. Taylor; Re:. Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 01/01 Applicant: Veridiart'Corporation · Location: . Part Lot 1'6, Concessio'n 1 Municipality: City of .p,i.ckering We 'have reviewed this application and the following comments are offered with respect to compliance wi[h the Du,.ham Regional.Official Plan, the' proposed method of servicing and deleg .ated Provincial plan .review responsibilities. The pu.rpose Of tee application is to permit the renovation of an existing building for a place of religious .assembly and day .care facility while.' maintaining the existing office space.. 'The subject prqperty is. designated "Employment Area." in th~ Durham Regional Official Plan, Lands Withih this. designation shall be used for manufactu'ring, assembly and processing of goods, and'service industries among other uses. 'Cultural facilities for such purposes.as heritage and religion, and community facilities for such purposes as day care centres are encouraged to located within urban areas and shall be permitted in any designation excep.t.for, tlhe Permanent. Agricultural Reserve and General Agricultural Ares. These uses are also encouraged to.locate in areas that are visible and accessible to residen~[s of the Region. The site is located fronting Bayly Street, a Type 'A' arteri,al road. The proposed amendment is in conformity with the Durham Regional Official Plan. The site is on full municipal. :services with .a grinder pump to the sanitary sewer on Squire's Beach Road, The pump is a privately owned sewage pumping facility that should be reviewed bY the' applicant's consultant, If an upgrade to the ekisting 50mm forcemain is necessary, the applicant will ' be required to enter into an agreement With the Region ~t the site plan stage. Further comments regarding r. oad wicl, ening and/or improveme.nts to Regional Road~, maY. also be' provided at the site plan stage. This application has. been screened in accordance with the terms of the FOIl Oemmmer · ATTACHMENT ~ ' TO REPORT#PD l, -O~' Page 2 delegated provincial, plan review resp0t~sibilities. It is bur understanding that the'site was {ormerly used for ilTdUstriai purposes, Reports should be' submitted to ensure that the subject lands are appro, priate for the ' proposed new uses, i.e. the. day care facility, with respect to.land use compa~t'ibility and site contamination. .' If you have any questior~s or require ~'dditi0nal'information, please Call me. Yours truly, Celeste Ter"ry, Planner" .. '. Current Operations Branch cc. .Region Of Durham'Works Department; Attn. R. ROY N:~olrn\ct~zonlng~"~01.01'.d~ 016 RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY o That City Council receive for information, Report to Council MO 01-01 on the governance reform process in Durham Region. That City Council .request Durham Council to not establish a fi~al position on governance reform until the "Made-in-Durham" governance study being undertaken for the City of Pickering and the City of Oshawa by The Berkeley Consulting Group is completed. That pending completion of the Berkeley Consulting Group's study, the City of Pickering confirm that it remains supportive off a) A modified 2-tier system with a '"slimmed down" Region acting as an agent of the lower tier;_ b) Potential municipal amalgamatimxs, including the amalgamation of Picketing and Ajax; and c) A review of a reduction in the nmnber of politicians in Durham Regiion. That a copy of Report to Council MO 01-01 be forwarded to Regional Council and all other municipalities in Durham Region. 017 RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY 1. That the Report HR 03-01 regarding the Modified Work Program Policy be received by Council; and 2. That Resolution #215/97 (Item #10, Passed on June 16, 1997) be rescinded. ]REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Baba Gajadharsingh Division Head, Human Resources DATE: April 18, 2001 REPORT NUMBER: HR 03-01 SUBJECT: Modified Work Program Policy (Resolution #215/97) RECOMMENDATION: 1. That the Report HR 03-01 regarding the Modified Work Program Policy be received by Council and; 2. That Resolution #215/97 (Item # 10, Passed on June 16, 1997) be rescinded. ORIGIN: The Modified Work Program Policy was developed in May 1997 and endorsed by Council through Resolution 215/97. It documents modified work procedures for employees who had sustained occupational injuries in accordance with requirements outlined in the Workers' Compensation Act, R.S.O. 1990. During a recent effort to streamline the City's health and safety policies and procedures, it became apparent that this document had become redundant due to changes in workers' compensation legislation and the implementation of the Corporate Attendance Management Policy in 1998. AUTHORITY: Workplace Safety & Insurance Act, 1997, s. 40 & 41 Ontario Human Rights Code, s. 17 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND: For occupational injuries/illnesses, the Workt~lace Sqfety & Insurance Act, 1997 (which replaced the Workers' Compensation Act on January 1, 1998), places a statutory two-year obligation on the eml~loyer to return an emnlovee tn hi~/h~r nr~.inlnr*a r~r~e;*;~,~ ,, ......... k~ ..... ~ ...... , Report to Council HR 03-01 Subject: Modified Work Program Policy (Resolution #215/97) Date: April 18, 2001 Page 2 019 Clearly, both pieces of legislation place the primary duty of accommodation on the employer. In May 1997, the Modified Work Program Policy (for occupational injuries) was developed in consultation with both of the Corporation's unions, namely, the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) and the Pickering Professional Firefighters' Association (PPFA). Later, in June 1997, Council approved the development and implementation of an Attendance Management Program (Resolution #243/97). The Attendance Management Policy, implemented in March 1998, incorporates an entire attendance management program for employees who sustain both occupational and non-occupational injuries and illnesses. It provides detailed guidelines and procedures which comply with current legislation and provides direction to supervisory staff through the entire attendance management processes in terms of obtaining required medical information, maintaining communication with the absent employee, facilitating a safe return to work through modified work and terminating employment where warranted. It should be noted that this Policy was jointly developed by the Human Resources Division and specialists from the law firm of Hicks Morley Hamilton Stewart Storie. Since its implementation in 1998, the Attendance Management Policy has been the reference document for supervisors in managing attendance and modified work programs. This Policy has been very successful. Recent statistical information gathered show the Corporation's absenteeism rate is lower than the Canadian average with a progressive decline in absenteeism over the last 2 years. The Corporation is also benefiting from other successes related to its Attendance Management Policy. During the past year, the Safety & Training Co-ordinator and supervisory staff have consistently applied the modified work procedures contained within the Attendance Management Policy. This joint effort resulted in a 20% reduction in the length of WSIB lost time claims and a WSIB NEER Rebate of nearly $34,000 in November, 2000. (In comparison, the Corporation received a WSIB NEER Surcharge in the amount of $27,000 in November, 1999.) It is anticipated that if supervisory staff continue to follow these procedures that these trends will continue in the future. DISCUSSION: The Modified Work Program Policy and the Attendance Management Policy outline conflicting procedures for co-ordinating modified work programs. These differences have resulted in confusion for returning employees, their Union/Association representatives, and supervisory staff. This, in turn, has had a negative impact on the Corporation's ability to return some employees to work in a timely manner. The Human Resources Division initiated discussions with CUPE and PPFA to obtain their concurrence to discontinue the use of the Modified Work Program Policy. Both unions agreed to provide letters (copies attached) confirming their agreement, provided the Corporation amend the Attendance Management Policy to include a union representative on the Case Management Team. Essentially, the role of the Case Management Team is to develop a plan to achieve a safe and early return to work for employees who have experienced an illness or injury. As it stands, the Case Management Team is comprised of only non-union personnel. Since current legislation places a 02O Report to Council Subject: HR 03-01 Modified Work Program Policy (Resolution #215/97) Date: April 18, 2001 Page 3 ATTACHMENTS: 2. 3. 4. 5. Resolution #215/97 Report to Council, dated May 21, 1997 (HR 5/97) Modified Work Program Policy, dated May 20, 1997 Letter from Pickering Professional Firefighters' Association, dated March 23,2001 Letter from Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 129, dated April 17, 2001 Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: Co-ordinator, Safety & Training Baba Gaj adhff~, Division Head, Human Resources Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer All Directors President, Pickering Professional Firefighters' Association President, Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 129 Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council I ~l~iomas J. Qui~, Chi6f Admim"~.tive 6ff~ei' ATTACHMENT# I TO P~'OKT#.~O~'OI 02.1. Resolution #215/97, Item #10, Passed on June 16, 1997 That the Town's formalized Modified Work Program Policy as set out in Human Resources Report HR 5/97 be adopted CARRIED 022 ATTACHNENT #~.~_.TO REPORT REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Gordon Reldt, Health and Safety Coordinator DATE: May 21, 1997 REPORT NUMBER: HI~: / 05 197 SUBJECT: Town of Picketing Modifie¢ Work Program Policy RECOMMENDATION: .... That the Town's formalized Modified Work Program Policy be adopted as attached and dated May 20, 1997. ORIGIN: Report to Council Dated December 8, 1992. Subject: Modified Work Program AUTHORITY: Worker's Compensation Act, R.S.O. 1990 Section 54b, Obligation to Re-Employ. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS:. No Financial Implications Since the introduction of a Modified Work Program at the Town, we have experienced reduced injuries and fewer Lost 'Time days due to those injuries. With the introduction of the NEER program by the Worker's Compensation Board, getting workers back to work now "pays" by providing an incentive to employers, In September of 1996, the Town received a NEER reba, te of $$1,000 as a direct result of'our efforts to get people back to regular or modified work and through the provision ora safer workplace. BACKGROUND: The originaI formalized Modified Work Program went to Council December 21, I t~o2 was originally endorsed by CUPE, Local 129 only. This new program policy supersedes tl.~:tt °riginal document. Now with both Union and At~sociation support, this document encompa:;sc:~ CIJPi'.' and PPFA members as well as. all non union staff. The original intent was lo have one Town-wide policy and this has been accomplished. I am attaching, for the consideration of'Council, a Modified Work Program Policy fl:a~ has been developed for all Town staff.in co-operation with representatives from the PPFA and I,ocal 129. The objective of this policy is ~o return workers to work at the earliest possible eifl~cr to their regular or modified duties, ' Page 2 The offering of'Modified Work to injured worker~ is a legai obligation under the Worker's Compensation Act. It is sure,ted that Counoil endorse this document to provide support for thc program which has been developed in 8ood faith with the workplace partners. ATTACHMENTS: Modified W6rk Program Policy Dated May 21, 1997 Report to Council Dated December 8, 1992. JGR: Attachments Copy: General Manager All Department Heads Manager. Human Resources Manager, Information Systems Manager, Transit 024 ATTAC'N"~'ENT #_3_ TO II, F. POP, T #..~g -05..~ ! THE CORPORATION OF TI-IE TOWN OF PICKERING MODIFIED WORK PROGRAM POLICY Produced in co-operation with the Pickering Professional Firefighters Association and the Canadian Union Of Public Employees, Local 129 Dated At Pickering May 20, 1997 ~ CORPOI~kTION OF TKE TOWN OF PICK~RING wo Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 129 AND The Picketing Professional Firefighter~ AHoci~tion. 025 The Corporation agrees to make every reasonable effort to provide modified work, in accordance with the Corporation's Modified Work Program Committee Polley Statement (which is attached hereto). The policy ia consistent with the Fr'orker'~ Compensation Act R.S.O. 1990, and/or Workplace Safety and Inauranee Board and ia applicable to any member of Town staff including any Association/Union member who is unable to perform hil or her "essential dufie~ of the pre- injury employment" (hereaRer called the "duties") due to an accident occurring in the course of employment. The Joint Comrrdttee agrees to counsel its members on the benefits of co-operating in a Modified Work Program and agrees to assist the Corporation with the preparation of appropriate d~,cuments and procedures to facilitate the operation ofsuch a program. Any changes or provisions to this agreement will be mutually agreed upon by the Joint Committee. This policy is intended to replace all previous agreements relating to the matters discussed in policy, The previous agreement dated 1992 made between the Corporation and CUPE Local is hereby terminated and at ~ end. Dated at Pickering, this ~,)~day of 1997 026 THE CORPORATION OF TH~ TOWN OF PICKERI~G MODIFIED WORK PROGRAM COMAt[~E POLICY STATEMENT 1. Background to the Policy Statement' Definitions Modified Work is any job, task, function or combination thereof that an employee, who suffers from a work related accident may perform safely. The; work must be productive and be of voJuc to the Corporation and the employee. A Modified Work Program is the planned activity of returning employees to the workplace as soon as possible after an accident. It ia a Corporate-w~ide program that recognizes the employer's responsibility and participation in the effective ream to work o£its employees. Benefits The Benefits Of A Modified Work Program tothe Employee include: (a) encouraging speedier recovery; (bi assisting the employee to maintain contact with co-workers; (c) reducing the employee's sense of estrangement and isolation while away from the workplace. (d) reducing the time needed for the employee to return to their duties; and (e) helping the employee to maintain self-respect and di.grdty. The Benefits Of A Modified Work Program to the Employer include: (a) maintaining productivity levels through the use of already trained employees; (bi eliminating the non-recoverable costs of training new employees; (c) reducing the costs of hiring and training replacement employees; (d) meeting the requirements of the Workers' Compensation Act; and (e) reducing the overall costs of accidents. 2. Policy Statement The Corporation of the Town of Picketing, (heresY. er called the "Corporation '3 Canadian I h,i,m of Public Employees Local 129 (hereinafter called the "Union") and the Picketing Professional Firefighters Association (hereinat~er called the "Association") agree to establish a Joint Modified Work Prov, ram Committee (hereal~er called the "Joint Committee"), to establish a Modified Worl' Program on behalf of Town 5taffincluding the members of the Association and Union. Thc foist Committee will be composed of one representative from the Corporation, cithe~ ,,;c l'rom the [JnJon or one from the Association. rhc Corp(~ration. witt~ the assistance of the Joint Committee will attempt, through a Modified Work Program. to assist employees who have been injured as a result of a workplace (w,,k related) accident ' The Modified Work Program is a Corporate-wide initiative lhat combines a responsible app~ o.,,-h h~wa~,l~ mmimizin[4 compensation costs while maintaining a commitment to protect tile well of ;ti employees The Modified Work Program is designed pfimatily to assist employees injured in tile workplace make a safe and speedy return to their duties. It is a temporary measure lha~ ts intended to hrht?.e the Fap between iniury and return to their duties. It is anticipated that a Modifi~ Work Pro$rtm for tn injured employe~ will not normally last longer than twelve weeks, although 111 exte~lsion ofth~ program may be considered in exceptional individual circumstances. In a Modified Work Program, the Corporation will provide where possible Modified' Work for injured employees who have had a workplac~ aeddent' thereby returning valuable human resources and productivity to the Corporafio~l. Each depaman,~nt will be responsible for providing Modified Work to assist its employees who unable to perform their duties due to a workpl~e aeeidmL It' a department is unable to provide Modified Work to assist an employe~, ~ attempt will be made to provide Modified Work for an employee in another department, if reasonably possible. If no Modified Work is immediately available in any department, the Corporation will continue to seek a Modil,ed Work opportunity for the employee until either Modified Work is provided or tile employee no longer reqtfires it. 027 3, Manafflnll the Compensation Claims: The return to duties of the injured worker after the accident, is designed to reduce the effects of a work related accident. The process utilized will be as follows: I. Contact will be made with the worker within two week days, excluding holidays, by the Department Head. After the accident has been initially reported and the worker is unable to return to his/her duties The Department [-lead will contact the worker for the following reasons: - so off'er assistance where possible, to explain and review: (i) the attached Joint Modified Work Program for injured workers; (ii) the Corporation's legal obligation under the Worker's Compensation Act: (iii) the worker's legal responsibility to co-operate and be available; (iv) to inquire how long the worker may be offwork The worker will be expected to work only within the worker's physical capabilities. Both thc Corporation and the worker have an obligation to inform each other of the employee status ~,t agreed upon intervals regarding the availability ora modified job, if the worker cannot do his/her throes along with the benefits of modified work. I'he worker nu,.~l he available for modified duties based, on his / her physical capabilil,c.,. .lherwisc the worker will risk losing temporary benefits. Il. ,,\f~augcments will be made through the Joint Committee to meet with thc worker. '11,e Committee ,.viii discuss the purpos,, of the meeting and who will be in attendance as that meeting. The purpose of this initial meeting will be to provide information abo.t titc p.ssihilities of what modified duties might be available. (See Schedule A ). A letter o.tl.m..'. modified duties will be provided and must be approved by the worker's attending docl,. ..\ written [esponge must be returned to the employer within five (5) week days, exch.hny: holiday~ (Sce Schedule B ) Ill. Each department is encouraged to use whatever accommodation measures ate m,,x~ appropriate in the individual case. Such measures may include: · w.rking fewer hours than required under usual conditions; - taking more frequent rest breaks; O28 obtaining assirtanee fi.om · co-worker for diit~valt tasks, where possible; job or responsibility sharing; physical etumges to the workplace; azsistive devices; temporary assignment to anotherjob; special projec~ work. IV. The Joint Committee will eorault with th(: following persons: - the injured employee; a representative of the injured employe~'s employee group.as selected by the Union or the Association. (provided the injured worker is a member of the Union/Associa, ion); a management representative of the injured employee's department; such other parties also may be required as deiermined by the Joint Committee. 5. The Joint Committee will meet as often as necessary to effect the temporary placement injured employees within the applicable Modified Work Program. Additional requests for updated fitness information will be made'by the Joint Committee based on subsequent doctors' appointments, at reasonable intervals, until the worker has returned to his/her duties. 4. Returning '~ Duties: When the worker is ready to return to his/her duties, the worker will provide authorizafio~ m 5o, from the worker's doctor who is handling the claim, to the Corporation, Verification from Worker's Compensation Board may also be required. The worker returning to duties shall notify hlr~er Department Head that he/she has amhorizati,.~ to return to wock and shall advise when the Department Head can expect the worker to report work If for some reason the worker cannot start the btodified Work as planned, the Dcparmlcn~ Head and worker may agree on a new return to work date. This may involve thc in!).t ,,i' the Joint Committee and the Worker's Compensation Board. 5. l.ong Term Claims: ,'\11¥ Ul'~tlStlaJ long term or difficult claims will be dealt with on an if~divldual and Ctll~:~HJl,lt~v¢' ] ...... between the worker. Joint Committee and the Worker's Compensation Board. ITEMS THAT MAY BE REVIEWED WITH THE WORKER AT INITIAL MEETING - thc type of work and the location that work may be available - thc hours when the work will be done. (e.g. 8:00 to 18:00 hours) - the reporting structure (Supervisor or Duty Captain) . following chain ofcorrunand - time alloned for required doctor appointments, physiotherapy etc. - personal progress may be reviewed or documented - meetings with the Join£ Committee to discuss concerns of ~:ither party or chanl~es in worker's progress. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN (Doctor) Dear Sir/Madam, Re.' In order to facilitate a successful return to work of ar, injured employee, the Town of Picketing, in co-operation with the Workers' Compensation Board, has established a Modified Work Program under which an injured employee may be pl~ced La .a job that will accommodate the employee's injury-related .physical capabilities. Such placement is al no wage loss to the employee. The Town believes that returning employees back to work as quickly as possible is beneficial to both the employee and the employer. In consultation with you, the doctor, the Town wishes to assist this employee's return to work through a Modified Work Program structured to this employee's specific physical capabilities. In order to assist us in determining those capabilities and in identifying appropriate work for this employee, we request that you evaluate the enclosed Modified Duties Job Description and return it to us within 5 week days, excluding holidays. Thank you in advance for your co-operation; we appreciate your efforts in ensuring this employee a successful placement at an appropriate level of ability. Sincerely. lleallh & Sar'crv Co-ordinator A~tached Modified Duties Job Description. (Schedule"C") IX~Ole I"(.' si)er/fir Fire FitO)ter related Job Descrigfion information, doctor may call - 9o5. 427 - 6415. Pager ~416 - 600-0395 031 SCHEDULE "C" Town of Pickering Modified Duties Job Description. Date: Employee: Department: Effective Date of Modified Dufies:~ TSe following Modified Duties are available for the above employee: (~ {} Ii! !II ell |S: Approval of Attending Doctor: ~)epartment Reprc.~cntali ~ c |)ate: t;mployees WCB File Worker's Compensation Board - Claims Adjudicatien In.jut ed Worker Wo~-ker Representative l)cl~art~ncnt Representative SCHEDULE "D" CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERINC Town of Picketing - "New" Modified Work Pro~r~.,m Policy O~vervie__..Ew The Picketing Professional Firefighter's Association (ppFA) and Canadian Union Of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 129 recently agreed to Modified Work Policy with the Town to promote timely return to work for injured workers and to help reduce operating costs to the Corporation. What does the PoiicT. require if you the worker are iniured-: 1. Report the accident to your supervisor immediately and insure accident forms are completed aszoou as possible. Your supervi:~or must submit a flost time/medical aid) report within 24 hours to the Human Resources Department. New Procedure: 1. You will be personally contacted by your supervisor within two week days, excluding holidays after your accident. 2. Your supervisor will discuss the policy requirements regarding legal responsibilities, worker expectations and other proccdu rc.~. "Basically you the worker must co-operate, be available for modo%d work, accept the work within your reStrictions attd keep itt rel,,ular contact with your suf'ervisor as to your progress." Failure to do so may result in loss of temporary benefits. 3. Through that initial contact by your supervisor, you will be asked to alter, d a meeting of the "modified work co~,',mittce" to discuss your modified duties that are mutually agreed upon by the com--,ittee members and within your physical capabilities. 4. At that meeting, you will be provided with a ilst of those modified duties for review by your doctor. They must be returned sil.:ned / approved to the Town or your supervisor within five (5) week day.,., excluding holidays. Your Modified Duties will c~mmence based on the that report. t"or further delaiis, please ask your supervisor to review the policy witl~ v,.. A'rI'ACHMENT # J.~TO REPORT fl:J~ cL~-,o I Pickering Professional Firefighters Association (Local 1632) P.O. Box 144 Picketing, Ontario LIV 2tt2 Phone/Fax (905) 427-6415 E-mail: pickfire@idirect.com 033 Afffiiated with: International Association of Fire Fighters Canadian Association of Fire Fighters Ontario Professional Fire Fighters Assoc. March23,2001 Picketing Civic Complex One the Esplanade, Picketing, Ontario, L1V 6K7 Attention: Baba Gajadharsingh Director, Human of Resources Subiect: Representative for Case Management Team It was agreed at the Labour / Management meeting on Wednesday February 21, 2001 that the City would allow a representative from the Picketing Professional Firefighters Association to be part of the Case Management Team. It was also discussed and we agreed that the Corporation will be using the Attendance Management Policy to manage workplace accommodations for ill/injured employees and the May 1997 Modified Work Program Policy will no longer be used. This agreement is conditional upon the Corporation revising the Attendance Management Policy to include an Association representative as part &the Case Management Team referenced in the Attendance Management Policy. The Association is naming Colin Amott as our representative and it was also agreed that Colin, Debra and yourself would set up a meeting to go over the ground rules and what will be expected of Colin as the representative. In the event that Colin would be unable to attend a meeting then I will be the second representative of the Association. I would like to thank you for allowing us to be part of the team and are looking forward to a positive outcome in all meetings that will involve the Case Management Team. Thank you, Bruce Kinsman President, Picketing Professional Fkefighters Association Copy: Director, Operations and Emergency Services Fire Chief Safety and Training Coordinator Dedicated to Saving Life and Property 034 ATTACH.ENT #,, '''q''' TO REPOET # ~ 0~.'01 April 17, 2001 The City Of Pickering 1 The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 · :-, Attention: Baba Gajadharsingh Division Head, Human P, esources Re: Representative for Case iManagement Team It is understood thru a letter received from the Pickering Professional Firefighters Association, that they discussed and agreed, that the Corporation will be using the Attendance Management Policy to manage workplace accommodations for ill/injured employees and that the May 1997 Modified Work Program Policy will no longer be used. Therefore be it advised that CUPE Local 129 also agrees and requests that this agreement is conditional upon the Corporation revising the Attendance Management Policy to include as well a CUPE Local 129 representative as part of the Case Max~agement Team referenced in the Attendance Management Policy. If any further information is needed, please advise. Thanking you for continued cooperation.. Paul Neuman Acting President, CUPE Local 129 PN/vn Safety & Training Coordinator President, P.P.F.A., Bruce Kinsman' "Alon.e we can do so litde, together we can do so much" 035 RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That the Solicitor for the City commence the process of stopping-up and closing for the purpose of sale, the remaining "opened portion" of the Road Allowance between Lots 34 & 35, Concession 3, Picketing. 036 R, EPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: John Reble Solicitor for the City DATE: April 9, 2001 REPORT NUMBER: L04-01 SUBJECT: Road Closing and Sale of City Lands - Part of the Road Allowance between Lots 34 & 35, Concession 3, Pickering - File: RE0105 and W2302.55 RECOMMENDATION: A Resolution should be passed authorizing the Solicitor for the City to commence the process of stopping-up and closing for the purpose of' sale, the remaining "opened portion" of the Road Allowance between Lots 34 & 35, Concession 3, Pickering. ORIGIN: Written request from the Toronto Region Conservation Authority. AUTHORITY: MunicipalAct, R.S.O. 1990, c.M.45, s.297. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Estimated Appraised Value Advertising/Legal Fees (City Cost) Nominal $2,0OO.0O EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A request has been received from TRCA for the conveyance by the City of the remaining "opened portion" of the Road Allowance be, tween Lots 34 & 35, Concession 3, Pickering. In order to process the conveyance, this portion ,of road must first be stopped-up and closed. Consideration has been given by various departments and staff is in support of the stopping-up and closing of this portion of road and the eventual sale of it. BACKGROUND: In 1902, By-law 800 was passed by the Tomaship of Picketing to stop-up, close and sell certain sidelines within Picketing that were no longer required for r~ublic hiehwav nurnose~ Th~ 037 Report to Council L04-01 Subject: Road Closing and Sale of City Lands Date: April 9, 2001 Page 2 The surrounding property (now owned by TRCA) is designated as "Major Open Space" in the Durham Regional Official Plan and as "Open Space Natural Area" and "Shorelines & Stream Corridors" in the Pickering Official Plan. Zoning By-law 3037 zones the land "A" - Rural Agricultural Zone. This parcel of land is situated within the boundaries of the aforementioned property and the conveyance of it would complete a logical and orderly TRCA ownership pattern. As the subject property is a very small land-locked portion of land designated as public highway, it has virtually no monetary value to the City. It is therefore being recommended that the conveyance be made to TRCA for nominal consideration; TRCA will be responsible for all legal fees associated with the stopping-up, closing and conveyance of the road. As this portion of road provides no purpose or value to the City, the Directors of Planning & Development and Operations & Emergency Services concur with the stopping-up and closing of it and the eventual conveyance to TRCA. In this instance, as the subject lands are presently dedicated as public highway, the process to stop-up and close the road must be initiated prior to the conveyance being effected; which process will be governed by the Municipal Act and not the Sale of Surplus Land Policy. Staff will report back to Council to have the lands declared surplus upon completion of the road closing process.. Council should pass a Resolution authorizing the Solicitor for the City to commence the process to stop-up and close, for the purpose of sale, the remaining "opened portion" of the Road Allowance between Lots 34 & 35, Concession 3, Pickering, no longer required by the City. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location map/Site Sketch. Prepared By: Denise Bye App.,y: DB:ljm Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer City Clerk Director, Planning & Development Director, Operations & Emergency Services Recommended for the consideration of Pic~ 038 AT~"ACHMENT ~_.j__. TO REPORT FOURTH LA,tVO$~ TAUNTON 8,Bm e--- 20. lrn ROAO ROAD 039 RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That the Solicitor for the City commence the process of Stopping-up and closing for the purpose of sale, a portion of the part of Lot 20, Concession 8, Picketing, originally designated as Part 7, Plan 40R-17520 and now designated as Part 1, Plan 40R-XXXX. O4O REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: John Reble Solicitor for the City DATE: April 10, 2001 REPORT NUMBER: L05-01 SUBJECT: Road Closing and Sale of City Lands - Part Lot 20, Concession 8, Picketing (Part of Part 7, Plan 40R-. 17520, now designated as Part 1, Plan 40R-XXXX) - Acorn Lane Turning Circle - File: RE0005 RECOMMENDATION: A Resolution should be passed authorizing the Solicitor for the City to commence the process of stopping-up and closing, for the purpose of :sale, a portion of the part of Lot 20, Concession 8, Pickering, originally designated as Part 7, Plan 40R-17520 and now designated as Part 1, Plan 40R-XXXX. ORIGIN: Request from John Howes, Solici'tor for Claremont Estates Limited. AUTHORITY: MunicipalAct, R.S.O. 1990, c.M.45, s.297 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Estimated Appraised Value Advertising, Appraisal, Survey Costs and Legal Fees and Disbursements Nominal Purchaser Costs EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In 1997, the City entered into an Agreement xvhereby the subject lands were conveyed to the City for temporary turning circle purposes to be used until such time as Acorn Lane was extended; the extension of that road is now complete and referred to as Kodiak Street. The lands lying directly north of the turning circle are now being developed by Claremont Estates under Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2000-02. During the process, it was determined that, in order to accommodate the most orderly development of the subdivision lands, a portion of the turning circle lands would be required. As the City no longer needs a turning circle in this area, it is being recommended that a certain portion of it be stopped-up and closed as public highway and returned to Claremont Estates for inclusion into their draft tflan of subdivision. Report to Council L05-01 Subject: Road Closing and Sale of City Lands Date: April 10, 2001 Page 2 041 In October 2000, Claremont Estates/Victorian Homes entered into an Agreement for the development of certain lands fronting Kodiak Street. That Agreement also contained a provision for the eventual reconveyance to Claremont Estates, of a portion of the turning circle, (once stopped-up and closed) as it was identified at that time that a portion of that land would be required for the orderly development of Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2000-02. Claremont Estates has now indicated that they would like to proceed with the development of Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2000-02 and are requesting the reconveyance of that portion of the turning circle for nominal consideration. The Directors of Planning & Development and Operations & Emergency Services have both indicated that, as this portion of the turning circle is no longer required by the City, they have no objection to the stopping-up, closing and eventual conveyance of it to Claremont Estates. Further, as the land was originally conveyed by Claremont Estates and is now being returned to them to ensure the orderly development of Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2000-02, staff supports the conveyance for nominal consideration; Claremont Estates will be responsible for all legal fees associated with the closing and sale. As the subject lands are presently dedicated as public highway, the process to stop-up and close the road must be initiated prior to the conveyance being effected; which process will be governed by the Municipal Act and not the Sale of Surplus Land Policy. Staff will report back to Council to have the lands declared surplus upon completion of the road closing process. Council should pass a Resolution authorizing the Solicitor for the City to commence the process of stopping-up and closing, for the purpose of sale, that portion of Lot 20, Concession 8, originally referred to as Part 7, Plan 40R-1720, now designated as Part 1, Plan 40R-XXXX. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location map/Site Sketch. Prepared By: Denise Bye Approved/~ ( DB:Om Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Planning 8,: Development Director, Operations & Emergency Services City Clerk 042 ATTACHMENT #. ~_L_TO R£PORT # STREET L~l.i CENTRAL STREET LANE 043 RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That the draft by-law to appoint persons to enforce the Parking By-law at 963-979 Brock Road, 1735 Bayly Street, 1305/1315 Pickering Parkway, 905 Bayly Street, 1915 Denmar Road, 1310 Fieldlight Blvd. And 1345 Altona Road, be forwarded to Council for enactment. 044 REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Brace Taylor, AMCT, CMM City Clerk DATE: April 5, 2001 REPORT NUMBER: CL 17/01 SUBJECT: Appointmems to enforce the iParking By-law at 963-979 Brock Road, 1735 Bayly Street, 1305/1315 Picketing Parkway, 905 Bayly Street, 1915 Denmar Road, 1310 Fieldlight Blvd. and 1345 Alt,0m Road, in Pickering RECOMMENDATION: That the draft by-law to appoint persons to .enforce the Parking By-law at 963-979 Brock Road, 1735 Bayly Street, 1305/1315 Pickering Parkway, 905 Bayly Street, 1915 Denmar Road, 1310 Fieldlight Blvd. and 1345 Altona Road, be forwarded to Council for approval. ORIGIN: Letters from Nemesis Security Services Inc. dated April 4, 2001 and Authorized Parking Only Ltd. dated March 30, 2001. AUTHORITY: Section 15(I) of the Police Services Act. R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: N/A BACKGROUND: Correspondence has been received from Nemesis Security Services Inc. requesting the appointment of two persons as By-law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing the Parking By-law at 963-979 Brock Road, 1'735 Bayly Street and 1305/1315 Pickering Parkway. Correspondence has also been received from Authorized Parking Only Ltd. requesting the appointment of one person as By-law Enforcement Officer for the purpose of enforcing the Parkine By-law at 905 Bavlv Street. 1915 Denmar Road, 1310 Fieldlight Blvd. And 1345 Altona Report to Council CL 17/01 Subject: Appointmem of By-law Enforcement Officers Date: April 5, 2001 Page 2 045 Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: Debbie Kearns Brace Taylor BT:dk Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Tt~o~a~q J. Qui~m, Chief Administra't~Officel/- 046' g MUNICIPAL BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT IATTACHMENT# t TO REPORT Authorize#Parking Only L t#. 2131 Williams Parkway East, Unit #8, Brampton, Ontario, L6S 5Z4 Phone: (416) 231 - TAGS City of Pickering Attention: Debbie One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 March 30, 2001 Dear Debbie, We would like to have Emanuel Garcia added to our list of people authorized to issue parking infraction notices in the City of Pickering: Emanuel Garcia 561 Delaware Avenue North Toronto, Ontario M6H 2V3 Date of birth: March 11, 1979 Please add his name to the following approved properties: 905 Bayly Street 1915 Denmar Road 1310 Fieldlight Blvd. 1345 Altona Road If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 4 t 6-231-8247 or fax 905-793-7436. Yours truly, Ruth Office Manager FROH I,.IEI"IESI:--i '~E.::~RITY SERUICES INC FAX NO. : 416 285 C, J2C~4 Apr. D4 2001 05:03PH P2 ' I ATTACHMENT # I TO REPORT #~',,,/c, 0 4 ? NEMESIS' SECURITY SERVICES INC. To Secure and Protect Wednesday April 04, 2001 ATTENTION: RE: ~Ohn WoJn.i~_._ M_an_~.~er -_B_vlaw Services ADD OFFICEI~ FROMC_O~_PANY..LIST John, Please arrange to add the following O~icers to our Company lisb ADD_: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: DAVID ]. ANNIS #70245 6210 YONGE STREET APT 403 TORONTO, ONTAR[O M2M 3X5 O.O.B. 68/o2/18 KENNETH LEVERSUCH #70552 11 CATFORD ROAD APT 317 DOWNSVZEW~ ONTARIO M33 1P9 D.O.B. 48/02/25 FOR 963 - 979 B_~OCK ROAD 1735 BAYLY STREET 130S/[315 P~CKERTNG PARK)NAY. Thanking you in advance, Michael Deppner General Manager 777 WARDEN AVENUE, SUITE#214, $CAt~BOROUGH. ONTARIO. MfL-4C3 PHONE: (416)-285-5233, FA,~: (4~6) 285-0204, e-maih nem_e_sis~s~CUr~tv('_~,home.ca 048 THE COBJ~O~TION OF THE CITY OF ?ICKJSRINO BY-LAW NO. Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for certain purposes (Parking Regulation 963-979 Brock Road[, 1735 Bayly Street, 1305/1315 Picketing Parkway, 905 Bayly Street, 1915 Denmar Road, 1310 Fieldlight Blvd. and 1345 Altona Road) WHEREAS pUrsuant to section 15(I) of the Police Services Act., R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15, as amended, a municipal council may appoint persons to enforce the by-laws of the municipality and WHEREAS pUrsuant to section 15(2) of the said Act, municipal by-law enforcemem officers are peace officers for the.purpose of enforcing municipal by-laws; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: The following officers be hereby appointed as municipal law enforceraent officers in and for the City of Pickering in order to ascertain whether the provisions of By-law 2359/87 are obeyed and to enforce or carry into effect the said By-law and is hereby authorized to enter at all reasonable times upon lands municipally known as: a) 963-979 Brock -Road, t 735 .Bayly Street, 1305/1315 Pickering Parkway: David J. Annis Kenneth Leversuch b) 905 Bayly Street, 1915 Denmar Road, 1310 Fieldlight Blvd., 1345 Altona Road: Emanuel Garcia The authority granted in section 1 hereto is specifically limited to that set out in section 1, and shall not be. deemed, at.any time, to exceed the authority set out in section 1. These appointments shall expire upon the persons listed in section l(a) ceasing to be employees of Nemesis Security Services Inc. or upon Nemesis Security Services Inc. ceasing to be an agent of 963-979 Brock Road, 1735 Bayly Street and 1305/1315 Picketing Parkway, or in section l('b) ceasing to be an employee of .Authorized Parking Only Ltd. or upon Authorized Par~ag Only Ltd. ceasing to be an employee of 905 Bayly Street, 1915 Denmar Road, 1310 Fieldlight Blvd., 1345 Altona Road, or upon whichever shaft,occur first. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 7th day of May, 2001. 049 RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamation: "Loonie for Autism Day" - April 27, 2001 "Hearing Awareness Month" - May, 2001 "National Missing Children's Day" - May 25, 2001 "Green Ribbon of Hope Month" - May, 2001 "Health Before Pregnancy Month" - June, 2001 5 THE DURHAM DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD WILLIAM DUNBAR PUBLIC SCHOOL 1030 Glenanna Road Pickering, Ontario L1V 5E5 Telephone: (905) 420-5745 Apfilll, 2001 Mr. Bruce Taylor Clerk of Municipality One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario Dear Mr. Taylor: I am the Special Education Teacher at William Dunbar Public School in Picketing. Our school will be holding a community walk-a-thon on Saturday, May 5th, 2001, from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon to raise money and awareness for Autism. We have invited Durham Board officials, all other community schools, as well as several politicians. This walk was inspired by Durham Police Sergeant .John Keatings' efforts to cycle across the United States to' raise money and awareness for Autistic research. I believe that we too can do our part to help contribute towards this worthy cause. Further to our walk-a-thon, on Friday, April 27t~, 200_[1, our school William Dunbar P.S., will host a "LOONIE FOR AUTISM DAY" as a tribute to John Keatings' kick offto Cycle U.S.A. Every student in the school will be asked to donate a loonie for autism. William Dunbar challenges every school in every board across our city to hold a 'Loonie For Autism Day" on April 27t~. All proceeds will do directly to the Geneva Centre for Autism at 250 Davisville, Suite 200, Toronto, M4S 1M2. Mr. Taylor, I write: to request if you can declare."LOO~ FOR AUTISM DAY'" APRIl, 27TM from this day forward as an official calendar day. All proceeds go directly towards Autistic research. I kindly request that this be considered and passed to council for approval. As outlined in the Autism Overview from the Geneva Centre, 1:200 Canadian children are affected by this neurological disorder each year. There has been a 600% increase in the past ten years. These numbers are terrifying! Schools are struggling to cope with the staggering increasing numbers of autistic children each year'. It is vital that research be funded towards a cause and cure. As caring educators and citizens, we must all do our part. If we each give a little, we can all do a lot. ..2 THE DURHAM DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD WILLIAM DUNBAR PUBLIC SCHOOL 1030 Glenanna Road ' ckering. Ontario L1V 5E5 elephone: (905) 420-5745 Page 2 If time restraints are tight to pass a motion for this year (April 27% kindly persist your efforts in hope that next year we will have an official LOONIE FOR AUTISM DAY declared each APRIL 27th beginning in 2002. Please help us support this very worthy cause. Emmanouela Dimas William Dunbar P.S. (905) 420-5745 Encls. Bonnie McPhail (905) 420-0676 WHAT MATTERS One hundred years from now, It will not matter what kind of car I drove, What kind of house I lived in, How much I had in my bank account, Nor what my clothes looked like. But the world may be a little better Because I was important in the life of a child. Author Unknown 051 052 WILLIAM DUNBAR P.S. will host a Community WALK FOR AUTISM On Saturday, May 5a' 10:00 a,,m.-- 12:00 noon We will walk rain or shine! Autism is a complex developmental brain disorder defined by impairments in language, communication and social development. More specifically, it is characterized by the inability to relate to others, lack of eye contact, compulsive actvities and self- stimulation all which contribute to a lack of human connection. The number of cases diagnosed substantially increases each year. Approximately 1:400 children have autism. In our own William Dunbar school student population, autism affects approximately 1:150 students! Please help raise money and awareness for autistic research. Our walk will begin at William Dunbar school at 10:00 a.m. sharp. We will walk across Glenanna Road to l:'airport, along Finch and down Dixie Road. Bring family and friends. Even'one is welcome! We ask that students please be supervised by an adult. Snacks and refreshments will be available. DONATIONS ARE 'WELCOME Please make cheques payable to: GENEVA CENTRE FOR AUTISM There will be a draw for prizes on all donations $20.00 and over. TAX RECEIPTS are available for donations of $20.00 and over (please include your name and ad&ess including postal code on back of cheque). Please forx~-ard all donations to Will/am Dunbar P.S. Attention: /vh's. E. Dimas, prior to May 5t~. PLEASE JOIN US. WE HOPE WE CAN COUNT ON YOUR SUPPORT!'. Sincerely, E. Dimas .~_ ~ 053 For A u Who? .............Anyone interested in supporting Autism Research What? ...... A Community Walk-A-Thon When? ............... Saturday, May 5th (10 am- 12pm) Where? ......... Meet at William Dunbar Public School Whirr? ............... To raise awareness and money for Autism Everyone and Anyone Is Invited to come and walk! The Route We will begin at William Dunbar Public School (10:00am). We will walk from the school on Glenanna Rd to Fairport Rd. We'll turn on Finch Ave and walk to Dixie Rd. Then we will take Dixie Rd back to Glenanna. Donations Are Welcome · Cheques or cash can be dropped off at William Dunbar P.S. before May 5th · Receipts are available for donations over $20 · Cheques should be made payable to: Geneva Centre For Autism (Include your name, address and postal code for tax receipt purposes) Any Questions? Please contact Emmanouela Dimas William Dunbar P.S., Picketing (905) 420-5745 O54 Autism Overview The latest statistics indicate I in 200 Canadian children are affected by autism, an increase of 600% in the past 10 years. What was once viewed as a rare disorder is now recognized as the most common neurological disorder affecting children. Parents are desperate for services and support, and overwhelmed by the lack of access to them. Geneva Centre for Autism is Canada's leading clinical, training and support centre for children with autism and their families. Ten years ago, an average of 40 new families came to the Centre annually for help with their children. Now 600 new families'contact us each month. Autism is a neurological disorder affecting communication, social interaction skills and behaviour. It usually manifests during the first three years of life. Impaired social interaction is its hallmark symptom as children with autism have serious problems relating to others and often avoid looking at people. Fifty percent are non-verbal and up to. eighty percent are intellectually challenged, with only a few demonstrating the fantastic mathematical and artistic abilities exhibited by Dustin Hoffman's character in the film "Rainman". Many children with autism do not have even one friend. This is very stressful to them and to their families. Individuals with autism may exhibit repeated body movements, unusual responses to people or attachments to objects, resistance to changes iin routine, and extreme sensory sensitivity. This often includes severe reactions to noise and touch. This means that significant levels of supervision are required. Although a specific cause of autism is not known, current research links autism to biological or neurological differences in the brain. Research suggests there is a genetic base to the disorder and is currently focusing on several specific genes. There is no known cure for autism but effective, structured intervention combining education, support and training provide children with autism with the skills necessary for successful integration, participation and acceptance' in our society. For more information on autism and Geneva Centre for Autism, please contact us at 416-322-7877, or visit our web site at www.autism.net DAVISVILLE .AVE., SUITE 200 TORONTO; ONTARI · M4S ! H2 TEL: (41 6) 322-7877 FAX,' (4 i 6) 322-5894 WEB.~ VVVVW. AUTISM.NET (~HARITAB[-E REGISTRATION NUMBER 12398 9030 RE 0 THE CANADIAN HEARING SOCIETY - ' L' LA SOCIETE CANADIENNE April 5, 2OO 1 Mayor Wayne Arthurs Town of Pickering Municipal Office 1 The Esplanade Picketing, ON. L1V 6K7 Dear Mayor Arthurs, Across North America, May is considered "Hearing Awareness Month". This is an occasion to promote public understanding and awareness of the needs of deaf, deafened and hard of hearing Canadians, and to emphasize the importance of protecting our hearing. The aging of our population and the increase in noise pollution have made hearing loss the fastest growing disability in North America. Often referred to as the "invisible disability", more than one million Ontarians experience some degree of hearing loss, with the greatest incidence occurring among the elderly. For deaf, deafened and hard of hearing people, the key to enjoying an independent life is keeping the lines of communication open. The barriers to communication can be lifted through the use of technology, sign language interpreters, closed captioning, assistive devices such as TTYs (teletypewriter phones) and American Sign Language. ql~Y Or- "" ~' ~''' ~ APR 1 0 2001 · ERK'S DIVISION This year national, provincial and regional organizations will be working to promote programs and services designed to ensure equal access for all deaf, deafened and hard of hearing Canadians. The Canadian Hearing Society serving the Durham Region would like to ask that the month of May be proclaimed as "Hearing Awareness Month" in the Town of Pickering. We appreciate the fact that we are one of many organizations requesting recognition, but do hope you will be able to accommodate us. We thank you in advance for your time and consideration of this request. Sincerely, Elinor St. Louis, The Heating Care Counselling Program PETERBOROUGH AND DISTRICT REGIONAL OFFICES PETERBOROUGH: 315 Reid Street, Peterborough, ON K9J 3R2 Voice: (705) 743-1573 TrY: (705) 743-1621 Fax: (705) 741-0708 Voice: (HAP) (705) 743-1876 DURHAM: 178 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, ON LIG 4S9 Voice: (905) 404-8490 TrY: (905) 404-0468 Fax: (905) 404-2012 Voice: (HCCP) (905) 404-9199 TOLL FREE NUMBERS: Voice: 1 (800) 213-3848 TrY: i (800) 213-0514 Fax: I (800) 360-6262 Website: http://www, chs.ca Chari~bl¢ Registration Numl~r 10684 6926 RR0001 United Way Member Agency ~ 056 March 30, 2001 His Worship, Mayor Wayne Arthurs Mayor of Pickering Pickering Civic Complex One the Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V6K7 Dear Sir: 0 N T A R I RECEIVEI CITY OF PICKERIb .- ?. ~.%^PR 12 200! .? S DIVI$1C I am writing to seek your assistance and support fOr our 10"' annual Green Ribbon of Hope Campaign, includes National Missing Children's Day on May 25th, 200 t. Each year, 60,000 children are reported as miSSing in Canada - enough to fill every seat in the SkyDome. These children and teenagers are classified as runaways, wandered off, or the victims of parental or stranger abduction. Thankfully, over 90% of missing children are recovered. We can play a vital role in publicizing this issue to our citizens, as well as promoting child safety, by supporting the 10~' Annual Green Ribbon of Hope Campaign. Child Find Ontario Inc., is a registered non,profit, charitable organization whose, mandate is to educate children and adults about child safety as well as to assist in the search fbi missing childr-an and teenagers. For 16 years, we have been working for the safe return of missing children and educating families and communities about child safety. With-over 1,000 Volunteers'working in 20 ' chapters like Durham Region, Child Find has an active and positive presence in the communities it serves and is proud o£the 9,7% succes~ rate t~)r located and missing children aad teens. You are invited to help us provide the broadest recognition possible_to the significance of the Green Ribbon Campaign. This will be accomplished through a variety of means including a media blitz and the distribution of thousands of"Green Ribbons" nationwide and right here in Durham Region.. We are asking you to play a key role in our efforts to safeguard our children by proclaiming the month of May as Child Find's "Green Ribbon of Hope Month" and May 25th as National Missing Children's Day. Enclosed is a "Green Ribbon" which I Urge you to wear during the month of May. You'll be helping to raise public awareness, about how the loss of a child .affects not just the family and friends, but the entire community. A missing child is everyone's responsibility and Child Find Ontario, Inc. looks to your leadership and support in this provincial campaign. Please don't hesitate to contact our local office for more information. Sincerely, Chapter Chairperson Child Find Ontario Inc. DURHAM REGION CHAPTER P.O. Box 66063, Town Centre Postal Outlet, 1355 Kingston Road, Pickering, Ontario L 1V 6P7 Telephone: (905) 686-3181 Fax: (90:5)686-1302 National Toll Free: 1-800-387-7962 The Regional Municipality of Durham HEALTH DEPARTMENT Head Office 1615 Dundas Street East Suite' 210 Whitby, Ontario Canada LIN 2L1 (905) 723-8521 Fax: (905) 723-6Q26 Tot: (905) 686-2740 1-800-841-2729 April 03fa, 2001 Mr. Wayne Arthurs City of Picketing Municipal Office 1 The Esplanade Pickering; ON L1V 6K7 Dear Mr. Arthurs: The month of June 2001 has been designated .as "Health Before Pregnancy". month. During this month, Durham Region Health Department Public Health. Nurses will highlight lifestyle habits before pregnancy that can affect the health of. -the baby. The overall theme is "Health Before Pregnancy Makes A Difference" with the following'topics given special conSideration: healthy nutrition (a diet Which includes food~ rich in folic acid) active living (healthy 'body weight) avoidance of alcohol and substance use awareness of community ·resources We are asking the City ofPickering to pledge support for "Health Before Pregnancy Makes A Difference" campaign by proclaiming June 2001 as "Health Before Pregnancy" month in the City of Picketing. Throughout this month, the campaign will include radio and television announcements, displays, newspaper articles and posters throughout Durham Region. · ' For more information and/or to plan an.activity in your municipality, please contact the Durham Region Health Department. by May 18t~, 200.1 at (905) 723-8521 oi i - 800 - 841'2729, extension 2174. We'look forward to your positive response and willingness to make "Health Before Pregnancy" month a success. SincerelY, ~ .. Lori UlliUs Program Manager' LU/pl Post Consumer