HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 9, 2001PICKERING AGENDA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AGENDA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 9, 2001 7:30 P.M. CHAIRMAN: Councillor Johnson (i) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Meeting of March 26, 2001 (II) MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION PAGE OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 07-01 CONSTRUCTION PRIORITIES FOR REGIONAL ROADS WITHIN THE CITY OF PICKERING 1-7 OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 09-01 PUBLIC WORKS OFFICIALS "WHO DOES WHAT" STAGE II SERVICES REVIEW STUDY 8-12 OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 10-01 SAFER STREETS TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 13-16 o CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 10-01 STATEMENT OF THE TREASURER RESPECTING 2000 REMUNERATION AND EXPENSE PAYMENTS TO MEMBERS OF COUNCIL AND COUNCIL APPOINTEES 17-21 PROCLAMATIONS "EMPLOYMENT WEEK" 32-33 (Ill) 1. CONFIDENTIAL MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION To consider a Personnel Matter 34-38 (IV) OTHER BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT 001 RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Report OES 007-01 recommending Regional Road construction priorities within the City of Picketing be received, adopted and forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham requesting that its recommendations be considered in the 2001 Budget and multi-year Capital Forecast. 0O2 REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richard W. Holbom Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering DATF_,: March 27, 2001 REPORT NUMBER: OES 007-01 SUBJECT: Construction Priorities for Regional Roads within the City of Pickering RECOMMENDATION: That Report OES 007-01 recommending Regional Road construction priorities within the City of Pickering be received, adopted and forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham requesting that its recomrnendations be considered in the 2001 Budget and multi-year Capital Forecast. ORIGIN: The Municipal Property & Engineering Division of the Operations and Emergency Services Department annually updates and recommends the Regional Road construction priorities for Council's consideration. AUTHORITY: Municipal Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Regional Road construction costs are bome entirely by the Regional Municipality of Durham with the'exception of streetlights, sidewalks and some aesthetic improvements. Traffic Control Signals at intersections on Regional Roads that do not meet warrants require funding provided by others. Report to Council OES 007-01 Subject: Construction Priorities for Regional Roads Within the City of Pickering Date: March 27,2001 Page 2 0O3 EXECUTWE SUMMARY: From the Regional Road construction priorities listed in the report below, the following is a list identifying the City's priorities for consideration. PRIORITY ROAD NAME IMPROVEMENTS REQUIRED 1 BROCK ROAD 2 BROCK ROAD FINCH AVENUE 4 ALTONA ROAD KINGSTON ROAD widening from Dellbrook Avenue north and from Hwy 401 to Kingston Road in preparation for Hwy. 407 complete and file a Class Environ.mental Assessment and construct a Brougham by-pass complete and file a Class Environmental Assessment and reconstruct to urban standards with operational and intersection improvements complete and file a Class Environmental Assessment and reconstruct to 4 lanes urban standards Phase 1 from Kingston Road to Twyn Rivers Drive/Sheppard Ave implement recommendations from the Kingston Road Corridor Study, Phase 1 from Pine Creek to H.E.P.C 6 WHITES ROAD 7 WHITES ROAD ALTONA ROAD reconstruct to 4 lanes urban standards from Oklahoma Blvd. to Hwy 401 intersection widening and improvements at Oklahoma Blvd./Granite Court install automatic signals with warning gates at CP Rail Level Crossing north of Finch Avenue BACKGROUND: A report on Regional Road construction priorities is prepared by the City of Picketing Staff and updated on an annual basis. The report is presented to City Council for adoption, and is forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham for their information and for input to their 004 Report to Council OES 007-01 Subject: Construction Priorities for Regional Roads Within the City of Picketing Date: March 27,2001 Page 3 REPORT: From report MPE03/99 presented to Counc:il on December 13, 1999 listing the Regional Road Priorities, the Region of Durham has addressed the following recommendations in 2000. 1. RR Hwy 2 Kingston Road The Region has completed the signalizing of the intersection of Kingston Road at Steeple Hill Road. The City has had discussions with Regional staff to incorporate recol.~anendations from the Kingston Road Corridor Study into thc,~ design with features such as, coloured streetpfint pedestrian crossings and enhanced landscaping which is scheduled to be installed this year. 2. RR #1 Brock Road The design for the grade separation at the CP Railway crossing south of Taunton Road is underway. The City has received a copy of the preliminary design in October 1999 and has passed their comments on the design back to the Region. Land acquisition by the Region for this project has started and is ongoing. An additional northbound right tum lane on Brock Road from south of Picketing Parkway to Kingston Road was constructed, along with intersection improvements at Brock Road and Picketing Parkway. The Region has started the Environmental Assessment Process for Brock Road from Bayly Street to Hwy. 407 and for the Brougham by-pass. Brock Road has been resurfaced from north of Concession 5 Road northerly 450 metres. Brock Road has been resurfaced from Old Brougham Road northerly 450 metres. Traffic Signals have now been installed at the intersection of Brock Road anti Regional Road 5, east of Claremont. 3. RR #22 Bayly Street Traffic Signals have been installed at the intersection of Bayly Street and Squires Beach Road at the City's cost. 4. RR #27 Altona Road The Region has started the Environmental Assessment Process from Kingston Road to north of Sheppard Avenue. 5. RR #37 Finch Avenue In December 2000, the Region announced commencement of the design stage for improvements Report to Council OES 007-01 Subject: Construction Priorities for Regional Roads Within the City of Pickering Date: March 27,2001 Page 4 0O5 The following construction recommendations for Regional Roads within the City of Picketing are listed in order of Regional Road number. RR Hwy. 2 KINGSTON ROAD from Toronto border (Rouge River) to Ajax border (Notion Road) implement recommendations from the Kingston Road Corridor Study undertaken by the City of Picketing and the Regional Municipality of Durham, Phase 1 from Pine Creek to H.E.P.C., Phase 2from Brock Road to Notion Road enhanced landscaping and pedestrian crossings at the new signalized intersection at Steeple Hill Road signalization at Bainbridge Drive RR #1 BROCK ROAD from Montgomery Park Road to Uxbridge Townline (Conc. 10 Road) · widening from Dellbrook Avenue north in preparation for Hwy. 407. To be completed in 2 Phases: Phase 1, Dellbrook Avenue to Taunton Roa& Phase 2, Taunton Road to Hwy. 7 · complete andfile a Class Environmental Assessment for a Brougham by-pass · grade separation at CPR crossing south of Taunton Road · intersection geometric improvements at Rossland Road · signalization at Clements Road/Dillingham Road · widening from Hwy 401 to Kingston Road RR #4 TAUNTON ROAD from Markham Townline (York Road #30) to Ajax boundary no immediate requirements (reconstruction is complete through Picketing) RR #5 CONCESSION 9 ROAD (Central Street) from Markham Townline (York Road #30) to RR #23 (Lakeridge Road) Whitby boundary no immediate requirements (reconstruction is complete west of (RR #1) Brock Road) 006 Report to Council OES 007-01 Subject: ConstrUction Priorities for Regional Roads Within the City of Picketing Date: March 27,2001 Page 5 · RR #24 no immediate requirements CHURCH STREET from RR #22 (Bayly Street) to Ajax bound:au (CN Rail line) no immediate requirements RR #27 ALTONA ROAD from RR Hwy. #2 (Kingston Road) to Whitevale Road thence westerly to Markham Townline (York Road #30) complete and file a Class Environmental Assessment and reconstruct to 4 lanes urban standards from Kingston Road to Finch Avenue. To ,be completed in 2 Phases: Phase 1, Kingston Road to Twyn Rivers/Shepppard; Phase 2 Twyn Rivers/Sheppard to Finch Avenue install automatic signals with gates at CP Rail level crossing north of Finch Avenue signalization at Rougemount Drive/Littleford Street RR #29 LIVERPOOL ROAD from RR #22 Bayly Street to RR #37 Finch Avenue resurface from Pickering Par]rWay to Kingston Road reconstruct to 4 lanes from Glenanna Road to Finch Avenue RR #31 WESTNEY ROAD from Conc. 5 Road (Ajax boundary) to Cone. 7 Road, thence westerly to RR #1 Brock Road safety improvements at Hwy. 17 intersection review traffic control at Seventh Concession Road intersection RR #37 FINCH AVENUE from RR #27 Altona Road to RR #1 Brock Road complete and file a Class Environmental Assessment and reconstruct to urban standards with operational and intersection improvements. To be completed in 3 Phases: Phase 1, Liverpooi' Road to Whites Roa& Phase 2, Brock Road to Liverpool Roa& Phase 3, Whites Road to Altona Road intersection improvements at Dixie Road · jog elimination at Fairport Road Report to Council OES 007-01 Subject: Construction Priorities for Regional Roads Within the City of Picketing Date; March 27,2001 Page 6 007 ATTACHMENTS: N/A Prepared By: un ard W. H¢om, Division Head icipal Prdperty & Engineering RWH:ds Approved / Endorsed By: Everett Buntsma, D~rector Operations & Emergency Services Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Operations & Emergency Services Director, Planning & Development I:\COUNCIL\OES007-01 .docMar01 Recommended for the consideration of Picketing City Council 0O8 RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY The Report to Council OES 09-01 be received; and 1. That the Director, Operations & Emergency Services or his designate continue to participate in the Stage II Service Review. 2. That staff report back to Council upon completion of the Stage II Services Review Study. REPORT TO COUNCIL OOB FROM: Richard Holbom DATE: March 27, 2001 Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering REPORT NUMBER: OES 09-01 SUBJECT: Public Works Officials "Who Does What" - Stage II Services Review Study - File: MPE1000 RECOMMENDATION: The Report to Council OES 09-01 be received; and 1. That the Director, Operations & Emergency Services or his designate continue to participate in the Stage 11 Service Review. That staff report back to Council upon completion of the Stage II Services Review Study. ORIGIN: Region of Durham Council Resolution dated, January 26, 2000 AUTHORITY: Not Applicable FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: 2001 - Account2290-2392 $10,000 EXECUTWE SUMMARY: The Region of Durham recently received responses to an RFP to conduct a Stage II Services Review Study, which will prepare business cases and implementation strategies for service delivery realignments within the Region and local municipalities. 0 1 0 Date: March 27, 2001 Report to Council OES 09-01 Subject: Public Works Officials "Who Does What" Stage II Services and Review Study Page 2 BACKGROUND: The Public Works Officials of Durham Region "Who Does What" Committee has been meeting regularly since January 2000 to review service delivery. In May 2000, a Stage 1 Report identifying service delivery concepts was completed. At the Council meeting of September 18, 2000, the Council of the City of' Picketing passed Resolution # 121/00, Item #5, which read as follows: 1. "That Report MPE 22-00 regarding the "Who Does What"' Services Review be received for information; and 2. That the "Who Does What" Services Review Stage I Report, iMay 2000, under separate cover, be received for information; and o That the recommendations within the "Who Does What" Service Review Stage I Report be received for information and the Region of Durham be so advised; and That the City of Pickering recommend to Regional Council m:td all local Councils in Durham that prior to any consideration of service realignment changes (preliminary or otherwise and including review of water and sewer, etc.) with Durham municipalities that the prerequisite business case analysis be undertaken and provided as the basis for all recommended changes. Such analysis include the identification of the operational cost efficiencies which will result together with the identification of .all funding responsibility changes between the former and proposed service provider including capital expenditure responsibilities and an analysis of human resource considerations. o That Council endorse Picketing's participation in the preparation of Stage II Terms of Reference to determine business cases and implementation strategies for the service deliw~ry concepts identified in the Stage I Report, subject to acceptable Terms of Reference and cost sharing plans.." On October 11, 2000, Regional Council, after receiving comments on the Study report from all the Area Municipalities, approved the following recommendation of the Works Committee. Ao "THAT the Public Works Officials "Who Does What" Commit~Iee prepare Terms of Reference for the Stage II Report which will provide financial analysis and business case development for concepts identified in Stage I of the Services Review Report; Bo THAT cost sharing arrangements with Area Municipalities with respect to funding the preparation of the Terms of Reference and the proposed Stage II Report be apportioned on the same basis as the Stage I Report; and C. THAT the Public Works Officials "Who Does What" Committee report Report to Council OES 09-01 Subject: Public Works Officials "Who Does What" Stage II Services and Review Study Date: March 27, 2001 Page 3 011. The "Who Does What" Committee continued to meet, and with the assistance of the facilitator, Wood-Sloan Inc., developed a Terms of Reference for a Stage II Report. The Stage II Report will determine if business cases support the proposed service delivery options, and if so, will provide implementation strategies. The Terms of Reference were presented to the Regional Works Committee on January 24, 2001. On February 7, 2001, Regional Council approved the recommendation from the Works Committee, specifically; "THAT the Region of Durham proceed with the 'Request for Proposals' for the Stage II Services Review Report and the area municipalities be asked to cost-share on a proportionate cost basis as per the report; b) THAT funds be included in the Region's 2001 budget; and c) THAT the Public Works 'Who Does What' Committee report back to the Works Committee by March 7, 2001 with study costs and project schedule." At the Regional Council Meeting of February 7, 2001, a report from the City of Oshawa was considered as an addendum to the agenda. Oshawa City Council on February 6, 2001 adopted a recommendation from their Governance Review Committee. Among the recommendations that refer to the Public Works Officials "Who Does What" Committee is: "That the Phase II report not be completed until a position in governance is confirmed." For reasons stated in the status report to the Governance Review Committee, and as a result of the resolution passed by Oshawa City Council, the City of Oshawa has withdrawn participation in the Stage II Services Review. On February 13, 2001, the request for proposal (RFP) was advertised and proposals were received on March 1, 2001. Since only two proposals were received, (Deloitte & Touche, and Johnston Smith International) short listing was not required. In accordance with the February 7, 2001, Regional Council resolution, the Works Committee was reported to following their regular meeting on March 7, 2001. At that meeting, they were advised of the potential candidates, their cost and schedule. On March 9, 2001, the "Who Does What" Committee heard presentations from both candidates. The "Who Does What" Committee is recommending to the Regional Works Committee that the proposal from Deloitte & Touche be accepted at a cost of $408,564 plus G.S.T. This cost covers only what was identified in the RFP as mandatory tasks. It excludes what was identified as optional tasks and these will be undertaken by the WDW Committee. MANDATORY TASKS (to be undertaken bv Deloitte & Touche) Rationalized Road Network Regional Road Maintenance at Local Level Rationalized Depots Solid Waste Collection at Regional Level Processing Engineering Development Approvals 012 Report to Council OES 09-01 Subject: Public Works Officials "Who Does What" Stage II Services and Review Study Date: March 27, 2001 Page 4 The "Who Does What" Committee is also recommending to the Regional Woxks Committee that Wood-Sloan Inc. be engaged to provide overall project management at an estimated cost of $60,000. The "Who Does What" Committee is recommending to Regional Works C. ommittee that the Region of Durham fund the above noted costs, partially in recognition of Oshawa's non- participation, to avoid other municipalities having to over-contribute. The "Who Does What" Committee report will be presented to the Regional Works Committee on March 27, 2001 and must also be approved by the Finance and Administration Committee as well as Regional Council. It is anticipated that the consultants will be advised of the award of contract on April 12, 2001. The project schedule has been estimated at 26 weeks (October 12, 2001 completion) with an interim report at 14 weeks, (July 20, 2001). Therefore, we recommend that Council receive this report and direct staff to continue to be involved in the "Who Does What" Services Review in conjunction with the Region of Durham. ATTACHMENTS: None Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed B : R/i~hard Hol(~, Ev/~rett Bunt~ma  Division He. afl, Municipal Property & Engineering Director, Operations & Emergency Services EB:mld Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Operations & Emergency Services Recommended for the consideration of Picketing City Council Tho/m-a~'J~ ~uinn,[(~hief.k,~lrni~~ 013 RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY o That Report OES 010-01 regarding the Safer Streets Traffic Managemem Strategy be received for information; and That the Draft Safer Streets Traffic Management Strategy (under separate cover) be received for information, and that staff be authorized to commence Phase 2 of the work plan: Community Consultation, for a three month period prior to finalizing the Strategy; and That staff report back to Council on or before the September 24, 2001 Executive/Council meeting with a Final Safer Streets Traffic Managemem Strategy, including the results of the Community Consultation phase. 014 PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richard Holbom Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering DATE: April 2, 2001 REPORT NUMBER: OES 010-01 SUBJECT: Safer Streets Traffic Management Strategy RECOMMENDATION: o That Report OES 010-01 regarding the Safer Streets Traffic Management Strategy be received for information That the Draft Safer Streets Traffic Management Strategy (under separate cover) be received for information, and that staff be authorized to commence Phrase 2 of the work plan: Community Consultation, for a three month period prior to finalizing the Strategy That staff report back to Council on or before the September 24, 2001 Executive/Council meeting with a Final Safer Streets Traffic Management Strategy, including the results of the Community Consultation phase. ORIGIN: Request by the Chief Administrative Officer AUTHORITY: Municipal Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Professional consulting assistance may be required for some components of' this Strategy and community consultation process to an upset limit of $10,000 to be budgeting in Current Account #2290-2392. Report to Council OES 010-01 Subject: Safer Streets Traffic Management Strategy Date: April 2, 2001 Page 2 015 BACKGROUND: At the Executive Committee Meeting of December 11, 2000, Report OES 020-00 regarding a traffic operational review was presented and discussed. During that discussion, the Chief Administrative Officer advised that a City wide comprehensive strategy on traffic management could be delivered by the. end of March 2001. A study of this type has been contemplated by staff for a few years, but staff have been unable to devote the time required to concentrate on such a task due to other priorities. In December, 2000, staff developed a work plan, a draft table of contents and a working title for the comprehensive review. After a cursory review of the information, it was accepted and the review commenced. The title was changed to the "Safer Streets Traffic Management Strategy". A Draft of the Safer Streets Traffic Management Strategy has been provided under separate cover. The draft Strategy is incomplete and requires some additional information such as a Glossary and some policy content, that could not be produced to meet the end of March deadline for copying.. The Strategy is a detailed overview of many of the traffic issues that affect Picketing. It contains the technical information required to understand issues such as: 1) Classification of Streets 2) Rationalizing Speed Limits 3) Traffic Control Devices 4) Enforcement 5) Education 6) Traffic Calming Measures The key deliverables that are contained within the Strategy are: 1) A review and recommendations of existing traffic calming pilot projects 2) Neighbourhood Traffic Watch Program 3) 40krn/h Reduced Speed Policy 4) All-Way Stop Sign Policy 5) Traffic Calming Policy It is recommended that Council receive the draft Strategy and authorize staff to commence a three month public consultation process, as set out in the work program. 016 Report to Council OES 010-01 Subject: Safer Streets Traffic Management Strategy Dale: April 2, 2001 Page 3 3) 4) An open house/public forum in mid May, 2001 to obtain community input on the draft Strategy A workshop, if deemed necessary, in June, 2001 to address issues that remain outstanding following the May openhouse/public forum Public consultation will consist of gathering and reviewing/discussing feedback on the various policies as mentioned above, in order to finalize them for consideration of Council. Should assistance be required in this process, such as workshop or public meeting facilitation, an upset limit of $10,000 has been identified in the proposed 2001 current budget. The otiginal work plan contemplated that staff would present the Final Safer Streets Management Strategy at the Executive Council meeting of September 24, 2001. This date is still feasible at this time. ATTACHMENT S: None Prepared By: Richar~i'Holborn /- - Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Approved / Endorsed By: Director, Operations & Emergency Services R~.'ds Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Operations & Emergency Services Department I:\COUNC IL\Oes01001. DOCApr-01 Recommended for the consideration of Picketing City Council Qu , C fef Adm 017 RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY It is recommended that Council receive for information the Statement of the Treasurer respecting Remuneration and Expense Payments to Members of Council and Council Appointees for the Year 2000. 018 PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer DATE: April 3, 2001 REPORT NUMBER: CS 10-01 SUBJECT: Statement of the Treasurer Respecting 2000 Remuneration and Expense Payments to Members of Council and Council Appointees RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that Council receive for information the Statement of the Treasurer respecting Remuneration and Expense Payments to Members of Council and Council Appointees for the year 2000. ORIGIN: Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer AUTHORITY: Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, Section 247(1). FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not Applicable EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not Applicable BACKGROUND: Section 247(1) of the Municipal Act states in part that the Treasurer of every municipality shall, in each year, submit to the Council of the municipality, an itemized statement of the remuneration and expenses paid to each Member of Council. The statement must also include remuneration and expenses paid to any other person who has been Council appointed to serve as Report to Council CS 10-00 Date: Subject: Statement of the Treasurer Respecting 2000 Remuneration and Expense Payment to Members of Council and Council Appointees April 3, 2001 Page 019 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Statement of Treasurer Prepared By: Manager, Accounting Services GAP:vw Attachment Approved / Endorsed By: Gillis A. Paterson, Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ThO/rr~r~ J.- Quinn(/Chief ~{dministrat-'~O ffi ~r~- 020 2000 STATEMENT OF TREASURER REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES MEMBERS OF COUNCIL & COUNCIL APPOINTEES Remuneration Expenses (5) Total Members of Council Mayor W. Arthurs 48,670 16,264 64,934 48,670 16,264 64,934 Councillors M. Brenner 19,468 7,771 27,239 D. Dickerson 18,237 9,999 28,236 M. Holland 19,468 6,871 26,339 R. Johnson 19,468 8,409 27,877 B. McLean 1,231 196 1,427 D. Pickles 19,468 7,391 26,859 D. Ryan 19,468 4,550 24,018 1.16,808 45,187 161,995 Council Appointees Committee of Adjustment K. Ashe M. Holland R. Johnson P. White C. Young M. Billinger T. Mohr E. Newton 960 58 1,018 1,120 57 1,177 96O 309 1,269 1,200 73 1,273 880 143 1,023 5,120 640 5,760 Fenceviewers A. Burtney M. O'Connor P. Scott 120 36 156 160 32 192 160 66 226 440 134 574 Authority Notes 1,4 Note 6 Note 7 Notes 2,4 Note 8 Note 8 Note 8 Note 8 Note 8 Notes 2,4 Note 8 Note 8 Note 8 Livestock Valuers J. Laider S. Wideman Property Standards Comittee G. Fernandes T. Middleton D. Mohr B. Young 1,100 124 1,224 100 2O 120 1,200 144 1,344 40 40 8_ 0 Note 8 Note 8 Notes 3,4 Note 8 Note 8 Note 8 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Authority: By-Law 1834/84 - Section 178 Building Code Act - Section 15.6 Authority: By-Law C- 1 - The Municipal Act - Section 2140.17 & 18 Section 245 Includes mileage, conferences, meals and taxable benefits paid. Represents term from January 1, 2000 to November 30, 2000 New Councillor for term commencing December 1, 2000 Council Appointees for new term commencing December 1, 2000 021. 022 RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That the draft by-law to re-name "Local Councillor" title to "City Councillor" be forwarded to Council for approval. REPORT TO COUNCIL 023 FROM: Bruce Taylor City Clerk DATE: March 26, 2001 REPORT NUMBER: CL 15-01 SUBJECT: Re-name "Local Councillor" title to "City Councillor" - File: A-2110 RECOMMENDATION: That the draft by-law to re-name "Local Councillor" title to "City Councillor" be forwarded to Council for approval. ORIGIN: Mayor's request to re-name Councillor's title to more appropriately reflect their position on City Council. AUTHORITY: Sections 29(8) and 29(9) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.M. 45 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: To provide a by-law to provide for the change of. title of"Local Councillor" to "City Councillor". BACKGROUND: On November 19, 1979, Council enacted By-law C-l, Part I, Section 1100.5 designating the title "Local Councillor" for a councillor elected in a ward of the Town to represent the electors of that ward on the Council of the Town of Picketing. - l~ff'oetlxro lnmmrv I 9~ClCI th~ Tnvan nf Plek~rlnc~ ~vne d~elcmat~d ne a City Althnn~h tho. titlo. 024 Report to Council CL 15-01 Subject: Re-name "Local Councillor" title to "City Councillor" Date: March, 26, 2001 Page 2 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft By-law. Prepared By: C. Anne G-re(niree' Ap~nd°rsC dB.~m~ce Tt//a/;lor ~ CAG:bt Attachments Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council T}(omas J. Qmnn,lt Chiet~'Admlmstr~"~Officett A'n'ACHHENT # / TO REPORT #.,~ ~- / ~'- o ? THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING O25 BY-LAW NO. Being a by-law to re-name "Local Councillor" title to "City Councillor". WHEREAS pursuant to sections 29(8) and 29(9) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M45, Council may pass a by-law adopting the title "councillor" or Council may pass a by-law providing for a different title; and WHEREAS effective January 1, 2000 the Town of Pickering was designated as a City; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: The title "Local Councillor" shall be replaced with the title ."City Councillor" for a councillor elected in a ward of the City to represent the electors of that ward on the Council of the City of Pickering. 2. By-law C-l, Part I, be amended to repeal Section 1100.5. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 17th day of April, 2001. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Brace Taylor, Clerk 026 RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMM][TTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That the draft by-law to appoint persore; to enforce the Parking By-law at 2200 Brock Road, be forwarded to Council for approval. REPORT TO COUNCIL 027 FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM City Clerk DATE: April 2, 2001 REPORT NUMBER: CL 16/01 SUBJECT: Appointments to enforce the Parking By-law at 2200 Brock Road, in Picketing RECOMMENDATION: That the draft by-law to appoint persons to enforce the Parking By-law at 2200 Brock Road, be forwarded to Council for approval. ORIGIN: Letter from Tritav Holdings Inc. dated March 23, 2001. AUTHORITY: Section 15(I) of the Police Services Act. tLS.O. 1990, c.P. 15 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: N/A BACKGROUND: Correspondence has been received from Tritav Holdings Inc. requesting the appointment of two persons as By-law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing the Parking By-law at 2200 Brock Road. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Correspondence from Tritav Holdings Inc. 2. Draft By-law. 028 Report to Council CL 16/01 Subject: Appointment of By-law Enforcement Officers Date: Apffi 2, 2001 P~e 2 Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: Debbie Kearns BT:dk Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council /# Mar-28-01 12:03P 16655 Yonge Street, Newmarket. Ontario. L3X 1V6 Tel: (905) 953-9829 Fax: (905) 836-8191 I A'rrACHMENT # TO REPORT '#?-,~-'-,'-~1 P.()l 029 To= City of Pickering From: Amedeo Monaco Debbie Fax= (905) 420-9685 Pages= 1 Plane: (905) 420-4660 13ate: 03/28/2001 Re: Names for ByLaw Enforcement cc: Urgent For Review [] Please Comment [] Please Reply [] Please Recycle I Commeflts:. Dear Dabble, Further to our telephone call this mornin9, the following two names are the individuals we would like to see have the responsibility for Parking Control at 2200 Brock Road, Pickerin9. Amedeo Monaco 2 Joe Arena Sincerely Amedeo Monaco 030 TRITAV HOLDINGS INC. March 23, 2001 Mr.~Brac~ Taylor Town of Pickering Picketing Civic Complex One the Esplanade Picketing, Ontado L1V 6K7 16655 Yonge Street, Unit 28 Newmarket, Ontario L3X 1V6 RECEIVED CITY OF P~CKERING Tel: (905) 836-0717 Fax:(9o5).3~,19~ MAR 2. 7 2001 CLERK'S DIVISION MAR 2 7 2001 CITY OF PICKERING PICKERING, ONTARIO Dear Mr. Taylor, Re: Parking Control at 2200 Brock Road In the past several months' vehicles have been left over night parked on our parking lot. Some have "For Sale" signs on them and some just park there. We have been unable to get these vehicles removed. Therefore, I am requesting to be appointed a municipal law enforcement officer strictly for the purpose of Parking Control at 2200 Brock Road North, Pickering. Sincerely, Mr. Amedeo Monaco .ATTACHMENT# z TO REPORT 031 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for certain purposes (Parking Regulation 2200 Brock Road) WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(I) of the Police Services Act., R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15, as amended, a municipal council may appoint persons to enforce the by-laws of the municipality and WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(2) of the' said Act, municipal by-law enforcement officers are peace officers for the purpose'of enforcing municipal by-laws; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: o The following officers be hereby appointed as municipal law enforcement officers in and for the City of Pickering in order to ascertain whether the provisions of By-law 2359/87 are obeyed and to enforce or carry into effect the said By-law and is hereby authorized to enter at all reasonable times upon lands municipally known as 2200 Brock Road. Amedeo Monaco Joe Arena The authority granted in section 1 hereto is specifically limited to that set out in section 1, and shall not be deemed, at any time, to exceed the authority set out in section 1. These appointments shall expire upon the persons listed in section lceasing to be employees of Tritav Holdings Inc. or upon Tritav Holdings Inc. ceasing to be an agent of 2200 Brock Road, or upon whichever shall occur first. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 17th day of April, 2001. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor 032 RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamation: "Employment Week"-May 14-20, 2001 03/:-:'?/01 16:11 THE:+~PLANNING~:TEAHDEV CANADA e 905~209605 N0.9~6 ~0.:' Tuesday, March 27, 2001 Dear Mr. Taylor, My name is Jeevan Bains 'and .I am the press-Secretary for the Employment Expo Fair, I would like to requ.esl a proclamalion'declaring the week of May 14, 2001 as Employment Week in Pickering¢.-. The Employment Expo will be held on Wednesday May 16, from 10am to 8pm at the. Melt0 East Trade Centre. This innovative venture is, being sponsored by Human, Resources Development Canada and co-ordinated by The Durham District School Board in an effod to provide an educational and accessible venue tO'recruilers and job seekers. At this fourth annua exposition; 100 exhibitors will be on site showcasing various - business-based pavilions and interactive-displays. Leading edge companies, will be present loOking to fill temporary, part-time, full- time or summer positions. Visitors will have the opportunity to 'fine tune their job search skills free of charge. A variety of informative career related seminars and Internet job search workshops with Compu.ter access will be available., Trained job searoh professionals witl be on.hand to assist viSitors in creating a resume, write cover letters, and perfecting attendee's interview' Skills: A new component to the Fair focuses on breaking the,b'arriers to employment for the disabled. Different disability organizations will be showcasing technology that individuals with.disabilities utilize in the workplace. Employment service agencies will be on the scene to give disabled job seekers and interested employers their support and advice. Approximately 1'0000 dynamic and enthusiasticj0b seekers are predicted to attend this innovative expedition. I hope you will be able to attend this federal government initiative aimed at providing' an edUcational and accessible venue for recruiters and job seekei's, It would be greatly appreciated if you could promote this endeavor by proclaiming the Week of May t4 as Employment.Week. If you desire further information please do not hesitate to contact us. I look forward to headng from you. 0-33 034 CONFIDENTIAL RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Report to Council CAO 03-01 be received; and That Council empower the Chief Administrative' Officer to approve any administrative amendments to the Hours of Work Policy - Non-Union Employees and the Performance Review & Evaluation Policy- Non-Union Employees (as may be required from time to time) under his own authority as outlined in the existing By- law 682/77, providing such amendments do not affect the over-all structure and intent of the Policies, or result in any change to the levels or amounts of compensation set out therein. CONFIDENTIAL REPORT TO COUNCIL 035 FROM: Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administrative Officer DATE: 'March 27, 2001 REPORT NUMBER: CAO 03-01 SUBJECT: Hours of Work Policy - Non Union Employees Performance Review and Evaluation Policy - Non Union Employees Administrative Amendments File: HR1060 HRl150 RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Report to Council CAO 03-01 be received; and That Council empower the Chief Administrative Officer to approve any administrative amendments to the Hours of Work Policy - Non-Union Employees and the Performance Review & Evaluation Policy - Non-Union Employees (as may be required from time to time) under his own authority as outlined in the existing By-Law 682/7'7, providing such amendments do not affect the over-all structure and intent of the Policies, or result in any change to the levels or amounts of compensation set out therein. ORIGIN: Resolution 16/01 dated February 12, 2001 AUTHORITY: Section 72 (a) of the Municipal Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not Applicable EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This recommendation will ensure that Council retains its authority to make amendments to the compensation provisions of the Performance Evaluation and Hours of Work Policies for Non- union emr)lovees, while emnowerina the Chief Admini.qtrative Officer tn make aclmini~trative Confidential Report to Council CAO 03-01 Hours of Work Policy - Non Union Employees Performance Review and Evaluation Policy - Non Union Employees March 27, 2001 Page 2 ' conditions of employment for Non-Union employees and both will be applied consistently to the Non-Union employee group. Based on discussions at the Special Meeting of February 12, 2001, and for clarification purposes, the Performance Review & Evaluation Policy is designed to link monetary rewards (an annual merit bonus) to the job performance demonstrated by individual employees. Strong performers will be rewarded in direct relationship to their overall job performance based on selected performance criteria, their achievement of pre-stated goals and objectives, as well as their contributions to the success of the organization. These will be documented on formal, written Employee Performance Appraisal Forms. The process requires that each Employee Performance Appraisal Form will be completed by the immediate supervisor and reviewed and endorsed by the next higher level of supervision. Finally, the Chief Administrative officer, particularly in the first few years following implementation, will review each Employee Performance Appraisal Form, prior to the provision of merit bonuses 'where applicable. At its Special Meeting of February 12, 2001 Council passed Resolution # 16/01: That Report HR 01-01 regarding the terms and conditions of employment for non-union employees be received by Council; and 2. That the following resolutions regarding non-union employees compensation for overtime worked be rescinded: Resolution #57/92, Item//4 Resolution #188/97 3. That Council approves the attached policies. In addition to the above, Council considered adding the following paragraph as Recommendation #4 to the above resolution: That Council empower the Chief Administrative Officer, during 2001 and 2002, to approve amendments to these policies (as may be required from time to time) under his own authority as outlined in the existing By-law 682/77 and that this Recommendation (#4) be referred to staffto reviewed and brought back to Council at a later date. Council wanted to retain the exclusive authority to make amendments to the compensation provisions of the policies. At the same time, however, in response to staff's concerns, Council wished to empower the Chief Administrative Officer to address any administrative changes which may arise during the implementation stages of the Policies. Accordingly, the following recommendation is for Council's consideration and approval: That Council empower the Chief Administrative Officer to approve any administrative amendments to the Hours of Work Policy - Non-Union Employees and the Performance Review & Evaluation Policy - Non-Union Emrflovees (as may be required from time to Confidential Report to Council CAO 03-01 Hours of Work Policy - Non Union Employees Performance Review and Evaluation Policy - Non Union Employees March 27, 2001 Page 3 0 37 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Council Resolution 16/01 Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: Baba Oaj adh/-~si~ Division Head, Hman Resources TJQ:jh Attachments Copy: All Department Heads City Clerk Thoma~ Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council 038 ATTACHHENT# t TO I~PO~T#,.CFIO 0~-0 i Resolution #16/01 Passed on Februar~ 12, 2001 Moved by Councillor Ryan Seconded by Councillor Holland 1. That Report HR 01-01 regarding the terms and conditions of employment for non- union employees be reCeived by Council; and 2. That the following resolutions regarding non-union employees overtime worked be rescinded: Resolution #57/92, Item ~4 Resolution #188/97 compensation for 3. That Council approve the attached policies. CARRIED